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The 1st Warmadewa University International Conference On Architecture And Civil Engineering


20th October 2017, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Warmadewa, Bali


Praise to God for the blessing and protection, because of that Engineering Faculty of
Warmadewa University as Seminar Committee could organize an International Seminar titled 1st
AND CIVIL ENGINEERING (WUICACE) and bring Sustainability, Design, and Culture as
the main theme. This seminar held as part of Yayasan Kesejahteraan KORPRI Propinsi Bali (Welfare
Foundation of Civil Servants Bali Province) anniversary celebration and the-33th Warmadewa
University anniversary, and also celebrating the-33th Engineering Faculty anniversary. The
WUICACE International Seminar is the 1st ever International Seminar that held by engineering faculty
of Warmadewa University.
The theme Sustainability, Design, and Culture which brought to the seminar, is a
representation of Warmadewa University Basic Scientific Patterns (PIP) that based on Tourism
Environment, Design, and Culture. Through this International Seminar, the committee also hope that it
could find academics thinking that produce construction planning concept which consider about
environmental and local wisdom aspects.
The Committee would like to say thank you, as a symbol of gratitude to all people who
involved and support the event, more specifically to all participants who donate their thinking through
academicals writings. The Committee hope that this proceeding could give benefits by improving
insights about Tourism Environment with Local Wisdom based on infrastructure concept and

Denpasar, October 20th 2017


Official Committee
1st Warmadewa University International Conference
On Architecture And Civil Engineering

The 1st Warmadewa University International Conference On Architecture And Civil Engineering
20th October 2017, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Warmadewa, Bali


Honorable Keynote Speakers, Contributors, and Moderators

Distinguished participants and guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen; Om Swastyastu; AssalamualaikumWarahmatulahiWabarukatu; Peace

for us all; NamoBudaya. It gives me a great pleasure to welcome all of you and to offer a few words
this morning at the opening of The 1st Warmadewa University International Conference on
Architecture and Civil Engineering.This conference is expected to be a very inspiring scientific forum
and can be optimally used as tools for intensive dialogue and communication to explore various
thoughts and creative ideas on Architecture and Civil Engineering.
I believe this conferencewill enrich your insight, especially in the area of the development of
architecture designs which environmentally-friendly andbased on local wisdom. This forum is also
expected to be a manifestation of commitment and brainstorming platform for academics to implement
the concept of sustainability, design, and culture in the field of civil engineering and architectural
engineering.With the presence of academics, bureaucrats, professionals, and students at today's
Conference forum, we are optimistic to be able to find a proper formula related to the concept of
planning and developing environmentally-friendly designs that are relevant to the conditions of Bali
province in particular and Indonesia in general. We have great challenges and today we have an
opportunity before us to learn from the best experts in this field, and by sharing our experiences, I
hope we can elaborate the topics into concrete and practical solutions.
I also would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all of you for the
initiative in sharing a common understanding; on how important, we, as human being to build and
preserve the environment. This initiative deserves to be awarded, given the theme of the conference
that holds consistency of our Universitys vision and commitment to become the center of
environment and tourism based knowledge. Special appreciation also goes to the organizing
committee for all your efforts preparing this event.
Finally, I would like to welcome all participants and wishing you a great experience and
essential knowledge.

Thank you
Om, Shanti, Shanti, Shanti Om
Peace for all of us

The 1st Warmadewa University International Conference On Architecture And Civil Engineering
20th October 2017, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Warmadewa, Bali


My great honor to Keynote Speakers

Honorable Contributors and Moderators
Rector, vice rector, and all the Dean of Faculty in Warmadewa University, that I respect
Participants of the Conference, Lecturers and Conference Organizers that I am proud of;

It is both an honor and a privilege to deliver this statement, as Chairman of THE 1ST
AND CIVIL ENGINEERING. We really appreciate all of you attending this international

