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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the two year Post

Graduate Program (PGP).

Submitted by


BATCH NO.- 2009-2011

IILM Institute for Higher Education

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The success of any venture cannot be regarded as the result of a single factor. It requires a
harmonious unification of perseverance, inspiration and motivation along with the appropriate
guidance from the peers and mentors. Working on this project was a great challenge as well as an
opportunity for me to prove my will. 

I would like to sincerelythankMr. Pankaj Mishra Branch Sales Manager AXIS BANK , Kanpur for
giving me the wonderful opportunity to work under his able guidance and support throughout
mytraining period.

This project has been possible due to the support of several wonderful individuals. In the end I
would like to thank many unknown individuals, with whom I interacted. All of them with their
due cooperation and motivation made the completion of this project successful. I would like to
thank them all.I also take this opportunity to express my profound and sincere gratitude to IILM
Institute for Higher education GURGAON for providing me with the opportunity to become a

Finally, I would like to thank the staff members of AXIS BANK for helping me during various
stages of training.


Vaibhav Dixit

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Practical training imbibes an integral part of management studies. One cannot merely
depend upon the theoretical knowledge. It is to be coupled with practical for it to be fruitful.
Classroom lectures make the fundamental concepts of management clear. They also facilitate the
learning of practical things. However class lectures must be correlated with practical training in
the company which will have a significant role to play in business management. To develop
managerial and administrative skills in future managers, it is essential to enhance their analytical
skills and for this it is necessary that there is a combination of classroom learning with the
experience of real business environment.

The current study concerns with the comparative analysis of Axis Bank ‘saving and salary
products with respect to their main competitors HDFC BANK and ICICI BANK. The report
gives the insight of saving and salary products of AXIS BANK and also throws light on the
SWOT analysis of AXIS BANK.

I consider myself lucky to get my summer training at AXIS BANK LTD. I underwent 8 weeks
of training in Kanpur from1st May 2010 to 30 th June. It helped me to get a practical insight into
the actual business environment and provided me an opportunity to make my management
concepts clearer.

It is difficult to elaborate everything that I learnt during the training however, I have elaborated
a comprehensive picture of details about working in the following pages.

I have accumulated the desired information through personal observations, study of documents,
and questionnaire cum interviews.

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1 Acknowledgement 2

2 Preface 3

3 Indian Banking Sector 6-9

4 Company profile 10-14

5 Financial Profile of Axis Bank 15-18

6 Vision and Mission 19

7 Services Provided by Axis Bank 19-24

8 Competitors 25-27

9 Features of salary and saving accounts 28-32

10 Comparative Analysis 33-34

11 Introduction 35-36

12 Objectives 37

13 Research Methodology 38-41

14 Analysis of data 42-48

15 Findings 49

16 Conclusion and Recommendations 50

17 Appendix 51-53

18 Reference 54

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Currently, India has 96 scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) - 27 public sector banks (that is
with the Government of India holding a stake), 31 private banks (these do not have government
stake; they may be publicly listed and traded on stock exchanges) and 38 foreign banks. They
have a combined network of over 53,000 branches and 49,000 ATM. According to a report by
ICRA Limited, a rating agency, the public sector banks hold over 75 percent of total assets of the
banking industry, with the private and foreign banks holding 18.2% and 6.5% respectively.


The RBI was nationalized on January 1, 1949 in terms of the Reserve Bank of India (Transfer to
Public Ownership) Act, 1948 (RBI, 2005b).[Reference]
By the 1960s, the Indian banking industry had become an important tool to facilitate the
development of the Indian economy. At the same time, it had emerged as a large employer, and a
debate had ensued about the possibility to nationalize the banking industry. Indira Gandhi, the-
then Prime Minister of India expressed the intention of the GOI in the annual conference of the
All India Congress Meeting in a paper entitled "Stray thoughts on Bank Nationalization." The
paper was received with positive enthusiasm. Thereafter, her move was swift and sudden, and
the GOI issued an ordinance and nationalized the 14 largest commercial banks with effect from
the midnight of July 19, 1969. Jayaprakash Narayan, a national leader of India, described the
step as a "masterstroke of political sagacity." Within two weeks of the issue of the ordinance,
the Parliament passed the Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertaking) Bill,
and it received the presidential approval on 9 August 1969.

A second dose of nationalization of 6 more commercial banks followed in 1980. The stated
reason for the nationalization was to give the government more control of credit delivery. With
the second dose of nationalization, the GOI controlled around 91% of the banking business of
India. Later on, in the year 1993, the government merged New Bank of India with Punjab
National Bank. It was the only merger between nationalized banks and resulted in the reduction
of the number of nationalized banks from 20 to 19. After this, until the 1990s, the nationalized
banks grew at a pace of around 4%, closer to the average growth rate of the Indian economy.

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The nationalized banks were credited by some; including Home minister P. Chidambaram, to
have helped the Indian economy withstand the global financial crisis of 2007-2009.


In the early 1990s, the then NarsimhaRao government embarked on a policy of liberalization,

licensing a small number of private banks. These came to be known as New Generation tech-
savvy banks, and included Global Trust Bank (the first of such new generation banks to be set
up), which later amalgamated with Oriental Bank of Commerce, Axis Bank(earlier as UTI
Bank), ICICI Bankand HDFC Bank. This move, along with the rapid growth in the economy of
India, revitalized the banking sector in India, which has seen rapid growth with strong
contribution from all the three sectors of banks, namely, government banks, private banks and
foreign banks.

The next stage for the Indian banking has been setup with the proposed relaxation in the norms
for Foreign Direct Investment, where all Foreign Investors in banks may be given voting rights
which could exceed the present cap of 10%,at present it has gone up to 74% with some

The new policy shook the Banking sector in India completely. Bankers, till this time, were used
to the 4-6-4 method (Borrow at 4%; Lend at 6%; Go home at 4) of functioning. The new wave
ushered in a modern outlook and tech-savvy methods of working for traditional banks. All this
led to the retail boom in India. People not just demanded more from their banks but also received

Currently (2010), banking in India is generally fairly mature in terms of supply, product range
and reach-even though reach in rural India still remains a challenge for the private sector and
foreign banks. In terms of quality of assets and capital adequacy, Indian banks are considered to
have clean, strong and transparent balance sheets relative to other banks in comparable
economies in its region. The Reserve Bank of India is an autonomous body, with minimal
pressure from the government. The stated policy of the Bank on the Indian Rupee is to manage
volatility but without any fixed exchange rate-and this has mostly been true.

