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A Bui
& ij^tSB- *

The Sunshine State's Dfflig AfOcawfet Gregory 4a Bujr wf talenSetl
they they had Ivgiue him three rtArrsesJ brings a rfcs^gner'stye ta
three of Ibe tUies flore^i^irirf Came'i iconic luroeSp Iho Jedi
Cuardian.DcMn Tavers^ Ute fiodtan Frlngcr, Kclko; and the sly
NoWc, Ararl Korden. Catch AranI tn action In the Fsnt Phy Cnn*r
on page SO.


lA A Crcdit fOR Your ThouCmts

fv Tifw MML '
cmm ejui\ot
g I Chance CUBf:
LcfcriJtjf iiti n^ i l i Fr>^ ubontwb'l dtit >iVril<
jp'#f!L wjrwjujfiw HIT JHdiwJwe
jnd Hnlip- 11 pi (hf Ilnitir1d nrtciDiiii.ATjhr
r>pp^h p4ut
dim| ihrHcw fcfrjbW Ei^
tMrilWfiCk4|>] Ce^i2t4i

The Monster
fF^UMTl naiuct ^dvHntur Hs
iniHhJfl (hp Np^
'wr 4 l***rtf iHP''>pwy *>? kri *JllR Ihr ftwrirfiprt The Lambda Hei^t
frn-Pil M'NtriAlmMti'
fhr * SUi-
I1fyrjpifym|-rjinir iVirTTlim-irl h w Hi^ 01.
RPG IViri l

^How Job
1 2 f I|iTM1;M
Ar AmpmTl c^ElIEjMA V
Sw *mn ?pnPir*n PV J
C^T*Jl i+JiXlfi i1*' S^rtieih*r|pj'rf ifiiyvrv Ifw Pi^nm K CbH in IhrciMPPtr#. A jPAI IHin CPW
i^mfu^ilvrv H^ BdcuYn nnv dJpff'pnp *A*tlPe Id AiOir nv ipfw^ Pmpir


*Y QWM A.f (PT*fm THE SHAFT: REiEt Squadrons
llvJIMbn'nm Mm PP^ h )>AlP ^|PP>* Ailhp friottni ^ e>m
giPiP.y.hll Ifl-npl 11^ jpu n DdnnhHnlf Id llM hi iriit at htfu* Cl>^ 1 P |iW
Pvurpn ipnfKiUi 1 Wt* nen' iMrny>r^ Wij. j Kplidn (tr ini-wdiOrtl-
p^hiei pfifr'] jnu l^n CDfA-CMV.

SPf ciAi Op?: Privateer Our Last Hope

ff tttltWMtflMOtti; fTMKMJUL dlKHlitAA
MlMldg UPrjiH l m liOiM ti* ihPlypAHll hnipin |)< rnPI

ri iulM IPhK^Wi liiiiTFMl uAirptiiwL^T ArhrAi

. ^ rr Urjnh SUlAtipjwilin RtJ. JW Idi;^ Ihr mnLii of jihr
ow Itrunf Pm inr Hlh bitJ{iRi'''i^UrVp CutTo^mttt^tCnt
Star Wars Fast-Plav CiAME
IPr HU WiW-MCiyVjAfR f*JS"tn ^
'nl In'Rid StatB nf thrs Ants
ItirPi'EWi hviidihaw ln Fkd RpirTttin lAj gj4lip4il Tip M4^
LucaiAats Game Priviews * STRATcav
OWIVERSITV OF Sambba GuidC rp hArnM(4Pp
llp< rwlWlIF.^wllI kw* ^inolMU'l IpttO* I SUlAftttl.Spipd'
To iNTTUIOENTtlPliTHE DUROS antud tiEli^ BrrMMkPI.[POd] VHl pWtC<^ pM> idpH^llRw
fY MRTAEillEriWH: JWfi trilpf iWHfA gJOK lUlhl
wP^dStP' lATfAMM
Then R(WRH rmfCPAPrI'V (mpiT RiJfpfipmFd 1^ Ihr
AiufiMn hil lutPtlTf Upp|zr|i UtrIh#M h4PPI Nytli^ l*r>r

plMt AiKHR IhtitHI

ONtwrniTHi THlOuMNa Tecmhkai Auiii Alterhati

PuMhlMirrWMr Muri*
i#bn^f<HCIkM!0-twt4phtr IV+h-t
y frlrndli M<!intr Ccwlc, 1?lg-n4rn? g^inr 'ilnign? r dawn tiii Wl J Jrdi of Iht Caaf I's R&D,
bAtar Ow^
PnMr, kidded inic when IIIrI it "Skywalkrr E^nth,''

rww^HAiikui |f >mi wc*c ir[fl|jf pne gJ the cwl Hd^, ycutl ju^t it 'th Ranch," he uuL

Lu^ EidlBAr^ B4n hlb^ 'UVtlH; If I Juft Mkl th^ti" oouhtered^ *then wjin't
I I fi4>s you unci>ol people would
LurMLk:tAt4<i| An CdliwibnMcnti know what t was talking abofit

Wejgke. my friends and I.

An Dlmtcr: ^fti iu>><y Nvhw

milhtw llMH.
So Chris l^rklns,]fyle Hgnleta^idlwerit to the Ranch In houember (Some oEhcr people went
tooL but we were |he cool ii.ldi]i to laitt about the direction for jme sVarj Coriwr and our new
JlAc him
PrAArtElM fiStcr publi< 4 tlpn. SFAeSUtei irts^ir{onule Oonl(.
BoW+W Holy Cow. thdft plicp CKd. All the accbllecltire h, fabulous, f he lllsraty Is every bit as tool as

A4**rtWn( t ili T DlnKt^ri you've heard. They told usthat Iheie'sa wcHklng ranch on Ihe premises. They even have deer
Itfb MiFih M g and CjsiPil (or some imobtruswefowliiwafldeflng loose, tain Morris, lucas Licensing Art Editor,
3t}D4-nu -cbofa^nUUdL^iwni
Nonhu4in< ArfivrtHJri told US |lu 1 the hills around the ftanch would strangely remtnd us of Haboo. Hc^ 'fht.
Ht^l IIAtMirtt: We alio to meet a bunch of
Si| w SfXKE IbcJwiqv.
Mlwnwr Au!K>inL people we normally only write Sd Chris Perkins.
I} ^ Kcv< w ^S^<inM
erttaili: |i% like lain, and also
M>ir1qn,CT H;i
ftaM lD]-tS5-BI34. Ren Harper, Lucy Wilson, and
and went
Kyle Hunter, I

IfliM <A4cJi<>a|n'Aw<f'M^iTE w> to Skywalker Ranch . .
people. Chris even got to sit n)ct
OmiMten htTKfqri FiwnWHnri
CktjAMiaA AtthCME: OAi ifl il t PVtWMr
to George at lunch one day. dh yeah, and they're working cm Eprsoefe 1 1.

Aifvtctlilni Inttmi CtMV Episode 1 1 Is on everyone's mhttds there, dul in the rest of the world, Ep II is still a year and a
half away. There. It's happening RIGHT NOW And go4ta
I tell you. it's preHy cool, Some lucky
Hhn, SimL4JW4 h-
<www;itijrwiriucofn> Chris Perkinses who shall remain nameless got loreadthc Kript [not that I'rti jealous or any'
wii4f ihm Cmh wwVMAA *Mi thing). Me, Just got a
I fast and loose presentation from Lucasfilm fouiCes about the movle'i
amtents. Of course, even what tittle k now can't tdl yW". <:cMp4 rujybt thlfi It's gonna be

IHhW- hasgame potential out the proverbial wafon.

New plactjs to go. new people to interact with, new ideas that are neady game-ready out -of
MWlimurra: Cmi IhrW^ CA-I^^Am<-
14 Uw hM#t M HlAnwM Kt IM aA the bo!i Remember that 'new. new. new" s|Jeech gave last Issue? Vsu are 10 gonna get It. Aisd I

inul * C*4fc( **1|* *!). *<I^ I*
4( 1 ^' you're gcring to get it 60 us. kbu're gdnna be one of the cool kids.
Aw VUI WH m m ) 0w4 .

IH Uh b #T ba 4f iLii '
II I' ii 'l I II.

t^ ttm M |f AnA *i w

Hi i^Aii i i i Mb'

Fki- ^mmrM Mhi iintt#fi ahiri ila JefI Obick. Seffiar liiitsr

ms IM-MH n-ii u A In fTinv

c 4MS-lMltS
.AriA UCS - n-KI'lH-lHi ^ * AvUllS
HAin U.-4 jan. ^ mm

IViai.. m n lUSwi mHWl
I c> A 0* wv
tfll ilVMM Ah IlfrH' ITMf
iiA ir
m ftk|t
Bt nqii' t'K
aniRNATiosui, cHS'mifrnoH
?lii Feaifjt
C*vi.&*iWn '
Ci mw i

TWAwim CddI Kids

[fmm hrti to
Ml HtrnLlm liMfer.
rjtrlHHnr 4 nl
Amur U lA Mff iiviil LiirlMr-ilut

c Ml lAinibiiiilt rn
^ t-fMlr.
TiWi Il fI t al LvutAtn Lta. LLTlI*
WIhfA viti O i ji L .itH HfUMAlM
1 M 1 Me UMtuvOwKn In iha Amja - at # rt>IBInf of vofuv cudMniy rWwF nrt_'

Str In Giair F.D. Bu W * liitii, iA 3I0S7-Q71IT iiiiiirfiliirdi.GM


Anybody Dut There?

Send Us a Iransfnissian

from Veur Cnrner of the Galaxy

Cs the same old story in the publish- STd.t Witi tiug jzine. Fftt hntcn&t at Ho, dunk you, Srian, forcortlributing to

ing bit. you Ky tafuna|azzy'l[!tters all lit nofi'gjmlng Siah Wahi. ttimns, such Ihe small, but ever-growtng twtyof

(fliumrt. trot for Ihe first couple of issues dclKm fiBum. merchaitdlsr^e^c Oiigl reader fired back fo^^rat IVajh Cortie/.

you put out, no one knows lo write toyou j| ficlkjn would t fine; preview orf now. We fike to Ihink that we" fkrt simply
yet. lutklty, some kiod people Foresaw Ihe elil'm^eh'on. the publishing ants of a supranalional

problem and wiole Ip us anyway. Here I do like thr ide<i of 4 D.trk Hone oomic corpof^le media conglomerate, but that

they are nosrrt slnjpor frcfisliiittlon. I find llveir [fulerralto we re the ftiendiy publish Ing a rm of a

hr of rucllettt qu jltt;fL Dtir CM, in foct, suprartalional corporate media congktnrt-

Ar IiIhd Mrm 0 ^ Che ploMlne frorrt Dark Horse Comics' erale. here to serve you.
probably see EPC lisntent La ke
Howdy Folksl Jodi Courxtl uriH as bachd top to our cam- you'll

After picking up the fra* iVae; fforrpit^jnj palgn, prowdlng a handy hogt as for iMSd- the fionl-and'Cenler potSdon as

Cotrte this week [and pljymjjin Ihe first i(^B three frfjvfans o*f Oh fheir Hswn. I've requested, Bilan. But our goal hero Is to

session of a ni:w campaign), eagerly await- gol a stack of the recent 5ia Wak coinkcs cover ^lAi WAts games I n all their Irear-

ing the first Issue of f fai WASt Ca/t\es llwypnxIiKC (from the fpisoi*eleiia]iand, nations. Rathei than asking us to mlnl-

mag, Thought I'd email some general given our new<oiO|Ml^iS'seC In that mUe our coverage of non-P PC games,
Ihoughtl llrrtellne.l^nd If aneMellent rmouvre.f peihaps you could lake thtsopportunlrty
I'd like to see Ihe new fiK lake front and nOl ieerU Ciy the way. the article for Issue 1 to broaden your gaming horiions. After
ccftlcr stage for the magantse. I'm npt sure C>fi adaption of Matvei Comics aliens for all. there's a svoKd erf gaming fun awail-

why there would be continued interest Kn I he game; I'd be highly Inkrrstecf in adap- Ing every single &T*t Wais fan whoever
the adyentuire game, which serves pf ima- llcmsof ibe Dark Horse Comics lnHh l|vl, Alt of f hem. How can you deny

ri^ as a lead in to the nw* robust RPG alwmand coverage ofgames lhal mlgftt appeal lo
core. While I undeisland llul you'll bccov- Well, enough rambling on my part. them? rhat's what thought. knew

ering^piTipuler 3 ihI console games as well Thanks for the opportunity to souitd effi you'd come around to our way of think-

fd like lo see those llems minimized Same tng, Brian. See? That's why wr'ie the

for the CCC^ which have no lnti;fest m, but

Brian IsILoff friendly arm
again uitdersland that ll has a place in p via Inicmel

oh, jrtd il'4 J pretty life bet to expetl VcMi're welcome, Aaron. The aitswer to Mere Is what was thinking about

lo lee Oarh Horse- material tum up here your request Is 'no ~ But how about rf we mainly: Is it possible to Create a point
eventually. We Nke-cornks here at StXit pirt It in Our fifth magi' system to create spacecraft? Basically
^ati CUrtifr.We like them wry much. fupplyl ng like m aybe ten- or so chassis for
shi ps of each class of vessel, and a set

QHiUiUiiuidujiiiiiiUiMdniiiiniKMM number of space points for cac h chassis

A Senrheed Spuekii and then have things Uke extra armor,
Stiy ChlssI Hello there, shields, Iriertial consp^rts^torf, and Ihe

Dear Comer. I anti writing in legards to an idea hod I like lo take up space in the chassis so

I just went out anct Iwught -my cc^py of about the magazine and the Cote-fiUlcS |hal a pervoncan truly customize a star

irAR- Wars lioteploytnq Cujtnt and was tXKil: that lecently hit the shelves. craft for their characters,

luppy to $04 all the content it came wll h. 1 While reviewed the
I bO*rt, l came to the IF I his idea snieiests you, feel free to
am^ though, hoping to $ee stats for the conclusion that the few ships they had in use i|. I'ct like lo see some standard for the

ChiiSvCtand ^rtJmiral Thrawn'i rate. EltebookweredeFlnitely not enough for a custOiirlling oF a Space croft for this

I would like rt rf you would put it in your start. They can biidlcal^ get things done game, that way it couM become a reol

first or second ittJg- as Far as playing a Naboo game or an masterpiec#-

Tharrkst X'Wing game, but there are hardly any
ships inthehook for solpstarflghtlng. Slrscercly,

Aaron 0. Hurl Further, there is noway to understand PonalOJlKleslingFI

via internet how tes customize a starflgher either. via iirtcrnet

signing for the crowds. Peoph!- slcKzd in lines lo play thefue

It's Ynur Universe Wfl iortasiott c/ rhd AtJWrin/re Cjbw. The Roleptaylng
That was the message a* the doors opened Up at Planet Hotly- Oame Association (RPGA} was busy answcrlitgr^ueslloiis
wood in Seaitileon iaturday, Ncjvrmbcr 11, as the World Frr- about their organized pilay game called THt LiVi nd Foect Bill

mKi like new Szar tVAirs ttPG wasunvelled. Attending the

icrf Slaviciek and hH team sfKnrt the day answering questions
evirnt was lake Lloyd jAnaklrt 'Sfcyvv.i Ikei}, Peter M.iyhew about the game and the Dao System, ArtKt Mart PrK'tf g.iw
(Chewhacca), Drew Struzan -Itore RPG Cover art Isiy and up his weekend to do caricatures. The Star IVaR! Cdmer stall

Adrun Hughes (friwHi'ano/Ffieed cover artist}. was 130 hand tOOv giving away tree previews of Ihe-ir first Issue.

More than IPO people came to seethe new Szar Wars RPC. The most asked questuzn of the cLiy; WhtHi -can get I my
One couple came all the way Fro<n DrtrcHt tO attend hr event. 1 hands on that book?"kW! hope you know by now. E
AJ themoin stage. he stars spent the daygreetirrg and

LfAi: [I in r) Oiew StlvZZO.

htrr Mjyhew ind Ulr Uoyd
p4^ IfiE new ^rxl- WAAs ReG
Wld bif'i rh jFlef luin to
Lewvr Mil F,i[ta wjllEtf lit the
chilly IliK- tor houn ouiiiAr
riimcl HoSywuod.
ericHMi LhinlM Kjurman GMt
Rf;hEubci bvttle wAh rv^ct

StAirt WAH* qAuen B

OgnaUd.yOu tulp tmt overjojfsd al a ll the text just by squlrvtlng at the pic- ActiU llypWewere planning on a species
this lisue,whkh contains a wholr hangar tures and making up stories about what every two mofiths since StA* Wais Cctmer
full of new i-hlpi for your campa Ign's he saw. We're even happier wUhwhal he is htmonthly.

hrroH and villain j. FHpimme^iate^ l produced. I Ihink we'll see ItatiStiCS for [Sefels

page J.6 and begin Ihe enjoyment . Now Donald, as far as yourquesUon when someone writes a startling, true-life

Tbit article actoally came to utreveried a bout point systems to create Spacecraft... accopnl cf one young Defel's attempt to
from our standard wayof rredving Is It possible? ires. It Is. We havethe tech- get affordable rye care in the aHermath
cks: art first. Artist Jeff Carlisle sent us a nology. We haw the will, Will we do It? of the detentrallzed health care Industry

dozen ship designs and atlueciff wewere Our man. Owen Stephens, downslain in during the hrsi shaky years of the Hew
Interested In using them. We thouglit for IfictJ, Is being wry secretive on the topic Gepublk. Say what you will about his

aboul four seconds before we said, "yes." (ulhless. tyrannical goverirance. but when
But I hen what to do with a bundi of cool the Emperor was In charge, the trains ran

pictures of ihlpsi CHI lime, If you catch my drift.

We went loowr man, Owen Stephens, Falling on DafttE Eari Alternately, you could look for ihelr

downstairs In RSi0..who was working on Dear Ctmfr, stats IntheOenlieusof the Calavy RPC
a teerti RiP projocl involving ships at Are you planning to add a new species book Oul laKrthls year.

moment. And we said, *^Hey

that very every month lhat ra n be used as a char-

Owen, would you be Interested In writing acter? When will we see statistics for

up some ship stals that go wJ|h these Defelf i Thanks.

drawingsr Okay. Ihaffs It far letters this ish. YOure

Qf course- This looiis like someihlrig lason Dean going towpnl to write in and let us know
I'd do just for fun, he said. We were wiy via inlcmet what yau thinic. Real soon . I mean it. I'm

happy with that a newer. Then he wrote nol a bove bubery here, peopie. Vuirire. S

^ut entry, Rage S|, left column.

t'jge 48 under

replace paragraph 7 with

Imperial Dispatch: under Uncanny Dodge 5, G 81 ...

The second sentence- should readr'AlAth llil onacj A medpac is a simple med-
Game Errata levtl and above, the scout retains his Okk- ical device lhat is applied lo a wounded or
tcf ily bonus to Defense (If any} regardless dying character and aclivatcd. A medpac
Corrections and
of being caught flat-footed or struck by a reltores 1 wound poUrt to any wtjended

Clarifications from hidden,lit jpker, character. If the character Is (iyingj the

application of a medpac also stabilizes the
the Sm Wars RPC Page 78. under Jump,, under ipedal charactcr.The nuntber of wountt points

A character who h,1S the Run f*J| and restored by a medpac can be increased
Page iZr under Human makes a running Jump check increases using the Treat injury skdL
Racer lemptite^ under Skills the dista nce Or bclghl by ore'fonrlh,nol llwayU WnuFidta ratAtatirr-iill

Repair should be +3, not *5 ,

one- third.
5-9 1

Page ih iinder Srijllustin S^lei Page I2, Survival DC Table ID-14 2

Traits, under Automatic tanguage The DC for the Ihlrd entry (avoid getting
iS -9
Add Qasic. lost M.) should be B, not IS-
20-24 4

Page under Trandoshan Species Page 93,lfl COfumn, 25 + S

Traits, under Autofu atlc Language replace paragraph 1 with ...

Add Basic. kwo-icR-M Caie: Providing long-term This application oftheTre,it Injury jkill

care means Ireating an injured chQr4'i<ter can't be used unlrained. You must have al

PAge 3-9^ right column, for a day or more. If successful, the patHut least 1 rank in the skill to inf rease the

replace paragraph 8 with ... recovers wound points or pbllUy points restorative effects of a medpac. A charac-

piriNSE BONUS: the characler's bonus to lost to temporary damage at twkethe ter can only be healed (have wounds

his Defense. Note that this Ixinus doe: not normal rale. (Thai is. j wound points or 2 restored|l ante in a 24-hour period by a
l^tack wllh any bcinuurs. for armor worn, ability poinis per day instead of 1.) VOvcan nmrdpx. tiiough the character can be sta -

and that wearing armor penalizes A cbac' tend up lo SiK paMenls at a lime. 1ft>u need bIlizEd any number of limei. Using a med-
acter'sspeed and certain skill checks. common medical supplies at can be found pac depletes Its contents {even If it is only
easily in civlirzed regions of space. used to Stabilize * dylirg chairacter).

Lilt aACTAThMK: AspedjNied mBdkal
liHiik fllleij with 1h mlfJCulDU^ liquid,
than an mjured character started with.
.A character can onty be heated (h.ivr
Sw IVm
promotet rapid lieallng and icts as wounds restored] once
bacia, in a z4 -hour pci-lod
Earner Gets
a powerful dlikifcctanl.Wheii a shawcltf by a medpac. though t he character can be
hai bn severely wountM, It^icla tanlt stahlhied any number of times. Lbing a
You Cennected!
treatment b the best mcthcKl for restoring medP'Kdtpkeles Its contents (even If it Is

lost wound points. With a successful Treat only used to stabHiJe dying charac terj. Want to be up on all the news from the
Injury and a hacta tank, a character irAflVAiriComer editors and the RPC's
i-ecovtfr^ wound ^Ints at a rate of i per Page saj, Table Equipment design teansl Interested In free game

hour ijmstead oT 1 |*ci clayf- The fusion lantern was left off the list. It is adventures and eictlutivies I Tlsen Jl's tnnu
a lund-held ctevlce, larger than a glow rod, you headed over to^

Pge 94 . under Frightful Pfcience that pruducei light and heat. II costs www.wliards.cvm fslarwars
The DC b'lo plus onc-halF your levri and chjdits and weighs i kg. The (Ticial website of the iiw Wm. ftjfe-
Charisma modifier,' not 'H}p4us your level Cvmel
and Charisma modifier.' Page i left column, repUcet In February and March on the site, you
the Vitality and Wound Potnts section can try OUr Character Quick-Converter and
Page 9 $. under Heroic ^rge ViraiiTV AND Wound Pdi nts check out all-new Peiielfrdvt ira iSouvce-

Replace the last scrrtence with the follow- VHallly points represent your character's boo* tie-ins. Plus wr've stocked the
ing: "you may use Heroic ^uege a number ability to turn a direct hit into a glancing LivrrtG Foirci pages with lots of

cf times per day. based on your chafade* Wcw or a near miss. P;i mage is usually online source mateital, Indud Ing setting

levels bul never more than once per round. deducted from your vitality points. Informat ion, N PCs, guidelines for cam-

ist'4th level, once per day; Sth-W.h fevijt. Wound polnls represent howmuch paign ptay,CarrtcmaT.tenng tipi details
twice per day; gth-iath lereP. three times damage 4 character can take before falling on where ter play In your arep, and
per day: ij:th-i6th level, four limes per u neon sc I owsur dying. Da mage Is deducted excerpts from the campaign's rufebook,

day i74h-:jQ|h level, five limes pei day' from your wound points onfy after you've What efse have we got for you? A new
eshausted you r vrtalty points or when Original online adventure each month, the
Page li}, under Pacta Tank, you are struck by a critical hit. latest on upCOniIngllve chats on our site

teplacei paragraphs ^Jh4 (and transcripts of the vnes yOu missed),

Any character who has suffered wound Pagtnt, fight cflluifin. access to the Cantina {our ln'shar,s<ter

damage can bcncfil from ai bacta tank replaces the o Vllallfy Polivtf seellon chat loom), and the winners of our

Hea|ment,hut Its miraculous properties OViTniifr PpiNiiS "What's This Cuy's ?tory?" contest.
are most eviclent wlien used on a severely If you run out of vltaf ity points, you c.i n no Wtilk you're checking out the weekly
uvounded p.iLlenl. S.trt,i treatment Is the longer avKsid real damage. Any additional updates on the site, don't miss the maga-

best method for healing charackb that da mage you receive Is deductied frorrryour line's own home p.ige- There you on read

have suffered massive amounts of wOUnd wound points. our eifhaustive S-t*Wais games bllriloh

damage. FATiOUlU graphy, find out what class of gamer yOu

Patients undergoing hacta tank treat- If you take any wouitd damugc, you .< r? aie.and even get a sneak peek al Issue

ment recover wound points at a tale of i fatigued, fou cartnoE run or charge, and of $Ti iVAES Cutner.

per hour {msteod of 1 per day]- you suffer an efTechve penally of -a to

^iHicngthartd Deiiterlty. In addlllon, each pan for Businas*: Tha Cant Inal
Page IZ 4 , under Glow Rod time you take wuund damage you iitust Criebratethe launch of the JHJf Wais
Tlte glow rod projects a beam of light up nrakf a fortitude saving throw (DC ip) or !^Qiepta^m Came by making a stop at the
to 1 Q meters, niyt meters. tre stunned for zdti rounds Cantina at WUAJliin.cOMrntinlly This In
character live chat room Is the place- to

Page 14 Gi llSrUmkir Medp^. Page ijt, right column^ be to Interdict with other Sfor Wars cha r-
reptaceiparagraphaflc^ replace the Heating HsturaMy seetlcm aclcrv start oplnfoonal games^and cre-
A medpac rcsIcHes wound point to i any VcMj regein 1 wflurid polnl for e-nh day of ate background stories for yOur new
wounded character. If the character K light activity Or r1 . For each hoof of light rcilepl.iyrng characters. This moderated
dying. 1 he appllcallan of a medpac also activity or rest, you regain a number of room Is open h e.M to z a.m. E astern

sfdhililes .ipplieal ion of vitality points ectual to your level. Afull Standard time and features an associated
a medpac eqirirrs a full-round ad ioiv If night 's sleep hpursj restores al I vitairty. messBrge board, so yVu can communicate
the user has the Treat Injury skill, he or she In character with other players even when
can heal addllronal hvounds, depending on the-room Is closed. Register for your
the result of the skill check (see page Sa). A CDPtiniJB'd Naxt )BUO screen name now and vtslE the Cantina at

medpac on't restore itwe wesund points 1 a id r. r am /efut


Senies Ol: Pilots
BV Vi NOD fi A Mi
CpHtry <1 >< ictMiringfcjturethJt shows character porErjits
arouind i Chcmr.EiKh pgiirait to- Tit In tlie''chjrdcter lllus-

tritlon''boK on the back or the Star W*iti chjf jfler sheet. Majrs

can u the pcftraits an rfcpicti^rtS of tltoii heio. Jod OMi can use
(hem H (har^clees tor (h heroes Eo encounler Have you got a
theme you'd like lo see in fld^uff QaSfffyt Let ui k rsoiwl

fcloai'i^JirtMlU im ru Un^i L>ifri irritoi Hrlhf"

JBHr j-TL J^
i iT^ T

s r rrjft iccttsroff ^ahi t CffitrrJ f4SirDSf
JtiuinfjflrFO BTf rSAtAir i,ff OWapos

i\e moment i\er boots landed itnide the dtaek Otist tavern.

Hf iVWf f
Ncibttnfet out theamtioius hn'oth sited

. Titt jffifitKy FTi^^fiJ (tc gefrij JufWffitfvfl

bent hoidir\^

(atf nroiind
lit this s1 pry. Ci.1 lact ic smuggler Tttilg
adroit pciilner Hi'Crlme.tLlliltsa Dogder. lor

cltranlcllng Iheli fuiHier OKploils, chock CHit


meets her

IVank bfer

fhc*FT, the tegemkirysnrugglm'hiiven wttfjwt ai she'd kfi jj. /ram Wif Wew^optrWi'c (i 9 g 9),.iailoblo in piiptnb.Kkl

i/rtllslriMl. fonlglil the air WKJithkk wHhunEKcmloniccI

it wiuwilh-inwfcc. Ansiouj wordixvcic CHh,ingcvl i-n hi- wouldn't h-nre enderf up dead on the floor of in Old Wanidl ,

.I'lOvn^tiiJVvdrd t^blpv. Ev?n 'i^tbpul bvtlt^ i .iikl Ina.Mjybe If he'd if mirlcFcd tils own Imnrirlss qf trying

.ilrik td gndrr>tJrld (hr iidpal<dn1cnt,Fth h,i4tn4pr4l)ti*fn Idlknlr to tool flaring 1 ctnpers. At^iybe If she hadn't left him alone, fen
inf; the teiurof the huifud convLMUljam-Hcr lellan^tmu^jglicrf clamped down brutally on that lino of tlilnhlng. She had learnrHf In

were Ji worried js she wai were bolnrif Hie womp rats into bet thin ty-tbreo years thaliraybeswcre a dangerous business. '5bll.
thetl(Hl htjiKihcfy could OimI. maybe If ..

rhr dHcrt plncict dFScwraclHl tUlletpcnH pTientlon IditsiHf "Has it really been two years f)Curl.Jsko<l i-.irl^jintciitipllngtirr

with Kiinlid'ifwt.lble'Clinr.ilr JOd v.jsl pljlni of blJck vdkJnic. J^h. thoughts.

This w.HexActly wily it was lh preferred dcilinal Ion lor io r^my Two years, four months, six days^'Fen repHod, staring Into the
on Ihc Fringe, fen Included. glass crndlcd In berbands.

Shesjunlerccf owrlolhebar snd tapped 1 he shew Wee f the Karl alfcclionalety brushed away a sfiTind of nut hrqwn hair i hal

BOthan fitting qn her ravqfite >loOt Frra Jerked Ik'i heart tq the rigirf had trsCapec1 1 he I Ir .it the h.Kl: of Fen's neck He's looking for ytKi."
jnd Lhe6wthail<|lilckly g.ilheied up herdrinlk .iltd vllnked .iwjy he s.iod. wi1 h a nod in tfkc dliectpoii of j man silting alone at a pre-
Pulling her^dr upon the seat mrtd resting herclbowi on Itnc tnr.Fen mium corner table.
ilghed contentedly js she ejraciiined the hundreds of oddly shaped Thanks." hMicoWected her drink and climbed to hw fert 'She

andtxightlycolcifcd botlln Hiving the wall. Karl Aivcher, Lhetawm's thought about bringing a bottle along, but recortsidcicd.Theon^
prqprldpr,(taiqied tpMve the nml Iriprcjjivc CBllticjocfrinto!<l- thingjshc needed wbb this client were sharp svli> and -i Credit line.

CpMl>in thrgqljx,y, '(kpnt you dare breuk qrbil Without Seeing me first, you hearf"
''ttvy. Njbon.'the bJitendirr grAwlud Jv he Imud hei upwitik j Kill I called^ as Ik movi>d tow.ii d j pair of Duro4 walling Impaticnily
slkDtorf!crelllJr's finest, then poured one for himself. "What do 3 few stools down. "I'm coming, I'm comlngl Where's that rusted
IhInV you're doln^ chasing away tw paying cvstomeri?'
I bardmidof minef"
| always icKfc- my Ub,Xaitr she protested with mock Hwflgna- Fenccirldn't figlit back a small smHc as shewatqlied the gr.iylng
tlqn,..inid then smlffd aFfectkorvntely ot 1 he man whph..itd beex On^ hli w^ rkrwn the b,i t pouring and t Jlking, makmg sum!
of Iki adopt Iv? Tather'i best frleiiids. everyone k-11 wefcome and Imporlanl. With asJvakc of her head, she
they each lifted their glasses mhI tapped them together. ~fo turned herallention bac-i. to business.

fctt.'Karisald. tier client kicked n chair out with his foot as she appr-oached.She

To Jett." fen repealed, he^volcea bll hoarse. took the InwtatloFi and sat, faking mhls shnip^dark cyps and the
Ttieyjlpprd lhcirdrinl;s.and sal In contemplative was way his arm Wiss slung rjsu.illy .iqross the h.ick qf the euijdy chair
1 heir CuSlOiki. For Fen, the absersoe qf 1 he in.^ri wtrp turf reKurd her ne>Ht to hkiiL Hr mel Itci ga^eevettly, {.tying rsothirsg ribout bow the
asa chlhtfimn a life of poverty and pirltyr^rirth; on the streets ql little delivery Ite'd hired her for bad dropped her right Into the mid-
Coronet was stiti a huge, aching hole. She knew Karl felt a similar dle of the Rebel aimada just before they Jumped loEndor He'd
lens; he and Icit had beiM) f rietvds for four decades. Kad had even fcoGwn they were massing there He Just htidto hiwr kntjwn,
|icd lolu-re his fellow Cordlian into retiring on SocoricHOo, tnd 'Can get ywsomirlhitsg, fen?" Talon K,ifrdeaski<LF|finFly break-

Jett siniply hadn't lsier:ni ready to leave the skies J^layhc if he had Inglhesilcncr-

SVJur wans CaMin IS

J CREDIT, She ijlutfd- him with hi^rffunkTill
-scl.bul thsnh^,"
^ll hoped actually, that she'd Iseard

therainiflcjlinntof the rise of the kdr and w'hal

wrong. She was stil rsiuHingosei

l| cgurd'oiejn to

HHlTOfilBTS "tru$l cver^lhlit^ wenl ai pUnncd^hr the less law abiding cktiiens of the gala*y when Karidc dropped his

uid bbndlly. lOwn proton bomb.

