Prepare For Your Next Binge by Knowing Your Triggers.: Not What The Weigh T-Loss Advocate Called "Starvation Mode". 4

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Curiosity, and ask them what they Not what the weigh t-loss advocate

want from you. This includes those called starvation mode.

intense feelings of guilt or anger
4. Prepare for your next binge
that tend to follow an emotional
eating episode. Approach your by knowing your triggers.
feelings with kindness, and your Discover your triggers and
body will begin to understand that it strategize. If you know you eat
no longer has to overeat to protect when youre lonely, plan to call a
you from your feelings. Plus, friend or write in your journal
through listening to your emotions, instead. Also always carry food with
youll discover what is you truly you so that you never feel deprived.
want, and can create new deeper Emotional eating can be your bodys
strategies for deeper satisfaction. reaction to feeling deprived, so
create new ways to nourish
2. Maintain the pleasure
yourself. Stock your fridge with
delicious, healthy foods, pack your
Make pleasure a priority in your life! calendar with exciting things to do,
Flavor your water, wear soft, and be disciplined about setting
comfortable clothes, and take aside time for yourself to relax.
bubble baths. Give your body other
5. Wake up to your own
ways to experience feeling good,
aside from eating. If you do find beauty.
yourself in the middle of a binge, try If you knew how beautiful you were,
allowing yourself to fully enjoy it. Sit you wouldnt deny yourself food to
down and savor every bite. The try change yourself. You also
more focused you are on how good wouldnt emotionally eat as a
it feels to eat; the harder it will be to release, because thered be no
eat to the point of pain. Many times tension from to which to release.
emotional eating is just our bodys Any shift in diet would be out of
attempt at experiencing pleasure. self-love and care for you beautiful
body. We are culture of gorgeous
3. Eat only when youre
women expected to fit into an
actually hungry.
impossible mold for the sake of
Emotional eaters tend to not eat capital gain. Its time to wake up to
when theyre actually hungry, which your beauty and feed your body
only makes them want to eat more with love and tenderness it truly
lately. So instead, eat real, healthy, deserves.
and nourishing foods whenever you
experience physical hunger. Doing
so will teach your body that you are
Emotional Eater

Types of Emotional Eater Type 7: The Rebel- This type of power that it urges you to go to
eater eats to show how she can great lengths to satisfy it, which
Type 1: The Anesthetician- This
independently handles herself can develop into serious, life-
type of emotional eater eats to
without someone to tell what she threatening health problems. It
numb the pain of feeling angry,
is supposed to be doing. can be so intense that if you dont
depressed, anxious, bored, or
conquer them, youll always be at
lonely. Type 8: The Chicken- This type of
their mercy. However, there is
emotional eater shields herself
Type 2: The Victim- To avoid always a way out of this
from the fear of failure.
confrontation with others even if nightmare.
she is being taken for granted and Type 9: The Virgin- This type eats
belittled, this person resorts to Five powerful tools to put an
to avoid sexual desires from the
eating. opposite sex and intercourse. end for Emotional Eating:

Type 3: The Martyr- This type of Type 10: The Punisher- To work 1. Dont abandon yourself.
emotional eater craves for food to out resentment in the past, this
avoid the feeling of being rejected Emotional eating provides a
type turns to food for comfort.
and angered by the person close to release from discomfort, providing
her heart. Type 11: The Peter Pan- This type of a momentary sense of pleasure
emotional eater craves for food just and satisfaction when youre
Type 4:The Massochist- To loosen to enjoy life and to take every lifes feeling something you dont want
up from being negative and challenges as easy as she could. to feel. Overeating has a numbing,
hypercritical of oneself, this Type 12: The Unconventional- this softening effect on our unwanted
persons only way to go for is eat, type of eater is afraid of getting thin. sentiments, and takes our
eat and eat. attention away from them. The
When your belly prompts you to give key to ending this pattern is to not
Type 5: The Desperate Housewife your body its daily nourishment, it
abandon yourself when your
Wannabe- This type of emotional comes gradually and can be satisfied
emotions go awry, but instead to
eater satisfies her needs from her with small amounts of food. Its the
invite them in and allow yourself
partner and fills up the longings other stomach fault it raises a red flag
when disturbing emotions and to feel.
insi8de through emotional eating.
unsettling situation come up. A short-
Tell yourself thats its OK to feel
Type 6: The Deprived- this type of circuit occurs and thats when you
sad, mad, scared, tired- you name
eater considers eating as feel so emotionally and mentally
it. Welcome your negative
something that can give her the starved that youre forced to eat.
Emotional hunger has such immense emotions with kindness and
chance to experience the things
that have been deprived from her

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