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Chart of Populasi





1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Distribution Plot
Normal, Mean=380.7, StDev=450.8










-1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 2000
Distribution Plot
Normal, Mean=380.7, StDev=450.8









0.0001 0.05
380.7 1122

Chart of Mean( Populasi )

Chart of Count( Populasi )

Chart of Populasi

Chart of Populasi

Descriptive Statistics: Populasi

Variable N N* Mean SE Mean StDev Minimum Q1 Median Q3

Populasi 36 0 380667 75140 450842 20000 162250 226000 403000

Variable Maximum
Populasi 2488000

Descriptive Statistics: Populasi

Variable N N* Mean SE Mean StDev Minimum Q1 Median Q3

Populasi 36 0 380667 75140 450842 20000 162250 226000 403000

Variable Maximum Skewness Kurtosis

Populasi 2488000 3.51 14.25
Descriptive Statistics: Populasi

Variable N N* Mean SE Mean StDev Variance Minimum Q1 Median

Populasi 36 0 380667 75140 450842 2.03259E+11 20000 162250 226000

Variable Q3 Maximum
Populasi 403000 2488000

Descriptive Statistics: Populasi (dalam ribuan orang)

Variable N N* Mean SE Mean StDev Variance Minimum

Populasi (dalam ribuan o 36 0 380.7 75.1 450.8 203258.6 20.0

Variable Q1 Median Q3 Maximum Range

Populasi (dalam ribuan o 162.3 226.0 403.0 2488.0 2468.0

Descriptive Statistics: Populasi (ribuan orang)

Variable N N* Mean SE Mean StDev Variance Minimum

Populasi (ribuan orang) 36 0 380.7 75.1 450.8 203258.6 20.0

Variable Q1 Median Q3 Maximum Range

Populasi (ribuan orang) 162.3 226.0 403.0 2488.0 2468.0

Descriptive Statistics: Populasi (ribuan orang)

Variable N N* Mean SE Mean StDev Minimum Q1 Median

Populasi (ribuan orang) 36 0 380.7 75.1 450.8 20.0 162.3 226.0

Variable Q3 Maximum
Populasi (ribuan orang) 403.0 2488.0

Descriptive Statistics: Populasi (ribuan orang)

Variable N N* Mean SE Mean StDev Variance Minimum

Populasi (ribuan orang) 36 0 380.7 75.1 450.8 203258.6 20.0

Variable Q1 Median Q3 Maximum Range Skewness

Populasi (ribuan orang) 162.3 226.0 403.0 2488.0 2468.0 3.51

Variable Kurtosis
Populasi (ribuan orang) 14.25

Descriptive Statistics: Populasi (ribuan orang)

Variable N N* Mean SE Mean StDev Minimum Q1 Median

Populasi (ribuan orang) 36 0 380.7 75.1 450.8 20.0 162.3 226.0

Variable Q3 Maximum Skewness Kurtosis

Populasi (ribuan orang) 403.0 2488.0 3.51 14.25

Distribution Plot
Distribution Plot

Distribution Identification for Populasi (ribuan orang)

2-Parameter Exponential

* WARNING * Variance/Covariance matrix of estimated parameters does not exist.

The threshold parameter is assumed fixed when calculating
confidence intervals.

3-Parameter Weibull

* WARNING * Variance/Covariance matrix of estimated parameters does not exist.

The threshold parameter is assumed fixed when calculating
confidence intervals.

3-Parameter Gamma

* WARNING * Variance/Covariance matrix of estimated parameters does not exist.

The threshold parameter is assumed fixed when calculating
confidence intervals.

Distribution ID Plot for Populasi (ribuan orang)

Distribution ID Plot for Populasi (ribuan orang)

Distribution ID Plot for Populasi (ribuan orang)

Distribution ID Plot for Populasi (ribuan orang)

Descriptive Statistics

N N* Mean StDev Median Minimum Maximum Skewness Kurtosis

36 0 380.667 450.842 226 20 2488 3.50986 14.2481

Box-Cox transformation: Lambda = 0

Johnson transformation function:

-0.957847 + 0.655707 * Asinh( ( X - 145.148 ) / 41.5137 )

Goodness of Fit Test

Distribution AD P LRT P
Normal 4.773 <0.005
Box-Cox Transformation 0.915 0.018
Lognormal 0.915 0.018
3-Parameter Lognormal 0.893 * 0.449
Exponential 2.110 0.007
2-Parameter Exponential 1.924 <0.010 0.173
Weibull 1.881 <0.010
3-Parameter Weibull 1.823 <0.005 0.365
Smallest Extreme Value 7.058 <0.010
Largest Extreme Value 2.050 <0.010
Gamma 1.699 <0.005
3-Parameter Gamma 1.810 * 1.000
Logistic 2.643 <0.005
Loglogistic 0.610 0.074
3-Parameter Loglogistic 0.612 * 0.937
Johnson Transformation 0.156 0.950

ML Estimates of Distribution Parameters

Distribution Location Shape Scale Threshold

Normal* 380.66667 450.84207
Box-Cox Transformation* 5.57049 0.83481
Lognormal* 5.57049 0.83481
3-Parameter Lognormal 5.64387 0.75883 -14.46917
Exponential 380.66667
2-Parameter Exponential 370.97121 9.69524
Weibull 1.11608 399.77009
3-Parameter Weibull 1.09814 391.39453 5.54144
Smallest Extreme Value 657.89224 746.94512
Largest Extreme Value 237.66647 194.09653
Gamma 1.49090 255.32629
3-Parameter Gamma 1.65885 239.51608 -16.65468
Logistic 294.68801 167.81023
Loglogistic 5.53292 0.42767
3-Parameter Loglogistic 5.54064 0.42375 -1.80224
Johnson Transformation* 0.01820 0.95589

* Scale: Adjusted ML estimate

Distribution Plot

Distribution Plot

Distribution Plot

Distribution Plot

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