Gadis Kecil Di Bulan

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A Little Girl in the Moon

A long time ago in Kerinci, Jambi, there was a little girl living with her family. The
little girl lived with her father, mother, brother, grandfather, and grandmother. The little girl
was the youngest in the family.
The little girl was not a happy girl. She was always sad. Her family did not take care of
her well. They were always busy with themselves. They did not pay attention to her.
The father and the grandfather were fishermen. Every day they went fishing and went
home with a lot of fish.
They sold some of the fish and ate the rest of them. The little girl loved to eat fish.
Whenever her father and her grandfather went home, she was always anxious. She was
always waiting for them to bring a lot of fish.

One day, the father and the grandfather went home with a lot of fish. They have sold
some of them. They brought enough fish for the whole family. The little girl was very
happy. She wanted to eat the fish for her dinner.
The little girl could not prepare the fish by herself. She could not clean and cook the
fish yet. She had to wait for the fish to be ready.

"Mother, I'm hungry. When will the fish be ready?" asked the little girl to her mother.
"I'm busy. Ask your father to prepare the fish," said the mother.
The little girl then talked to her father.
"Father, I'm hungry. When will the fish be ready?" asked the little girl to her father.
"I'm busy. Ask your grandfather to prepare the fish," said the father.
The little girl then talked to her grandfather. "Grandfather, I'm hungry. When will the
fish be ready?" asked the little girl to her grandfather.
"I'm busy. Ask your grandmother to prepare the fish," said the grandfather.

The little girl then talked to her grandmother.

"Grandmother, I'm hungry. When will the fish be ready?" asked the little girl to her
"I'm busy. Ask your brother to prepare the fish, said the grandmother.

The little girl then talked to her brother.

"Brother, I'm hungry. When will the fish be ready?" asked the little girl to her brother.
I'm busy. Why don't you prepare it yourself," said the brother.

The little girl was sad. She cried. She was very hungry. Then she sat on the big stone. She
sang a song.
"Get higher the stone. Let my parents be happy."
"Get higher the stone. Let my grandparents be happy."
"Get higher the stone. Let my brother be happy."

Amazingly the stone was slowly getting higher. The stone was high. It could
reach the moon. With just a little step, the little girl was already standing on the
moon. She kicked the stone and it broke into pieces. The biggest part of the stone
stayed in her village.

Since then people named the village as High Stone Village or Dusun Batu Panjang.
People also said that during full moon, we can see an image of a little girl smiling to
the earth
Gadis kecil di bulan

Dulu di Kerinci, Jambi, ada seorang gadis kecil yang tinggal bersama keluarganya. Gadis
kecil itu tinggal bersama ayah, ibu, saudara laki-laki, kakek, dan neneknya. Gadis kecil itu
adalah yang termuda dalam keluarga.
Gadis kecil itu bukan gadis yang bahagia. Dia selalu sedih. Keluarganya tidak merawatnya
dengan baik. Mereka selalu sibuk dengan diri mereka sendiri. Mereka tidak memperhatikannya.

Ayah dan kakeknya adalah nelayan. Setiap hari mereka pergi memancing dan pulang dengan
membawa banyak ikan.
Mereka menjual beberapa ikan dan memakan sisanya. Gadis kecil itu suka makan ikan.
Kapan pun ayahnya dan kakeknya pulang, dia selalu cemas. Dia selalu menunggunya membawa
banyak ikan.

Suatu hari, sang ayah dan kakek pulang dengan membawa banyak ikan. Mereka telah menjual
beberapa dari mereka. Mereka membawa cukup ikan untuk seluruh keluarga. Gadis kecil itu
sangat bahagia. Dia ingin makan ikan untuk makan malamnya.

Gadis kecil itu tidak bisa menyiapkan ikan itu sendiri. Dia belum bisa membersihkan dan
memasak ikannya. Dia harus menunggu ikannya siap.

"Ibu, saya lapar kapan ikan siap?" Tanya gadis kecil itu kepada ibunya.
"Saya sibuk, mintalah ayahmu menyiapkan ikan," kata sang ibu.

Gadis kecil itu kemudian berbicara dengan ayahnya.

"Ayah, saya lapar kapan ikan siap?" Tanya gadis kecil itu kepada ayahnya.
"Saya sibuk, mintalah kakekmu untuk menyiapkan ikannya," kata sang ayah.

Gadis kecil itu kemudian berbicara dengan kakeknya. "Kakek, saya lapar kapan ikan siap?"
Tanya gadis kecil itu pada kakeknya.
"Saya sibuk, mintalah nenekmu menyiapkan ikan," kata sang kakek.

Gadis kecil itu kemudian berbicara dengan neneknya.

"Nenek, saya lapar kapan ikan siap?" Tanya gadis kecil itu pada neneknya.
"Saya sibuk, mintalah saudaramu menyiapkan ikan," kata sang nenek.

Gadis kecil itu kemudian berbicara dengan kakaknya.

"Saudaraku, aku lapar, kapan ikannya siap?" Tanya gadis kecil itu kepada kakaknya.
"Saya sibuk. Kenapa kamu tidak menyiapkannya sendiri, "kata saudara laki-laki itu.

Gadis kecil itu sedih. Dia menangis. Dia sangat lapar. Lalu ia duduk di atas batu besar itu. Dia
menyanyikan sebuah lagu.

"Dapatkan batu yang lebih tinggi, biarkan orang tua saya bahagia."
"Dapatkan batu yang lebih tinggi, biarkan kakek-nenek saya bahagia."
"Turunkan batu itu, biarlah saudaraku bahagia."

Hebatnya batu itu perlahan semakin tinggi. Batu itu tinggi. Bisa mencapai bulan. Dengan
hanya sedikit langkah, gadis kecil itu sudah berdiri di bulan. Dia menendang batu itu dan pecah
berkeping-keping. Bagian terbesar dari batu itu tinggal di desanya.

Sejak saat itu orang menamakan desa tersebut sebagai Desa Batu Tinggi atau Dusun Batu
Panjang. Orang juga mengatakan bahwa pada bulan purnama, kita bisa melihat gambar seorang
gadis kecil yang sedang tersenyum ke bumi

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