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Food Chemistry 232 (2017) 621632

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Evaluation of antioxidant potential of Artocarpus heterophyllus L. J33

variety fruit waste from different extraction methods and identification
of phenolic constituents by LCMS
Mohd Nazrul Hisham Daud a,b, Dian Nashiela Fatanah a, Noriham Abdullah a,c, Rohaya Ahmad a,d,
Faculty of Applied Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
Food Safety and Forensic Department, Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Malaysia Institute of Transport, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
Atta-ur-Rahman Institute for Natural Products Discovery (AuRIns), Universiti Teknologi MARA, 42300 Bandar Puncak Alam, Selangor, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Artocarpus heterophyllus J33 (AhJ33) fruit is a popular and valuable jackfruit variety in Malaysia. For
Received 24 June 2016 export, the pulp has to be separated from the skin which is usually discarded. Hence, the conversion
Received in revised form 1 April 2017 of the fruit waste to food products with economic value needs to be explored utilizing the waste to
Accepted 3 April 2017
wealth concept. This paper reports the evaluation of antioxidant potential of AhJ33 fruit waste (rind
Available online 5 April 2017
and rachis) extracts from three different extraction methods (maceration, percolation and Soxhlet).
The antioxidant potential was assessed by DPPH radical scavenging, FRAP and b-carotene bleaching
assays. The total phenolic and total flavonoid contents were estimated by TPC and the TFC assays. For
Artocarpus heterophyllus J33
Fruit waste
both rind and rachis, the maceration technique yielded extracts with the strongest antioxidant activities
Antioxidant which correlated with the highest TPC and TFC values. TOF LCMS analyses identified two phenolic acids
Total phenolic content as the major constituents responsible for the antioxidant activity of the active extracts.
Total flavonoid content 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction purpose, fruits usually undergo minimal processing to prolong the

postharvest storage life and maintain freshness (Punan et al.,
Artocarpus heterophyllus J33 (AhJ33) variety is the most eco- 2000). For the export of AhJ33 variety, only the pulps (with the
nomically important variety among Artocarpus species in Malay- seed) are isolated while the rest of the fruit parts are usually dis-
sia. In 2010 under the Economic Transformation Program, the carded as waste. Hence, the aim of our study was to convert
government has come out with Entry Point Project 7 (NKEA) in AhJ33 fruit waste to a food product with economic value based
which the agricultural sector focuses on improving the export on the reported nutritional properties of the fruit (Baliga,
capacity of fruits and vegetables to the premium level in order to Shivashankara, Haniadka, Dsouza, & Bhat, 2011).
increase local fruit exports. Until 2014, up to 5000 hectares of land Previous reports on A. heterophyllus found that extracts (includ-
has been planted with this A. heterophyllus variety. In 2014, the ing the pulp, leaf and root bark) possess moderate to high antiox-
production of fruits was reported to be 33,788 tonnes with a pro- idant activities. In general, the methanolic, ethanolic and aqueous
ductivity of 11.2 (tonne/hectare) generating a total income of crude extracts of A. heterophyllus showed more effective antioxi-
about Ringgit Malaysia 107 million (Ministry of Agricultural and dant activity compared to the acetone extract (Baliga et al., 2011;
Agro-Based Industry Malaysia, 2015). The fruits from this species Biworo, Tanjung, Iskandar, & Suhartono, 2015). For the pulp, the
are exported widely throughout the world market mostly to Singa- major chemical constituents which contributed to the antioxidant
pore, China, Macau, Hong Kong, Middle East and Europe. For export activity in the methanol extract were reported to be b-carotenes
(Biworo et al., 2015). From the leaf, root and bark methanol
extracts, flavonoids have been reported to contribute significantly
Corresponding author at: Faculty of Applied Sciences, Universiti Teknologi
to the antioxidant activities which were evaluated by the DPPH
MARA, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.
E-mail addresses: (M.N.H. Daud), nashiela_beez@yahoo.
assay (Ko, Cheng, Lin, & Teng, 1998). A preliminary phytochemical (D.N. Fatanah), (N. Abdullah), rohayaah- study on A. heterophyllus has been reported for the skin of the fruit (R. Ahmad).
0308-8146/ 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
622 M.N.H. Daud et al. / Food Chemistry 232 (2017) 621632

