Lesson Plan Template: Number of Students

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Lesson Plan Template

School: RAK Academy BC. Date: 23- October- 2017

Maryam Alblooshi. Time: 8:00 to 8:40.

MST: Philip Edwards. Unit: -

Class: Number
Grade 6A. 25 Students.
ADEC Learning Outcome:

Students will be able to identify the adverbial openers.

Students will be able to use the adverbial openers on sentences.

Students will be able to build up their own stories by using adverbial openers.

Prior Knowledge:

Some students will know that they should start will sentence openers but they don't know what
they are.

Some students have knowledge about the comma but they don't know that after the adverbial
openers they should put a comma.

Possible Problems and Misconceptions:

Classroom management: I will remind students about my class rules.

Technology issues: I will do some flash card on the white board.

Personal Focus:

In this lesson Im working with students and help them to use fronted adverbials in sentence.

Lesson objectives:

Students will know the adverbial openers at the end of the class time.

Recourses and teaching aids:

Whiteboard /data show to present my PowerPoint/ some flash cards with sentences and some with
adverbial openers/ small work sheet that include some hints/ worksheet that include some pictures/ an
A3 paper to write the story.
Lesson Activities:

Routine: I will take attendance and I will remind students about me class rules.

I will give each two pairs a small worksheet about my story. Students will read that and figure
out what's happing on that story. After that, I will ask students these questions:
1) Do you like this story?
2) Why you didn't like it? 3 min
3) In which ways we can improve this story?
Core (introduce and practice new concepts & procedures):
After asking these questions, I will begin with my PowerPoint to teach the learners about adverbial
openers, which contains the meaning of the adverbial openers, different types of adverbial openers and
some examples.
15 min
Transition: We learn about adverbial openers, now lets move and do this activity.

First, I will model the activity on the white board by putting one sentence on the board and students
will say to me what is the best adverbial opener will fit that sentence. After that, I will start with my
activities I will move from simple to complex. The first activity will be in pairs, I will give them a small
worksheet that contains 5 sentences with some blanks and that worksheet includes some hints about
adverbial openers or the phrases. Then, I will discuss the worksheet with the students.
5 min
Transition: Now we will do another activity which is contain some pictures.

Second, I will model this activity on the white board by putting on pictures and students will share
there answers. Then, I will give students another work sheet that includes 4 pictures and students
should write sentences using adverbial openers.
8 min
Transition: Now we will do an amazing thing that you will write your own stories by using
different adverbial openers.

Third, I will give each two students an A3 paper (big paper) and students will write their own stories by
using the adverbial openers. 4 min
Evaluation / Assessment:

Peer feedback: That student will substitute their papers with a learner who is setting behind him/her
and they will say yes I agree with that because.

Early Finishers:

I will give them small worksheet that contains some words and some adverbial openers and students
should arrange the sentences using this words and adverbial openers.

Maryam is a good student who works very hard. She

loves to study and learn new things. She attends to her
classes early. She is a quite student. She loves to travel
and take photos. She likes to play Wii with her brothers.
She is learning Turkish language. She will be an actor
when she will finish her higher education.

First activity:
Read the sentences and complete with the right adverbial openers or a phrase.

1) __________________, he ate his breakfast.

2) Under the clock, _______________________________________.
3) _________________________, I was looking for flowers.
4) Carefully, _____________________________________________.
5) ________________, a black dog sat next to the old man.
Activity 2: See the picture and write a sentence using adverbial openers.
To model the activity you need these pictures
Early finishers:

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