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CRUD Application Using PHP and

This document provides the high level Design of the CRUD application using PHP and MySql. This
document tells about the features of this CRUD application using PHP and MySql. This application is
helpful for Creating, Reading, Updating and Deleting data from the website which is helpful for all the
users of the website. This CRUD application helps for the purpose of creating an account and entry of
user is stored in the database and fetching users data from the database and if user wants to update his
data in the database then he can also use CRUD application for the purpose of editing or updating
purpose. It also helps the user to delete particular record from the database which user does not want.
This application helps both the administrator as well as the user.

This application is very much helpful and is existing in our day-to-day software transactions
It saves a lot’s of time and helps the user and administrator in easy way of maintaining database

This is a web-based application, which is used for Storage purpose.

User can register themselves, modify their details, delete and update their details.

Users can upload new data, update data and can view his status of the wish list created.

Users can also add a data or some information about their wishlist, which is stored in the database.

The proposed system is a web-based application system. It has two user interfaces each for admin and
user :

 User Interface
 Admin Interface

Each of this is explained in details below:

User Interface
This interface would be used by users for registering , logging , editing and applying their wishlist.
Admin Interface
This interface would be used by administrator for registering , logging , editing. Admin user has full
control on the website.

Establishing Connection to the database server

Server Login
Creating a new database connection

Creating a new mysql database

Primary key and foreign key relation between tables

Flow of CRUD application

Searching for User’s wishlist

Displaying wish list of user

Creating new wish list of user

Registration Form

Editing Wishlist
Creating Wishlist

Updating Wishlist
The project is a web based application which can be deployed in any web server. This project is using
MYSQL as database and can be hosted in any web server.


 Apache Webserver
 MYSQL Database (However we can also use MSSQL database)


PHP Complete Reference

PHP Cookbook

MySQL Complete Reference

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