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Overall Position:
Total import payments (c & f) of Bangladesh (including imports of EPZ) during the years
2013-2014 and 2012-2013 amounted to Taka 316572.2 crore (or US$ 40731.9 million) and
Taka 272327.9 crore (or US 34083.6 million) respectively, reflecting a 19.5 % increase in
dollar terms.
The overall position of import payments (c & f) in Taka and US dollar for the years 2013-
2014 and 2012-2013 are shown in Table I(A) and Table-I (B) respectively:


(Taka in crore)
2013-14 2012-2013 Changes
Import by mode of financing Amount % of Amount % of (1) - (3)
Total Total
1 2 3 4 5
Cash 233620.4 73.8 232204.9 85.3 1415.5

Buyer's Credit 49605.7 15.7 0.0 0.0 49605.7

Loans & Grants 199.4 0.1 433.0 0.2 -233.6
IDB Loan (short term) 9141.5 2.9 18519.2 6.8 -9377.7
Other Unclassified Imports 884.4 0.3 1195.7 0.4 -311.3
A. Sub-total 293451.4 92.7 252352.8 92.7 41098.6
B. Imports of EPZ 23120.8 7.3 19975.1 7.3 3145.7
Total Import : ( A+B) (c & f) 316572.2 100.0 272327.9 100.0 44244.3

(Million US$)
2013-14 2012-2013 Changes
Import by mode of financing Amount % of Amount % of (1) - (3)
Total Total
1 2 3 4 5
Cash 30059.1 73.8 29059.6 85.3 999.5

Buyer's Credit 6382 15.7 0.0 0.0 6382.3

Loans/Credits 25.7 0.1 53.7 0.2 -28
IDB Loan (short term) 1176.0 2.9 2315.9 6.8 -1139.9
Other Unclassified Imports 113.8 0.3 149.8 0.4 -36
A. Sub-total 37756.9 92.7 31579.0 92.7 6177.9
B. Imports of EPZ 2975.0 7.3 2504.6 7.3 470.4
Total Import : ( A+B) (c & f) 40731.9 100.0 34083.6 100.0 6648.3

Note: 1. figures in parentheses indicate percentage of change.

2.Buyer's credit on import payments data have been separated from 01-07-2013.
(Cash +Buyer's Credit) Imports (c & f) :

Import payments during the financial year 2013-2014 amounted to Taka 283226.1 crore as against Taka 232204.9 crore during the previous
year. The major commodities imported on cash basis were: Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and cotton fabrics (Taka 42149.0 crore),
mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their distillation, bituminous substances; mineral waxes Taka 30755.1 crore, nuclear reactors,
boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances, parts thereof Taka 23936.8 crore, Iron and steel 14889.4 crore, electrical machinery and
equipment and parts thereof, sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers and parts accessories of
such articles Taka 14522.3 crore,animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products, prepared edible fats, animal or vegetable waxes
Taka 13846.2 crore, cereals Taka 12841.2 crore, plastics and articles thereof Taka 11808.0 crore , ships, boats and floating sturctures Taka
80009.4.0 crore, Fertilizers Taka 7977.1 crore, sugar and sugar confectionery Taka 7206.2 crore, vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling
- stock, and parts and accessories thereof Taka 6894.7 crore,salt, sulphur, earths and stone, plastering materials, lime and cement Taka 6686.8
crore, man-made staple fibres Taka 6167.6 crore, edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers Taka 5404.6 crore,oil seeds and oleaginous
fruits; miscellaneous grains, seeds and fruits; industrial or medicinal plants; straw and fodder Taka 4422.0 crore, organic chemicals Taka
4412.8 crore, knitted or crocheted fabrics Taka 4296.2 crore, man-made filaments Taka 4222.5 crore, tannings or dyeing extracts; tannins
and their derivatives; dyes, pigments and other colouring matter; paints and arnishes; putty and other mastics; inks Taka 4185.4 crore,
residues and waste from the food industries; prepared animal fooder Taka 4103.7 crore, paper and paperboard, articles of paper pulp, of
paper or of paperboard Taka 3351.4 crore, Miscellaneous chemical products Taka 2835.6 crore, edible fruit and nuts, peel of citrus fruit or
melons Taka 2532.9 crore, dairy produce, birds' eggs natural honey, edible products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified or included Taka
2340.5 crore, inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals,of rare earth metals, of radioactive elements or of
isotopes Taka 2293.7 crore, articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not knitted or crocheted Taka 2258.8 crore, rubber and articles thereof
Taka 2123.9 crore, optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, hecking,precision, medical or surgical instruments and apparatus, parts
and accessories thereof Taka 1992.3 crore, coffee, tea, mate and spices Taka 1690.6 crore, Aluminium and articles thereof Taka 1645.4 crore,
special woven fabrics, tufted textile fabrics, lace, tapestries, trimmings, embroidery Taka 1287.4 crore, articles of iron and steel Taka
1270.6crore, and others Taka 18865.6 crore.
Table-II(A) (Taka in crore) and II(B) (in Million US$) shows the comparative position of major commodities imported during the year 2013-
2014 and 2012-2013 respectively.
(Taka in crore)
2013-2014 2012-2013
MAJOR COMMODITIES % of % of Changes
Amount Amount (1) - (3)
Total (A) Total (A)
1 2 3 4 5

A. Import under (Cash+Buyer's Credit) (

c& f) 283226.1 100.0 232204.9 100.0 +51021.2
1 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread
and cotton fabrics 42149.0 14.9 37807.9 16.3 +4341.1
2 Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of
their distillation bituminous substances;
mineral waxes 30755.1 10.9 20505.1 8.8 +10250.0
3 Nuclear reactors,boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 23936.8 8.5 19999.8 8.6 +3937.0
4 Iron and steel 14889.4 5.3 13187.4 5.7 +1702.0
5 Electrical machinery and equipment and
parts thereof; sound recorders and
reproducers, television image and sound
recorders and reproducers, and parts and
accessories of such articles. 14522.3 5.1 10470.0 4.5 +4052.3
6 Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their
cleavage products; prepared edible fats;
animal or vegetable waxes. 13846.2 4.9 11313.9 4.9 +2532.3
7 Cereals 12841.6 4.5 6353.4 2.7 +6488.2
8 Plastics and articles thereof. 11808.0 4.2 9267.6 4.0 +2540.4
9 Ships, boats and floating sturctures. 8009.4 2.8 8069.0 3.5 -59.6
(Taka in crore)
2013-2014 2012-2013
MAJOR COMMODITIES % of % of Changes
Amount Amount (1) - (3)
Total (A) Total (A)
1 2 3 4 5
10 Fertilizers 7977.1 2.8 9564.6 4.1 -1587.5
11 Sugar and sugar confectionery 7206.2 2.5 5976.7 2.6 +1229.5
12 Vehicles other than railway or tramway
rolling - stock, and parts and accessories
thereof. 6894.7 2.4 4869.1 2.1 +2025.6
13 Salt; sulphur; earths and stone; plastering
materials, lime and cement. 6686.8 2.4 5659.3 2.4 +1027.5
14 Man-made staple fibres. 6167.6 2.2 5885.2 2.5 +282.4
15 Edible vegetables and certain roots and
tubers. 5404.6 1.9 4494.4 1.9 +910.2
16 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits;
miscellaneous grains, seeds and fruits;
industrial or medicinal plants; straw and
fodder 4422.0 1.6 2463.6 1.1 +1958.4
17 Organic chemicals. 4412.8 1.6 3558.1 1.5 +854.7
18 Knitted or crocheted fabrics. 4296.2 1.5 4274.4 1.8 +21.8
19 Man-made filaments; strip and the like of
man-made textile materials 4222.5 1.5 3334.3 1.4 +888.2
20 Tanning or dyeing extracts; tannins
and their derivatives; dyes, pigments and 4185.4 1.5 3189.6 1.4 +995.8
21 other colouring
Residues matter;
and waste frompaints and
the food
industries; prepared animal fodder. 4103.7 1.4 3471.0 1.5 +632.7
22 Paper and paperboard; articles of paper
pulp, of paper or of paperboard. 3351.4 1.2 3152.9 1.4 +198.5
23 Miscellaneous chemical products 2835.6 1.0 2621.8 1.1 +213.8
(Taka in crore)
2013-2014 2012-2013
MAJOR COMMODITIES % of % of Changes
Amount Amount (1) - (3)
Total (A) Total (A)
1 2 3 4 5
24 Edible fruit and nuts, peel of citrus fruit or
melons 2532.9 0.9 1238.8 0.5 +1294.1
25 Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey;
edible products of animal origin, not
elsewhere specified or included 2340.5 0.8 1772.6 0.8 +567.9
26 Inorganic chemicals; organic or
inorganic compounds of precious metals, 2293.7 0.8 2150.4 0.9 +143.3
27 of rare earth
Articles metals,and
of apparel of radioactive
accessories, not knitted or crocheted. 2258.8 0.8 1986.0 0.9 +272.8
28 Rubber and articles thereof 2123.9 0.7 1636.7 0.7 +487.2
29 Optical, photographic, cinematographic,
measuring, checking, precision, medical
or surgical instruments and apparatus;
parts and accessories thereof 1992.3 0.7 1697.1 0.7 +295.2
30 Coffee, tea, mate and spices 1690.6 0.6 1030.3 0.4 +660.3
31 Aluminium and articles thereof 1645.4 0.6 1417.0 0.6 +228.4
32 Special woven fabrics; tufted textile
fabrics; lace; tapestries; trimmings;
embroidery. 1287.4 0.5 1469.0 0.6 -181.6
33 Articles of iron and steel 1270.6 0.4 1748.8 0.8 -478.2
34 Others 18865.6 6.6 16569.1 7.3 2296.5
B. Imports under loans and grants 199.4 - 433.0 - -233.6
C. Imports under IDB loan (short term) 9141.5 - 18519.2 - -9377.7
D. Other unclassified imports 884.4 - 1195.7 - -311.3
E. Imports of EPZ 23120.8 - 19975.1 - +3145.7
(Taka in crore)
2013-2014 2012-2013
MAJOR COMMODITIES % of % of Changes
Amount Amount (1) - (3)
Total (A) Total (A)
1 2 3 4 5
GRAND TOTAL : (A+B+C+D+E )(c&f) 316572.2 - 272327.9 - +44244.3


(Million US$)
2013-2014 2012-2013
MAJOR COMMODITIES % of % of Changes
Amount Amount
Total (A) Total (A) (1) - (3)
1 2 3 4 5

