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1.1 Overview

There are varied art forms that have been passed down through
the ages. One such form of art is that of oil paintings. These have not
been just those that are made on canvas, but also the cave paintings, and
the wonderful murals. However, in over the last century there has been
an escalation in interest in the arts. There are not on more artists, but
also the demand and increasing art lovers and connoisseurs.

There are a number of companies hosting and organizing events

on a regular basis. These range from the small time private events to the
large-scale international events. Yes, the large scales one do happen far
rarer, but then the amount of returns they churn out is far beyond
expectations. However, in the past there have been events that have also
resulted in losses to the hosts and sponsors for varied reasons. But then,
all said and done, event management is about organization and
execution, and that is precisely where the money lies. Those in the field
are paid for their these services.

Since there are large number of companies are involved in

organizing events, it becomes difficult for the customer to choose the
best one according to its requirements ,not able to see track record of
different companies. It had been seen that even the various event
organising companies are not able to communicate with their proper
customers effectively.

Therefore to solve to such a problem event management system is

developed, To bridge the gap between customers and event management
companies. Basically event management system is a information system
that provides different event organizing companies a channel to
communicate with the various intended customers, as well as it allows
the interested customers to get information about the various event
organizing companies and about their track record.


Requirements analysis in systems engineering and software

engineering, encompasses those tasks that go into determining the needs
or conditions to meet for a new or altered product, taking account of the
possibly conflicting requirements of the various stakeholders, such as
beneficiaries or users.

1. Requirement 1:

The first and the foremost requirement in the system was to

provide a channel through which event management organizers can
reach its intended customers and vice versa .

2. Requirement 2:

To provide facilities for event organisers like:

 To create profiles for event organisers.

 To display their information on the system.

 Updation of event organizers profile.

3. Requirement 3:

To provide facilities for Administrator like:

 Add or delete the Organisers profile.

 Provide control over the database.

4. Requirement 4:

To provide facilities for the viewers like:

 Displays information of event organizers

 Gallery to view images of the events

1.2.1 Hardware requirements

 Pentium 4 processor or above.

 128 MB RAM.
 40 GB Hard Disk.
 17 inches color monitor.
 A General Keyboard.
 2 or 3 button mouse.
 PC should be LAN card enabled.
1.2.2 Software Requirements

 Front end – HTML

 Scripting language – PHP5.3.0
 Back end – MySQL client version 5.1.37
 Application server- APACHE 2.2
 Tools used- Dreamweaver, XAMPP


SQL stands for “Structured Query Language”. This language allows us to
pose complex questions to a database. It also provides a means for creating
databases. Many database products support SQL. SQL works with
relational databases. Its scope includes data insert, query, update and delete,
schema creation and modification and data access control.

2.1 MySQL

MySQL stands for” My Structured Query Language". MySQL is a

relational database management system (RDBMS) that runs as a server
providing multi-user access to a number of databases.

The MySQL development project has made its source code available under
the terms of the GNU General Public License, as well as under a variety of
proprietary agreements. MySQL is owned and sponsored by a single for-
profit firm, the Swedish company MySQL AB, now owned by Sun
Microsystems, a subsidiary of Oracle Corporation.

2.1.1 Platforms and interfaces:

MySQL code uses C and C++.

MySQL works on many different system platforms, including AIX, BSDi,

FreeBSD, HP-UX, i5/OS, Linux, Mac OS X, NetBSD, Novell NetWare,
OpenBSD, OpenSolaris, eComStation, OS/2 Warp, QNX, IRIX, Solaris,
Symbian, SunOS, SCO OpenServer, SCO UnixWare, Sanos, Tru64 and
Microsoft Windows.

All major programming languages with language-specific APIs include
Libraries for accessing MySQL databases. In addition, an ODBC interface
called MyODBC allows additional programming languages that support the
ODBC interface to communicate with a MySQL database, such as ASP or

2.1.2 Reasons to use MySQL:

1. Scalability and Flexibility

The MySQL database server provides the ultimate in scalability, sporting

the capacity to handle deeply embedded applications with a footprint of
only 1MB to running massive data warehouses holding terabytes of
information. Platform flexibility is a stalwart feature of MySQL with all
flavors of Linux, UNIX, and Windows being supported. And, of course, the
open source nature of MySQL allows complete customization for those
wanting to add unique requirements to the database server.

