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How to activate this vendor again?

Go to the relevant quality info record (QI02) and see if the vendor can be released

Go to the "Vendor master change TCODE 'XK02"....Once the vendor master is

displayed ....go to the menu function "Extras-->Blocked data"..

On this screen ...there is a section at the end for "Block for quality reasons"...The field
" Block function " must have been filled with some code like "99/**"....Just blank out
this field and save the data and the vendor will be released.

However as a good practice you will like to check with the "Quality/Purchasing"
department if they have knowingly blocked the vendor as receiving against a blocked
vendor is not allowed in many companys...

So if you are sure you want to unblock the vendor ...then follow the said procedure

Is there a standard report for UD history statistic by vendor?

The output for transaction QA32 with suitable layout for the output can suffice your

As for the reports in Logistics Information System, the infostructure S068 maintains
the consolidated monthly data and not on inspection lot leve (i.e. UD code wise
consolidation). You can try to creating some new infosets or do the feasiblity study for
this reporting using some customized flexible analysis.

You can also show your client the transaction MCVA and then on the result screen -
goto - Extras - Inspection lots.

You can also make use of the Vendor Evaluation functionalities available. activate the automatic
criteria 7 (Automatic determination from quality statistics: GR inspection) and then when you
run the evaluation you can drill down the Quality score and access the UD's that influenced that
same score.

Listed below are steps that you need to start your SAP QM Configuration.

a. Material has to be created and available in material master: use: MM01.

b. Only to be used for materials which require an 'Inspection' - basically for the following
categories of materials:
i. In-Process goods materials
ii. Finished goods materials
Exceptions: Raw Materials (examples in Steel Plant materials or Paper product materials).

c. Ensure you have the right SAP template user-id along with the authorizations for that group &
then proceed.

d. Create quality view by MM01 for that material.

Now activate procurement key.

Goto inspection type tab page activate inspection type 01 for GR inspection

- Storage View of Material master - MM02

- Inspection (as mentioned above) type allocated - MM02
- Material Class - CL01, CL02 and CL03
- Allocate Material to Class - CL20N (CL20)
- Inspection Methods - QS31, QS32, QS33, QS34
- Class (or General) Characteristics - CT04
- Master Inspection Characteristics (MIC) - QS21, QS22 & QS23
- Inspection Plan - QP01, QP02 & QP03
- Material Specifications check - QS61, QS62 (not a mandatory step)
- Quality Certificates - QZ00, QC01, QC02 or QC03 (Certificate Setup).
- COA Assignment - QC15, QC16 & QC17.

Quality Management checklists while implementing SAP

1. Basic settings

1.1 Setting up Clients:

1.2 Maintaining QM Settings at plant level

1.3 Create Number Range for Inspection Characteristics

1.4 Create Number Range for Inspection Method

1.5 Define Planner Groups

1.6 Edit Selected Sets Code Groups/Codes

1.7 Define Control Key for QM Purchasing

1.8 Define Control Key for Operation Level

1.9 Material

1.10 Master Inspection Characteristics

1.11 Inspection Method

1.12 Sampling Procedure

1.13 Sampling Scheme

1.14 Sample drawing Procedure

1.15 Quality Info record-Procurement

1.16 Quality Info record-SD

2. Inspection Process

2.1 Incoming Inspection (Inspection Type)

2.2 In process Inspection (Inspection Type)

2.3 Inspection for a Customer Return (Inspection Type)

2.4 Recurring Inspections for Batch Materials (Inspection Type)

2.5 Early Inspection for a Goods Receipt (Inspection Type- 04)

2.6 Inspection of Physical Samples (Inspection Type)

2.7 Calibration Inspection (Inspection Type)

You can use this trancation codes to direct access for QM work place which the QM user
have to maintain.
QCC0 : QM: Direct Access to IMG

QCC1 : Direct Access to IMG: Notification

QCC2 : IMG Direct Access: QM Q-Notification

QCC3 : IMG Direct Access: QM Q-Inspection

QCC4 : IMG Direct Access: QM Q-Planning

QCC5 : IMG Direct Selection: QM Bus. Add-In

I will provide you with the 03 inspection setting:

At plant level in Customisation maintain the following:

1) Plant level - Result Recording

2) Inspection point field combination : 100

3) partial Lot Assign : Partial lot and batch for each inspection point.

