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Why a garden?

What happens to
The College of Arts & Science
Teaching & Learning Garden was the vegetables?
created in summer 2016 to help the
college reach goal 4i of its strategic
plan to integrate sustainability and 1/3 of the gardens harvest
its valueshuman interactions with is donated to the Chattanooga
and responsibilities to the natural Community Kitchen.
environmentinto both the Gen

1/3 of the gardens harvest is

Ed and programmatic curricula.
The garden serves as an expe-
riential learning platform for stu- sold, with proceeds maintaining
dents, faculty, and staff to explore the garden.
topics they have shown interest in,
including sustainability, gardening,
local food economies, health, and Who is involved in 1/3 of the gardens harvest is
food production. The garden also
encourages interdisciplinary work
within the College and with UTCs
the garden? sold, with proceeds used to fund
student participation in scientific
other colleges. Finally, the garden events.
helps the University connect with The garden is managed by Dr. Jos
Barbosa of the Department of Biol-
the Chattanooga community.
ogy, Geology, and Environmental
Sciences. Students and faculty from
Wheres the garden? several different classes are involved
in the garden project, including: Ur-
The garden is located on an acre ban Gardening (BIOL 1999 & 4999)
of land behind historic Engel Stadi- and Environmental Literature (ENGL
um. Engel Stadium is located at the 2070).
corner of 5th St and ONeal St, just The garden was constructed with
three blocks from UTCs main cam- a $3,000 grant from student Green
pus. The stadium is serviced by the Fees as well as a matching grant
Mocs Express bus. from the Provosts Office.
Learn More!
How can I buy vegetables?

How can I get involved?

Students are encouraged to take
a class using the garden or to vol-
Faculty, staff, and community
members interested in becoming
involved with the garden should
contact Dr. Joe Wilferth, Associ-
ate Dean of the College of Arts &

University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

College of Arts & Sciences
Teaching & Learning Garden

UTC is an EEO/AA/Titles VI & IX/ Section 504/

ADA/ADEA institution.
UTC is a comprehensive, community-engaged
campus of the University of Tennessee System.

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