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Sept, 2l, 1943. L_E ROY F.

MAURER 2,329,724
Filed Dec. 7. 1937 8 Sheets-Sheet ' 1




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.ZW 57.72497
Sept. 21, 1943.'r LE RQY F. MAURER ` 2,329,724

Filed nec. _7, 1957 a Sheets-sheet 2

SepLZI,- 1943. LE RQY F. MAURER v A2,329,724
Filed D60. 7, 1957 ` 8 Sheets-Sheet '5
sept.\21,`_1943. LE ROY F. MAURER' 2,329,724 _
Filed De. 7, 1957 8 Sheets-Sheet 4


sept. 21, 1943. LE ROY F. MAURER 2,329,724
Filed Dec. 7, 1957 8 sheets-sheet 5


KW7 gli,
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Sept 2l, 1942. LE ROY F. MAURER 2,329,724

Filed Dec. 7, 1957 8 Sheets-Sheet 6

X67, 22mm/
sept. 21,v 1943. ` .,_Ev ROY F_ MAURER `2,329,724

Fned Dec. 7, 1937 " s sheets-sheet v

157x552 5. l /59


Sept 21,1943- LE ROY F. MAURER - 2,329,724

Filed Dec. 7,. 1937 . 8 sheets-sheet 8

u s WLM '

- @f/mw

Patented Sept. '21., i943
j 2,329,124

UNITED vSTATES PATIENT" orales' 2.329.724 ' . "

LeRoy F. Maurer, Kenmore, N. Y.. assignor to q
Automatic -Turbine Drive Company. Inc., a
oi-poration of New York
f Application December 7, 1937. Serial No. 178.447
v schim. (aislar-.144)
My present invention relates to the automotive Fig. 3 is a sectional view on the line 3-3 of
l art. and has particular reference to the mecha Fis. 2;
nism for transmitting power from the motor to . Fig. 4 is an enlarged detailed view,- partially
the output or tail shaft. ' broken away.' of one annulus;
Itis the principal object of my,invention to Fig. 6 is a section on the line B-l of FigA:
provide an automatic transmission which will -Fig. 6 a perspective view of the semi-cir~
function smoothly to shift` from one speed to an cular bra e straps;` -
other, in accord with changes inthe car speed, Fig. 7 is a perspective view of the flexible com~
It is a, further object of my invention to pro pressible sealing ring;
vide means for changing from automatic control 10 Figs. 8 and l9 are perspective views of the
to full hand control, and to lock the transmis brake bands:
sion in any desired speed or ratio, at the will of Fig. 10 is a perspective view partly in section
the operator. . - . showing the governor and valve controls: ' l
Another object is `to provide suitable mecha Fig. 11 lis a section taken on line iI--il onkv `
nism for transmitting torque from .the motor to Fis. 10;
the transmission in a manner to minimize shock ` Fig. 12 is a sectional perspective View; parts
from the impact on the pistons and tov obtain being broken away, showing the pressure fluid
maximum flexibility and smoothness of opera ' flow control mechanism;
. tion. Fig. 13 is a sectional view on the line- It-It
An additional object of my invention is to pro 20 of F18. 10;
vide a transmission which does not requirefa Fig. 14 isla sectional view on the line i4--|4 of
conventional type clutch, whereby the driver Fig. 1; . , '
need only operate an accelerator pedal and a Fig. 15 is a sectional view on the line Ili--Ii>
brake pedal, thus eliminating need for shifting of Fig. 1; ' E `
_the foot from the accelerator to the brake pedals 25 Fig. 16 is a perspective detail showing the lever
and increasing the feature of safety in emer assembly for the flow control mechanism;
gency stops. . l Fig. 1'7t is an enlarged sectional view of the
A further object of my invention is to _provide steering column parts:
an automatic control for shifting to a lower gear Fig. 18 is a detail side view of the hand lever
ratio, at any- speed. in order to obtain rapid so housing: . ,