Ladies and gentlemen,

Construction and technology development gives many chances and opportunity for all architects
and civil engineers to work creatively in developing their ability to arrange a sustainable building
construction and planning which keep staying on local wisdom principal. Sustainability, design, and
culture represent how construction and technology development should be considered in practical life.
If architect and civil engineer can unify and do that entire three, it will change people perspective that
building construction always harms the nature, thats why this conference held and created that focus
on how we should design and construct environmentally friendly.
In this conference will discuss some aspects related to the process and the result of construction
infrastructure, which is classified in design, culture and sustainability
Keynote speakers in this conference and professional practitioners will share the creation and
their research on their own field:
1. The Expert in Remote Sensing and Satellite data, Prof. Tasuku Tanaka, from Yamaguchi
University, Japan
2. Professor in Transportation field, Prof. Agus Taufik Mulyono, from Gadjah Mada
University, Indonesia
3. Mr. Charlie Hearn, The Principle Architect of Inspiral Architect, responsible for the
amazing structure and creativity in Bali.
4. Astt. Prof. of Architecture and Landscape Design, Mr. Anoop Kumar Sharma, from Shri
Mata Vaishno Devi University, India
In addition, 48 articles, 29 presenters including architects and civil engineers, also over than 650
participants will enjoy discussion and share much knowledge through this event, moreover, 1 article
has been accepted in Journal of Sustainable Development, 2 articles in reviewing at JSD journal and
the other 45 article will be published as proceeding Scopus Indexed.
This Conference is a continuous effort between the Dept. of Civil Engineering and the Dept. of
Architecture at Warmadewa University to facilitate and support dialogue and discussion about the
advancement of Design, culture, and sustainability collaboration, by provides an excellent opportunity
and serves as the information exchange platform for researcher, latest developments and findings from
foreign country.
We try everything, so that we can give unforgettable experience to you. We do really open and
welcome to your feedback, advice, and suggestion to make this event even better and bigger. This

The 1st Warmadewa University International Conference On Architecture And Civil Engineering
20th October 2017, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Warmadewa, Bali

conference is an annual event that we believe will lead to the fruitful effort in the coming years. And
the last, our sincere thanks are to:
- Engineering Faculty in Warmadewa University
- WUICACE committee
- Sponsors, donators, and contributor
Without their supports, and assistance, this conference would not become possible.
Finally, I would like to welcome all of you and wishing you a great experience and essential

Thank You

The 1st Warmadewa University International Conference On Architecture And Civil Engineering
20th October 2017, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Warmadewa, Bali


Introduction iii
Welcoming Speech by Rector of Warmadewa University iv
Chairman Report v vi
Table of Contents vii ix
A. Keynote Speaker
1. Hope To The Future:
Indicators For Sustainable Transportation Management In Indonesia 1 11
Prof. Dr. Ir. Agus Taufik Mulyono, M.T., ATU., IPU.
2. Sustainbility Viz A-Viz Architecture & Culture: Case Of Diverse India 12 13
Anoop Kumar Sharma

B. Theme I : Sustainability
1 A Sustainable Agriculture Development in Kedungu Resort Project, Tabanan
Bali 14 19
Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra, I Wayan Yogik Adnyana Putra
2. Arrangement Model Of Saba River Estuary Area Based On Tourism
Enviroment For Water Conservation In Buleleng Regency 20 27
I Gusti Agung Putu Eryani
3. Identification of Physical Changes of Pre- and Post-Reclamation Land in
Serangan Island 28 34
I Gede Surya Darmawan, I Wayan Wirya Sastrawan
4. Impact Resistance of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete With Steel
Fiber 35 42
Gabriella Agnes Luvena S., M. Fauzie Siswanto, Ashar Saputra
5. Mix Design Of High Strength Scc With Polypropylene Fiber Based On Flow
Mortar Mix 43 50
Kristyan Hari Subangkit, Imam Satyarno, Andreas Triwiyono
6. Modelling As An Approach to Understand Resilience of Urban Kampung 51 59
Imelda Irmawati Damanik, Bakti Setiawan, Sani Roychansyah, Sunyoto Usman
7. Performance Based Contract Risk Relationship Analysis in Bojonegoro-
Padangan Road Project 60 66
Eko Prihartanto, M.Djaya Bakri
8. Priority of ICT Implematation at The Largest Bus Terminal in Bandung,
Indonesia 67 77
A. Caroline Sutandi, Wimpy Santosa, Y. Frans Winanto
9. Sustainable Tourism and Fire Safety of Accommodation Facilities in Tourism
Villages 78 82
I Dewa Gede Agung Diasana Putra, Anak Agung Gde Agung Yana, Ngakan Ketut Acwin
10. Thermal Performance of Wide Span Middle-Rise Building in Surabaya (Case
Study: Gedung G ITATS) 83 88
Dian Pramita Eka Laksmiyanti, Poppy F. Nilasari