A. Import under (Cash+Buyer's Credit) (

c& f) 36441.4 100.0 29059.6 100.0 +7381.8
1 Cotton (all types),cotton yarn/thread
and cotton fabrics 5423.2 14.9 4735.1 16.3 +688.1
2 Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of
their distillation bituminous substances;
mineral waxes 3957.5 10.9 2567.4 8.8 +1390.1
3 Nuclear reactors,boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 3079.9 8.5 2500.9 8.6 +579.0
4 Iron and steel 1915.7 5.3 1652.8 5.7 +262.9
5 Electrical machinery and equipment and
parts thereof; sound recorders and
reproducers, television image and sound
recorders and reproducers, and parts and
accessories of such articles. 1868.5 5.1 1309.4 4.5 +559.1
(Taka in crore)
2013-2014 2012-2013
MAJOR COMMODITIES % of % of Changes
Amount Amount (1) - (3)
Total (A) Total (A)
1 2 3 4 5
6 Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their
cleavage products; prepared edible fats;
animal or vegetable waxes. 1781.5 4.9 1418.0 4.9 +363.5
7 Cereals 1652.2 4.5 793.7 2.7 +858.5
8 Plastics and articles thereof. 1519.3 4.2 1160.9 4.0 +358.4
9 Ships, boats and floating sturctures. 1030.5 2.8 1009.3 3.5 +21.2
10 Fertilizers 1026.2 2.8 1188.3 4.1 -162.1
11 Sugar and sugar confectionery 927.1 2.5 747.1 2.6 +180.0
12 Vehicles other than railway or tramway
rolling - stock, and parts and accessories
thereof. 887.2 2.4 609.6 2.1 +277.6
13 Salt; sulphur; earths and stone; plastering
materials, lime and cement. 860.3 2.4 708.1 2.4 +152.2
14 Man-made staple fibres. 793.6 2.2 736.4 2.5 +57.2
15 Edible vegetables and certain roots and
tubers. 695.3 1.9 562.9 1.9 +132.4
16 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits;
miscellaneous grains, seeds and fruits;
industrial or medicinal plants; straw and
fodder 568.9 1.6 308.3 1.1 +260.6
17 Organic chemicals. 567.8 1.6 445.3 1.5 +122.5
18 Knitted or crocheted fabrics. 552.7 1.5 535.2 1.8 +17.5
19 Man-made filaments; strip and the like of
man-made textile materials 543.3 1.5 417.6 1.4 +125.7
(Taka in crore)
2013-2014 2012-2013
MAJOR COMMODITIES % of % of Changes
Amount Amount (1) - (3)
Total (A) Total (A)
1 2 3 4 5
20 Tanning or dyeing extracts; tannins
and their derivatives; dyes, pigments and
other colouring matter; paints and
varnishes; putty and other mastics; inks. 538.5 1.5 399.4 1.4 +139.1
21 Residues and waste from the food
industries; prepared animal fodder. 528.0 1.4 436.0 1.5 +92.0
22 Paper and paperboard; articles of paper
pulp, of paper or of paperboard. 431.2 1.2 394.8 1.4 +36.4
23 Miscellaneous chemical products 364.8 1.0 328.0 1.1 +36.8
24 Edible fruit and nuts, peel of citrus fruit or
melons 325.8 0.9 155.1 0.5 +170.7
25 Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey;
edible products of animal origin, not
elsewhere specified or included 301.1 0.8 222.0 0.8 +79.1
26 Inorganic chemicals; organic or
inorganic compounds of precious metals,
of rare earth metals, of radioactive
elements or of isotopes. 295.1 0.8 269.2 0.9 +25.9
27 Articles of apparel and clothing
accessories, not knitted or crocheted. 290.6 0.8 248.6 0.9 +42.0
28 Rubber and articles thereof 273.3 0.7 204.7 0.7 +68.6
29 Optical, photographic,cinematographic,
measuring, checking, precision, medical
or surgical instruments and apparatus;
parts and accessories thereof 256.3 0.7 212.4 0.7 +43.9
(Taka in crore)
2013-2014 2012-2013
MAJOR COMMODITIES % of % of Changes
Amount Amount (1) - (3)
Total (A) Total (A)
1 2 3 4 5
30 Coffee, tea, mate and spices 217.5 0.6 129.3 0.4 +88.2
31 Aluminium and articles thereof 211.7 0.6 177.3 0.6 +34.4
32 Special woven fabrics; tufted textile
fabrics; lace; tapestries; trimmings;
embroidery. 165.6 0.5 183.7 0.6 -18.1
33 Articles of iron and steel 163.5 0.4 219.1 0.8 -55.6
34 Others 2427.7 6.6 2073.7 7.3 354.0
B. Imports under loans and grants 25.7 - 53.7 - -28.0
C. Imports under IDB loan (short term) 1176 - 2315.9 - -1139.9
D. Other unclassified imports 113.8 - 149.8 - -36.0
E. Imports of EPZ 2975.0 - 2504.6 - +470.4
GRAND TOTAL : (A+B+C+D+E )(c&f) 40731.9 - 34083.6 - +6648.3
Commodity group-wise Import Payments under (Cash+Buyer's credit):

The import payments during the year 2013-2014 amounted to Tk. 283226.1 crore as against Tk. 232204.9 crore
during the previous year showing an increase of Taka 51021.2 crore (or 21.9%).Commodity-wise classification
revealed increases over the previous year under textiles and textile articles (+Taka 5628.7 crore), machinery and
mechanical appliances, electrical equipment, parts thereof, sound recorders and reproducers, television image and
sound recorders and reproducers, and parts and accessories of such articles (+Taka 7989.3crore), mineral
products ( +Taka 11354.8crore), vegetable products (+Taka 11770.1crore),products of the chemical or allied
industries (+ Taka 627.5 crore), base metals and articles of base metal (+ Taka 2008.1 crore), Vehicles, aircraft,
vessels and associated transport equipment. (+Taka 1603.6 crore), plastics and articles thereof, rubber and articles
thereof (+Taka 3027.6 crore), Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products, prepared edible fats,
animal or vegetable waxes (+Taka 2532.3 crore), prepared food stuffs, beverages, spirits and vinegar, tobacco
and manufactured tobacco substitutes (+Taka 1823.1 crore), pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material;
recovered (waste and scrap) paper or paperboard, paper and perboard and articles thereof (+Taka 427.4 crore),
live animals, animal products (+Taka 363.0 crore), optical, photographic, cinematographic measuring, checking,
precision, medical or surgical instruments and apparatus, clock and watches, musical instruments, parts and
accessories thereof (+Taka 290.2 crore), miscellaneous manufactured articles (+Taka 175.6 crore), arms and
ammunition , parts and accessories thereof (+Taka 1131.1 crore),articles of stone, plaster, cement asbestos, mica
or similar materials, ceramic products, glass and glassware (+Taka 75.9 crore), raw hides and skins, leather,
furskins and articles thereof, suddlery an harness, travel goods, handbags and similar containers, articles of
animals gut (other than silk-worm gut) (+Taka 90.1 crore), foot wear, headgear, umbrellas, sun mbrellas,
walking sticks, seat sticks, whips, ridding crops and parts thereof, prepared feather and articles made therewith,
artificial flowers, articles of human hair (+Taka 44.0crore),natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious
stones, precious metal, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof, imitation jewellery, coin (+Taka 33.9
crore).and goods and commodities not included elsewhere (+Taka 42.9 crore).
On the other hand only decreases over the previous year were recorded under: wood and articles of wood, wood
charcoal, cork and articles of cork, manufactures of straw, of esparto or of other plating meterials, basketware
and wicker-work (-Taka 18.2 crore).

Table-III (A) (Taka in crore) and III (B) (In Million US$) shows the comparative position of commodity group
wise import during the year 2013-2014 and 2012-2013 respectivly.


(Taka in crore)
2013-14 2012-2013
Sect- COMMODITY GROUP % of % of Changes
Amount Amount
ion Total Total (1) - (3)
code 1 (A) 2 3 (A) 4 5

Import under (Cash+Buyer's Credit) (

c& f) 283226.1 100.0 232204.9 100.0 +51021.2
1 Textiles and textile articles 62241.6 22.0 56612.9 24.4 +5628.7
2 Machinery and mechanical appliances;
electrical equipment; parts thereof; sound
recorders and reproducers, television image
and sound recorders and reproducers; and
parts and accessories of such articles.
38459.1 13.6 30469.8 13.1 +7989.3
3 Mineral products 38120.1 13.5 26765.3 11.5 +11354.8
4 Vegetable products 27703.5 9.8 15933.4 6.9 +11770.1
5 Products of the chemical or allied
industries 24738.6 8.7 24111.1 10.4 +627.5
6 Base metals and articles of base metal 20649.7 7.3 18641.6 8.0 +2008.1
(Taka in crore)
2013-14 2012-2013
Sect- COMMODITY GROUP % of % of Changes
Amount Amount
ion Total Total (1) - (3)
code 1 (A) 2 3 (A) 4 5
7 Vehicles, aircraft, vessels and associated
transport equipment. 15543.2 5.5 13939.6 6.0 +1603.6
8 Plastics and articles thereof; rubber and
articles thereof 13931.9 4.9 10904.3 4.7 +3027.6
9 Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their
cleavage products; prepared edible fats;
animal or vegetable waxes 13846.2 4.9 11313.9 4.9 +2532.3
10 Prepared foodstuffs; beverages, spirits and
vinegar; tobacco and manufactured tobacco
substitutes 12513.4 4.4 10690.3 4.6 +1823.1
11 Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic
material; recovered (waste and scrap) paper
or paperboard; paper and paperboard and
articles thereof 4879.0 1.7 4451.6 1.9 +427.4
12 Live animals; animal products 2649.4 0.9 2286.4 1.0 +363.0
13 Optical, photographic, cinematographic,
measuring, checking, precision, medical or
surgical instruments and apparatus; parts
and accessories thereof 2030.9 0.7 1740.7 0.7 +290.2
14 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 1651.2 0.6 1475.6 0.6 +175.6
15 Arms and ammunition; parts and
accessories thereof 1311.0 0.5 179.9 0.1 +1131.1
16 Articles of stone, plaster, cement asbestos,
mica or similar materials; ceramic
products; glass and glassware 999.4 0.4 923.5 0.4 +75.9
(Taka in crore)
2013-14 2012-2013
Sect- COMMODITY GROUP % of % of Changes
Amount Amount
ion Total Total (1) - (3)
code 1 (A) 2 3 (A) 4 5
17 Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal;
cork and articles of cork; manufactures of
straw, of esparto or of other plaiting
materials; basketware and wickerwork
839.0 0.3 857.2 0.4 -18.2
18 Raw hides and skins, leather, furskins and
articles thereof; saddlery and harness;
travel goods, handbags and similar
containers; articles of animal gut (other
than silk-worm gut) 600.0 0.2 509.9 0.2 +90.1
19 Footwear, headgear, umbrellas, sun
umbrellas, walking - sticks, seat- sticks,
whips, riding- crops and parts thereof;
prepared feathers and articles made
therewith; artificial flowers; articles of
human hair 357.0 0.2 313.0 0.2 +44.0
20 Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-
precious stones, precious metal, metals clad
with precious metal and articles thereof;
imitation jewellery; coin 116.7 0.1 82.8 0.1 +33.9
21 Goods and commodities not included
elsewhere 45.2 0.0 2.3 0.0 +42.9

B. Imports under loans and grants 199.4 - 433.0 - -233.6

C. Imports under IDB loan (short term) 9141.5 - 18519.2 - -9377.7
D. Other unclassified imports 884.4 - 1195.7 - -311.3
(Taka in crore)
2013-14 2012-2013
Sect- COMMODITY GROUP % of % of Changes
Amount Amount
ion Total Total (1) - (3)
code 1 (A) 2 3 (A) 4 5
E. Imports of EPZ 23120.8 - 19975.1 - +3145.7
GRAND TOTAL : (A+B+C+D+E )(c&f) 316572.2 - 272327.9 - +44244.3


(Million US$)
2013-14 2012-2013
Sect- COMMODITY GROUP % of % of Changes
Amount Amount
ion Total Total (1) - (3)
code 1 (A) 2 3 (A) 4 5

Import under (Cash+Buyer's Credit) (

c& f) 36441.4 100.0 29059.6 100.0 +7381.8
1 Textiles and textile articles 8008.4 22.0 7088.6 24.4 +919.8
2 Machinery and mechanical appliances;
electrical equipment; parts thereof; sound
recorders and reproducers, television image
and sound recorders and reproducers; and
parts and accessories of such articles.
4948.3 13.6 3810.3 15.9 +1138.0
3 Mineral products 4905.1 13.5 3350.8 11.5 +1554.3
(Taka in crore)
2013-14 2012-2013
Sect- COMMODITY GROUP % of % of Changes
Amount Amount
ion Total Total (1) - (3)
code 1 (A) 2 3 (A) 4 5
4 Vegetable products 3564.3 9.8 1993.8 6.9 +1570.5
5 Products of the chemical or allied
industries 3182.9 8.7 3008.6 10.4 +174.3
6 Base metals and articles of base metal 2656.9 7.3 2334.7 8.0 +322.2
7 Vehicles, aircraft, vessels and associated
transport equipment. 1999.9 5.5 1745.0 6.0 +254.9
8 Plastics and articles thereof; rubber and
articles thereof 1792.7 4.9 1365.6 4.7 +427.1
9 Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their
cleavage products; prepared edible fats;
animal or vegetable waxes 1781.5 4.9 1418.0 4.9 +363.5
10 Prepared foodstuffs; beverages, spirits and
vinegar; tobacco and manufactured tobacco
substitutes 1609.9 4.4 1338.7 4.6 +271.2
11 Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic
material; recovered (waste and scrap) paper
or paperboard; paper and paperboard and
articles thereof 627.8 1.7 557.4 1.9 +70.4
12 Live animals; animal products 340.9 0.9 286.6 1.0 +54.3
13 Optical, photographic, cinematographic,
measuring, checking, precision, medical or
surgical instruments and apparatus; parts
and accessories thereof 261.3 0.7 217.8 0.7 +43.5
14 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 209.5 0.6 184.7 0.6 +24.8
15 Arms and ammunition; parts and
accessories thereof 160.5 0.4 22.7 0.1 +137.8
(Taka in crore)
2013-14 2012-2013
Sect- COMMODITY GROUP % of % of Changes
Amount Amount
ion Total Total (1) - (3)
code 1 (A) 2 3 (A) 4 5
16 Articles of stone, plaster, cement asbestos,
mica or similar materials; ceramic
products; glass and glassware 128.6 0.4 115.5 0.4 +13.1
17 Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal;
cork and articles of cork; manufactures of
straw, of esparto or of other plaiting
materials; basketware and wickerwork
108.0 0.3 107.1 0.4 +0.9
18 Raw hides and skins, leather, furskins and
articles thereof; saddlery and harness;
travel goods, handbags and similar
containers; articles of animal gut (other
than silk-worm gut) 77.2 0.2 63.8 0.2 +13.4
19 Footwear, headgear, umbrellas, sun
umbrellas, walking - sticks, seat- sticks,
whips, riding- crops and parts thereof;
prepared feathers and articles made
therewith; artificial flowers; articles of
human hair 45.9 0.2 39.2 0.2 +6.7
20 Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-
precious stones, precious metal, metals clad
with precious metal and articles thereof;
imitation jewellery; coin 15.0 0.1 10.5 0.1 +4.5
21 Goods and commodities not included
elsewhere 5.8 0.0 0.3 0.0 +5.5
(Taka in crore)
2013-14 2012-2013
Sect- COMMODITY GROUP % of % of Changes
Amount Amount
ion Total Total (1) - (3)
code 1 (A) 2 3 (A) 4 5
B. Imports under loans and grants 25.7 - 53.7 - -28.0
C. Imports under IDB loan (short term) 1176 - 2315.9 - -1139.9
D. Other unclassified imports 113.8 - 149.8 - -36.0
E. Imports of EPZ 2975.0 - 2504.6 - +470.4
GRAND TOTAL : (A+B+C+D+E )(c&f) 40731.9 - 34083.6 - +6648.3
Country/Commodity wise Import Payments under( Cash+ Buyer's Credit) :