(Sharma, Gupta, & Verma, 2015). However, to date, there has been approach adopted in this study employs the method of Vongsak
no specific reports on the antioxidant activities of the rind and et al. (2013) with some minor modifications.
rachis extracts.
The extraction process is extremely important as the first step 2.3.1. Maceration
in the treatment of plant materials for further phytomedicinal The sample (1.0 kg) was macerated with 2 L 70% ethanol for
screening and phytochemical investigations. The basic process for 72 h at room temperature (25 C) with occasional shaking. The
extraction included steps such as pre-washing, drying of plant extract was filtered through a Whatman No. 1 filter paper and
materials, grinding and other steps to the kinetics of extraction the marc was re-extracted with the same amount of solvent. The
and increase the contact of sample surface with the solvents solvent was evaporated off to yield the crude rind maceration
(Sasidharan, Chen, Saravanan, Sundram, & Yoga Latha, 2011). extract (RDM) and crude rachis maceration extract (RCM).
Solid-liquid extraction known as leaching or lixiviation has been
widely used for recovering secondary metabolite from plants using 2.3.2. Percolation
solvents (Luque de Castro & Priego-Capote, 2010). The extraction Solvent (70% ethanol) was added to the sample (1.0 kg) and the
process usually involved thermal and non-thermal methods. For mixture was allowed to stand for 1 h. The mixture was then trans-
thermal extraction, the Soxhlet method has been accepted as a ferred gradually (400 ml volume at a time until 4 L) into a fabri-
standard technique and remains as a primary reference in the cated glass percolator (40 cm  6 cm) set at a flow rate of 1 ml/min
development of modern thermal extraction methods such as at room temperature (25 C) until the extraction completed. The
microwave-assisted Soxhlet extraction and ultrasound-assisted extract obtained was filtered and the solvent was evaporated off
Soxhlet extraction. Traditionally, the non-thermal extraction pro- to yield the crude rind percolation extract (RDP) and crude rachis
cess has been carried out through maceration and percolation percolation extract (RCP).
especially to extract non-volatile phytochemical (Sarker, Latif, &
Gray, 2006). It has been reported that extraction methods may 2.3.3. Soxhlet
affect the phytochemical constituents of a plant (Pothitirat, The sample (1.0 kg) was placed into a thimble and extracted
Chomnawang, Supabphol, & Gritsanapan, 2010). Hence, for the first with 70% ethanol (4 L) in a Soxhlet apparatus at boiling tempera-
phase of this study, this paper reports the evaluation of antioxidant ture for 5 h. The extract obtained was filtered through a Whatman
potential of AhJ33 fruit waste (rind and rachis) extracts from three No. 1 filter paper. The solvent was evaporated off to yield the crude
different extraction methods (maceration, percolation and Soxhlet) rind Soxhlet extract (RDS) and crude rachis Soxhlet extracts (RCS).
evaluated by DPPH, FRAP and b-carotene assays. The phenolic and
flavonoid contents estimated by the TPC and TFC assays were then 2.4. Determination of scavenging activities
correlated against these antioxidant activities. However, the inter-
pretation of the values took into account the limitation of these The chemical assay was based on method described by Ahmad
assays, as reported by Pekal and Pyrzynska (2014). Finally, the et al. (2005). The antioxidant potential of the crude extract of
major antioxidant constituents which may be responsible for the AhJ33 fruit waste was assessed on the basis of their scavenging
activities were identified using LCMS-TOF. activity on the stable 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free
radical. All test samples were prepared by dissolving 1.0 mg of
samples into 1.0 ml 70% ethanol. A solution of DPPH was prepared
2. Materials and methods
by dissolving 5.0 mg DPPH in 2.0 ml of methanol and the solution
kept in the dark at room temperature. Different concentrations of
2.1. General instrumentation
the test samples were prepared in 96-well microtitre plates. Five
Solvents were evaporated using Buchi Rotavapor R210 at 45 C.
ll of methanolic DPPH solution was added to each well. The plate
was shaken to ensure thorough mixing before being placed in the
The UVVis was recorded on ELISA spectrophotometer Spectramax
dark and wrapped with aluminum foil. After 30 min, the absor-
Plus (Molecular Devices). Mass of compounds was obtained from
bance of the solution was analyzed using an ELISA reader at a
mass analyzer 6224 TOF LC/MS Agilent Technologies consisting
wavelength of 517 nm. Percentage inhibition by sample treatment
of an electrospray (ESI) source system run in negative mode.
was determined by comparison with 70% ethanol treated control
group. All test analyses were run in triplicates and the readings
2.2. Plant material were averaged. Quercetin (Sigma, USA) was used as positive con-
trol. In the DPPH method, the antioxidant activity is described by
Non-seasoning type of Malaysian Artocarpus heterophyllus fruit percent inhibition;
(AhJ33) for antioxidant and LCMS analysis was obtained from com-
Percent inhibition Abs control
mercial source at Taman Kekal Pengeluaran Makanan Lancang
Pahang, Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia. The rachis and rind of the  Abs sample=Abs control100
fruits were separated, cut into small pieces (2.0 mm) and oven-
dried at 40 C for 48 h.
2.5. Ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assay

