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t n. r ci) fltrLrnlllr n LionrnansSister D

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Added by Craig Busch'sSibling

b the group "Lionmans Siste/'

Acided5 lr(rrrs ago 5nare

ffiI CraigBusch'sSiblingar8:.]6pil
LionmanCraig Buschwas the Operatorof Zion Wildlifs
Gardenslookinglike he up to no goodagain.
,un rn,, ,no,o
Report This Photo

ffit CraigBusch's Siblingat3i36flrluiy5

Or maybeLionmanCraigBuschSavesmoneyDoing
Castrationwith own t€th..

le must be hard if he can do that with t€th

Anne-[{'irieChinnafSi.irpnr 5
what the blootly hell is he doing?

NtckHoltar8:"r8nrn I
is he checkingfor worms?

Liz Cla fk at 8: 56t m l0ly 5

This is .,.beyond words

Amy Forbesat a:58t'ntsl) 5

*vomi6* eewww nightmarish stuff!

H Sam Kannemeyerdt luly 5

Unbelievable, a man in his position abusing and innocent
animal... SHOCKIN€!

ffit Craig Busch'sSiblingnt 9:l7ilfl .iulv5

And jts Zion that might explain more things too, oh poor Zion

ru sam Kannemeyerar 9:20p0-lur./ 5

What was he trying to prove i wander,.

& l0hn MillSrt 9;2lp'rJuly5


G John MillSat 9:llrlm lniv 5

Wait I see whats going on here - it would seem asthough he
is confused about the feeding rituals of the lion NO you dont
regurgitate the food up into iS mouth for easy digi€stion and
wait.... thats not its moutfi ci?,ig????j.?????????

ffi Sam Kannemeyerat 9:l5pn luly 5

Yes Ingrid they should definately see this...

F& Sara Reid .rt 9:i5s{nlUlv5

This is surely breaking a few l4AF regulation rule$,..

ffit Craig Busch'sSibllng at 9:lf'pn .trtyI

not yet w6it see how long it takes them

.. 6/A7/2009
FacebcokI Pho,$gsJrorn Page7 af 2

Itdt$ttlnrFran ttr+ ffiir)

Whendid this happened?who took that pictureR No one is
goingto sayanwng.,. they are in denial!

ffi CraigBusch's Siblingat9;39pmiulys

ib yearsold I just carneacrossit tonight on the company
computer.hahaha \

ffi CraigBusch's Julvs

Do they know already?bummer.Well they don't seemto like
the uuth do they.

Liz Clark at 9:56pnr ;uly 5

Ingridof coursethey will.

ingfld Buff at 9;56pnr lilly 5

they dont knowyet, as far as I know...just guessingthat's
what they'll say

LizClarkat ltii05pnr

lngridBuffat 10:1spn] luly5

Thl$ is too dissapoinuru,l'lo words can oerss how sad this
is.Thisjust showswe shouldbe carefulwhat we wishfor..'
all of us keepaskingfor proofs, but when they come up the
resultifs so appallingwe haveno ideawhat t0 do with it. I
JUSlost all my faith in humanity@ay. :-(
NickHoltat 10;18prn
Truth alwayshurts

JessRamsden at 1046pm Julv5

Wheni sawthis pic i was speechless.
I sUllam. All i think is how disgustingit is with what he is

EmilyTalbotat 11:14pm luly5

c OMG.I just don't knowwhatto say.I'm appallect
disgusted. lost for words.

,*r. JaneTrudgeon at1?:tlaml(tly6

Sfi tnat.isdi8usting, oh andthey are startingto commentnow
on me omer srue,

F Leona Jacksonat 12:4oan]

I don't know what to say!
luly 6

a JaneTrudgeon
Sally King at 1:o3am
yep same sad old buncfi on here

at 1:06dm 6
iliiJl ijust c6nt get my headrcundthis, i cant thinkof one
-- -- rEasonablee\planationwhy you woukl be in this position
with a lion or any animal?

SallyKingat 1:11amJuiy6
thats becauseyou lo\reb think the worst about Craigthe
explanationis on his page.this pagesurehasattractedall
the nasy people

.{8, Jane Trudgeon at I 14arnJuly 6

I;J the exFlanationthat Jill has ried to give is "it was for d photo
well explainfurtfi€r what sort of photo shoot r€quires

Tara'tiger'Alahmadi at l:24amluly6
thats animalabuse,the only sh@t that would requirethat
kindof picturewouldbe a clepravecl one.why wouldanyone
do that to any animal,ib disgustingand it disgusting
behaviouron his part.

Jane Trudqeon at 1.26arn
tilr y
Ill also lf it vvasfor a phob shoot, why is the photo being bl(erl
- -- hom that angleand not of the lionsface???

Tara'tiger'Alahmadi at 1:33arlluf 6
what kind of photo shootwoukl acflraltyrequirea shot lit€
this?not onlythat, but its disgustingact he ctoing

Jane Trudqeon at 1:.16am luly 6

I:J exactly it is bull, there is no way any phcto shoot woum
reoutre mrs!l

Tara'tiger'Alahmadi at 1:48an)July6
Its disgusting,he hasno repsectfor the maje*y or diginityof
that beautifullion,im b€ginningto think in his mind,all the
ca$ were to him was sorn€onet0 make him a celebrityand
buildon his own ego ,,. thesear majstic creaturesio be
lookedat in awe and respected,not to be de digininedby
sick behaviourlike that, im disguffi ) :

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