LILITH - A Myth That Needs Reinterpreting by Rodica Purniche, Romania

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LILITH a myth that needs

Rodica Purniche, Romania

Something called, a short "history"

ebon, Dassier and Lariviere seemed
to have remarked in March 1864 a
Teacher, TV journalist and astrologer. From new heavenly body. Two months
later the astronomical observatory in
July 2009, member of ISAR (International
Society of Astrological Research). She Toulouse declared it the second Moon of
published 6 astrological books, wrote the Earth for which the period, the orbit
numberless astrological articles and took part and the perigee were very soon calculated.
as an astrologer in TV talk-shows. She Petit, the head of the observatory was very
discovered astrology when she was only 10 much interested in the existence of a
years old. Her life became the aspiration of
learning and practicing astrology for second Moon and, after 15 years of
understanding human life and helping people research, stated that it is possible for a
to understand the Dharma. She put her life in smaller Moon to exist. It could generate a
the unconditional service of astrology. She series of unexplained movements or
believes that astrology is a divine science and disturbances of our Moon. Jules Verne
a true path of spiritual evolution which could
help in attaining Moksha. She is a yoga picked those mens brains and wrote the
student since 1998. Yoga enabled her to novel From Earth to Moon. Very soon the
discover Jyotish. Today she is the student of astronomers became very much interested
Dirah International Academy of Vedic too in that mysterious object. The German
Astrology and prepares herself to learn and to ones were the most perseverant in
study deeply this spiritual and scientific
discovering it entirely and they called it
tradition of mankind, which could show
solutions for the harmony between human Kleinchen (The Little One).
beings and Universe. Lilith does not seem to be an
altogether illegitimate presence in
astrology. It is symbolically justified in the
language of the Sky for the human being.

ilith is the name given to any mystery or aspect of life which brings something
magical upon us or which fascinates us so much that we become unable to stand up to
it. The origins and the meanings of this name are lost in time. The first ancient form
which we can refer to, and in a rather uncertain manner, appears in the Epic of Ghilgamesh
from Sumer (the III centuryB.C..): Lll or Liltu. The nature of this character could be
seen from two elements that are essential for her psychological and mythological features.
In the language of Sumer Lll designates the Great Priest or the Great Priestess,
while Liltu indicates the animals of the desert or of the storms. Symbolical, Liltu seems
to represent the dangers which could exist at the level of our latent instincts or of our pitch
dark subconscious. These dangers remain passive until a violent or sudden event in our life
activates them, generating our unpredictable or unexplained behavior.
In the mythology of Sumer Lilith was the demon of the storm and she was associated
with the wind bringing disease and death. The first information about her are around the
4000 BC and it says that she was very dangerous for the children and women. Lyl means
night but at the same time female nocturnal demon/creature, although the cuneiform
inscriptions containing Lll or Liltu refer to the bad winds (the foul air after the wars
ended with a lot of victims, whose decaying bodies infested the air).
Another etymology for Lilith could come from the noun Lajil used by the Semitic
tribes for night. At the same time there was another parallel word, Laylah, the name of a
female nocturnal demon which generated erotic nightmares for the people. In the writings of
ancient Jews too we find the word Layla, which means the angel of the night, and Layil,
night, very close in its meaning to the Arabic words Lilak (obscure, tenebrous) and
Lilat (night or, generally, mysterious and perverse woman). The Arabic Lila
seems to correspond to the Italian word Leila, a female name, advanced by those who
searched for the oldest roots for Lilith.
There are a lot of speculations concerning a presumed connection between Lillith and
Lenith, a deity without face belonging to the Etrurians, who was waiting at the gate of the
Other World together Hecate and Persephone to receive the souls of the dead.
This entire onomastic chain seems to be offered generally by the space of the Eastern
Mediteranean civilizations, among which those of Sumer and Israel tend to be on the first
place. The most frequently cited sources could be the sacred books of the Jews The Bible,
Sepher-ha-Zoar, Haggadah, Midrash, where the name of Lilt appears for the first time,
naming the Adams wife.
Mythology and Spirituality