C. Theme II : Design
1. Analysis of Ground Condition in Jakarta MRT TBM Subway Focusing on
Surface Settlement Due to Ground Deformation Above Tunnel 89 100
Wahyu Hermansyah, Teuku Faisal Fathani, Wahyu Wilopo
2. Behavior of Nailed-Slab System on Peat Soil Under Loading 101 107
Aazokhi Waruwu, Hary Christady Hardiyatmo, Ahmad Rifai

The 1st Warmadewa University International Conference On Architecture And Civil Engineering
20th October 2017, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Warmadewa, Bali

3. Changes of Geotechnical Properties of Waste Embankment for Stability

Analysis at Piyungan Disposal Site 108 115
I Wayan Ariyana Basoka, Ahmad Rifai, Fikri Faris
4. Coastline Change Analysis in Buleleng Regency by Using Satelite Data 116 123
Putu Aryastana, I Made Ardantha, Adrianto Eka Nugraha, Kadek Windy Candrayana
5. Comparative Analysis of Effectiveness of "Yellow Box Junction" In The City
of Jakarta and Denpasar 124 129
Cokorda Putra Wirasutama, Tjokorda Istri Praganingrum
6. Comparison of Single Bored Pile Bearing Capacity Based on CPT and SPT 130 136
I Gusti Ngurah Putu Dharmayasa
7. Development Taman Prestasi Surabaya As Tematic Park Reviewed From The
User Behavior and The Nature Of Space 137 141
Sigit Hadi Laksno, Felicia Trua Nuciferani
8. Durability of Asphalt Concrete Mixture Using Lompotoo Tras As Fine
Aggregate 142 148
Frice L. Desei, Ayuddin
9. Geotechnical Characteristics of Pumice for Reduce Liquefaction Potential 149 156
Muhajirah, Ahmad Rifai, Agus Darmawan Adi
10. Geotechnical Properties And Characteristics Of Metamorphic Rock Mass On
Poboya Gold Mine 157 164
Sriyati Ramadhani, Ahmad Rifai, Kabul Basah Suryolelono, Wahyu Wilopo
11. Influence of Volcanic Ash and Lime on Resilient Modulus for Subgrade 165 169
Devi Oktaviana Latif, Ahmad Rifai, Latif Budi Suparma
12. Landslide Hazards Due to Rainfall Intensity In The Caldera Of Mount Batur,
Bali 170 177
I Nengah Sinarta, Ahmad RifaI, Teuku Faisal Fathani, Wahyu Wilopo
13. Optimization of Thermal Comfort on I Gusti Ngurah Made Agung Citypark
Design in Denpasar 178 185
I Wayan Wirya Sastrawan, I Gede Surya Darmawan
14. Spatial Distribution of Mercury Concentration in Traditional Gold Mining of
Buladu 186 192
Marike Mahmud, Beby Banteng, Frice Desei, Fitrayane Lihawa, Yanti Saleh
15. Steel Brace Damper with Progressive Failure Mechanism 193 197
I Putu Ellsa Sarassantika
16. Strength And Stiffness Behavior of Concrete Modular House 198 202
Yosafat Aji Pranata, Anang Kristianto, Kumbara Kamajaya Cahya Hermawan, Azka
17. The Behavior Of Steel Structure Exposed To Fire : A Review 203 207
Ni Komang Ayu Agustini, Andreas Triwiyono, Djoko Sulistyo, Suyitno
18. The Effect of Water Content Change in Pluto-Volcanic Subsurface Slope
Stability Based on Limit Equilibrium And Finite Element Method 208 215
Indriati Martha Patuti, Ahmad RifaI, Kabul Basah Suryolelono, Suprapto Siswosukarto