With the growth in the Indian economy expected to be strong for quite some time-especially in
its services sector-the demand for banking services, especially retail banking, mortgages and
investment services are expected to be strong. One may also expect M&As, takeovers, and asset

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In March 2006, the Reserve Bank of India allowed Warburg Pincus to increase its stake in Kotak
Mahindra Bank (a private sector bank) to 10%. This is the first time an investor has been allowed
to hold more than 5% in a private sector bank since the RBI announced norms in 2005 that any
stake exceeding 5% in the private sector banks would need to be vetted by them.


The growth in the Indian Banking Industry has been more qualitative than quantitative and it is
expected to remain the same in the coming years. Based on the projections made in the "India
Vision 2020" prepared by the Planning Commission and the Draft 10th Plan, the report forecasts
that the pace of expansion in the balance-sheets of banks is likely to decelerate. The total assets
of all scheduled commercial banks by end-March 2010 is estimated at Rs 40,90,000crores. That
will comprise about 65 per cent of GDP at current market prices as compared to 67 per cent in
2002-03. Bank assets are expected to grow at an annual composite rate of 13.4 per cent during
the rest of the decade as against the growth rate of 16.7 per cent that existed between 1994-95
and 2002-03. It is expected that there will be large additions to the capital base and reserves on
the liability side. 

The Indian Banking Industry can be categorized into non-scheduled banks and scheduled banks.
Scheduled banks constitute of commercial banks and co-operative banks. There are about 67,000
branches of Scheduled banks spread across India. As far as the present scenario is concerned the
Banking Industry in India is going through a transitional phase. 

The Public Sector Banks (PSBs), which are the base of the Banking sector in India account for
more than 78 per cent of the total banking industry assets. Unfortunately they are burdened with
excessive Non Performing assets (NPAs), massive manpower and lack of modern technology.
On the other hand the Private Sector Banks are making tremendous progress. They are leaders in
Internet banking, mobile banking, phone banking, ATMs. As far as foreign banks are concerned
they are likely to succeed in the Indian Banking Industry. 

In the Indian Banking Industry some of the Private Sector Banks operating are IDBI Bank, ING
VyasaBank, SBI Commercial and International Bank Ltd, Bank of Rajasthan Ltd. and banks
from the Public Sector include Punjab National bank, Vijaya Bank, UCO Bank, Oriental

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Bank, Allahabad Bank among others. ANZ Grindlays Bank, ABN-AMRO Bank, American
Express Bank Ltd, Citibank are some of the foreign banks operating in the Indian Banking

Vision of Banks in India

The banking scenario in India has already gained all the momentum, with the domestic and
international banks gathering pace. The focus of all banks in India has shifted their approach to
'cost', determined by revenue minus profit. This means that all the resources should be used
efficiently to better the productivity and ensure a win-win situation. To survive in the long run, it
is essential to focus on cost saving. Previously, banks focused on the 'revenue' model which is
equal to cost plus profit. Post the banking reforms, banks shifted their approach to the 'profit'
model, which meant that banks aimed at higher profit maximization.

Focus of banks in India 

The banking industry is slated for growth in future with a more qualitative rather than
quantitative approach. The total assets of all scheduled commercial banks by end-March 2010 is
projected to touch Rs 40,90,000crore. This is going to comprise around 65% of GDP at current
market prices as compared to 67% in 2002-03. The bank's assets are estimated to grow at an
annual composite rate of growth of 13.4% during the rest of the decade as against 16.7%
between 1994-95 and 2002-03.

Barring the asset side, on the liability perspective, there will be huge additions to the capital base
and reserves. People will rely more on borrowed funds, pace of deposit growth slowing down
side by side. However, advances and investments would not see a healthy growth rate.

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Axis Bank was the first of the new private banks to have begun operations in 1994, after the
Government of India allowed new private banks to be established. The Bank was promoted
jointly by the Administrator of the specified undertaking of the Unit Trust of India (UTI - I), Life
Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) and General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC) and
other four PSU insurance companies, i.e. National Insurance Company Ltd., The New India
Assurance Company Ltd., The Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. and United India Insurance
Company Ltd.

The Bank today is capitalized to the extent of Rs. 358.56 crores with the public holding (other
than promoters) at 57.60%.

The Bank's Registered Office is at Ahmedabad and its Central Office is located at Mumbai.
Presently, the Bank has a very wide network of more than 701 branch offices and Extension
Counters. The Bank has a network of over 2854 ATMs providing 24 hrs a day banking
convenience to its customers. This is one of the largest ATM networks in the country.

The Bank has strengths in both retail and corporate banking and is committed to adopting the
best industry practices internationally in order to achieve excellence.

Axis refers to a line of reference, stability and maturity. The new logo of the bank has the same
color as the previous UTI logo but now uses the alphabet ‘A’ from the word Axis. The bank is
also publicizing the change through campaign titled “Twins both equal”.

Axis Bank has business of Rs.102000 crores with a market capitalization of Rs.21, 817crores
making it the fifth largest in India. It has 60 lakh customers and communicating to them the
name change would be the prime exercise for the bank.

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Now with a name having universal appeal, the bank is working towards becoming a
multinational bank and diversifying into other financial services like AMC, insurance and
restructures operations to reflect a modern approach to banking.


Axis Bank Ltd. has been promoted by the largest and the best Financial Institution of the
country, UTI. The Bank was set up with a capital of Rs. 115 crore, with UTI contributing Rs.
100 crore, LIC - Rs. 7.5 crore and GIC and its four subsidiaries contributing Rs. 1.5 crore each.

SUUTI Shareholding-27.11%
Erstwhile Unit Trust of India was set up as a body corporate under the UTI Act, 1963, with a
view to encourage savings and investment. In December 2002, the UTI Act, 1963 was
repealed with the passage of Unit Trust of India (Transfer of Undertaking and Repeal) Act,
2002 by the Parliament, paving the way for the bifurcation of UTI into 2 entities, UTI-I and
UTI-II with effect from 1st February 2003. In accordance with the Act, the Undertaking
specified as UTI I has been transferred and vested in the Administrator of the Specified
Undertaking of the Unit Trust of India (SUUTI), who manages assured return schemes along
with 6.75% US-64 Bonds, 6.60% ARS Bonds with a Unit Capital of over Rs. 14167.59

The Government of India has appointed Shri K. N. Prithviraj as the Administrator of the
Specified undertaking of UTI, to look after and administer the schemes under UTI - I, where
Government has continuing obligations and commitments to the investors, which it will

Board of Directors
The members of the Board are :