2.3. Extraction process The FRAP assay was carried according to method of Dian,
Noriham, Nooraain, and Azizah (2015). The FRAP reagent was
The extraction approach was carried out using maceration, per- freshly prepared by mixing 300 mM acetate and glacial acetic acid
colation and Soxhlet techniques. A mixture of ethanol and water buffer (pH 3.6), 20 mM ferric chloride and 10 mM 2-4-6-tripyridyl-
was used as the extracting solvent since numerous studies have s-triazine (TPTZ) was made to 40 mM hydrochloride at a ratio of
reported on its efficiency in extracting phenolic and polyphenolic 10:1:1. All test samples were prepared by dissolving 1.0 mg of
constituents (Laghari, Memon, Nelofar, & Laghari, 2011; Vongsak sample into 1.0 ml 70% ethanol. Briefly, 0.1 ml sample/standard
et al., 2013). Ethanol-water mixtures are suited to penetrate the was mixed with 3 ml FRAP reagent and 3 ml distilled water. The
hydrophobic areas of the vegetable matrix and help to precipitate mixture was incubated in the dark at 37 C for 8 min and the absor-
soluble proteins, facilitating further processing. The extraction bance at 595 nm was then read using UVVis spectrophotometer.
M.N.H. Daud et al. / Food Chemistry 232 (2017) 621632 623

