Novel Captain Nobody

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Novel Captain Nobody : Moral Values (Form 5 English

Novel Captain Nobody : Moral Values (Form 5 English Novel)


1. We must respect, support and protect our beloved ones

In this novel, this value is portrayed by Newton, though he is only ten years old.
He is sensitive towards his parents feelings.

We also see this value in Chris. Even though he is busyand tired practicing for his
football games, he always seem to have time to help Newton with his homework or
play a quick game with him.

Mr Newman speaks carefully to Newton about his costume and acknowledges

Capatin Nobody.

2. We must always help those who are in need

Mrs Young, Newtons teacher, discusses his situation with the Principal, Mr Toomey.
She does not get angry with Newton.

This value is also portrayed by Newton, who tries to cheer his mother up after seeing
his mothers eyes in tears.

Newton is also sompassionate towards Mr Clay. He realises that man is lost and
confused and makes sure he gets home safely.

We must be helpful to others regardless whether they are our family, friends or

Newt helps Cecil brings down his dream bass drum

JJ and Cecil also portray this value when they help Newwt with his Halloween

3. We should not rely on a costume to feel confident of ourselves.

We must not underestimate our abilities.

It is important to feel good about ourselves.

This value is portrayed by Newton. When he wears the Captain Nobody costume, he
feels strong and confident.
However, when he climbs up the water tower to save Reggie, instead of losing
confidence and descending the ladder, Newton continues his climb and manages to
help Reggie get down from the tower. This shows his courage and capabilities to

4. We should not be envious of the success of others.

This value is portrayed by Newton, who feels happy about his brothers success.
Chris, on the other hand, acknowledges that Newton is the real hero of Appleton.
Mr and Mrs Sullivan acknowledges their saviour who saved their lives during the

5. We must be optimistic in life

We must face problems or challenges in life with hope and courage.

Newton does not feel sorry for himself and does not resent or blame people, even
when he is neglected at home. He accepts the fact that his classmates and teachers
ignore him in school and that not many know that he is Chris Newmans brother.

When his brother is knocked down into a coma during the Big Game, he fills his mind
with positive thoughts that Chris will be alright.

When his mother forgets to dry the laundry, Newton wears his Captain Nobody
costume to school, though he knows his friends or teachers might laugh at him.

Although Newton, Cecil and JJ are ignored in school, they respond positively to this

Chris and his teammates shows optimism in winning the Big Game although at times
the opponent is leading

6. We must be brave.

Newt has acrophobia. At first, he hesitated to climb the Dumpster to get the bass
drum. But when disguised as Captain Nobody, he felt more confident.

He managed to help Cecil.

Novel Captain Nobody : Moral Values + Evidence,
Novel Captain Nobody : Moral Values + Evidence, Opinoin


Newt as Captain Nobody rescues Ferocious the Ferret on the highway. He chased Ferocious
amidst the busy traffic. He even waves his hand in the attempt to stop the traffic. The traffic
stops and coincidentally, his action saves an airplane which landed in an emergency on the

Newt gathers his courage to climb the water tower although the ladder is rusty and the tower
structure is weak. He wants to help calm Reggie down. With the help his best friends, Cecil
and JJ, Captain Nobody climbs the ladders to the top and slithers his way to reach Reggie.
He then finds out that Reggie climbs the tower to vandalise the water tank but his left foot is
stuck. He managed to get Reggies foot which was stuck. They both end up falling from the
tower into a mattress as they descend the rotten ladder.

Newt suffers a broken ankle and two broken ribs when Reggie lands on top of him. Newt helps
to save Reggie from falling from the water tower. He is later awarded with a golden key.

Captain Nobody shows tremendous bravery by stepping into the Sullivans jewellery store and
prevents a robbery from happening.


This incident shows Newts bravery. He risks his life to save Ferocious. At the same time, he
saves innocent lives on board the aeroplane. If I were in the same situation, I would be afraid
to run into a busy highway to chase after my pet. His action has inspired me to be courageous
in facing any challenges in life. His courageous act should be admired as not many people
are prepared to perform such brave act. In saving Reggie, Newt shows his bravery in
conquering his own fear. He is a brave boy who has contributed to the society. His bravery is
to be applauded as he takes action no matter what the consequences is.


Newton walks Mr Clay, the locksmith, home after his hand suddenly comes out from the pile
of cardboard boxes and grabs Newt by his ankle. He recognises the person as Mr Clay. His
mother always calls Mr Clay whenever she needs to duplicate keys. Mr Clay is suffering from
Alzheimer. He forgets his way home when he runs out of medicine. Although Cecil is skeptical
at first, Newt convinces him that Mr Clay would do no harm. So he walks the old man home.
He knows where Mr Clay lives as Mr Clay always parks his cherry red van in front of his house.
Mrs Clay is relieved to see her husband return home safely.


This shows that Newt is a helpful person. If I were Newt, I would do the same thing to my old
neighbour if I find him wandering around. Without Newts action, Mr Clay would be lost and
Mrs Clay would be so worried of her missing husband. His action has inspired me to be a
helpful person to my family, friends and neighbours.



Newton does not let anything dampen his spirit and remains positive even though he is ignored
by his schoolmates and his parents. Though he is ten years old, Newt accepts his parents
neglect and copes with the pain of missing Chris. He does not blame or resent anyone. Even
when his parents are at home, they do not spend time with him or even talk to him. Although
he is sidelined by his friends at school and neglected by his workaholic parents at home, he
accepts the situation without complain.


This shows that Newt is an optimistic person. If I were in the same situation, I would not be as
positive as Newt. Without Newts optimism, he would remain sad and feel down being
neglected by his own parents and his friends. His action has inspired me to be optimist in
facing bad times.

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