4) Proposal for inspection point valuation : Maintain any of the selectedset coded you
have created for 03 inspection or 04 inspection.

Master Data Required

1) Maintain 03 inspection in MM02

2) Selected set for 03 inspection for the particalur plant.

3) Sampling procedure with selection of inspection point as this mandatory.

4) Maintain routing as mentioned below :

1) Go to CA02

2) Go to Header

3) Maintain inspection Point as 150

4) Maintain partial Lot Assign as partial lot assignment according to plant default

5) At Operation level maintain a QM work center (testing) with Control key QM04 (as
per your requirement).

6) Double click on the control key and go to Quality Management : Inspection points.

7) Maintain Inspection point completion : Quantity, Valuation and confirmation (as

per your need, you can select other options also) press F1 and see the impact of each.

8) Choose time related and keep Tfac 1 and Unit as HR ( As needed).

9) You can select quantity - related also and then maintain the quantity.

10) Selection the QM operation and maintain in the MIC with above said sampling

At transaction level

1) Create order co01, release and save . lot will be created.

2) Do the opertion confirmation if there is any operation mentioned in the routing

before the qm operation.

3) Go to qa32 -> result -> you will get a pop of all the operation with yellow traingle
mentioning QM is active in that operation. double click on the QM operation.

4) Pop will come for entering parial quantity, date time.

5) Enter the details, do the result recording.

6) Save, pop will come for confirmation of quantity.

PS: Step-5 - Take note of what is the control key you are using. Make sure that you
have inspection char tick in the control key.


Key Figures for Material

MCXA - Overview of Lots

MCXC - Overview of Quantities
MCXE - Quality Scores
MCXG - Lot Numbers
MCXI - Quantities
MCXK - Work
MCXM - Location/Dispersion

Key Figures for Vendor

MCVA - Overview of Lots

MCVC - Overview of Quantities
MCVE - Quality Scores
MCVG - Lot Numbers
MCVI - Quantities
MCVK - Work
MCVM - Location/Dispersion

Key Figures for Customer

MCOA - Overview of Lots

MCOC - Overview of Quantities
MCOE - Quality Scores
MCOG - Lot Numbers
MCOI - Quantities
MCOK - Work
MCOM - Location/Dispersion

QA33 - List
QGA1 - Time Line for Quality Scores

Job Overview

QA06 - Deadline Monitoring of Batches

QA52 - Source Inspection
QA18 - Automatic Usage Decision - General
QA42 - Automatic Usage Decision - Orders
QD35 - Delete Quality Levels

Material Specification QS61

What is the purpose of material spec. QS61 master data in QM Module?

They allow the transfer of the batch class characteristic spec values to transfer from
the assigned class and populate into the inspection plan. Without this, you must
maintain the spec in the inspection plan. With this, you only need to maintain them in
the class. Because many materials can be assigned to class, a lot of maintenance can
be saved.

You also need this to transfer results from the inspection lot back to the class unless
the indicator of "Batch results transfer without material spec" in plant config is
selected on.

In simple terms:

It is an option to that of Inspection plan. Inspection plan is defined & created at plant
level for the material. But Material specs are created for a material can be used for all
the plants. This means it is created at client level. You can only use MIC in the
materials specs. You cannot use DMR & Inspection points in material specs.
So it simply meant, once used material specs. for a material can be used at any plant.

Which T.code we can maintain the material specification?

QS61 Maintain material specification

QS62 Display material specification
QS63 Maintain material spec: Planning
QS64 Display material spec: For key date
QS65 Activate material specification
QS66 Plan activation of material spec.

SAP QM Module Configuration

What are the essential steps for SAP QM Module Configuration?

You can follow the below basic steps in SPRO settings in QM management area.

1. Maintain Settings at Plant Level:

IMG -> Quality Management -> Basic Settings -> Maintain Settings at Plant Level.