2. High Performance

A unique storage-engine architecture allows database professionals to

configure the MySQL database server specifically for particular
applications, with the end result being amazing performance results.
Whether the intended application is a high-speed transactional processing
system or a high-volume web site that services a billion queries a day,
MySQL can meet the most demanding performance expectations of any
system. With high-speed load utilities, distinctive memory caches, full text
indexes, and other performance-enhancing mechanisms, MySQL offers all
the right ammunition for today's critical business systems.
3. High Availability

Rock-solid reliability and constant availability are hallmarks of MySQL,

with customers relying on MySQL to guarantee around-the-clock uptime.
MySQL offers a variety of high-availability options from high-speed
master/slave replication configurations, to specialized Cluster servers
offering instant failover, to third party vendors offering unique high-
availability solutions for the MySQL database server.

4. Robust Transactional Support

MySQL offers one of the most powerful transactional database engines on

the market. Features include complete ACID (atomic, consistent, isolated,
durable) transaction support, unlimited row-level locking, distributed
transaction capability, and multi-version transaction support where readers
never block writers and vice-versa. Full data integrity is also assured
through server-enforced referential integrity, specialized transaction
isolation levels, and instant deadlock detection.

5. Web and Data Warehouse Strengths

MySQL is the de-facto standard for high-traffic web sites because of its
high-performance query engine, tremendously fast data inserts capability,
and strong support for specialized web functions like fast full text searches.
These same strengths also apply to data warehousing environments where
MySQL scales up into the terabyte range for either single servers or scale-

out architectures. Other features like main memory tables, B-tree and hash
indexes, and compressed archive tables that reduce storage requirements by
up to eighty-percent make MySQL a strong standout for both web and
business intelligence applications.

6. Strong Data Protection

Because guarding the data assets of corporations is the number one job of
database professionals, MySQL offers exceptional security features that
ensure absolute data protection. In terms of database authentication,
MySQL provides powerful mechanisms for ensuring only authorized users
have entry to the database server, with the ability to block users down to the
client machine level being possible. Finally, backup and recovery utilities
provided through MySQL and third party software vendors allow for
complete logical and physical backup as well as full and point-in-time

7. Comprehensive Application Development

One of the reasons MySQL is the world's most popular open source
database is that it provides comprehensive support for every application
development need. Within the database, support can be found for stored
procedures, triggers, functions, views, cursors, ANSI-standard SQL, and
more. For embedded applications, plug-in libraries are available to embed
MySQL database support into nearly any application. MySQL also
provides connectors and drivers (ODBC, JDBC, etc.) that allow all forms
of applications to make use of MySQL as a preferred data management
server. It doesn't matter if it's PHP, Perl, Java, Visual Basic, or .NET,

MySQL offers application developers everything they need to be successful
in building database-driven information systems.

8. Open Source Freedom and 24 x 7 Support

MySQL is not a typical open source project as all the software is owned
and supported by Oracle, and because of this, a unique cost and support
model are available that provides a unique combination of open source
freedom and trusted software with support.

9. Lowest Total Cost of Ownership

By migrating current database-drive applications to MySQL, or using

MySQL for new development projects, corporations are realizing cost
savings that many times stretch into seven figures. Accomplished through
the use of the MySQL database server and scale-out architectures that
utilize low-cost commodity hardware, corporations are finding that they
can achieve amazing levels of scalability and performance, all at a cost that
is far less than those offered by proprietary and scale-up software vendors.


3.1 What is Apache HTTP server?

The Apache HTTP Server is a collaborative software development effort

aimed at creating a robust, commercial-grade, feature ful, and freely-
available source code implementation of an HTTP (Web) server. The
project is jointly managed by a group of volunteers located around the
world, using the Internet and the Web to communicate, plan, and develop
the server and its related documentation. This project is part of the Apache
Software Foundation. In addition, hundreds of users have contributed ideas,
code, and documentation to the project. This file is intended to briefly
describe the history of the Apache HTTP Server and recognize the many

3.2 A Brief History

In February of 1995, the most popular server software on the Web was the
public domain HTTP daemon developed by Rob McCool at the National
Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois, Urbana-
Champaign. However, development of that httpd had stalled after Rob left
NCSA in mid-1994, and many webmasters had developed their own
extensions and bug fixes that were in need of a common distribution. A
small group of these webmasters, contacted via private e-mail, gathered
together for the purpose of coordinating their changes (in the form of
"patches"). Brian Behlendorf and Cliff Skolnick put together a mailing list,
shared information space, and logins for the core developers on a machine
in the California Bay Area, with bandwidth donated by HotWired. By the
end of February, core contributors formed the foundation of the original
Apache Group: Brian Behlendorf, Roy Fielding, Rob Hartill, David

Robinson, Cliff Skolnick, Randy Terbush, Robert S. Thau, Andrew Wilson,
Eric Hagberg, Frank Peters and Nicolas Pioch.