19. The Influence of Capital Composition to Real Estate Investment Risk in

Gianyar by Using @Risk Program 216 224
Ni Komang Armaeni, Ni Wayan Meidayanti Mustika, Anak Agung Sagung Dewi Rahadiani
20. The Key Success of Commercial Building Construction : A Case Study on
Charcara Restaurant Bali 225 230
I Wayan Widanan

The 1st Warmadewa University International Conference On Architecture And Civil Engineering
20th October 2017, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Warmadewa, Bali

21. Risk Variables in Collaboration of Private Government (PPP) for Toll Road
Contacts 231 238
Putu Ika Wahyuni, Wateno Oetomo, Sarwono Hardjomuljadi, Koespiadi
22. Triplet Confinement Induced High Efficiency in Single Layer Doping Of
Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diode 239 245
Agus Putu Abiyasa, I Wayan Sukadana, I Wayan Sutama, I Wayan Sugrayasa, Yoga

D. Theme III : Culture

1. Architecture Knowledge in Manuscript of Lontar Asta Kosala Kosali ( In the
Perspective of Architecture is a Contruction Process) 246 251
I Nyoman Nuri Arthana, Josef Prijotomo, Murni Rachmawati
2. Cross-Cultural Phenomenon: Defining Balinese Traditional Architecture in
Chinese Temple Architecture 252 264
Freddy Hendrawan, Ardina Susanti
3. Cultural Landscape and Conservation of Balinese Cemetery, Meaning and
Threatening 265 269
Ni Made Yudantini
4. Cultural Practice of Traditional Security Officers (Pecalang), Tourism and
The Meaning of the Local Wisdom Value in Bali 270 274
I Wayan Wesna Astara
5. Form and Meaning of Aesthetic Elements on Architecture of Traditional
House (Case Study of Traditional House in Bayung Gede, Bangli) 275 282
Siluh Putu Natha Primadewi, I Gede Ngurah Sunatha, Ni Putu Suda Nurjani
6. Local Wisdom in Environmental Management in Tenganan Pegringsingan,
Karangasem, Bali 283 290
I Gusti Bagus Suryawan, Ni Made Jaya Senastri
7. Proportion Identification of Candi Tebing Gunung Kawi in Tampaksiring,
Gianyar - Bali 291 297
A.A. Gede Raka Gunawarman, I Kadek Merta Wijaya
8. Soundscape Mapping in Heritage Area (Case study : Legi Market,
Kotagede, Yogyakarta, Indonesia) 298 305
Patricia Pahlevi Noviandri
9. The Execution of Bali Architecture in Public Buildings as A Cultural
Tourism Potential of The City of Denpasar in The Era of Globalization 306 315
Made Novia Indriani, Cornelia Hildegardis
10. The Roles of Market Orientation and Knowledge Competency on The
Relationship Between Innovation and Business Performance 316 320
Ni Made Wahyuni, I Made Wardana, Gusti Ayu Ketut Giantari
11. Traditional Concept of Space and Building in Puri Agung Karangasem, Bali 321 328
Agus Kurniawan
12. Typology of Angkul-Angkul Forms at Balinese Ethnic Houses in Denpasar 329 336
I Kadek Merta Wijaya, A. A. Gede Raka Gunawarman
13. The Influence of Cultural Life on Spatial System in Tenganan Pagringsingan,
Karangasem - Bali. 337 347
I Wayan Runa

The 1st Warmadewa University International Conference On Architecture And Civil Engineering
20th October 2017, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Warmadewa, Bali