Fen ircKiwd iniu one ef (he m.iny pockets on hrr Jllghl^uil jnd "Han SoId is alive

the w out i-i flUtap 4I. She iMishcd Ji couplr of kiryt. und bhn i,lld it The words hung he.iwiy between them white Foudlgeiled llul
flcrps? |he Idble to hItn.She watilicd Ka.rrdcSjftjfiilly.Jirt'liwhot piece gt lnfgnjtiii.Karrdewa5 paying pKirUcularty dose aticniion
wotiW it Lake to ruttk hm? Pcrhaim ( hulhuM; EhtMKind In tomb, tg hisr iTacIhm. Fen notod swUh annoyance. Pact of her wanted to

jltowjnce she'd jddec! bo her T woutd doUwlfick. soap, that yes, the all-kngwin^ Kandc was rhglit, and his

Looks gDodi'Kundc wWaller aicHJpIc-of momcntVcntJiiHnj' sources HmI told himwns liciu. Stsu'd h>da brief dollinncc whh Ilk
1 ion. Tvi* alieady Itansferred ileo 1 hHJUtantf into ^ur CofelliJii MiMiggler turned' rrhe'l when she'd been too young tg koow l?Ht.

account, plus Ehiue thousand fot the unp)cp1rd comp.iii^." How very neC(' for hifn,"fien sold, faking a disinterested shrug.

Fenffo-^ned Mowdidbr nriM^ wecH (o-i3P(icifw(ei>wrevciQf "I would Imagine he was plePtsd wH h the outcome," Korrde
fttove?'*Thanli3," she said rarorfy. repIlHt flatly and held gul h|s h^iisd.

'Nice work liy bJe way,' lie contlmred. On time and vitdet fen stared at il Igr .1 long otoriieril before huHInrgand reaching

budget Into a pcKket tgr .1 five hundred credit piece, ihe slapped H woid-

Fen nodilird. She was goodal whnt shedhland the knew It, 'She'd lessly inlphU pjim.bul couldn't bear to watch as 11 diii.>f)fHjred

had Ihe best teacher In the galaxy "So . Into his pocket.

''So?" Karrde echoed. fen gave herself a hard nnenlal sh.ike.Tliere'd be time to reflect

Henid anything tntcretting latety^Fco knew better than loget on Sob later, wlcn KamJe w.isn'l reading and recording hrr irrery

Inlo lhi 1 )ipe of exchange wllh talon Karrden but nirlOsHy won out reaction for future eKp4dHtatlcm."Atot of good pcgpte ,irekxwe i'hsw

over common tente.Bunirisrs were wild and with jhe mi,-di.n slill in with Jnbba ggni?/ she sald.chaoalng course.
vnihiiperlal chokchakUnfomiatlan watal n ptemlum. Knrrde 'Vi:s," Karrde agreed. I L will be some time, think, before anyofie

would know wlial was reallygoing down. In I hit case, It would be has the resources to pay any attent Ign |g u>
woith Ihepiice. Busldn, she'd prob^biy be able to turn around and 'And ewobngcrbcfgre the Mulls, or ,i1 least Jabba's dan,

tell an^hlog new at Ihnee t Imet wlial II would cost her. regroup." Fen added. She took arsother pull on her drink, wonrtering

"Pcihaps." Knrrde jllbwd.hlsfacea mask.ybur at the crafty smuggler's caieef goals.

"lilelK'li hlewarothfif iJcath Star," she began, adding the Tm He answered lh. 1 l ouifUlon with Ihcnent iscntrat. carclu lly

credits to the pot. phrasfd slatemenl. "I've decided It's n good lime for building.''

"Why do you suppose the Emitcror keeps budding these things jf In lJuir pjflaiKc,ill was K|unf,>lcitt to a Job offer 1 work alnne.

Ihc Bcbcfscan lake them out so easily?" Kairdc asked, rubbing his Talon."

beard. "Jett wouldn't want,ren,'hesaldc)>uietly.

"Oon'l fcitow."fen replled.'Wu^be'wethguld jsk hdm. She felt the l.inilli.11 lump form in the bock al hrr tiKoat.ttie

Uofortunately. we can'i do Ihart Kn 1 rtle paused a momcot. As sympathy ea pressed, the rcgrcl she knenv so uuny fell with Jett's
you know, he's dend." de.1 l h, made her sense gl loss all lhe rtsore acule. She IntrrruiHf d

'Plly." Fen answered ttide^tijo," |hc kindness gruffly "I'lrn sUH av.iilablefec liire.lhoitgh. And fgr ygu,

A rebel pilot niimed Skywalker look them both out," tfande at pre tollapse gf-tlic-Etii[tiro rates."

divulged ePtl^ Ifbu am loo genpious.

F4c killed labba. too." Pen said. K.srrde spoke so diyly that he dbvigusly wasn't being caniphmen-
AcluaKy, 1 understnrsdthat Icchnkaiy It wasn't -Skywalker." lOiy. Was he saying she could have driuefi a harder bargain with

Kar r deco meet ed. him?' Ten shrugged It off 'She had bet leaswi-s and Hylitg to secertd-

Fen filed thitl tidbit .xway. "Doesn't loalc like Fett walked iiway gucss Talon a hypeistucejump lo insanity
froin l| elthuf,"sheitve,ited,addiPg to the pot hCwisKdk;i H my^uhih; dlsenum ngainsl your future ie4H. Karr de.

K.iiiile met and raised her.Td rcAewm him du1 unlM saw the I Hi> tone bccjune even mDro1irit1le,">ftwsiii very conlkdenl.

armor jnd the body inside it frn

Fetr nodded, conceding the liulh uf |lul.'''^tlll, it's been a regular this time. Fen saw the bluff. Shesvas always glad lo work fgt

biHKi bath."shetonchHled. Sofar ll was a draw, which agabttl Uirde, but he valued ncliiiblr opo r,i1ors, loo On time and under
Talon Kurrdewjs 7ielty good. $he swirled her drink argunct lit the buriget arc one gf yon t f svorlle comblisalions," she reminded him,

ginss, kiting tkw ,iollclpatlcin budd, and then cal It'd sabace.^Not pleased that she could quote his own words b.iCk.
lud for a stogie Jodi." "Ii^edlhey ace." he agreed.
Kairde shiugged. Frrs knew hesvas letting the susptnve build. She waKcd, and

Chuba! Fm stwre to herscH', ?he'd Isopcd to get hiin i that gne. I'inally Kar rde said, As il happens, I might have samething for ygu."

At least she had cOnFirmaLion now. She'd picked uplhnl 111 tie "Oh yeah?" Fr* llhed in eyebrow acid her glnos. K nrrdr hadn't

isuggri alter hoiking bOetly Into the iPcbcl pilgts'chiiHcr during touched his doudy diink. 11 looked Ike a Sunburn. Did it erveo have

their pre-attack systems check over EkiHuSl-^hehad Uwughl. intoxicants in it? Paying Aodwr to water dgwu Ids own drink while

LB yOLUiac I ihuUBen e
ipltlng cvcrjwc br thr ol Hing K.irrqjpwquld dq. ri'f'stablislHhg .1 Icdi rdcf?'* ILuicfc pressed. AtkJ once
In tht' tfi ^nitn^ity jnd iiifqriri jEM g^sllhfling, af C0U-se. how long before tJiLy tuns their attonlhanto u^with or withouE a
~rttilA;lf)fj.ldi J b:l^q td h&jdqu.3r1'ti my (Kr3tlan,*Kair<h uid. ncsvienalc!'
Hii drew j djl^dtslt Troni tht.' pochelof his blick h!iitherj,icl(i:t arnd 'Idori'i know, five, len yenrs Mo^bctwr?nty.'Fengsn;ssl.
slid<t ixnns Ihc Uble^. 'I st ill plan to be around |iien."Karrde le.iried b,kk Irl hiSve,i1

R-n pfail^'d qp IImt dl>k ^nd m.|[le ..i .hdw gl eK.irnlniitjf It fdr jn^ .igjin. "E also plan Eo be re.idy wf ten they come.'
dbvi4<m ILavn Ixldrq pqfifflng i1 ihlohet dJtjrpjd Situ iLrCilIdd Fen ngalngljfHcd down at Ihc specs on Ihedaljp.xttinlngnow
quHikly iJtroijjth the lnfirm.itii jnd wblstted udPMy Soneprelly wJsy Karrdehad come lohcr.'WcInow Ihcrewcue smuggling oper-
eoKHt specs Jure.' ations and even a Fringe during |hc dap, of the RepuNIc.'' shr said.
Tm iurcytMicjn uodcTstnnd my rued fiv ceHfltn prPulorrk" 'They mflisf h.sve' had Wifys to grrt aiqtmd Jlqdi then.'
hca'plit'd Karrde nodded. thdu^tlit lhal Jetl mlghl iuvc known of
'I posst-

fei^ niMldcO. still rejidln^.5(4j:^. Hewjsn'l hiddin); jbaulbulldlitB Ejk loeatlons. He was woi king ttie larm Ewfote we were even ti n,"
i]>n{|^iiljjEMm.lnfdcl.ufitI<r Ihls plan, she'd lake Ihc bet Karrdr Til si!c whal Inin do,'shrsalnl casuaflyretunring Ihodalaport to

would be on top of (he smu^lcirs' pyramid In four or five yea r j, Rw her pocket, fen dirfu't waut lo'lip Kaude-oEf to tire tact 1h.rl she'd all

half a second slu rceofisidercd hisiobo^ler, thinking that g.rtUng In bul >nemqrl.;ed Mf'sdbsceneEy dct-slled dat.l Mies Jildl couldn't
on the grqqnd lew! miiglirt be wrise.9hedl>rnis>ed IIh-McPJu^I rc<rall ,inythiag like tlr^g these spcci.Thls job was going to take

qui?lly some serious effort, bul. If she got

KJtide litlghL llrink her fjvlt wai lucky, ti satisfied Talon Karrde

generosity, bul she thought his was Would pay for the drive upgrade,
loyalty He'd be sure to gni het He Jedi have returined." with enough kll over fur ihnse
bein^ arounri him who shared Ar.deyd mifilks. 'Beach you
KarrdE answered.
th.rtvniuf, Intense fiieidihiip> Uirough lltc usual chanrelsf'
Wflsilii be turvllqble. The nscre "A Jedi/^ Fen point nul:. Kiirrde nodded agar nr, then his
I hoi^hl of becddilng 1 hat .ill jrhed
"Not theJBdi" eyes narrowert, laking m some-
to anything or anyone was Ihing going on behind her Fen
unihinkablo ietl had UughI bci Ivrncd around In her seal, wonder
never to ilsk anything she couldn't afford to tote; i( was a lesson Fen ingwhp Ihe rtiishsitune Of Ifiitatliig Ta'ton K,itrdu.

ha<l taken to liearl hfd. She I bought, if wUs iyttttrtpktep bi<nel]f 'WhoKIliJi.and what is she doing?" he asked ttgJitly

nfiai und ois o/nfwlcf His attention was focused cm an Impeecabty dressed woman,
'AOuieailylhlnk these kinds ot precautions are necessary!" she talking eaiweit^ with n human male at the bacdiUcving r|n^on
-jsiced, diopplng her ke lower as she read the tTHjst unusual spec the worn rHi's hand flashed through fhemuikry Eaveris ,i^ ihr gus
on the list tuied cl'ibdrJtely.^he slunk oul like ,i HutI al a charily dinner.
Karrdeslip4ed hrsbe.iiif before he rep^iiNl.'OJd kit evetspeiil to Fen Ininerlhjck to hercompinlan and held out her paim.ltarrde
youoftheJedir put a fifty-credit piccoin il She dirf n't continue until he added
Fen nodded. rcmemlHrlng Ihc dabarme Idles her ^idoptlvie father and her fifty.
bad woven lor her. He had the kind of healthy lesjxel lor them that "Her tisrneisChitsa Dogder.'Fen (old him. 'She's from
one docs for a krayt dragona tniKlwT of awe and fear.' ihe shook Cipruscanl,'

liirr hnad.ind Ihc mernorlesaisiiiy 'Weren't kdl supposed tO be KarrdrfAprt^dand toikk back a fifty. Obviously, In lhal oolfiL

guardians dl pCdoe and |U>lli:r? A sort of inti;i||alaetlC |>qllce foice!' What Is she doing here?
'Irtlormaflon about them before the purges h, pretty scarce.' Kar- Fen waitmf and he plated ihc fifty back m her palm. 'She's a con.
ide replied. "Sul. It seems Ihc Jed* served at the bock and call of the I've seen her pushing scams for a while jh?w.' She pIvOird awutid
Senate, forwarding the RepnWIc's agenda across the garajy." ag,im ?or ,srkasrr lookat 1hptgmplip.i1ed-appearlri^devi(e In
Pen Ihqught, tkrrrcfesvqsifd'nowrniq'Jki' I'tJri; huiJnrjS (it find Powder's hands,
CHif ndiokiiVr AecchjU. He le-iocd farv^ard amlknvered his vatce.'ll ''Is that wtui Ithmk i1 Is!' Karrdevenluted, speaking the skr;|AI

1 tre past Is any guide, neither Ihc .kdi, nor the new ^nale the cism Fmwas Ihinking.
RchcH on is supposedly Intending to eslabtfsh arc likely (oapprec*' "looks Irkc a retinal disguisrr. Fen agreed. 'Ekd I've never seen
ate our methods of doing business.' one in that kind of conli|EueatlOrt before,'

"Wc'rr talking about onefcdl here.'Fnn obfcetcd qurrl^ 'tikil 'Any device to foil a retinal ic.iitiinust bL'Specles-speclFk,K.irrde

thousaisdy" observed elly. The oiii! she has loob as If rt can bo modified for

Karrde rtarcowed his eyes lo aonayaoce.'Jkywalkerdestroyerl dlfFerenl species."

DjfthVader andthe tmperor Hi o matter ol days.' fen rolled her eyes and turner) bock amum), 'I'd say the urMs of
Her head was . Sure, Hire everyone else she knew Ihc that thing working aic atut thcs.imeas the Iccli ictdrnin jp" she
Empire was probn Wy on Us way #own,lut Ihc JetfJ rising m Us said, repeating five weil'UKd adage wl1 bout eviMifhlfi'klng.

place! Karrdewos oveiTcactfrig, Wajjrti^ hc!"VirS, but The Jedl have ictiunrid,'' Kaink answered.
''And how krfigdoyoulhlnk it will take ikywalher loslart Jedl," fen pointed oul .'Not the Icdl."


0 crd;t/
l4ti2STrdl!T^ il^ppcd Ihctabl^find fgrcril j .l^
^Iiegf^inced up Into the bristling face of
niuch fun> at Taloolno paras rtes . . but
Gecoe^aCran Fen about
fen had mnde it

n ll V UM n 1 I
M?viilc, "Sp^ [r, l< nir-dt- 1
yni-b J had j Icgicuv point of jwsldlng Wm ever since she staited taking bis Iniyiness.

^>f thcm'bciic to mn-fk IhcottiiSiOn that jwu; jdmiU^Hs beinji Come Ofv Ccccc,' Fen repHwf, s hrojjgjng hk hand aw.iy. "Jl'i not nty
wrong. fault that labbii w.inled avmuggler'whO'OOuld actually o|>erate a
Htf jichgd an eytarow. completely umfnred.^ nim nd wron^: I ii.tvi;ompulrr."

riHiely Paim .an incompletD picture of the situatlofi Qnl^ lime will rise Gran pointed a fnt finger In her face and growled, Til deal
prowwWchof us havlhe beMec itifcrmalion." with you Uler ' He hiMHled her roughly aside, r Idling .i;t.illi

A whole temple cF ledi would h.iw to ronppej.f before fen wouU sUaight for DogiJm,
take that bet aguinit TalWtKarfdc.fw the millionth [lmc,i>ie PfngdN iiiisWcrnJ Gceee'v clulbii>i]j;e In acoittoinptuous.,aNsto-

wHlwfd for the quid assonance of Jetl at her side. He'd have Vnpwn eiatic voice llul sliced through Ibc hum ofllie tavern "I'sbOuld

wIhH to mahe of ell llilfi."Hcr mnrt Is t>frii:mJoF yours!'" the vald, Itiink you'd be loo ombiirrassed torelunii here,'
taMng Ksrrdc's Inleresl as a cha nCe to oft the Loplt of |he Jedl. "Embarrassedr-Grcce'albreeeye it.,ilfcs swjypd nn:riatlH 5t1 y.FL*ii

"Hli narne li flvri"iCarrdp .itlarmectwry quietly.^Helsanecf my tele theoihrf .tctivHy in I hi- hivcni grind IpaSitopus eveiyone

itrwrr jtfople." tensed to W'tlth the unfolding spectacle

Ptii pocketed her hard-earned credits. Frowning, she now won- Thc! cpn didn't even botlsur to mow from her barslool. The Oran
dered how thi-s annoying womao hnd managed to get loSoCorro look anolhH step and towered over her 'The code you soU me
ahead of her, Stc'd run Into C*ctgder on iiilhn-1, and Feo lud cleared brought .1 patrol down on us the minplc we br<*e btfo Kkintl"

out when the Rebel fle<rl, arrived, ^he'd-icsm IHogjder on Coro'llla loo, Dogder reached for her g|.ivsand Insok a yip. 'And only a tool

.tnd before AbrEgado-FUie.lL wasirigh lime for Fen to find wouMb,ive nit[*m] Imperial space wrth ,in untested recognition
out what the con wanted' fronn her. Code-Fpi wb4di he paid cm^ twohurkdred ciedlts."

She arid Karrde both watched as Aves took the goggle-shaped Fdn cholkHi back Itie guffaw. Cccec wasn't the sharpest loot on

contiapUon from Dogddr to examine II. the bell. OthBfs weren't so potlle.bvl then they wcjrn't wUlwn
"I may let A'tos lose a couple hun- swinging distartce eHFrer-Thpl.ivem

dred to leach him sotnetbing, hut burst hitp rauepu-j laughtcHhal had
know aring in a dezen a sbghtly ItystLi edge.
Ghitsa Pogchii should
thero Will be- repercussions to clieat-
tt languages, fifty anx- ^liH. bogder had
Ic j 1

to be dumber
Ing nry peopte.*

Til get her off your bark," Fen vnid,

91 ious smugglar scum
than Coco? to cheat a mark, cefurn
the scene, and then pubbcly launt

stiindmg. . . surged up tike a dirty, him, The Gr,i n eviJcrilly (hn^ht lo

Hi- iDokL'd .it her. and crossed bis too He roarc'd fuHousty and raised hk
arms across his chest. Are you Imply-
debris-laden tide. hand, looking to swipe Lsogder off 1 hr

ing I need your services to handle a baislod as If she were .i bug,

Gontscantl con Inufeslgner wear?" F'cn snapped up a bottle off tire bar pmd srtiashrd it over Gecee's

L.tiiighlng, Fen ihngk her heatL'hlever. This tme's on me.'^lie'sgot head He crumpled tn the ripor.Fm sipwly turned bad to Do,gdcr,

some inlorm.itipn I w.irit. Just in tinne lo duck as a tulrslool salted overhead

Feu si rolled up tp Aves and Chagder.jijsl in lime to see I he man The crash of IIh: stool rned ing a cttiwdDd I able was IIh spark
hand the goggles back. Ighiling the smoldering leikslon of the Isar. Soaring In a doiL'n

No thanks," Aves said, '^Icao't see needing sgmrthingnuite like ]{uages, fifty anxious smuggler scum, nMJst of them -pielty giSOd
thk," friends of hecs, surged upHke adirly.dfbrk laden tldc.Wllbd deep
Fvidcnily Karrde ihrliiiled .scouise In desert-dry delivery foi tits breath, Fcrslhariketl thesla^isshr'd had.i sliff drink It would dull

new hh>. Avci had II down peifectly. kVliy Fen won dcied, feeling the pain,hri1 npt hrr reflexos.
an odd prickle, i]nrfle>iper,icncerf>fl iwibewniy hrv ieforc she could even stikk lOto the fray, a hand grabbed her

jnoflfoijn'ciuj^y wwrj't bHingf JUKI. Human, instinct toMber fen pivotc'd Ivarri.duckirtgberhead

Fen hnd two methods sf b-i'g'ng uni twllrd Into conversations. to the s-tde. Hs fist sn ilcd owr her >hnuldrr. Jlic grabbed her

Wilbher sublk iipproiich, stK actual^ used wMdsl1cst.C[>Dd assi-wlant's flighf hiII and swun jt him out of lire way.
evening. ,^ntles. she said. Aves and Ciogder bath turned on their Feri turoed Ihtck ,irctundjus1 In llmofcir her luck to run outiSome-

stools |o stare .H Ihl ptipgr.ibbed her fipm behind, and swung so fast, she dldn'1 h.we
Aves sMd off his scat "Looks tike you have another bnyer anyway 1 hu 1 ime to duck. Her hrtad snapped back os a First of fur sm,rcl:ed
"When banthas fly. Awes, Fen ierked her head back toward Kar- mta her chirr.
ndr,&pss w.iiitv yuii. Ffung back, she ffiuW nl least wind up (nr the letuiii. BaINng hei
Awtw.i^ beating .1 rctn-al w h HI Fie "s shcHU Me r sagged suddenly Icfl hand and putting mmefe from years o1 hauling car,go |Mlk!Cs
under |Jk weight of a heavy, slx-fiogcred hatid.'^afnlng bad here into ||,iheswvrtg up.indlaikiled a really swikI puncjh righi mto llie

wasn't the healthiest thing to do," a menacing vme IFtrcat em.'d's |jw
behind her. Fi;n winced as she got a betlcr Took al whorui she had JusI lill-

la voLUMO I. Muwaen s
Hntlnjh ofllwrlwil: Jhd ilHl- hepl hr^wculd 'table gees in llulcufnerrAJKher shouted to the BcMlians.He
les-pecl the pLinitli in the t ph It in whith it w3i. thusivn, rjEhci th jn Lurned a disapproving and suriy glare on Fen. "We needed a goisd
Fememberlng the sting thji jccampjnied it. fight, to cle.u the Jlr.but why were you the one wfKstiad t-o start It?"

Hegiinned at her. showing im hard feelings^ and peripherally. Fen Fen nucjged Use Gran wllh the toe of her bout. "Ceeoe w.ts going
saw his right hst rise. 'She leaped up. grabbed the Goial's sensltwe to wipe thsal con out. and use the leftovers to clean up the mess."
headconei In bdth handsand twisted. Wllha howling yell. Hrdiiiah "AimI that was yozN problem becaus4e,.r
doubted oser wth a blinding headache arHl fcN to the floor. Fen shrugged.
Feclittg liVea datasheet caught In a sandstorm, another hand She could have at least stuck around to spirt the bill with you.'
seized her sleeve and swept, tier around. All Fen caugPH was a shoeft "AAaybc she kncwyouwcfe a friend of mine?' fen asked with
of sandy hair and ibamwn eyes. 1 hen a pdir of lips landed' on her own. more hope than she felt.
followed immediately by a hoot bashing her anl.les.Wrth a harsh >lousB rules apply, Fen. AndieF said sternly. 'tven to you.' he
snap. Fen went down. added with a potivted finger.

Fen scrambled upjoehing loiand a real good ooc that would Weanly, she noetded. Fen patted down her pockets and Fisbccl ovt
roiiVe up for dropping Into the middle of an annada, all the Jcdl jit- the hundreef credrts she'd birgaliscd off Kandcundoubtedly one
ters, Karrde'i grating smug svperlorrty, and a kiss from a smuggler uf the shortest 'wins of her less than stellar Informatlcm-lincikering
who didn't stick around long enough for her to hit back.Thc part of career, ^he tossed the hundred to Ancher. "That should Dover It.'

her brain not looking fur something to dobber realized thart t his He shook his head.'tJot even dose."
was why Anther was letting the light goon. Tonight rt wasn't "Come on, ICnrt,'' she protested, gestu ring about the tavenv "It's

about vIoFcncc or petty grIevarKes. Tofnght, It was about the release not that bad in herd
of tensions caused by overthrow of the Fringe hierarchy. After tak- A really wicked srnilc slowly broke oirt on Karl's face. 'Vou have to
ing Hutt lumps for so- long and getting dragged along by the Imps cough up at least another fifty fcr your share of Kande's tah"
hke mynocks latched to a ship cable, this was about eatharsis. And it I didn't drink anything off KarrderFervyolled.
fell really good. "Karrde paid down Wscr-cw^ bar bill when ttie fight started.'Thc
Fen spied IIk back of the Jacket of the being she thought might smite got bigger and Fen fought the urge to bust It off his Face. 'Me
be the phantom kisser. She was winding up for a swing when the said you owed hhn fifty arvd would cover the hatance.'
Chims lunged. She and Radek had always been on friendly terms^so Good thing there weren't any bugs around to fly into her opeo
Fen raised her left lcg,spun on her right, and let the momentum mouth. Galling as It was. Fen knew as well asKarrdodld that If a

carry her foot smart Into the Duios' torso. With Radek's Duros phys- Corelllan smuggler was worth five hur>dred. a Gorusca ntk con was
iology,! hr blow would barely wind him. Too bad it didn't do that, only worth fifty. Especially at pre-Collapse-of-thr- Empire rates.

She'd forgotten about Raefek's poW two above light speed reflenes Even 1he glorious bottles lining Anchcr"s bar wouldn't dull this

The Duros snatched Fen's upraised leg and flipped her to the Floor. pain-tAilh a dtsg-usted slgh^Fcn dug deeper into her pocket,

Frn landed wH h ,v Jarring thud "What's my totat. Knrlf"

A Waller shul reverberated through Ihr tavem perfectly aimed "Four hundred," the barkeep replied 'And tf I were you. Fd get o'!!
Intwing down the not the roof. Every being in I he place planet before Gecce wakes up or worse, his p,sls come lookltig for

trr In (tiW'purrtrrtiH.Two ROdlanS were sprawkcf across a table, him"

mo(kniles.s,ch with long fingers locked around the other's throat,
jcenlcrpictc to the bizarre spectacle of broken furnitareand
busted glassware. Jpocc ioAc rhe galaKy orref rvnfyonrjlying in itJ Hicre were plenty of
That's enoeghrAochpf bellowed From behind the bDr,Calli- good carrdldatcs for venting her frustration on he road from the

Mere blaster pistol cocked a1 his side. "Vou'vehacf your fun Anyone EilackOust to the 5oeo-larel Spaceport, but Fen resisted the urge W
whoripcsn'r helpclean up pays the bi|H" kick a rock, just kkfc me back.

Fen sat un |henooT,sking her knuckles contemplatively Krdi- Why didn't she ever leaml Why did she always stick her nose mto
hahc.inie Up.sHH rubbing his hcndtoncs with one hand He the middle of things? Gecce- had never forgiven her for taking away
biterSdceTI he other hand luFen customers who preferred a hauler who didn't lose, drink, or steal

^hetiSOk Ibe^ Oiler .ind let him haul her up.TOrry ,ib(fut the 1 heir cargo. The Gr,in wnsjust 1 he sort of sore loser who-'d use a

Iveadadte." lousy bar fight asai>olher encuSc to- chase her cihaust IrsH Jcrgss

The Octal shrugged "No worse than the last tefepiaUi I ran Into." 1 he gfliaify. And how did she ever 1 hink she could walk away a credit

Me nmbli-d off, leaving F-en's spIrJJs deddcdly lower. Chohn^ richer from any loformation emhangc with tarrdc? H thbwas lire

Werrn'l led! IcKpaths.Orat least empcUhsf Was it true they Could firiuie Frn was married to, she wanted a divorce.
Cddlfpl nilndsT It wasn't along walk back to-theJfur tm^,bwt it was a tense One,
Ceyee was still eomatnse S-'ho stepped over the snoring Gran, as she kept alert for any sign of Ceeee 's gang. She took a- deep
lightL'da bArstUOl.and siVt. AiKher just sUred at her breath and glanced up lo watch the ships cert bright lines In the
'Crime -an. ICijil,''Feri grumbled.'One more for the lanes?" An night sky. Some of her Frustration ebbed, Eyes fi)ied above, Fen
UpendeiJgtavt-irstedon the bar. Fen grabbed it and slid II down In stumblecf and nearly fell over a rot'k in Ihc road. Now t hey weren't
AlH litf. even waiting fcK her lo kkk them

urAit WARS. OAuen

Tile pot l'l e^ifrlDr nrtdirtfj puilJi her bj-ikon JAIIctiy Watlerlin^' Pul H w, l-tpy USiHlfy wnfltiA'lsO
juil iTM'jri.nifiUltri^HNaltEd n Ihri' bia Inlessas to t-iy In uri ujiI <i bad citdc on Socoim either Ten lol-

HK{rUfifliT hrftht like banl'liii In Ji wal- h rei jL 1 he hnlttl-'ViMJ got aiiy other :ump,i iiy!"

"Why*eciild arij'oriePolhiiiir&PE'dersImii'ijd lck.ycuFia'rt'ii"l

low >sti miijUly Lociwd KtMtle Ihepnft.Jl pfMtgO that catlicwrLh

tKitt|{ a gCKM) cuiloit^Ff hsf t^ent^' ytari who h ji| dKf nl Qtrtfjcls itnyfliligwurlli killurg w ewri maiming Toi, and IVi jiuefiecK n.

arti llppriwr I BiH. Ifrt^Ki^iy Dlhersmu^pb!:! ttolk lio4t.S;o-Jin:l tllll oiJfcahL

Ftn cons rl?rrd Wire or less tme. Bui liiaL still left whrr fftifijder had tothereii. f eii
capacity. Noi rmtJ j>

grimly, thuft apps^V Id En^animjciiff fj 13H* ir/intf slalked kn alter tie!i bujidai.

Dogder ready sltllng o( Ihr gJiniiiTg Ublewitli a tilled gU SI

Ihc11r^liM|i loomi'd ^^wll and Ten piJIed hpr hirt^^ont of hef nksTi .i

bo in front dlif r ^ slwxld Imaglnr j<iii .are 1 h rsfy ^fler 1 hnl long
ptvkcli. if Gttt-e-^ pal>wcJ Itif-ikg -nnywhciic. it irauklllkclji' I

he If \^f!?rNlpg thnpugn Iht! outo bcrthtrjwjtd llie she vwill," she tonnwrilsd, ipladilntj a couple of ftngef ftHi nto i tli;

ap|w 1 ,1 hpJ ikIi'(v1 i;>iI r whit ancf |HIh of c J rgD cautioL il/. oFhier ]i;ta&s.

k<m-rfjr'(i they L*lldi:onccal <n Hibuih.She kcpi nncar<ockEd fof fvt qulcklir cuhPtyfli the caWn. Irtnklng rcii any cIsturbancL's

tfie vehinc al swoopi hat might sigrtalartallack .Apart fluent If I I LiciJlfcnorhe* Revenfeand two gf nsscs. and Ihe

When IN' ship fin.-Jly came loto vksv^. Fen whiti d wfth relief. addiUcwi pf iin un wdcDmc g jeit, all .i ppeSred to be J i Fm liaU left

nnd the VT fffjcpf ylty It. o^er.dflspa'je hercrlm lar-vle. w.asnt<Miirc ciUeliJlIy
ami Iccp-
I L- biid Itfl 1 lie ioify* r unnljifi lamp> c*n s-sl

irg her hands '

Fie table. She'd Dwlonllf been in soniKsne's
.9nd ilorif.ina peiolo(ytllBw1i|jFlt.

len ju[fim.itl(nlly foiinlt^c^Mi; ettwn tjngi Up Ihepamji to 1 Iglrts befoT-

did u gUss tcKhe riiblr- s rrlge, bill Fcfi Ks-awr: (,al ing >i
Ik vJl- port side hatrh.Shc gbnceit around, but no one had
fol- Ciolprc r 1

ar mj lywH^rat d(f ted as It ''iiu'vfl gelt a 'Pill ibiirjjtiuus vrAy oF HcIlIng a perjon's attention."
lowtd Iw-ShrtlKHJgtit tfiE

iBi.-ITtcd (o fjT TFseconshruKRiMd Jfld lli 3 slpef Nr hndy "ft's e-h-ctfireand

ficatli|njplu1l winwiercthf kit:Nf*1he lampihci fingr'^v h itirt pi f-i1ui

(he ta>- fW," fen warned, one sl'i. Idrr .igjinit tile bu kh etid,
fou rtl 1 lt( Ihin pm ttw Iwrl wedded Ittere taHort leavtloB ft? liaij^

em The plmwJS . twit b aslL'f rcslirtgal hcrsNle-

wished to tlwi-ihycu'bruTiicntiripimi'fFtsiri Ni,i 1 ranR."
Fcni Pijird we d loher blatter isihe llrougftlji FlawctT raster ' I

th.m hcrcdmpretEfltCtl ai anys^rtpe one- With 'nough timi' and Ekpgidei Final^ lohl hci,

equipmcnt.FeriroiiM h.wl UrniJeh lhe iinfyjiSMdrht/.irM genet- 'run only intefcstcd In Ibe apologies lliatfomenrJth frtiiponse-

lily (ledilet: ItettomiKliten ard fnemics mill Hie ianit-sklUrven Hon attach sd toiFwm.'Fcii lelortnd

mwir (hah a I'woi.ldllke lu iL|.i*^]iii Dc'gdirtejf,'it-,

If theFudii: thDugnl GcC i;wild<jpi botdi'.

