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Year 1630.

Norah Nasturas, Canada
Proofing: Lorin Cerina, Croatia

Chapter XIX from the book Summa

Astrologica, by Antonio de Najera year

Professional Astrologer since 1978, and

eather Forecast following the
New Moon September the
Tarot teacher since 1981. She has studied 6th, 1630 at 6.10 pm in
Astrology with Guy Jurdan in France, as Lisbon, Portugal.
well as Mme Emery and Mme Mars in
As shown by the Horary chart considered,
Geneva, and Alexander Ruperti in the art of Astrology has to have time to
Lausane Switzerland. Dinorah is currently judge the overall figures for the eclipses
teaching Astrology and Tarot in Canada and revolution of the year, as individuals
and working with a group of psychologists of the other ordinary lunation the months
in Geneva, Switzerland applying Astrology and weeks.
knowledge to find the young children and
babies cause of personalitys trouble. She After planting the garden I offer you,
regularly receive request for consultations, curious reader, with the flowers of the
especially from Italy, France, Brasil, most learned astrologers for the trial of the
times, to show how exemplary the truth of
Uruguay- South America, USA, Canada
this science and knowledge, how to proceed
and Switzerland via phone, fax or email,
and judge, eclipses, revolution of the year
countries where she was living and
and the quarter (of the Moon) as
traveling. Her website is
individuals, on the conjunctions,
oppositions and fourth regular sun and
moon, which occur every month and
weeks, accommodating rules and
aphorisms with experience, to confirm the truth, and make real the explanations time and
alteration of the air.

In this conjunction of the luminaries are three planets signifiers and rulers of the figure, and
so equal in strength, the first and foremost Jupiter being in the angle of the figure and look at
the place of the conjunction by opposition and be lord of the house of the sign, in the tenth
house, and participant in its trine (120 degrees) and master of the house of the ascendant.

If Jupiter is hot and humid, in Pisces and in the summer, give something more warm, good
shape in the Western, but giving for Southern high rainfall, been in Pisces, a sign naturally
cold and damp for the water, in trine, feminine, and common, night sign, and in regard to
the Sun, aqueous cold and windy, dry place in relation with the house, next to the stars of
Jupiter, Saturn, temperate. Jupiter, Strong to be in Pisces, his home, and the angle of the
ascendant, although with some difficulty, being retrograde, in opposition to the moon and
sun, that gives sometimes in the summer thunder and lightning, also Jupiter looked Mercury
opposition, Mercury strong in the figure too, does open doors to the winds, looked over
Saturn trine aspect that is as kind to all in the summer causing thunder.

Mercury is the lord of the house and has his exhalation in Virgo, the place of the conjunction
and also is the lord of the term of the tenth house, strong because preceding the place of the
conjunction. Mercury is considered movable and changeable, while in Virgo makes a lot of
rain and warm winds. North makes the air dry, when Combust causes storms at sea. When
Oriental is in good complexion. In respect of his eccentricity, is in the middle of the road up
the rise, it is warm and the epicycle on the second state, wetter. When in Virgo, sign
naturally cold and dry, the earth trine, feminine, and common the night, some wet, put in
mildly to cold mansion, has no stars to consider next to him. Mercury, fort in Virgo and
your house of exaltation, is in his term and next to the angle of the seventh house, when is
combust will be more unruly and humid, while in conjunction of the Sun and Moon, makes
cloudy winds, sextile Saturn in Scorpio and still very wet and in a very wet mansion, will
give wind with some rain, as opposed to Jupiter, both strong, does open doors to strong