I Gusti Agung Putu Eryani1
Civil Engineering, Warmadewa University, Tanjung Bungkak Street, Denpasar, Bali


River estuary is downstream part of the river that associated with the sea. The river water flowing from upstream
to downstream will be wasted to the sea through the river estuary (Loloan). The water that flows in a river was a
water surface due to rain, springs, groundwater and waste or household waste. This research will organize the
Saba River estuary area in Buleleng Regency based on tourism environment, for water conservation.The whole
Watershed that flows in Buleleng regency bali province drain its water towards the sea through the downstream
river / estuary of the river. River estuary / Tukad Saba is one of the downstream located in Buleleng Regency
with parennial type. where much of the flow is a rice field, river estuary area Saba has not laid out properly. It
needs to be planned for area arrangement based tourism environment. River estuary is the water body area where
the entry of one or more of the river to the sea, kedanau, dams, ocean or river to another larger. In coastal areas,
river estuary deeply affected by inland water conditions such as freshwater and sediment flow. and sea water
such as tidal, wave, and the influx of salt water inland. Depending on the location and the environmental
conditions, estuaries may contain many ecological niches within a small area, and so is associated with high
biodiversity. The results of measurements of water discharge in the river estuary Saba in the dry season of 0,156
m3/sec and in the rainy season amounted to 1,023 m3/sec. Potential water in the estuary of the Saba of 9.34
million m3/year can be used for the water industry (hotel) 1364 rooms, for domestic water 81.854 inhabitants, for
a fish pond of 2 ha and 148 ha of irrigation water. Arrangement of estuary area of the river Saba of the
environmental aspects of tourism can be implemented with the availability of hazard map, clean water can be
met as needed, illumination walkways such street lights are designed appropriately, the opening of the
circulation path effluent from the coast toward the riverbank and the construction of a jetty for the smooth of
discharge flow of the river to the sea.

Keyword: Estuaries, Tidal, Wave, Arrangement.

called river run off. Approximately 69% of the
A. INTRODUCTION water that entering the river comes from rain,
melting ice / snow, and the remainder comes from
1. Background groundwater, the entire water that flowing is water
The estuary of the river serves as the resources (Effendi, 2003).
expulsion or disposal of the river especially during The rivers flowing in Province Bali is the
the flood to the sea. The estuary of the river has Balinese River Basin Unit consisting of 391
important economic value because it can serve as a watersheds (PU Bali, 2012). There are rivers in Bali
connecting link between the sea and the deep land that purified by Hindus because the river is usually
area. The problem that often encountered is that the used in religious ceremony. The rivers in Bali flow
amount of sediment in the mouth of the river so that to the north and south due to the division of Bali
the flow of the stream becomes small which can Island by the mountains that stretch from the east -
disrupt the discharge of river flow into the sea. west of the island. The water of the river flows
The estuary of the large rivers can shape from upstream to downstream will be expelled into
estuaries and also delta according to Ross D,A. the sea through the estuary or loloan.
(1995). The river estuary is the downstream part of Water that flows in the river is the surface
the river associated with the sea. The ground area water due to rain, springs, ground water and waste
that drains water to a water body is called or household waste disposal. The population of the
watersheds or drainage basins. Water that flows world increases in daily, it is resulting in the need
from land to a body of water is called surface run for quality and quantity of water also increases,
off, and the water flowing in the river to the sea is while the availability of water sources in the world

Sustainability | 20
The 1st Warmadewa University International Conference On Architecture And Civil Engineering
20th October 2017, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Warmadewa, Bali