A pin wedgreT intoilie lialrli seam was Fen^l last tecijily tiilsaT?. Frm- emt her oft ''iin iHsndrwl will lortr It."

iTipiiagcd to crack the luKct^ Ihr pin Id! o jt Her pin Dogdi'i serueizhMtl Ficr Fotfr HnWrlo j^u Figorclhalt'
If ruiikL'Utie

wjHUwpiB.tdtUie (Ut1oiiinr>diSla-n:onTi3jiJling II from the tlilr ^Tliree hundred iiid llty loAtKlirr Fw Hk dnrti.i^e.Anollier fifty

h id wideitwl 1o morn 1 h,i n fcio wltk h mear>1 soniconr had locow ioms-Ofu'ft l*ar
buj-ided hei vvllh a pe vMi3lmess.ige toi iFeFlvrr ^diidnt like pei- Wlrpi owodk the ssl I tsw Ihnndrrri r nttfider quehed She i(es-
senaF mcssiees.TIrryUsual^cnme nlt,Kliinl Upertonal erijdj{?i lurrd '.o-tputkcL of Iki oasl nndFm nodded

and bluitei bolt'; -ak rtm* tange. "rlsf test Istcjf itiypsinand tuftflJr"g

lwck.Tnd keyed open Dofder ilciwly wiih^ew a risHiilnr-r r:'rlils Rnd began (pimllni;
fter pu leJ Im Id nver, took ste p tFe

b paid y p bofause jmir rwat of Idu re tliemmlt on IFh' tubt/AfriiiJiieJ party b isqt ml ll(dliip,Hnan(l
liatutl I liope your 1 l Fr polhcy

goiuglO iweri lL's|yFif-Tlli:l Hlo IHf-lhlp suFfciftr|{ damagiTs under Scoorrun laiitf"

I tiaveri'1 iinyretofktn,''tiweinaii''i vciicetcipjindjfil 'Anclyaj "rut's not 3 3nbkirn.' Im Jssiinrri her. 'I'
Just diaul ytru IfplJi-fi

han': a sieg e gjiit j iFiil it ii H cNpped ne^iresl sysitinik iFlal Uirds.'

W3S CNhtf Fo{^r.rtd'dlr>g| On tX/ The tiny con tirtisl lonked Li|ifioi?i fheple n Irthl (3l Fief and
ffre Fm^'irrr't hrvle^, IW.IWlf

lewjmon licntFf tTntrgfd ! the h.tlch, h oneltn^d icMIng wcihcd OW par ftirtly sh.i|.'it'd uyplww "fir k Ilf Irtp . rul I ,>^8 whatevn

tWh glasses and In Ihe o1 lut, Fen s tro .rsured bolllc of Sew r(n:. I hane'5lw leplird nlildly.

'"iVh.Ttarejfrf dwnB hefc'"Fensiiapp?d flng .M^irnj h ci W ajier. F:n rwddeJ. wfy rJiid'Itu ivonjcJlriiftt/if u^tTripiilVldlrtcMIf^i^

'Nu Ullage I if c-alh vd i1i

?' Jirg^rtffOfti Jbr fiercMVAtFcm^ir?

Waslm wilh tnettrtCem fJifd grrexiaii pir^iir nrliirnedlo licrsalsiilirlkmA*c[.llngoirt ftiurhiinch-eili.SlK

Dafijder L-yrd Ihe a^l

iriii'H "lfywi,i lihno', I lldrepwwp atiJy glasses, iVieii.sFii twtsted I Idlhc creilitsowr lajnli' Fens LHiloichcKltblrtk ,H tliet.iS'l': ! :dgc,

'Ne lme Idoflw piese'il to pry uplkK n-s*. ,iitd get off irtyihia."
|li<r vIIitoIjI add . *An-d 1hc RfMMw,'
Why do you (hinkydii'ie StiH s1.ifldhip llicirr ren lotd Fwr

T1iefO'>pvnFpd iiauHi'J cm herlieel 'ttes des.' Pogtl" called osth 'Oh, do Srf down, Fcfl "Dcgfl^f JakJ "Ifbu aic spoINhg my drinK

liri slwuldcr, T,1k.I d ycu 1 lh: rneij ou'll r^nnrr hiDw wliy werU I [usl stardi'Tj thwr^ llo^eri "it"

lo alt ticlrinj.ak od'lJtoaldagintoyootshkp

If* my drink." fen repuluded ter

In Fcn'i Li!('PM^*-,--ship IhlrF sh,i rp' to gel thimrfil- an "Km; fu/ftho obii# fli pon," Hie gHft-cr mul mared, ghrKrtrj), sH ht
Iimj;h[i^^ KfUrity systfin In on hour wasn't stupntcro.igh Iptull1 crcdlU she St H hcd.She Ficwiierf. rn1 liking lOniiBlh n| bhcsHW

"EitVfC rtlSfFcii jljiiniTicrcd, .1lthg^lgl^ ^hp very r 'How ijig?'' Chagder ashed blandly.

ivlth live' Old C^clll^n pnjvfrliL Smallish now, but wif h ropniibr expansion.' Thinking about
Dogdcf Icfited up, j quiuHjI expfn^^Dn cr<fing hnfaee ^cHhh ttaiTcte's speek Feu added, 'Xots ot ekpanslori.'
vfKn thtdowtoapp<]rtiinlly."5he r-epeated >n Basic, 'I had "If Jabb j's Palace li d chw. and a Bothan safehouse a ten. what
thought you'd hcfitnll|jr wi1h the phnise,' vrosrid your Ideal vacation home be?"
I Jilts. Ten jiSfUertI her. 'I'ltt just suiprlicd yOu jrr." II was ,ih Insight Ful way fo describe the p,Trametcrsof secrecy
''Mh Jt kind of pfQVInel Jl do you Ihinl I am F Dodder I Jup.>Mid. She and security. Dogdrr understood exattly whal: Fen was seeking pti
readied into a pocket, felumlnj; the crcdltSv and rEoioved n lull f Ite. behalFoFIfacrde.
Shi^lurnrd hcralt'cnHon to a flogcriiiiH that had appannl^ pev- *A lvlvc,"fen told her
|uill;rrd hqr 'My paint k th at {tut pF |bc chaos of Jabb^^ death and Pogder Iwk a mlnluailc ?rp of ber drink 'So Far, you've desenbcd
Ihe kebd victory, oppoituiiitlesjie arising w\i .idojon places which might serve. Can you give me anything rfiorr

pausect pointed^, before ameiiding. "evierus I drink.' speciflcF*

Fien >i>Dred Ihootivioui invitation. I>ut svasintrmsledoooosh to Fen wanted Dogder lo do lire work lure. "Like what?'
listen to what the con hadgetm: foalMhk trouble to say. She hol- One of Dogder's flngUng bracelets clamgcd on the game table as
tltred her blaster *|i an overture to ernopragp Opgder to talk. It 5hc returned to her na|F file, Fen had figured out that the WDmnn
worked. Wasn't .iClually diihhing ,ni{f wasn't dOlrig anything to hei Finger -

'Smarl tHlirgs, those wM h vision, are bejilnning to look fof these tuFis either.

oppgrlunlllcs,' Dogder conEtoued. 'Those of ui In Jabbai line of work, should take a lesson frofn hli

'Like t,Tklng (he opportunoy to pay me before I

Juil take what- death If wc doot want lo end up the same way.' rsogder spoke so
pvth you've got fronii your hrpkim and Weeding bodyr dry lyTnlon Knrrde could have taught her the tone my opinion, a
'I n
'WecIsely.Fenr Do^er had Ihe gall 1o uKe hm gl.i'Ss.''l p.iy sm.irt smuggler should hr looking For ,i Vacation home Fat aw,-iy
you a hundred from lire Jedl.^"

Vou owe me two hundred, and was Fen's tuMt to hhrlf. II

amrl her twenty five IF you keep hose

Jabha's af us in look some elfbrt . HOw Dogdei had
drinking my ConHlan,' Found oul.she couldn't Imagine. but
Efogdei wavenT Iter rsall rile lmp,i^
lins nf work should the con wss deserving ol even more
tlently."! wilipjry you wlul I
take a lessen from COitSideriillon |h,in Fen tljd hreO giv,

or you can take 1 he opfuflunlty and lug her. "Who sakF any thing nbout
s if I luve somethhig iiiiKh roo#e
his death if we dont want the Jedi?'
Valuable to yOir.'* to end up the same way, Chllsa Dogder pursed her bps,
Ufre whatr Turning In her sr>rt, shr dropped the
~Value depends on need. Wtut do rail file luck Inlo bet pocket. I've
you nccdF' already had lliliconversnilon with beings who possess a similar
'Pcat-e, Inner harrioi^.and a full bottle of Reserve," Fen told her. lack of vis wn. Thanks for the drink.' Her vokc was dipped. "Fll sec
polntrn^ to the hntf empty tvitk. myselF oul,
"All three ran be acquired easily, then.' Fen w,ttchcd bcrgo,not qUHc believing that the rnfcwnatiiOfiShe
^Is Itut sol" Fen mocked. needed COuld realEy jgvt drop r^Uf uF the Flim.inieiiit like |blS, lit Forl'iS

'Peace and inner harmony FollowcDniumptlonof j full botlleof ev:plKe lire only thlii^p 1 hat Fell cut of the sky were things you
Reserve," Dogdec bUEhcly assured her. didn't want hitling you. Asteroids and guanD sprang to mind imine-
"No. FeO{orrtcd. biting bat k a grin 'Wdut comes alter con- diFitcly. StiVJ, if there wwi cvm a ehajKC .

sutiipllonof .1 full bottle or Itiiserve IsCaihrd ,i hiingovtr' Fen scramhled to her feet and ran to Ihe hatch befoiT she Con W
Dogder nodded slightly, conceding; the point. "5o^ apart From reconsider. the tinre she tnughf up to her outside the ship,
inner peace, harmony, and a CorcHlan. wlul do you needf Dogdei had one foot on the ramp and oire on Ihetandlng pad
Fen glanced at i he con, wortying Irer hrwcr lip between her leolh. "Walir Fen called from the top of the ramp.
Dogdw was showing vomeuncirpected t.TicTKts.iWpjriw... before she The Eon tunred slowly nnHind.
could lliink isbcwt It too irtuch.Fen slipped Into her seat | might be Interested in j such a plo." Fr;n said. Po you h.wc
"As It luppens." Fen hosrt,rtird. searching for 1 he words. 'Irn look ar^ SOggesliOrlSF"
Ing for a vacation proporty' "I iiHght, or know somusHie who does,' IMqfCIlt-t allowed, slcppln^
'A vacation properiyf ' Dogder asked Wandiy. back on to the ramp.
Fen ncddcd, 'Do know Ws person?" Fen knew her o-ager tone canceled out
I t

ogdet looked down ,ind began Working gently on anolhiji .[i;ikl, thewiiyshf nonchalantly leaned against the side of the hatch.
'What are your requhenKn|s F" Dogder m,ide ,> sound ih,vt nslghl hfiwc bem a soort of dijcfain
Fen pul the saundoF ashruginlo her words, wanting 1o ree 'I'm hard^ going to tell you lh>tl. Fers

huw Dogder would play this. "The itsua I. Not loo out of the way. 'JAaytreyou'fl tell me."
CMirred," At the Flrsl word. Fen went for her Uasler but knew ft was


jEHEDtl jliendy too Ijtc Cpc Emcrg(rttfi'e> fen could feel the rumble of the swocips' repulnsrs mverberalc

II nlU U bl n d I
bf hi>id a landing -si rut. Jimlng a
bt,^[t.r her gm. wHul the Crafl laticd
Ihrov^h NerkocdvS'Hehafardnd a peek from behind the ramp. Blue
blaster file iancing past her head conFirmcd That the gaiigh.idn'L
braansL ho m ado vp fgr In ^Ifalglvt ihoetlng. dropped liy for uf and biscuits.
ttrrpdigaficuyean Dojfder^and IWDcytand hit blM^rort fm. fCn spotted Ihrce swoops Iwu single le ateHibolh riders
Cce4lQwlyMd to Ihc boClomtff the r.itnp,"T.ikE IheB-taiTedi arriHd, and one double yatrt, wills the rear man carrying a Ing

out, NabtHi,' tic ordNcd. repeating Wnsler

I'cn menially deked gtf Ibc allEnt-'il>v.CH was too fwnwxy Fen knew the rkders were yelling at one another but djgrdn'l hear
to Jump, ^ho wa> ^1;artdin({ on the ramp, urHhr a running light, and their pljft over the scream of the swoops. Thie high .pitched shriek ofa

iv.i> L-K'v,i|ed. giving. Cec anlce.bngjht large!. In other <Jvgrd:L, the Mobtpret litdxrtNusfcr was Fen's only witnlhg. TIm! Iwo-seatei

w.n rrHvv Ihun a card short of sabacr, Fen gently kI her M.i^tcr iIppiHl wlUNn a few meters of her rarrui Ihe gunner Fired

flown on the ramp. wildly, and grit mploded jiound her. More bolts bulked Into thenamp
"Krtk II ovGi lhcsi<fc,"Cc:e?pit out, She didn't wjitt to kill thugs over a bar fight, bul ihgi rrpe.illng

Hkk her hlistef ? Was he trajy? ho. Fen amciMlcd The Crart wji bfjilef was almost enough to make Fen regret her good manners.
,T>Karrde would say. negotiating from a position of strvngtH. Still, Fen didnt want a Sworran de.rth marl arty mare Ehao
Gccrc warily bcgardlmblng opllieiarnp tidilhg up oh Dogder's Dogderdid.
rljjfit, he lelied the con'i elbow |n hi j lijfl hand. The Mas ler kt his Oogder,

right never wavered Feti (ringed, kitoivlng how that klmlot grip Vyhrrc had shegjane? Fen mentally drekedS backwaid The con

hvould hurt, bvt Doifder didn't even feem torwlke had darled Into lire shtpthe moment (hey'd heard the ssvoops.

Dogdrr nhCrely glared al the fingers dutchrng her arm. " Vou at? ogder wasn't gokng Co use the twf/'s guns to take out the
Wrlriklrn^ phy SUll swoops, but whydidrv't sbepsrt down. erirMigh coijw Die for Fen to

I4e huffed scornfully and yanked run back Into llvo shipf Why was
Dogder leaving Fen (O'ta'ke ovt
Cecee seemed as
she neerisd werE a
her forward. sur-
prised as fen when E>(rgdef's hig^ swoop gang with nothing but h(r
heels caught m (he ramp. 1tnr ton few seconds
the in suiM^ personality and a BFasTdxhsel
slumpred over .indGecee grappled on stun?
clear. Glancing arcund. Theioai of the lud/s converters
with her lo l^p them bofh from
gfnhg down. Before he could pull Fen lonkEd for a distraction. Arittg up answered these questkNis

them uprlghL Dogder lashed Ont wd h SiastS There's no wo/ (hot iO/r H %ttah
ow hand and yanied pn Cec<eV ear. Ing my iWpf

WH h >1 strangled whiinper, Ihe Grars went down as hfird as an pn> All s4w needed wore afcwiesondt-in th? dear. Clanekng around,
Ueff .istronwch. Feo looked foi a dlsUastion, Hei (yn laikled on Ihe tow cable nod'
fen jumped forward, swadowlng her mpntcnlaiy panlc.rou did- uhc embedded in the vide of the slilp, |ust lolhe side of the lamp.

n't kail him. did you?" she cilai med, Imeeling by Ihe Gran. Freighters uspti thepowerf'ul magnet and cable adaibrnent to haol

"On Socorro?" Pogder vtplfed. ^ he beni down ncict lo Fen. "I have C.Mgo barges.
neither a deni h wish nOr adeilr* to pula bounty on mry tTwn head Fen grabbed a handful of sand and tossed h out beyond the

by killing a >rnli|{gler, itupid though he is." ramp. Laser blasts singfdthe ground jnd slammed into the vibral:-

Q<tie was oul like a dead slar, but stlil breathing. "What did you Irig ship. Selling a ickI. Fen smashed the nodule's casing and

dor Fen asiced. punched Ihe power p.ich.

"IheCran equivalent pFaCotal headcane twlsl.''t?ogdef ThccjiploTlve bang spirt through Ibcronrof (he swoops. The
explained. lowd'ble shot out from the ship at a killing speed. Ten whipped
It was nirty 1 rick IfS ieistember. "tf that hadn't wenkedK he would around to look hot wasn't fast enough |o see Ihe cable's magncEK
haw; shot itie,' Fe fell It Important Eo meritlon. heml. smash Into |hcrearest dsiriitedl obyetl Iho- two-seater

Oofider Shrugged and iogether Ihcyisillcd lo Ihe ramp's swoop. Sfio hoard a ntelalllc shriek 3nd another crash as a second
edge. "II worked, and if II hadii'l. ypu woutst have jumped off the swoop snarled In the low -cable strung between (ho and the

ramp before he slatted vhnoling.'' Iwp-Mialer.

"Moxt lime, I decide anything. Involvhigfliooiing.'The Ihudof Tlial moment of chaos was all Fen needed She rolled out from
. hilling the gwund punclualed Fen's remark. beneath the ramp, dashed into thu ship, and slapped her Ivand
"Ceciie, you there?' The disombodkd voice eracHedlhrough Hwi acriK-s live C'ontrol panel, The h.Hch snapped shut.
night arr. Fen mot E)ogdci's eyes ,>td saw 1 hi? saree feeling reflectEd Fen bofted down the pocugeway nnef (Haded fore, ^he'd evict
Ihere. Oogder From Ihecoclpll and flush her out the alrl^ocL l.slofliorw, II

Fen leap! lo (he ground, but before she could ddartivalc Gnee's w.iS time to get out of Ihere. Sho burst into the <0<kpl| and choked

Hsmllnh, she heard the dhoadiKl racket of hicomlng swoops. Snatch on Uk angry yell. The pilot's clak was empty
high or blaster. Fen dove under tho ramp. One breath later, |tie "Are you going to stand IhrEe all d.^?'' n crisp voice called From

swoops roared in, fekklogsand all over the l.inding[htd. Ihe CO- pilot's seat,

rcin lurn^ ta ftiaullkq>d. TIu; ^.uftMpjMd Someone Hke Oegder wouldn't put out this kind of effort If she
lafely InlD tier se.1t, filing 3 n.i>l. ^efcm Fen could reply, the ship didrt't think there was a big score behind It. A coofiy bijgi score. Fen
shook slrghtlyJhe Lady could hjndk siiFipteMnsIcrflrrjHft Fen glanced at thecoordiriatcs Pogderhad already pr'Ogrnmmcd Into
wn1 going to svflit aroond Foi the bigger ggniloitunv yp 'Shc the navledrrtputer "Sci wh,it'4 wiCPtellJa'r
bulled mlo her own seat and en|i|aged the tlHi'iisters.''Wliy dldn'1 Oogder'seyes na riowed. 'hikormabon cods money, hern"
you covier m<emith IIh gdflsrfcn demanded, spiring aswr glance '"tbiii're stIN In the- hole, and a card short, Dogrlcr,' Fcri'Caunlered.

tcnvird Dogdof. "tofore we go anywhere, want to know what we're goFog for,'

DjtdEer fJiruggcd, not even looking up trofn her n alh. "kbu teW "Anotd smuggler," Pogder linally toncrrhid,

hrSr yng vyriT tO niikie iill dnJslOni involving shiMling.* "Iwiry lead begins there.'' Feo scoffed "Tell meiJornethlngtikonX
efiHe Fen copld sputter an Indignisnt peply.lheiKilp r^^d aheidy know.'
.ig,>ln.'hen4stcnt little pests," she swore ufider her breath as she "An oU sifiuggfef," Dogder hesitated, Ihcrr finished, "and his pot.'

eased tn the lepuhorllils Petr Fen .efhood, suddenly rethinking the airlock optkm.but
The gang scattered and Fen rckawd IIk lowtabic.UrSEilturn- thqgder was nodding vtiy leiiously-

by dartgllngswtMfis, lheJ.d(!^clitvi|)edgr,i{eFully upM-,ird. "nio sp.icer toU me ilsout a small locfenl caFlecT an ysalamliL"
Fen thuiiilH!d Uh comm swttch Jusl Jn linw ics hear Hlgltt control "fs-.i-la whal?"
,isk,'Whit Inthegahisy jwyou doing, Fenr Vsalamirl. I hey are stupid and smelly, and the only thing they
Fen smiled. She and Wilnd werrt way back and the Socorraa con- isrc good for Is repcRIng Jedl."

tpgllflrwMild be soretognre her ; hand tvow. "I anncjyed Ccteeand Fen snorled again In disgusted dnbdkf "Fni having hfird time
his pals, SO I decided tOOli'ar Out IScrFore they put a frW nicks In the believing 1 hEil 0 i indent could slop boba Fett and Darlh Vader
tusi/^ new paint Job" Cnoldn't."

Laughter echiscd through the speaker. "Yon're n real dlpFannil, Oddly, Chogder didn't rise to it. S1>c fust nodded. "As do I. Sul my
Fcfl.' corstact really bdleved it. Ancf he was old enouig^ to have remem-
"Vtah. Shind, I'm n regular Organa," Fen snraited, txned the days when we needed to beabkc to repdkdl 'She spread
"Srt tight lip there Lei ri*e see ICIran juggle a few ships and get her perfect manicure out over the console "I h3 a few other leads,
ypvquita here tre^tore that {r.l jy Qrarr lifts hkown ship " but If you have a client fklng Fur ,i possible Jedi 'prmi base, we
'I'd appreciate It." Fen swllclted the comm to standby and settled iteed to Fithi where ysjiaimrl come from before someom else docs.'

tud( Id wilt. Dodger conNnued to fire her no-ils c^l^)ly,5eemlogcon" The comm name to litd again. "Ckay, Fen," the port coni noller

te^t to wall for Fen to speak announced. You're clear orflcc theWofJwF forfrcepror.And Cecee
'Avts was rsever yoUr m^rt wnshfT"Ferr Final^ n^ked, will be Facing a cusloms rnspeetidcv"
'No, he wasnt," EFo^der teptied, frownl ts{{ at her lundtwbrk. Feis smiled and Itippicd Iheswitch hadk^n.'l-owe ytiii"

fen rana hand across her nHMith,not Irklrglhe answer or the "Itou know my favorite compcrKatloiv'lhhsd replied fondly.
Irnplication of who Dogder's target had been, but ri made senscr. 'hlexi time there'll bcacaseof ChiKfrnn rum in myhold|[ust for
Pogikrhart been trailing her at tirast since SuHtisI Iwklogfwan you," Fen promised. "Thanks again, Shind
Crpvnnrlg to rtiahe her plfer. "Why did yOsl approlth rrseabOut flils nOkar skies. Fen."

properlyf" The channel cloud. sfraiKlmg Ihr: cockpit In an uneasy silence.

"fo show my grain uile and m.ike amends," thsgder suggested. Fen mentally counted tier cards again and made her offer. 'After
Fen laughed hHjd."'ire3lv right. And: Rebellion will wm the..,' 'She flight costs. If youv >nForm3tlon pans out, we spM Ihe cominlsslDn
choked on the words, the enormity of d hitting her again seventy, thirty,"
"My usual cflcrvt doesn't hare the sislcm to Sre thit new precau- [>5igder smiled thinly. Iftiwvesy generous nFytiu."
tions are In order cpnstdcrbt^ ttcenri rvi,TiLs,"Pdgder es^tnlirally "I get Ihc srewiity." Furl corrected, jwlnling ,rt her cmm chest with
Slid, relurrsing hei file to her pocket. her thumb EoenipItasiH the point
Odd lh.1 t a Mnatt time operator hke bogder and an ambitious Dogder frowned.' That hardly seems fair. It Is, after all. my lead.'

srnuggler like iCarrdc were both worried about the swno thing. "If you don't tike It, the escape pod's in lheback,''fen smirked
Maybe she still |usf trying td-OOrtvIiice hcrsoli, but Feri reprnird "Anil this Ha oneiimed'eal.As we'crdone. diOfSycKi jt theI

wfut she had letd IC3<,mie,'5Lyw,ifker Is just oue Jedl," ne,iiiusl ^pacoport.'
'One Jedl who took out the Emperor, tJarth Vadcr, ^ba Felt, and Dogder furiowcd her brow and pursed her lips. P ho con made a
a Criminal orgouliatlan Ihat was centuries old. hnagliH what moie show of -Diinsidecjliioa but she didn't hove niuny other opIturiSi.
of them nKglit do,"Dogdcr sighed and stared out at the Sociuran Ihcy both knew It.

stars "Icdl pcolecl thegsl-iJ^ from people Irkcos. kisewICooldts't I fen wiftched the Wpmft Wink into (he void. It svas npw or never.

be the only wise k coneerried.' "SEkly, forty," Fen SJld .That's iny offei
"SosyoU'Cameto me tblnklng mfglit h,we customers who h.we
I "Deal.' Dogder finally cjKcded. exlendmg a hand, palm up. Fets

nwre wswu tha n yours do?" fen asked'. slapped hers across d. Their bargain sealed. Fen pulled back the
'll did my homrwork," IJogdcr responded, with a hint of pride, I Icwr and Ihe Slor iud/ rocketed them into hypcrspacc,
knoWyOu dCr"

};TJsn WAnv OAuCin 23

Tha Ba*t Man far tha Job


3 r DAffiEL WAl tALl

otf ftftftivifru

mwTFtcf wi <fboul hr uncwEr a iffrrt, bcrl ft did

The itHKrsf er was higher now Fingers of white light -stabbed
(lawn from altcM. A Ihkk i^boOl of d jggerf broke apart In Mk- irion-'

The monster hung suspended in spofe. tfue-btaeti star's boww.ive lilca wirKl-sfJtfared steam.

infinity in evety ditettion. But it rtWJ rW( in spuit. The martjfcv One opee swam chrse and spat out Its sticky eapturo-iAngue. An
Instant later^the monster^ laHl swcpl back hi mid- stroke, bashing
swept Hi finhy taHpnd tuiked Jfgj djotiij t its body as it fast
|hc sm;iller flsh OH t**c lide of the head. The dead opee sank bel^-

thrpvgh the water mfumn. upHtto thedadc wiftm. below

TIm second opee stuck to the hunl,draEtlngin the mooriter's
l?if manstei wtu hujf Oespite . (#ie flb wntie of a baekdtop to
wake. They swam above a low of rocky coiumni that guarded an
^iVr tompoTaiive cun, 4Vnmf nivpcHW/ wai evident Jji the span of underwater landscape of peaks and pits. rlfHng curtains of green

its shoulders and the damp of its overtitin^ /a*v. Thf monstet had glie cait^ Ibe light ficwn above and sparkled as IF they had been
knitted Erom emeralds
the supple hcdy of a tusk-cat and fAf netk of an tei. hi The opee swam high then jetted dtrwn like a dive' bombing bi'dp

g/eat size made it opptm Avrt mote a eteuiute of the for tearing loose a piece of the monster's back, the mafister''i boomitig
cry would n-hobiilfway across the ocean before Itdlsstpated.
JE stemed impossiNe Efi[if (Ovid hoftjor such p
Blinded wl|h cage and pain, (}ic monster Ihrashed upwacrts with
ieviothon. delltfoiiS effort.

It was 'quite surprised when It breached the scirfacr.

IthadtrwdpOrceatufieStrufingthekingdofm ofthedeep with
The monster sjrled through Ihe air, wet skin glhlening. Falling
the hiy disdain of alnoiute power. The revctent whispefers of the was a rare sensalion for it. Landing hard on a sofld p4ane was an

swfacemere dirt-dweiters cotled a sando ogao momtet. utterly novel one.

f ighf n hstndred tons of flh hit the beach wth a bcatn-spllt

fiyf even rAe m^f^E fottlfkations uitimoteiy f/tirttAib. Vpon ting thud. Bones snapped like twigs under a soggy blanket
eloser eKam/nation ^E woi tteo/ fAor Ei>t^ pupHi wttt ktunned.the monster sucked urtfamlllar air deep Into IKcom'
pound lungs. It pawed at iKe sand with Its front daws, but could
nvfky wjrA age. its timbs twitched wrfA invoiuntoiHy Us ^EJTs
not move itself.

wtteftaytd Uke tatttttdtuie- The rnpmlrr had idwnys been a crealirre- of mystery and mennee,

The manner was dying.

Now was heipless.

vet something else was vtsuble where the monster lud scraped
A pjlr cil 0[)cr UBers, j)ll qm imkJ tlh- iWiim up fnjiFi f tw away the saod. I>!ep In Ihe ground, btigibt against ttie btack bedrock,
blue. SHflKcd Ely llw ititllc dtiltll', Ihi; |vwti> cr^blifcc liiii|cttnf for- the silver of scratched durastcdgllnicd In Ihe mocoingsun.
ward, mouElvj wKfe and br^&tlHtg. TEie twti opwi ripped blEt 4^ Eledi The creatunr of rnylhliad revealccl a latir of shodews NeMhetore
from the moiKtcr^s fl[tk k Ihr pcd jftor luddenly beCiSfne the prey. had ever been seen byputsideiv
Tw wtj fjf to fight iNick agams-t Ihcse nimble cnemiesv the nvon- Before the day was dent, that would thai^,
ite* pumped Its massIvF laH. ft nukWy rose wp -arnl away. The
doftged open cEun^ Eo the Eiallt Iheli itoses sampling (hr riMwi of 000
blood caking fcom themofiiler's.nan'k.


T H t
Pjoaljl SK him'" physiqire. smaslwd Panakas wrists agaNisl the cold floor Tbel'S

N S T t R
The call brciadCJil 1 1nmiy >n UcuT'Cn-anl Skidded out of reach, The two opfionents grappled In a floot 1 art(ike,

Panjkji'?' ea t through Ns helimct-tTiounled muscles slialnmg fpr fevptage. Panaka sucfdcniy mdlsd hb Wl hanrJ

ejrrtllftk. HtJwy funnl-iig slept thuiltfed on the floor aboirc PwsfcB'i rn and threw his weight over to the sar^e side, triggering a nail that
head, jccooipanied by lhe unmlsrakible brapt* Napp a blaster left him 0tt top and Ihe ilungon undemc alh. Despite the advant.ijj=
pistol. Panata iwfe iHetil ly Th^ were tupfsansel to capture Ibe couU not frCC his arms from Ns attacker's vicc-like damifk
h-n still

susfpcct. not till him. SlalyltnctvKerlriittlng better Ihanilhat. Panaka knew Cungnrn were strorq[. This one was apparently

Pikuka eased faniher down |h rKkely wooden stalrtaie.stuiK stronger than most. HU wrists popped as Itic ladiirs and ulna

glhig to see in thr darkness lid the perfuntc cellar. that the sit- ground lOgelher. Panaka'sfacewasa mlsthapenmask of sDrainand
at him Their face\ were
suffi^ring.TheCungan grimaced right back
uation had degenerated Nitoa firefight, he regretted not being
upstairs td act as Blaly\ batkup. Bsrt H had been his decision to spin mere centimeters apart

up and herd the target Into an ambush. The tactic had bn drilled WH li a wet crack, the Cungan's ptehensHe tongue eicploded out-

into him at Ibe TMcker's OuUd onTolan by adlsdpbncd Zabrakhe wards, h smaclifd Panaka 's nose with an agonizing snap and brlsk^

still cemeinberod wth icSpect.Panaka hated to think i he toclk withdrew. A second ightn ing jab swnfted the soil tlesh beneath

nught be flawed N*. he thought, the tactic Is sPund. If It fads. It Is Paruka's left eye, UMng a piece of skm wllh It.
only because haire erredI In appl 3ringjt. THe third Eongue-jab hit Panaka's left ^ball and struck Iheie.

Panaka'y boots toiKhed softly on the st alicase. I he leather of The Cungan, sfclng the jdheiiirt had set, iKgan to rirtfc Us longue

his Royal Security Force onlfornt creaked as he Nought his 5-5 back into Us mguth.

blaslet pistol up under his righl ear. Upstaks, things had had gcxne Panakadld Ihe only ihnghecoulcl. jurtlnghistwad forward with
He considered comllnkkng Cialybut didn't want to all hit strength, stammmg ll ilialg|il Into the Conga>n's shOul The .

eerily silent.

disrupt whatevet advantage the silence might afford. fOitefff the headbutt squashed ihe Cungarv's elastic facial carlilaffe,

Frorn above came a crash, a thump, a panicked eotolhik call - forcirig the top teeth agmnst llw bollom row wth a loud snap, f tw

"Panaka, he's comma, t'f'* corning' - and heawy slapping footfalls tongue was caught lit the wiilddle. The Gungan Njwfed in pain.