n the culture of Sumer, Lilith represented the goddess of fertility and agriculture. In
time, popular traditions transformed her into a demon.
Kaballah tells us that God created
Adam and Lilith from earth (the Earth Element
or Prithivi Tattva, which as the Kashmir-
Shavism claims contains all the 5 Elements
necessary for the Creation the subtle energy
corresponding to the Earth being the end of the
Manifestation in its most concrete aspect).
Although they say that the first reference to
Lilith is in the Bible, The Book of Genesis, the
mentioned chapters (I and II) do not contain this
name at all:
1:27. And God said, Let us make man in
our image, after our likeness: and let them have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the
fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all
the earth, and over every creeping thing that
creepeth upon the earth.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and
female created he them.
1:28.And God blessed them, and God said unto them: Be fruitful, and multiply, and
replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the
fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Eve (which means woman) is mentioned just in Genesis 2:22:
2:20. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast
of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.
2:21.And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he
took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
2:22.And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and
brought her unto the man.
2:23.And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be
called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. ( King
James Reference Bible)
The androgynous creation of Adam (in the image of God created he him; male and
female created he them) is a step never commented upon by the Christian doctrine and the
blind faith passes over it without seeing it and without questioning it . This undifferentiated
sexual state of the primal human being is, in fact, our real, angelic and spiritually
accomplished state. Of course, the biblical text is incomplete and some information was left
out of it, since we have no indication as to how Adam and Lilith (his inner woman) came to
have a power struggle: Adam wanted to impose, at any price, his own will upon the woman,
and Lilith showed her complete independence in her relationship to him. This personal
freedom seemed to have culminated with Liliths leaving Eden (or, in other variants, with
Liliths being banished from Paradise after she called Him on His secret name); after which
she remained in the world of the demons. If some information is missing from the biblical
text, indeed, then we have every right to become more suspicious and to wonder whether
Lilith was not somehow consciously transformed into a sinister, rebellious and satanic
character, or whether the texts containing the spiritual truths were not somehow forbidden
or hidden deliberately.
Until the divine truth on this subject is cleared up, we promote the idea that the
possible power struggle between Adam and Lilith was a rather important spiritual event for
Adam lets say a sudden rise of Kundalini energy which he was unable to control very well
so that it remained at the level of the first 3 chakras. In those circumstances, his second
woman, Eve (which means at the same time life) could represent Gods divine help, who
interferes with Adams sexual awakening, harmonizing his Kundalini. At that stage in the
Creation of man the division of the sexes and the passing of the human being from the
androgynous to the differentiated state may have already taken place. Eve does not belong to
the stage when God created man in his own image but to the stage when she is torn off
from Adams body while he is sleeping. We are the witnesses of the first act of
transmutation and sublimation of Kundalini energy but it is an external one and achieved
through Divine intervention, which has a concrete result: the birth of Eve. We wonder if
this biblical episode does not somehow represent, in spite of all the missing passages from
the Holy Bible, the very clear proof of what we can achieve, as soon as we get real control
upon the fundamental energy of life (of Eve) which is the sexual energy. At the same time,
this stage of the Adamic Creation may have been the last one before the Gods blessing of
the tree of of the knowledge of good and evil which He intended to do but which didnt take
place, because the temptation of Eve and Adam by the snake (the Kundalini energy) gave
another direction to the Edenic screenplay: Eve and Adam were banished from Heaven (in
fact, Man fell down in duality).
When God gave the obedient and chaste Eve to Adam, that could be considered the
origin of both the Yin-Yang polarity and the Eternal Feminine, which nature is obviously
heavenly. By this token, the perfection is obtained when each of us discovers, assumes and
transcends his/her own contraries.
On a terracotta basrelief dating from 2000 BC we see Lilith in a mysterious form. At
the bottom, there is the outline of a lion whose half-turned head looks somehow outside the
frame, towards us and beyond us. On either side of the lion there is an owl a symbol of the
myth and of wisdom. Behind the lion and the left-hand owl there is the head of a second
lion. On the back of the first lion stands Lilith, her wings lowered, her long loose hair
covered by a helmet. Her arms are bent and in both her hands, at shoulder level, she holds
two rather indefinable objects. Her legs, with anklets around the ankles, end in three claws
each, instead of feet and toes, this characteristic being suggestive of her demonic nature.
According to a popular belief, demons can take any shape but they cannot hide their claws
since they have no soles. Astral symbols are quite evident: soles are governed by and related
to the sign of Pisces the sign of infinite compassion, of deep faith and of humbleness, the
very features that are not part of a demons nature. That is why it is said that a demon can
imitate any state, even love, except humbleness. This Liliths legs can be interpreted in two
a) she is either a demon who controls all forces at her disposal (the two lions),
especially the base, lower forces
b) she is the one who shows that the Kundalini energy, if left uncontrolled and in a
latent state, can attract, at any moment, the demons into our lives; when this energy is,
conversely, transmuted and sublimated on higher levels it represents our inner alchemy, the
guarantee of our erotic elevation and the acquisition of spiritual traits (wisdom and true
faith, which is the force behind the force).
Her lowered wings, in harmony, also show Liliths tendency towards occult. Taking into
account the etymology of her name makes us add another interpretation, too: Lilith, the
Grand Priestess, also stands for the beneficial occult power of spiritual initiation, the very
power that speeds up evolution and helps the disciple, aspiring to perfection, to overcome the
obstacles that he/she encounters along the path of his/her spiritual journey. Since she is the
one who knows Gods secret name, we may consider that she also stands for the secret force
in man, the particular ingredient that could become the fundamental reason of mans
existence. On one condition: that this should not be evilly perverted into pride and thirst for
power. If this metamorphosis does not happen, then this spiritual force will finally lead to
the ultimate liberation and to communion with God.