that can be used directly as clean water that has a B. LITERATURE STUDY
human consumption threshold is not much, every 1. The Estuary
day humans need clean water to drink, Cooking,
bathing, washing and so on and about 80% will be Estuary or river estuaries are semi-enclosed to
disposed of in a dirty and polluted form known as waters that are freely connected to the sea. The
wastewater. combination of sea and freshwater influences will
The mouth of the Saba River is located in produce a distinctive community, with varying
Buleleng Regency. That area during the rainy environmental conditions, includes: Where tidal
season is often the occurrence of high water flows currents with opposing tides flow in, lead to a
due to the delayed flow of river water into the sea. strong influence on sedimentation, water mixing,
This is happen because the sediment transport along and other physical features, and carry great
the beach settles right at the mouth of the river, so influence on its biota. The mix of two kinds of that
the river water overflows, threatening the facilities water produces a special environmental physics that
and infrastructure that exist in the estuary of the is not the same as the nature of river and sea
River Saba. Morphological Characteristics of the properties.
Estuary of Saba River on the Coast of Seririt
Buleleng. The morphology of the Saba estuary is 2. The Management of Estuary
dominated by tidal and low tide of sea with mouth There are two the estuary managements that
of 8.5 m estuary, its spreading area towards north are for the mouth of the river is always open so that
east. the mouth of the river is always open required two
The eroded of soil and tides of sea, which of long jetties to avoid sedimentation in the groove of
course often happens at the mouth of the Saba the mouth of the river and the formation of the
River. The increase of population and the demand tongue of sand. Estuary of the river may be closed
for a better livelihood has encouraged people to where there are two options, that is the mouth of the
keep trying to meet all their needs, but behind it river should not be turned or may move. Deflection
there will be negative impacts, especially on the of the mouth of the river may cause the river
river water and river mouth. Industrial waste and growing longer and may reduce its ability to pass
household waste that transported by the rivers for the discharge. To withstand the deflection of the
years continue to increase. Therefore, it is estuary of the river needs to make medium jetty,
necessary to evaluate the environmental condition short jetty, building on river banks or routine
of the river estuary and the arrangement of the sediment dredging, according to Triatmodjo (1999).
environment to support water needs and tourism
3. Establishment of Estuary River in the
Potential availability of water in downstream
areas of the river or Saba estuary is also expected to Context of Urban Management
be utilized as a supporter of raw water, so that it is Urban management (urban management) is
not left useless to the sea during the rainy season, part of spatial planning as an approach that includes
but can be accommodated for water potential space water (sea), land space and space (air).
supporters during the dry season. Surface water that a) Elements of City Design.
flows in the mouth of the river until now has not According Shirvani (1985) there are 8
been maximally utilized for the community's raw elements that need to be studied in an urban
water needs, so the water is wasted in the sea. design that are: Land Use, Building and Mass,
Circulation and Parking, Open Space,
2. The Aim of the Research Pedestrian Ways, Activity Support, Signage and
Preservation Systems.
The aim of the research is to:
b) City Identity and City Image
a) Evaluate the environmental conditions of the
According to Budihardjo (1997), the identity
Saba River estuary Buleleng regency.
of the city can be formed based on the
b) Arranging the river estuary environment to
architectural style of the building, the function
support water conservation and tourism
and the role in the urban system itself, the socio-
activities in Buleleng Regency.
cultural values that live in society, the welfare
aspect that become the variety of spirit and

Sustainability | 21
The 1st Warmadewa University International Conference On Architecture And Civil Engineering
20th October 2017, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Warmadewa, Bali