Pana^ sfammcrlhls head forward a second time, knocking Ns

on the riaoiboanls.Panaka brought his blaster to Ibear on the cel-
lar door at Itwtop of the stairs His Inde* finger hoveiod ovec the altackcr light between theeycslplks.TheOungan ieljed hbgrip

trigger for the anaesthrlkdarlshooter as his body wcnl limp.

Ttsc sheer violence of the Impart amaied him. With a terrific Holding one hand over Ns throbhriog eye, Panaka slowly sal mn
off Its Pan aka dropped face down on KeNnd hhm came the racket of iralydesccniJInglhrUalts.
smash the door flew
the stairs and brought hb arm up over his heart Just as th^door of broken IranspailsteeMay strewn across the floor hkea

fell on top of hi m The crushing weight of a body MndeJ atop Ihe minefield of Ice. A lake of perfume poolKl aiound hIs knees Panafc j

door, Ihcn lurhknly sprang off. Panaka grunted kn pain at the wrinkled hIs noseaE the smell, and was rewarded with afresh

squeeze, then shoved I he rtoor off the side of the stairs. He pulkd trickle of blood from his nostrils

himsell into a crouch, gun In hand. TfiediMW htt Ihe cellar floor They'd nabbed their UigeE, bul for now ad Pan jVa eouM think
with a clatter. about was a t>andage and asNtwer.
I here was w
sign Of t he suspect. The cellar of the Pori landtcn

rtrfume was rlark, wb h many cotKealed comets among the head-

high bottle racks. 9ut like all pErfuneh, this basement was
equipped with a drainage troughit was Iww t*ana4(a had entered Sergeant Slaty loaded Ihe groggy Cungan into Use b.ttk of Ibe flash

Ihe room In the first place to Set up his amtMisfi. rf he didnt rejch speeder and secured him wM h restraint webbing. Elertronlc shstk*

Ihe trough before his quany. the runner was as gowt as gone. les hobbled the suipcrt al his an'kies and wrliti.

Panama jumpHrd off the side of Ihe staircase. Holding hrs Master Panak a had hoped the fieshnW of day would cheer h|m up. but
the morning sun only irritated his swelling eye while the heat
rn both hands hcadvarsced quickly Ihnough Ihe racks of ripening
fragrantoS. Nought ouE the srink of perfume In waves that made him llghl-

He was halfway to the dr.iln age I rtMigh when the attEnk <ame. As headed The sceoli lu was wearing on Ns Eoyai Security Force uni
ratkh what could tonm wouJd have C'Ost a monarih's Hchei if purchased linJhridiwIly;
he passertan alccrw formed by Ibree Inlerscrting
an the slonc lkr suddenly for the people of Nabw coveted pef fumes In the mamvei vrilh
haw been mistalcon for a pike of rags

grew long arms with crooked fingers. Springing from Its fetal which atber cultures valiKd firw wines. But the laerfirntecy's care-

cmvcK.r(iiiogan launched Itself nt hlscbesl. fulty-crafted aromas of musk and mlllaflower were now drred In a

Panaka swung hIs plslcdamvnd.bul fheCungan iwk hold of single sticky mJji across Panakas !eatber|trtln. iwuding an uniden

Panaka's wrists befo<ie heSJOuld bring his weapon lolriir.P.tnata tifiable but definitely unpleasanl scent.

fell backward, tola^lng hit body hi rrtld-falL He hoped In pull the Biaty pulled oil her helmet .i ndwiptdone hand erver her tote-

Oungan into .1 riip, but nnejcpectedly crashed against a perfume heud as she walked over to Panaka. "Think we stiould grt hack to

rack, flirokrn glass and pungent liquid rained on him as he slid lo Theedf We're starting ip attract an audience."
the floor. Panaka glanc^rd up. The Port Lanctkn Perfumery was kxjted In the
The Cuogan, striking brown .and-yellow stripes defining hly wliy town's sparsely populated outskirts, hut a farmer was leading a

inull boy by IJh h jrvl lb* nuieit hilt undaubledly tA i^Jiteh tarn to elaboijlei'' Panaha offeicd.
gli>ripofthlsuniJsuil crlmltvaL F'jniak;> frowned. He was- d Hoyjl "Hot Id ycMisa. No ncao trust yousa.'
S4irlty Fwcc offlcci, ncA ^ carnival barkci. F^naha dimbnt behind "Suit yourself

the tleftinj ^fce of tbe spenfcr and firwl up Ihs engino, The The Cougar- sfumped down in the rear scat and heaved a sigh
iTMMnent BlalyjiohKd htan hi the iholgim teal, hejliinmed |he acnel- 'Belly bombad for ypisa world. Berry bomlud for yousa
erotor and bouncKl' onla Ute dirt road with a puff nf dust. Panaka scowled, 'is that a threat f
The wind nfthelr^jassage helped strip away the reeking bw- "No no. tIs no threat, f Is troth. fJutteo yousa can do Id change
i|urt Ihaldung to him-Panaka Iwlsd bach TiBir prfw*wrwai dat.'He looked down at the blwfers llsal t*eW his wrists "Un now.
glueily lurveyihg Itu iCetiery. lhlk he hid a.ft a^ornpllce?''' nultfii mesn tan do neither."

he asked Btaly.

*PanaVa, already tnld you. I don't know." Bra^ held nut bmti
I o a tj

handsv pnlim up 'I never Ared. Somebody took two thots at me. If It

Wilt Hk ijungan. tomchow he made llic weapon vantih. And IT it Scr-^p tcTjp iufp
was anaccomfrfia. the^ Is nowhere to be found. Fanaka held' l he pktk between his iNontb and forehn^gerr twhl ing
Panaka gionited. He haled Id leave the nultet unretotved, hut the It Id reach llie Inside of Ihe bquid-cabit cylinder. The lllflecartiii%e

Instructions from the Royal S*<.Drlly Force office iln Theed had been normaHybeld compressed spraynust which harnlened into a continu-
dearCap! a In Wagneta wanted the sutperi In custody at once. ous spool of rope when fined. Uofbrtunatefy, the cartridge gummed
A halhillofnrter -iihcad, 1 he tiny upcaill-y
figure of a

ihaah tender C^ime into
standing In Itie middle of Ifte
The 'S0uWil secnied quite lopd.

road and waving art them to stop. TO DEM. MESA ONLY CRIME here In 1 he empty taofines of the
Paoalra scwired the green hllh, Royal klabao Security Force's dis-
wary an ambush. He pulled Ihe TIS BEING AGUNGAN." patch office. P^naTta sat on the
speeder to wirthlD twenty meters of tserKh in front of his rochcrjail
the tender's fflotl; and slowed to a haiely perceptiWe crpvl| ready to week's assignment board propped on bis knc as a maftcshift
gun the engine at ary sign ef trouble. Giving the ihaal tender the t j-ble. Buiidry ccimponritts of his j blaster pistol lay scalterod
'go ahead' sign.. Panakawaldiod Ibe herdimanli batloon-bodled across the board's surface.
animals shuffle oiw-by-one across the roadway In front of him. Id fact. Panaka did nol know whKh seemed louder^Ihe scrap* of
"Don't cw!ii Ihirk abOirt H,Congan," he called IntO' the back seat fhepkkor the whine as heckhalcd Ibnaugh the bacta sheath on hli
The Gufigan didn't answer. Panaka wondrivd kf the Injury to hIs biokxn roic, A snwillei bacta patrh cowied the angry Nbtxh
longue had impaired hks speech. benealhhls left eye. The Palace he afei who bad fjreated him had
The shaakt shaggy with mkHummer wool, ambled across the ordered Panaka fo take tlie rest of Ihe day off. Bui Panaka had
roadway The >haak lender raised hbband hi thanks as Ranaka nolhlng he wanted to got home lo. He sat alone m the rrwnv con-
throH led back uplOCtuh^ng speed. ftialylMrnedln her seat and tent for the moment with thcstialghtforward chalfcngeof ongum-
returned the shaak tender's wave. ruing a gprfgel- Ug.hf spilled Info the mom fiom a mw Of a|Kn
^ how about ll.dunganr Panakacalled. 'Vou have i friend windows, looking out onto a u.iritiw avenue and a boathouse on
back thereat thethartf^ the ihofo of Use rkver 'Solleu.
The Cunjfjin kept his vorce Cow. "Mtesa sayen nutten Panaka pfaced the qrliorder between hii palms and rutsbed Ihem
">^00 have J friend with abJaiterf'Panaka flowd his hands on rapidly back and forth. Heating Use cartridge often hnsened the
the steering yoke. "Trying In kill a Royal ^ecurllyCriTner ks Nghtyears ihrlerl goo Inside He lifted the pick again and lesumcd I be nrr^ scrip
removed from vandalism and theft, fiiend. We can charge you with scrj^ of efeaniitg.

atlempterf murder of a royal proteclor. To a Haboo judge, that's one With a oareful scrape Panaka pulled a curlicue of dried sprarymisi
step removed from regicide." out of the barren Inner workings. The cleansing complete, he began
TbeGuhgan looked to Bialy.lhento P^nsta 'Mynohgnn a reassembling the pieces of hls S-J. The blaster pistol was
blastef.Mesa doen nulten. abeady a heavy weapon, burdened ivllh two oversijed scopes and
"We've got witnesses who reported a Cungan sneaking around an anaesthetic darl cartridge. If Panaka's protolypc liquid -fable
Ihcir towfig' Panaka shat back. ^Crimes wore committed during the shooter were to ever become standard equrpinunt It would have to
same period. Most people would peg you as the likely suspect.' be small enough not to InlerferewlEh the aiming and firing of the
The Cungan laughed, To dcm.mesa only crime tis bcin a 'S-$. And It would haw to stop gumming up.
Gungan." Panaka was dclermlivcd to make It Wor^, A grappling hook ou a

Panaka slioOk his head. Jypitak liquid Cable 1"*? wOtdd allpw offlcehk to rapiSel dqwn bulldmgi and

The cynical cheer drained from Ihe Cungan'^ face. He spal out evacuat-etheking In emergencies. Hls antl-lerrorksm classes had
some bkrod. "Vousa no know what yausa doen.' he said sadly. taught him that Ihe difference between Nfe and dealhwas often a
Bialy tuincd in her seat "What do you irwanT" matter of seconds.
"TOusatlnkyousa dotfittlghl. Bool what yovsa doen |is tciribad The door to the dts^lch office shot up into the celling. DulCanc, a


T II workplace. Panala stood at altenlion.unacknowftedi^. while Uag-

tj. langymmlachwcd officer wllhdarl;i*Ml'

Colcyes^walhcdl th^mJg^the^^^^J(l^;e iMta conferred in low tones with ,1 man dressed all in bfacfci

wearing 3 vniilc HK fact' lit uff W'lKn Ik At last ^agneta turned to irganJ him. A lalf 'woman with hawk
saw fUnatfl. 1 JusI saw youF Gunjan, Panalci. to af uhjrse had lo I I|kx fealmes-she kept her white hair pulled bocii in a short, fight

cormt and see ycu." thiKaiK whoeped with laughlcr. "And It's (luel braid. The hiass pHlei on her Captain^ uniform gleamed wif li fresh

VcHi lapk worst th he dots!' polish, plist. Lieutenant, tot me congratulate you on yourariest.

Panaha flashed a quieh smlh<. tighi and false. He said nothing. Natsoc IS safer Isccause of your aetkOWSv"

CuKane pulled his hrfmel fimnn liisliKll*.TlK perfume was a Thank you. CaplalnL* Panaka leiponded diitlfully. 'Of course I did

nice toikh. I can sUH smell it from he. Bemlmk me of wy granid- not da II alone. Sergeant Blaly was my partner on this assignment.'

ntpthec-' T Mpec led you to say that. Itoirt'cranh hut I know jyoo iton't
That pet f unwiy tost doEcns of boUlrs of Wkin! IcMKr-ena st'Oek.' mean it." Megncta regarded hirslmewdly.''Blalyrsa floe offifler,
Panatu slid IIh ^'^'s auxiliary tor^llng SCi^ Inta lts holding but know your education. reco^lie your slrenglhs. Credit for the

bracket. 'IlMtaid on 1 he owwis.'' capture goes to pJu.'

troMNe Panal(.>.' DuKane headed for the
'Vesh. weir slay swt of Ho response was required, so f^naka stayed silewt. Magnela ges-

door, "King sreruna'i hosting a visitor from Coniscant. The 'Pff tured to the mao al bci tefl. 'Thh. Is Sate feSlJge of CHtiscanl, spe-

wotlder if in with the capt.]tn right now. And they seemed lo be dal advisor ta Naboo's own Senjlo# Palpatine.'

il Inleiested In your Cungan." Reading PsnafcaS sfcepliclim, he Trim and fit, with thinnng black hair and a light cruel mouth,

added. "tJo Jot ! his lime Keep on ypvr tots.* Tire door sealed Pesfage looked like an eceicise Inslructor forced to dress up for a

bchNsd him. leaving theioofn cjuitl once nsore. Panaka\ shouklcis funeral His layered CHusunli soil of business btack wenitd seem

visibly relaxed, wildly cut of place on one of Ihe colorful .wensKS ol Theed.

By their nafure,s*CNrlty officers were a tIghf-RnU enew- forced to Pcilage nodded art Panaka. "Linrtetvanl The Gungan . In custody

uphold a professional Image among the citizens of Ha bod. Otfipers has been identlflcd as Kroks^ ModbOm, wanted for crimes Including

gathered logether in fhe off-hours to blow off steam with ribald treason and murder. He Is belffg iemaisded lo my cirstoi^ arid will

turner and wild practical jol:s. This was 1 he umsten tullt re of iIk be shuttled offworld wHhln the hour. Senator Palpatinc thanks you wos a culture PSrtata found completely alien. for your bravery and (ooperalion.' Pcsiage shifted uncavily. tocAiii'^

It wasn't that hthadn'l trKd. But while Iflaly bred off playful for a place to sit down, but Magncla's office iMked guest chairs.

irmilts with east. Panama camt across as stiff and counterfeit wh<n Paiuka lensedand hkxd at Captain Magneta. The Gungan Is lo

discussing anyttslng nert directly related to his Job. Ppnjita's iVltow be Uken offplanetf

officers frustrated Wm In a way np enemy ewtr could. No m.itter That's correct
how hard he studied^ he wouM never be Ihelr affer-hours buddy. Ho Thhh a Njbu itsaltBS
matter how long hr trained, he coidd never legato them with far. "And it wlH continue lo be hamllcd as such,* Mjgneta responded
fetched yams ovecdilnhs in a tapeaf wllh a lowh of annoyance- "^enjlor Palpallne Is a native of Noboo,

I fh* could not win their frlendshli^ then he svculd earn their in case lhat fact escaped you whHe you wereoffplanctyourscH-*
lespccf. Panaka had had yeas of eli1.e oflwculd education, i^rtost of 'With all due mspMl. Caplalo, ihe senalor is a politician. This is a

them had never left Naboo.Thiough the sheer weight of his compv Ppyal guilty Force matter.'

fence he would commaisd their admiration, and he would reinfimee TBe eartfuUleutesMiit.'Magnetaraisetla warniug finger, "fou

it every day by never,ever deviating from a sterling example- f+e dpim respett, ye! you show none to me Or to my office. The e^tradl-

was a iKulenanl now, bot he would not be And Captain

for long. tlcm orders hove been signed by King tferuna. I serve- the king If you
Magnets, skIMed as she was. could nol be the head of the Guilty 00 fongci obey |he >utoi of N.1%00 then you have no right ,
to wear

forces forever that unirfo"

Panaka aligned |he magnEtIc boll on the flquid-cabto cart ndge "My aperiofiies. Caplam.' Panaka said in a qukt voice, but he did
and snapped II into place. The prototype chansbersproirted fiom not break gaze wllh Magenta.
1lw$-; III an outrigger pontoon, jusi above the bamland sl^ftly Peslage cleared h|s throat lobreal: IIk lense silence. 'I know l

offset so it wouldn't ttocf( lhc scopr, Panakj belled Ihe assembled speak for ^natar Pjlpatine wiKn say I Krofcc's vlchms will be

weapon and sighted down l|> Hngf h, taking note of Ihe added avenged The kilter wHI be brought lo justice

weigh!. Panaka saw 00 advantage In arguing the pjirit further. 'Sergeant

His corttf Ink (tackled. 'P.maka here,' he announced, hofslcung Blaly thought there was a second per Sdm al the scene. A possible

the 5 5 . .

'lieutenant, this Is Captain Magneta Rcporl to my office at once.' Ts^, I red your report." M jgneta aoswered. 'And you will con-
dvet a fidlow-up inveitlgjlion Into that mnlitM as soon at you have
000 (mpFetedyour loimedlate assignment
Imnwdlale osslgirmenl?'
like Ihe woman who occupied ft. Captain Magneta'S ofTire was stein Traffic control I realize the hcalrrs platifd you off-duty, but a sea
and uncompromising. CompletrlybaiT save Ma desk, chair, and a cieaturehas nm aground po a IsotaEed stretch of coast no<fh gl Ppit
single famdy holograph, the loom seemed uncrie like a ceil than a landlcn. I'd like you to coinnuind a small If am of officers lo dheit

ZS voL'UMC r Hurauen a
prdcstFian and whkukr Iraflk from th arc'a for Iht publlE'& ufety He saw the dust claud approaching before he saw the other
(jnlil wp can grgarijic j d^spo^a1crcw. spccctcr, A battered green civilian rnodel. the speeder slowed as rts

'Sounds ilrrtplE etHnjgh. Anathpr [!? driver ajiparently czioght sighi of fhe roadblock, The setting syn
'I iuppo hddut her hand .irti] Peita^ glinted off lls wiihlicreen. Panaka wondemf if the driver cpuM fro
placed a dalapad In K. 'VDijr squad wont be n the cleanup acca. ftw him amid the gfare. He raised hk armsv palms out, and mottonHl for
cairas^ should be disposed ofb^nHghCfall.saJjust keep the vlcinlljr the olher speeder lo slofF as he slowly walkccf back toward his
vecure untH thpn.Ofdefj are m this datapad Vgy are dismissed.' lurhed vehicle,
Panala leal thediatapad and lurned to leave, 'Several doien nielcis dnlairf, l-he speeder Idled to 3 full sloft. The
f^lage stepped forward and exteisded hit hand. 'Ckd luck, dust ckood setlled.
Lleutenanl, and thank you agi>ln. 1 will be (elurnl<i to Coruscanl In Panaka arrived at his own speeder and leached In the tear com-
the riwnwng.' partment for hPs dalapad The passengers-iw, (fie smgfe rfrfsei;
Panahaacccfited Ihcoiltief man'shand.and shook rt finwi^ Panaka couecled himsrHf as he squintechmight need dmcelpons for
Ptslage leaned ckrter, studying Iheliandaaes on PanakaV ra. flltrrn4iMoles loPort landien.
Those injupiesda Iheyhurl?' Oust billowed up suddenly. The green speeefep shot fward as if
ftinnka shook his head 'I don't let Ihcm.' kicked by a giant bool Panaka Froze for a split second. Judging
whether to draw and fire but there was no time. He sprang away
o o o from the riMdwa^, hlf the grass, and rolled.

With a wrenching metal oi-urtth *;uerr louder- llun the dirt of 1 he

Itie screechinig mnljlggers were enough to drive anjonre mad. iooE|lggcfs, f he suicWal vehicle plowed Inicr Ihe side- of Panaka's
HiHocIs of nola grass flanked the roadway where t^naka slood, speeder. The tloyal Security farce speeder stubbornly fought the

lust-tlngedln the fading Nght of shove. An invisible tractor bcDur

diisl A1 the twsc of each nols slalh dug out a furrow of dirt as the vehi-
prowled a llOjger'Silied roo||lgger PANAKA FROZE FOR A SPLIT cle skidded sldewj^s The roadway's
beelle. i>anaka oouldn'l

he could heal them all, as they

see any tut
SECOND, JUDGING WHETHER hesitlance qsdtkly ovclidcif
beam, and Panaka's speeder


forced air through tiny holes In TO DRAW AND FIRE, BUT denly unerHombered bobbed
their sbeHsin the hopes of attract- away over Ihe rocks.
ing a mate. The Jiggers only mated THERE WAS NO TIME. The olher speeder, front end
a few days out of each year but crumpled arid imokritg, steered

the<r squealing was always loudest at sunset. around chunks of debris and accelerated chiwtt the road t-owardthe
Pipnaka looked down at his own lenglhcolng shadow as ll coast. Panaka rose lo one knee and fired six quick ihols. Several

sitelched along, the rid. ne^rily eHlending ail the way le hlj ftoyal shots hit the rear gate bul the speeder didn't stop.
Guilty FcHce speeder. Paifced sideways loHock traffic, the Cursing, Panaka got to his feel and ran toward hh speeder, which
speeder winked tuck at him with Iheflas-hlnglutard light had Ikuted to a slop a doieii meters away. "Olalyf ' he yelled, keying
mounted on its hood. Ihe comliftk clipped lo hks collar. 'Pestrakl Dunnll'
Nvt (hot i/oS\ciopfoi}ten\. Panaka Ihougjht. Not on^ was this He couldn't hear anylhtng over the shriek of the Jiggers. 'This is
region ynpopiilatMl. bul it was much too far hofn Port landien lo Panaka,' he announced anyway, hoprng someone could hear him.
attract curloui g awkE^S-. Only a Single naad Krvbed the tea, and ,i 'I'm in pursuH erf a speeder thal smashed Ihmrgh the roadblock-
Panaka ludn't seen any vehicles drive dowrv n In over an hour. Creen ^rcr^ciub model,.damaged fr^rtrt eiuf, one driver. Call it hi ariiT

bchiod him the terrain grew rockier the closer ll got Eo Ifw water. gel over here now!"
Pannka threw a glance over his shoulder Jagged upthruils of land He reached Ihe shattercdkoyal Security Force speeder and
threw sharp Hack shadows m the orange light, while lefts of sharp- hopped inside, punching the Ignition swltcb and exhaling tn leltef

edged beach graii grew between (tal tables of rpek. The raadhe when the engines shuddered fu life. Squeezing the st-wrlirg yoke as
was standing on extended luck in that direction fot a kiloi*neter, if he could throltle the other driver just ty wHIli^ it, he bounced
then veered left to follow the ocean coast down to hirt Landien. By over the uneven lucf and st-eered back onto the roadway. Panaka
doing So it avoided a natural wall irf serrated Mack roik fifty meters opened up the throttle and the engiivcs roared. The Hashing hazard
high, dehimi that barrier, Panafcn knew, lay the beached sea oeature IlghI on his hood still blinked weakly.
that was the reason hM-thl> dreary as.signntenl. Panaka peered through the cracked windscreen for any sign of the
Three cHiiN Royal Security Force officers. Inciudmg Bia ly. had other Speeder. He was preparing lo brace for the sharp left turn at
also drawn this detail. Panaka had positioned them In a loogh when he suddenly caurgliit sight of the green speeder,
Ihe coastliiiE
semicircle surrounding the zone bul he couldn't see any of them parked behind Iwo coal Uack boulden al the foothills of thertse.
behind the htllv, A mild breeze blowing in homtlw shore- tickled Panaka fcrkcd Ihe steering yoke and slammed on the brakes, slewing
his scalp artd Panaka nlecided he was glad tb have left h>s helrnet the speeder aoun4 in a squealing slop |ha| banged the passenger
In the passenger seat. Side against the rOCks. He winoed Out Of habit, -but he Could scaicply

do any more damage to 3 vehicle that was already a total loss.

tie waao OAiaaa ZB

Mckipl;pv1,butlheH5thfrs.pcfdcirwas the >wO1ien nronge sun was already dlpplrtg behind the ocean's
^ ptni^y Pin jkj iqulnlcd up fft ihf cucri pF petfeci horizon.

began tU)>ribcrlngildwir the Inner slope, eyes str,lining

the ifMMiirt, luby swtIlgFil bvmlng Ihr <H^ Pariaka
safe foolholds and sigtii that someone else had pnsserl this way.
rtei5 -oF hli c^. Beyvnd Ihol rim wih wtierc INe br-flChiiMl jnii jI liy. fair

The lifJtl! ikIcs pll*d up atnive Wrn. ^nme (iiWrtKd wrth a cjp oF The vfTtf drawn was even more hazardous 1 han th ascension, for
ti, atheri ipUt by prkkiy dumm o( twasli |>raH. There no the dcs atong the basin's inner wall were slick with seaspray.

of the speeder drlwr^ Ibpugh Pitiiki Hfni>t(cd to himielF Iha) Halfway down, he paused, Panaka look bis eyes off bts feiH for a
moment and squlrrted at Ihr* sand surrounding the monster. the
the at(enuit?d ihidort khwa deep enough lo hide a jmjll iioiy.

He ilipled 1o Mile the slope. dambe*ing ^ver the poflihed ixkIs Fugit Ive CiPsied that open strelch 'Ponaka might be able to pin him

on hinds and feet. The radtei of the linvedv wis igridual^ sup- dcrwnwHlr Ipng-rairge btasler fire. But events the thought entered

plifiied by the loolhlng sound of wrlL Ten meters up, his boot his mind, Panaka boggled at the absurdliy of II Jll- What was the
sMp|>cd on i rcKk (iked with bird gvino.hani]l,a fell kird oniai runner doing down JwtfT Did hr hope to lose Panaka In the vicinity

jutting sp -1 r thit biske hli fall and nearly brobc a rlh. ISy the Unw he of the bfprfyT Hr's poui'clirt^, reasoned Panaka

reached the tep-tahy sweat dpenched Wshandifiesafid stung his Panaka didn't see arryone crossing (he erspante. He did. however,
sore eye. Rntm Inga hard ovrr h|j rMe.Panjk.i Uinked atsd gated notice that the sand covering the Hwr of lh basin did not erte nd

tw the dm of the summU into It* iralley below. .111 the way up lollw toot of the shj^. Them, amid agglomerallons
Fullyhalf a kitorncter wide, the tidal basin was cncloKdty high of rocks that had tumbled to the bottom crvw centuries oF wa^es

diffs In a broad U-ihape. During high water thrdlifswrauld fisrm a acsdwlndidark black cavities pucsetured the crust, [deeper han any 1

|Hiy bay. but it t Isc moment the drained basin nne.sled a flaaf aC shacfuw.they Ipokerlllke yawning mouths bcckeing him Into the

hliek sand atsd glistening piridlet And smack In the nMddle, stark underwarkj.

against the Indigo carpet Panaka was reminded of fhe urtmuippable honeycjonib passages

It was Farvtastlc.And it was horrifying. tbat riddled Naboo. The entire planet wiis like a melon gnawed hoi

Panaka could not compruheikd the size of the creature, Hli eyes low by a colony of hungry warms. Hak (iiruwJff mn r*i*tfcrnpa(fi (fiJi;

picked out fanMliar delilts' a breaking warve. a cirding bird but, wbofc sFrrttfi o/ fWjir, he thought, JO tAal wawen J

like an optical Irkfi: In which straight lines appent cuiwd. he coiild ri ever ^nrJ firm.

rhst reconcile them against Ihi: bwkdwrp erf that thing. He caperi- As If ipuried by Panaka's unspoken peSfimiMf^ a white-garbed

enced a brief owmcnl rrf werltgo as hli eyes struggled with hls braltt, Flg;i>fe appeared befowftom behind a rock, silhouetted agarnst one

1 he ihltvg lay splayed i;wrt on its side In the tidat batnr. Bong and of the openings like a ghost.

serpentine. Its Submerged hindquarters were pai^ly visible beneath Panaka unhglsteted Ms blaster. Hold*' he shouted, and fired a

the churning surf. The rest erf the creature lay ptone on the sarrd, rts shot rnto the nir.The figure whipped around and looked 4^ at him,

sagging flesh pultcd down by the unaccustomed weight Of air, but the distance and darkness werr: too grrJtto make out any
Panaka was remlnrled ot M*e cacademons of Naboo folklore, Ihjit Identifylrig features "Holdr Panaka slroutect again.

were struck when The figure paused as if deliberating Its options.. tl*en tpok ,i step
slithered up fnerm the umlerwcMld aiMl derad

touched by the scciuiirrg rays of the sun, Into the gaping tufuvel fell ilialghi down anddisappeaced
Arttdfisrec he thought, and a dim mqrnofy corrected him. ifo, o In an eyebllnL
Mriiioocpuo iwomter'. Ltmg theortic^ by eryptoioologlsls but never Panak.Tjammed hls blaster banT; In its holster and scrambled the

substantiated through hard ,nddersce, the sando had a powerful rest of the way down the slope- He slowed as he neared (he tunnel

some rt was myth, to others reality mouth. Hls ta<fget, down In the nlaikness below. was shielded by
pull tHi the popubiF fancy- To
Until now.Panak,stud never held an opinion either way. shadow and could prohab^ take him down with a si'tigie f bcM:.
Tbe nsonslei lay man agonizing still Nfe.ftunr broke over Itssuh- But Panaka was ahoi apprehefiuve for less tmigibk reasons.

rtierged rear lllppen. Its forHImbs. long and hooked, lay quietly near Despite hls EialrMng and hls natural disdain for superstillon, the Idea

the deep furrows Ibey hl earlier eahied Into the sand. The make,- of jumping feel-Orst Into stygian blackness was downright unnenr-
like neck was twhled like a corkscrew, leaving 1 he head - Um; size of mg. And to traverse the coFd channels directly undemejilh the belly

a house -iUfrtited in a classic pose of death. The montier's mouth of a sfying bvhr nMh refsresented fea r In rts mosl primal stupe.
gaped open, startlingly white teeth shining like slabs of salt. Pjinpkj leapt Into the unseen abyss
Abruptly the monster nnwcd. ShutMcring, It lie anred over a rid

flopped down on its stom;iCh wllli a liemendiMis thud. A gaggle of Q O O

start led seabirds look to the sky.

The monster eolFed Its bead around as K searching far the sun. Panaka landed wllh a splash, blaster held lightly In hisilghi fist.

PitAdled water sloughed off its back, in thin rivulets. Its haunch mus- Irnmcdlately.he lucked Into a ball and lolled lohli left. But he

cles spasrtwd, and far out to sea Partata saw an answering splash as Ihqard holhrfig.and as hls eyes adjusted he saw he was alone in a

a lallfin breached the surface with a slap, tts cfaws scrabbled weakly small cock chamber with n single eHiL.

in the grooves they had abeoi^ gouged out. and then the lando Or was he? Along the weeping walls he saw several pale glcrwlng
aqua monster ooHapsed with a raltlirrgrioar. ofbs, each the site df bis head. The dead douded cyrv (lung to the

Panaki didn't know how long he^ been standing there. But reck and made ^l Icky pucJkenng noises as they fcKuwd an him.

Paiakj hli oo uka whErt maninw <yf cucatum they we>tic, but they floor and felt the cold pressme'Of a bRiftrr baird on the hack of
(higv)tcd him Fgr rcflwnj heeggW ip1 cjcpialiu his skull.

A ti^ltqKi^ hjitti'blnd thmugh Ihe- enttanee lin Ihe ctll- fia lids ups' came a harsh male voice. 'And drop your blaster. Tbu

ing. Hh monsitet flapped lonieejcEiemlly against the undovcF- make melwltch^you lose your head.'
head and Ihe wallf of thC'Chamber rewrberaCe-d.Af -if jotted fiofn Panaka did as he was ordered.
flrep,doietiiniorreyif-cr(uJTJ revealed themyelm.vnwvepirig ~Turn .lipuiHl,'' cuiiiTiunded the voire.
(Keir phosphorescent trodiesonc alter |be Other with Ihe wet luek- Panaka tinned slowly and regarded his captor. Bald ondpaunctiy.
Mtg foundiL fit nunlirig babies. Panaka f h(tthlere<d and dtHlwd hta but wilhobvlous muscles beneath the fbl.lheman wasa good
head as he passed ilnto Ihe tunnel beyond. head taller than Panaka, His puffy Face wivs dominalcd by a knob of

The IlgM from Ihcofb-crcatui'esdlmintdqukkly n thffllghi a nose that looked as If H had been bmken and rMot manylltYies
passage Panaka considenrO switchtriggn hifletd luma, but didn't without benefit of bjcia. His baggy white dothmg, stained with
w^ftt to destroy his nrght vlsipfi iff p>rint tw dbviotif. a target iai saiid arid sweat, draped loosely over his ample f rame.
his quarry, He moveb forw,ird gingerly, testing the ground with The man didn't lower the disruptor
each step. Carefully, Panaka laced his fingers behind hls head Tbvplpnhlng
A thki film of water covered the nock flrwr. Given Ihek rtcgatlvc lo use thair He nodded toward he giber man's wea|n.

dcvaftlonielaliwlosea fcvcJ Panata had half esrpected these pas- "Not iirilcss you do ^onKlbing stupid. Tboig|i he way you han- 1

sages to Ik cornplekiy flpngdcd- dled yourself with those biters I already knowyou'ie not too br tght.'