Using NCSA httpd 1.3 as a base, they added all of the published bug fixes
and worthwhile enhancements they could find, tested the result on their
own servers, and made the first official public release (0.6.2) of the Apache
server in April 1995. By coincidence, NCSA restarted their own
development during the same period, and Brandon Long and Beth Frank of
the NCSA Server Development Team joined the list in March as honorary
members so that the two projects could share ideas and fixes.

3.3 Features:

• Released under the Apache License, Apache is characterized as open-

source software.

• The application is available for a wide variety of operating systems,

including Unix, GNU, FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris, Novell NetWare,Mac OS
X, Microsoft Windows, OS/2, TPF, and eComStation.

• Apache supports a variety of features, many implemented as compiled

modules which extend the core functionality. These can range from server-
side programming language support to authentication schemes. Some
common language interfaces support Perl, Python, Tcl, and PHP.

• Apache features configurable error messages, DBMS-based

authentication databases, and content negotiation. It is also supported by
several graphical user interfaces (GUIs).

4. PHP

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, is a widely used, general-purpose scripting
language that was originally designed for web development, to produce
dynamic web pages. It can be embedded into HTML and generally runs on a
web server, which needs to be configured to process PHP code and create web
page content from it. It can be deployed on most web servers and on almost
every operating system, platform and can be used with many relational
database management systems free of charge.

There are three main areas where PHP scripts are used.

 Server-side scripting: This is the most traditional and main target field
for PHP. You need three things to make this work. The PHP parser (CGI
or server module), a web server and a web browser. You need to run the
web server, with a connected PHP installation. You can access the PHP
program output with a web browser, viewing the PHP page through the
server. All these can run on your home machine if you are just
experimenting with PHP programming.
 Command line scripting: You can make a PHP script to run it without
any server or browser. You only need the PHP parser to use it this way.
This type of usage is ideal for scripts regularly executed using cron (on
*nix or Linux) or Task Scheduler (on Windows). These scripts can also
be used for simple text processing tasks.

 Writing desktop applications: PHP is probably not the very best

language to create a desktop application with a graphical user interface,
but if you know PHP very well, and would like to use some advanced
PHP features in your client-side applications you can also use PHP-
GTK to write such programs.

One of the strongest and most significant features in PHP is its support for
a wide range of databases.

The following includes the list of popular databases currently supported by it:

 dBase
 mSQL
 Direct MS-SQL
 Oracle (OCI7 and OCI8)
 PostgreSQL
 SQLite


5.1 HTML

HTML, which stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, is the predominant
markup language for web pages.

 Hypertext is ordinary text that has been dressed up with extra features,
such as formatting, images, multimedia and links to other documents.
 Markup is the process of taking ordinary text and adding extra symbols.
Each of the symbols used for markup in HTML is a command that tells
a browser how to display the text.

It provides a means to create structured documents by denoting structural

semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists etc as well as for links,
quotes, and other items. It allows images and objects to be embedded and can
be used to create interactive forms.

It can include or can load scripts in languages such as JavaScript which affect
the behavior of HTML processors like Web browsers; and Cascading Style
Sheets (CSS) to define the appearance and layout of text and other material.

5.1.1 How does it work?

HTML consists of a series of short codes typed into a text-file by the site
author-these are the tags. The text is then saved as html file and viewed
through a browser, like Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. The browser
reads the file and translates the text into a visible form, hopefully rendering the
page as the author had intended. Now-a-days powerful graphical editor also
available that can be used to create HTML pages with many features.


CASCADING STYLE SHEETS (CSS) is a style sheet language used to
describe the presentation semantics (that is, the look and formatting) of a
document written in a markup language. It’s most common application is to
style web pages written in HTML and XHTML, but the language can be
applied to any kind of XML document.