behavior in the community, even the flora and 6. Establishment of River Estuary in Law
fauna that can display special characteristics and Context
become the pride of society. The general rule about coastal line, mention
that minimal the coast border line is 100 meter
4. Establishment of River Estuary in which measured by the highest water face toward
Waterfront Context 127 land line. (Presidential Decree no. 32 of 1990
a) Waterfront Definition and Classification on protected area management). The management
The term Waterfront is an area / part of of the river border area shall be regulated in chief
the city which can become an assembly minister of general workers 63 / PRT / 1993 section
point in all waterland and it also as a 6, on the boundary line of the river. The border line
dynamic area in those city. of the river is defined as follows:
b) Waterfront Development Concept a) The border line of the river shouldered outside
According to Torre (1989) several the urban area, set at least 5 (five) meters on
aspects of the study that help to the way the outside along the foot of the embankment.
become success in the development of b) The borderline of the embankment in the urban
water areas are: theme, image, experience, area, set at least 3 (three) meters on the outside
function, forming public opinion, along the foot of the dike.
environmental assessment, technological
aspects, financing and management.
According to Ichsan (1993), there are
characteristic in abroad area that develop a building
especially in water area, there are:
a) The development of waterfront area is
built toward the water.
b) People consciously aprreciate the
development of nature area without
changing it.
c) The benefit of the existence in waterfront Figure 1. Jetty Type for River Estuary
is the quality of the nature area itself, we
(Source: Triatmodjo (1999))
can see the panorama view as a beautiful
d) There are specific rules included: 7. Establishment of River Estuary in Context
coastline, river, lake boundaries to avoid Public Participation
coastal ownership for the benefit of The word role and comes from
individuals. "participation", which Balai Besar Bahasa
Indonesia dictates that Balai Pustaka is "role - as
5. Establishment of River Estuary in Tourism well". The Role-Participatory Approach can be
City defined as a pattern of approaches in the
Urban tourism have to develop because sector development process involving various actors, in a
of the tour will have profit aspect toward the city form of partnership in equality, by applying the
that can increase the locally-generated revenue. role-and-role system. The community participates
Therefore is needed to reins and keep the quality in as the subject of development as well as the object
tourism city, so that the tour object can work of enjoying the results of development.
continuity. In the basic of tourism object is an open
room that can be consumed by people. Room which
can be used by people are not see the age and 1. Methodology
gender, and also it can give the opportunity for kind The method which the author use is descriptive
of activity, and can be classified in type of space. In qualitative. It has several consideration as follows:
addition the guarantee of security and comfort The focus of the analysis on the device of
along with the free access for doing recreational qualitative is bigger than quantitative.
activities in it, is a absolute requirment to stimulate The relation of humans subjectivity on
human appreciation of the tourist attraction. one of the spatial planning in such regions.

Sustainability | 22
The 1st Warmadewa University International Conference On Architecture And Civil Engineering
20th October 2017, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Warmadewa, Bali

2. Time and Place of Research qualitatve measurement, data analysis,

The place of the research is located on the transcribing the data, and make a
estuary of Saba River on Buleleng district, where conclusion of everything.
located in Pengastulan beach. Look at Figure 2.
4. Technique of Data Analysis
The technique which the author choose in this
research is qualitative data analysis. This analysis is
done on the field with Interactive Technique
Analysis Model by Miles and Huberman. In this
model, the data reduction and data presentation is
considering the data which is collected by the
researcher. At the last step of the analysis is making
inference and verification of the data.


1. Result of the Data
Figure 2. The Location of the Research The result is can be inferred as follows: the
(Source: author) morphology characteristic of Saba River is having
typology of inverted triangle with the acre 141,424
3. Method of Data Collection km2, and the length of the main river is 36,070 km.
The data which is used for this research is The morphology characteristic of the Sabas River
divided into primary data and secondary data. estuary is dominated by stream flow with the wide
a) Primary data of the water gate of river 8,5 m, which the stream
The process of data collection is through: flow towards to the water gate is constant. The
direct observation, qualitative interview, structuring of region Sabas water gate and coastal
and regional mapping. area Pengastulan in Buleleng regency could be
b) Secondary data arrangement as:
The data is taken from related institution a) Structuring of the basic physical aspects of
for example: Bali Penida River hall area, the area
Balis BPS, the Office of Enviromental The concept and model of the basic physical
Agency in Balis Province. aspects of the area are as follows:
The aspects of the analysis: The concept of regional arrangement in the
a) Main Physic Aspect form of a safety embankment along the
The aspect on this analysis is related to river, the revitalization (urban renewal) and
regional mapping in DAS, so the development control through clear legal
geomorfology of the analysis is connected institutions.
to the opportunities of the using and The concept of security along the river
controling area. The analysis of embankment was made along the riverbank
climatology is about temperature aspect, with stone and concrete materials. High
himidity, wind, rainfall, direct sun embankment of at least 3 (three) meters and
radiation which have purpose to get a the embankment area is used as a
suitable functions of the city toward DAS circulation path.
climate character. The concept of revitalization (urban
Patlima (2007) said that the main key of renewal) is applied to areas that have not
the qualitative approach is the research been organized and tend to seem slums,
itself. So, the researcher have to be which along the banks of rivers and coastal
validate of how far the analysis which can areas, especially in residential areas.
be continue to the further field research. Surface water discharge measurements at the
The qualittaive approach as the Human Saba River estuary were conducted in September
Instrument have a function to set the focus (dry season) and in January (rainy season). Estuary
of the analysis, choose the respondent as of Saba river located in coastal area Pengastulan
the source of the data, data collection, data Seririt Village, Buleleng Regency, for the