Dr. Adarsh Kishore Non-Executive

Smt. Shikha Sharma Managing Director &
Shri M. M. Agrawal Deputy Managing

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Shri J.R. Varma Director
Dr. R.H. Patil Director
Smt. Rama Bijapurkar Director
Shri R.B.L. Vaish Director
Shri M.V. Subbiah Director
Shri K. N. Prithviraj Director
Shri V. R. Kaundinya Director
Shri S. B. Mathur Director
Shri M. S. Director
Sr. Name of the Shareholders No. of Shares Held % Staketo Total
A. Promoter Shareholding    

1 Administrator of the Specified Undertaking of 9,72,24,373 27.11

the Unit Trust of India -UTI - I (SUUTI)

2 Life Insurance Corporation of India 3,71,95,831 10.37

3 General Insurance Corporation of India 81,23,331 2.27

4 The New India Assurance Company Limited 38,06,443 1.06

5 National Insurance Company Limited 26,06,740 0.73

6 United India Insurance Company Limited 15,86,415 0.44

7 The Oriental Insurance Company Limited 14,89,118 0.42

Total Promoter Shareholding – A 15,20,32,251 42.4

B. Non-Promoter Holding    

8 Indian Financial Institutions (IFIs) 34,63,085 0.97

9 Mutual Funds 2,79,50,650 7.8

10 Others (Individuals/Corporate 4,03,00,214 11.24


Total Non-Promoter Indian Shareholding - B 7,17,13,949 20

C. Foreign Shareholding    

11 FDI Route - GDRs Issue (2005 & 2007) 1,39,43,980 3.89

12 Foreign Financial Institutions (FIIs) 11,54,24,347 32.19

13 NRIs/OCBs/FBD 54,50,004 1.52

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Higher Education - C 14 13,48,18,331 37.6

Total A + B + C 35,85,64,531 100

31.55% YOY,
AND FY10 NET PROFIT OF Rs. 2,514.53 CRORES, UP BY 38.51% YOY

Results at a Glance
• Net Profit during Q4FY10 rose to Rs. 764.87 croresfrom Rs. 581.45 croresin Q4FY09,
registering a growth of 31.55% yoy. Net Profit for FY10 stood at Rs. 2,514.53 crores, up by
38.51% yoy from Rs.1, 815.36 croresfor FY09.
• Demand Deposits on a daily average basis grew by 40.58% yoy to Rs. 51,011 croresduring
Q4FY10 from Rs. 36,287 croresduring Q4FY09, with Savings Bank deposits growing by
39.55% yoy andCurrent Account deposits by 41.99%.

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• The yoy growth in Net Interest Income and Fee Income during Q4FY10 was 41.40% and
17.34%respectively. Net Interest Margin during Q4FY10 was 4.09% compared to 4.00% in
• The Bank is well-capitalized with a Capital Adequacy Ratio of 15.80% as at the end of FY10
Compared to 13.69% as at the end of FY09 and 16.80% as at the end of 9MFY10. Tier-I
capital was11.18% as at the end of FY10, as against 9.26% as at the end of FY09 and 11.83%
as at the end of9MFY10.

Financial Highlights
• Net Interest Income (NII) and Net Interest Margin (NIM)
The Bank continued to extend its presence across the country and at the end of the financial year,
had anetwork of 1,035 branches and extension counters, and 4,293 ATMs situated in 643 cities
and towns. Duringthe quarter, the Bank added 86 branches and 238 ATMs. The daily average
balances of Savings Bankdeposits during the quarter grew 40% yoy and those of Current
Account deposits grew 42% yoy. Demanddeposits constituted 42% of the aggregate daily
average deposits during Q4FY10, higher than the level of35% in Q4FY09 and at the same level
as reported for Q3FY10. At the end of the year, current and savingsdeposits together accounted
for 46.73% of the total deposits of the Bank. The Bank posted a NIM of 4.09%during Q4FY10,
higher than the NIM of 3.37% during Q4FY09 and 4.00% during Q3FY10. The increase in NIM
During Q4FY10 was on account of a higher share of demand deposits in total deposits, reduction
in cost ofterm deposits and the impact of equity issued in September 2009.
The Bank’s advances grew by 28% yoy, from Rs. 81,557 crores as on 31st March 2009 to Rs. 1,
04,343 crores ason 31st March 2010 while investments rose to Rs. 55,975 crores from Rs.46, 330
crores over the same period, agrowth of 21% yoy. The NII rose to Rs. 1,461 crores during
Q4FY10 from Rs. 1,033 crores during Q4FY09, agrowth of 41% yoy.

• Fee Income
Fee income registered a growth of 17% yoy, rising to Rs. 780 crores during Q4FY10 compared
to Rs. 664crores in Q4FY09, with contributions from all the major businesses in the Bank. Fee
income from Large andMid Corporate Credit grew 111% yoy, followed by that from Treasury
(20% yoy), Retail Business (2% yoy)while fee income from SME and Agri lending businesses
declined by 6% yoy, Business Banking by 8% yoy andCapital Markets by 34% yoy.

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Compared to Rs. 2,447 crores in FY09, fee income in FY10 stood at Rs. 2,925 crores, up by 20%
During the quarter, the Bank changed its accounting policy to recognise fee income on bank
guaranteeson a pro-rata basis over the period of the guarantee. As a result of the aforesaid
change, the fee incomefor the year is lower by Rs. 137 crores. Further, the loan syndication
business, which was hitherto part of theCapital Markets SBU was transferred to Large & Mid
Corporate Credit segment from 1st November, 2009.

• Trading Profits
The Bank generated Rs. 103 crores of trading profits during Q4FY10, as compared to Rs. 166
crores duringQ4FY09, a decline of 38% yoy. The share of trading profits to operating revenue
was 4.29% in Q4FY10, compared to 8.85% in Q4FY09.
• NPAs and Restructured Loans
Net NPAs, as a proportion of net customer assets, was 0.36% as on 31st March 2010 compared
to 0.35% as on31st March 2009 and 0.46% as on 31st December 2009. Gross NPAs as a
proportion of gross customer assetsstood at 1.13% as on 31st March 2010, compared to 0.96% as
on 31st March 2009 and 1.23% as on 31stDecember 2009. The Bank had a provision coverage of
72.38% as on 31st March 2010 as a proportion ofGross NPAs) including prudential write-offs.
The provision coverage (as a proportion of Gross NPAs) before
Accumulated write-offs were 88.61%.
During the quarter, the Bank added Rs. 247.22 crores to Gross NPAs. Recoveries and up
gradations of Rs.97.25 crores and write-offs of Rs. 5.47 crores during the quarter resulted in a
closing position of Rs. 1,318.00crores of Gross NPAs on 31st March 2010, higher than the
position at the end of December 2009 by Rs. 144.50crores.
The Bank restructured loans aggregating Rs. 160.34 crores during Q4FY10. The cumulative
value of assetsrestructured till 31st March 2010, however, declined to Rs. 2,286.10 crores
(1.96% of gross customer assets)due to the payment of restructured assets of Rs. 155.20 crores,
and the slippage of Rs. 28.28 crores to NPA.
The diminution in fair value against the restructured loans during the quarter was Rs. 3.75 crores
and hasbeen provided for.
The segment-wise break-up of restructured loans as on 31st March 2010 is as follows.
Large and Mid-Corporate Credit 69.30%