CSS is designed primarily to enable the separation of document content

(written in HTML or a similar markup language) from document presentation,
including elements such as the layout, colors, and fonts. This separation can
improve content accessibility, provide more flexibility and control in the
specification of presentation characteristics, enable multiple pages to share
formatting, and reduce complexity and repetition in the structural content.


In software engineering, an entity-relationship model (ERM) is an abstract and

conceptual representation of data. Entity-relationship modeling is a database
modeling method, used to produce a type of conceptual schema or semantic
data model of a system, often a relational database, and its requirements in a
top-down fashion. Diagrams created by this process are called entity-
relationship diagrams, ER diagrams, or ERDs.
An E-R diagram can express the overall logical structure of a database

Event type

Email-id services

Organizer Personal info. Contact person.

username Fills form

id password
organizer id.


register Phone no.

Searches & access

eventid venue
Organizer name Type

Organizer records

Edit/ delete



A dataflow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the “flow” of data

through an information system. A dataflow can also be used for the
visualization of data processing (structured design). It is common practice for a
designer to draw a context-level DFD first which shows the interaction
between the system and outside entities. This context-level DFD is then
“exploded” to show more detail of the system being modeled.

Register Event

Update organiser profile

Event organiser

Event Management
Login confirmed
Update for new events for new
Request for new form
event granted granted




Fig 7.1 LEVEL 0 DFD

Submit form Reg. process



Login process Database

Event organiser
Login accept Verification
/reject Retrieval

Event Record
Update organiser’s profile maintenance
Update confirmation
Delete delete record
Deletion confirmation

Register Events

Fig 7.2 LEVEL 1 DFD


Database: Database is a systematic collection of data that contains

information relevant to the software from which required information can be
retrieved and modified in an efficient and convenient manner.

Digital databases are managed using database management systems, which

store database contents, allowing data creation and maintenance, and search
and other access. There are many different types of DBMS, ranging from small
systems that run on personal computers to huge systems that run on

We used relational model to store a database. A relational model uses a

collection of tables to represent both data and relationship among those data.
Each table has multiple columns and each column has a unique name which
shows the attribute of that entity or relation.

Domain: A domain describes the set of possible values for a given attribute,
and can be considered a constraint on the value of the attribute.
Mathematically, attaching a domain to an attribute means that any value for
the attribute must be an element of the specified set.

Constraints: Constraints allow furthering restricting the domain of an

attribute. For instance, a constraint can restrict a given integer attribute to
values between 1 and 10. Constraints restrict the data that can be stored
in relations.

Primary key: A primary key uniquely defines a relationship within a
database. It is used to distinguish an entity from an entity set. It is chosen by
the database designer.

For the use of event management system, we have used 1 databases that is
Eventmgmt: it consists of three tables..

1. Eventreg: This table is used to keep record of the registered events by the

It consists of eventid which is the primary key, eventname and organizer name
and various other details.

Field Type Null Default
Eventide int(11) Yes NULL

Eventname varchar(20) Yes NULL

organizername varchar(20) Yes NULL

Organizerid varchar(20) Yes NULL

Eventtype varchar(20) Yes NULL

2. Eventvenue varchar(50) Yes NULL orgreg: This
table is used to store
eventfrommm varchar(10) Yes NULL
the details which are
eventfromdd varchar(5) Yes NULL
entered by the
the eventfromyy varchar(5) Yes NULL event organizers
while Eventtomm varchar(10) Yes NULL registration.

It Eventtodd varchar(5) Yes NULL consist of

Eventtoyy varchar(5) Yes NULL following
Phone int(11) Yes NULL structure:

Field varchar(30)
Type Yes Null
Organizerid varchar(25)
varchar(20)Yes YesNULL

Password varchar(20)
varchar(20)Yes YesNULL

dateofdisposal varchar(20)
varchar(20) Yes Yes
organizerservices varchar(20) Yes

Eventtype varchar(20) Yes

Organizerimage varchar(30) Yes

Address varchar(50) Yes

Contactperson varchar(20) Yes

Table 8.2: orgreg

Field Type Null Default

Name varchar(20) Yes

Email varchar(20) Yes

City varchar(20) Yes

3. feedback: This
phone int(11) Yes
table is used to store the
thisisa varchar(15) Yes feedback which is

feedbackgiven varchar(50) Yes submitted by the


It consist of following structure

Table 8.3: feedback


The event management system has three user.