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20th October 2017, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Warmadewa, Bali

implementation of debit measurements conducted

at a distance of 100 m - 110 m from the edge of the
beach using a tool current meter. Water debit
studies at the water gate of the river are measured at
low tide during the dry and rainy seasons. The
result of the measurement of water debit at Saba
River estuary in dry season is 0,156 m3 / second
and in rain season 1,023 m3 / second. Potential
Figure 5. Elevation Measurement Process at Saba River
water in the estuary of the Saba of 9.34 million
m3/year can be used for the water industry (hotel) (Source: author)
1364 rooms, for domestic water 81 854 inhabitants,
for a fish pond of 2 ha and 148 ha of irrigation
water. Management with the reservoir and dam

Figure 6. Water Retrieval Process Of Estuary River from

the Bridge In Pengastulan Village
(Source: author)

Figure 3. Morphological Conditions of Saba River

Estuary during Dry and Rainy Season.
(Source: author)

Figure 7. Water Retrieval Test Process in Estuary of

Saba River Seririt Buleleng
(Source: author)

Figure 4. Implementation of Measurement of Saba River

Estuary at Pengastulan Beach
(Source: author)

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20th October 2017, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Warmadewa, Bali

Figure 10. Circulation Path from the Coastal to the


c) Need to be made a safety dike on the river

banks and breakwater waves in a jetty type of
d) Should be made river water controller door.
e) Need to have a post / tower on the beach.
Figure 8. Water Retrieval Process for Water Quality Test
f) Each house should have its own recharge wells,
at Saba River Estuary, Pengastulan in order to reduce the burden of environmental
(Source: author) drainage channels.
g) The existing drains need to be covered with a
2. Viewed from the Environmental Aspects of
concrete plate (a safety factor) but it should also
be made with the main hole.
The concept of this tourism environmental
aspect is divided into the following sections:
a) Environmental facilities must exist: 3. Jetty Building Planning
Disaster Map and clean water Jetty is a perpendicular beach building located
Each road must have street lighting. on both sides of the river estuary that serves to
reduce the deepening of the grooves by beach
sediments. In the use of estuary river as a cruise
line, sedimentation in the estuary can disrupt the
vessel traffic. For its purpose jetty must be long
until the tip is outside of the break wave. With long
jetty delivery of sediment can also be used to
Figure 9. Street Lighting On The Road prevent siltation in the estuary, in relation to flood
(Source: control. The rivers that lead to sandy beaches with
considerable waves often encountered obstruction
b) Roads and Pedestrians of the estuary by sand deposits. Due to the
1. Open the circulation path from the coastal to influence of waves and winds, sand deposits
the river. formed in the estuary. Delivery of sediment along
2. Utilize the location of the river bank the coast is also very influential on the formation of
embankment. the sediment.
The sand that passes in front of the estuary
will be driven by the incoming waves into the
estuary and then deposited. Very large sediments
can cause the clogging of estuary rivers. The
closure occurs in the dry season where the river
discharge is small so that it is unable to erode the
sediment. The closure of the estuary can cause
flooding in the upper part of the estuary. In the
rainy season the floodwater can erode the sediment

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20th October 2017, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Warmadewa, Bali

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