The slarsding water made II Impovsibte to sean for footprints. Panaka didn't take the balL 'lA'haEfVGr yoor IntenElons are down
Panakafro2e, his breatNng, and heard the distant echo of here, holding; a Rcyal Security Force officer at gunpoint Isn't going
splashing footfalb. He also heard a faint mechankal hum. A ptffnp? to make your sltuatlorj any e wkr,'
8y this point he was ki total darkness. As he reached Igr his luma '"VVatCh It. lieutenant,* Ihe man sneeied.'yoLir partner Isn't Iwie

with his free hand, he noticed a pallid to C/Crvtt your hack. could shoot you

glow far ahreaif, The light was eiHOm--

"HANDS UP," CAME A HARSH righf here far what you did to Kroke
agirsg. but betweCft ther and here Mod bom.'
could lvd( overhanging stalactites or MALE VOICE, AND DROP Panaka started at the name Ibcri
ankle-lwtstlng pits. Rrsly as was, he thought back to that morning's con.
needed a qukk snapshot or the ter-
YOUR BLASTER YOU MAKE frontatlovi and Bialy'f unseen
rain ahead, left

the kill
thumb poised mrer
iwllthcPaFtaka Mtlvatedhls
ME TWITCH. YOU LOSE phoolet. 'Kroke

he answered smoothly. 'Tell
a Gungan crimi-
hitma. YOUR head; whiityou arc.'

A whistling shrKit erupted from The lopk |bji| Crossed 1 he man's

behind himjike steam squealing out of a burst pipe, kimethlng face Comblned berth disgust and pi^'lleulenan|,we'ie all crimi-
struck franata between the shoulder blades and kinKked 1 tie lunta nals. Thunk gOHodness we have oflkxrs like you to keep Naboo safe
front his fingers. R splashed In the shallow water and wirsired oul^ In the name of our king.'
dousing Ihe tunnel In darJeness once more, ^ana1(a waved tils Thcoyofthesandoaqua monster resounded through the meters
blaster around blindly. of nock above them, miscfr hsiMkr this time and laden with Igw
A scconrf thln^, hard and coM, smacked against hh neck and thrumming bass notes as If most of the monster'* call wK below the
nipped at tlc shin with needle-sharp teeth Panaha slapped the thiefboldof he.srtng. Punak.1 Mt Ihevllitatlon through his boots.
Creature away, tmt doicm mgrei-truch Hs face, hit cheit.hls ha-nds, As the noise died away, a powerful thud nearly knocked Panaka
his hair. Panaka stumbled ahead, brushing the nightmares away off his feet The monster was Ihrashmig.landor perhaps puFver-
with thiimy sweeps of his forearms. Shull hoots reverberated In the lied rackf IcWed down, on h|s head Ihnmjt^ cracks In the tunnel

daiistropfrofetctunnel, unnerving and disoncrvtlng Panaka. His knee celling

thumped a s^rof rock and be tumbled'. whackNg b|> head against The bcavyset man glunccd up amdouily. Paisaka lerKed, prepar-
the ground with Such fgreehe SOW Stars, iPanoti crawled forward, ing lolake advantage of Ihe dlslraclion, but his captor looked back
Italf aware, striking for the ligirt. <lulckly and shook his head In warning. 'Uh oh.' He gestured vwth
Unseen creatures plied on his back, munching through the the drsniptor. 'torn amond atrd walk fonward; Slowly.' More rwt
leather tunic and hanging on two and three deep, as If they were aM posvder spilled down from above in dry itteams. making powdery
trying to ride a kaadu. Panaka sloshed through the watec, lurchrog cones in (he shallow water. "0ul dkmt drag jvaur feel P wouldn't bet .

forward on his hgindsand kitees on jhl} luttrtelholrllng forever.*

Dimly, Panaka saw that he had ^ntgred therllmriiha'Urd tunnel. Paoaka wortdered how he was supposed to do both those
WesV as the light was^ It seemed to be an abhorrence to the tiny IhlrsgssimuRaneouily, but kepi quiet. 'What's your nomeP" hr
btters. The hard-shelled creatures hissed and sprang off Partaka's asked Instead.
back. With the clatter of a skeleton In a rock tumbltr, they qukkiy Tm called 'Veermok,' the man barkrMJ.and puneluarted the
hopped back into the Watkness. statement by )abblng P.inaka's back with the disruptor pkstol.

'Shaking his head to ckar It., Panaka lllTed himielf up fipin Che 'Start walking,'


Ptivsrtc^y.PdrtJkilirUlfdJlthefcro- m< lirbulary tunnels off to ellher side, some capped with ihmrs
y cvw^'^CiLjpidii^g nilclnHmp. VtcrmcA? *rre arud <A hers disappearing ln|o d arknesi.

Woodthlistj simians whom ^ tild "Mind telling mr wbal Cm (ookhig forr F'anaka eyed a numbered
'snip bone TheOungjn glvtytsu Iluil namcriitq-ajketl Ji he door wanly
mtiivrd rorwJtil inEaltH stfndily bnghtening light. TWbal do you Hiink thhs place is? What dow yewf ftayal Security

The 4the< man's. w*ce wveyrd la Jthlng. 'let me luiard ^ Force IralnHng tell your
Ilulenarityou'^ spcM nwie lime ruling In lorboliftsthsn talk' ^naka craned Ml tKck to look behind a hanging bani; of own

Ing to Cunfans And dare you

I to (ell me otherwise.' He paused as head lights. An abuuv.hlon cam slaredWankiy back at him Through

he pkked op P JisalLa's 5-5 from the floor, "Vou hivoiv nothing abovt lls single leni. Corroded and dripping, the lams electronics had

Ciingans, and you know even kss about Kroke.' obvlouily lost Ihe batllc against (he twtmcl'i ubhyullousmolslure.

'I know he was a wanicd crirnlnr-H. Whal does that sary aboot yoo^ "A pirate's stash," Panaka answered. 'A boollcgger's warehouse."

| can't Imagine. Tbu teJI me.^ "Whal if I told you this wai (omnusshMied by Ktng '^mrtaf That
Panata shrugged Tfou ltow (he saying. Verfmoks run litpicks.^ ll cenlains records comemirng amupthMi at the highesl levels of

'Non i wile Ihlng lo say to a man with a pHEol at your back," gOvremnientF Reconls that would shock even you?"

iwt the way I sec H Panak wiggled his rincn In? kfc hb* Panakj snoftect 'iwouldn'l think much. You see whatever you
le jlber gloves, "ttou bad me dead to- riglits a minute ago. I think i1 want losec.^^'ie nol the ouly anti- royalist on Maboo,"
you were going me, you would have done 11 aheady,"
(o kill "Antl-royallil i" the man spat. 'We'ne not out Urere tarrying itgm.

The man gave a wlrtlpy faugh, 'lieulenant, ypu ha no Idea what Krokc and and IheotherSvWt're/fgAlij^for Nahoa"

we're doing nlown here, do your "Tli4fiil've never heard of you."

'I know what I'm doing here,' (^.iriakj answered conhdcnlly *l'm glad. We're nolstrivrng to be noticed. We're not even ,irn

They had advanced into the full light of the ni!w tunnel. Panak organization. We have w leader, tso hierarchy. Bui whenywf
saw tils earlier suspicions tdO' friends start disap|waHng, peo-

firmed. Banks of artificial Illumi- SILHOUBTTED AGAINST THE . . ple have i> funny way of work-

nators hung trani thenxk ing iogrther." He paused, then

ceiling at even intervals. At least
NIGHT SKY WAS A MASSIVE CLAW cotrtinued In a lower register,

words wrapped around a

a doien III

before the passage bent

up the tunnel ahead
Mo a

lonip of sadness. "TTre Gur^ns

distant turn, Panakatllltiaw no TRUNKS. REACHING DEEP INTO were here before dl. They can

rvldencf of a pump, buE the Icll whm their world Is out of

voderlying hum of machinery

THE GROUND AS IF DIGGING balance. All my Itfio I've Iriedto
Now we
was obvious. Gnited metal desk FOR WORMS. sense Thai balance
have the chance to- restore ll.'
ptales on the lltwr covered the
fewcxntimetenof dirty water that puddled underfoot. Vtermck sighed J* If casting uff a gfc-al weight, So no, lieutenant,

Paik akovei In Itie walls ahead Ird-tMled |lc presence of branch- we're iwt .sarti-royalisl. We 'fc anti-iies- Anti-secrets.'
ing shafts. As Panaka passed (he first of Elneie subskHaiy passages, Panaka felt asmrieat theCourers of his mouth. Wcofirh- That's

he noticed II was blocked with a he^ivy durasteel door bearing a, whjl everyone wants/ he said, keeping hfs voice calm and reaion-

number Infuthark script. abhs. 'Including Vtruna. Intludlr^ me.'

man oufeied. Walk forward ca*e(oHy. one step "You mean well, lieutenant, but you're a har," Vtermok's voice
Slow down,' |hc
al a time. I'll he itandlng right back here." PpujiLi heard the familiar Mied with heated bltlcrness. "Korlx and have been lookmg I fur n

dkk pf his hlaiter's IrrtiiiHUy setting "And remember, now I've got fcposUrriy liktf Ihls one fo years. BiptenI informaitlon led us to Port

two pistols trained on you.' Landren.bul wc couldn't find It on our own. Nabooundersluod.The
Panaka's gut went cofd- "Ybu think the tunnel's boobytrapped.^ planet herself finally revealed Ihli disease by sendtng the undo-

tPoInls (or the lleulertant. Maybe yon ofliccri aren'l all dense.' aciua monster. am honored to accept her gifl. if you're really sin-

|l I don't advance, get shot I m the back, If I do advance, ( trig- cere about w.rutlng the Irulh, help me wantli. Help me make public

gei an .sulomaEcd Intrudcccfevicx and get shot In the chest. Sole! whatever we find."

me again why you think tshootd td help you." "Put down Ihe pistots arid we'll talk about rt."

"Oh.comeoow,lleutcfiiint,' his captor mocked. "All that Security "Ueutcwanl. ma^be I am a littfe naive, but I've never been taBed

Fonx tnlning and yw can't defeat a simple ambush? Move. How. stupid Now slop Hailing.''

Wc'ie wasting time,' Panaka kfi the dead cam behind and reached another nratebed
Paiiaka flexed hli hands. He wtw never rtHWe conscious of the pair of hratttliing lunneli. The passage to his right wos capped T^r .1

mkiing weight of hts He stepped forward echo-

S- 5 .
door that read "WA'STl ^TCWAOi' in f Jded red prlnUng, The tribu.

ing boklowly on the deckplates On 1 he walhy hundreds of tiny fun tary on Ms Jrrfl stretched gfl Into darkness. Peering clos^y into that

gus buds created ghUly polntnllsl patterns in phosphcresccM gloom, PonaVa thought he could make out Ihe dicvlar outline of 3

green. Hairy njolf ran along the face of the stone, trisKrosilng the wide hole In Are lOCk floor. Worried what the pH nilghi conceal,

pidefn-iigusllke networks of blood vessels, Panaka passed several Panaka sprang forward ontolhedeckpUMs ameter ahead am)

33: vdivur I rJoMoen

dropped to Ihe ground ccriing'llhjroinjitlon b^nN exploded in prick slars.^llhovelted against I heirtoon^ruous niglit sky was a
jhmwerol jpnrit^jpiMIng oul jin encfgy SwU thji hl^vednuit massiw claw with lalorts the sue of tree trunks, reachlikg deep Into
ejr. The wrecked rig'Tetl to the ground with a the ground as if digging 1br worms.
ctaih,feerillng afCH4edl3ser tuirel in Ehe ceiling. Wth a hyper- He hadn't been blown off hs feet. He'd been ffwpai
acllw whine the turret ipun arojnri In drt.iY clrclef^. ^pra^ylng flailnlhls pmvs, trying lograb hold of sormllilng. any-

dcjtiuctlw energy rverjTirhcee. P^nFikjihijrrkd fajHikwardon hli thing to break Ills InevlUbh! fall. As he twlst-ed his body in mid-ali
beRy.outldrioTthel.urre1^ apparenl. range, iMClk tq the Inter wtlon he saw the rock fhnr rushing up at him. Panaka landerfhard unhis
of the two tHanehlnig tunnek. forearms. His legs sailed up and wer, flippmg him on his back and
His captor rooved up behind httrt. 1/Vhat did yoj <h>r sendirig him Into a dusty stide towaid the ominous pit In the floor
"Draconi fixed defensive laser" Panaka statnl flatly TCan'1 tell rf of the trlbvfary liinrkcT-laiwLj leathqd deipeiately for orke of the

it's pressure Of motion iwrtlwalrd.W'keepslIlL" dangling, halr-llhe roots that draped over the lip of the pit. but it

The turret spun jrqund madly in lls tight cipcte, drendiing Um air was too late.lfe fell down Into blackness^ then plunged ft-r>rst

With ttnlssilH of holotange etseigy. Uses darts peppered the walls into a film of Icy water that swiftly ctused crvei his head
of the tunnel, lerrvlng lows of black srtwking hoHes then tmrned ,

over the heads of the two hguies lying prone on the dectplates D C O
"I don't In.- Panalw admUteel. shooting ouer the siKte.'rd
expect this one to liack ux, and it's no|. tVi old. And I think it's mal- With a shuddering gasp. Ihkikaka broke the surface, tryng desperately
functioning." Ukean alrspeedercaughl'ln a fatal splrafjhe lasex to stay afloat as his sodden clothing threatened to drag him bt
twxrled around faster with each rEVDlulion. The turret mounting under. Rocks and chunks of debris conlioued lo r;iin down front prt

wobbled violently with the off-tcntcr stress, The laser's circular high, punching the walci around him -with loud splaslies.Hext to
spray pattern now began Ucnlgtag up and down the walk. In tync him Panaka saw j hufte rectangle list over and begin to sink; with a
with the hack'and<fqr|hJe<ki(igorf the pivot mouiit.PanJka giitled start, Pjnaka sawn was theopposllc Inbutary tunnel's door, WASTf
his iMt Ik. Then he noticed that the rock suiicHiodlng Ihe celliog tur- iTOSMlE, which had been completely torn from its hinges
ret wasgiowlng. Panala kicked off Ws bnots andiUcnlly cursed whomever h^l
ftiesrno. Veins of tualiMal energy ptasma gushed deep through the designed Ihe Royal 'SnurUy Fu*tro uniform to Indurka knec-fcnglh
lofe of No boo. These were lapped vrrth drilled shafls to generate fabric Skirl attd.i he3vy le.ilhet vest. Treading wjler as hcshed hls
power for mayor Ch ies- Traee amosinls qf plasma sometimes perme- gloves. Panaka slared up al the rim of Ihe pit higb above him.
jted Surface iwl. useless for arty pracUcat pni pose but fun Eq Ignite veermok ckangled over the tnlge. his legs klekmg uselessly. One
for a short-lived light show. The ourt-of-control turret, likely rsn on its hand was gripping some purchase oulSide Ihe pit; fhp qf her -Wais
own plasrna souree, arid was venting its excess heal direelty Into the hpldlng Panaka'sS* 5 Obviously unwillittg to drop Ihe weapon, yet

Wl orated rock The lock it sell was unlikely to explode, but aS the keil uiMbte |o pull hkmself up one- haitded, the radkeal dangled in the air

Mg's Icmpeiature eliniibed the motor eas^rkg would meh, exposing lls helplessly before finally ktting go uf Ehe blaster nisd swinging Ns
pure plasma battery to direct heat. And when that happened-^ free arm up lo secure a better handhold.

"We're ifwwlngr Panaka announced to hts caplof. That laser's The pillof frit straight down, Panaka sloshed aver, hoping lo
going Co blow catch It, but it broke the surface with apJoopand sank out of sight.
The man glared hack at him, A partem of dirt smeared one side df Panak a drew a deep hreatli and dove beneath the water, paddNng
his face where- hed pressed it against the grated dttkptate.'Yqu're furiousty. The Icy water Induced a tightness In Ns chest. Visibility
not going anywhere." He still Iteld both plslots lightly lit hli fists. was leroc but through hick or providence Panaka brushed against

"Take a lookl" Panafca jerked hrs head toward t he tu rret, angry. the dropping blaster wllh his froim finger^, Claspiirg it eagerly in
Vrvid while lines spiderwebbed Ihrougti the su-pcrhqaled red reck both hands, he kkked for |he surface.
Panaka peered mto the branching tunnel orr their left, where he'd HfJr Ihe surface, Panaka siwved a floating obstacle out of hrs
earlier glimpsed a dark pil.'When the laser vpinf that wJy
he w.iy.rfHn he gasped for air once tnore.Vcermok no longer hung
motioned opposite theli position
"we tell left, and scoot ttPwn from the edge of the pit.
that tunnel as far as w# can.'hanaka held up his baud. "On rr^ Panaka reached out for lhc floating ubjeci he'djuvt Jostled, Iwp-
signal. One rig to use it as a life prrservEF while fie examined lire The
Panaka never finished his count as the world cameerumblirg llcviler was two melcKlcing.ioughly cyhndrkal.He threw his arms
down On llkcrn. He was fflpped end'ovvr-end, swept up In a Jum- Over It and- it dipped under the water In resporrse. Panaka turned Ns
ble of rocks llul banged him from every side, lime slowed down head towa rd the object's clowslcnd.
as Panaka becatiu acutely conscioids of h-ls surnHindi ngs,in a sort A vacant-cyod rictus gilnncit back at him.
of hyperconsdousnessthat Intruded upon his senses in life oe II had oner brrn a Cvngpn, before- Ihe body had swelled and ret-
death situalinns. ied, The eyeslqtks wine jjone, Ir.rvlng onty black sodrets peering oul
-He was in the was no fire lion an
ivlr, spinning, falling, Ye| them; from a skull. Rubbery flesh stretched tight over lire snout, pooling
explosion. The laser tutiel hadn't blown. Ahoiie him he sawnseks away from two rows of blackoned, gnruaciog teeth. Two fardlkr ears

large and small, suspended In the air In nild-tumbte hke himself, floated orr the surface of the watev, though wifh the skin eaten
beyond 1 he rocks he saw a ragged paldi of purple dof Erd with pin- away the cartilarglnous webbing looked like tong' fingered hands


poInlinBlropfwsittdireclionj, SupfHssed 11 was more like a Icench. Straight up. through the hole
M n N S, T F R
Spljitilng sway ^>cn 1 ht l^snly in dlt- above, he could see Ihe constellation Beautlti winking from

g^>|. Paii>ak^ InlouMtiellMng behind a shivering, heaving mass Ihiit was likely tome part of the

bic>i<nd him H< Iwiitcd trdiiiid and ^3W j second body, thi4 oik monslcr'j shouWer
hgmara.Rt >tgnij[:h bulged -With gai nnd IHnitMith gjpfdopcn In The monster's claw had scooped a wary a irtounlaln erf bfoken
i loufldleff icreanfi.the bile rce In Pinnies^ tbroat sheitsliKd Slone, leaving two rocky heaps on opposlle sides to mark Its pass'

he'd swallowied llw ume watN the tceping tof p;T were bohblng Ing. One pile comp{clelyb1[>ck[;d the roirte Panaka and his captor

In. As. he spat out hb saliva, he saw at kast a half doicn otbei had traversed at Itse staH of their esrplorjl Ion. The other pile

Floating Forms. clogged the lunnel aHead wheielheamok laser lucre! hod once
(^anaba grgped on hit bch the durasteel grajifiillng hook. Find- stood guard, From the other sideol this Jumbled roadblcKkcame
ing 11 ^ hr titled It Id Ihe bateel oF his Kicking hard to knp From muHlcd grunts arid turse?,
dipping vlHk^wJ1:e^ he raised the pistol with both hands and aimed Throwing himself ors the stone turrSer, Psnalta clambered up and
straight up, pasl the rmi of the pll. up to the rock celling of the tun peeied over the top. Below film, Veecrrwk had Juit freed himself
nel ilselF ^queeilng the Iriggerf he fired |he Htfuld-talile shooter. from an avalanche of plale-sized fleCkS-

A IWn llneofspraymkluntpooled From the blaster, tialFlng Ihe "Hold r P71 tkn ihouted Veermok loci1(eiIup.slar|l6d,and started
grappling hook lik<;'a strand of choloropedesilk. II hardened Into running. He no longer hd (lis diSiuptPf- Panaka Ihrew himself over
unbreakable wire the ins lanl l| touched the air. The grappling hook the surnrnll and sUd down |o I he pebb^ Floor. He winced as he
hl| the roof of Ihe lunnel wrth athunk.its sharp tines blling deeply landed on h|s punctured heel. *Veermokl I'm telling you, boldr
into the stone. Fanaka thumbed the teUacI control. The other man didn't stop. Panaka aimed through the &'$'s pri^

Motors within the devhx whmt^d as they pullnl the tine back Into mary sight at Veernk'snght knee arid pulled 4 he trigger.
the S-5'4 tiny rmervoIrPanaka held lightly to Uk pltlol stock with the gave a rtasty pop and released a drlizfe of Sparks like a

both hands. AstheS-s clhnbcd Ihe cabkhc was Hfl^d ckar. water cheap party favw. Panaka hissed as he reatlicd that I he dip In the

running off tils dothirg in great nmnels, Icy wjlcr had gutted theWastei^'selmtiOnits.
Panaka hafteef the ascension ortco he had cleared the hole In the Veernwk looked back. His VOt(e was knul arrrd mocking. "Prob-

Floor, wrth acmiplesrF meters leFt on the llrte. He needed to gain lems, llcuIcnanlF Pm sorry to KC thal."TheinEact tunnel ahead of
enough later at morsienlum to reach Ihe edge of the prt. He began him wasspoltlly lirt by 4 he remaining lllumlnatori.pBst that, an
^winging hack and forlh. causing the grappling hook to loek In the upslopIrtgtuiAled to the highest-numbered doors and to free-
sloTM overhead. As Panaka finished a long backward arc he raised <fom. 'you're obvious^ Irs no shape Eo run me down, w I'm afraid
both Feet, prepared to Jump to safely nt |hc end of the return 3_ this Is where we part ways, hope we meet again
I utirJer better elf-

As he passed the midpoint of the swing the grappling hook cumstanccs." Veermok gave a fllpfranf sahite. you soon." He
popped Inose. broke into an r^asy lun.
Pariafca fell,bul Inerfla still carried him lothe llpof the pit, He Panaka made a miciute adpustment to his 5-$,. aimed again, and
hit the edge hard, knocking the breath f rom hb lungs, but suc- fired.

ceeded in wrapping one arm around a hainy root before he Slid The liquid caUe shot forth like a sireak of white Hgh4 The teeth .

backwaid.Panaka pulled himseff up to secure ground. Panting of theduraslMl grapphng hook bit IhrwghVeermok's tunic and
with fatigue, he retracterl the irmaindcr of the llf|fiild cable and the into the thick musde below hb right sbocilder blade. He tripped and
dangling grappling hook. fell forward with a grunt,
Panaka stood and ran track toward lle main lunnel, back to Panaka braced his good fool against a ^lurli^^ chunk of lotk anrf

where the sando aqua mmuter had dug though from the outside hll theS-&"s relraclttuvlrol.

world. His unlfprm Felt like a suit oFcold.slappHigarriMcas It leaked The line pulled taut. Hipping iMernsOk on his back. Slowly but

water onto his bare feel. As Panaka got closer to the site of the inevHab^ II wlllrdrowinto Ihe hclng chamber. Ft^lkd liken

breach, line gray rlarkness of the underground passages began to itooked Ash as he was dcagged backward across the Moor, but the

gree way to thr: puce Indtgo of Uaboo's night sky cable lowed Ihe weight with mechanical efficiency.

TTte monster suddenly howted and slapped its snakeflke bulk When the cable had almost retracted. Pinaka placed his foot on

against lb>e surface above. The tunnel vibrated like a siruck drum- the other man's tlKsI "Sooner than you think."

hciMl. Panaka vtumlrfed. off-balance, and drove his left heel into the P-anaka flipped Veermok over on his stomach. Pullkig the grap-
poittl, of a krw ^lagmJte. bisose stone showered from Ihe ceillivg. pilng hcwk tioe. Panaka plnrwd the man's arms with one hand

FiiMn Out in the main lunnel t^anaka heard a cry of surprise. Favor- while reaching for Ihe Secitclly Force wrrst blnchis ori hls bell wit h

ing Nil right leg: tn a gcotesciuc llmpi Panaka lurched out mto Ihe Ihe other.
opening, blaster pistol at Iherearfy In a lasMlesperate move. Vtermok threw his bead and shoulders
Ihe main tunnePwas utter devasttlo*v,aS If it had bn shat- upin acofwulsive arch IHte a prisoner imtfergoing elecboeutlDn. f he

tered by a pmsure bomb Panaka still COuldn'l bHieve he'd been back of his bead Impacted square^ with Panaka'* bandaged nose.
standing at ground j'<Fo, '$7yer,vl lons of stone, most of ll crumbled Panaka grunted In pain and hh hands wen! regciilvely to tils face.

into^d bouUeis, littered llte floor of what had once been Taking advantiige pF Ihe balf-second distraction, Veermok wiiggled
a lunnel. though now lhala chunk of the roof was missing Panaka torwaid and was on his Feel beFore Panatta cquU ^top him. He loi^k

3U vOcuMC 1. muMueir *
Kdownth? iunntl it lopipccd. diplonaatic Immunity or no.'

Vefrmpofcl Ooo'tftothls'' P^njihi n<ned gr j-pfaing IwkA 'I'm the head of tlic Royal Security Forces, lieutenant.' htagriela

PHd^ to line, ansverred diyly. She wore a look of weary resignation. 'I shouldn't
Thr tunnel ^wlderity lit up liki* 1 puhjr. Slinging Psiulia'Si he to conirirtce yew of anything.' Magnela glanced back ewer her
TIm j(ampJ4i^lng CRACK wis chased by rumbUng up artd shoulder toward the distant tumor of rock (hat ;hflteied the

down the coni dor walli. ^tcml fnpien l J snnoldiiB monster's eovt.
WicJ( hole in his bac*,Psnaka stoirdduniblyikivrtfjl bls^-s^liciaw- 'But the bodies. arid Gungan.' Panaka massaged Ihc
liig he couklnTt pgs'jjbly lurt filed. domfi fabric ol his uniform to mb some warmt h Into his shoukhn.
Wermok didn't cpunpte bert Insle id icll strai^ backward like a "Eight bodies, possibly more.'

chopped lieu. His body hll the ground wllh a shallpw ipl jsb. icvejl- 'Regurgitated by the monster. Perhaps U couidn'! stomach lls

Ing another flgme to the tunnel be^^nul. Sale Rent age slf ode hw- final meal.'

wan), blaster In hand Panaka suppressed a sigh. 1 ifcMit Etunk lo."

Pnnfita manpiiveted lolhe "Il^ happeisod before, with opees

know (hat you
itritlMii man's clde. The blaitec
shot had gone siralght through
Vou Vknr

have a sea monster. Acnmwcfhifi

hkvr Indies .uihI

is not

Ihc chest as If bored with a drill. ANDSENATORPALPATINE. .. acotaicidehce.'

It had not fully cauleriied. The 'I realize that.' Panaka admitted.
tdood w,vv led and Ihicic, ooilng THIS CORUSCANTI ASSASSIN "But those bodies were lottedf not


doedy from |Nc wound's shred- digested'
ded edges. Magnela looked at him sharply.

'Help md" Panaka demanded WANT TO ASSOCIATE WITH, '

'Killed by a pirate. Stashed under-

of Pcstage. deanring heclis of ground so [SO oiHS would find them.'

ash away ftom |ht ii^ury. "Its vecxMis likeedlng,. not arterial. He stlU Panaka crossed his arms. 'There's something down there. A com-
has a chaner." Prstage walked doiei but did not move to help, plex. The revolutionary clataned It was built by King Verunia, but I

pjciak j glared up art him. 'Why did you shool? had hlml' I f uspect it's offworld in orlgm. iPestage removed a twv of rvltfencr

Pwlagc todted back coldty. For the flnl timr.Paftata nolked iJw fMn the scene. He kHlcd a witness who might hanre kfMwti the

large kKkboK he carried under hh aim. ^u needed help.heci- truth. Those bodiesmore of the same.The rewrfuEtaMHry spolce of
Icnant. We got >ovr call." He nodded at the prone body. 'And you '(TH^ng friends.' We ihoukd run forensics nght away.'
got your nun'' Captain Magneto's eyes fltaJocred with obvious distraction, but
Panaka localed where the vein met the bone and phnerd two (tat. Panaka plowed on. 'll youre right, and || Is a pirate, then Peslage Is

gers against the Wood vessel, pinching off the principal hemar- a knowing participanl. He couV be protecting his financial stake in
rhage. The heart was Still pvntptng but Veermok wain'! breathing. an Illegal Habw opfraiion.*
'Xjel tuck lolhe surface,' Paiuka snapped. 'Camlink Theed.And 'What are you suggesting. LleuEenaretr

bring me i medkit.' bending (town, he pinced his mouth mrer 'Td like to place Sate Postage under arrest.'

Veermok's and filled his quiet lungs wllhi ata, Magnela nodded. Til take it under Advisement.' Her tone was
Peslage rematoed where he was Too late for thjt quiet but dismissive.

(he wet Ihroibbrng against Panalka's fingers sudden^ ceased as If 'And I'd Nketo Inform V^no and Senator Palpatine,' 'Ptanaka
soninMic toiide had thrown a tiny switch. With the sound' of a contNiucd. narrowing Ms eyes. Thbs Coruscaratl assassin li not a
pursetured ata tank, the (Meath escaped through Veermok's slack lips persoti they want to assodale with.'

as hit lungs collapsed. Panaka saw Veermok's eyes cndcKvs as if he 'Enough, that will be my resposrbiltty. not yuurs.'
were looking through the tunnel celltaig at the hcavrtiS beyond, and Panaka gave a ckcnchrd-Jaw -skowl
thernhc was gone, Magueta looked Absently <rut (award hma-ti'tan. Panaka fol-
lowed her giife. but hit eyta:s caugfit upon something In the sky
o 'D 'O dlteel^ behitsd her. The nicHn's tight glinted unnaturally agaiiiit a
faraway speck of inelal above the tidal basin. Panjta knew It could

The moon Ohma-O'un stood high in the sky casting her pale brown niy be an N -1 starfighter,

light on the sea's rippting skin and the churning breakers below. 'Vbu worry too much, lieutenant.'' Magneta reassured, placing
PtHsaka stood on a rocky cllfl overlooking the ocean, ^hlnd him. on one hand on her Ihroal
the rodd to FVtat Lindten. clustered a tiaff-dozen Rcyal Security Force Two needles of red Issued from the distant starfighter. A blag

speeders, (heir flashing signals speiNghting his own wrecked of orange lire burgeoned up behind the nKk wad and spilled angrily
speeder strapped to the bed of a recovery floatcar. On. tl*e grass, over the s4de,as If reaching hungrily fOr the distant obteeveis
Sergeant Bialy and (he other oHkers were undergoing debriefing. |f^ all being taken -care flt.
Panaka set hisjawas He prepared to answer Captain Afagneta.
'^Tnt not convtaHed. Captain^ The evtalcnce warrants further InvcsU-
gjlMMLWltal Postage did was Illegal and indreativeof accivenup,


i thrOld (F|?ublk,wh?n'U|^iniief ffinill-shlptwene Dr^tn the crnljr Mvillin^ to rkk
B ti?vcNrig Ibr^jh uhktwv^n re^loniof hypr&pacc,iTi3ppiiigbtd; rcdlti IlMough

Jj ;yv4<im Jind c(oHb. M^ny of lhc sNIp) designs, jnd the

qdrr llidfi EnglfHerIng tofpofalion wa's 1grinnl by a <aivsirtluin of Core llta'^ bcil
deilg.tHPS jnd (hlptHJpIderi. Ai the gjil?xy tieuitie Umer am) man thofoughly eMpton^d,

olhEr campanlH and ihipysnii mpved on la pme mllll iry ccFilraels building tl Jrfighleri

and capttcil ihijH of v**r, Mthou^l^ ;i iiKccisruli capltcl daH ship haur -Mtue f rem Oml-
Il3h Eaginecfingi.^iKh 4 he Citllian Corvette, the campan/i prliraryktcul^ha^ umalned

54 U jM, maslly cl wHan ihip^ frt piery era of the Star Wan game, frem (be early days of Itie RepoWlc,
thnjygh Ibe Rli# of l(te E mpire amt the RcbeHluf^ all the vway (o the New Jedt Or<)w, Comclllan ^blp* designed, bull and modified

to Suit (he rieedtof Indepcmfcntcpciarton and Small ^mvifunies.