(Taka in crore)
2013-2014 2012-2013
Country/ Commodity group % of % of
Amount Amount
Total Total
1 2 3 4

A. Import under (Cash+Buyer's Credit)( c& f) 283226.1 232204.9

100.0 100.0

1 PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA 58608.5 100.0 50413.5 100.0

(20.7) (21.7)
1 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and cotton
fabrics 12581.9 21.5 11251.2 22.3
2 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 9026.8 15.4 7533.2 14.9
3 Electrical machinery and equipment and parts
thereof; sound recorders and reproducers,
television image and sound recorders and
reproducers, and parts and accessories of such
articles 7665.2 13.1 6033.3 12.0
4 Man-made staple fibres 3121.1 5.3 3333.7 6.6
5 Knitted or crocheted fabrics 3026.3 5.2 3010.8 6.0
6 Man-made filaments; strip and the like of man-
made textile meterials 2222.9 3.8 1849.5 3.7
7 Fertiliser 2079.3 3.5 1903.8 3.8
8 Plastics and articles thereof 1339.2 2.3 1102.9 2.2
9 Organic chemicals 1251.1 2.1 999.4 2.0
10 Iron and steel 1141.0 1.9 1027.8 2.0
11 Inorganic chemicals, organic or inorganic
compounds of precious metal, of rare-earth
metals, of radioactive elements or of isotopes 1138.5 1.9 1049.6 2.1
12 Arms and ammunition; parts and accessories
thereof 1012.8 1.7 145.6 0.3
13 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not
knitted or crocheted 1007.2 1.7 1016.2 2.0
14 Tanning or dyeing extracts, tannins and their
derivatives, dyes, pigments and other colouring
matter, paints and varnishes, putty and other
mastics, inks 932.7 1.6 700.5 1.4
15 Special woven fabrics, tufted textile fabrics, lace,
tapestries, trimmings, embroidery 828.8 1.4 912.6 1.8

(Taka in crore)
16 Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling-
stock and parts and accessories thereof 711.0 1.2 507.6 1.0
17 Paper and paperboard, articles of paper pulp, of
paper or of paperboard 638.1 1.1 505.6 1.0
18 Articles of iron and steel 601.9 1.0 477.4 0.9
19 Edible fruit and nuts, peel of citrus fruit or
melons 526.6 0.9 334.1 0.7
20 Optical, photographic, cinematographic,
measuring, checking, precision, medical or
surgical instruments and apparatus, parts and
accessories thereof 501.7 0.9 335.5 0.7
21 Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers 358.2 0.6 128.9 0.3
22 Rubber and articles thereof 337.2 0.6 295.6 0.6
23 Coffee, tea, mate and spices 244.7 0.4 278.9 0.6
24 Aluminium and articles thereof 224.1 0.4 211.4 0.4
25 Silk yarn/thread and silk fabrics 84.2 0.1 66.2 0.1
26 Cereals 40.1 0.1 52.6 0.1
27 Others 5965.9 10.3 5349.6 10.5

2 INDIA 46908.0 100.0 37868.0 100.0

(16.6) (16.3)
1 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and cotton
fabrics 11047.1 23.6 10061.0 26.6
2 Cereals 8440.0 18.0 3890.9 10.3
3 Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling-
stock and parts and accessories thereof 3867.7 8.2 2399.6 6.3
4 Residues and waste from the food industries,
prepared animal fodder 2278.1 4.9 1948.3 5.1
5 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 2166.0 4.6 2039.2 5.4
6 Iron and steel 1662.5 3.5 903.0 2.4
7 Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers 1338.1 2.9 930.1 2.5
8 Organic chemicals 1249.9 2.7 1001.7 2.6
9 Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of
their distillation, bituminous substances, mineral
waxes 1100.7 2.3 1094.1 2.9
10 Plastics and articles thereof 1074.7 2.3 817.2 2.2
11 Tanning or dyeing extracts, tannins and their
derivatives, dyes, pigments and other colouring
matter, paints and varnishes, putty and other
mastics, inks 1012.1 2.2 742.8 2.0
12 Salt, sulphur, earths and stone, plastering
materials, lime and cement 978.9 2.1 832.4 2.2

(Taka in crore)
13 Electrical machinery and equipment and parts
thereof, sound recorders and reproducers,
television image and sound recorders and
reproducers and parts and accessories of such
articles 886.7 1.9 679.3 1.8
14 Coffee, tea, mate and spices 850.3 1.8 495.7 1.3
15 Dairy produce, birds' eggs natural honey, edible
products of animal origin, not elsewhere
specified or included 709.8 1.5 342.8 0.9
16 Man-made staple fibres 666.1 1.4 496.9 1.3
17 Rubber and articles thereof 653.3 1.4 619.7 1.6
18 Edible fruit and nuts, peel of citrus fruit or
melons 585.4 1.2 305.5 0.8
19 Man-made filaments; strip and the like of man-
made textile meterials 501.0 1.1 307.6 0.8
20 Aluminium and articles thereof 476.0 1.0 457.7 1.2
21 Knitted or crocheted fabrics 409.2 0.9 494.5 1.3
22 Inorganic chemicals, organic or inorganic
compounds of precious metal, of rare-earth
metals, of radioactive elements or of isotopes 308.7 0.7 324.4 0.9
23 Paper and paper board, articles of paper pulp, of
paper or of paper board 264.3 0.6 176.3 0.5
24 Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery,cosmetic
or toilet preparation 239.6 0.5 255.3 0.7
25 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous
grains, seeds and fruits; industrial or medicinal
plants; straw and fodder 224.2 0.5 281.7 0.7
26 Pharmaceutical products 128.2 0.3 176.4 0.5
27 Others 3789.4 7.9 5793.9 15.2

3 SINGAPORE 17794.5 100.0 8599.6 100.0

(6.3) (3.7)
1 Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their
distillation, bituminous substances, mineral
waxes 11379.6 64.0 4549.5 52.9
2 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 1188.9 6.7 834.9 9.7
3 Iron and steel 491.5 2.8 143.6 1.7
4 Plastics and articles thereof 480.4 2.7 377.7 4.4

(Taka in crore)
5 Electrical machinery and equipment and parts
thereof, sound recorders and reproducers,
television image and sound recorders and
reporducers and parts and accessories of such
articles 474.8 2.7 323.0 3.8
6 Miscellaneous chemical products 320.8 1.8 236.5 2.8
7 Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers 311.5 1.8 39.4 0.5
8 Organic chemicals 282.2 1.6 210.7 2.5
9 Ships, boats and floating structures 240.1 1.3 213.1 2.5
10 Aluminium and articles thereof 197.7 1.1 81.4 0.9
11 Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their
cleavage products, prepared edible fats, animal
or vegetable waxes 170.3 1.0 185.0 2.2
12 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn/thread and cotton
fabrics 127.4 0.7 145.7 1.7
13 Salt, sulphur, earths and stone, plastering
materials, lime and cement 123.7 0.7 81.2 0.9
14 Paper and paperboard, articles of paper pulp, of
paper or of paperboard 91.7 0.5 71.4 0.8
15 Optical, photographic, cinematographic,
measuring, checking, precision, medical or
surgical instruments and apparatus, parts and
accessories thereof 90.1 0.5 92.2 1.1
16 Man-made filaments; strip and the like of man-
made textile meterials 73.0 0.4 67.1 0.8
17 Wood and articles of wood 66.0 0.4 53.1 0.6
18 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not
knitted or crocheted 57.4 0.3 18.1 0.2
19 Zink and articles thereof 13.7 0.1 14.0 0.2
20 Others 1613.7 8.9 862.0 9.8

4 MALAYSIA 15868.1 100.0 11963.0 100.0

(5.6) (5.2)
1 Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their
distillation, bituminous substances, mineral
waxes 8279.1 52.2 6357.6 53.1
2 Animal or vegitable fats oils and their cleavage
products: prepared edible fats: animal or
vegetable waxes 3945.9 24.9 1929.5 16.1
3 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 676.6 4.3 660.3 5.5
4 Plastics and articles thereof 558.8 3.5 454.9 3.8

(Taka in crore)
5 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and
cotton fabrics 250.7 1.6 168.7 1.4
6 Organic chemicals 205.9 1.3 210.7 1.8
7 Iron and steel 201.1 1.3 635.3 5.3
8 Electrical machinery and equipment and parts
thereof,sound recorders and reproducers,
television image and sound recorders and
reproducers and parts and accessories of such
articles 185.0 1.2 191.3 1.6
9 Salt, sulphur, earths and stone, plastering
materials, lime and cement 161.9 1.0 63.3 0.5
10 Rubber and articles thereof 136.1 0.9 162.9 1.4
11 Miscellaneous chemical products 134.6 0.8 166.8 1.4
12 Man - made staple fibres 72.2 0.5 47.8 0.4
13 Man-made filaments; strip and the like of man-
made textile meterials 65.4 0.4 53.4 0.4
14 Articles of iron or steel 32.0 0.2 32.0 0.3
15 Others 962.8 5.9 828.5 6.9

5 JAPAN 9977.7 100.0 9438.9 100.0

(3.5) (4.1)
1 Iron and steel 2969.3 29.8 2383.3 25.2
2 Ships, boats and floating structures 2648.8 26.5 3110.4 33.0
3 Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling-
stock, and parts and accessories thereof 1647.5 16.5 1256.0 13.3
4 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 1042.0 10.4 1154.1 12.2
5 Copper and articles thereof 209.5 2.1 192.0 2.0
6 Optical, photographic, cinematographic,
measuring, checking, precision, medical or
surgical instruments and apparatus, parts and
accessories thereof 178.7 1.8 142.9 1.5
7 Plastics and articles thereof 129.2 1.3 60.7 0.6
8 Electrical machinery and equipment and parts
thereof; sound recorders and reproducers,
television image and sound recorders and
reproducers, and parts and accessories of such
articles 115.3 1.2 164.1 1.7
9 Rubber and articles thereof 70.5 0.7 60.1 0.6
10 Paper and paperboard, articles of paper pulp, of
paper or of paperboard 21.6 0.2 27.5 0.3
11 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn/thread and cotton
fabrics 9.4 0.1 51.8 0.5

(Taka in crore)
12 Man-made staple fibres 6.6 0.1 21.3 0.2
13 Others 929.3 9.3 814.7 8.6

6 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 9318.2 100.0 10362.8 100.0