1. Administrator.

2. Event Organizer.

3. Viewers

USE CASE 1: Administrator login

The Administrator is required to login with correct username and the


 Successful login: On successful login, the page will be directed to

Administrator Home Page.

 Unsuccessful login: In case, the incorrect username or password is
provided or a field is left blanked, he/she will be directed again to
login page and prompted to provide correct details.

USE CASE 2: Event organizer registartion

On the EMS homepage, there are signup option for new event Organisers:

 Add a New Event Organiser: A form is opened wherein the Event

Organiser is required to fill in the details of his own.
 Formation of new profile: when the form filled by the new event
organizer is submitted his new profile is created.

USE CASE 3: Login in by event organiser

 On the home page of the EMS, then event organizer can login in by
using his unique id and password wich he get at the time of
 If the password or unique id entered is wrong it will display he
message about the wrong information entered in fields.

USE CASE 4: Home page of Event organizer profile

 When the event organizer login in using his id and password then
his profile open up.
 It displays its information like its email id,contact no etc.
 There are various options available on the homepage.
 From homepage user can see his full profile details.
 He can also update his profile by choosing that option.
 He can change the password.
 He can register for the new event on the list.
 He can update information about the events.

USE CASE 5: Edit profile

 When the user chooses the profile edit option then new page opens
 It include many field which can be altered by the user.

 When the user want to update his profile he chooses the update

USE CASE 6: Register event

 When the event organizer chooses the option for registration for the
new events new pages opens up.
 This new page provides the various fields which are needed to filled
by the user.
 When the user wants to register for the event he chooses the register

USE CASE 7: Update event

 When the user want to update any information about the event he
chooses this option.
 This page opens up the fields like event id venue etc,
 He chooses the update option to update the new information.

USE CASE 8: Log Out

 When the event organizer wants to log out form his profile he
chooses this option.
 When he chooses this option he is redirected to the homepage.

USE CASE 9: Event details

 When the viewer want to see the recent events which are going to
be organized by the various event organizers.
 When he chooses this option then list of event is displayed.

USE CASE 10: Gallery

 when the viewer chooses the gallery option from the

homepage it displays the images of the various events
organized by the event organizer.

USE CASE 11: Contact option

 When the viewer chooses this option from the home page
it displays the new page.
 This new page displays the information and contact details
to the Administrator.



Fig 10.1 Home Page

This page is the home page through which different users can do there

It is provides various options.

 Provides login option.

 Provides signup option for new user.
 Provide links for Events ,services, equipments and gallery pages.


Fig 10.2 Organizer Registration

When th new organizer wants to register the registration forms opens up.

It consists of various field to filled:

 It has fields like organizer id,password, organiser name etc.

 When the organiser wants to submit form he can click on submit button.


Fig 10.3 Organizer Home Page

This page is the organizer home page.

It has various hyperlinks:

1. For the Edit profile option .

2. To change the password.

3. To register for the event and event updation

4. To Logout from the profile


Fig 10.4 Edit Profile

Through this page the event organizer can edit and update its profile.

This page displays the field like organizer name, event type, address of the
event organizer.


Fig 10.5 Event Registration

Through this page the organizer can register for the new events.

It contains many fields like Event id ,Event name etc.

This fields are neede to be filled by the event organizer.



This page helps the organizer to update the information about event.

There are various field given in the form which are needed to filled by the
event organizer.



This page displays the details the information about the various event which
are going to be organized by the different event organizer.



This page displays the various services offered by the different organizers.

It displays the services according to categories like corporate events ,audio

visual events etc.



This page displays the images of the various events organized by the event

It is the event gallery shows the images updated by the event organizers


11.1 Missing features

 More powerful tools for the Administrator

 Security of the system will be more strong.
 More transparency in the system .
 Mail systems and sms services.

11.2 Enhancement in database

 More powerful and secure database will be used.

 Fast accessing methods will be used to access the database.
 More dynamic database.

11.3 Improvement in design using following tools

 The design further can be improved by using ajax flash etc.


12.1 Offline Resources:

 Head First PHP & MySQL by Lynn Beighley and Michael

Morrison, O’Reilly Publications.
 PHP5 and MySQL Bible by Tim Converse and Joyce Park with
Clark Morgan, Wiley Publications Inc.

12.2 Online Resources:




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