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Exploring How Cell Phones Effect Al-Hussaini 1

Effects that Cell Phones have on Communication; the Positives and Negatives that Cell Phones

have on Face to Face and Virtual Communication

James T. Al-Hussaini

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Exploring How Cell Phones Effect Al-Hussaini 2
This paper explores the effects that cell phones are having on communication between people. It

will compare the potential negative and positive effects that they can have on a person or a

group. Difference sources and people argue a certain view that they thing is more important, but

it comes down to really one thing. After different views are examined and deciphered at the end

of the day it really comes down to in what manner are you using your cell phone.

Effects that Cell Phones have on Communication; the Positives and Negatives that Cell Phones

have on Face to Face and Virtual Communication

Exploring How Cell Phones Effect Al-Hussaini 3
Have you ever went on a date with someone you met online? Have you ever tracked a peer or

family member using your cell phone? Have you ever broken up with someone over text? Have

you ever scheduled Facetimes or phone calls with friends or family? Have cell phones changed

the way you live?

Every invention has its purpose and although some are way more influential than

others, they all shape our society in some way. Cell phones are among some of the most

influential pieces of technology used today. Seventy seven percent of America's population own

a smartphone and ninety five percent own a cell phone in general (PEW research center, 2017).

Cell phones provide access to knowledge and opportunities, unavailable to the population only a

few years prior. Specifically, cell phones impact relationships and communication, which

benefits society as long as they are used appropriately. Since with any invention that holds such

endless possibilities there will always be the fear of an equally drastic downfall.

When looking at possible negative effects that they might have, Jill Suttie (2015)

questioned Sherry Turkle about how cell phones and other portable communication

technologies are killing the art of conversation. She responded by saying, Because

conversation is the most human and humanizing thing that we do. It is where empathy is born,

where intimacy is bornbecause of eye contact, because we can hear the tones of another

persons voice, sense their body movements, sense their presence (as cited in Suttie, 2015).

When you are talking with someone face to face there is a noticeable difference between people

who are engaged in the conversation compared to those who are just there. If a person is

distracted by cell phones and other outside agendas, it can oftentimes take away the authenticity

of a conversation. The problem is not specifically the cell phone, it is the user. In a study, Turkle

explains that, Eighty nine percent of Americans say that during their last social interaction, they
Exploring How Cell Phones Effect Al-Hussaini 4
took out a phone, and eighty two percent said that it deteriorated the conversation they were in

(as cited in Suttie, 2015) The problem here is people are using them in a manner that they were

not originally intended for. When you are talking to someone face to face you should be giving

them your undivided attention. Pulling out a phone while having a conversation can diminish the

entire experience and what is talked about, resulting in only surface level topics.

In 2002 only ten percent of the worlds population used cell phones and by 2005 that

number had quadrupled to forty six percent (Pierce, as cited in Toadvine, 2015). Pierce

conducted a study to see if there was a correlation between time spent on different media

platforms and stress or anxiety. He claimed that he did indeed find a correlation between social

anxiety of face to face interaction which increases with the amount of online interaction one

participates in (Pierce, as cited in Toadvine, 2015). Cell phones are the primary source of

todays social media revolution. The reaction of likes and comments on a persons post, now

correlates to how popular, successful, or even how that person views him or herself. On the

contrary, a person's profile has become their individual brand as well as a main tool used by

employers and colleges when deciding acceptances. Today's society can not afford to make one

mistake, unlike previous generations, because once a photo or comment is put online it can not

be undone. Cell phones 24/7 access to social media has made people more enthralled with

pursuing a life inside their phones than the outside world. The younger generations are the ones

that seem to be having the biggest issue. Since their world seems to revolve around cell phones

and social media, they are starting to lack certain skills that are going to be imperative for the

rest of their lives. This can impact tasks such as professional interviews and important meetings,

since younger generations are lacking proper etiquette skills and can not handle themselves
Exploring How Cell Phones Effect Al-Hussaini 5
professionally. Especially when dealing with older generations that thrive in face to face

communication and can define their future.

Although cell phones can lead to misinterpretations, their benefits are far too

compelling to overlook. Being able to maintain strong relationships with family members who

live all over the globe or friends who are pursuing their dreams at different Universities, is a

luxury I am so grateful for. Cell phones have the ability to bring people closer together and start

relationships that may not have been possible before. Without them, developing relationships

would be far more difficult, regardless of whether they were personal or work related. They give

us access to people in countries and cities all over the world and help further our understanding

of others.

People who have busier schedules or more introverted personalities now have a new avenue to

which they can put themselves out there. This is extremely pertinent because the online world

provides these men and women with a new chance to meet friends and even find their life partner

in ways that were not previously available. A majority of the younger generation tends to feel

more comfortable behind their phones. It's easier to have a conversation with someone you never

met, when you have the time to think about responses and ease your way into meeting someone.

Cell phones help to eliminate the pressure of first dates since you already worked through the

awkward small talkand can jump right into more meaningful discussions. Nowadays, nearly

sixteen million Americans who are married or in a committed relationship say they have met

online through dating apps and websites (PEW research center, 2017). Researchers also claim

couples that met through social media or dating websites have a 6 percent divorce rate compared

to 8 percent from partnerships made offline (Express, 2017). This gives us reason to believe that
Exploring How Cell Phones Effect Al-Hussaini 6
couples who have met through the use of their cell phones are more likely to succeed in the long


With around 4.7 billion cell phone users worldwide, international business has also

thrived and become much more accessible. It has allowed us to expand markets and franchises

by introducing the idea of online meetings through Skype or Facetime and made it easier to

negotiate or make deals with people all over the world. People that are exploring different job

opportunities, especially those far from home, benefit everyday from the use of cell phones

because it allows them to contact future employers to set up interviews or other necessary tasks

that help secure new jobs. In 2014 sixty three percent of companies reported that they use some

form of online interviews when searching for employees (Bjerke, 2013). Cell phones have

sparked a new era of efficiency. We can now respond to people on the go, schedule meetings,

etc. Interestingly a study found that people that use their cell phone as a way to coordinate plans

were more likely to socialize with those around them in public (Goscicki, 2011). One could

understand this because we can assume someone is more social if they are constantly using their

phones to organize plans. Having access to the internet at all times allows a person to be more

involved with current events, can help obtain answers to questions very quickly, and can even

strengthen ones sense of direction. All of these things are viable topics to spark good and

meaningful conversations with others.