Venus also equal strong, to be in the trine of the ascendant. As if that is considered wet and
cold, and makes soft rain, being in Leo make warm air with little wind, good when
Meridional temperance in the air, good complexion. At the East, in respect of eccentric near
the top, down to the opposite, but weak and not so wet and cold, and in the second epicycle
in the most humid state. When Venus in Leo, the sign naturally warm and dry, the fire
trine, male, day and fixed, and relative to the sun, hot and sultry, commissioning and anger
and dry mansion near stars Presepe and the two little kids in the Auriga that says Asselus,
these stars together with Venus or Moon in any lunation, mean rainfall in particular. Weak
for being a pilgrim and the angle of the sixth house, unfortunate per square (90 degrees) with
Saturn, this makes driving rain in summer.
And finally the Moon in Virgo if considered good complexion in the air with some humidity
and rain, with participation in the trine of the place of the conjunction and the upward angle,
the angle existing in the seventh house, so this strong star wet and rainy in a very wet
mansion, and with stars in the nature of Venus, been cold and wet, in conjunction with
Mercury, which made cloudy winds, and look at Jupiter by opposition, Jupiter Lord of the
figure , which gives good weather and stop the Moon to causing moisture.

Virgo in the place of the conjunction is naturally a cold and dry earth trine, feminine, and
common night, and relative to the sun is wet, and somewhat thunder in a very wet and rainy
mansion. When in conjunction with the stars with the nature of Venus, Mercury is cold and
wet, this place looked Mercury body, when in opposition from Jupiter, the ruler of the figure,
will show this lunation some several good days..

Sagittarius on the Midheaven (X house) angle, preceding the place of the conjunction, of
course warm and dry, Sagittarius the fire triplicity, male, day and common sign, in relation
with the Sun, is windy and wet, the Sun is in wet and rainy mansion , along with stars of
Venus and Saturn, will give cold and wet days..

Pisces in the ascendant, it is naturally cold and damp in the water triplicity, feminine, and
common night, in relation with the Sun give cold, windy and wet, Pisces is one of the
wettest signs of the zodiac, in dry mansion, along with the Jupiter and Saturn stars give
temperate weather. Existing in the body up by Jupiter as it does with some moisture been
retrograde, opposition looked at the sun and moon, and also Mercury, lord of the figure and
it induces strong varieties, with some water and wind. Also looked at Saturn for trine which
supposedly is looking benign, however, because in Scorpio sign of water and wet mansion,
induce some moisture in the rising mist.

Now, considering all the signifiers of this lunation, I find that show more moisture, Jupiter
first Principle in the figure in Pisces, sign of water wet and rainy, retrograde in the ascending
angle, since if it is rainy, all shows humidity and some rain, it strives to be looked at Saturn,
trine, which in Scorpio sign pore water and wet mansion, it becomes more humid and rainy
and also looked in opposition to the Sun than Jupiter does to thunder and lightning.

Mercury principal and second in strength, humidity and rain also shows pore star in Virgo,
fuel and state second makes thunder and being looked at Saturn, very wet, sextil aspect
makes it moist.

Venus also, if considered giving soft rains because been in the second stage of its epicycle, is
more humid when with the two stars Asselus and Presepe and rain makes it particularly
well, looking weak because is square Saturn, very wet, this makes it very wet and rainy.

The Moon also in Virgo, all display pore humidity and more star in wet mansion and rainy,
with stars wet, everything shows humidity, mostly being strong and angle, and that their
meetings would cause rain and humidity. The sign of the place of conjunction, both wet and
some thunder in wet mansion and rainy, with stars cold and wet. In the angle of the
Midheaven (X house) sign windy and wet, and wet and rainy mansion, and the stars cold
and somewhat wet. In the Ascendant, Pisces sign of water and rain.

So considering the many other signifiers, so planets and stars as signs of the sky, show
humidity rain, thunder, lightning and wind, which will be more moderate, with some
interpolation to be Jupiter in the main trial, and that Jupiter naturally benign planet induces
good morning and clear, mostly in the summer and end of it, too strong and Mercury made
variety trial. And so there will be some days good and some such, so that with so many
signifiers of humidity and thunder cannot fail to have everything in this lunation, as will the
next review.