ilith is the name given in 1918 by Sepharial (the pseudonym of the astrologer Walter
Gornold) to the second hypotethical Moon of the Earth, a heavenly body of
aproximatively the same weight as the Moon. He took this name from the medieval
Jewish legends, which, as we have seen above, are amply referring to this subject. Sepharial
stated that Lilith is the same second Moon of the Earth which the scientist Georg
Waltemath said he had discovered at the end of the XIX-th century. Georg Waltemath also
said that he had seen it but that it is too dark for visual detection and that it could be
identified during its intersection with the Sun.
Indeed, in 1898 Georg Waltemath announced that he located the second Moon of the
Earth inside a system of two moons which revolves around Terra. Even if the idea was not
accepted by the scientific world, the supposed heavenly body was included in the Ephemeris
tables and accepted under the name of Lilith. It is not a body proper but a point in the
space which our Moon revolves around. The French astrologers seemed to have used that
point for around 100 years, since it attracted the attention of astronomers and astrologers.
In modern astrology, Lilith means that point in a chart which represents the direction
of the actual apogee of the Moon and which has no connection with the second Moon. From
such a point of view, Lilith could mean the second focus of the ellipse described by the
Moon, the Earth being the other focus. Lilith passes through the whole Zodiac in 8 years and
10 months and a zodiacal Sign in approximately 9 months. It has only direct motion.
Lilith is not to be mistaken for the asteroid Lilith (the asteroid number 1181),
discovered on 11.02.1927 by Benjamin Jekhowsky, having the number 1927CQ for a while, and
belonging to the asteroids belt inside the orbit of Mars. This asteroid 1181 has no connection
with Lilith in astrology, named The Black Moon too, in order to avoid confusion between