acceleration <for passing other vehicles or for in Fig. 19 is an _enlarged sectional view of the
creasing thepower when climbing hills. hand lever button;
Another object of my invention is to provide ' Fig. 20 is a section on the line 2li-2110i
four speeds forward, and reverse, in order to Fig. 19: ' '
use relatively high rear axle gear ratios, whereby 35 Fig. 21 'is asection through the liuid trans
less wearand tear, increased fuel economy, .and mitter: and
reduced oil consumption results. ' Fig. 22 is a plan of the novel sealing ring.
Still another object is to obtain the above re Ithasbeen found desirable to provide an au~
sults with a minimum number of working parts. tomatictransmission for performing gear shift
functioning in as simple a manner as possible, 40 ing smoothly and with the least possible atten
whereby the cost of production and the upkeep tion of the operator, to ee'ct a change of speed
are low. . - at certain deflnlte car speeds, and at motor
With the above and other objects and Yad speeds where vthe motor attains maximum torque.
vantageous features in view, my invention con This shifting from one speed to another should
sists of a novel arrangement of parts more fully 45 be under load, so that no loss in acceleration
disclosed in the detailed description following, occurs, and should be automatic and without
in conjunction withy the accompanying draw necessity for the operator to exercise any thought
as to what is taking place.
ings. and'more specifically defined in the claims
appended thereto. - '
Moreover,v when the transmission has auto
In the drawings,
50 matically shifted into top gear, the operator
Fig. 1 is a side elevation of the power trans should, at any point under the maximum motor
_ speed for the next lower gear reduction, be per
mitting mechanism, parts being broken away; "f mitted to make theA transmission shift down to.
Fig. 2 is a vertical-sectional view of Fig. l the next lower gear ratio, in order to have rapid .
j partsbeing broken away; 55 acceleration for passingother vehicles, or for
2 3,329,724
ratio. The various speeds are brought into ac
-maldng the necessary power available for climb
ing grades without waiting for the drop in car tion by selectively locking the annulus of each
speed which would make the controlling, mecha planetary set, and the preferred locking means
nism function. The transmission should also au includes a brake band in two adjacent sections.
tomatically shift downward to the low gear start each section having friction lining surrounded
ing position when the vehicle comes to a stop, by a full width band having an anchor pin on
so as to again be in position for the,most efficient each half thereof, which anchor pin projects
acceleration. Y
through the band and engages the two sections
It is also desirable to provide a manual ,con so as to obtain a full wrapping effect, completely
trol, for driving in hilly or mountainous sections 10 balanced, when pressure is exerted on the out
of the country, so as to lock the transmission _ side of these bands.
in any desired speed or ratio, thus permitting My preferred means for applying the neces
`use of the motor as a brake to help control the sary pressure for engagement is hydraulic or fluid
vehicle in descending grades; this control can pressure, each brake band assembly fitting into
alsobe used to lock any gear in order to give 15 a channel in the transmission housing. with a
the correct ratio for the various grades and thus flexible, compressible composition ring surround
facilitate the making of maximum time. The ing each band and acting as a piston or seal; -
use of a manual control changing from auto the operating uid is selectively introduced into
matic to full hand control at the will of the op the chambers formed between the housing and
erator makes any speed or gear reduction avail the sealing ring, thus providing a sealed cham-f
able at any time, thus providing a transmission ber around each ring, whereby the application
that meets all driving requirements. Y of fluid pressure to this chamber compresses the
I have therefore devised a transmission which sealing ring and locks the brake band to the an
will meet the needs of the driving public, and nulus of the planet-set with a cushioning effect,
I have provided four speeds forward and reverse, to bring that particular set ratio into operation.
in order to utilize relatively high rear axle gear This method of control is alike for reverse, first,