(3.3) (4.5)
1 Iron and steel 1921.2 20.6 2356.3 22.7
2 Ships, boats and floating structures 1135.9 12.2 1586.2 15.3
3 Plastics and articles thereof 1068.7 11.5 838.9 8.1
4 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 986.7 10.6 512.2 4.9
5 Paper and paperboard, articles of paper pulp, of
paper or of paperboard 704.9 7.6 766.4 7.4
6 Zinc and articles thereof 595.7 6.4 510.3 4.9
7 Salt, sulphur, earths and stone, plastering
materials, lime and cement 319.2 3.4 437.6 4.2
8 Electrical machinery and equipment and parts
thereof; sound recorders and reproducers,
television image and sound recorders and
reproducers, and parts and accessories of such
articles 309.8 3.3 237.5 2.3
9 Organic chemicals 248.3 2.7 190.3 1.8
10 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and cotton
fabrics 236.9 2.5 225.9 2.2
11 Man-made staple fibres 212.3 2.3 105.7 1.0
12 Aluminium and articles thereof 151.2 1.6 123.4 1.2
13 Man-made filaments; strip and the like of man-
made textile meterials 133.0 1.4 112.1 1.1
14 Articles of iron and steel 45.9 0.5 35.9 0.3
15 Knitted or crocheted fabrics 30.9 0.3 70.4 0.7
16 Special woven fabrics, tufted textile fabrics, lace,
tapestries, trimmings, embroedery 4.9 0.1 11.5 0.1
17 Others 1212.7 13.0 2242.2 21.8

7 INDONESIA 8582.0 100.0 8421.8 100.0

(3.0) (3.6)
1 Animal or vegitable fats oils and their cleavage
products: prepared edible fats: animal or
vegetable waxes 5051.2 58.9 5781.4 68.6
2 Man-made staple fibres 411.1 4.8 217.7 2.6
3 Paper and paper board, articles of paper pulp, of
paper or of paper board 283.4 3.3 297.7 3.5
4 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and
cotton fabrics 250.1 2.9 220.1 2.6

(Taka in crore)
5 Plastics and articles thereof 204.4 2.4 194.8 2.3
6 Miscellaneous chemical products 115.0 1.3 179.8 2.1
7 Salt, sulphur, earths and stone, plastering
materials, lime and cement 102.9 1.2 17.9 0.2
8 Man-made filaments; strip and the like of man-
made textile meterials 78.9 0.9 63.8 0.8
9 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 68.3 0.8 70.8 0.8
10 Iron and steel 62.2 0.7 67.2 0.8
11 Rubber and articles thereof 49.1 0.6 41.5 0.5
12 Organic chemicals 26.6 0.3 26.0 0.3
13 Glass and glassware 14.8 0.2 17.5 0.2
14 Others 1864.0 21.7 1225.6 14.6

8 BRAZIL 7756.7 100.0 6398.6 100.0

(2.7) (2.8)
1 Sugar and sugar confectionery 5729.1 73.9 3787.6 59.2
2 Animal or vegitable fats oils and their cleavage
products: prepared edible fats: animal or
vegetable waxes 1054.2 13.6 1161.9 18.2
3 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous
grains, seeds and fruits; industrial or medicinal
plants; straw and fodder 373.1 4.8 211.6 3.3
4 Man-made staple fibres 89.0 1.1 57.2 0.9
5 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and
cotton fabrics 86.2 1.1 184.8 2.9
6 Cereals 25.9 0.3 592.7 9.3
7 Others 399.2 5.1 402.8 6.3

9 TAIWAN 7144.6 100.0 5871.3 100.0

(2.5) (2.5)
1 Iron and steel 1770.9 24.8 1257.2 21.4
2 Plastics and articles thereof 1535.4 21.5 1179.8 20.1
3 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 746.4 10.4 732.0 12.5
4 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and cotton
fabrics 258.1 3.6 284.6 4.8
5 Paper and paper board, articles of paper pulp, of
paper or of paper board 252.1 3.5 182.4 3.1
6 Man-made filaments; strip and the like of man-
made textile meterials 225.6 3.2 192.7 3.3
7 Knitted or crocheted fabrics 208.4 2.9 170.2 2.9
8 Man- made staple fibres 186.5 2.6 300.6 5.1

(Taka in crore)
9 Miscellaneous chemical products 156.6 2.2 145.4 2.5
10 Organic chemicals 111.0 1.6 104.0 1.8
11 Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their
distillation, bituminous substances, mineral
waxes 96.7 1.4 81.7 1.4
12 Rubber and articles thereof 42.3 0.6 41.7 0.7
13 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not
knitted or crocheted 39.3 0.6 37.7 0.6
14 Special woven fabrics, tufted textile fabrics, lace,
tapestries, trimmings, embroidery 36.5 0.5 43.3 0.7
15 Salt, sulpher, earths and stone, plastering
materials, lime and cement 7.7 0.1 5.3 0.1
16 Others 1471.1 20.6 1112.7 19.0

10 KUWAIT 7107.7 100.0 4346.7 100.0

(2.5) (1.9)
1 Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their 7076.8 99.6 4272.2 98.3
2 Others 30.9 0.4 74.5 1.7

11 U.S.A. 6498.7 100.0 4293.0 100.0

(2.3) (1.8)
1 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 1057.2 16.3 608.6 14.2
2 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and
cotton fabrics 938.8 14.4 784.3 18.3
3 Electrical machinery and equipment and parts
thereof, sound recorders and reproducers,
television image and sound recorders and
reproducers and parts and accessories of such
articles 518.4 8.0 440.7 10.3
4 Residues and waste from the food industries;
prepared animal fodder 331.0 5.1 327.4 7.6
5 Iron and steel 320.0 4.9 356.9 8.3
6 Optical,photographic,cinematograph-ic,
measuring, checking, precision, medical or
surgical instruments and apparatus, parts and
accessories thereof 252.5 3.9 242.2 5.6
7 Plastics and articles thereof 174.6 2.7 126.3 2.9
8 Man-made staple fibres 166.2 2.6 195.0 4.5
9 Organic chemicals 95.8 1.5 86.4 2.0
10 Miscellaneous chemical products
58.0 0.9 48.1 1.1

(Taka in crore)
11 Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic
material, waste and scrap of paper or paperboard
52.0 0.8 69.3 1.6
12 Dairy produce, birds' eggs natural honey, edible
products of animal origin, not elsewhere
specified or included 10.7 0.2 35.5 0.8
13 Others 2523.5 38.7 972.3 22.8

12 HONG KONG 5900.4 100.0 4847.5 100.0

(2.1) (2.1)
1 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn /thread and cotton
fabrics 1374.8 23.3 1218.0 25.1
2 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not
knitted or crocheted 782.5 13.3 645.0 13.3
3 Electrical machinery and equipment and parts
thereof, sound recorders and reproducers,
television image and sound recorders and
reproducers, and parts and accessories of such
articles 581.9 9.9 231.5 4.8
4 Man-made filaments; strip and the like of man-
made textile meterials 348.2 5.9 280.8 5.8
5 Misecllaneous manufactured articles 311.2 5.3 281.6 5.8
6 Special woven fabrics, tufted textile fabrics, lace,
tapestries, trimmings, embroidery 304.3 5.2 295.5 6.1
7 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 272.2 4.6 151.4 3.1
8 Salt, sulpher, earths and stone, plastering
materials, lime and cement 246.1 4.2 145.6 3.0
9 Man made staple fibres 195.2 3.3 232.2 4.8
10 Knitted or crocheted fabrics 180.7 3.1 161.0 3.3
11 Paper and paperboard, articles of paper pulp, of
paper or of paperboard 145.4 2.5 115.4 2.4
12 Plastics and articles thereof 134.0 2.3 78.9 1.6
13 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories,
knitted or crocheted 23.6 0.4 47.8 1.0
14 Others 1000.3 16.7 962.8 19.9

13 THAILAND 5762.1 100.0 5513.8 100.0

(2.0) (2.4)
1 Plastics and articles thereof 1107.6 19.2 958.2 17.4
2 Salt, sulphur, earths and stone, plastering
materials, lime and cement 817.1 14.2 1059.9 19.2
3 Man made staple fibres 598.4 10.4 511.6 9.3

(Taka in crore)
4 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 312.4 5.4 307.7 5.6
5 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and cotton
fabrics 261.5 4.5 230.9 4.2
6 Tanning or dyeing extracts, tannins and their
derivatives, dyes, pigments and other colouring
matter, paints and varnishes, putty and other
mastics, inks 197.9 3.4 155.2 2.8
7 Man-made filaments; strip and the like of man-
made textile meterials 174.8 3.0 151.9 2.8
8 Paper and paper board, articles of paper pulp, of
paper or of paperboard 164.6 2.9 156.6 2.8
9 Sugar and sugar confectionery 161.1 2.8 166.5 3.0
10 Rubber and articles thereof 148.4 2.6 100.3 1.8
11 Products of the milling industry; malt; starches;
inulin; wheat gluten 135.0 2.3 100.0 1.8
12 Electrical machinery and equipment and parts
thereof; sound recorders and reproducers,
television image and sound recorders and
reproducers, and parts and accessories of such
articles 119.6 2.1 73.6 1.3
13 Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their
distillation, bituminous substances, mineral
waxes 111.3 1.9 378.6 6.9
14 Edible fruit and nuts, peel of citrus fruit or
melons 48.7 0.8 6.0 0.1
15 Iron and steel 41.3 0.7 28.8 0.5
16 Knitted or crocheted fabrics 30.5 0.5 21.1 0.4
17 Cereals 29.0 0.5 9.8 0.2
18 Others 1302.9 22.6 1097.1 19.9

14 AUSTRALIA 4710.1 100.0 3758.0 100.0

(1.7) (1.6)
1 Edible vegetable and certain roots and tubers 1554.8 33.0 1275.1 33.9
2 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and cotton
fabrics 819.6 17.4 595.4 15.8
3 Cereals 441.3 9.4 212.5 5.7
4 Dairy produce, birds' eggs natural honey, edible
products of animal origin, not elsewhere
specified or included 268.7 5.7 169.2 4.5
5 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous
grains;seeds and fruit; industrial or medicinal
plants;straw and fodder 204.4 4.3 221.9 5.9

(Taka in crore)
6 Zinc and articles thereof 78.6 1.7 48.2 1.3
7 Iron and steel 67.7 1.4 21.3 0.6
8 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 41.4 0.9 28.6 0.8
9 Tanning or dyeing extracts, tannins and their
derivatives, dyes, pigments and other colouring
matter, paints and varnishes, putty and other
mastics, inks 34.0 0.7 9.6 0.3
10 Electrical machinery and equipment and parts
thereof, sound recorders and reproducers,
television image and sound recorders and
reproducers and parts and accessories of such
articles 29.1 0.6 62.9 1.7
11 Sugar and sugar confectionery 18.6 0.4 16.9 0.4
12 Others 1151.9 24.5 1096.4 29.1

15 CANADA 4550.6 100.0 4901.1 100.0

(1.6) (2.1)
1 Cereals 1973.8 43.4 1154.3 23.6
2 Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers 1358.0 29.8 1518.9 31.0
3 Iron and steel 544.3 12.0 912.0 18.6
4 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous
grains, seeds and fruits; industrial or medicinal
plants; straw and fodder 214.4 4.7 462.5 9.4
5 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 84.1 1.8 15.8 0.3
6 Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic
material, (waste and scrap ) of paper or
paperboard; paper and paperboard and articles
thereof 14.4 0.3 32.1 0.7
Others 361.6 8.0 805.5 16.4

16 GERMANY 4530.3 100.0 4222.3 100.0

(1.6) (1.8)
1 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 1559.8 34.4 1632.9 38.7
2 Electrical machinery and equipment and parts
thereof, sound recorders and reproducers,
television image and sound recorders and
reproducers and parts and accessories of such
articles 451.7 10.0 293.4 6.9
3 Ships, boats and floating structures 419.9 9.3 415.8 9.8

(Taka in crore)
4 Optical, photographic, cinematographic,
measuring, checking, precision, medical or
surgical instruments and apparatus, parts and
accessories thereof 210.6 4.6 164.4 3.9
5 Miscellaneous chemical products 200.6 4.4 169.3 4.0
6 Tanning or dyeing extracts, tannins and their
derivatives, dyes, pigments and other colouring
matter, paints and varnishes, putty and other
mastics, inks 186.6 4.1 124.4 2.9
7 Plastics and articles thereof 130.3 2.9 117.8 2.8
8 Organic chemicals 127.9 2.8 101.6 2.4
9 Soap, organic surface-active agents,
washing preparations, lubricating preparations,
artificial waxes, prepared waxes, polishing or
scouring preparations, candles and similar
articles, modelling pastes, "dental waxes" and
dental preparations with a basis of plaster 107.9 2.4 107.3 2.5
10 Inorganic chemicals, organic or inorganic
compounds of precious metal, of rare-earth
metals, of radioactive elements or of isotopes 101.5 2.2 111.1 2.6
11 Pharmaceutical products 98.8 2.2 111.6 2.6
12 Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling-
stock, and parts and accessories thereof 68.6 1.5 43.7 1.0
13 Fertiliser 42.7 0.9 100.0 2.4
14 Paper and paper board, articles of paper pulp, of
paper or of paper board

