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Goal 3

I would like to work and focus my time management for each activities during year 3

semester 2.

Justification (Objectives)

Time management is how teacher ruining her lesson successfully in particular time. Time

management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between

specific activities (Manktelow, n.d). Im focusing in time management because time

management helps to move the lesson smoothly, helps to avoid rushing on the lessons,

using specific time effectively and organizing students tasks. As Im a good teacher I

want my students to get a good opportunity to learn and applying their tasks in organize

way. Teachers who effectively manage time give their students the best opportunity to

learn and to develop personal habits that lead to wise use of time (McLeod, Fisher, &

Hoover, 2003). For having good time management Im going to use timer ( cool timer

website), Reminding students about the time while they work in specific time by say 2

minutes left and counting with students last ten minutes.

Competency area

Professionalism and Understanding

It shows proof understanding of using time effectively.
Planning for learning
Design effective plans to make sure all students can do the specific activity in specific

Implementation strategies
Managing time during the lesson process

Description and justification

I used this clock to set time for the students when they work in activates in year 3

semeste6 in Emirates national school. Using this tool helps me to finishing my activities

that I designed it for specific lesson. Also using timer helps to have better behavior from

the students because it clarify to them they must finish the task in particular time.

1. Manktelow, J. (n.d). What Is Time Management?. Retrieved from,

2. McLeod, J., Fisher, J., & Hoover, G. (2003). The key elements of classroom

management: Managing time and space, student behavior, and instructional

strategies. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum


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