ratios so that low motor speeds are used for the second, and third speeds; fourth speed, however,
gear, thus decreasing wear and tear, increasing which is a direct drive, is brought into operation
fuel economy, and reducing oil consumption, by moving a combination cone and disc clutch
these desirable results being obtained with a min which locks the third speed sun gear to the
imum number of parts and in as simple a man transmission input shaft, the cone and disc
ner as possible, whereby the cost 'of production clutch being shifted by a fluid operated piston
and of upkeep is lowered. againstA the pressure of relief1 springs to bring the
l1 have also found it desirable to transmit the clutch surfaces into engagement, whereby the
torque from the motor to the transmission so_ entire planetary set rotates `as a unit with the
as to minimize the shock resulting from impact input shaft, and the drive is direct from the
on the pistons, and obtain the greatest degree ' fluid torque transmitter to the output shaft.
of flexibility and smoothness, and to eliminate .
Referring now to Fig. 2, the transmission 2l
the'conventional clutch. I accomplish these de is mounted in a housing 23 separated by annu
sii-able results by transmitting the power from lar ribs forming four channel sections 24, 25, 28
the engine to the transmission by means of a and 21, each housing a planetary gear set. The
fluid torque transmitter of the type disclosed in v motor end of the housing is closed by a face
Patent No..2,179,520, issued November 14, 1939, plate 28, detachably secured thereto by means
to Isaac C. Popper for Automatic turbine drive: of bolts 29, the face plate having a central Jour
this construction transmits the torque by means nal 30 in which the input shaft 3l from the uid
of a coupled driving and driven rotor, and has torque transmitter rotates. The input shaft 3l
the ability as the engine accelerates to pick up is coupled to an intermediate bushing which in
the transmission of torque eiciently, smoothly, turn is keyed to the transmission input shaft 33.
and with extreme exibility, without any exter 'Ihe transmission input shaft is geared to the
nal control mechanism and without impact or planetary sets, as hereinafter described.
shock or wear. As the operator opens the throt The tail end of the transmission input shaft
tle and the engine accelerates, the uld coupling carries a sun gear 34, which meshes with a series
develops the `necessary transmitting power and of planet gears 35, these planet gears being car
thus acts as a cushion equalizer for the entire ried by a cage 36 and meshing with an annulus
gear 31 positioned in .the channel section 25.
power transmission line, no clutch or clutch 55 The
pedal being required. annulus gear 31 is flanged to provide a lat
The specific mechanism and specinc arrange erally positioned sun gear 38, which meshes with
ment of parts designed by me to accomplish the a series of planet gears 39 carried by a cage 40,
above desirable results may now be explained in these gears 39 engaging an annulus gear 4I posi
tioned in the channel section 24. When this
detail. -
The transmission mechanism annulus 4| is held stationary, by means herein
` after describedl the cage 40 turns; it has an ex
The transmission system devised includes tension 42 which is keyed to the transmission
.a fluid torque transmitter` of the Popper type, output shaft 38, this shaft then turning in a
reverse direction to the transmission input shaft.
housed in a casing 20, see Fig. 1, the driven rotor
being connected to a transmission 2i, which is To set the transmission for rst speed, the an
automatically or manually controlled, _at the willnulus gear 31 is held stationary. The transmis
of the operator, by -pressure uid flow control sion input shaft 33 audits sun gear 34 now ro
mechanism housed in a casing 22. tate the planet gear 35; the cage 36 is formed
The transmission 2i includes four forward 70 integral with or secured to the transmission out
speeds and reverse, and the preferred construc put shaft 38, whereby the output shaft 38 turns
tion for readily shifting from one speed to an ' in the same direction as the input shaft 33, and
other under load includes four planetary sets of at a low speed.
the internal gear type, compounded and ar Second speed is obtained when the annulus
ranged so as to give the desirable changes in 15 gear 4,6, which is positioned in the annular chan
z .