33.4 0.7 124.2 2.9

15 Man- made staple fibres 32.6 0.7 44.9 1.1
16 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and
cotton fabrics 24.2 0.5 25.6 0.6
17 Others 733.2 16.2 534.3 12.7

17 UZBEKISTAN 4530.2 100.0 4362.5 100.0

(1.6) (1.9)
1 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and
cotton fabrics 4340.8 95.8 4340.8 99.5
2 Others 189.4 4.2 21.7 0.5
18 VIETNAM 4525.1 100.0 2785.4 100.0
(1.6) (1.2)
1 Salt, sulpher, earths and stone, plastering
materials, lime and cement 1986.3 43.9 1986.3 71.3

(Taka in crore)
2 Man-made filaments; strip and the like of man-
made textile meterials 135.3 3.0 135.3 4.9
3 Iron and steel 76.7 1.7 76.7 2.8
4 Electrical machinery and equipment and parts
thereof, sound recorders and reproducers,
television image and sound recorders and
reproducers and parts and accessories of such
articles 66.9 1.5 66.9 2.4
5 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and
cotton fabrics 45.0 1.0 45.0 1.6
6 Man- made staple fibres 27.4 0.6 27.4 1.0
7 Cereals 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0
8 Others 2187.0 48.3 447.3 16.0

19 PAKISTAN 4118.5 100.0 3913.7 100.0

(1.5) (1.7)
1 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and
cotton fabrics 2955.8 71.8 2750.7 70.3
2 Knitted or crocheted fabrics 293.1 7.1 274.6 7.0
3 Man- made staple fibres 130.4 3.2 130.7 3.3
4 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 76.7 1.9 81.1 2.1
5 Cereals 72.0 1.7 12.1 0.3
6 Man-made filaments; strip and the like of man-
made textile meterials 44.5 1.1 40.9 1.0
7 Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling-
stock and parts and accessories thereof 26.1 0.6 32.8 0.8
8 Others 519.9 12.6 590.8 15.1

20 ARGENTINA 3843.4 100 1971.1 100

(1.4) (0.8)
1 Animal or vegitable fats oils and their cleavage
products: prepared edible fats: animal or
vegetable waxes 2699.5 70.2 1631.8 82.8
2 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous
grains, seeds and fruits; industrial or medicinal
plants; straw and fodder 1012.9 26.4 272.8 13.8
3 Tanning or dyeing extracts, tannins and their
derivatives, dyes, pigments and other colouring
matter, paints and varnishes, putty and other
mastics, inks 16.1 0.4 18 0.9
4 Others 114.9 3 48.5 2.5

(Taka in crore)
21 OTHER COUNTRIES 50995.3 42713.4
(18.0) (18.4)

B. Imports under loans and grants 199.4 - 433.0 -

C. Imports under IDB loan (short term) 9141.5 - 18519.2 -
D. Other unclassified imports 884.4 - 1195.7 -
E. Imports of EPZ 23120.8 - 19975.1 -
GRAND TOTAL : (A+B+C+D+E )(c&f) 316572.2 - 272327.9 -

Note : Figures in parentheses font represent percentage of total (Cash+Buyer's Credit) ( c& f) Imports
Country/Commodity wise Import Payments under( Cash+ Buyer's Credit) :


ka in crore) (Million US$)

2013-14 2012-2013
Country/ Commodity group % of % of
Amount Amount
Total Total
1 2 3 4

A. Import under (Cash+Buyer's Credit) ( c& f) 36441.4 29059.6

100.0 100.0

1 PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA 7540.8 100.0 6307.6 100.0

(20.7) (21.7)
1 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and cotton
fabrics 1618.8 21.5 1409.6 22.3
2 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 1161.4 15.4 941.1 14.9
3 Electrical machinery and equipment and parts
thereof; sound recorders and reproducers,
television image and sound recorders and
reproducers, and parts and accessories of such
articles 986.2 13.1 753.5 11.9
4 Man-made staple fibres 401.6 5.3 417.0 6.6
5 Knitted or crocheted fabrics 389.4 5.2 377.1 6.0
6 Man-made filaments; strip and the like of man-
made textile meterials 286.0 3.8 231.7 3.7
7 Fertiliser 267.5 3.5 236.6 3.8
8 Plastics and articles thereof 172.3 2.3 138.1 2.2
9 Organic chemicals 161.0 2.1 125.1 2.0
10 Iron and steel 146.8 1.9 128.8 2.0
11 Inorganic chemicals, organic or inorganic
compounds of precious metal, of rare-earth metals,
of radioactive elements or of isotopes 146.5 1.9 131.2 2.1
12 Arms and ammunition; parts and accessories
thereof 130.3 1.7 18.5 0.3
13 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not
knitted or crocheted 129.6 1.7 127.4 2.0
14 Tanning or dyeing extracts, tannins and their
derivatives, dyes, pigments and other colouring
matter, paints and varnishes, putty and other
mastics, inks 120.0 1.6 87.7 1.4
15 Special woven fabrics, tufted textile fabrics, lace,
tapestries, trimmings, embroidery 106.6 1.4 114.2 1.8

ka in crore) (Million US$)

16 Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling-
stock and parts and accessories thereof 91.5 1.2 63.5 1.0
17 Paper and paperboard, articles of paper pulp, of
paper or of paperboard 82.1 1.1 63.5 1.0
18 Articles of iron and steel 77.5 1.0 59.9 0.9
19 Edible fruit and nuts, peel of citrus fruit or melons
67.7 0.9 41.7 0.7
20 Optical, photographic, cinematographic,
measuring, checking, precision, medical or surgical
instruments and apparatus, parts and accessories
thereof 64.6 0.9 42.0 0.7
21 Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers 46.1 0.6 16.2 0.3
22 Rubber and articles thereof 43.4 0.6 37.0 0.6
23 Coffee, tea, mate and spices 31.5 0.4 35 0.6
24 Aluminium and articles thereof 28.8 0.4 26.4 0.4
25 Silk yarn/thread and silk fabrics 10.8 0.1 8.3 0.1
26 Cereals 5.2 0.1 6.5 0.1
27 Others 767.6 10.2 670.0 10.6

2 INDIA 6035.5 100.0 4740.7 100.0

(16.6) (16.3)
1 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and cotton
fabrics 1421.4 23.6 1260.1 26.6
2 Cereals 1085.9 18.0 487.0 10.3
3 Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling-
stock and parts and accessories thereof 497.7 8.2 300.4 6.3
4 Residues and waste from the food industries,
prepared animal fodder 293.1 4.9 244.9 5.2
5 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 278.7 4.6 255.4 5.4
6 Iron and steel 213.9 3.5 113.3 2.4
7 Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers 172.1 2.9 116.2 2.5
8 Organic chemicals 160.8 2.7 125.4 2.6
9 Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their
distillation, bituminous substances, mineral waxes
141.7 2.3 138.0 2.9
10 Plastics and articles thereof 138.3 2.3 102.3 2.2
11 Tanning or dyeing extracts, tannins and their
derivatives, dyes, pigments and other colouring
matter, paints and varnishes, putty and other
mastics, inks 130.2 2.2 93.0 2.0
12 Salt, sulphur, earths and stone, plastering materials,
lime and cement 125.9 2.1 104.2 2.2

ka in crore) (Million US$)

13 Electrical machinery and equipment and parts
thereof, sound recorders and reproducers, television
image and sound recorders and reproducers and
parts and accessories of such articles
114.1 1.9 84.9 1.8
14 Man-made staple fibres 109.4 1.8 62.4 1.3
15 Dairy produce, birds' eggs natural honey, edible
products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified
or included 91.3 1.5 43.4 0.9
16 Coffee, tea, mate and spices 85.7 1.4 62.3 1.3
17 Rubber and articles thereof 84.1 1.4 77.5 1.6
18 Edible fruit and nuts, peel of citrus fruit or melons
75.3 1.2 38.4 0.8
19 Man-made filaments; strip and the like of man-
made textile meterials 64.5 1.1 38.6 0.8
20 Aluminium and articles thereof 61.2 1.0 57.3 1.2
21 Knitted or crocheted fabrics 52.6 0.9 61.8 1.3
22 Inorganic chemicals, organic or inorganic
compounds of precious metal, of rare-earth metals,
of radioactive elements or of isotopes 39.7 0.7 40.7 0.9
23 Paper and paper board, articles of paper pulp, of
paper or of paper board 34.0 0.6 22.0 0.5
24 Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery,cosmetic or
toilet preparation 30.8 0.5 31.9 0.7
25 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous
grains, seeds and fruits; industrial or medicinal
plants; straw and fodder 28.8 0.5 35.4 0.7
26 Pharmaceutical products 16.5 0.3 22.1 0.5
27 Others 487.8 8.1 721.8 15.2

3 SINGAPORE 2289.5 100.0 1078.5 100.0

(6.3) (3.7)
1 Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their
distillation, bituminous substances, mineral waxes
1464.2 64.0 572.5 53.1
2 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 153.0 6.7 104.5 9.7
3 Iron and steel 63.2 2.8 17.9 1.7
4 Plastics and articles thereof 61.8 2.7 47.3 4.4

ka in crore) (Million US$)

5 Electrical machinery and equipment and parts
thereof, sound recorders and reproducers, television
image and sound recorders and reporducers and
parts and accessories of such articles
61.1 2.7 40.2 3.7
6 Miscellaneous chemical products 41.3 1.8 29.6 2.7
7 Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers 40.1 1.8 4.9 0.5
8 Organic chemicals 36.3 1.6 26.4 2.4
9 Ships, boats and floating structures 30.9 1.3 26.5 2.5
10 Aluminium and articles thereof 25.4 1.1 10.2 0.9
11 Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage
products, prepared edible fats, animal or vegetable
waxes 21.9 1.0 23.1 2.1
12 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn/thread and cotton
fabrics 16.4 0.7 18.2 1.7
13 Salt, sulphur, earths and stone, plastering materials,
lime and cement 15.9 0.7 10.1 0.9
14 Paper and paperboard, articles of paper pulp, of
paper or of paperboard 11.8 0.5 8.9 0.8
15 Optical, photographic, cinematographic,
measuring, checking, precision, medical or surgical
instruments and apparatus, parts and accessories
thereof 11.6 0.5 11.6 1.1
16 Man-made filaments; strip and the like of man-
made textile meterials 9.4 0.4 8.4 0.8
17 Wood and articles of wood 8.5 0.4 6.6 0.6
18 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not
knitted or crocheted 7.4 0.3 2.3 0.2
19 Zink and articles thereof 1.8 0.1 1.8 0.2
Others 207.5 8.9 107.5 10.0

4 MALAYSIA 2041.7 100.0 1491.9 100.0

(5.6) (5.1)
1 Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their
distillation, bituminous substances, mineral waxes
1065.3 52.2 790.5 53.0
2 Animal or vegitable fats oils and their cleavage
products: prepared edible fats: animal or vegetable
waxes 507.7 24.9 242.1 16.2
3 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 87.0 4.3 82.6 5.5
4 Plastics and articles thereof 71.9 3.5 57.0 3.8

ka in crore) (Million US$)

5 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and cotton
fabrics 32.2 1.6 21.1 1.4
6 Organic chemicals 26.5 1.3 26.3 1.8
7 Iron and steel 25.9 1.3 78.9 5.3
8 Electrical machinery and equipment and parts
thereof,sound recorders and reproducers, television
image and sound recorders and reproducers and
parts and accessories of such articles
23.8 1.2 23.8 1.6
9 Salt, sulphur, earths and stone, plastering materials,
lime and cement 20.8 1.0 8.0 0.5
10 Rubber and articles thereof 17.5 0.9 20.3 1.4
11 Miscellaneous chemical products 17.3 0.8 21.0 1.4
12 Man - made staple fibres 9.3 0.5 6.0 0.4
13 Man-made filaments; strip and the like of man-
made textile meterials 8.4 0.4 6.7 0.4
14 Articles of iron or steel 4.1 0.2 4.0 0.3
15 Others 124.0 5.9 103.6 6.9