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SME 21.08%
Capital Markets 3.48%
The sector-wise breakup of restructured loans as on 31st March 2010 as follows:
Textiles 23.17%
Shipping 19.64%
Sugar 8.23%
Real Estate 7.59%
Others 41.37%
• Investment Portfolio
The book value of the Bank’s investment portfolio as on 31st March 2010 was Rs. 55,975 crores,
of which, Rs.34, 196 crores was in government securities while Rs. 21,779 crores was in other
investments, includingcorporate bonds, equities, preference shares, mutual funds etc. 81% of the
government securities havebeen classified in the HTM category while 99% of the Bonds
&Debentures portfolio has been classified in theHFT and AFS categories. The distribution of the
investment portfolio in the three categories as well as themodified duration as on 31st March
2010 in each category was as follows.

Business Overview
• Placement / Syndication
The Bank maintained its position as No.1 Debt Arranger as assessed by Prime Database for the
nine monthsended December 2009. Further, in the Bloomberg league table for ‘India Domestic
Bonds’, the Bank wasranked No.1 for the calendar year 2009 and quarter ended March 2010.
The Bank arranged debtaggregating Rs. 24,642 crores during Q4FY10, higher than Rs. 13,753
crores arranged during Q3FY10 and Rs.19,457 crores arranged during Q4FY09.
• Retail Business
The number of Savings Bank accounts grew from 76.18 lacs as on 31st March 2009 to 81.22 lacs
as on 31stMarch 2010. Retail advances grew from Rs. 16,052 crores as on 31st March 2009 to
Rs. 20,823 crores as on31st March 2010, a growth of 30% yoy. Retail advances accounted for
20% of the total advances of theBank as on 31st March 2010. The Bank's International Debit

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Card issuance has risen to 147 lac debit cards ason 31st March 2010, as compared to 118 lac
debit cards as on 31st March 2009. The Bank had over 5,50,000credit cards in force and an
installed base of over 1,60,000 Electronic Data Capture (EDC) machines as on31st March 2010.
The Bank offers personal investment products including life insurance products, general
Insurance products, online trading accounts and mutual funds of leading manufacturers as also
wealthadvisory services and Mohur - gold coins and bars - through select branches.
• International Business
The Bank has five international offices - branches at Singapore, Hong Kong and Dubai (at the
DIFC) andrepresentative offices at Shanghai and Dubai, which focus on corporate lending, trade
finance,syndication, investment banking, risk management and liability businesses. The total
assets under overseasoperations were USD 3.10 billion as on 31st March 2010.
• Capital and Shareholders’ Funds
The Shareholders’ Funds of the Bank were Rs. 16,045 crores as on 31st March 2010, compared
to Rs. 10,214crores on the 31st March 2009, a growth of 57% yoy. The Capital Adequacy Ratio
for the Bank was 15.80%, ason 31st March 2010, compared to 13.69% as on 31st March 2009.
The Tier-I capital adequacy ratio was 11.18%as on 31st March 2010, compared to 9.26% as on
31st March 2009.



Customer Service and Product Innovation tuned to diverse needs of individual and corporate

 Continuous technology up gradation while maintaining human values.

 Progressive globalization and achieving international standards.

 Efficiency and effectiveness built on ethical practices.

Core Values

 Customer Satisfaction through-

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 Providing quality service effectively and efficiently.
 "Smile, it enhances your face value" is a service quality stressed on.
 Periodic Customer Service Audits.

 Maximization of Stakeholder value.

 Success through Teamwork, Integrity and People.


 Accounts
Easy Access Savings Account
Prime Savings account
Salary Savings Account
Power salute: A salute to the defence forces
Senior Privilege Savings Account
For the woman of today – Smart Privilege Savings Account
A complete banking solution for Trusts, Associations, Societies, Government Bodies,
Section 25 companies and NGOs
Pension Savings Bank Account

 Deposits
Fixed Deposits
Recurring Deposits
Encase 24
Tax Saver Fixed Deposit

 Capital Markets

Debt Solutions
Equity Solutions
Private Equity, Mergers & Acquisitions
Advisory Services

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Trusteeship Services
Depository Services
Capital Market Funding

 Credit

Working Capital Finance

Term Loans
Trade Services and Trade Finance
Structured Finance
Supply Chain Management
Overseas Financing and Transactions
SME Standard Products
Power Track


Axis Bank customer care service has enabled the bank to reach out to their customers and help
them with any information they might need. The Axis Bank customer support centres spread
across the country operate 24 x 7 customer care services that are dedicated to provide most
accurate and prompt information regarding the banking products, services and the respective
policies. As the banking field is getting more and more commercialize, there's a bombardment of
highly innovative banking products to lure as many customers as possible. This creates confusion
among the customers about the terms and conditions that the new banking schemes are subject
Axis Bank customer care centres aim to carry forward the transparency Axis Bank has

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maintained with its customers regarding the terms and conditions on any new banking product
and scheme.


Axis bank has employed a highly proficient financial advisory team comprising of experienced
and competent relationship managers. The Axis Bank relationship manager advises the customer
on the available investment opportunities like mutual funds, deposits, IPO’s etc. that will suit his
investment requirements. They aim to help the customers achieve their investment goals
efficiently and without any hassles. A research team of experts from financial industry is
responsible for establishing out investment strategy and providing real time information to
support it.

Mutual Funds

Axis Bank Financial Advisory team adopts a strong research driven recommendation model to
help the customer choose the best funds based on qualitative and quantitative parameters. They
also offer a unique 'One Page Portfolio Snapshot' report across investment products customers
investing in Mutual Funds.
Mohur Gold Coins/Bars
Axis Bank brings to you Mohur Gold coins/bars in the purest form! Made in Switzerland,Mohur
Gold coins/bars carry the Assay certification of being 24 carat, 99.99% pure! It comes to you in
a specialized packaging that is tamper proof so that its purity is preserved.