f` ` 2,899,724 3
nel 23, is held stationary. The transmission in

straps to bind the me bands, the two- b'ands

put shaft 33 has a second sun scar 45 mounted wrapping 'around the outer faceof the annulus
thereon, which meshes with a series of planetary gear in opposite directions, and in perfect bal- . '
gears _43 mounted in a cage 41, which :is keyed ance. ` _ , _
tothe annulus gear 31, this annulus gear rotat f, The fluid pressure control system
ing the planet gears 35 to impart rotation to the ,
cage 33 and thus to the transmission output shaft , The 4uid pressure control systemis diagram- "

38. matlcally shown in Fig. 2. A fluid pump 13, ac
i 'ro obtain third speed, the outside sneu 4a in ' tuated by the input shaft, or geared to said shaft,
the annular channel 21 is held stationary. The io forces hydraulic fluid through piping 33 and a `
transmission input shaft 33, through its sun gear _ filter 3|, to a control mechanism hereinafter ex
45 andthe planet gears 43 is geared to the an plained. This control mechanism selectively con
nulus gear 44, which is keyed to cage 43. The cage. ducts the pressure fluid to the annular >chambers -
43 carries a series of planet gears 53, which dnesh 24, 25, 23, 21 and to the annular clutch space 3_3,
with a sun gear 5| on the hub 53 rof the outside 15 through conduits 32, 33, -34 and 35 in the cham
> shell 43 ; since the outside shell 43 is held sta - ber walls, and through ai conduit 33 to a passage
tionary, the planet' gears 53 and their cage-43 way 33a in the front plate, from whence the pres
turn, and thusturn the orbit 53', which is se sure iluid may pass through passageway 31 and
cured to the cage 41. The annulus 'gear 31. I a ported annular groove 33 in the end plate 58
which is keyed to the cage 41, is thus caused to 20 to the annular clutch space 33.
rotate; and the planet gears 35 turn and impartv The hydrauuc uuid ifs-preferably ou, which is
, rotation to the transmission output -shaft also utilized as a lubricant for the transmission
through the cage 3,3. , ' i ` gearing. The necessary pressure for -operating
Fourth gear, or direct drive, is obtained by the transmission depends on the horse power to e
clutching the transmission input shaft to the 25. be transmitted; this pressure is controlled by a
shell 43 .so as to prevent >any relative motion of spring-pressed pressure regulator 33. When the
the transmission gearing. 'I'he transmission in oil pressure exceeds the required-pressure for the
-put shaft V33 is keyed to a clutch body 5'4 which load, it bypasses .the regulator into a lubricantv "
has a conical clutch face 55 and aiback clutch feed line 30 which leads to the open space around
plate 53; the clutch body has an annular recess 30 the shaft coupling and through a central shaft
51 in whichspring carriers 53 are positioned, these' duct 3| and radial ports 32 to the transmission
spring carriers being mounted on an end plate gearing. A spring pressed pressure regulator-33_
53 which encloses the .clutch mechanism and is "is installed in the lubrication feed line 93, and
, carried by the shell 43. The end plate 53 is at controls the pressure, preferably to l0'lbs. per
tached to the shell 48 so as to provide an annu 35 square inch: a bypass' 34 leadsexcess pressure
lar spaceltll in which a ring piston 3i is posi oil back to the reservoir or pump, whichalso re
tioned, this ring piston having .a rear spring ceives oil drainage from the transmission, outlets
plate 32 against which compression springs 33 on 85 and 33 being provided for such drainage. The
the carriers 33 engage, the ring piston having a pump is supplied with oil from the sump or res
conical clutch face 34 adapted to engage the 40 ervoir through piping 31, a filter or strainer 33
clutch _body face 55 and press the clutch body being positioned in the oil line. \
into clutching contact with the disk portion 33
of the shell 48. ' This clutching action locks the The oil flow control mechanism a
planetary gearing to the transmission input shaft yThe oil flow control mechanism for controlling
at both ends, and thus causes a direct drive of 'the gear shifting includesdan automatic control
the transmission output shaft. - and an alternative hand control. I have devised
a mechanism which utilizes three valves incorpo
The 'rake band mechanism rated inone unit, these comprising a master con- '
The annulus gears for first, second and re troll valve which is. manually rotatable for either
verse, and the sun gear for third speed, are selec 50 hand or automatic control, and two slide piston
tively held stationary by fluid pressure, which valves which are alternatively movable in accord
acts on a novel brake band construction, illus ance with the control desired to selectively con
trated in Figs. 3 to 9 inclusive. ` nect the transmission pressure fluid chamber with
Each of these gears is grooved on its outer the pressure fluid.
face` 33, see Fig. 4, by forming grooves 31 there 55 I prefer to operate the automatic piston lvalve
on; two adjacent separate brake bands 33, 33 are by a governonand to form the valve with flow
mounted on the outer face, these bands being-of grooves which match with a spring controlled de
metal and similar in form, but'opDOsitely direct tent plunger; as the car speed increases and the
ed, the brake lining being on the inner face. governor tends to Vmove the valve, the detent
Each band has a key way 13 cut adjacent -one plunger yieldingly resists the valve movement
end. and full width semi-circular straps 1I and until the governor pull overcomes its holding ac- -
12 are provided, having over-lapping ends, each tion, whereupon the shift takes place rapidly and
strap having a key 13 to it in the associated I thus prevents any lag' or delay. This rapidity
key way 10, and a lug 14 extending radially out is particularly desirable when shifting under- pow
wardly, the lugs of the twoistraps being laterally. er, in order to prevent excessive speeding of the,
displaced. A, flexible compressible composition v engine when changing from one speed to another.
sealing ring 13, made of suitable material such The hand control piston valve is operated di
as molded rubber compounds,.and having end ' rectly by a hand control lever, and this valve also
flanges 1li-and openings 11 to receive the lugs 14, controls neutral and reverse. The mechanism is
is mounted over the straps, ,the brake band as 70 so arranged that shifting the gear control lever
semblies being seated in the annular chambers. to neutral or reverse automaticallyrotates the
with the lugs 14 positioned in stakes or recesses master control valve tothe hand control position,
, 13, see Fig. 3. In this position, the outer surface and shifting back out of neutral to first speed or y
of the sealing ring when subiected to fluid pres automatic forward position again rotates the
sure, as hereinafter described, presses on the 75 master control valve to the automatic setting.
4 . 2,329,724' l ~
. /