2. Define Control Key:

IMG -> Quality Management -> QM in Logistics -> QM in Procurement -> Define
Control Keys

3. Define Delivery Blocking:

IMG -> Quality Management -> QM in Logistics -> QM in Procurement -> Define
Delivery Block

4. Define Catalog Types:

IMG -> Quality Management -> Quality Planning -> Basic Data -> Catalog -> Define
Catalog Types

5. Define Default Values For Ccontrol Indicators:

IMG -> Quality Management -> Quality Planning -> Basic Data -> Inspection
Characteristic, Inspection Method

6. Define Sample Type:

IMG -> Quality Management -> Quality Planning -> Basic Data -> Sample, SPC ->
Define Sample Determination

7. Rule For Sample Determination:

IMG -> Quality Management -> Quality Planning -> Basic Data -> Sample, SPC ->
Define sample Determination

8. Define Valuation Mode:

IMG -> Quality Management -> Quality Planning -> Basic Data -> Sample, SPC ->
Define Valuation Mode

9. Valuation Rule:

IMG -> Quality Management -> Quality Planning -> Basic Data -> Sample, SPC ->
Define valuation Mode

10. Assign Task List Type To Material Type:

IMG -> Quality Management -> Quality Planning -> Inspection Planning -> General
-> Assign task list types to material types

11. Define Task List Usage:

IMG -> Quality Management -> Quality Planning -> Inspection Planning -> General
-> Define Task List Usage

12. Define Task List Status:

IMG -> Quality Management -> Quality Planning -> Inspection Planning -> General
-> Define Task List Status

13. Inspection Type:

IMG -> Quality Management -> Quality Inspection -> Inspection Lot Creation ->
Maintain Inspection Types

14. Assign Inspection Type To Lot Origin:

IMG -> Quality Management -> Quality Inspection -> Inspection Lot Creation ->
Maintain Inspection Lot Origin and Assign Inspection Type

15. Define Default Values For Inspection Type:

IMG -> Quality Management -> Quality Inspection -> Inspection Lot Creation ->
Define Default Values for Inspection Type

16. Deactivate Inspection For A Goods Movement:

IMG -> Quality Management -> Quality Inspection -> Inspection Lot Creation ->
Inspection for Goods Movements

17. Define Inspection In Plant Maintenance:

IMG -> Quality Management -> Quality Inspection -> Inspection Lot Creation ->
Define Inspections in Plant Maintenance.

18. Define Recording Configuration:

IMG -> Quality Management -> Quality Inspection -> Result Recording -> Define
Recording configuration
19. Define Filter For Inspection Characteristics:

IMG -> Quality Management -> Quality Inspection -> Result Recording -> Define
Filter for Inspection Characteristics.

The above are the necessary steps for SAP QM Module Configuration.

Recurring Inspections type 09

In Recurring Inspections type the system can automatically create inspection lots at predefined
intervals for selected batch materials. In other words Recurring Inspections type is used when you
have to inspect the batch material as per the specific time interval.
For e.g if you want that the expiry date of each product has to be inspected at every 6 months...then
if you set up recurring inspection type and enter the inspection interval in material master, then
system will create a inspection lot and you can reject or acccept this batch.
Recurring inspections are triggered by a report that you can execute manually or that the system can
execute automatically (provided it has been planned as a background job). When recurring
inspections are triggered automatically, the background job executes the report, which in turn selects
the batches and creates the inspection lots according to your processing parameters.
The steps for using Recurring inspection type 09.
1) In QM material master view define Inspection Interval.
2) In inspection setup, Activate 09 inspection type by ticking on active.
3) Make quality plan for that material using '09' usage.
4) In QA05 define a variant for recurring inspection lot generation.
5) Select that defined variant and put that material, plant and batch. please tick on " to inspection lot
creation" (in maintain varient screen). If you don't do this lot will not be generated.
6) select the variant and then press schedule tab.
7) click on scedule one / periofically and select the desired frequency.
8) as per defined frequency system will that program and lot will be generated auromatically. If you
want to generate lot immediatly.
9) check the effect of this on that batch, in MSC2N system will display next inspection interval based
on data you maintained.
10) In QA32 put material, batch and 09 type, the lot will be displayed.

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