Online Trading
Investing and trading @ click of a mouse

Axis Bank in alliance with Geojit Financial Services offers an Online Trading Account. This
service provides with an integrated Savings Bank Account, Demat Account and an Online
Trading Account to give a convenient and paper free trading experience.

Convenient and Secure, Axis Bank Demat Account makes the transaction of shares completely
effortless. A superior Demat Account is offered across all the branches which also include
Commodity Deliveries and NSC/KVP Demat.

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Life Insurance

Axis Bank, in partnership with MetLife India, offers a wide choice of Life Insurance plans that
take care of your needs. The policies are customizable to suit the requirements of the customers.

General Insurance

The products offered by Axis Bank, in association with Bajaj Allianz are customized to ensure
complete peace of mind.

Priority Banking - Resident

Axis Bank has recently launched its priority banking service, in this the bank are providing their
services to customers very efficiently. In this kind of banking the customer doesn’t need to stand
in ques or wait for bank personnel to solve their problem. Thebank is giving some unique
advantages to the customers so that they can experience the banking with a difference. When any
one opens his or her account with priority banking of Axis Bank, he or she will have a different
lounge for themselves. They will also have some dedicated relationship managers for their every
single need in banking.

Banking Privileges

o Priority Banking Lounge:

As a Priority banking customer you will have access to an exclusive 'Priority Banking Lounge' at
branches. This will allow you to conduct your financial transactions in utmost comfort and
confidentiality through an exclusive Relationship Manager.

o Dedicated RelationshipManager:
You will enjoy access to a dedicated Relationship Manager who will be your one point contact at
branch for all your banking transactions thus ensuring that you would neither have to move from
one counter to the other nor stand in queues to await your turn.

o Home Banking:
Experience the convenience of our home banking facilities. Avail of free cash and cheque pick-
up and delivery at your office or residence.

IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 23

o Exclusive Priority Banking International Debit card:
This card allows you free access to all VISA ATMs in India. The card also comes with higher
ATM withdrawal limits, higher POS transaction limits at merchant establishments, enhanced
insurance cover and a host of special discounts and offers.

o You also get Preferential Interest Rates and lowered Processing Fees on select
Retail Loans.

o Other Banking Privileges:

Enjoy a host of banking privileges like free at-par cheques, demand drafts and pay orders, free
passbook updates and monthly statements.

o Customers would also be entitled to two free minor accounts, one free outward
remittance per quarter and free Mobile banking.
 Investment Privileges
o Avail of assistance in financial planning. Investment advice, market information
reports, and invitations to investor meets are offered complimentary to you.
 Lifestyle Privileges
However, it's not all about just financial services. We aim to provide a different Lifestyle
experience through special offers on premium brands, movie privileges, special events and lots
more - especially for our Priority Banking customers

 Gold Credit Card

As an added privilege, Priority Banking customers may also apply for a Gold Standard Credit
Card and Gold Standard Secured Credit Card without any additional fee, subject to the
applicable terms and conditions.

Priority Banking customers would also be eligible for a 50% reduction on the Issuance Fee of
Gold Plus Credit Card and Gold Plus Secured Credit Card. Rs. 500 will be charged as the annual
maintenance charge for Priority Banking customers, subject to the applicable terms and

 Eligibility Criteria
One can sign up for Priority Banking service by agreeing to any one of the following criteria

IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 24

o Average quarterly balance (AQB) of Rs. 1 Lakh in your savings account ( this
requirement is Rs. 75,000 if in case you have a salary account with Axis Bank)

o Average quarterly balance of Rs. 5 lakhs in combination of your savings and term
deposits (Minimum AQB of Rs. 50,000 in the savings account)

o Minimum Average Quarterly relationship (SB+TD) of Rs. 10 lakhs across

members of the same family - Subject to a minimum average SB Balance of Rs. 80,000 being
maintained in the SB accounts of the participating members and the remaining amount in Term

o Minimum average quarterly relationship of Rs. 5 Lakhs in Encash 24 (Flexi

Deposits) account.

IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 25



The Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (HDFC) was amongst the first to
receive an 'in principle' approval from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to set up a bank in the
private sector, as part of the RBI's liberalization of the Indian Banking Industry in 1994. The
bank was incorporated in August 1994 in the name of 'HDFC Bank Limited', with its registered
office in Mumbai, India. HDFC Bank commenced operations as a Scheduled Commercial Bank
in January 1995. 

IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 26
ICICI Bank is India's second-largest bank with total assets of Rs. 3,634.00 billion (US$ 81
billion) at March 31, 2010 and profit after tax Rs. 40.25 billion (US$ 896 million) for the year
ended March 31, 2010. The Bank has a network of 2,016 branches and about 5,219 ATMs in
India and presence in 18 countries. ICICI Bank offers a wide range of banking products and
financial services to corporate and retail customers through a variety of delivery channels and
through its specialized subsidiaries in the areas of investment banking, life and non-life
insurance, venture capital and asset management. The Bank currently has subsidiaries in the
United Kingdom, Russia and Canada, branches in United States, Singapore, Bahrain, Hong
Kong, Sri Lanka, Qatar and Dubai International Finance Centre and representative offices in
United Arab Emirates, China, South Africa, Bangladesh, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. Our
UK subsidiary has established branches in Belgium and Germany. 


IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 27


Zero Balance Savings Account


 No Average Quarterly Balance requirement

 Free International Debit Card with an Accidental Insurance cover up to Rs 2 lakhs*
 Free mobile banking facility
 Access through more than 1000 branches and over 4055 ATMs (as on 31st March 2010)
 At-Par cheque facility with the clearing limit of Rs 50,000
 24x7 Telebanking & Internet banking
 Free quarterly statements
 Free monthly e-statement.

Krishi Savings Account

IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 28


Average Balance Requirement

This account is offered with the requirement of maintaining the half-yearly average balance

of Rs 1000 only.

International Master Debit Card

The Krishi Savings Account entitles you to an International Master Debit Card with which you can

Access your account anytime through the Axis Bank ATM network free of cost.

This card comes with:

A cash withdrawal limit of Rs 25,000 per day

Free Accident Insurance cover of Rs 2 lacs
Anywhere Banking
Being a Krishi account holder, you are entitled to access our wide network of more than 1000

branches and 4055 ATMs across 440 cities.

You can now easily carry out your transactions through any of the branches orATMs.

At Par Cheque Book

TheKrishi Savings Account comes with the At-Par Cheque facility. This facility enables to

encash the cheques as local instruments at any of the 440 centers where the Bank has its presence,

at no extra cost. Moreover, one can also issue cheques at other centers up to the limit of Rs 50,000.