When the gear lever is inlneutral all pressure ond, third ,and fourth speed transmission pres-v
is cut oil from the transmission for gear'opera suretluid channels. .

tion and al1 the transmission iluid chambers are As the valve moves, the transmission pressure
open to release or drainage position, thereby mak nuid channels 'which do not receive pressure fluid
ing it impossible for pressure to build up in any drain into the oil reservoiror pump, this drainage
uld pressure chamber and produce premature for rst speed being below the base of the valve
or accidental engagement; when/any one trans |02, and the drainage for the other speeds being
mission ?luid pressure chamber is in communica through a vertical slot |28 extending through the
tion with the pressure ow the other chambers wall of thefvalve. , ,
are all open to relief or drainage. I prefer to, The movement of the valve |02 is preferably
enclose all the valve mechanism and the oil pas automatically controlled by means or a ball-type
sageways within` the transmission case to return governor |29 which is driven from the tail shaft,
any slight leakage to the oil reservoir or pump. outward movement of the weighted levers |30
I further arrangedto provide rapid accelera shifting a cage |3| upwardly againstthe pres
tion by permitting the operator to shift to a` lower jsure of a spring |32, the cage carrying a vertical
gear ratio when passing other vehicles or vwhen Jrod |33 which is hinged to a lever |34, .one end
ascending a hill; this is accomplished by' down of the lever being pivotally mounted on the ac
ward movement of the accelerator pedal, which celerator cross rod |35, the other end of the lever
brings spring pressure to bear on the lever con being hingedly secured to a _'slitvalve rod |38
trolled by the governor suilicient to overcome the secured to the valve |02. The valve |02 is pref
force exerted by the governor at any car speed erablyV provided `with a series of vertically spaced
at which the engine is turning at less ,than the detent recesses which are engaged by a spring
maximum safe speed for the next lower gear re pressed plunger |38, whereby the valver | 02 will
duction. 'I'his overcoming of the governor power not move in response _to the governor action until
moves the automatic piston valve /to bring the the governor power is sumcient to overcome the
next lower gear into operation; if, however, the spring pressed plunger resistance, thus providing
engine speed is above that at which it is safe to a rapid valve changer and proper inlet groove and
drop into the next lower speed the governor'will channel alignment.
exert suicient power to oppose the action of the The lever |34 has a spring socket |39 adjacent
spring pressureY and will prevent the shifting. the pivot end in which a suitable spring |40 en
Fig; 10 schematically illustrates the ilow con fgages, a member |4| keyed to the accelerator
trol mechanism, which is housed in a casing 22 shaft |35 extending outwardly to mount the
positioned adjacent the transmission, and in spring |40, whereby downward pressure of thel
cludes a valve housing |00 in which the central - accelerator as hereinafter described will press on
rotatable master control valve |0| and the piston the lever |34 through the spring |40 to overcome
valves |02 and |03 for automatic and hand con the governor power when it is desired to acceler
. trol respectiyely, are mounted. The control valve ate in order to pass other vehicles or to climb a
|0| is preferably- of the solid plug type, with ve hill. The strength of the spring |40 is designed
spaced'groove ports |04, |05, |06, |01 and |08, to cooperate with the governor to permit shifting
which continuallycommunicate Athrough tubes 40 to a lower gear-_ratio at any car speed at which
|09, ||0, |||, ||2 and ||3 with the fourth, third, the engine is turning at less than the maximum
second, rst and revers'e transmission uid pres safe speed for the next lower gear reduction, and
sure chambers. . '
not to move the valve when the engine speed is
The housing |00 has four flow channels ||4, above that at which it is safe to drop into the
- ||5, ||5 and ||1 which respectively communi 45 next lower speed. " /