VG EbtIps
TheVfi-serlciof sblpidateS bas'k lo-Ui* tbe Aeorr N'srn^.' Is an e^rerne^ old ship with I.(h hull of a VC 4210 and the engines of a
early ceiitiirlri of gal3<tlc e^ploFatlan. YB. 5000. ft has been modified on scores of occaiwriSv ar*d bears parts taken from hun-
Wait were bvil|-to<sHi)er. ipeeiahy ships dredh of ships and scrap yanks. No one knows whal ft
Cnll! Modified tf&42iO
cgnstrucled fotspetifle purposes. Many was ortginallydesighed todo^ buE the Aeon Aor^rls !

were transports .am) fnlglhtxrs. but now a well balanced.lndependent snsaH ship capable
ipme were escpIoralSan craft. Tbe modu- of acting as 3 small transport, a mklllary scout, a

lit design (bal marlu all lalcr Corrllian bounly hunler^s personal craft ortvena patml ship
ships began with ibe V< series. EaSb (and In fact has been used for most of f hose pur-
sNp was designed to be cndkssly refit, poses). Though slow by modern standard^ Ihe Aten
Cargo Cipadtyi 10 metric tofli
ted and nwdified by a long string of flenget lf remarbb^ maneiiveiable,and grants arry-
owners. Allhpough the last Yds came off one flying It a *4 erfulpment bonus to all hlot checks.
(typcrdrlvTi ij
theproduelion lines centuries ago, a It Is extreme^ resilient, and has a thoroughly modem
Mil kpe^] Cruising
very few are slill fumtlonal, (saving XSOr System that grants users a-rz nyulpment
beeniebutlt and rtrfurblsheddoaehs of bonus to Computer use checks when ai:ticly scan-
times. None (>f these ships makh their nlryg. Its compartments are roomy and comfortaWe. a
original specifications anyrrtMe, but hold over from a tnone opuknitime In space travel. Its

they are still tdewllfiahle as slout Corel- weapon selectlOrv H fairly standard, with the
llan vessdS. Art eiannple' of an old VC exception of (he 1 eape missile," a single heavy fS Wiapenr Light ioruannonsHi>
fliip presented below. Doncusston misslie wtth a rear-facing arc. ih
AttllkPonUfr 7hiiJi
Weapon: ^rwinoffil

Fire IHi Partlalturret fr... jm-t Range modlFleni PB i-Ov S 14 Mft |

of 1

JUtiek loniiMi hi -1 1 :>

Ptnuge: 4dioxi WtapHI; Hi contunkm


Attirk Benur.-; 411

Dunigl: 9Jiq 1?
Riiiigemedlfleri; PS *o^ SiTMrU. nfa
YU* 4 in Liglit FrEighter
Shortly dfter EIh i;j(>d modtl provided to be The4loisthr best known and nsost popular of

SUth a JUCCMS, the Cowellian EngJnwning'Corpig- all Ihe YU series frelghlers.Aknasl twice as big
raEtrrcd tormptovt upon thdr with as aYT'i>ao atidwilhmore than double tlw

the larger and more esrtetKive caigp capacity, the dooble-bulled 410 Is very
YU'4i light Freighter YU verier UirfottonJlely, part popular antotig small transport compa riles and
TrariSport I
of the Jt tueceu of otlier Indepeotlent merchants, tl can manRge much
JOGUOOOF> 80^000 uiKl Conlllan teriei hai lonEer trips, thanics to its well-appolnled State
been their extremely modular rooms, and has a lUtle ^ jctra ^ ^nlertaln-
4 rq. gunners nimuJ Fi
and modliiaUriiatirreiiivhkh menl computers, rhioids and personal recne-
Piuefi|En: tlw entire YU serio lack*. The align. For its Stated purpose of helpliig small,,
Ci-r^ci Clpldtyt fjorrKtrk toiM jhip?. appealed lotmalltud' legitimate companies mal^r loog hauls trf targe
CeftiumlHiii irmHiUii aitheywefe detigned shipments, II h very well suited.
Kypcrdiiyi K] Lus-pru Ip but were rut Ehe ihlpe of The 410 was the most hcavl^ armed of lhe
_ MM SpWHii Civlfln^ choke for people hnlclng to YU 5erles^wl1tl a double laserturrets rrtpuhtrd
131 -I I Mip. 4 m make tome changes or one above and two below and two partially tur-

MiUldPirinti: Impfowomerrts.TtwVU scftc! retoddoifblr lasercannoni naounled left and

hhilMntt: ships were also slow and light. But this armament stretched the 410's

urigalnty,makiiigtheininap' power supply and kitecnal bracing to the limit,,

proprule for trip! and It was unable Eo support any extra

WiM|>oni [k>dbtlMr(tnMf4 i{4iy
through dangerous lyi- weapons. With only a limited market a ppeal.
FircMti lintiriretk
In psiTtlal tuiriiQt InMC^it^hi
tems.The most comrtMMt Ilw 410 was only piodiKcd io limited numbfis,
1 3 ti p Ml: I M t iiimrt ty<ii . Ml m series ship, the YU- ai) Is mostly lertiktcd to caigo compatsles
Anitk B 4 niMr 4ID. Is preseoted above. located in tire core o^ the g^taJiy
Pinugei adio
ITangi mwUfltfSi Ffl *0, S +o^ rt/L n/a
STAR WAns oaMcn 9T
VT SorlsB
The VT serl oJ Uan^portii- jind The pauHT^Mta Is a heawl^ modified VTmjm Ihal has been
unall firlghtn^ll^mang the owned by pirates, planetary defense fcnc wand eversa
[TKHt pgpulilT|lane>r tiTJuMxpi bounty hunter. It undenveni. ntpiSslHi overhaul shortly after

ever bvilKTIie tmenble VT-i^d^ comkig off the asternWy linte during Um lime of
Mrsdrfird YTni|DO
eld diri leg llw Rise of the Supfenttr Ciiancclkir Valoiuin^ leadership of
risible TiHiiporl
Empire era. Is a sUple nf mi<n>;y theQld Republic. It has been mod tfled several
CdeI! likely valued .it 1S0.-0OO
finall Iradln^ houses' fTeets as times since, and the stats presented below are
'Slzei Small
well dS being pogTular pnlpO^ Just one common ronflgurartion for this ship.
Crrm a +1 gunners H

smuggles iitrf independent The Cnmagewrt Is designed |o be a vessel of

hasiertgers: a
merchjntt.The Aiodubt nature war. It has sacrificed mosl of its catgo capacity
ClfgoCapacHyi anwlrictorn
the 1)00 made conversions tkw addition jl power genorators for Its numer-
ejsjL ^some (efurtrshed r)OcH ous guns and powerful shields. Ifre entire fronl'
1 morith
x)Ui. i -.

bear kttle rHemWancr to their half of the Coufo^fUNa has been rebuilt to rein-
Mav Speed: Aflack
Dftgjinal forms Byfbc the ftsree ili keel and spine. This allows the ship In

Ncwicdl Order era, ery few Vt- moemt two massive tuibolasers takrrtoff a
Shkld Poirrti:
i^ooscanlK fptindthat still loeik Nebulon-B frigate, the masslw capacitors
the part CHtwarr models may required to power I hem consume almost all Ihe

never haw gained the vast ship's arallable space. Tlw ship's other
acceptance of the YT-13.D0. but weapons have changed with almost rtenvy lurtwl aw n fi|
remain fairly comrmjn sights in every Owner, but a double laser cannon In
Fire ar Frtml
space docks Ihnwghovt the a lopshle turret mount Is reasonably
Attack BsniH; *7 - ,
. n
galaxjr Examples of a motHtied standard. Unlike mosttranspois con-
Panugf; piipij
VT-isdo and a differertt YT model verted for inlilliaiy usc,IIk tT-pum^rruus
Pang? modin4r"r:
ate prcseiited belsnw. has no concussion missile launchers or
proton torpedo tubes, havmg used too ^Hpan: DouMr iMzf <tMirwi
muth space for the heavy turbolasers. Fire TurKt
Attich Banift:
Htc ^ 17&4 H a nt Ahal ne^r model tiuin

the wai t4ka^ at about theume number of tjEhch were produced, the less sturdy

thne ii. the eventi portM^ In Sat Wan nature caused them to have high maintenance-
EpiBotte 1: FJh Phantom MsnatE. costs. Most of the original 1760S ace In scrap
Craftr McdmcKfYTiTte
The design of Ihc 17&D was yards by the time of the Bebelllen era, although
CliH: Trii!iEport
ipetifically jlmcd at OTe4innirij some of the snull business owners who have
Cprt; SffjwjcimiMHsauuHi
problems (ommoh 4 oMer mod- I 17&OS wouldn't trade them In forarrythlng,
SllV' SnulllAnil'iiil
chy such >s a lack of (idMer In the Like most Corellkan Engineering designs. the
Suhll^ drhva.pwK maneuver- 117-1760 ks easily modified (dr any number of
ability and slow hyperdrive purposes. AKhgugh II waS produced without
Car| Cipidljn w mtUX leni speedy making the 47 S0 a moie any armaoicnt, most owners qukkiy added
MflMlUMBlM: 1 moivthi
effective transport sinl shuffle (woJafer cannons In turret mounts skrtlar to
hlyptfdrlwvi sniuikHpnt
shlpiUnForlunalcly the upgrades UbeVTrijcsoi. Another common modification Is
MJ)c$p44|dl: Hpmnim
In came at the c*st
(hose areas Its convert some of the 476<is limited cargo
DvPflniri tt -J ilr>, 'rjJlitiii'
of dur:ibilKy and ei4^ capacity. space to install shield generators. While it's not
IMeU Ptalnlli JO
While the VT ij^ ii very popular usually possible to Install rnllitary grade
Hull Plriili ^ wllh independenl traders, smug- shields, even commercial shielffS rrnMeas* the
glers and pIraEcsv Its lack: of lyfio's survivabillly slgnl^ficanlly. It's also possi-

cargo space made it ble to rem<n<e the small bunks bulh Irvtothe
Wi!.pni Liur canikofi!. Lj)
unpopular wllh larger I7fic3 Hsd replace them with more comForlablc
F4ri 14(1 TiHitt
trade gvilds and tiamporl state rooms. Isut doing so cuts the number of
r j. -I
p ::33c.
ConstsaAies.ARhough a fair possible passengers in ha^F
i^rna gil
Kang^ irnHltflini PfI M 'l.L nPt AR M-AAS QAMCn BB
Ejifli TV-lOO
YV SrlBB ClHli IVaflTpafI
Allhoaig^ the ITT wtci contifMHd to The flrtt YV series ship
veil lalrly vMlI.lhi;! dHlBrten D-t ShHMrs Ihore of its YT ances-
C^llkinttiBlnuf lnB were not wr1h try In the form of Its main
Crvwi 1 *j
i(^ to rest an thHr Hcoffifill^h- (hsh ioetlon. However, the

me [its. By gilinB bck tO the lilI. riHtow bridge sedions

CipgA CmmKvi 150 - mErle t^Mn:
drawlrig liOiKi and rr4e$lgt<^n| that beamc the hallmafk bf fnwilli
rveiyttHn^ fiom vcr Jtch, they en- the Is eteady In g|ent*.
ited the more laodem W senes dI^ and Ihem^ridad rear sec-
Malt SpwK
new ships
fhtps.TlH Qfst or these tion gives H considerable
DvfrnttJ H nrK.'^oi
was released during Uk Rhe of the cargo ipacc.ThDUBh notan
Ihivid Piilrltl-i |0
Empke erj, jnd fttw models oohtln- excepticNui ship design, the
iM^ji^Pelnrti- 150
ucdtocoineovl until the Rehellkm VtMOo serves well aS a fight
m*; 10<

er<. AlthoU^ genets Hy superlof to ftofghter and weaHhy

YT ships la basic perfamunce. I he spaOFtarers frec)uenlly 9l9ll1rrrJnfn0rH

w sertes pioved lo be ieu cavity tVnvcit II to jet as a Rn liVr Pi^rclal turnl ^

modified to talo on nrw roki. for pleasure craft. Its lack
WticN &enwrf^ *7 ^>ili*i.-;irc^.

this reason the sWpS nfiW gained of werall pofnilarhy P^nupo; 4iOixl
the eirtiaordinaiy repvtatldri that keeps the price of |cf nga madirirn!; P -tfij V 4fK. M/L *1/1
most gther CoielHantugineerlfig used VVs down, and
Corporaitldn f lUps seetn to acquke. even lartcin Uk Rebel-
QeVpUd Ihds^ Ihe designs are solid lion era several of

jhd runetlofial.and most W series these ships jre In Attack iOf^LHr 4-gi M Mil, "4 V.

owners are very happy. Two samplE service In fringe s#c- Dimfgir idig
YV series ships: jre presented bekm, tlOhsof space and DO Bififfi mrflUtffr PB +gy 5 !t1i/l

poorer worlds.
ircwi I'M -

Pifwn|c<Yi 6
The fmemWiflntif It smwiiflHl W-iJOUght frclgWttthat ^riiusied bjCanel-
ttrpi t^pPfJllF jmflildgm llan teciirit^ at it Q'thip. t a iiined freighter dHigiwd to lure In and
CofiiunuHni ihihimiIIi
aw urvl doting Gfu of Ihe mpIrF era, and wn
dett/oy piutei. it ftrit live E
MjqMidrl W n t bjp 4Li
fold to prli+ate plrate-hunterifome time before the fielietllDn. Although it

UixSjiHd: AtEMk
iMlc&llhje aftamlard tv-^jo with a fteiodiard enhanced f enter package [grant-
DefanMi it,> -i
ing anyone actively Hzaivnlng with It a +i equipment bonus to Ihclr CfMnputer
Sliitid PlAlii fD llse chB(l:t, the fime^<r/dJ.oncels actual^ a capable flghling '( haf
KhJfl Plfllii
enhanced speed, mintaryshieWs and yeveml f3(*( lof <oniJes4*d. ilde^mounted
DITi lO any an actual cargo to draw
roncuKlon rfiiff Ik Iut4s. ^fnM HI often ftiuft otirt

plr*tef ,
It k^epf a falr^flzed cargo ana, bot It cooM never be run prof-
canfienr i k>i >nt>c
itably as a pure cargoftilp without carrying contraband materials.
tiv jpfj l^ini
AlMck hHiui! +4 111 I- Weiponr Aulob^ter
Ll'^mag?! ^16 U Fin IK: Front

H*nr riMdinferl-j ;
PB -HS^ S -t-fii M/I n/g AttHk llvnui; -rrj *4 riTS* < r-isTm!

nKMilflrnt P9 4^1 +<}. WL it/M

Atll4ke0nill; riWi * f S'" >n

i iTi i Weapoflr Conrufikinmliiiletiuncfieri
4 ftip U e fce,; . -] rwiwdi
tlMTvgi!' fpKilii

K 49, f +41, U/t nJx

firfl IfiCi


-ill*. niniT
Al.'t^ch +1
Pamagei mmIioxi
fringe iiniKlifleif I PB eo, VWL n/t


CtjUi W-^j^ fcmed FftlgKltr

TheW'g29wzi ime ef tivbst VVKFieidinEgn^tSfMiheoiit of CbHi TflPipdrt

theCoicRlap EnfllHtrtil^CqFp&rallQruOrisHnalliFcorttflrtd Ctl Ijn.'pcsa .

FbMiV pftef Itiff BaHlr c* Efldaf >i'd nnl pr ijikiDed IW* yean JIni fmall ;jm I.' ?

later, tht wn Edvcr(lie<f mi |^micd fit^ghlW.' term that Crewi l+JguniiEiiiNMiMi-]'

Corilllzn EngtnnrVng lu> not u<f tefoit OF Flihe. In UirY, the f aTscnl^cn.! -6

W-929 wen i.spposed to nwrf liant Nlpi a Aghlki j dunu CjrS;eCl|Uijt^ bSOificIrktanf
jgakttrt raldl on ootwiiHce, In prarttce, CienuiriLiMn: jrumlh
y$eb try the Rebellion than my other -single grouj^sllhoijfrh the Mypardrivii! !' ,iii-

Carpono Sector AiMtwrtty k z ebse tetxMTd UaK^p:-Fif! Ciiii^-ing

The 53^ may mrt look iflueh like sHtTV ships an the surface, hhniti !' ' Ki

bvt It's built On Ihe sllnetaSlC keel HOwarefil^r^ external bays ?,lilri|d P|f||li; 114
have beth |a |hr <leliS^pl|awlJ>8 the' 1 mount Hull Pslnl^i 34
Smy shiol^s, uny a tili sind pa/loadL and still brIsHe with eiti t4
Bum IbentkeJnOefwiidcnt sblp buyers, bhtdrvlBners
added a rmy (urFor to the domed stdion bdow the WrjpiHi: kntEdrtndrH

fitldii^ although this ft oden lupnedilnta passenger space Firr Jht: Fjriliil lurfCl r^tl. ! >rt|

by YV-979 OWneff: 0 nfbrhhiitety. IhK approach does little AtlHhSwilik ? '

fprthe shlps's stui'dl'fHss.and 919s were InfamMisfor

earning apart after jnst a few hhs after losing their shields, liinf C midl^fr&: PP 1 411^ U ], 1 n/i

StINLihe nwmy cargo capacity and heavy annament made

Ihe YV-919 a popular ship during the BetseHlan.and many Wtjptnu ?rip{ falllljHi

renialn in use welMtitothe NcwJedI Academy era. FlrrarC: FfPlIl

AtiMk Sftrlul: n ; r. rrfw. j*

Wripom: Dteil3(tlurbJj>ter(intwiIM
I .1
bl(tU|(r jdwxi
Rl<1|l mSin*r(r PS hK), i +4v^L r/a
Flea an;: f ri>nl

WeapoiiE CeivuiMinfnlsAlFynrliKi
D^migc: 6dW.Pf] i- ji i^i !_. 'Tfe r 'ih

ira[**iTM^l4Fen; PS +4, f +4^ M ], 1 -4, PIrrartL a Rlf

Attach Banuii

YV-323 Armed Frelghtar RRfIff modin*4l: Pfi *q, SJ W/L fi/a

YZ Sirrias
When the Eniplf? me to pflwer^ there a fhllt hi The VZ'TTS * halt-step between
the dtarji^lp bojring patterhi lheg^lA3i|<.Afnia:d mut arrYied traniporlf and Htual
VHseli. m&difijble armed vessel Sv ivere capitol dass ships such as the Cnrel-
MHtdenly a hot commodlEy. The Empire. iKwever. was lian corvette. It's larger than most
not about to ahow dvillan shlpyands to start turning small freighters, measuring fifty-

out arrned ships by the dozen, and two meters fmm iterte to Stern, Its

YI-J7J Trainport crocked down on ihSpetesIgnS that eo<fcpll Isahnosl twice the ilieof a
seemed geeted for oornjul.The VT-tynos and has racwin for the ship's
jncunwoifik sso^oo,.i#i CoreNlan EnglneeitngCorporatlciin, enlire E-person crew. The midships
Mfcllpin ytm VrtC
tioivever, had a tong and respectable sccthm has two decks, with cargo In
g uauj if tradition of ship designs that were the upper deck and slate roonrsind
PjUEfigBii: t eas4l^ converted tnnumercHJS pur- electronics below. The vessel^ pow-
.iir|0 Captkdtyi ^eto AHlric tem posesv and had very little trouble erful engines sujsfk^ plenty of
6nwilh getting sMch designs oppanved by energy fpr fts compNmeot of guns
t1]fp*rdHm Kl
Ihetrti^rial pgreap of shipyard* and mllllary shields and wcaponryi
JM^ij flttICN
and CnnstiuctliHi. While the Cnref- ^noe small planetary forces have
D4frH|K 3 Q i ^ +l,n ^TTira
hans have atways denied that the Y? converted 'Y7-775S for use as cus-
Ml (eld (hill ntu
secies of shijn were Intended to be toms and Inspection craft, but mort
ifeM IpDiritS'.
converted to paramillfjry vessels, are used by Independent cargo
such claims are general^ taken with haulers, many en-RebelUon warriors.
a grain pf salt. Two VZ MikS
WtJ|hM: Turliolilirr idrtncirti j<lMi InMi
chip* are presented bekaw.
FlrtlKE PdMill gil.iltnl.ln

AttMkienirFr +1Q ^4 n^w, wHhPi

Wiapwnr weton torpedo tobw
idw US I, ll ni!Fdi r <-i-

iingr m(h|lherf h | Pfr 4^, t +U, U -i, i -4 Fire mi Frord

Mtick Pohusi +-6 1 n| i' -

Weapon: |
TWIfi laHvcanoonish} tyirnagei rodM).Ki
FlreiAii [
turret Pange mwliflifsi Pf +0. tJriWL Hifa

At'tich Ecmrin: 1 *-tO ti[W*iMtrar

Range mtdiflersi I PtI r,S+o,M/Ln/a sran want oauiN sja
Cflftt WgjUlwl 'ilr^bti
ftie IVbiilf > rtw^Jflod VZ-goo frelglit^, It K
CljIMr Tran^ppri
more lightly armed than a standanl VZ-foO, down
Oml! JQQ.QQO --I
*dng jfuni to f&iwaf firing arti arM rtmai^rifi the aMnKiHn
tliL MMfiifin M
imKilte lubes that fired 1ore afi. Its pf imarj mudlfitatiffii
Crtwr ^
the use of dnid atJlonNIlion to reduce tts aew rrqvIroOKiils.
PPIMltiprir 14
With the canopy shroud smsws feeding |nfonnatln e&iecl^
Clffft joCi nirirlc. iMl
into a srties at astramedi droids, M'S pOtKble foe a ilng^ pilot lo

fiy IlM tVWlf ipWng, aHhoofib hfr Stil needs gunners II fie wants
Myp-fiifiiB; Ml *! >.
to fire nxm Itun one weflpOn at a time, ft also uSes dld stJfl'

n^Kmely Man ftltPfh

focnIaUon '^rr fit oontrol comfMrtc is, glM^tiij ft
Of^ftnr . . fi*
accurate weaponry.
Pplntid ij&
The WiHfretVing was spotted maHnu runs In and out of Mutt
Kf.iil Ptilntii 14a
sp*ce dun ij thr late years of the ? mpi. It's jpccutalcd that it
was used s a ounkr ship by the Alllce, allowing smalt
teams ol commandos to Jiuhe raids deep Into Hfutt and
WtapKi: j lu.iTif Iw iti twtf ^anntHfn, [a||
Tmperiatheldcyslemc.ThetrulhOf thtsmaiy newer be
hnpwit^ H iVWfff Wtffg ended op on the auction block AllHh Ba<IUk
after the fia tile of lisdorH to pay pW Hlocting fees It fad
5^g Hi
anussed when lU last owmei abandoned It. Alltwugh |hc
i)nf t rwdinirfj PB 44V S M -1, 1 n/ip

kVi>h>re Wing Is sofnewhal lightly armed, the ability od a

single rgn it effectively Is-stMe lo make it atlraclhre
WcipEH nmnom fip
| Tvdr* l*wr
l9mconr.ovM welt into the New lediQrdefen. j
Fmarci Forward
Ai4acl( Bhiij .1 411

WhitB Wing
vex SerloB
The vex 5crliH. of ships is the newest CorelFian The VCK-j^ rr^lghter Is the newworkhcHiseaf
Englneeiingeorporalioo line, designed errtlrely CoTlli3^ tfejlgh, ll is a lop of the line- dooMe-
after the fall of the Empire arid the rise of the dftckfiif ienall ftlgMer |fu1 Ns speed, durabil-
New Republic. These shlps'deslgns lake advan- a Kispnablt wvapprs ^niplenhcnl jnd
tage of the rclax-ed busi- plenty of fargn space. Ri price ta^ keepit It ovt
CraH; VtJt'jst]|lp;lr1 fr-fl[;h1r ness envinoomcnl of the -of r^nge for most Independent operators, but

ClaMi Tra[ilpi>ft New Republic to Incorpo- -stnjll connpiinles -ane ordering jjos iby the
Ceiti foojaoo . irfsMS rate rsear-iHilltary grade teof?. ?nd so far demand has outstripped sup-
SUtl itHiill shields, powerful engines ply The shipi are as nMKfiitar and adaptable as
* -K1 jiirnin andhcarvler weapons padc- mcKst Corelllan Engineerln|t designs., and
Pa%iN|efi: fl agrs than r^ost previous dozens of staodiard variants haveaheady
Ch-fo Cafucityi J^rWStrlctAill SlWkEOrehian designs So appeatrd. I>cslgnnl for comfort even over long
Copiumabkni e month far response to IheVEK trips. Mk passenger arid crew accommodations
*1 line is very strong, and they (all on the upper nfeck] are small stale r-ooms,
Miif 'Sppaid: Aitac-k promise to replace the old rather than the bunks common to- ships this

Difafiif! II VTs as the best known size. So popular are these new ships that tings
ShMdFaiif1.1li frB CpretILan ship designs. sjf fHretes specifically targeting DoowDys of VtX-
iHgIt Fijinlii f>sfl Because of their newness j;ps have popped up, in some cases stcalirvg
OAl I N during the New JedI Oriler the ship and dumping Us cargo Desprte this
era. not many VtX risk, VO-j^s are lncreasirtg;iy oomnton fights
iMrtannofti : scries ships haive ki the dotks and slarports of the JsedI

tiiv jpfi Itiiivt -^1. <1 Lin- undergone- he awy Order era. ar>d promise to have the kirsd of last-

AH-iClC BhIUU +P 1-ip, -I lc (* PrkOdiFication, Three ing popuJanly the ancient YI-i jjock enjoyed for
Dvlifi^ri 4dta n,i VEX series ships are rtOrelhaila Century.
R'<ng (wdK^ri-j iB +a, S h >. M/L presented below.
VCjt-TQQ Bea^Cwirhrr
The VCX-700 hcAy <irlet is ift imy luafl nleiign far i ihjh- fnnfpprt
piwhKvd shift IllsffteeirifallvtlnlgiHd topfwIdeMi Qeih
f xtttntety tenure tr jjvsport lor a scnall p;ir^ 0*

CAf(l0 To llib end, K utmH wttti rTwre- weapons than ohy {mvj 1 4i4.guhittrlDmriM
other i-tockCorcHlan ship its ito. H Is hwvtij Aredt wth Raa^un^rli! 6
an outBf Mill thick JS iliip'Mce >ti size. Us pcnrerftil Cn^DC^(tyi jnKtrktwii
ofiginrt give II gpod tpoird and maneumraMH^, ind lb CeniymAbteii i nvnth
hyfptttfrivr U atniwT .mllnaiy ^nde. It evert to
xetMeoe Ini iirig.[e esupe pod. t?fcdur^ lit this cem<i at a M^h Attach

price. a>nd for the VCX-Joo Dte cost Is SpWe. Altltcuyh It can
cjnyslxpj5uncn,tlibes wMtfhmpetlbunki tsullt S^i-rld ^dlntu ^
aBAinsl a bulkhead. And des|iJte >ts heavjr aimaiments the Ru[l Palnti: 1J4
vex -700- ks itfrt k vessel nt wir^ tscklisit the heivy shields or DRi It

reinibretd hpll of i true ,gunbDit. Against mPsI fighters

or plTAte ships tsewever, the heivy coiner Is rrtorcthan WtA[H1: LlgJit Iflci ^ ltn-ii;*iyi

atsM ta outlf];ht anythFilg ft cant Ovtruirr, Flrtirc: Frent

WfifKiri; Hcatfy lar canffont i Dan'injjf: tniN:ial

flrg an!: T'urrEl Raci^ mcidinrM P9 -tOv S +0, M^L n^l

Attach ficiniii: -i-J -i-ilM, chh*. luifvincid

Ojn*3gc. jdw HI

ttangE miidlircri: PB tfl, ^ 40^ Ml/L i/a

AttKk l84nUk
Dlft4lgl: i
]dlD H3

VCX- 7 QD Haavy C Rinf e mdlllru I fI S Mn n/i

WcApM: CMfUMlM mklllFlAUCIClH'Ti

4 4hriMkl4iKli

Fl arc!: I

Atfarfh Sonui-: . #7 -i>ii, ><j n<

Oafnagt: lodio hX
VCX-S2D Escort FraightDr

Crafl: VC!i-&:]t;EMtfM!i|j>hf|rr
Tht VCX-B2Q HCortfrtljhCEr wafiiushdd >ntO prOductiOfiJujt as thiffit
Cilais! Tr.inipciFl
frofn IheTlMizhsnVoflgcjmE to llf^ht In IhoHewJedl Otdei tra.CAlllog |he
Colic iOD.HIOa^irJ
VCK-Szo jn 'escort f rerghiteT' Is an effort Eo admit to this ship's mlllEary |Mf-
fribec ! SiTbll
poHt without latllng It as a warslilp. the VCX-Szo has veiy little value as a
Crcwi 146Eiiit[>er9'MMM tiansport c^f any kind. However, ll Is very heavily armed, and ts eapabte of pro-
tecting several othcj' freighters it travels wrth. UnNke many armed freighters
cwgocjfpade)!^ iineliic

the VCXp9k Is built temilhtaiy spctifltatloni.and cr< sustain long-term

Cun 111 mi Mil I
fighting. OriglhalfyiOiKelwHl a> a Jhip tO operate near the Imperial Remnarat.
hl]F|HrdrlH! hj tuiKi^ lip
the Sudden conflict with theyU uthanUbngluj: made Ihlsstilp avety hot
Mih AiEjth
item. With the Fiirtge regions suddenly under attach from outside the galaiy
O^rnirj '

H p ^p. +m ptmiT
and Now Republic forces too busy protecting the (jore World to worry about
StiieldPohlh iBe
piracy, it has become important that merchant oomroys be able to defend
HuijPioInfti ISO
themwivrs While many rnodern freighters are fairly well armed, murtverous
CMti :i{N
older ships netd a strong escort. The VeX^Bao Is a popular ship for that role,

thcugh ll remains to he Seew If H ceirtlnirei to be popular during less

WWptMi.: iwin hiayy liWHif tJrtrWrti ^l[l
turbulent IJmes.
Firt ftr Turret

Attack fisniK: -IJir>iJr rij Hip riWT)ii'i:

Weaponi Prsrtor* torpedo fcwnrher

Danui^R: I fidm aa ll-

RangE mDiKTlHV ;
Pfl >1, ^ * 0 UtL mil
. FW IrCi Front

Altarh BOUUSI 411 n mp. nrn^ .teilr-Li*-'- >

Damage: lodio u
fire IrCi Partial tifurt liur.n Rafige mpdlRierk pp O, 5/XpI/L nfa
4tU(R BOflUSi -M] -4t, -14 <hrT^ >1
->v inlrv4

damage; |
rdio nj
Range mudineri; |
PP t, i 40, Mn nf 5TAH WARE GAMCn M7

iMlhw foamiflg thp Ct JtMi. 1 armed transport ship that he tjornmaniK senators to their council meeting."

traddng down inn^let^cf tKOrt- Geneeanyhe brings this ship with him Into Although a privateer can refuse an assign-

^ngcjphi'al'ship} bearing noblesv service arid risks his own property for his ment by his patron, he might find his penri-

thc-privBtcrr |j 9 prftlli^ dds&dedK-alcd to p^ron.The rewards far outweigh hsks leges restrained un/tllhe returns to his

cniuring the pro^Mfity of hh gowermncnl for the- dedicated privateer, hsiwev^r, for he patron's good graces.
Ttie priv^tectf^f commissioned by 1 patron keeps what he finds intheriaitw of his

to Hkfend i planeE ind Its holdings fwn patron. SpbcIbI Abfiltlefl

plr jit# Jtl jck and Fool out Mifcots to Ihe Some question the honor of Ibis. Civen linii or HAitquE
goverfing sowielgrly. Some privjtMiriare the behavior of maihy prlvate^ers, some liKti- The privateer has full rights granted him by

bullies senlng a corrupl gcnutiKM^hlle vlduals do nol soeliow different they am hli patron to attack and selce any ship or

others are ooblc spacers iisllhg h behalf of from the pirates they tl 3>lm to oppose- True, eargq belonging to an eivtily which the gov-

a pcaceFul queen. Segardless, all privateers some privateers are no better than well' cmmenl deems an eoemy of Ihe state.

pull it off with s'^ and pjoiche. funded thugs, but the best strive to protect

A privateers p^ron Is a high-ranking their ptanet's Interests and tnere-ase safety Birttnofii

rneiuberof a plaiHlary government body hsr their patron's holdings. Oceasionslly. a patron might ask a favor pf a

The patron Is usually planetary royalty, but Though generatly free tP ute their )udg- the privateer does nut willHigly

patron vpmetimes calls accede to hli patron's >rcquest, his highest

a privateer can serve any government nricnt In service, a

patron wlthdlstloctlon/evcn Imperial or upon a privateer to perform a specific duty level Special ablllly Is lost until he Obeys the

Republic patrons with deep posiel i. or function such as Hunt down the notori- rntuesl.

ftw privateer typicaHy rtles- r.rt a vwli- ous pirate. Cunnselal DeNak.' Or "Escort the

Making tha Skiff Saffc.r.