Smart Privilege Account

For the woman of today

In today's busy world it's tough being a working woman. Right from shuttling between a job and family

to taking care of her finances she has to be on her toes all the time. Keeping this in mind, we at Axis Bank

have designed a savings account best suited for the woman of today. With the Smart Privilege Account

, you can manage your money and your life and as well as enjoy a host of lifestyle privileges. Furthermore

Axis Bank's Smart Privilege Account ensures that you have enough time for all the important things in life.

Jewellery Insurance on Debit Card

Zero Balance Minor Account

IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 29

Round-the-Clock access through ATMs: There could be an instance when at 3 am you could require cash
. With our round-the-clock access you can withdraw cash up to Rs. 40,000 per day, deposit cash/cheques,
transfer funds, print a mini statement and pay insurance premiums (LIC), all through our ATM channel
This is one of the largest ATM networks in the country.

Anywhere Banking: Imagine being in an unknown city and still having complete access to all you
r transaction needs. As a customer of the bank, you are in control and not restricted to the branch
. So even if you are travelling, you can access your account easily from any of the 700 plus Axis Bank
Offices spread over 400 cities across the country.
At-par cheque facility: Your cheque will be treated as a local cheque within the vast Axis Bank network
of over 700 offices across 400 cities in India. Now no more running around to get a Demand Draft issued.
Monthly Account Statement
Free monthly e-statement
Additional discounts on loans
Senior Privilege Account

Axis Bank's Senior Citizen Savings Account has been designed keeping in mind the fact that a
senior citizen's banking requirements are wholly different and require special consideration.

Special Privilege - Senior Citizen ID Card

Axis Bank has introduced Senior Citizen ID card for Senior Privilege patrons. Let us briefly introduce

the wide range of advantages it hold for its customers.

Avail of Great benefits with Senior Citizen ID card

ID card acts as an age proof. Enabling you to redeem every advantage that you are

eligible for. This card will soon help you avail of certain never-before Senior-citizen

benefits at various stores, service providers and installation across the nation.

Feel safe Everywhere

Apart from provide you with the power to claim great benefits, card also act as emergency information

medium. In case of emergencies, it provides the doctors and authorities with vital data like your blood

IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 30

group, allergies, illnesses, address and emergency contact details. This ensures that you are well looked

after in any situation, no matter where you are.

Always a Privilege

It will help in strengthen the bond with us and to be of assistance to you at all the times, no matter what

your need be. Whether its loan, a savings account or any financial services that you wish to avail of, we

will make sure that we're always be there by your side.

Banking Privileges

 Free At-Par Cheque book

 Free International VISA Debit Cards for primary and joint account holders
 Free Monthly Statement of Accounts and Free Passbook
 Free Issuance of Pay Orders or Demand Drafts drawn on Axis Bank branches
 Free Inward Remittances
 Free Outward Remittances once a year
 Free monthly e-statement
 Cheque pickup and Cash delivery services
 Anywhere Banking
 Telebanking
 Free Mobile Banking
 iConnect
 Customized Loan Offerings

Pension Savings Account

Pension Savings Bank Account, from Axis Bank is specifically, designed for Pensioner's (Existing &

Prospective) of Central Govt. Civil Ministries/ Departments &Defence Ministry keeping in mind the

Facts that a Pensioner’s banking requirements are wholly different and require special consideration.

Timely communication to the customer on receipt of the PPO

No delays in commencement of pension disbursals - The Bank is handling the disbursement of Pension
under a Centralised Pension Disbursement Module wherein the Pensioner records are credited centrally
through its Centralised Pension Payment Hub (CCPH) at Mumbai.

Timely issue of Form- 16A for tax deducted at source in the immediately previous financial year

Timely revisions based on changes in rates of Pension or Dearness Allowance, done centrally from the

IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 31



Corporate Salary Account


Benefit to Employers

Efficient salary disbursal.

Web Upload - Transfer salaries/reimbursements directly from your current account with Axis Bank to

your employee's accounts using I Connect from your office.

Single-instruction salary credit - Same day salary credits for all companies having Corporate Account
with Axis Bank.

Dedicated Relationship Manager at metro locations to understand the financial requirements of your
Benefit to Employees
No minimum balance criteria.

Unparalleled Access - Anywhere banking facility through our network of Branches, Atm and Internet
banking facility.

AT Par chequebooks payable locally at all Axis Bank locations.

International Debit cum ATM cards with enhanced Cash withdrawal facility and other value add ons.
Online Banking with funds transfer, online shopping and bill payment options.

Depository services with free online trading accounts

Meal Cards on a master card platform.

Employee Reimbursement accounts as a savings account variant.

Preferential pricing on loan products and credit cards and other banking products & services*.

IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 32


IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 33

Features Plus Priviledge Premium Payroll Classic Regular Premium Salary Easy Pay

Free Limits Free Limits Max of Max of

Upto Upto Upto Upto Free upto Free upto Rs.50000/- Rs.50000/-
Rs.25000 Rs.50000 Unlimited Rs.10000/- Rs.10000/- Rs.25000/- Rs.25000/- per per
Demand Draft per month per month Free Limit Rs.50 Rs.50 per month per month instrument instrument

Between Between Between Between

Rs.10 k - 50 Rs.10 k - 50 Rs.25 k - 50 Rs.25 k - 50
k : Rs.75 k : Rs.75 k : Rs.75 k : Rs.75

Above Rs.50
Above Rs.50 Above Rs.50 Above Rs.50 k up to Rs. 1
k up to Rs. 1 k up to Rs. 1 k up to Rs. 1 lac -
lac - Rs.2.50 lac - Rs.2.50 lac - Rs.2.50 Rs.2.50 / 000
/ 000 min of / 000 min of / 000 min of min of
Rs.150 Rs.150 Rs.150 Rs.150

Above Rs.1 Above Rs.1

lac - lac -
Rs.2 Rs.2 Above Rs.1 Above Rs.1
/000Min - /000Min - lac - Min - lac - Min -
Rs.250 and Rs.250 and Rs.250 and Rs.250 and a
a max of a max of a max of max of
Rs.5000/- Rs.5000/- Rs.5000/- Rs.5000/-

No Charges No Charges No Charges

for cheque for cheque for cheque No Charges Rs.2.50 /000 Rs.2.50 /000
Comission Only Out of Only Out of amount amount amount for cheque subject to subject to
OSC Charges to Pocket Pocket upto Rs.500 upto Rs.500 upto Rs.500 amount upto min - Rs.30 min - Rs.30
Collection - be Charges of Charges of per per per Rs.500 per and Max of and Max of
Our Bank recovered Rs.30 Rs.30 instrument instrument instrument instrument Rs.10000/- Rs.10000/-