5 JAPAN 1283.8 100.0 1180.2 100.0

(3.5) (4.1)
1 Iron and steel 382.1 29.8 299.0 25.3
2 Ships, boats and floating structures 340.8 26.5 388.6 32.9
3 Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling-
stock, and parts and accessories thereof 212.0 16.5 156.9 13.3
4 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 134.1 10.4 143.9 12.2
5 Copper and articles thereof 26.9 2.1 23.9 2.0
6 Optical, photographic, cinematographic,
measuring, checking, precision, medical or surgical
instruments and apparatus, parts and accessories
thereof 23.0 1.8 17.9 1.5
7 Plastics and articles thereof 16.6 1.3 7.6 0.6
8 Electrical machinery and equipment and parts
thereof; sound recorders and reproducers,
television image and sound recorders and
reproducers, and parts and accessories of such
articles 14.8 1.2 20.4 1.7
9 Rubber and articles thereof 9.1 0.7 7.5 0.6
10 Paper and paperboard, articles of paper pulp, of
paper or of paperboard 2.8 0.2 3.4 0.3
11 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn/thread and cotton
fabrics 1.2 0.1 6.4 0.5

ka in crore) (Million US$)

12 Man-made staple fibres 0.9 0.1 2.6 0.2
13 Others 119.5 9.3 102.1 8.7

6 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 1198.9 100.0 1295.5 100.0

(3.3) (4.5)
1 Iron and steel 247.2 20.6 294.9 22.8
2 Ships, boats and floating structures 146.2 12.2 198.7 15.3
3 Plastics and articles thereof 137.5 11.5 105.1 8.1
4 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 127.0 10.6 64.1 4.9
5 Paper and paperboard, articles of paper pulp, of
paper or of paperboard 90.7 7.6 95.7 7.4
6 Zinc and articles thereof 76.6 6.4 63.8 4.9
7 Salt, sulphur, earths and stone, plastering materials,
lime and cement 41.1 3.4 54.5 4.2
8 Electrical machinery and equipment and parts
thereof; sound recorders and reproducers,
television image and sound recorders and
reproducers, and parts and accessories of such
articles 39.9 3.3 29.7 2.3
9 Organic chemicals 31.9 2.7 23.8 1.8
10 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and cotton
fabrics 30.5 2.5 28.3 2.2
11 Man-made staple fibres 27.3 2.3 13.3 1.0
12 Aluminium and articles thereof 19.5 1.6 15.5 1.2
13 Man-made filaments; strip and the like of man-
made textile meterials 17.1 1.4 14.1 1.1
14 Articles of iron and steel 5.9 0.5 4.5 0.3
15 Knitted or crocheted fabrics 4.0 0.3 8.8 0.7
16 Special woven fabrics, tufted textile fabrics, lace,
tapestries, trimmings, embroedery 0.6 0.1 1.4 0.1
17 Others 155.9 13.0 279.3 21.7

7 INDONESIA 1104.2 100.0 1054.3 100.0

(3.0) (3.6)
1 Animal or vegitable fats oils and their cleavage
products: prepared edible fats: animal or vegetable
waxes 649.9 58.9 723.6 68.6
2 Man-made staple fibres 52.9 4.8 27.2 2.6
3 Paper and paper board, articles of paper pulp, of
paper or of paper board 36.5 3.3 37.3 3.5
4 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and cotton
fabrics 32.2 2.9 27.5 2.6

ka in crore) (Million US$)

5 Plastics and articles thereof 26.3 2.4 24.5 2.3
6 Miscellaneous chemical products 14.8 1.3 22.6 2.1
7 Salt, sulphur, earths and stone, plastering materials,
lime and cement 13.2 1.2 2.3 0.2
8 Man-made filaments; strip and the like of man-
made textile meterials 10.2 0.9 8.0 0.8
9 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 8.8 0.8 8.8 0.8
10 Iron and steel 8.0 0.7 8.3 0.8
11 Rrubber and articles thereof 6.3 0.6 5.2 0.5
12 Organic chemicals 3.4 0.3 3.3 0.3
13 Glass and glassware 1.9 0.2 2.2 0.2
14 Others 239.8 21.7 153.5 14.6

8 BRAZIL 998.0 100.0 801.4 100.0

(2.7) (2.8)
1 Sugar and sugar confectionery 737.1 73.9 476.3 59.4
2 Animal or vegitable fats oils and their cleavage
products: prepared edible fats: animal or vegetable
waxes 135.6 13.6 145.4 18.1
3 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous
grains, seeds and fruits; industrial or medicinal
plants; straw and fodder 48.0 4.8 26.0 3.2
4 Man-made staple fibres 11.4 1.1 7.2 0.9
5 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and cotton
fabrics 11.1 1.1 23.1 2.9
6 Cereals 3.3 0.3 72.7 9.1
7 Others 51.5 5.2 50.7 6.3

9 TAIWAN 919.3 100.0 733.0 100.0

(2.5) (2.5)
1 Iron and steel 227.8 24.8 156.2 21.3
2 Plastics and articles thereof 197.6 21.5 147.8 20.2
3 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 96.0 10.4 91.2 12.4
4 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and cotton
fabrics 33.2 3.6 35.5 4.8
5 Paper and paper board, articles of paper pulp, of
paper or of paper board 32.4 3.5 22.8 3.1
6 Man-made filaments; strip and the like of man-
made textile meterials 29.0 3.2 24.1 3.3
7 Knitted or crocheted fabrics 26.8 2.9 21.4 2.9
8 Man- made staple fibres 24.0 2.6 37.5 5.1

ka in crore) (Million US$)

9 Miscellaneous chemical products 20.2 2.2 18.2 2.5
10 Organic chemicals 14.3 1.6 13.0 1.8
11 Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their
distillation, bituminous substances, mineral waxes
12.4 1.3 10.3 1.4
12 Rubber and articles thereof 5.4 0.6 5.2 0.7
13 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not
knitted or crocheted 5.1 0.6 4.7 0.6
14 Special woven fabrics, tufted textile fabrics, lace,
tapestries, trimmings, embroidery 4.7 0.5 5.4 0.7
15 Salt, sulpher, earths and stone, plastering materials,
lime and cement 1.0 0.1 0.7 0.1
16 Others 189.4 20.6 139.0 19.0

10 KUWAIT 914.6 100.0 544.7 100.0

(2.5) (1.9)
1 Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their 910.6 99.6 535.2 98.3
2 Others 4.0 0.4 9.5 1.7

11 U.S.A. 836.0 100.0 537.6 100.0

(2.3) (1.8)
1 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 136.0 16.3 76.3 14.2
2 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and cotton
fabrics 121.0 14.5 98.3 18.3
3 Electrical machinery and equipment and parts
thereof, sound recorders and reproducers,
television image and sound recorders and
reproducers and parts and accessories of such
articles 67.0 8.0 55.2 10.3
4 Residues and waste from the food industries;
prepared animal fodder 43.0 5.1 41.4 7.7
5 Iron and steel 41.0 4.9 44.7 8.3
6 Optical,photographic,cinematograph-ic, measuring,
checking, precision, medical or surgical
instruments and apparatus, parts and accessories
thereof 32.0 3.8 30.3 5.6
7 Plastics and articles thereof 22.0 2.6 15.8 2.9
8 Man-made staple fibres 21.0 2.5 24.3 4.5
9 Organic chemicals 12.0 1.4 10.8 2.0
10 Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic
material, waste and scrap of paper or paperboard 7.0 0.8 8.6 1.6

ka in crore) (Million US$)

11 Miscellaneous chemical products

7.0 0.8 6.0 1.1

12 Dairy produce, birds' eggs natural honey, edible
products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified
or included 1.0 0.1 4.4 0.8
13 Others 326.0 39.2 121.5 22.7

12 HONG KONG 759.2 100.0 607.5 100.0

(2.1) (2.1)
1 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn /thread and cotton
fabrics 176.9 23.3 152.4 25.1
2 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not
knitted or crocheted 100.7 13.3 80.7 13.3
3 Electrical machinery and equipment and parts
thereof, sound recorders and reproducers, television
image and sound recorders and reproducers, and
parts and accessories of such articles
74.9 9.9 29.1 4.8
4 Man-made filaments; strip and the like of man-
made textile meterials 44.8 5.9 37.0 6.1
5 Misecllaneous manufactured articles 44.0 5.8 35.2 5.8
6 Special woven fabrics, tufted textile fabrics, lace,
tapestries, trimmings, embroidery 39.1 5.2 35.2 5.8
7 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 35.0 4.6 18.9 3.1
8 Salt, sulpher, earths and stone, plastering materials,
lime and cement 31.7 4.2 18.3 3.0
9 Man made staple fibres 25.1 3.3 29.2 4.8
10 Knitted or crocheted fabrics 23.2 3.1 20.2 3.3
11 Paper and paperboard, articles of paper pulp, of
paper or of paperboard 18.7 2.5 14.5 2.4
12 Plastics and articles thereof 17.2 2.3 9.9 1.6
13 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted
or crocheted 3.0 0.4 6.0 1.0
14 Others 124.9 16.2 120.9 19.9

13 THAILAND 741.4 100.0 689.1 100.0

(2.0) (2.4)
1 Plastics and articles thereof 142.5 19.2 120.2 17.4
2 Salt, sulphur, earths and stone, plastering materials,
lime and cement 105.1 14.2 132.3 19.2
3 Man made staple fibres 77.0 10.4 64.3 9.3

ka in crore) (Million US$)

4 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 40.2 5.4 38.7 5.6
5 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and cotton
fabrics 33.6 4.5 28.9 4.2
6 Tanning or dyeing extracts, tannins and their
derivatives, dyes, pigments and other colouring
matter, paints and varnishes, putty and other
mastics, inks 25.5 3.4 19.5 2.8
7 Man-made filaments; strip and the like of man-
made textile meterials 22.5 3.0 19.0 2.8
8 Paper and paper board, articles of paper pulp, of
paper or of paperboard 21.2 2.9 19.6 2.8
9 Sugar and sugar confectionery 20.7 2.8 20.4 3.0
10 Rubber and articles thereof 19.1 2.6 12.6 1.8
11 Products of the milling industry; malt; starches;
inulin; wheat gluten 17.4 2.3 12.6 1.8
12 Electrical machinery and equipment and parts
thereof; sound recorders and reproducers,
television image and sound recorders and
reproducers, and parts and accessories of such
articles 15.3 2.1 9.2 1.3
13 Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their
distillation, bituminous substances, mineral waxes
14.3 1.9 46.6 6.8
14 Edible fruit and nuts, peel of citrus fruit or melons
6.2 0.8 0.7 0.1
15 Iron and steel 5.3 0.7 3.6 0.5
16 Knitted or crocheted fabrics 3.9 0.5 2.6 0.4
17 Cereals 3.7 0.5 1.2 0.2
18 Others 167.9 22.6 137.1 19.9

14 AUSTRALIA 606.0 100.0 471.5 100.0

(1.7) (1.6)
1 Edible vegetable and certain roots and tubers 200.1 33.0 160.5 34.0
2 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and cotton
fabrics 105.4 17.4 74.9 15.9
3 Cereals 56.8 9.4 26.7 5.7
4 Dairy produce, birds' eggs natural honey, edible
products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified
or included 34.6 5.7 21.3 4.5
5 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous
grains;seeds and fruit; industrial or medicinal
plants;straw and fodder 26.3 4.3 28.1 6.0

ka in crore) (Million US$)

6 Zinc and articles thereof 10.1 1.7 6.0 1.3
7 Iron and steel 8.7 1.4 2.7 0.6
8 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 5.3 0.9 3.6 0.8
9 Tanning or dyeing extracts, tannins and their
derivatives, dyes, pigments and other colouring
matter, paints and varnishes, putty and other
mastics, inks 4.4 0.7 1.2 0.3
10 Electrical machinery and equipment and parts
thereof, sound recorders and reproducers,
television image and sound recorders and
reproducers and parts and accessories of such
articles 3.7 0.6 7.8 1.7
11 Sugar and sugar confectionery 2.4 0.4 2.1 0.4
12 Others 148.2 24.5 136.6 28.8

15 CANADA 585.4 100.0 613.8 100.0

(1.6) (2.1)
1 Cereals 253.9 43.4 145.5 23.7
2 Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers 174.7 29.8 190.2 31.0
3 Iron and steel 70.0 12.0 115.6 18.8
4 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous
grains, seeds and fruits; industrial or medicinal
plants; straw and fodder 27.6 4.7 56.8 9.3
5 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 10.8 1.8 2.0 0.3
6 Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic
material, waste and scrap of paper or paperboard

1.9 0.3 4.0 0.7

Others 46.5 8.0 99.7 16.2

16 GERMANY 582.9 100.0 528.6 100.0

(1.6) (1.8)
1 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 200.7 34.4 203.8 38.6
2 Electrical machinery and equipment and parts
thereof, sound recorders and reproducers,
television image and sound recorders and
reproducers and parts and accessories of such
articles 58.1 10.0 36.9 7.0
3 Ships, boats and floating structures 54.0 9.3 52.0 9.8

ka in crore) (Million US$)