The Pr^i vat

CIbkb FeBturea
AU arTM Fw RrNM Wli DtriPVM VinjuiD*

1st rO +fl *1 4-2 letter eJ Marque, 41 41 to become a priv.-iiteer,a character miast

Beholden fulfill all the following criteria:

2nd *2 +0 ei +i Repel Boarders +2 *1

Base Attack: +6
3id +t +i h3 Half fte pairs +1 40
4th ti +1 t4 Fly Defensiveiy +2 *1 Skllts; Astnsgate *il, Diplomacy +q. PiM +&
5th +4 +1 *4 +4 +3 +1 Feats: ^tariNp Operation
6th +5 ^2 +5 Hyperspacr Track +3 40 k
Must own hli own ship,
7th +6 +5 +5 44 +1
81 h +6 42 46 Full i^epai^s 44 4l Must have eomnn Itted an act of unusual
^th +7 +5 *& +6 44 m courage and loyalty lit lrwil 0I reliable
10th 4B +3 +7 +T Enforce Blockade *S +1 wllneiiet^ which directly benefits a
pUnelary government ,

KEPEI BOAflDEflS to all Pilot rolls. In addition, any gunners on

Bjucofhls familiarity mlh hbawir hip his ship receive a +1 morale bonus to attack Must have demonstrated good Judgmenl in

fn>m knowing 3n Ihe palron'S eyes, making hlmlruslwar-

jn<l (ih? cpuMgC rolls vvKth ship weapons.
entire planet 'S.uppo^t^. his actions, the pr iva - Ihy toast In Ihr patron*'* name,

t( 4 +1 thnu to all attack HVPftSHClUa^tj

Muii oilMn a favor to gain itt level.
and Mving throw rolb VMhIle fightmg. In Due to a knowledge of starships^ hyper-
melee or ranged Mmhat 01% hii &wn jhip. Irt space travel, and most importailtly.thc per-^ f Reputation: f-r
addition, he galnf a +2 morale bonirs to hlf. son he Is tracking, the privateer on deduce
Defense when fighting In melee or ranged likely destinations, waypoints, and tricks of
If a privateer ever knowingly disobeys
combat on his own ship. anyone attempting to flee him through
hi* patron or acli contrary to bis
hyperspace, fracking Ihls way requires a
patron's well being, he Joses all class
Hair RiraiKi successful Asirpgaiethk, The difficulty
speciaf abilities,
Because of his status, a privateer can expect depends on how well the privateer knows

to pay half the normal cost repairs to his hltcjuany.

shipal anyshipiyard controtlcd by his
ICnQipHldprillH LV*I The privateer's class skills are:
fulron''s goverriment. 1

Int imaldy Astrogate (inl}. Computer Use (Int),

Olplomacy [Cha}. Gather Information
Fit Defensive Lv
Well iO
^Cha), Intimidate (Cha], Knowledge
When escorting or defending a not her ship,
Familiar (any), Pilot {Oexy. Cepair (Int). Search
a privateer gains a tadrcumstance bonus
(fnl). Sense Motive CWis).and Spot (Wis).
Barely is


Intimate^- The privateer h3rs confronted his
$+ Int modifier
quarry on more than two separate occa-
sions and bj familiar with thequany's
VUalltyper level
tactics and methods.
well: The privateer has confronted his

quarry on at least two separate occa- FuiLitEFArRS

sions and knows thequany's tactics and eecause of his status^, a privateer pays noth^
methods. ingfor repairs to his ship at any shipyard
Familiar: The privateer has either con- contiullcd' by HI* patrori's goveroment.
fronted hti q uariy once before or Is well
briefed on the quarry^ tactics and EnFORCI BioCefOt
methods. A* part of an official, governmenl-spon-
Barely: The privateer has never confronted soied blockade, the privateer gains a -14 cir-

hisquofiry and has only little ot no Infer' cumstance bonus to all Pilot rolls, in

mation on the quarry's tactics and addition, any gunrwrs on his ship rEceive- a

method*. *1 morale bonus to attxk rolls with ship

weapons. 5


Wf[oft-p!ay y^nion aftheSlAH WABS Raltpla^lflg CameJflfejwuf to portray a dorirtg htrt tivingitt fheSlarWoff

urtivtnt. ifyoit've ever vmntfd to be a rtobSe Jed!,fief{t Wdokltit, Of f fC^ jfOyJi^Ff gome h for you. Try it ntsw!

Fast-plav Game

1f OWH K. C. rrfPMfN'

onfused but Jntrligued mlepla^njif okay for someone lo lake more than one any given momerrt Whert lhe Gamemas-

C This Tart-play" vcrsJDnolf the

Wii yokpfoyir^g Come

Is designed lo

give yoLt 3 feel far the basics of rolEpfayi ng.

character if there aren't enough players.
Like the charaders from the Ssv Wus
rnmles, Rawi rKanu, Arani Harden, fiorworr.
tcr describes a group of battle droids

marching into a deserted plaia, the players

gel to decide whether their characters

The full garriE contains all sorts bf ^di- and Calak are heroes whoga out and expe- attack, W,ilt and see what the droids do, try
tlotnal oplions, Including rules far creating rience Ihc events of a 4tCHy.>ftur charjcters to sneak away, or attempt anything else
characters and designing your own adven- are the stars of th^ show; l he Ga memaster they Can Imagine
tures in the Stah Wus universe. is the director.
But we call thif a i^it-play game because Thi Chaiiaciebs

you ca n begin playing It night fipdw. Look THiGAMIMASTIt for this game, characters are provided- The

over the next few pages, gather ymr when you're lhe GM. you coordinate the character sheets show what each character
friends, add get rtady for jn achientureset actiansthat take place in the gamc.Tbu're looH like and what actions he or she can
long ago In a gatSaxy far. far away_.. both a moderator and a referee, nbu tdl the take ijlike striking with a llghtsaber, ftrlog a

other players what their characters see and blaster, or CFMratlng a computer).

PleyittQ thfl Gama hear. You help them resolve the Success or The heroes of this game usually act as a

Decide who will be the Cametnaster. The fa llure of actions they take, tau also choose
Gamemastcr ("GM" for short) coniroitthe actions for other characters In the story.
What ydU Nsild
events of Ibe game, That person also plays Sometimes,, the CWs charatterf are the p Ytour friends {up to five pf them.
the creatures and opponents the characters "bad guys." FOr irwtaisce, if the players want
Including you]^
encounter. The GM is like a storyteller, SO their characters to fight a bounty hunter
these pages of the magazine,
think about which of your friends would da they encounter, the Gamemastcr decides
> A pencil or two,
the best Job telling a stoi^ Mosl of the what the boun^ hunl'W does and resolves And These
r- a set of polyhedral dice.
informallan In this game Is for the GM. h|s actions- At the same tlirre, the GM helps
are dice with ^.b.S.iOtU or iO Sides,
After you decide who'll be the Cainemas- them determi ne which characters get h urt
andean be found in most gamcsdrid
ter, |he rest of the players pick characters. and hew serious their wourtds art.
hobby stores.
Take the character sheets and divide Ihcm During the game, each player gets to
vp so that each player hat a chirracler. It's decide what his or her character does at

group. ^ ejch pla^r portrays an Individ- arehaeologlstji. or she can describe each know each Other wdk ASviNJht herS,
ual character. Each oSE ha^ motlvalionb arid scene lilw: a narrator (The archaeotogfsf your characters ar dedicated loaldlisg
dEiiimthat guide hi^ or her aciions. Each tells you his speeder has been stolen"). Ihe Republic and ending all farms of
cne hji opHnioAs cn how,i to aid the ^public Injustice and evil.

and fighi for tlcau'ofJu'stk. Gamemasteh Advice As we play.l'l'l describe the lelting
The GM doesn't get a character sWCT. In this game, you'll find moiiy things to help and the Ktlon as It occurs. You can tell

Instead, I he rest of this game leKl acts tike a you manage the adventure. first, (he map fne wh-en your cha racter wants to drs
"characler ilseet'ter the cameinaster.Thfl prowdes a visual aid for the setting. It something.
Cm plays all the other characters and crea- shows where the Important locations are FI rsU let's have each of you Introduce

tures I he players meet. The adventure here and how big each area is. You can also use your character.
describes what itiighl happen as a result. A| the illustrations here to help describe the
this point, the plj^isshoMld look at I heir creatures in each setting. Just as Ihe Illustra- Have each player briefly describe his or

character sheets for a few mlnuEes. The GM tions on the character sheets help you visu- her character so that everyone knows what
should keep reading. alize each diarader. everyone else can do. Then read Ihe follow-
Throughout ihK game, you'll see le?ft in ing text to the players:

THI CAMI ^ItSIOir colored boxes. Thu Is called "read-akiud'

This fast-play gjmo leads you through a lext. It's meanl Id be read Id Ihe players lo The Galactic Republic is a vast nation

game session, presertting an adventure describr? Ihe setting and Ihe situation. Keep Spanning manrystar systems, irKtudlng
tike those found m the iiAS kVArs Raiepfay- Ihe rest of It to yourself until the time is the planet of N,beo. Jedi Krvighu serve
InjT Gome. The rules arc introd uccd si you right tOrcveaHl lo playtri. as guardians and advisors to Ihe Bepub-
reed them, sd you don't have to memeriie llc;for t hey are strong in the Force. One
anything. Ths PrsElatEirs such Jed I is Master All-Vor.a scholar
The adventure Is divided Into "areas" Once the characters have looked over Ihcl r who has Come to nabob to further the
Each area has a rrumber that corresponds to characler sheets, you can start to pl^. Begin training of his P,idawan learner. Rann i-

a location on the maps you will find in the by reading Ihe bcrntd text to Ihe players. Haru. Master All-Voi regularly assigns

following pages. Each area has Its own Once you start the num1>ered areas, the tasks lo Rann, who often enlists the aid

directions and rules, so yesu don't need lo read-aloud text often ends with a question of his friends
read ahead. However. If you have time, it's posed to the players-. Their answer tP this RteerdlyiMailer All-VOr has been look-
hclptu to skim
I ahead to get a sense of question helps I hem decide whal I heir ing feu smugglers vdra have been trans-

what happens later in the story characters do: porting rare creatures off Natxx}. ITc has
For each area, fallow the directbcrvs. Remember that thechafaclers don't atl asked all of you to look into reports that
describe the situatkin> as it occurs, arsd add have to do the same thing. Calak can shOot some of flieK criminalj ar? working oui

your own details. If you decide that an area a droid wh ileRann uses a Force powetaeven of i secret base nearTheed, ihe capitol
has an aura of darkness that raises the while Atani is trying to open a door, you teli cily a/f Maboo. Ahhough, Ali-'^r doesn't
hairs on 0 character's neck, that's okay them I he results of I heir actlans:''Calak hits consider these rumors valid, he believes

ViouVe the CM. so make your descriptions the drand. Rariin's Force power heals himself. the investigatlofi will be good Iralning
as vivid as possible. ar>d Aranl can't get the door open.' It's eaSh for Rann, as wll as an opportunity lo
Whert the players tell ym what they est if Ihe players take tumi telUrtg you what lest thefesourcefuFness of hli Friends.

wont to dOi you tdl them whether they suc' thetr characters are doing. That way. you can After a few days of cheeking around

ceed or faH artd what happens as a result. handle each action Individually. and asking questions, you received Infor-

The directions a nd rules for each area will When something Isn't covered in the mation about imuggters front one of
hdp you make these decisions. rules, make upyourown answer That's the Aranl's trusted contacts. The contact sug-

The game is based on dice^rotlingand dis- GM's job-lf Rorworr's player wants lo hide gested that you investigate an ancient
cussion, there's no need ter run around and behind a tree so he can attack a creature shrlFH- hidden In the nearby jungle.lihc
art out events^ although geslures and facial lhal's running by, you need to decide sketched a enJefe map totho llle and
expressions might help convey what you're whether that works. handed n to RorwCMr.ftorworr has used
trying to say. A player can speak in the voice Read the following tel to the players; the map to load you to near where the
of h|s chAfocter fl attxk the smuggke*') or shrine can be found.
refer to hks character In the third person Each of you conlrols a character; a Jecfl,

['Rorworr fires his bowcaster'jLThe GMcan soUicr. scout, or scoundrel. These charao Proceed to the Start of the advenl ure.
use different voices while portraying the ters Irve in theSTrtWxK univei seohthe Jungle Clearing.
other characters (harsh,, stern wcdcej for the plane! Mriboo, before Ihe evenisof Wie
smugglers, or a nervous, mousy voice few the Pfiarrronr Menace. You are al I friends artd

i-tAtr wan% OAiAti Bl

JTAR.WART tured Illegally and sold as guard anlrnals.) Wounds: Mark off damage from the
THB PDflORrORS ^nce the creature Is angry. It witi piobab^ veermok's wounds, shown below- If the
attack the first charactef who apprwthes veermok has lost some but not all of Its

Aras 1: Jungle ClanHuB If. If the heroes ignore It, It might just leave wounds, tt^ Injured. When you've the folhiwing lext to the pljyerjr them alone. FBorworrhas the best chaiKe of marked all off be wound boxes, the
working this out, since he has the largest veermok Is dead and the flg|*t Is over.

Ttou leftflteed houra ago. A Ihin mivt bonus to his Survival rods.

clings lo the ground, a nd lhra>r l> hr.ivy

wllhlhe muityuenl of Jungle

Tittf air If ihll and quiet. Rorworr's

Although nplpartkularly
heroic, this

lndi< Jlei ;i (leaping up ahead, with the possible choice. If the characters slay away forte powers! Rano has Force powers he
hidden ihrPnenet far be^mnd it, A^you from the speeder, they won't be attacked by can use. When this happens, follow Ihe
jpfMoafh thi!; denying, you a the veerrrwk. Then agalrK.ihcy woni be able Instructions on Rann's character sheet.

i-peedef cff to the side- of the tr j il, to look Inskk the vehicle and figure out Rann can uSe a Force power Instead of
crudely hidden In the roHage Vtju hear a who' bffought it here. AAake sure the players attacking,

griJwNng sound! camlog fnim the Fjf side really want to ignore the Speeder before The Vtcnnpk*! Turn; When all the players
af IL Somethuig Is wnashing Into the nwviflrg on to the neiil area, bave aeled, ifs lh< wernwk's turn. The
speeder over and over again. A few Nghlt veermok attacks one character each

JK still flldwringiln the speeder's shIt' Leave turn. For each attack, roll r twenty swted

pit, suggesiHig Its Douiputer stfll his The characters can decide tofurn around tHe and add 4 Check iheDefetKe score

piawer. 'Mhal do you want to doT arwS head back toward nid. If they aban- of the character if* atlAcUng. If the

don Lherr search, Master AH 'Vor will be result Is equal to or higher than the

A NatHoarcheologljt piloted the speeder upset. Fortunately, liorworr can bring them character's Defense score, Ihe veermok
here In irrvestigale the nearby shdne, When hack wrth Ms map a few hours iinter. Hy hlls, and you roll 1 sin-sided die for dam-
he walked op to see who was moving Into then, the veermok will bcgot>c. age. Have the player whose (haractet

the ancient bulldMtg.a band nf smugglers was hrt mark off damAgej that character
cjpituredhlmand left tifs vchide behind. Hanolinc the hSHT Isnow lujuned. When a character's last
Now a short-tempered creature caHed a If the charactets gel Into a hght with the wound twK Is filled, he It dead (and he
veermolols prowling on the far side of lhe veermok, proceed through the combat by can't take anymore sctlons).

abaiMtoned speedkir. The veeTimA; IsAi^eda' taking turns. First fct each character do one [>escriptlon; As you play thfotigh the battle,

loi native to Naboo. It's a little smaller l^han thing, such as shootinig the veermok or (fcscribe the action as if you were watch-

a lion, with powerful kgs and sharp (laws, if usiqga force power Ajk player what ing one of the SiAt WAtt movies. Tell the
it senses the characters, rt attacks. The- char- his Of her character does'When they're all players about the t ksjllng hum of the

acters have nsany opUons af this pdint. done.tetl them what Ihcwermokdoes. llghtsaber, loud eApfoslons from the

Some cornmon chokes are delaWed below. Unless you can think of a better action, have blasters, and the vicious veerrrwt as it

Ihe veermok attack the closest charaeler.Go twwls and gnashes Us teeth.

WAtK Up and lOCht AT TH t SPilDtP hack and forth between all IheChiticters

This Is a bold, heroic course of action, and the veermok unhl the ball le Over. Once the vwrnok hat been defeateck. the
ihiough not a partlcularty cautious One- If diaractc>s. haw: morr optioos from whkh

the characters approach the speeder, the Attacks: First, make an attack loll. When a to choose.

veermok notices theim and kapn loaltACb. player's character attacks the veermok,

Refer to Handling the FIgM, bekw- lhat player rolls i twenty sided die and Fxamihethe ^-ilfPie

adds Ibe character's AtliHffc bonus. If a The speeder Is a lypkilnne-person trans-

CkTE HMI N E WHAr*^ ATTACn iNd 1HI $PtEESE I player rolls a 14 or tilgber, t he character port. Markings identify it as th* property of

This Is a very reasonable course of action. If brts, If theicsuH Is kSS thacM^.kt^a Thced's Royal Houie of Learning, Its com-
a player's character wants totigurcoUt miss. Move on to Ihe re*t character puter has been jhdt Mfith a blaster and ks

what klrsd of creature might be Smashing alter each attack, Just barely opcrahonal, hut Ihe speeder Is

InlQ the speeder, that pl^r rolhi twertty- Damage: If a character h it 1,1 tie pi aye 1 rolls otherwise In usaWeCOndltlori.lf a player's

ssded die and adds the Survival bonus hsted for damage. Determine hOw much dam- character wants to retrieve Information

on his character's s'heci . If the total of the age the character deah by rolling the from the damaged coftipuler.the player
die and the bonus b t J or higher, the charac- damage dice listed on f be characler rolb I twenty-sided die and adds llw char-

ter determines that the creature is > sheet. Borworr rolls 3 ten .sided dice for acter's Computer Use bonus- If the total of

veermokpsoWlIng through Its leidtory. damage. Rann roils i elght.sideddlc#, the dh: and the bonus It 15 or greater, She

veernwks arerr't too smart, but they'revery Galak rolls j sni-slded dke and ArarH rolls following Informuftlon 1$ retrieved.

tefrllonaf.tBecausc of this, some arc cap- 3: four -sided dice.

S2 VOCUUR I. kr^iiaBiA


2 ; ^

Hres r



The i|Kfriki belangf to Knfjch Ikitiv j

ArBB 2: The ShiHne EntrandEt can't disable the lock^ shooting l| &t hllting

pfoft of jrchtofog^ frooK Thnd. Tht^ thick foliage of the Jufligle ^rts^ it wrth a lightsabcr destroys it- Pn the
hlijchutmliwtmn lUcom revealing a n ornate Titcine ibtilldlng con- heroes have dealt: with the lock and opened
|hfl4!r. Hli I t ntry <5. from fcwrnl st rirctedagaln^l n hrllLVitm cover ibe the dtr, go to the destrlplion for Area j:

djyi .ij| 0 Ho Irrff

- Ur lovUalc slrangr efitlie StruH ure. btit .i large daw can be The -Guardroom.
jcllivlly hooOtlced In (JwshrinCrbul ho vcEH III front. A soiall red light exposes a If the characters know about the secret
hdi nol rcEunucd to the speedet dneo, S4Ciiilt)r1ock bqhedooto the arsdent cntrar>ce,they mjf decide to start search-

> The shnne lias bom abandonoJ for ewtrancerCleulya new addition. Shnrbs ing fgr It. tf litey decide to look atounrf read .

cenluricsvbtft Itfinlcrior |; ililldn athJ tiees cover the hillside, making it dlf- the following text:

good conditwn. flcirit to determine the cxacl sJic of the

" In jdd<t>OFi Id the eibvlchis. main shrine. It's obvSotisly falily large. edMiil A Hiulclc search of Iho area olT to the left

rnlrartce-plhofoU i hhJdon ontrance Inghach into the Nil of thecnlraiice reveals a small door hid'

olf ( 1 he '^idr of I hr shrine. Aji den behind the vines. A simple lalch
jntiott itiEChjnical li.ip prolocts Iho The characters need to disnWc the secufity opens the secret door.bwt Ihpin area
hidden enlfjoce. lock before they can mter. If a her* wants to noirtbnr of smalt hde-i in |bc doorway,

disable the lock, a player must roll i twenty- these suggest that a Irapof -vHiie kind

Locate THE &hrihe sided die and add Ms or he<r characteF's DIs- will go oiT If the dom it opesHd.

Ffom heie ItH-heFoe^ hErwoodlHiculty Ahle D^CeboOuS-lf the totalis iz or higt<icf.

findlog the shrine. Wtm they get there, go the lock Is disabled and the characters can A character opening (he door without dis-
to the deseripiion of Area a; The Shrine rnoye tMSI the door. Only AraiH hats a chance abling (he trap takes i ilx-sided die of dam-
fnHance. to disable lit* locL (The other characters age. Mark the wounds on that chararier's

have big penalties to Iheir rolls). If Arani sheet- tf a hero wants to disable the Irap. a

STair wanT cuueit RBI

gJifip r-*! *
player needs to rsll 1 nly-tkdsd and add tpmnul
hlf or her character^ Disable Devkc tkwIuSi.
@ SS[gIjl!r
If Ihctcrtal hllor higher, the trap hasbecn
disabled- Only Aranl has a goal chance cf
dHiarming the trap. (AH Ihe Other characters

hi^ve big pervaUle^ to their roHsji.Each chat'

acter can make one atlenrjjt Once (he

heroes Kswe opened Ihe secret door, go to
the deserlptlon far Area The Guardroom.

Ar^P 3: TNb [juard IRaam

lEIf. 0ig11i
The doorway opens Irtto a large, stone

roam. Clowlamps have berr>4>oKed onto

the walls l4 pipiflde Illumination. Power
caHes run along the ceiling arrd down
(he copridor teadlng from the roamJn
the m iddle or the room, there's a
holotgamc lable and fiew chairs. Four

tcr(iffylooli,ing men with facemasJes and

blasters stand near Ihe table, Iheli

weapons ;T<tady |n Ehelr hands. What do

you dot

These men ore smuggler s. IF the herTTes

came in the ftoht do*r, |he smugglers

attack them Immediately. If the heroes
came In the secret doof. they'll have enough
time to confer with each other brIeAy
before atlacklog,

HawuuHC THI Fpchi

Play through the combat by taking turns
(Just like the fight wilh the weermo*:). If I he
characters attack from the secret docH.thcy
surprise the smugglers and may each acl
twice before (he imugglers get a turn.
After (hat, the heroes and smugglers lotee

turn-s normally,

can't take any more actionsll. When all The Smugglers' Turn; When all the pfayers

Attacks; When a player's character attacks the smugglers ore dead, the flghl Is over. have acted, it's tlw smugglers' turn. Each
a smuggler, the player rol Is i twenty-, Force powers: Rann can use Force powers. smuggler attacks a different character
sided die and adds the character's When thbhapptns^ follow the Inrtruc- each turn. For each attack, roll i Iwcnly-

Attack bonus. The p4aycf needs a S3 Or tionf on Rann's character sheet. Ranocais slded die and add p. Check the Peknse
higher to hit. use a Force power irtsteiMl of attacking. score of the -defending chapacter. If Ihi

amage: if the attack hits, deternslne how

much- damage the character does by
POiNng the d3 mage dice listed on the
character sheet. Marls off the smoggfe fi'
wOuids blw.
wounds: Each smuggler has eleven
wourids. Wli-en you've marked all of a

smuggler's wound boxes, he ISdeOd (and


ifi equal ti? gr higher Ihan the The main d^cisioii Ihe heroes must makekt fig,its Up Out of Ihejunk and flloi toward
ehawler'i Dcfcnjic.thc unugglctlilts; which way to go They might ahg decide to yom'Whnl dgyou daP
pqll 3 siK-ftdl dice for Hive- Uh* take a look al the computer first.

f]| J(|rtr Mtiou dMricE^ wii hrt nurk off Thesmatl round droid is straining romotie.
WDundt, That charjeter >ti now Injured. Chiicaihc The CoMaurii normally uted by >edl to pfactioe their
Denali of aduracIfr^wMird bmwj The computer has a security code to fme- llghtsaber skills- Aranl and ffannean recog-

have been marked, thal character Is visnt unauthorind access If a hero wants nize It right away This drgid has been set ter

dead (andean^ tak;e MyrnnKaetlani). to bypass the securlly code, a player needs attack anyone who enters the room.
OeCrlptlOrt; Af ygg pliy lliDyglithe tattle. to rotl 1 twonty-^slded die and add tils 'pr ^Aidk Fre?^ thr leiSdrC of the Sritugg-hrS, lUl

dcMnbethcactloo Tell cwryoncatwu! her character^ Computer Use bonus- If the contiglkr to turn K pFf. ITic trainir^

the startled sntMJ^Iers Hrambling for the total Is 14 or more. the character remote at1ocf the characters Immediately.
Mver, M Emulate their mIM hoMli x hyiusses the security system and learns
Ihc^tirc biasteti at theher^. the following IntormatiorS' HaWOEiiwO TkI fnShTT

fToiecd through the combat by taking

Once the fight Is over, the characters have > The fell door leads to theilorage turns^
Cijrtigns tg ehiWK rrom again. room The right doOt le.ids to the MtlckS: If a plajerV (harartier attacks the
barracks training remote, the player loHs 1

EXAMIMETHI SsMirULEin Hfhe leader of the smuggling operation twenty-saded die and adds the charac-
l4erHS rruy waitt tn leitiovr the smugglers' h i rrsercenaiy horned Sahlle Frex.He ter's Attack bonus. The player needs a
Facemafks. Thqrre clearlgr hurnan, although has n personal chamber n t he bark of I total of Ifior higher to hit.

they're filthy and imltempl eeamples of the shrine, beyond the barracks. E^mage: OvEermlnehow mudndamagea
heiftunlty. Their blasters have been |ly 1tu smugglers are captmlng creatures character Infllcis hy rolling Ihedaituge
mainlalited and ar? possibly dangeiPU J to railed verrmdkv and illifgally selling dice listed r the Character's sheet
twie They have hothlqg refuse or value on them as guard animals^ InaddlUon to Ma rk off the remote's woo nrf-s below.
their bodiei. trafflehing In eollc animals, Saldle When you've -oiarked all of Its wound
plans toslart srriuggling lltegal bn^useS-, Il'ldeitrCycd.

CHieniHi HoiHamTaeLi sveaponsonto Nnbev.

The dejarlk hologamc table ts covered -with M The storage room cofilal ns several
3 patlertt of checkered dretes. It's designed ifanuged weapons the smugglers
tb project lEveral different kinds dI gatnei haven't been able to lix, aliMig wifh
pfi Us stirfaoc, It hasn't bn maintained, one prisoner. Professor Tasrah Boh. Force poweis! Barn can use Fptce powers.

and 4t's obWHJsly broften. When this happens. Foilcw the initruc-
CHICKUrCiTHLDCHSRS thsns on Rann's character slieeL Rann can
-CHECa THC COtllCMlR Thedgorsare large and metallic, ptnrkHis I
use a Force power Inifcad cvf arttJcklng.

There Is onecoriiiitor leading out oTtWs placed here nccently. They dgnt haveltKlu. The Remote's Turn: Vt/he-nall the players
room.rtinnlng twenty ^et and ending In birt they are too thlcl: to heat anything have acted. It's the remote's turn. TIh
a new metal dMir.ThEd'aCirisoiilrxkrd thri?rrjh them. remote attacks aditrEfent Character
and opens at (he press of a biftton. After If the heroes decide to gg through the each turn. For each attack, loKi Iwen/ty'
the heroes open It. go to Area 4 ; The left doer Into the storage loom. go to Area sided die and add j. Ctwdk the Defense
fower Generator. ;:TH>eSloregr Room. rtUsey decide logo of the chstacter IE's attaekiisg. If the
through the rigbt dopr into the barracks, go resuHl H equal to or higher than Charac-
Ares U: The Power enBrnlar to Area fr: The barracks ter^ Defense, the remote hits, rf if hltv
The nsetal door opens to reveal j Ijige roll isiK'Slded die for damage and sub-
round loom wl|h a domed ceiling. Area 5i The Stardgio Ruam trMl ^ If the result h. less than t. the
Ancient earviitgs cover the wjII v and a The storage aggm IS theMrgcst cliamher character StUI marks hsIT i svOund. Ftam
few lights have been bolted over them. A you've seen yet. >t seems to be .1 large the player whose charartcr was Wt mark
large power generator sds humming In section of a liolhswed out hill. It Fadsttie off damage; Ittat character lioow
1 l>e middle of the roCim. Lang (utiles' run KUlptUiei present (iMgughout th( rest injured. When all Of a character's wenmd
out In all di*eel:loiis. A imotl Computer of tiwihiine. There aic sevcraflargc piles boaes have been marked, he Is nfead (and

has been set up 00 the far side of Ihe of |imiA mar the ddorsc Including a tatfe can iw longer act).

geneiator.lts lights bilnk, andttsscruevi With two damaged bfasiei rlfiesand Deicilptlon: As you play throiig.h the hofttle.

glpwi, Tivo dPOrS enrl the rm. one to sgmc twts The hack cf the room Is describe tfe action; the remote whijilng
the tch. and orif to the tiighi , taken up by dozens of empty CiSges. One through the dodging attacks
cage contj lirs an elderiy efaboo nun. As made Against A, mkI the sharp slhig Its

you lodkargijiScr, a small spherlcntdrold weapon Inflicts when a hens Is hit.

sihn w^ns diAUon BS

^AR-WARf Theod. Nothing the heroes S^ can COo- AfltH 7 r SpIeIIb'h Chamber
THS PHeDHTOHS vInce him to rcmalit here or help them. After Ihe heroes enter the room from the
He"s an efdedy scholar, and isot much good barracks (Area 6). road Ihe following text:

After thr remott been destfoyed^thc In a fight.

hjvcs^jme choicn. VOu ;tandor>a ledge In front of >i deep

Look ino at ihe Blaitev SrEctt crevice. A narrow metal catwalk spa ns

FbI t BpH the two Master rifles on the table are mal^ the crovlce, kadirtg to a large open area

f unctrening due to -poar maintenance. If a Wany computers arxi Consoles have been
The t;Jigec]DntalninrgTrBch Boti h^f t $l;m-

ple dertronk lock. If 4 hero wjfrti to open hero wants to repair a rifTe. a player needs bolted to IhcWilIh, Dim lights hang from

the locka needs to rail i twcnty- to roll s twenty-s-ided die and add his or her the ceiling- A| the far end of the room, *;

iided die 3nd a^ld his drxler''s PlMhle character's Repair bonus. If the total is 15 or large, armored figure Stands wHik h||

Oefvice bonus. If thrtoUl liSormore^lhs more, the cha racier has repaired on* rifle, A hack loyou.lDoViOg at one of Ihe com-

lock open^. separate roll must be made for each rifle. A puter scrrwis Reside him Isa smuggler

character un make only one attempt to fljr with a large vJbro^ax In hIs hands.

TaikTSTAJMCH 0 OM each rifle-

A character using 0 blaster rifle does 3 The figures In |he room are the mcreenary
TWrac h Boh If ve7 grateful tfiat. the herfi
haveccme to rsEctiehIm. He'* an older, dig- dl of damage in.ste*d of
eJght-Sided Saidle Frex and the leader of the smugglers

nified man who linot tfed lo dealing with whatever damage he has listed for h|f he's hi red. As long as the characters don't

shi ugg^erf ca being imprl'Soncd. As the GM, own weapon. make much noise and stay off the mttal

you play the role of Ta-srSCh Bohforthe If the heroes have already defeated Saidle caitwalk. Saidle and hIS uhderl Ing are too
Fre!f,thlf area is the end of the adventure. Involved with the computer to notice them.
short llmehc'j InvoUved with the playBrs. If

%u decide what actlom he takes and what they haven't, they'll need to backtrack lo If the heroes haven't taken the Master rifles

he f^. Althorugh Tasrachi pretty f hakon the power gepserartor (Area and proceed from the storage room (Area 5} and the
medpacs from the barracks (Area they
up, he do his best to anfwer any of the tothebarrjstf (Area 6). 6],.

hrrocs'fiueftlons- might be better off golrig back for them

Here are scmikb questions Characters
Ares S: Thu Barracks before taking on Saildtc. However, the deci-

might ask: The door op?n$ into a sm n It, era mpeci sion fs up to the players. Let them dcclcfe

room. A single light hai benj n boiled lo what their characters want to do.