Above Above Above Rs.501-
Rs.501- Rs.1 Rs.501- Rs.1 Rs.501- Rs.1 Rs.1 / 000
/ 000 Min of / 000 Min of / 000 Min of Min of
Rs.50/- Rs.50/- Rs.50/- Rs.50/-
Rs 2.5/1000 Rs 2.5/1000 Rs 2.5/1000 Cheques Cheques Cheques Cheques Rs.3/thousa Rs.3/thousa
Min Rs.50 Min Rs.50 Min Rs.50 (MICR) (MICR) (MICR) (MICR) nd, subject nd, subject
plus plus plus drawn on drawn on drawn on drawn on to min of to min of
Postage Rs Postage Rs Postage Rs non-branch non-branch non-branch non-branch Rs.30 and Rs.30 and
30 31 32 lacations lacations lacations lacations max of max of
with no with no with no with no Rs.10000 Rs.10000
correspond correspond correspond corresponde plus other plus other
ent bank ent bank ent bank nt bank tie- bank bank
tie-up- tie-up- tie-up- up- 0.40% charges as charges as
0.40%(min 0.40%(min 0.40%(min (min Rs 50) actuals actuals
Rs 50) Rs 50) Rs 50) Cheque
Cheque Cheque Cheque Drawn on
Drawn on Drawn on Drawn on non -branch
non non non locatins
-branch -branch -branch with no
locatins locatins locatins corresponde
with no with no with no nt bank tie-
correspond correspond correspond up/non
IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 34
ent bank ent bank ent bank MICR
tie-up/non tie-up/non tie-up/non cheque-
cheque- cheque- cheque- 25(Min Rs
0.65%+Rs 0.65%+Rs 0.65%+Rs 50)


Minimum 10000 10000 12000
average salary
Minimum no. of 10 10 25
Reimbursement YES YES YES
of account
Term deposit YES Yes, but only sweep Yes, but not
Sweep in automated
Investment Available to all NA NA
Account Customers
Investment Available to all Only to selected Only to selected
Advisory customers customers
Account Monthly Free Quarterly Free Quarterly free

Free online bill YES YES YES

Salary alerts on YES YES YES
Account Instant In a week’s time Instant
welcome kits
Online Depository service with NA NA
Investment free online trading

IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 35

IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 36
Banking is the backbone of the modern industry. Health of the banking industry is one of the
most important pre-condition for sustained economic growth of any country. The world of
banking has assumed the new dimension at the dawn of 20th century with the advent of tech
banking, thereby lending the industry a stamp of funavarsality.In general banking may be
classified as retail banking and corporate bankig.Retailbanking, which is designed to meet the
requirement of individual customers and increase their savings, includes payment of futility bills,
consumerloans, creditcards, checking bank account balance,ATM’s,transferringfunds between
accounts and the like.Corporate banking caters the needs of corporate customers like bill
discounting, opening letter of credit and managing cash.

Many individuals find investments to be fascinating because they can participate in the decision
making process and see the results of their choices. Not all investments will be profitable, as
investor wills not always make the correct investment decisions over the period of years;
however, you should earn a positive return on a diversified portfolio. In addition, there is a thrill
from the major success, along with the agony associated with the stock that dramatically rose
after you sold or did not buy. Both the big fish you catch and the fish that get away can make
wonderful stories.

Investing is not a game but a serious subject that can have a major impact on investor's future
well being. Virtually everyone makes investments. Even if the individual does not select specific
assets such as stock, investments are still made through participation in pension plan, and
employee saving program or through purchase of life insurance or a home. Each of this
investment has common characteristics such as potential return and the risk you must bear. The
future is uncertain, and you must determine how much risk you are willing to bear since higher
return is associated with accepting more risk.

IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 37

In my study I have done the analysis on the saving and salary accounts of Axis Bank with its
main competitors HDFC and ICICI bank. The study focuses on the main points which makes an
individual driven to a bank and open their accounts.


Project at a glance-



The main of the present study is accomplish the following objectives-

 Proper understanding and analysis of banking industry.

 To know about the brand awareness of Axis Bank and customers preferences about Axis
 Conduct a market survey on a sample selected from the customer and derived opinion on
that research.
 Along with it I will be gaining the experience of banking industry. This will help me to
market the products given to me.
 As the Axis Bank is one of the leading private sector banks in India, It will be a great
chance for me to gain a deep insight of the products launched by Axis and its competitors
like HDFC and ICICI bank.
 The research gives me a great chance to communicate the customers directly as they are
the main focus of this study. This will help me to know what a customer want and how
they think while opening an account with banks.
 This will also help me to know what people think about the private sector banks in India.
 This research will also help in finding that that the customers are happy with the services
provided by the bank and with the features of their saving and savings account.

IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 38

The research applied in the project is descriptive research as the major objective ofthe research is
to describe the investment preferences of salaried and self-employed retail investors. The study
aims at comparing the investment patterns of the two.


The major objective of descriptive research is to describe something ---- usually market

Characteristics or functions .Descriptive research is conducted for the following reasons:

1. To describe the characteristics of relevant groups, such as consumer, salespeople

organizations, or market areas.

2. To estimate the percentage of units in a specified population exhibiting a certain behavior

3. To determine the perception of products characteristics.

4. To determine the degree to which marketing variables are associated.

5. To make specific predictions.

Descriptive research is preplanned and structured. It is typically based on large representative

samples. A formal research design specifies the method for selecting the sources of information
and for collecting data from those sources.

An element is the object about which or from which the information is desired.The samplr element
of this project is the people who have their saving and salary accounts in Axis Bank and HDFC and
ICICI bank in Kanpur.

IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 39

It refers to geographical boundaries in which sampling has been done.
The sampling extent of this project is Kanpur.

It refers to the number of units to be included in the study. The sampling size of the study is
100 people who have their accounts in these three banks.

The sampling technique refers to the technique used for getting response from the
respondent. Probability sampling refers to the technique wherein each and every unit of the
universe has an equal chance of being selected as sample. Non probability sampling refers
to the technique wherein each and every unit does not stand an equal chance of being as
sample and sample chosen relies on the personal judgment of researcher. The researcher can
arbitrarily or consciously decide what elements to include in the sample.
For the purpose of this study, probability sampling will be used which relies on the
chance to select sample elements. The purpose of using this technique was to yield good
estimates of the population characteristics within non-probability sampling.