4 Optical, photographic, cinematographic,
measuring, checking, precision, medical or surgical
instruments and apparatus, parts and accessories
thereof 27.1 4.6 20.6 3.9
5 Miscellaneous chemical products 25.8 4.4 21.2 4.0
6 Paper and paper board, articles of paper pulp, of
paper or of paper board

24.0 4.1 15.6 3.0

7 Plastics and articles thereof 16.8 2.9 14.8 2.8
8 Organic chemicals 16.5 2.8 12.7 2.4
9 Soap, organic surface-active agents,
washing preparations, lubricating preparations,
artificial waxes, prepared waxes, polishing or
scouring preparations, candles and similar articles,
modelling pastes, "dental waxes" and dental
preparations with a basis of plaster 13.9 2.4 13.4 2.5
10 Inorganic chemicals, organic or inorganic
compounds of precious metal, of rare-earth metals,
of radioactive elements or of isotopes 13.1 2.2 13.9 2.6
11 Pharmaceutical products 12.7 2.2 14.0 2.6
12 Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling-
stock, and parts and accessories thereof 8.8 1.5 5.5 1.0
13 Fertiliser 5.5 0.9 12.7 2.4
14 Tanning or dyeing extracts, tannins and their
derivatives, dyes, pigments and other colouring
matter, paints and varnishes, putty and other
mastics, inks 4.3 0.7 15.7 3.0
15 Man- made staple fibres 4.2 0.7 5.6 1.1
16 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and cotton
fabrics 3.1 0.5 3.2 0.6
17 Others 94.3 16.2 67.0 12.7

17 UZBEKISTAN 582.9 100.0 545.9 100.0

(1.6) (1.9)
1 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and cotton
fabrics 568.3 97.5 543.2 99.5
2 Others 14.6 2.5 2.7 0.5
18 VIETNAM 582.2 100.0 349.2 100.0
(1.6) (1.2)
1 Salt, sulpher, earths and stone, plastering materials,
lime and cement 249.0 42.8 249.0 71.3

ka in crore) (Million US$)

2 Man-made filaments; strip and the like of man-
made textile meterials 16.9 2.9 16.9 4.8
3 Iron and steel 9.7 1.7 9.7 2.8
4 Electrical machinery and equipment and parts
thereof, sound recorders and reproducers,
television image and sound recorders and
reproducers and parts and accessories of such
articles 8.5 1.5 8.5 2.4
5 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and cotton
fabrics 5.6 1.0 5.6 1.6
6 Man- made staple fibres 3.4 0.6 3.4 1.0
7 Cereals 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0
8 Others 289.0 49.5 56.0 16.1

19 PAKISTAN 529.9 100.0 489.6 100.0

(1.5) (1.7)
1 Cotton (all types), cotton yarn / thread and cotton
fabrics 380.3 71.8 344.3 70.3
2 Knitted or crocheted fabrics 37.7 7.1 34.3 7.0
3 Man- made staple fibres 16.8 3.2 16.3 3.3
4 Nuclear reactor, boilers, machinery and
mechanical appliances; parts thereof 9.9 1.9 10.2 2.1
5 Cereals 9.3 1.8 1.5 0.3
6 Man-made filaments; strip and the like of man-
made textile meterials 5.7 1.1 5.1 1.0
7 Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling-
stock and parts and accessories thereof 3.4 0.6 4.1 0.8
8 Others 66.8 12.6 73.8 15.1

20 ARGENTINA 494.5 100 248.2 100

(1.4) (0.9)
1 Animal or vegitable fats oils and their cleavage
products: prepared edible fats: animal or vegetable
waxes 347.3 70.2 205.7 82.9
2 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous
grains, seeds and fruits; industrial or medicinal
plants; straw and fodder 130.3 26.3 34.2 13.8
3 Tanning or dyeing extracts, tannins and their
derivatives, dyes, pigments and other colouring
matter, paints and varnishes, putty and other
mastics, inks 2.1 0.4 2.2 0.9
4 Others 14.8 3.1 6.1 2.4

ka in crore) (Million US$)

21 OTHER COUNTRIES 6561.9 5347.5
(18.0) (18.4)

B. Imports under loans and grants 25.7 - 53.7 -

C. Imports under IDB loan (short term) 1176 - 2315.9 -
D. Other unclassified imports 113.8 - 149.8 -
E. Imports of EPZ 2975.0 - 2504.6 -
GRAND TOTAL : (A+B+C+D+E )(c&f) 40731.9 - 34083.6 -

Note:Figures in parentheses font represent percentageoftotal (Cash+Buyer'sCredit)(c& f)Imports

Import Payments classified by Bloc/Group/Community:

Import payments under cash, buyer's credit, loans & grants, IDB loan and other
unclassified imports when classified by countries in a bloc/group/economic munity
revealed that the Other Asian Countries topped the list, selling goods worth Taka 98212.5
crore (or 33.5%) of the total import payments during the period under review as compared
to Taka 87953.1 crore (or 34.9 %) in the preceding year.
The second highest seller were the member countries of Organisation of Islamic
Conference (OIC) which accounted for an amount of Taka 57027.5 crore (or 19.4%)
during the year under review as against Taka 63603.8 crore (or 25.2%) during the
preceding year.
The third highest seller were the member countries of ASEAN which accounted for an
amount of Taka 53891.4 crore (or 18.4%) during the year under review as compared to
Taka 44190.5 crore (or 17.5%) during the preceding year.
The fourth highest seller were the member countries of Asian Clearing Union (ACU)
which accounted for an amount of Taka 52667.4 crore (or 17.9 %) during the year under
review as against Taka 43611.8 crore (or 17.3 %) during the preceding year.
SAARC, EU, OPEC, NAFTA member countries and Other European countries followed
in descending order of magnitude in respect of import payments as follows: Taka 51905.3
crore ( or 17.7%), Taka 18351.8 crore (or 6.3%), Taka 15973.6 crore (or 5.4%), Taka
11095.7 crore (or 3.8%), and Taka 8794.8 crore (or 3.0%) respectively.
Table-V(A) (Taka in crore) and V(B) (In Million US$) shows the comparative position
of import payments to countries classified into bloc/group/community etc.during the year
2013-2014 and 2012-2013 alongwith their relative shares in the
total import payments of Bangladesh.
(Taka in crore)
2013-2014 2012-2013 Changes
Bloc/Group/Community % of % of
Amount Amount (1) - (3)
Total Total
1 2 3 4 5
Other Asian Countries 98212.5 33.5 87953.1 34.9 10259.4
OIC 57027.5 19.4 63603.8 25.2 -6576.3
ASEAN 53891.4 18.4 44190.5 17.5 9700.9
ACU 52667.4 17.9 43611.8 17.3 9055.6
SAARC 51905.3 17.7 42902.0 17.0 9003.3
EU 18351.8 6.3 15423.1 6.1 2928.7
OPEC 15973.6 5.4 22463.7 8.9 -6490.1
NAFTA 11095.7 3.8 9238.0 3.7 1857.7
Other European countries 8794.8 3.0 8200.7 3.2 594.1
Total Import excluding EPZ (c &
f) 293451.4 252352.8 41098.6

(Million US$)
2013-2014 2012-2013 Changes
Bloc/Group/Community % of % of
Amount Amount (1) - (3)
Total Total
1 2 3 4 5
Other Asian Countries 12636.5 33.5 11001.9 34.8 1634.6
OIC 7337.6 19.4 7956.8 25.2 -619.2
ASEAN 6934.0 18.4 5526.1 17.5 1407.9
ACU 6776.5 17.9 5458.4 17.3 1318.1
SAARC 6678.4 17.7 5369.6 17.0 1308.8
EU 2361.2 6.3 1931.8 6.1 429.4
OPEC 2055.4 5.4 2811.5 8.9 -756.1
NAFTA 1427.6 3.8 1156.7 3.7 270.9
Other European countries 1131.5 3.0 1025.7 3.2 105.8
Total Import excluding EPZ (c &
f) 37756.9 31579.0 6177.9

(1) Bloc/group/community total do not agree with the total imports due to inter
classification of the individual countries into bloc/group/community. For example,
Indonesia is included in OIC as well as ASEAN.
Imports of Export Processing Zone (EPZ):

In order to achieve rapid economic growth of the country by increasing the inflow of
foreign investment, particularly through industrialisation, special steps have been
taken since 1980 by setting up Export Processing Zone (EPZ) in the country in
Chittagong (Halishahar), Dhaka (Savar) and Khulna (Mongla) where favourable
facilities/ assistance are provided to the potential investors, both Bangladeshi and
foreigners. The Chittagong Export Processing Zone (CEPZ) started from 1983-84
while the Dhaka Export Processing Zone (DEPZ) started from 1993-94. Later, EPZs
have also been established in Mongla of Khulna, Ishurdi of Pabna, Comilla, Uttara of
Syedpur in the district of Nilphamary, Adamjee of Narayanganj and Karnaphuli of
Chittagong which are classified into three types i.e., A-type (100% foreign
investment), B-type (Joint venture between Bangladeshi and foreigners) and C-type
(100% Bangladeshi enterprises).

At the end of June, 2014 type-wise number of functioning enterprises in EPZ

area are shown in Table-VI.


Type of Enterprise Total no. of

EPZ Zones A B C Enterprises
Chittagong 93 26 67 186
Dhaka 84 24 29 137
Mongla 15 8 12 35
Ishurdi 16 4 15 35
Comilla 37 12 20 69
Uttara 11 3 12 26
Adamjee 33 17 23 73
Karnaphuli 42 4 16 62
Total of Operation
331 98 194 623
Table VII shows the imports to abroad by the EPZ enterprises since 1988-89.The
data have been collected from Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority



Year Amount in crore Taka Amount in million US $

1988-89 48.2 15
1989-90 105.3 32
1990-91 142.7 40
1991-92 240.3 63
1992-93 332.7 85
1993-94 484.0 121
1994-95 791.9 197
1995-96 1065.8 261
1996-97 1716.6 402
1997-98 2239.2 493
1998-99 2384.0 496
1999-00 3348.7 665
2000-01 3698.4 685
2001-02 3601.7 627
2002-03 4209.3 727
2003-04 5224.6 886
2004-05 5843.5 952
2005-06 7122.5 1062
2006-07 7901.8 1144
2007-08 8877.5 1294
2008-09 8956.0 1302
2009-10 9774.9 1414
2010-11 15273.1 2140
2011-12 16774.3 2114
2012-13 19975.1 2505
2013-14 23120.8 2975

Source : Bangladesh Export Processing zones Authority (BEPZA)

Import payments under (cash+Buyer's Credit) (c&f) of Bangladesh
with top twenty countries

Taka in crore In million US$

Year 2013-14 % of 2013-14 % of
Sl.No. Major Countries Total Total
1 China Peoples Republic of 58608.5 20.7 7540.8 20.7
2 India 46908.0 16.6 6035.5 16.6
3 Singapore 17794.5 6.3 2289.5 6.3
4 Malaysia 15868.1 5.6 2041.7 5.6
5 Japan 9977.7 3.5 1283.8 3.5
6 Korea, republic of 9318.2 3.3 1198.9 3.3
7 Indonesia 8582.0 3.0 1104.2 3.0
8 Brazil 7756.7 2.7 998.0 2.7
9 Taiwan 7144.6 2.5 919.3 2.5
10 Kuwait 7107.7 2.5 914.6 2.5
11 United States of America (USA) 6498.7 2.3 836.2 2.3
12 Hong Kong 5900.4 2.1 759.2 2.1
13 Thailand 5762.1 2.0 741.4 2.0
14 Australia 4710.1 1.7 606.0 1.7
15 Canada 4550.6 1.6 585.4 1.6
16 Germany 4530.3 1.6 582.9 1.6
17 Uzbekistan 4530.2 1.6 582.9 1.6
18 Vietnam 4525.1 1.6 582.2 1.6
19 Pakistan 4118.5 1.5 529.9 1.5
20 Argentina 3843.4 1.4 494.5 1.4
21 OTHER COUNTRIES 45190.7 15.9 5814.5 15.9
Total 283226.1 100.0 36441.4 100.0