Cell phones have become an essential part of todays social revolution. But there are two

possible outcomes that come with having endless potential. Cell phones can hinder your ability

to communicate efficiently in an interview or job type of setting which can have lasting effects.

You can not go through life and expect to succeed, if you do not have the proper communication

skills necessary. Cell phones can decrease the sentimental value of human interaction and can
Exploring How Cell Phones Effect Al-Hussaini 7
oftentimes lead to hurtful misinterpretation of things. They can also increase ones anxiety and

stress by constantly seeking others approval through comments and likes on social media.

However, they have given us the ability to maintain relationships with friends and family, no

matter how far apart they may be and allowed us to communicate with others much more

efficiently. I think that older generations should try and refrain from the negative evaluations of

young cell phone users and their need to check their phones. Dr Ira Hyman (2014) agrees and

thinks that we should respect them rather than make judgements. Theyve learned to effectively

maintain and enhance (and sometimes end) social relationships through the ether. Maybe they

will be more engaged with and attached to their social groups than older adults who are still

learning to keep in touch in the modern era (Hyman, 2014). Cell phones have started a new

revolution of global communication, they just have to be used accordingly. Would you ever go

on a date with someone you met online? would you ever track a peer or family member using

your phone? Would you ever break up with someone over text? Would you ever schedule

facetimes or phone calls with friends? Have cell phones changed the way you live?
Exploring How Cell Phones Effect Al-Hussaini 8


Bjerke, J. (2013, February 28). 63 Percent of Companies Use Video Interviews. Retrieved from

Express. (2017, September 16). The top 8 things you didnt know about online dating. Retrieved


from- research-results-that-will-surprise-you

Goscick, C. (2011, Mar 31). Study Discovers how Cell Phone use Affects Social Interactions.

Retrieved from

link- between-cell-phones-and-socialization-habits

Hyman, I. (2014, Jan 26). Cell Phones are Changing Social Interaction. Retrieved from

Exploring How Cell Phones Effect Al-Hussaini 9
Pew Research Center. (2017, January 12). Mobile Fact Sheet. Retrieved from

Stewart, E. (2013, Nov 25). Does Cell Phone use really Affect our Communication

Skills? Retrieved from

affect communication-skills/

Suttie, J. (2015, Dec 7). How Smartphones are Killing Conversation. Retrieved from


Toadvine, H. (2015, Sep 16). Are Cell Phones Ruining our Social Skills? Retrieved from


1. Having gone through this process, how are you defining inquiry? What can we learn from the

inquiry process?

I would define inquiry as a process by which you have a topic that you feel a certain way toward

or maybe you havent decided how you feel towards it yet. You take that topic and learn more

about it however that is and develop an opinion towards it based on what you knew and the new

knowledge you have obtained.

2.What was the most interesting thing you learned in this inquiry process?

The most interesting thing to me that I have noticed is that a large portion of the articles and

blogs and papers are geared towards the negative aspects of cell phones. I believe that there are

so many amazing positives that go along with cell phones and I just didnt get that feeling as a

whole from a lot of the sources.

Exploring How Cell Phones Effect Al-Hussaini 10
3. What did you struggle with during the research and/or writing process? How did you

overcome this obstacle?

I struggled with finding a lot of reputable sources that supported the positive side of cell phones

and how they deal with the effect on communication. There were plenty of sources that dealt

with the negative effects, but the positive ones I had to dig deeper to find. Sometimes changing

up what I searched helped. Even the change of one or two words would make all the difference.

4.Why is it important to look at the context/background of your question?

Its important because to know where your question came from and how its developed over time

because it can tell you a lot about maybe where it will go in the future. If you study what has

happened then you gain this new understanding of its power and maybe what it is capable of.

With that you might be able to make an educated guess as to what advanced might be achieved

in the future.

5. What are you most proud of in this process?

I am proud really in the fact that I have written something for my self the first time in my life and

not just for an assignment. I know this is still an assignment but I had the choice to choose what I

wanted to and that is what made it special to me. I was more interested in reading through tons of

sources and finding the best ones and really taking away something valuable from this


6. How did your opinion/stance/inquiry question change during the process?

I definitely learned more about the negative sides and aspects that cell phones can have on

communication. There were numerous studies conducted that looked into the more negative side

of cell phones, but that data did give me a lot of good insight into that opinion. A lot of times I
Exploring How Cell Phones Effect Al-Hussaini 11
just want to focus on the positives and ignore the negatives with cell phones, but this project

forced me to look at both sides which better shaped my overall opinion.

7. Please comment on how you contributed positively to your writing group, and how feedback

from your peers helped you revise your work.

In my group we focused on two main aspects in the paper. We first looked at everyones audience

and to see if they were effectively addressing them. I got some really good feedback because my

audience wasnt very well defined, so they helped me strengthen that part of my paper. The

second thing that we looked at was how to strengthen our introduction paragraph. We all agreed

that the intro paragraph is one of the most important pieces of a paper because its the first thing

that people read, but one of the hardest pieces to write. So we spent some time revising each

others so that everyone had a strong intro paragraph that grabbed that audiences attention.

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