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Mid-term 2017 Exam Review

1. Know what Deuteronomy 6:5 says

Deut: 6:5 love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and strength

2. What do we mean by vertical and horizontal approach to worship?

Vertical Love
- Two Greatest Commandment: Luke 10:27
Pharisees asked Jesus what is the greatest command
Love God vertical; order/ priority
o Love God more than people (Matt. 10:37)
o Love God more than things (I John 2:15)
Love people horizontal
o Matthew 5:23 24
Love is more important than your gift

Horizontal Love: loving people

- Love thy neighbor as thyself Luke 10:27
Whatever is good for you is good for another
- Love is the fulfillment of the law Romans 13:8
If we love each other there is peace, unity, grace
- Test of kingdom representation John 13:35
True discipleship is defined by how we love
Love is the truest test of our spirituality


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