cate with the control valve ports |04, |05, |06 and The hand control piston valve |03 is of the
|01 and which are selectively opened to pressure same type as valve |02, but is longer, to permit
Iiuid by movement of the automatic piston valve. bringing its annular inlet groove |2611. to the
|02, and also has ve ow channels ||8, ||9, |20. neutral cut-oil |23; the reverse channel |22 is
|2|, and |22 which are selectively opened to pres 50 positioned so as to normally drain below the
sure fluid by movement of the hand control pis valve, the other channels ||8 to |2| draining
ton valve |0 l, the channels |2| and |22 andthe through a vertical slot |2811. The valve |03 is
ports |01 and |08 being spaced to provide a neu ' manually operated, as hereinafter explained, and
tral cut-off |23. has a series of vertical detents and a cooper
The pressure fluid from the pump 19 passes 55 ating spring pressed plunger |38a to. ensure snap
through piping 80 intoa longitudinal inlet flow movement and proper alignment of the inlet
channel |24 which communicates with both groove and its cooperating channels.
valves |02 and |03. The valves are of similar. The control valve housing has a series of pas
construction, valve |03 being longer, and are of sageways, and porting is preferably made by
the hollow cylinder type, the valves being pro 60 forming the housing in multiple sections and
vided with a verticalinflow recess |25, |25a which brazing together, whereby the machining is fa
lead to annular inlet grooves |26, |260, near the cilitated and the valves can be produced more
base of the valveand to vertical balancing re accurately and at a lower cost.
cesses |21, |21a diametrically opposite the recess A gear lever |42 is pivotally mounted on the
|25. |25a. 05 steering wheel' within leasy reach of the opera
When the master control valve is in the posi tor. and has a movable rod |43 mounted therein
tion illustrated in Fig.,l0, the transmission is and terminating in an end nger |44 which may
automatically controlled: the pressure uid passes be moved in a stationary lever guide |45 to se
through the recess |25 of the valve |02 and lectively position the end nger in an upper
through the inlet groove |26 into channel |1 and 70 slot |46 for hand control, or a lower slot |41 for
through port |01 to the tube ||2 which leads to automatic control, The two slots communicate
the first speed pressure fluid channel 25. If this through end passages |43, |49 and the upper
valve |02 ismoved upwardly it will successively slot has spaced notch detents |50 for each for
bring the recess _|26 into communication with wardspeed, a. notch detent |5| for neutral, and
channels H6, ||5 and |I4 which lead tothe sec- 75. a slot |02 for reverse. The communicating end
2,329,724 5
passages Permit the driver to change at will from and tothe shaft. each plate having two spiral
hand to automatic control, but require move grooves 205, followers 2|0 and 2I0a of flexible
ment to `neutral before reversing. ^ material which have a series of concentric
When the lever |42 is shifted to the upper slot, grooves 2||. each follower being resiliently
as shown in Fig. 17, its end |53 moves a spring pressed towards its plate by means of a. coil
` pressed control rod v|54 which is slidably mount spring 2|2 which is positioned between the fol
ed in a. tubular shaft |55, to shift the master lower and a-sprlng plate 2|3.
valve to hand operation position, through a le While I have described specific structural rie
ver system which may be of any desired type; tails of a preferred arrangement of parts for
the lever system illustrated includes a crank |56, carrying out my invention, such description is
link |51, crank |58, shaft |59. crank |60, link illustrative only, and any desired changes in the
|6|, and crank |62 which is secured to the valve operation, arrangement and functioning of the 'l
rod |63 of the master control valve | 0|. When parts, and in their sizes and proportions, may be>
the gear lever |42 is in the lower slot, the mas made to suit the requirements for different au
ter control valve is turned to automatic operat tomobile vehicle designs, without departing from
ing position, by the same lever system. the spirit and the scope of the invention as de
With the gear lever |42 in the upper slot, the ned inthe appended claims.
gear'lever |42 may be swung to position the end I claim:
finger in any of the detent notches, and thus 1. In a flow control mechanism, a source of
shift the hand control valve to the proper fluid . iluid'under pressure, conduits for conducting said
transmission control by means of a lever system fluid to a plurality of fluidpressure chambers,
of any desired type, a'preferred system includ two valves each independently alternatively con
ing a housing |64 which is vrotatably mounted in trolling the fluid flow from said source through
a steering wheel extension- bearing ring |65 and said conduits, and means for selectively render
is keyed to the tubular shaft |55,x this tubular ing either valve inoperative.
shaft operating an arcuate lever |61, link |68, 2. In a flow control mechanism, a supply
crank |69, tubular shaft |10, crank |1|, link |12, conduit for fluid under pressure, a control valve
crank |13, shaft |14, and 'lever |15 which is se selectively communicating said conduit with a
cured to the valve end |16 of the hand control series of flow passages, a second control valve
valve |03. , ,
30 for selectively communicating said conduit with
'I'he accelerator pedal |11, of standard type, is a series of flow passages, a series ofA outflow
operatively secured to the arm_|4|, which acts channels, and means for alternatively com
as a pick up lever to counteract the governor ac municating either series of ilow passages with
tion and Vthus permit the obtaining of a lower said series of outflow channels. '
speed as hereinbefore described. Any system of 35 3. In a fluid flow control mechanism, a fluid
levers or other control means may be used; the inflow conduit, two series of flow chambers, two
illustrated lever system includes a link |18, crank piston valves for selectively communicating said
|19, shaft |80, crank |8|, link |82, crank |83, in inlet conduit with the flow channels of each
termediate shaft |84, crank |85, link |86, and series, a. series of outflow conduits, and a master
crank |01 which is keyed to the accelerator cross 40 valve for alternatively connecting eitherseries
rod |35. . .