The total antioxidant activity of AhJ33 variety fruit waste extracts gradient 100 ml/min. Two set of solvents used known as solvent A
were determined against a standard of known FRAP values and was and B. Solvent A and solvent B consist of H2O: MeOH (8:2) with
expressed as lM of trolox equivalent (lM TE)/ml of extract. 0.1% formic acid and ACN with 0.1% formic acid. Combination of both
solvent in LC system was set at a ratio of solvent A: solvent B, 95:5
2.6. b-Carotene bleaching assay with gradient elution: from 5% solvent B at 0 min, 55% solvent B at
30 min to 100% solvent B at 40 min. The eluent was monitored with
The b-carotene bleaching assay was based on method devel- a diode array detector at k 254, 280 and 310 nm.
oped by Velioglu, Mazza, Gao, and Oomah (1998). The b-carotene The acquisition method for mass spectrometer was set for dual
(0.2 mg in 1 ml chloroform), linoleic acid (0.02 ml) and Tween 20 ESI for ion source with minimum range MS 100 and maximum at
(0.2 ml) were transferred into a round bottom flask. Chloroform 1000. The gas temperature was set at 350 C, drying gas flow at
was removed at room temperature under vacuum at reduced pres- 8 L/min, nebulizer gas at 30 psi, capillary voltage at 4000 V, frag-
sure using rotary evaporator. Following evaporation, 50 ml of dis- ment voltage at 175 V, skimmer voltage at 65 V, and OCT 1 RF at
tilled water was added and the mixture was then shaken 750 V. Scan segment was carried out for both positive (+) and neg-
vigorously to form an emulsion. About 2 ml aliquots of the emul- ative () mode. Data processing was performed using Agilent
sion were pipetted into test tubes containing 0.2 ml of ethanol MassHunter Workstation software. The reference masses involved
(as negative control)/combination of BHA/BHT standard (as posi- were TFA anion (112.985587) and TFA adduct (1033.988109) in
tive control)/AhJ33 variety fruit waste extracts and immediately order to verify the high resolution of mass spectrometry, which
placed in a water bath at 50 C for 120 min. The initial Abs0 (at confirmed that parent ion and source induced dissociation frag-
time = 0 min) and final Abs120 (at time 120 min) was read at ment could provide the accurate mass information.
470 nm. Antioxidant activity (AA) was expressed as percent of Identification of constituents were carried-out using TOF LCMS
inhibition relative to the control, using following formula: data processer (Agilent MassHunter Workstation) and online data-
base. Mass value m/z obtained from ESI chromatogram for sub-
Abssample  Abs120 fraction was analyzed using LCMS tool system known as Formula
Antioxidant activity %  100
Abs0  Abs120 calculator. Data such as molecular formula and mass (m/z) for the
selected peak on the chromatogram was generated by the system.
Analysis for mass to charge ratio (m/z) on selected peaks was
2.7. Determination of total phenolic content
carried-out using ESI Scan experiment. The major target for mass
to charge ratio (m/z) in this experiment was the major values or
The total phenolic content for extracts and fractions were car-
known as base peak and other related value the shows high possi-
ried out according to the Folin-Ciocalteu method as reported by
bility and accuracy according to LCMS Formula calculator analy-
Harbourne, Marete, Jacquier, and ORiordan, (2009). All test sam-
sis. All generated data was based on calculated mass (m/z) of the
ples were prepared by dissolving 1.0 mg of samples into 1.0 ml
exact compound and the range of accuracy was less 7.0 ppm. The
70% ethanol. The reaction mixture contains 200 ll sample, 500 ll
molecular formula and mass value obtained from Formula calcula-
Folin-Ciocalteu reagent (Merck, Germany), 1.5 ml of 20% sodium
tor was further subjected to online database for identification of
carbonate and 7.8 ml of distilled water. The solution was mixed
constituent structures. Two major online databases known as
and incubated for 2 h. The absorbance of the solution was then
Chemspider and Drugbank were used in order to facilitate identifi-
analyzed using UVVis spectrophotometer at a wavelength of
cation for structure of the constituents.
760 nm. The total phenolic content was calculated as mg of gallic
acid equivalents per gram of dry extract (mg GAE/g DE).
2.10. Statististical analysis
2.8. Determination of total flavonoids content
All experiments were run in triplicates. Statistical analyses were
The determination of total flavonoid content (TFC) was per- conducted with the Statistical Analysis System (SAS) 9.1.3 software
formed based on aluminium chloride colorimetric method as package. Analyses of variance were performed by ANOVA proce-
described by Kim, Jeong, and Lee (2003) using quercetin as a stan- dures. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were determined by least
dard. All the test samples were prepared by dissolving 1.0 mg of square means comparison.
samples into 1.0 ml 70% ethanol. Total flavonoid content was
expressed as milligram of quercetin equivalents per gram of dry 3. Results and discussion
extract or mg QE/g DE.
The investigation on the effect of three extraction methods on
2.9. LCMS profiling and identification the percent yield, antioxidant activities, total phenolic content
and total flavonoid content of AhJ33 variety fruit waste yielded
Profiling of the crude extracts was carried-out using a combina- the following results:
tion of chromatographic separation Agilent HPLC 1200 series and
mass analyzer 6224 TOF LC/MS Agilent Technologies consisting 3.1. Percent yield
electrospray (ESI) source system. The chromatographic instrument
was Agilent HPLC 1200 series system equipped with an auto sampler Table 1 shows the percent yield of crude extracts obtained from
(G1367D), binary pump 1260 (G1312B), column compartment the three extraction methods for the rind and rachis of AhJ33 variety
(G1316B) and Diode Array Detector 1260 DAD (G1315C) for spectro- along with other antioxidant values. The results showed that the
scopic scanning. The chromatographic separation was performed extraction method played an important role in extracting phyto-
using GL Sciences - Inertsustain Column C-18 (250 mm  4.6 mm, chemicals. For the rind, the percolation method yielded the highest
i.d., 5 mm) and temperature set at 40 C for both left and right side. percent yield of crude extract with 33.8%, followed by the macera-
The liquid chromatography (LC) parameters such as injection vol- tion method with percent yield of 28.0% and Soxhlet with the lowest
ume was set for 5ul at auto sampler (G1367D), binary pump was percent yield of 12.1% (RDP > RDM > RDS). Similarly, for the rachis,
set till 45.01 min with post time 4.99 min, flow rate 0.6 ml/min, the same trend was observed where the yield of crude extract was
minimum pressure 1 bar and maximum pressure 400 bar, max flow in the order of RCP > RCM > RCS, as shown in Table 1.
624 M.N.H. Daud et al. / Food Chemistry 232 (2017) 621632

The relatively high percent yield for RDP and RCP may be justi-

RDM (rind-maceration), RDP (rind-percolation), RDS (rind-soxhlet), RCM (rachis-maceration), RCP (rachis-percolation) and RCS (rachis-soxhlet). Values are expressed as mean standard deviation. Means with different letters
0.9256 0.0471