First, six days of September, day of the conjunction of the sun with the moon, the morning
time shifted with clouds and there was no significant cause, but the conjunction with its
strength often stir the air, although lunation is not wet or stormy and then returns to its

After seven day will be clear and warm, this day is no opposition of Jupiter and Mercury,
both of gentlemen of the lunation and strong, they do open the door to high winds, and
because he did cause these winds and the Moon was not involved with its presence with the
lunation to bring the quality of one planet to another (transmission light). The authors say
that most trials lack of winds, mostly in the summer, which are less in our regions.

At eight days, the same day of course, on this day, the moon is in conjunction with Mars
body that makes dry, mostly in the summer.

At nine days, the same day clear and good, there was no meeting of stars that upset Jupiter
with goodness and the strength of the summer time.

At 10 days, in the morning light, morning mist rose wet, by the conjunction of the Moon
with Saturn, the two very wet in wet mansion that makes the find of the summer wet mist,
this pushed the square moon with Venus, lady of the figure, and too wet, wet fog does.

Hard this fog up 11 day in the morning, with a little rain soft by the square of the Moon and
Venus and clearer afternoon.

At 12, before dawn, made great thunder and lightning with rain, which lasted until eight
o'clock in the morning, this time came Mercury, both of strong and gentlemen of the
lunation, the Moon being the quality of Jupiter to Mercury, that these are enough reasons for
these showers and thunderstorms at this time but much more than in another lunation.
Besides this is verified these rains and thunder, verification of two famous aphorism by two
old astrologers who bring in their experiences that come fitted with the readiness of the
figure of the lunation:

Premier Aphorism: "If Jupiter or Mercury were lords of the ascendant at the beginning of
the lunation, and look at each other and were in friendship, and triplication of the rising sign,
because it is in the same sign of the ascendant, with both planets in angles, Jupiter in the
ascendant and Mercury in the seventh house, and these opposition is watching, but certainly
makes the thunder and rain.

Second Aphorism: Trying trials of air humidity, fog, snow, rain in the quarters of the year,
reads: "If was the rising sign of water, and the lord of the sign looked to the moon, there
will be perfect rainy significance, and if the Almuten is standing in the ascendant, then there
will be more rain, and if the lights (Sun and Moon) were Almuten or one of them then there
will be lot of rain.

Let's examine the truth of these aphorisms. Pisces rising sign is water and show wet, watery,
wet, strong Jupiter and lord of the ascendant, the Moon in opposition, looks strong, then,
says the aphorism that there will be perfect significance of rain.. But when Jupiter, principal
Almuten, is on the up, says time will be no more rain. Following with the aphorism:
Mercury, second Almuten and strong exalted, is in conjunction with both of angle and lights
in Virgo, house and exaltation of Mercury, so it will be said with more force and reason, that
there will be plenty of rain over and over because for being the lights in very wet mansion
and rainy.

Therefore has been to clear the verification of these aphorisms both literally as if made for
this lunation, one of thunder and lightning, and rain the other, as experience with care at this
time because they find the summer and the force of water and big thunder, that when I
examined the lunation with so many signifiers of humidity and thunder does not frighten
me, watching the stars so strong, mainly Jupiter and Mercury retrograde combust that one
takes away some of His goodness and the other does more unruly and humid.

Translated from Portuguese

Translator Note: Almuten

- The strongest planet when all essential dignities are considered. - The Strongest planet
When Are all essential dignities considered. The term is Arabic and derives from al-mateen ,
meaning 'the firm one' or 'strong in power' or 'the winner', but the concept exists in the
works of Ptolemy and other early classical astrologers. The term is Arabic and derives from
al-Mateen, Meaning 'the one firm' or 'strong in power' or 'the winner', but the concept exists
in the works of Ptolemy and Other early classical astrologers.
The method of identifying the almuten involves considering the full range of essential
dignities, so that rulership by sign, exaltation, triplicity, term and face is considered - not just
rulership by sign. The method of identifying the almuten Involves considering the full range
of essential dignities, so That by sign rulership, exaltation, triplicity, term and face is
Considered - not just by sign rulership. Hence Venus is said to rule the sign of Libra but
Saturn is the almuten, being capable of assuming rulership by exaltation, triplicity, term and
face at the same time.

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