The slidable rod` |43 is actuated by a manu

of iflow channels with said series of outflow con
du ts. ` -
ally depressible button |81a which is seated in 4. In a fluid flow control mechanism, a fluid
a cylindrical recess |88 in the ball end |89 of the inflow conduit, two series of flow channels ar
gear lever, the recess having a lower bore |90 ranged in spaced aligned relation, two piston
to threadedly receive a gear member |9| in valves for selectively communicating said inlet
which two small gears |92 are rotatably mount- '_ conduit with the flow channels of each series, a
ed, these gears meshing with internal grooves |93 series of outflow conduits contiguous the space
in the button- and with grooves |94 formed in between said two'series, and a master valve for
the upper end of the slidable rod, a compression alternatively connecting either series of flow
spring |95 being positioned to resiliently urge channels with said series of outflow conduits.
the button away from the gear member |9|. 5. In a fluid flow control mechanism for an
When the button is pushed down, the gears |92 automobile transmission, a pressure fluid supply
turn and move the slidable rod upwardly against .
conduit, a series of outflow conduits, a governor
the tension of the spring |95, thus withdrawing responsive to speed of the automobile motor, a
the end finger from a notch and permitting turn valve movable to selectively connect said supply
ing of the gear lever. No notches are provided conduit with said outflow conduits, means for
for the automatic control. moving said valve in response to movement of
The fluid torque transmitter construction said governor, a second valve manually movable
60 to selectively connect said supply conduit with
The transmitter is housed in the casing 20, said outflow conduits, and means for alternative
see Fig. 1 and includes a driving rotor 200, see ly rendering one valve operative and the other A
Fig. 21, which is secured to the flywheel 20| and inoperative.
the power shaft 202, the driven rotor 203 being 6. In a fluid flow control mechanism for an
slidably keyed to the transmission input shaft automobile transmission, a pressure fluid supply-
3|. The transmitter fluid is conducted from a conduit, a series of outflow conduits, a governor
fluid pressure reservoir, not shown, to an annu responsive to speed of the automobile motor, a
lar chamber 204 formed between the shaft 3| valve movable to selectively connect said supply
and a stationary shell 205, the shell having a conduit with said outflow conduits, means for
tubular end 206 spaced from the shaft 3| to pro moving said valve in response to movement of said
vide an annular passageway to the rotor fluid governor, a second valve manually movable to se
chamber 201. Novel sealing rings are provided lectively connect said supply conduits with said
between the shell land the driving rotor and outflow conduits,l and manually movable gear
shaft, these rings including flat plates 208` and lever means for alternatively rendering one valve
208a which are respectively keyed to the shell operative and the other inoperative.
6 _ ' ' 2,829,724.

7. A iluid control valve construction compris ing a. cylindrical shell piston valve, a longitudinal
ing a cylindrical shell piston valve. a. longitudi recess for nuid ilow. an annular ilow groove com
nal recess for iiuid ow. an annular ilow groove municating therewith, and a second longitudinal
communicating therewith, and a second longi recess communicating with said groove and 'po
tudinal recess communicating with said groove sitioned diametrically opposite said ilrst recess,
and positioned dlametrically opposite said tlrst said valve having a longitudinal ilow slot.
8. A fluid control valve construction compris LE ROY F. MAURER.

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