0.9577 0.0339
fied by the fact that, in the percolation technique, the saturated
solvent (70% ethanol) which is capable of extracting polar com-
TFC & Beta-

TFC & Beta-


pounds is permanently replaced by fresh or unsaturated solvent
that works its way down through the marc (Busia, 2016). However,
the Soxhlet technique which involves thermal reaction could cause
degradation of polar constituents (easily extractable by 70% EtOH)

0.9376 0.0469
0.8091 0.0103

leading to low yields. This could justify why the Soxhlet technique


was found to be more effective in the extraction of non-polar com-

pounds such as terpenes rather than polar compounds such as
phenolics and polyphenolics (Hossain, Al-Toubi, Weli, Al-Riyami,
& Al-Sabahi, 2013).
0.9911 0.0011

0.9931 0.0006


3.2. Antioxidant activity

The antioxidant activity for all crude extracts prepared from the
Percent yield, total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC) and antioxidant activity as measured by the DPPH radical-scavenging, FRAP and beta-carotene assays.

three different extraction techniques, as measured by the DPPH,

0.8459 0.0621

0.8656 0.0735

FRAP and b-carotene bleaching methods along with their correla-

TPC & Beta

TPC & Beta

tion coefficients are shown in Table 1. In the DPPH assay, RDM



showed the highest scavenging activity with 94.4% inhibition fol-

lowed by RDP with 50% inhibition and RDS with 43.0% inhibition.
The rachis crude extracts from the three extraction methods
0.6884 0.0392

0.9920 0.0100

showed the same trend in the order of RCM > RCP > RCS with per-
Pearsons correlation coefficient

Pearsons correlation coefficient

cent inhibition of 62.0, 44.0 and 38.0%, respectively. Similarly, in



terms of the reductive ability of antioxidants, as evaluated by

the FRAP assay, RDM exhibited the highest value followed by
RDP and RDS with 26.4, 24.6 and 15.8 mM TE/ml of extract, respec-
Pearsons correlation coefficient strength value: Weak = 0.20.39; moderate = 0.40.59; Strong = 0.60.79; Very strong = 0.81.0.

tively. The rachis crude extracts from the three extraction methods
0.9999 0.0014

0.9931 0.0052

also showed the same trend in the order of RCM > RCP  RCS with


18.7, 15.7 and 15.6 mM TE/ml of dry extract, respectively. In the

b-carotene bleaching assay, the order of antioxidant activity was
found to be the same as in the DPPH and FRAP assays. The percent


bleaching of b-carotene for rind extracts was RDM > RDP > RDS
54.1 0.3b

25.2 0.8b

with 59.0, 54.1 and 43.0%, respectively. Similarly, for the rachis
28.9 0.9a
59.0 1.0a

25.3 0.4c

20.0 0.5c



extracts, the order of activity was RCM > RCP > RCS with values


of 28.9, 25.2 and 20%, respectively.



It is interesting to note that despite the moderate percent yield

TE/ml of dry

TE/ml of dry

for RDM and RCM, both exhibited the highest antioxidant activities
24.6 0.9b

15.7 0.3b
15.6 0.2b
26.4 0.7a

18.7 0.2a
15.8 0.5c


which indicated that the maceration process is effective in extract-



ing phytochemicals. This is justifiable because maceration softens

and breaks the plant cell wall in order to release the soluble phy-
tochemicals and hence preserving the active constituents (Luque
44.0 0.1b
50.0 0.1b
94.4 0.1a

62.0 0.1a
43.0 0.1c

38.0 0.1c


de Castro & Priego-Capote, 2010). In contrast, the percolation tech-



nique may not be an effective method. Although it could increase



the percent yield of extractive substances (as seen for RDP and
RCP), the solvent may not reach all areas causing interference
content, mg QE/g

content, mg QE/g

and finally lowering the efficiency of extraction of active compo-

Total flavonoid

Total flavonoid


nents. This is in line with a previous study as reported by Sarker

511.6 1.0b
871.4 1.2a

381.4 1.1c
dry extract

dry extract

429.4 1.1
660.9 1.1

300.6 1.1

et al. (2006). Furthermore, since 70% ethanol was used as the sol-
vent in this study, primary metabolite constituents such as sugars
could be easily extracted (Balto et al., 2016) contributing to the
overall percent yield but not the antioxidant activity. Between
content, mg GAE/g

content, mg GAE/g

the rind and rachis, the rind extract showed stronger antioxidant
Total phenolic

Total phenolic

activity indicating a significant difference in the composition of

dry extract

dry extract
79.5 0.1b

74.0 0.1b
84.9 0.1a

77.2 0.1a

73.5 0.1c
79.0 0.1c

their chemical constituents which can be estimated by the TPC

are significantly different (p < 0.05).

and the TFC assays.