It is the least expensive and least time consuming of all sampling techniques. Sampling units
are accessible, easy to measure and co-operative so convenient sampling will be used for the
purpose of project. The retail investors who invest through various consultants and banks
were interviewed.

A structured Questionnaire supported by personal interviews has been used to collect
primary data in this project.

IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 40

The data collected for the research includes both primary and secondary data. As the
research is descriptive and involves the study of investment patterns of retail investors, most
of the data used is primary. Secondary data has been used to support the study at some


The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and research
plan chalked out. While deciding about the method of data collection to be used for the
study the researcher should keep in mind two types of data via: primary and secondary. The
primary data are those which are collected afresh and for first time, and thus happen to be
original in character, the secondary data , on the other hand , are those which have already
been passed through statistical procedure.


We collect primary data during the course of doing experiments in an experimental
research but in case we do research of the descriptive type and perform surveys ,
whether sample surveys or census surveys , then we can obtain primary data either
through observation or direct communication with the respondents in one form or
another or through personal interviews . in other words there are several methods of
collecting primary data, particularly in surveys and descriptive researches . Important
ones are
à Observation method
à Interview method
à Questionnaires
In this project the source of primary data collection are structured questionnaire supported
by interviews. This has further helped me in the study while giving recommendations and
establishing the co-relations in the project.

IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 41

Secondary data means that are already available i.e .They refer to the data which gave
already been collected and analyzed by someone else. The collection of secondary data has
been done by various publications, books, magazines, journals, newspaper and internet. By
way of caution, the researcher, before using data, must see that they possess following
à Reliability of data
à Suitability of data
à Adequacy of data

IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 42


This analysis displays the division of sample according to the occupation. A total of 100 people
were surveyed.
Table 1

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid SALARIED 44 44.0 44.0 44.0
BUSINESS 24 24.0 24.0 68.0
PROFESSIONAL 32 32.0 32.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0


IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 43

How the customers find salary and savings account provided by Axis Bank?


very good

IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 44

Do customers have any other product of AXIS BANK other than savings and salary
account? (Like term deposit, mutual funds, insurance, home loan, car loan etc.)



Are the customers satisfied with their savings and salary account?

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Which bank is better in providing services regarding transactions?



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Which is better bank in ease of access (both branch & ATM)?



Which bank’s accounts provide greater flexibility?

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Are you satisfied with the relationship manager’s service provided by Axis Bank?

Relationship Manager service


Which channel you use to access your account?

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Which are the areas of improvement?



IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 49

 The bank has good relation with its customers. The customers are very satisfied with the
relationship manager service provided by Axis Bank.

 The bank and its customers have a long term relationship. Axis Bank has the tendency to
retain its customers at any cost. They believe that the old customer is more profitable in
stead of a new one that’s why they try to maintain good and long term relations to their

 Less no. of customer use mobile banking or net banking.

 The accounts of axis bank (both salary & saving) provide great flexibility in terms of

 The accounts of these three banks don’t have much difference in terms of features but
when it comes to service providing the Axis Bank gets an edge because of their great
customer services.

IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 50

 The axis bank has good no. of branches and ATM’s that’s why it has more ease of access.

 The customers of Axis Bank are satisfied with their savings and salary accounts.


 The study mainly was on the customer orientation that how they think, what they want
from their banks and how they take decision going to any bank.

 In this study I found that the bond of Axis Bank with its customers is very strong,
because Axis Bank mainly focuses on retaining their customers.

 This study finds that however Axis Bank is not the leading private sector bank but its vast
range of products and availability of options make it one of the better banks in India.

 The bank should focus on the semi urban and rural market because these markets are very
good opportunity for someone like Axis Bank which is in growing face. Without

IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 51

expanding in these markets Axis Bank can not be a leading bank so they should focus on
this market.

 The bank should focus on mass banking in order to increase their market share. They
should launch such products which would be within the reach of the lower middle class

 The bank should pay more attention on giving updates and should increase the level of
service providing because the competitors of axis are better in this area.

 The bank should try to increase the use of technology like mobile and net banking among
its customers.


(Dear Sir/Madam, I am an MBA student doing a survey on study of salary and saving account of Axis
Bank,HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank as a part of my course curriculum, as an intern at AXIS BANK,
Kanpur. I request you to kindly spare some of your valuable time answering the questionnaire. The
information collected through this questionnaire are meant purely for academic purpose.)

1. Name:
2. Sex: (Male/Female)
3. Age:
IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 52
a) 20-30 yrs
b) 30-40 yrs
c) 40-50 yrs
d) More than 50 yrs

4. Educational Qualification:
a) Less than High School
b) High School
c) Intermediate
d) Graduate
e) Post-Graduate

5. Marital status:
a) Single
b) Married

6. If married, is your spouse working?

a) Yes
b) No

7. No. of dependents in the family?

a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) More than 4

8. Occupation:
a) Public sector employee
b) Private sector employee
c) Business
d) Retired
e) Professional

9. Which income group do you belong to?

a) Less than 50,000 p.a.
b) 50,000 to 1, 00,000 p.a.
c) 1, 00,000 to 3, 00,000 p.a.
d) 3, 00,000 to 5, 00,000 p.a.
e) More than 5, 00, 000 p.a.

10. How you find the salary/saving accounts of Axis Bank?

a) very good
b) good
c) excellent
d) poor

IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 53

e) satisfactory

11. Do you have any other product of axis ban other than salary/saving account?

a) Yes
b) No
12. Are you satisfied with your salary/saving account?
a) Yes
b) No
13. Which bank has ease of access?
a) Axis bank
b) HDFC Bank
c) ICICI bank
14. Which bank offers you the flexibility in its products?
a) Axis Bank
b) HDFC Bank
c) ICICI Bank

15. Which is the area of improvement for Axis Bank?

a) Products
b) RM
c) Services
d) Technology
e) Updates


IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 54


 Malhotra N. K, Research Methods in Business, Pearson Education Publication, 4 th

Edition 2005

IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 55


I hereby declare that the Project work entitled,


COMPETITORS(write the title in Block Letters) submitted by me for the partial fulfillment of the

Post Graduate Program (PGP) to IILM Institute for Higher Education, is my own original work

and has not been submitted earlier either to IILM or to any other Institution for the fulfillment

IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 56

of the requirement for any course of study. I also declare that no chapter of this manuscript in

whole or in part is lifted and incorporated in this report from any earlier / other work done by

me or others.


Date : 10-07-2010

Signature of Student

Name of Student: __VAIBHAV DIXIT




IILM Institute for Higher Education Page 57

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