Import payments under (cash+Buyer's Credit) (c&f)

of Bangladesh with top twenty countries for the
period 2013-2014

1% 16%

2% 1%


3% 6%
3% 3% 4% 6%



China Peoples Republic of India Singapore Malaysia

Japan Korea, republic of Indonesia Brazil

Taiwan Kuwait United States of America (USA) Hong Kong

Thailand Australia Canada Germany

Uzbekistan Vietnam Pakistan Argentina

Uzbekistan Vietnam Pakistan Argentina


Taka in lac
Country 2012-13 2013-14
Loans IDB Loan Other Un- Loans IDB Loan Other Un-
Cash & (Short- classified Total Cash & (Short- classified Total
Grants term) Imports Grants term) Imports
n 1871 - - - 1871 1502 - - - 1502
Argentina 197106 - - - 197106 384337 - - - 384337
Armenia 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 0
Australia 375802 - - - 375802 471009 - - 101 471110
Austria 29093 - - - 29093 34614 - - - 34614
Bahrain 17960 - - - 17960 24292 - - - 24292
Belgium 70386 - - - 70386 109766 - - - 109766
Belorussia 87355 - - - 87355 70410 - - - 70410
Benin 5880 - - - 5880 12243 - - - 12243
Bhutan 19699 - - - 19699 17492 - - - 17492
Brazil 639859 - - - 639859 775671 - - - 775671
Brunei 9 - - - 9 278 - - - 278
Bulgaria 28563 - - - 28563 14343 - - - 14343
Faso 6423 - - - 6423 35342 - - - 35342
Cameroon 8311 - - - 8311 12325 - - - 12325
Canada 490109 - - 67 490176 455061 - - 69 455130
Chad 9357 - - - 9357 21550 - - - 21550

Republic of 5041350 9956 - 3193 5054499 5860850 3187 - 4017 5868054
Croatia 7984 - - - 7984 5291 - - - 5291
Cyprus 3944 - - - 3944 4321 - - - 4321

Republic of 10130 - - - 10130 9913 - - - 9913
Denmark 49456 - - 49456 67390 - - - 67390
Republic 961 - - - 961 4618 - - - 4618
Egypt 126879 - 59661 - 186540 29310 - - - 29310
Finland 61424 - - - 61424 93806 - - - 93806
France 106836 - - - 106836 120582 - - - 120582
Germany 422229 3678 - 177 426084 453029 8272 - 146 461447
Greece 6482 - - - 6482 13381 - - - 13381
Guatemala 34838 - - - 34838 15156 - - - 15156
Hongkong 484749 - - 3713 488462 590043 - - 2187 592230
Hungary 4264 - - - 4264 3680 - - - 3680
Iceland 354 - - - 354 4684 - - - 4684
India 3786802 27935 - 1248 3815985 4690798 435 - 23 4691256
Indonesia 842184 - - 356 842540 858197 - - - 858197

Republic of 5746 - - - 5746 6083 - - - 6083
Iraq 2121 - - - 2121 15873 - - - 15873
Ireland 17445 - - - 17445 15358 - - - 15358
Italy 199613 - - - 199613 223542 - - 26 223568

Ivory Coast 3621 - - - 3621 21698 - - - 21698

Japan 943887 - - 15 943902 997767 5392 - 540 1003699
Jordan 16633 - - - 16633 3647 - - 204 3851
Kazakhstan 11671 - - - 11671 20442 - - - 20442
Kenya 3669 - - - 3669 3050 - - 3050
D.P.R. 11176 - - - 11176 40392 - - - 40392

Republic of 1036281 - - 350 1036631 931822 - - - 931822
Kuwait 434675 - 341981 - 776656 710771 102460 - 813231
ic of 2210 - - - 2210 2845 - - - 2845
Latvia 261 - - - 261 1664 - - - 1664
Lebanon 12955 - - - 12955 19581 - - 19581
g 99 - - - 99 4513 - - - 4513
Macao 4985 - - - 4985 9658 - - - 9658
r 197 - - - 197 1734 - - 1734
Malawi 8392 - - - 8392 2792 - - - 2792
Malaysia 1196302 - 325459 2268 1524029 1586809 1910 31087 - 1619806
Maldives 524 - - - 524 351 - - - 351
Mali 24819 - - - 24819 36155 - - - 36155
Malta 1332 - - - 1332 6000 - - - 6000
Mexico 4137 - - - 4137 4634 - - - 4634
Moldovia 426 - - - 426 10 - - - 10
Morocco 118522 - - - 118522 94934 - - - 94934
ue 5136 - - - 5136 5122 - - - 5122
Myanmar 67102 - - - 67102 71632 - - - 71632
Nepal 28781 - - - 28781 16729 - - - 16729
s 109437 - - - 109437 146723 - - - 146723
Zealand 75752 - - - 75752 74908 - - - 74908
Nigeria 5417 - - - 5417 3803 - - - 3803
Norway 33198 - - - 33198 66848 - - - 66848
Oman 24767 - - - 24767 37819 - - - 37819
Pakistan 391372 - 147 391519 411849 - - - 411849
Panama 644 - - - 644 4424 - - - 4424

Papua New
Guinea 39 - - - 39 980 - - - 980
Paraguay 33591 - - - 33591 86994 - - - 86994
Peru 1705 - - - 1705 4555 - - - 4555

Philippines 16258 - - - 16258 60726 - - - 60726

Poland 42376 - - - 42376 44114 - - - 44114
Portugal 10356 - - - 10356 4918 - - - 4918
Qatar 123200 - - - 123200 159900 - - - 159900
Romania 4084 - - - 4084 11797 - - - 11797
Russia 269266 - - - 269266 222607 - - - 222607
Arabia 290734 - 400284 - 691018 323732 - 304052 - 627784

Montinigro 324 - - - 324 24963 - - - 24963
Singapore 859957 1661 274476 104 1136198 1779446 265 91082 178 1870971

Republic of 289 - - - 289 3783 - - - 3783
Africa 32874 - - - 32874 42449 - - - 42449
Spain 96703 - - - 96703 75872 - - - 75872
Sri-Lanka 31821 - - - 31821 51803 - - - 51803
Sudan 3703 - - - 3703 3183 - - - 3183
Swaziland 263 - - - 263 29 - - - 29
Sweden 48843 10 - - 48853 53950 - - - 53950

Switzerland 147883 - - - 147883 181643 - - 114 181757

Republic of 908 - - - 908 0 - - - 0
Taiwan 587132 - - 27 587159 714460 483 - 24 714967
Tanzania 9051 - - - 9051 6271 - - - 6271
Tazikistan 68324 - - - 68324 39673 - - - 39673
Thailand 551376 - - 603 551979 576207 - - - 576207
Tunisia 91123 - - - 91123 86116 - - - 86116
Turkey 178550 - - - 178550 142483 - - - 142483
an 130315 - - - 130315 158641 - - - 158641
U.A.E 167164 - 450053 - 617217 338924 - 385461 - 724385
U.K. 208293 56 - 421 208770 314301 - - - 314301
U.S.A 429300 - - 185 429485 649875 - - 31 649906
Uganda 9351 - - - 9351 4731 - - - 4731
Ukraine 83502 - - - 83502 155730 - - - 155730
Uruguay 57040 - - - 57040 41161 - - - 41161

Uzbekistan 436250 - - - 436250 453016 - - - 453016

Vietnam 278542 - - 278542 452512 - - - 452512

Republic of 1176 - - - 1176 7835 - - - 7835
Zambia 24714 - - - 24714 43782 - - - 43782
Zimbabwe 42911 - - - 42911 40860 - - - 40860
countries 69244 0 0 106696 175940 91323 0 0 80780 172103

category** - - - - - - - - - -
Sub-Total 23220489 43296 1851914 119570 25235269 28322611 19944 914142 88440 29345137
Import of
EPZ 1997510 1997510 2312080 2312080
Total 25217999 43296 1851914 119570 27232779 30634691 19944 914142 88440 31657217
** Imports under loans and grants from International Organizations

Million US$
Major Commodities 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

1. FOOD GRAINS 297 265 176 151 476 586 184 369 997 381 349 186 409 431 574 418 581 1410 882 837 1911 901 726 1465
i. Rice - 5 - 10 220 358 28 247 680 115 172 15 211 144 262 117 180 874 239 75 830 288 30 347
ii. Wheat 297 260 176 141 256 228 156 122 317 266 177 171 198 287 312 301 401 536 643 762 1081 613 696 1118
2. Milk & cream 72 63 65 37 41 53 53 45 56 60 62 59 61 61 86 73 83 137 96 106 161 221 214 289
3. Spices 19 15 24 22 16 23 10 10 27 18 15 13 32 30 42 32 76 80 62 109 127 138 118 183
4. Oil seeds 16 9 35 40 80 89 62 93 100 90 64 72 64 73 86 90 106 136 159 130 103 177 242 508
5. Edible oil 153 163 152 117 220 179 216 216 287 256 218 251 364 471 441 473 583 1006 865 1050 1067 1644 1402 1761
6. Pulses all sorts 26 15 14 28 9 24 54 44 71 113 86 88 145 120 159 164 195 327 234 350 292 243 422 455
7. Sugar - 1 13 13 32 6 49 29 42 30 46 23 104 110 220 124 294 396 413 650 654 1177 731 902
8. Clinker 20 14 12 11 12 25 33 35 38 59 106 150 144 139 170 210 240 347 314 333 446 504 487 619
9. Crude petroleum 144 152 181 116 177 166 174 140 118 232 273 242 267 252 350 604 524 695 584 535 923 987 1102 929
10. POL 204 168 172 168 206 290 341 295 270 406 566 481 620 770 1252 1400 1709 2058 1997 2021 3186 3922 3642 4070
11. Chemical 125 101 126 144 155 201 257 248 250 278 339 335 353 406 510 580 668 890 960 972 1254 1210 1302 1498
12. Pharmaceutical products 9 25 13 15 16 20 22 27 29 27 33 39 44 45 41 50 49 62 80 103 116 119 119 120
13. Fertilizer 90 117 131 135 142 97 150 108 120 140 129 107 109 150 332 342 357 632 955 717 1241 1381 1188 1026
14. Dyeing, tanning etc. materials 20 22 34 36 50 55 62 66 66 71 91 87 86 109 132 148 161 218 259 275 333 375 399 538
15. Plastics and rubber articles thereof 68 85 94 113 148 186 182 204 191 230 261 250 281 367 477 523 643 808 840 966 1302 1366 1366 1793
16. Raw cotton 68 71 82 72 135 185 195 207 233 277 360 312 393 583 666 742 858 1212 1291 1439 2689 2084 2005 2426
17. Yarn 52 92 127 168 200 296 395 327 283 300 322 283 270 323 393 501 582 691 792 718 1391 1384 1356 1506
18. Textile and articles thereof 411 512 687 841 1025 1043 1098 1264 1109 1153 1291 1063 1106 1295 1571 1728 1892 1892 2099 1986 2680 3023 3273 3584
19. Staple fibre 12 19 31 31 40 43 45 48 39 43 39 39 41 57 75 76 97 110 112 118 180 428 455 493
20. Iron, steel and other base metals 97 99 106 130 206 322 437 391 345 393 464 413 455 479
680 980 985 1179 1502 1453 2004 2224 2335 2657
21. Capital machinery 91 72 83 130 198 299 333 285 294 314 482 562 568 786 1211 1539 1929 1664 1420 1595 2325 2005 1835 2332
22. Others 1476 1383 1628 1552 2053 2482 2398 2576 2545 2838 3054 2858 3015 2959 2727 2887 3401 4385 5289 5862 7132 7889 6860 8604
Sub total : 3470 3463 3986 4070 5637 6670 6750 7027 7510 7709 8650 7913 8931 10016 12195 13684 16013 20335 21205 22325 31517 33402 31579 37757
Imports of EPZ 40 63 85 121 197 261 402 493 496 665 685 627 727 887 952 1062 1144 1294 1302 1413 2141 2114 2505 2975
Grand Total : 3510 3526 4071 4191 5834 6931 7152 7520 8006 8374 9335 8540 9658 10903 13147 14746 17157 21629 22507 23738 33658 35516 34084 40732

Categorywise import
Total Import Payments by Yearly

Million US$
Period Amount
1990-91 3510
1991-92 3526
1992-93 4071
1993-94 4191
1994-95 5834
1995-96 6931
1996-97 7152
1997-98 7520
1998-99 8006
1999-00 8374
2000-01 9335
2001-02 8540
2002-03 9658
2003-04 10903
2004-05 13147
2005-06 14746
2006-07 17157
2007-08 21629
2008-09 22507
2009-10 23738
2010-11 33657
2011-12 35516
2012-13 34084
2013-14 40732
Source: Statistics Department, Bangladesh Bank

Categorywise import

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