3.3. Total phenolic content (TPC)


28.0 0.1b

29.0 0.1b
33.8 0.1a

43.9 0.1a
12.1 0.1c

16.3 0.1c

% Yield of

% Yield of

The total phenolic content of the extracts as evaluated by the

Folin-Ciocalteu method is shown in Table 1. Among the rind
extracts, RDM showed the highest phenolic content with


84.9 mg GAE/g DE followed by RDP (79.5 mg GAE/g DE) and


Table 1



RDS with 79.0 mg GAE/g DE. The rachis extracts showed the


same trend as the rind in the order of RCM > RCP > RCS with
M.N.H. Daud et al. / Food Chemistry 232 (2017) 621632 625

Fig. 1. Total ion chromatogram (TIC) and LC profiles at k 254, 280 and 310 nm of RDM (a) and RCM (b).

77.2, 74.0 and 73.5 mg GAE/g DE, respectively. As shown in the highest levels of phenolic compounds especially phenolic
Table 1, a very strong correlation was indeed observed between acids group are often found in the external parts of the ripe fruit
TPC-DPPH, indicated by high Pearsons correlation coefficient val- and these could contribute to high antioxidant capacity (Hidalgo
ues of r > 0.8 for both rind and rachis. The DPPH scavenging & Almajano, 2017).
activity showed the highest correlation coefficient values with
TPC for both rind (r > 0.9999) and rachis (r > 0.9931) compared 3.4. Total flavonoid content (TFC)
to others. These findings are supported by a study by
McDonald, Prenzler, Antolovich, and Robards (2001) which found Flavonoids are a family of polyphenolic compounds almost
that in general, extracts with high amount of phenolic content ubiquitous in plants and play a major role for human health
could significantly contribute to high antioxidant activity. The especially as antioxidant agent. Previous studies on A. heterophyl-
higher TPC values obtained for the rind may be explained by lus reported the isolation of flavonoids from the leaves, stems,
the higher accumulation of phenolic compounds in the external barks, heartwoods and pulp. This warrants an evaluation of the
part compared to inner part since their formation is a light- total flavonoid content of the rind and rachis crude extracts.
dependent process (Guanghou & Lai, 2006; Ribera, Reyes-Daz, The TFC values obtained from three different extraction methods
Alberdi, Zuiga, & Mora, 2010). It has also been reported that are shown in Table 1, showing the same trend as the TPC values.
626 M.N.H. Daud et al. / Food Chemistry 232 (2017) 621632


a b d
c e





Rind extracts




Fig. 2. (a) LC profiles of RDM, RDS and RDP at k 280 nm (b) comparison of intensity strengths for peak d and e from rind extracts.

For the rind extracts, RDM showed the highest TFC value with that contain these functional groups (such as phenolic acids) will
871.4 mg QE/g DE compared to RDP and RDS with 511.6 and also yield positive results due to complex formation as shown
381.4 mg QE/g DE, respectively. For the rachis extracts, RCM below (Cornard, Lapouge, & Andre, 2013; Hirpaye & Rao, 2013).
exhibited the highest TFC value of 660.9 mg QE/g DE, followed
by RCP and RCS with values of 429.4 and 300 mg QE/g DE, O O
respectively. The TFC values for both rind and rachis extracts
showed very strong correlations with antioxidant activities, indi- OH
cated by their high correlation coefficients (r > 0.8) between TFC-
DPPH, and TFC-FRAP, as shown in Table 1. As in the TPC assay,
the DPPH scavenging activity also showed the highest correlation HO O
coefficient values TFC values for both rind (r > 0.9911) and rachis OH Al+ O
(r > 0.9931) compared to others.
In principle, the mechanism for the detection in both assays is O O

based on functional groups such as carbonyl and hydroxyl

(Blainski, Lopes, & de Mello, 2013) which are usually present in OH O
the flavonoids skeleton (Liu & Guo, 2015; Pontis, da Costa, da
Silva, & Flach, 2014). The values are based on the formation of a OH O
complex between Al(III) and carbonyl and hydroxyl groups that
are usually present in flavonoids skeleton. However, compounds OH OH
M.N.H. Daud et al. / Food Chemistry 232 (2017) 621632 627

Fig. 3. (a) LC profiles of RCM, RCS and RCP at k 280 nm (b) comparison of intensity strengths for peak d from rachis extracts.