lthough, from the astronomical point of view, Lilith was very soon forgotten due to
its physical nonexistence, it won a stable enough position in astrology. Named
The Black Moon too and associated with the Jewish myths and legends, it is
somehow opposed to the Moon, which stands for maternity and femininity in a positive
sense. The modern astrologers consider that Lilith stands for our subconscious, our hidden
nature or that part of our being which we prefer to ignore. Due to an unknown reason or
probably due to the ignorance regarding the original myth, its feminine power and wish for
freedom are hardly explored.
Generally speaking, Lilith represents the part which we run away from or that part of
ourselves which we do our best consciously or not to deny. It is the engine of our need for
absolute freedom, of our inner courage to accept finally our failed relations, our egotistic
fears, our obsessions or our erotic fantasies, our non-conformism, the fascination (even
unconscious) which we exert upon the others, and the confrontation with our own sexuality.
In the natal chart of a woman the Black Moon represents the innate but unused
creativity, her strong qualities, all her shadows which could be: the instinctual power of
maternity, the sacrifice ready to be made at a moment for a certain man (from the virginal
sacrifice to foolishly risking her life for his sake), the power of seduction consciously
expressed for subduing at any price the man who has provoked her or who has already
become the target of her social, financial or sexual interest. There is no man on this planet
able to withstand such an armory or who could oppose something of the same level.
In the natal chart of a man Lilith indicates the woman whom he feels attracted to,
often in a distructive manner, for whom he is ready to deny or to abandon his family, to
cancel or to go beyond all social conventions, for whom he is ready to risk or to destroy
everything, even his own life. Lilith is, in fact, the woman who challenges him, who attracts
him sexually, who drives him crazy, because she shows him his own complexes, hopes,
overwhelming whishes and irrational fears. Whatever this woman does or makes, he follows
her blindly, he believes her, he worships her and he cannot part with her even when he
becomes aware of her real human quality and her ephemeral role in his life. Contrary to the
saintly or obedient women, the Lilith-women belong to the category of the street girls,
whom men (and society too) need and want but, at the same time, whom they are afraid of,
tending to annihilate. Such a dual attitude comes from the Middle Ages when the Lilith-
women were the sorceresses, the magicians, the wise beings of the Middle Ages who were
castaway, killed or murdered through Satanic procedures by the Inquisitorial Church. They
had high spiritual information and were initiated in contraception, midwifery and the
energetic medicine. Their powers, intuitions, prophetic perceptions, therapeutical skills, the
knowledge of the remedial plants, their capacity of exorcism set all religious people against
them. What would human society have looked like if the Inquisition had not existed?
The writer Antonia Langsdorf describes Lilith wonderfully: ...I think that Lilith
represents one of the three parts which compose the Trinity of the woman. Beside Eve, the
symbol of the wife, and Mary, the symbol of the mother, Lilith reflects everything that man
cannot domesticate and that he chooses to repress and to demonize.
We take the liberty to add: All what the man cannot accept and he chooses to... The
Inquisitorial Church could not accept the inner power of the woman. The Inquisition
remains the moment when man, in his profound ignorance and demonization, triggers off a
violent aggression against the Eternal Feminine and, through it, against God in His feminine
manifestation in our world. Inquisition remains mans moment of sterility, of maximum
spiritual impotency, which justifies from many points of view the present tragic situation of
mankind and human civilization, when one of the social functions of the woman was nearly
totally wiped out.
This social function means the deep occult dimension of Lilith, that of The Grand
Priestess, a major spiritual role in the archaic traditional societies which later developed the
agricultural civilizations and the worship of the Great Goddess which is the Mother
Goddess, the Holy Ground. It is the worship of the Almighty Divinity of the fertile land,
but at the same time of the dark unknown earth, in which the life force is not a dual but a
very complex one: from its depth, the Great Mother Goddess brings out both the richness,
permanent fertility, and the annihilation, seclusion and total withdrawal of the Alive.
The occultation and the epiphany are the tasks of the Earth Element, as the expression
of the continuous and huge alchemical factory which exists in its unaspected depth. Not the
mystery of life and death, but the mystery of life and love, because there is no life where
there is no love. The fertility, the increase, the multiplication are the natural consequences of
the erotic gesture. The erotic gesture has, in its turn, a cosmic and divine nature, due to
whom the opposite, and at the same time, the complementary forces Yin and Yang merge.
Their energy generates suddenly both a phenomenon of condensation at the level of
Manifestation and an energetic copy which keeps the information in the Akasha-ic
memory. If these forces do not act together or do not meet each other, or if only one of them
is present, something stands still or develops excessively, needing the intervention of an
adjustment factor.
In this way, the major function of Lilith in its spiritual lineage is to keep the sacred