Hence, the TFC value could instead represent the content of mode was more sensitive for profiling phenolic and polyphenolic
phenolic acids instead of the flavonoids. The good correlation group of constituents, and this due to its capability to form nega-
between the TFC value and antioxidant activity in this study indi- tive ions readily especially in ESI (Hua & Jenke, 2012).
cated that this type of compound could be responsible for the
strong antioxidant activity observed (Dian et al., 2015) although
3.5.1. Rind extracts
the value ordinarily gives an estimation of flavonoid content.
Fig. 1 (a) and (b) shows the total ion chromatogram (TIC) along
with the LC chromatograms at k 254, 280 and 310 nm of RDM and
3.5. Profiling RCM, respectively. Since phenolics mostly absorb at k 280 nm
(Zhang et al., 2013), we shall base our following discussion for
In this study, LCMS was used in the negative mode for profiling RDM, RCM and other extracts on the LC profile at this wavelength
constituents since it has illustrated better resolution compared to rather than on the TIC profiles. As shown in Fig. 2 (a), the LC profile
LCMS run in the positive mode. As reported by previous studies of RDM, RDP and RDS at 280 nm shows the presence of phenolic
(Mena et al., 2012; Plazonic et al., 2009), LCMS run in the negative constituents in the extracts with some notable differences. RDM
628 M.N.H. Daud et al. / Food Chemistry 232 (2017) 621632

Table 2
MS data analysis for peaks a, b, c, d and e in the chromatogram of rind and rachis crude extracts of AhJ33 fruit waste.

Peak a
Molecular Formula m/z (Observed) m/z (Calculated) Diff (ppm) % Score Structure and Name
C6 H12 O7 195.0508 195.051 1.15 99.75

Gluconic acid
C18 H18O9 377.0843 377.0878 9.30 86.59

Vaccihein A
C25 H30 O13 537.1654 537.1614 7.50 77.29

C24 H44 O22 683.2238 683.2228 1.97 97.53

Stachyose hydrate
Peak b
Molecular Formula m/z (Observed) m/z (Calculated) Diff (ppm) % Score Structure and Name
C7 H12 O6 191.0567 191.0561 3.06 98.29

Quinic acid
Peak c
Molecular Formula m/z (Observed) m/z (Calculated) Diff (ppm) % Score Structure and Name
C 5 H 4 O3 111.0091 111.0088 2.97 99.24

Pyromeconic acid
C 6 H 4 O5 154.9985 154.9986 0.62 99.95

Comenic acid
M.N.H. Daud et al. / Food Chemistry 232 (2017) 621632 629

Table 2 (continued)

Peak a
Molecular Formula m/z (Observed) m/z (Calculated) Diff (ppm) % Score Structure and Name
C7 H12 O6 191.0559 191.0561 1.10 99.78

Quinic acid
Peak d
Molecular Formula m/z (Observed) m/z (Calculated) Diff (ppm) % Score Structure and Name
C 7 H 6 O4 153.0191 153.0193 1.51 99.69

Protocatechuic acid
Peak e
Molecular Formula m/z (Observed) m/z (Calculated) Diff (ppm) % Score Structure and Name
C7 H12 O6 191.0559 191.0561 1.10 99.78

Quinic acid
C16 H18 O9 353.0871 353.0878 1.99 98.53

Chlorogenic acid

showed five peaks while RDP and RDS showed two peaks only. The other phenolic compounds could justify the significantly lower
two peaks labeled as d and e represent the common constituents antioxidant activity observed for RCM as compared to RDM.
present in the extracts. In RDM, three additional peaks (a, b and Fig. 3 (b) shows the comparison of intensity strength for peak d
c) were also observed in the range 4.57.0 min. Fig. 2 (b) compares which is in the order of RCM > RCP  RCS extracts. Thus justify
the intensity strength of the major peaks d and e for RDM, RDP and the order of antioxidant activity observed for the extracts:
RDS extracts. For all extracts, peak d displayed higher intensity RCM > RCP  RCS.
than peak e and in RDS, peak e is hardly seen. For both peaks,
RDM showed the highest intensity compared to RDP and RDS. In
addition, for peak d, the intensity strength of RDM is double that 3.6. Identification of phenolic constituents by mass spectrometry
of RDP and RDS. However, there is only a slight difference in the
intensity strength between RDP and RDS for both peaks. The differ- In mass spectrometry, the identity of compounds is usually based
ence in the intensity strength of isolated peaks d and e could justify on m/z values of molecular ion peaks and other fragment ions includ-
the order of the antioxidant activities observed for the three rind ing the base peak which is the most intense ion peak in the mass
extracts, i.e. RDM > RDP > RDS. The lowest antioxidant activity for spectrum (Banerjee & Mazumdar, 2012). However, in the absence
RDS may be due to the degradation of the active constituents rep- of standards and due to unavailable database, it is not easy to iden-
resented by peaks d and e. The low intensity strength of peaks d tify compounds based on their m/z values alone. Furthermore, in cer-
and e for RDS compared to RDM and RDP (besides the absence of tain cases, the molecular ion may be unstable or can fragment into
peaks a, b and c), indicated that some constituents may be very stable species and hence may not be observed at all. Since the
degraded to a certain extent during the extraction period due to base peak represents the most stable ion, it is useful for identifying
high temperatures. These findings are supported by the work of compounds (Khan, Kennedy, & Christian, 2012).
Sarker et al. (2006). This is also observed in the LC profile and Identification of compounds represented by peaks a-e were car-
intensity strength of peaks a, b and c although it could not be ascer- ried out for RDM, RDP, RDS, RCM, RCP and RCS extracts. Fig. 4
tained as to whether these constituents contributed significantly to showed the ESI-MS for peaks a, b, c, d and e. The m/z values and
the antioxidant activities of the extracts. the corresponding molecular formulas for major peaks a-e of the
different extracts are tabulated in Table 2. These values were sub-
3.5.2. Rachis extracts jected to data mining via online database as described in 2.9 and
Fig. 3 (a) shows the LC profile of RCM extract produced from the possible molecular formulas and corresponding error/accuracy
maceration technique at k 280 nm. Unlike in RDM, only one major are also tabulated along with tentative structures and names
phenolic compound could be observed in RCM. The absence of (Table 2). The acceptable accuracy used in this study is 7 ppm.
630 M.N.H. Daud et al. / Food Chemistry 232 (2017) 621632

For peak a, three fragment ion peaks with relatively high inten- is identified as quinic acid. Other peaks which may represent the
sities at m/z 683, 537, 377 were observed. Data mining identified molecular ion peak are present in low intensities. Interestingly,
the former to be stachyose hydrate (error 1.97 ppm). Possible data mining on these peaks yielded possible structures (as shown
structures associated with m/z values of 537 and 377 are shown in Table 2) with error of less than 7 ppm. For peak c, the base peak
in Table 2. However, an error of 7.5 and 9.3 ppm, respectively at m/z 191 also suggests it to be a quinic acid derivative. In addi-
may indicate an inaccurate identification of the compound. The tion, the presence of peaks at m/z 154 and 111 in the mass spec-
existence of peaks at m/z 537 and 377 may be due to the fragmen- trum for peak c may indicate rearrangement of quinic acid to
tation of stachyose hydrate (m/z 683) but could not be positively comenic acid and pyromeconic acid.
identified due to lack of available database. The base peak at m/z Peaks d and e were two isolated peaks observed at acquisition
195 was positively identified as gluconic acid which is a common time of 911 min. Peak e is barely seen for the rachis extracts. Peak
product of the conversion of carbohydarates. For peak b, the only d is identified as protocatechuic acid from the fragment ion at m/z
intense peak is the base peak at m/z 191 (error of 3.06 ppm) which 153. This is supported by the base peak at m/z 109

Fig. 4. ESI-MS for peaks a, b, c, d and e.

M.N.H. Daud et al. / Food Chemistry 232 (2017) 621632 631

(3,4-hydroxyphenol) which resulted from the loss of the carboxyl Acknowledgements

The mass spectrum of peak e showed two distinct peaks with m/ The authors would like to thank the Faculty of Pharmacy, UiTM
z 191 and m/z 353. Data mining found the identity to be quinic acid for permission to use the TOF LC/MS instrument. MNHD would like
and chlorogenic acid, respectively. The loss of the dihydroxycin- to acknowledge MARDI for PhD scholarship award and for facilitat-
namic acid moiety from chlorogenic acid possibly resulted in qui- ing the research project (MOSTI-060308-SF0411).
nic acid as its base peak at m/z 191. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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