secret of life-and-perfection giving sexuality. Lilith helps us to understand that the sexual
energy is not the fruit of sin, not something to be ashamed of or the fettering pleasure, but
the formidable energy able to lead the human being either to perdition or, on the contrary, to
divine worlds. If we know this energy in its fundamental meaning and use it positively, this
energy will save us from any form of slavery. Everything that happened during the Middle
Ages the chastity belt, the monastic orders which instituted the celibacy led to the
degrading witch hunt, to the abnormal sexual behavior of the human being, to the idea of
original sin and of man being born from sin. Most of these ideas are the fruits of the
Inquisition, the black, shameful stain on the Churchs cheek. Since the moment of our
conception is a divine secret, our last departure from the physical world (through the so
called death) is a divine secret, the origin of the human being is a divine one, HOW can
we have been born from sin?
The erotic fusion itself is divine, as a result, the conception, is sacred. In the traditional
civilizations the human couples made love all at the same time, at very carefully chosen
cosmic moments, correlated with the fundamental moments of human life on this planet.
The agrarian rituals, the important magical ceremonies were manifestations which amplified
the phenomena of secret occult resonance between Macrocosmos and the planet Earth.
For example, the erotic fusion of the spiritualized human couples at the moment of the
Spring equinox, had a sacred meaning and they were realized with the sexual continence.
The power of sublimation as a result of the human erotic action brought on the Earth much
more cosmic energies and stimulated the germinating power of the seeds disseminated in
Autumn and prepared during the Winter for the whole vegetal cycle. During such sacred and
magical rituals of fertilization and worshipping the planet and and its creatures, a few
couples with a very elevated spiritual frequency were designated to procreate. It was they
who were prepared to bring into Manifestation spiritual entities with a major impact upon
the peoples evolution.
The spiritual decay of mankind led, inevitably, to the decay of the human being and of
civilisation, to the desacralisation of life, to the loss of the magical significance of the
existence and to the complete vitiation of the spiritual component of the sexuality. Man was
corrupted through power, possessiveness, attachment to lifes pleasures and immorality. The
Inquisition amplified all these bad attitudes and its acts justify the name of The Dark
Middle Ages given to its period. The monopoly upon the spiritual knowledge and the hiding
of it from the society, the creating of the spiritual travesties, the splitting of the Christian
Church (1045 the Great Schism), the religious disrupting of the world, the spiritual wars
and the encouraging of the dogmas have brought mankind to what it is today an ignorant
mass continuously poisoned, assassinated, starved, very easily manipulated through mass-
media, attacked by severe illnesses and exposed to the satanic horrors such as eugenics and
birth control.
Lilith tends to manifest herself strongly exactly in such difficult moments of our
existence on the cutting edge. Part of God Himself like Adam, Lilith is the uncurbed,
irrepressible, unhidden force that keeps the secret of life and death. The more we want to
avoid, to deny or to repress it, the more terrible she becomes. She is the demon inside us, not
because this demon lives there, but because our alchemic powers are wrongly used or
misused. IT IS US WHO MAKE LILITH A DEMON. We do not like to accept her, we do
not like to look straight into her eyes, we do not accept her whenever she manifests herself
and look for different strange origins.
Lilith represents our inner resonance, WHAT WE HAVE CHOSEN TO BE:
IGNORANT BEINGS OR INITIATED BEINGS. Whatever we choose, we will be, with
the same force. Whenever and wherever Lilith appears and manifests herself in our life, we
could experience a moment of Divine Grace through which God supports an act of total and
profound self-knowing. In such a way God opens His Heavens for us to accede to a very
special initiation: the total erotic awakening. God brings to light our hidden and dark parts
where the stagnating erotic energy already has a very low vibrating frequency (attachment,
possessiveness, frustration, denial, demoniac possessiveness, etc) and it attracts through the
same resonance the major difficulties of life.
Under such circumstances Lilith is called upon. We can never know our real face
without her. Without her, we can never bring forth forces ready to lead us in a very wrong
direction or our huge latent energies which generate nightmares, depressions, panic attacks,
narrow-mindedness, all sorts of fanaticism, absurdity. Only after Liliths challenge, only
after we express ourselves through Lilith we become aware of our unknown parts and accede
to the second stage of the self-knowing process: the stage of accepting or of denying that we
could be in that way too.
The refusal will throw us back into the ignorance which Lilith has just taken us out of;
and we will confront her again, exactly in the same manner. On the contrary, the acceptance
will promote us to the next level, where we can become aware of all our energetic focuses.
We begin to use them in a superior manner in order to transcend the inferior tendencies
which Lilith has just saved us from. From this level on the great initiations appear. What an
initiated person applies becomes a huge force as secret occult resonance with the divine
attribute of Gods Omnipotence.

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