1 + Wht3 are ymi^ "My name I4 Tajtat h the Cciting, providl ng dull illumination.

ftoh. rma profefsor of archeology at Pour brokeo jlatuesslt In the comerf of Sneak Awav
the Nnboci'ljayal Hou so df Learning." the room with ibwti drjped over them. If the heroes haven't aittratcted the merce-

* What are you doing here^ "I spend a There are five cols crammed nto the I
nary's attention, theycoh sneak away wilh-

great deal of time looking at the room, with food, dotheSv and IriiSh scat- ut dllFiculty
ancient ruins of fJaboo.l thought I tered on. around, shd under them. There

saw some people moving e^^ulpme^( Is a thick smell of si ;i^Ib foCHl and sweat. A Cbossthe CKtVtCI

into this shrine and came to ask what il hgle door at the far end of the room The heroes can either rush acrossthr nar-

me leads out. row catwalk or jump over the CrfVlce. If 3

they were doing. They captured
and shot my speeder." pJayer's character wants to jump across,

The heroes can search the room, or they that player rolls 1wenly-sided die and adds
" Who are these people? ^1 have no Idea 1

what I heir names are. but overheard I can proceed directly to Area 71 Saldle's hit or her character's Jump bonui. If Ihe

therr leader say they were planning to Chamber. total IsiJ or higher, the character Jumps

capture veermoks and sell theirroff across safely andean attack.lf the total Is

wolJd. I'm quite sure that's lllcgatr Seabehiwc rHi Roo less than u. the characlef falls miothe
f Who is fhclr leadedr"IOhly saw him H talroS several minutes for the heroes to crevice. The character takes isix-sidcd dieol

man armor search the room thoroughly. The only useful wounds and must spend an action climbing
briefly, but he Is a large in

with a blaster pistol.'" items the charatters discover are fou r med- out before doing anything else In the flght-

Wh at do you want to do nowf "I must pacs. Each medpac can restore i wound to

gel back to the House of teaming By one character. If a character uses a medpac. ArfaeKiNO leoMTHE Ledce

now my colleagocsmust be terribly have his or her player erase oite wound bo Characters with a blaster or bowcastermay

worried about me. You four must lln from the character sheet. After a medpac fire acrerss the ertviee without crossing It. If

ish rousting OUT Ihh band of criminals has been used once. It's usdess. Rann li using his Ightsaber. he must cross

before they hurt somiwne elspr When the heroes mo^ through the door, to attack.lf Ihe characters attack without

go to Area T: SJidle's Chamber. crossing the crevice, 'Saidle and the smug-

At the end of the ccwwe rsatlon. Tasroch gler eome across the catwalk ai*d fight back

Soh leaves to take his speeder back lo

BS vosuui I NUuaER a
SOMEOHE IhTQTHI CltVICi twenty-sided die and add 2. Check {he Check Sjudli f xix
if the fighft takes place on Ehe calwal k or Defense of the character he's trying to The mercenary has some scarred baittle

the ledigp. a character may attcmprt to tilt. If the total Is equal to or higher than armor, a blaster pistol, and Jjpdatarles
Into the CirCvk^.Ptiihing a foe H3 the character's Defense, Ihe smuggler (Republic credits). He a Iso has the controller
tiMO"Sttpprocefi. Fkrii.a playciT rolls t hit. lidli 2 ten 'Sided dice, and have the to the training remote -dmld In Area s;The
twenty-sided die and adds his or her charac- player mark that many wounds on his or Storage Room. If the characters have not ye
ter's Attack boniKu tf the attack hits, the her character sheet; that character ts destroyed the remote, they can use IhFs con-
character does 1 1dur-slded die of dama^. (hf now Injured. When ail of a character's troller to turn It off.

Rahn attempts this, he may roll hri normal wound boxes have been marked, he or Congratulate your players. The heroes
lights aber of i eight-sided dice}. she Is dead (and can no longer act). havedefealed Ihe vrmok smugglers and
If the attack succeeds, the player rolls i Then pick a target far $a Idle. S^ldle rescued Tasrah Bohl
Iwenty-sided d le agalrr. this time adding attacks a difieFenE character than the
the characters Push bonus. If the total Is 15 smuggler. Roll 1 twenty-sided die and Now Whot?
or higher, the character pushes his nr her add 4. If Saldle's result is equal to or This fast-play game Is a qukk introduction
foe into the Crirvke, R0II1 slj)-Sidecf dloand> higher than the characters Defense. Sal- toSTAk WakS role playing. Calaxies of
mark off that nrany wounds. Before Ihe foe die hit. Roll j Six-Sided dice, and have the adventure await you and yout friends, in

can attack .sgain. he mirsl take ee action to player nij'fk that many wounds off his the Sjaj VV*tfinv<(ni9a c^TiHeeff
crawl out of the crevice. character's sheel. Cpme, your characters have more option^
Using MedpjcsiThe heroes may have more equipment, and more Force powers,
HjsMmiHOTHt Fight brought medpacs from Area 6. A med- as well as more adversaries and advin-
Proceed through the combat by taking paccan restore wound 1 to one charac- t urcs. After that, you may want to check
turns. ter. If a player usesa mcdpac;have him out Ihe 5 t I^APS fiatepfaying CarT\e,v/hk.h

Attacks: When a player's character attacks a or her erase one of the character's lets you create your own characters and
foe, the player rolls 1 twenly-sidecf dke wound boxes. After a medpac has been advervtures.The only limit to the game is

a nd adds the character's Attack bonus, if useef once, it's useless. your imagination.
a character attacks SaJdle, the player Descrl pllon: As you play through the bat- Look for these produdjsat a book or
needs ta a total of 15 or higher to hit. tle, describe the action as you have Fn hobby store near you. or checkout Wizards
When . attacking the smuggler, only a la the previous lights. This Is the climactic of the Coast's -online store at

is rt^uired. final scene of the advehture.and Saidic g

Damage; Determine how much damage a h the most dangerous opponent the
character does by rolling the dice listed herqies ha ve faced yet, Dramatical ly
on the character's sheet. Mark off the describe the screech of blaster fire, the
foe's wounds When you've
below. huge swings of the smuggler's vibco-

marked all of a foc'i wound boxes, he Is ax.and Saldle's loud Curses as he docs
dead {and can't Uke ar^ mont actions). battle with the heroes.

After (he fight, the characters may choose

from any of the ael Ions below:


The computer Saidle Frex was looking at
contains information on his contacts in
Theed, as well as his employers in Huti
Force powers: Ifann can use Force powers. Space. Although there Isn't much (he
When this happens, follow the instruc- heroes can do with thlsinforimalion, It

tions on Rann'S character sheet. Ran n might be useful to Master All-Vor.

can use a Force power Instead of

attacking. Chick thi Smucour
Hie Opponents' turn; When all (he heroes ihesmuggier'i face ft badly scarred under
have acled.^aldle andthe smuggler get hJi facemask. He has a large vlbro-ax In

a turn. First, pick a target for the smug'- good working condlUcm and 30 dalarles,
glcr, hte'll attack a character on the cat- [These aie Republic credits^ used as money
walk if possible. Because he's using a In the realm of space control led by the
yibrOait.he can't attack someone on the Republic). A hero may decide to lake the

opposite side of the crevice. Roll 1 vibro'axj It docs 2 ten-sIded 'dioc of damage.


Ran l-Kanu
KujM^'MJIPI'Gujiidian /
DawMI: . 2 elghl-l^ded dice
fijnn l-Kanu the Padawan learner of )
Master AMArof.t-le la seeker of Justice Df (hfCet jrih > rhirtftiirfil(iiJ^fMSer*nt,cLirrj

Thirit hcwntirfri iftiTMAfe l-iir

and defender cf the irtnent,|n combat.
Kannutesa llghrtsaber.the weapon of a

JedL He ii also slrong in the Force and has

Fofce powers he can use. [HFEMSC:

DurFog an adnftJie, Band pn)f ects his A for wtm D< 6fct kUiWi fli w( ceff (i 5 WjTiff rb Wf.

leammates and helps defeat enemies-

lUa^t qfftiiar btuon fdrun JBiei 4(>itsa^ .Bflftfl

dUn Dlt rhp iK3.>e3 irTflUttl ir*

ftann ma^ attempt an/Of the fellowHIng Attack: +J bOdUt

acliom.When he does^roll 1 twcnty-^Slded Disebic (}evke: -io penalty

die a nd add the Indkatcd bonus [nr sub- Jump: tjbohul StratHQV
trad the listed penalty). The -GM will tell Push: +2 bonus

you whether yOUr total was high enough Repair; -10 penalty
Rann h swift and slfUkd. able to deal a fak

amount of damage with hIsllghtsaher.He

Id succeed. $urvliMl:+3 bonus
can also use Force powers In combat.
Computer Use: *2 bonus

Far-co Powers
Rann can use these Force powers instead of attacking: fronrittsinn^ character sheet when heuses this power.

pcwen ftann can use this power twice dur-

C^ BATTiiaMNP! Thh ^rce power enhances Rand^combal Using force Is tiring,

abilities. For the rest oF the fight Rann gain* a +i attack bonus. (That ing the game, f^ark off the Force power eh time he uses It.

tsv hh attack bonus H +4 Fnj(ead of 43J Sit FSItei: Thu Force power allows Rann to know how
Using Force powers Is tiring. Bamican use this power twice dur- many Iwing creatures arc in a rOOtwi.eoen before he enters rL

ing the game. Mark off the Force power each time hevfes It, Using force powers is tiring, ftann can use this power twke dur-

Heai iiih This Force power heahone of Rann's wounds. ing Ihe game. Mart off thr Force power each lime he uses It.

Roll 1 Four-fidcddle and erase that many checked wounct boxes

Arartt Korden
AranI Is the daughter ol a Haboo noble. CaMAOE:
She's confident and adverrturous, always f [Iw eSM KitiyOu iftut iiiT, rattjjm/f

looking for excitement She has 2 talent

uStrf dice. TFwr^ fwrtufJi fJw bAntwiliinL

for getting Into trouble.^., and getting

out erf it.
During an adventure. Arancotten deals AfM orfiiOl;! Amni mini r hrjierr te iM.

with "tricky thing*" (Ike security systems,

computeri.and tlaps. WCFUMDS:

nrr I^ehnr i JitfitH (fliff dmmijr. flrani

din ^ofl rhr eoie] ittJWed I'lT.

Aranf rn^attemplariy of tbefolkiwJng Attack; bonus Stfalegy: AranI can handle herself lb a fight,

action* When she does^ roll 1 twenty ^Slded Disable t>evlce: -K7 bonus but shes not the bwt fighter In Ihe group.

die and add the Indicated bonus (or sub- himpi to buriVS She's very fast and ha rd to hit, but doesnt

Iract the Itsted penalty). The GM will tell Rush: -so bonus deal (famage as WtH as she avoids it. Her

you whether yOur total was high enough, Repair: -to penalty eHperllse wtth computers and security

to succeed. Survival: +1 bonus devices makes her the best choice for tnar^

Compulet Use; +5 bonus Other challenges the hcrOcs will face.

WiMIllll MOUt
fiortAWr a.vyMiJMhflOin lhe planet
Ka^hy^yl^Hi^ Is braiwe, loya^'^nd curious. A hMfAjilfr miiit 6f JirAMdffT qftrr ny w
Porwor^jb^riftA bowcjjlw^iioltiuely fail tnry (ithrr CM
Mtiylm (rwt HOfyntiffi COiWAKf r lUls. ftHs
Wao1(|^ weapan that no one cm the
ditr. Fiuilt (xm-fmitk the bcwtinltfr diiM.
traillTs itnong CTiDugh t[> us? AWraugh

he's Ihe most aciuirdte coq^aeant.

ItorwDrtjdoes tremsncfous damage. DlFliiSI

winafiKJh JiDovorr rnuli loM iT Ij or Mjihcr'

art ^ thfie eftrff 0( ftirworr


Actions: Rorworr may attempt any of the AttacR: *i bonus. A bowustci must be
actions listed betow. When he does, roll i relciaded after every shat, so Rorwor r
tweoty-skiBd die and add Ihe Indicated can on^ attad( evety other turn.

bonus (or subtract the listed penalty). The Disable Devices -10' penalty
CM will teN you whether youf total was Jvmp: *i bonus
high enough to succeed. Push: +3 bonus Rnrworr Is good at fixing things and Iden-

Repain 4; bonus tifying dangers In the wilderness, He's also

5virT|ilv*h *4 bonus a fair fighter^ and can bacR up others In

Computer Use: +1 bonus combat.

Human ^Loise
six-sided dice
Gaf ak is a native of Naboo ^nd a volun- 3,

teer in th* tuyal 'JcCurily Swvkc. He li [fthdUrrlltywEh7rCdMl

very loydMo Ihe people of Hsboo, protect- Udftd'dUfif. Ttat ^ AmrETiurii darniige liv bCntertlbn.

ing them from criminals and enemies. He

wedt a combat jumpsuit, and Ms normal
wtapf Is a blaster ggiaiAaAfffined
soldier^ Iscapablj^ usIngRTLIch larger whif 9tt4Kh< deroa' muU vfi or higher Er;p iilC.

weapOnMhhcn cafll^ to do%.

During Wiyd1|fltltr&Gotak Is wry
good with ranged Weapans, pratddirvg WOUNDS
fire Support for Ihe (Ustolhlsteam.
M0 i*{gjrrrwu iKUSH, dialfit hrAvs datmgv. Ca)at
{liff ^(iii jiif iJtuio flff /InWiHL

Actions: Galak. may attempt any of the Attack: -44 bonus
foltowing actions. When he dorrv roll 1 Disable Device; -10 penalty
twenty^slded die arid add the Irsdlc^ed Jump: 4} bonus
bonus (or subtract the listed penalty), f he Push: -1-2 bonus Strategy
CM will tell yuu whether yiaur total was Repairs -10 penalty Galak is the best Fighter In the group, with
high enough to succeed. ^ndval; +1 bonus Ihe most accurate attacks. He has armor
Computer Use: -i-i tmnus on.ntaVing him reasonably diffltuK to
Repair; -4} bor>us hurt. He usually leads the team Into com-
^rvtval: +A bonus bat. Secause he'^ a sotdierK he"t e.n petted to
Computer Use: +1 bonus take on the toughest opponents.

tJ0OilicnviAti k run hfHkiwnvd LU bf^w Afttertutoi ruftn'MiMiifiwlPil liiL*HiimpytR pi yiMi 1iii^



ieta 'Jwn Drarifing S, oo the outtiirlf planning their straitegy for Inflltr^log the
"I'm afraid youR I'ft ffisty

now hijacking the shuttle. They must

of Moi iiiley^ i*iorif Aouje , fluf ea-mp a rsd

freighter's in PRETiy that yati're petting down at the impedgi a<i,iuld imperial scout patrols and training

on kAoofio,you're tK^inning drones and put t heir plan In motion. The

BAD condition/' THE jCDut
hove teCOnd Ifteujhjj. outpost isarivaliy an advanced scout train-
suckTwi'lek Jela'han ing cam p that cycles Ihrougli a new scout
INFORMS YOU, TIm Umbclj Hs.f Js 3 ihort sdwenlvire ter unit every week. Once the sAgltle arrives It
the irjis IVjjh ^otepioying Come written f^r discharges new scout troopers forlhelr

Hr a^/ti datapad, tooki ovet tht j iMnd 4^ teuf 6lh-level heroes. As (ml, week of refresher training, making the

tfv frnptriah Inflicttd on your ihip in ihot their vnscB rn^Mltei repairs, they wants heroes' job of hijacking the vessel much
iast tncounirr, PAd 1id*H dv*r JA* of stew dF modiricslionj 14 their chip's sys- more oomplrtaled-
modif\cottontyouiitlkt, ~Jhr ftpptrt, temL jnd they don't have the crnflllt to psy When they fly the shuttle to She-llar^
ufigtadti, and It\e faiie dolowofk to tdf(f it ter It ?ill-@ut they can shIpjHk a iomhite' Junkyard, they're rewarded with aeredH

0it f/t to C'Oil you hondiorneiy, my class shuttle ffoms scout outpcist and voucher to cover Jela'han'i work on their

friondf, And know you 'ft cfieo iho/t on

t deliver rt to a shady junlyard dealer, the ship But the heroes and ^hellar aren't the

hoMi cxfrftf 5. UnfoTtunpftty, sa am J V? heroes win have more |h>netwug.h credits on^ ones liTtevesled in that imperial shut-

akeady d\uised obloinin^ tUt pdftf with to pay the TwHek mcchank tonijbethe Itewhile they're handing over the vessel, a

Stitkaf iM can fuppty moj( of thcmftxtm fOp^itri and modifications to ll>e>r shlp- hand of ftebel troopers Springs an ambush

hiijutHtyofd eoii of Mot hiey. fltrf he ntodf In an attempt to shipjack the JhutMe them-
faJle iiiOf Ae 'i to m pre- PIdI Gwerwiew selvesl The heroes might sikk around and

an entttpreneur^ and TtiE heroes find Ihemselves In dtre financkal help'5hell3;r,or they can leave the scene
arJumpfim, He'jp afeo

woutd ofxepi 9 tipdr^dff of leflrtees Jn straits. Their ship requires (epJifkand Itiey with their reward.

return fofpartf. want some modifications as well. Their Once hack Irt MoS EUtey. Ihey meet

knttwi where you tan wlq^(WFe (ta Twi'tet contact Jeta'han requires a good lela'han at a local watcriirg hple. hind owr

lombda-dasi ihuWe. ifyou de^vtf deal of credits to make thckr vessel spacer the voucher, and head for their shlp^'docked

it (D hnm irt oot p!t, he^i wtiSfn^ to prmidr worthy agalit.The heroes find themsefves In a nearby landing bay. They probably

me theporh j'n gdvdrKt. piut a cred/l bonui stealing an Imperial shuttle for one of won't esipeCt a surprise visit from the scout

fater iooayef the coit 0/ tot/or/Or tt>e fepotn, Jela'hian's suppliersj a starlhip junLyard colonel from whum they stole theUmisfer

liwdj/rcotions. and yourforged dalo perrrjfti king called Shellar, shuttle, who^ waiting in the docking bay
for evejyfhrnff.'~ JCtloe begins In medlas res as the with some of his best SCOuts to teach the
Thff efJ ioanded sa eoiy dfscuwtng itnttfr heroes extirTilise the scout post on Moorja, heroes a lesscHi.

eo VOIUSN r Nuuaiw a
Part I: Scflut Qnifi drcumslanoe bonus to Iheir Hide checks.
HotiMir* n ImpiPlal SHutll*

the compound, packing up foot lockers

M]fj3JiJujlJfM?thi$r bickw3fttr pijnet In As the heroes survey the base, they notice and Stacking them at the landing lone. No
llteinntr Rlni,aivorMwMh atmull 4gtkuE- one prebKrti there ; a re pleAty of loeut otic In the outpost Is expecting the ship-
lur^l^nd mining cokmy: Vkiirjft H>n troopers around, but no fomtiddshuttrc. jacking attempt.
oRcn dKturbrts upper JlnHphtrt. The Empire uses this outpost for Iraining tJnfartunately, the route into the camp Is
Although Ihe^e piwlde rain to nurture lur- exercises, rcrtatlng squads from sectof fleets guarded. The training camp uses modified
dOp;, thy h^zardoUf M fbr^.lt|p through here weekly, And this week"! batch probe droids to keep the scout troopers
and airspceder navi^tinn. of tralitr;es is aboul to arrive in Ihe shuttle sharp they serve as training opponents
Why the Empire esIaUlshed asfout out- hat Ihe heroes plan to. capture. and delectlon devices during training exer-
pcHl dn one of Moorja'j rtmotf r<gioni Show the pHayets the output ma(^ o nd dses.if Ibty raise an ararm.or cause anyone
remains a rny^tcry.A succniful Kmnvlrdgr let them cfcvisc a plan. A Spot check ^EX! io)
(Empire] ikilF dwch ]DC jn] reveals, thal the reveals an Imperial Star Destroyer In orbit,

bas waj ef.t3hllihed as a politKal favor to and a liny, shiny speck slovdy descending Are YdU the
an ImperiaP navy officer who hails fmom the toward their locatlomthc tombdo shuttle. Game master'?
planet, hut nothing else can be learned. The scout troopers occupy the center of Slop reading Ihli adventure now if you
^st peopte in the main starport have no kniend to play it as one of the heroes.
Idea ihre is afloat fxiNty her,aliiKiugfi a If They Don't Sneak Reading even parts of Tfie Lam'bda
smalf Imperial garrison maintains order In The first part of this adventure pits I he Heist' will giveaway surprises that help
urbarr areas. It requires a Gather Information heroes aga Init a large group erf 'Scout make the scenario exciting loplay-
chl( (K jo]jiTit loflnd jomeonewho troopers. If the heroes aren't sneaky, If you are ruitning this adventure as
knows that the base is there. they tan end upsvay over their headf. if the Gairremasler, read the scenario at
The scout outpost not much of a base. your group doesn't Include al least two least oisce before playing The Mol
Is it.

I| Is 9 <^r3itd bvnktr, rnod- scouts, scoundreK or other snei ky char- Overview summarizes the opening situ-

ular barracks, a shed for storing and re-pa ir- aclen, consider eliminating |he probe ation and the events through which the
Ing rcpulsoriin vehicles, and a landing zone dmld encounter and reducing the num- heroes will stumble. Review |he game
marked out on a clear, flat area nea rby. It'f ber of Seoul troupers. In a direct ccmi- rules foramy slots and special abilities

placed th ^ge of Chrml>l|rig badlands frantallcn.slji troopers guarding the the adversaries might possess. As you
cut with stp canyons. The plain .before It is base and Six mor.e arriving m the shuttle run through the adventure In your
covered with stek^ bushes^ pnrvldmg. any- would be a significant challenge forAth- head, think of any rules you might not
one approaching the eampstfafthily a -s; level heroes. folly understand, review them now, and
you'll be much more prepared to run
liLA'MaH, Male fwi'lek Scoundrel 6:lnlt-ri
the scenario.
(Dch]; Defense iS (+7 dass. Dea); Spd
vou can easily work "The Lambda
tUCni VP/WP a^-II; Atk *4 n*ci [tdq, Heist' into your smuggler campa Igns
vibrod jggerll. ranged (jd^. hold-out
any lime the heroes' vessel needs major
Uaster];St^ lllldt barter, better lurly Chan
repairs and modifications. Feel free to
good, meak attack; SV Fort +!, M +Jm Will
substitute Jcla'han,SbeilafKand Colonel
S Mi FP Or Rep ^ Str 11, li. Con 13, Int Dyrra for appropriate mechan Ics, pa its
10, WIs i5,Cha 17.
dealers and lniper|.al adversaries Inycvur
iqutfiintJit'. Cdmllnk.(laUpadr bold -Out
Own game. Wpu can atso alter the loca-
blaster, robe and turtk, tool idt,
tions to suite your own cam pal gn's rcg.
ular settings.
ikfUi: Appraise r^. Bluff 44. Compirter Use
Vou can even use Ihls adventure in a
3t Disable Peidce *9, fofge^ +7 C#the4 ,
Rebel campa ignjust swap out the
Information Hide 4^1, Knowledge
Rebel tmopers who ambush the heroes
[Business] t]t lislen 4^. Mive Silently
at the Junk yard and insert tivaf
*d, Pilot 45, Profession DEngbseei) *5,
glers or agentsof a crime lord who wan|
profession (Medsaulc) +4 Repair +11, ,
the shuttle.
Search 44, Sense Motive +6, -Slefght of
tSon^t worry how the heroes get to
HiAd45,lpcst +7.
MoOrja; If they ask, SheHar provided
Fiwts' Oearhead. Fy;nuasive,Skill Emphash
transport on an aging freighter, but
(RepalrX Stealthy, Weapon Group Piofl-
once the heroes were in position, the
clency (blaster ptstoK simple weapons}.
pilot headed back toTaiooine.


have turrred the area inrto a combat lone.
The heiaes have three options, alt j(k the
scout troopers, sneak onto the shut|le,er
make a dash for the shuttle.

If the heroes aHaclt. the fCPtit troopers

and Colonel f^rra take cover and ftre back.

If they attempt lo sneak onto the shuttle,

the must make Htdeche<ks opposed by
the scant trooper's Spot ikilts-lf the heroes
make a dash to the shuttle, they'll be seen
aulomatlcally, but they can begin the
ensuing combat on the landing pad beside
the shuttle, allowing them an easy escape
Into Fts hold.

Once Inside |he shuttle, the heroes must

clear the cockpit. Unfortunate^, the cockpit
entry hatch if wide enough for only one
person Inside fit twcrlmpenat pifots.oie
who tiHns to see who's at the hatch (|he
pilot], arrd another huiKtwd over |he con-
trols (the 00- plfot).rf the CHI-pilot survives

Are j Mvapofi^ th? sond pvti Ehc nthre ramp lowers and eight scoirt IroOpdrs march the first round of comhat wrth tli>e hcroci^

on combat alert. Sntakinj up on down with an Imperial officer; Cokonet he gels a chance to mlliallze the shpttk's
the bonus Dyria, commander of thks small base. setf-destrwtt pfogyamming.
Ifteililion Is dttikyll, ever wHtli

diOifli ich cowr The tialnee* teaving the tase donft waste If IhecP'pifot actrvartesthc selhde^truct
Ifli Hide chetfci. The four
any time gathering their gear imd headitrg mhsrtlfffl,lhethafacters havefi* rounds
ooe side of llie ump's perimeter.

SneaVIng one of lhe efrolds requires a for the shuttle unless, of cOur, the heroes toi d'sexigage it. requiring a successful

Hiilie check oppcnnl by the dr&ld's Spo! sVIH

iMPCr^EAt. rancTEB
and a Move Slknlly Oii<k opposed by the
drold'i Listen jN.iH, The droids most each tMPieiAl SCOUT TkooFERtKi, Male IMPERIAL SHUnu Piioii.(a),Male

monitor Sp itutef edg.e of the camp, so

a n Hurnan ^cowt jilnll-t-a (DntJi Defonse ib Human Soldier 3.: Inlt +1 [Oexlc Dcfertie 14

the heroes caosci ssforas 40 rocters {+4 armor, +a Des); Spd bm; VP/WP ififlo; [+1 dass, +1 De'a); 5 pdl w m; VP/WP JJf nr
Aik *3 melee unarmed), ranged Atk 4 meke (bd3ti,unarmed|i. ranged
owayfrom adrpld when they attempt to Ijidj,

Eerneoiber to apply the usual [idB. blaster rlfh); SQ Trallblating, +4 (fdb. blaster pIstoliiSVFort * 3 Bef +1 ,

sneat by.
Uncanny tXsdge; SV Fort * 1 , Btf +4. Will Will +J: SZ M; FP o; ep 1. 'Sir si. Pen tj.
penalties fbt distance lo the drokf^ Spot
&Z M. FP Ci; Hep 1. Str lOt Dev 14. Con Con IS. Int M.WIs iJ.Cha. iii Challenge
and tlsteri chnts. if the characters srreak 3;

between Iwo droids, both droids get a lO^, Int H WIs It tha lo. Challenge Code ft Code ft
ftjuiprtwntrHDld-out blaster, blaster pls- Blaster plstof. Imperial (light
chance to s and hear them.
toL hlailer scout amwir, survival uniform.
If the Irairting droids raise the ahim^the rrfle,

Sf SfrilSi; Astrogate -1-7, Cornpatef Use +j,

player^ ire Jo a lot of Iroubte. The troopers
SJWfff; Climb *ir Computer tlse +1 Hide DemolllJons +7 Pilot tS.Eepair *7.
ImmcdlOtHy approach the area, tittd OOwer, .

* 3 .lump+ 3;Ll 5 ten +4.Mort fnUi-- Armor Proficiency [light, medium,

and be^n iiltacElng the heroes. It toM the Srlently

*5, Pilot Repair +}, ^rch -f4, 5 pot heawy],<3 ulck Draw, Weapon Croup
troopers Koor rounds to arrive orKe a droid -Tj,

Survival 44 Proficiency {Waster plitoK blaster

raises the alarm or starts shcnrtlng. The other
fp[5r Track. Weapon Crmip Proficiency rifles, repeating blasters, simple
dulds remain at their posts Jn ease this

alta;!: is a feint by a lar^r force. ^bJas^er ptstOlS.blJfterrtfles, simple weapons, vtbroweappns).

^hoidd I he heroes mana^tO sneak past weapcms>.

Ihc diosdsv they'H be safe unless they move

TtAiNi NO Eroe DaotP {4): Hovering mllrtary trsbiing droid. Scout a; fort Defons# 14 {+4
into a position wrth line of JlBht with the

troopers, time one of the heroes has classic Spd lorrt; VTVWP iftfm Atk ti ranged {jdft.Stan canmn]; SQ^TnlWailng; SW fort +a .

line of sight with a trooper, he or she must Ref ta, Wilk4;SJ Mr, Eep Oj Mr id. Um lo, Con 14, Iht ick WIs 14, Cha , Challenge Code ft

make a Hide check opposed bjf the f quiysme nt: locked accef*. improved srmsor package. Infrared vision, low- light vlslorv

trooper's Spot shill. telescopic vfston, comlink, wording unit, stun canmoti.
The shuttle arrives shortly after the SkMfc: Hidc45,tlSlen rs.Mcve S.llently+S, Search + 5,Spot-Ps.

heroes make it on lo |he base. The boarding ftwfi:SkillErttfhaih(Spci*)-,TVack.


PpmoKtiiJfnt thpjk {PC I j]i. 11 h* lidf- Icick isn the shuttle. Make a
dnlnict rci4 dljJimtd, ti^ Ibe Computer Use check for

Eupbdlng VehKM rtjki front Chjptsr lotA both pilots (DC 11 based on a
th^ <ietuiltb(m- small craft} with the appro-
Dnctr Iht turon ^s-ln conlrol of Ihe- shut- priate range modrller (page

tle. the^ 3 n il{;nore the gioutHl troops jnd [74 of the core booh] and a
bbst off. If jn^ of the scout troopers ore -8 circumstance persalty du-^

olive, they Immedijtely ohrt Usestordes- to the Icm-storm^ Interfer-

trciyer lit oi1>lt. The destroyer ki turn olerts ence. During any round in
tmrTlE fighters on patrol neorby. By the which a Tl E fighter's sensors

time the heroes take orfftn Ihe shuttle ami areinopera-bJejt automati-
he^in arceleraftlng, the f IE fighters begin cslly losHcs contact with lhc
attackrrig.Thrfighlcrs begin lhc cnraunler shuttle.

flying at atlods speed at long vangc. They The 5lar Deslrpyer hi r^it

quickly chne and begin attacking within range lo enga^ I he

The swiftest escape from the fighters is shuttle-

to fiy diieclly through the storm CharK- AHer escaping Moorpi.

ters can realise this by making a Knowl- the heroes must head to
edge. Physical Sciences check (K 15} to Tiitooine to deliver the shultle. Since SVlIar As the shutlle circles oveihead. the
figure out the Ion storm's ePfetl on Ship is willing to supp^ the heroes with j known Camorreans peer up anct direct Ihe heroes
sensors. Hying through thtilorm brings navigational route, the AstrogMiori check to to land near the fluttering flag. Ihellai

|hc shuttle Into a roiling mass of clouds fre tri-wd between the systems is PC i& holds court Ihere In the shade cast by a
quently split by twight-bluc Ion lightning. half-huried fielghter. He's a short fellawkn

Visibility is considerably reduced, and the Pent 2r ShiHlIar'a Junkyard greasy mechanic's coveralK loirnglng on an
ion energy distorts semor leadings It lakes Once they reach Tatcsoiite', th< herpes Can Impromptu throne constructed from an
the shuffle five rounds lo pnch Ihrgugh plot a Cdiurie fryr Mps Eisley. shellac's Junk- engine nacelle. As the shuttle sets down
the storm and rmother Ihrce tO e 4t0 |wt yard is fiv miles outside the city. Wlien the iteaiby. a small crowd of chattering fawas
Mogrja's gravity vvrll and line up a hyperi- heroes anrive. theymate of half^
frtsd a and grunting Camorreans gathers.
Spdcejump. Foteach rouitdwllhln the burled starships. monntaUK of spare parts, fiebel soldiers are hiding among the
itun^. there's a Mn>B chance Ian flghlnlng attd funked repulsorllft vehicles. A tatlored (fefarrs piled along the junkyard^ perimeter^
hits a ship (Including the pirrsuingTIE flght- fbg Hultecs at the far end where several 20m away from the center of the jun^rd.
ers). kmizlng one ship's system for td 6 gangs of Jawasand Camofreans are work- Once they've landed.allow Ihcbercjrsa
roirnds.Rcill rdB lessee whtch ship system ing amid the wreckage. Spot check lopposed Isy the Rebels'' Hide
skilf} with * -5 penalty lior distance,
VEHICLE DATA Xircetings,fricndv.''Shellaf says at they
1 Ion drives descend the shuttles boarding mmp. "I see
2 Weapons systems you've been successful In acquiring the
Slenar Fleet SystemrslomfcNdir-class

i ShieWs

Imperial Shuttle^ Oats: Transport j Sin:

shuttle. IclaTian will aho be pieaKd I hear
he's been working hard upgrading your (rwn
4 Maneuverability thrusters
Small [20 m lortg}:Crcwr 2 {Skilled *4)1
Flosjf ngcijr 20; Corgo Cbpociiy; BP metric
5 'Censors
tons; Ccmstfmpijffjra months; Hy^r- TIE FlOHTiA
El Nav computer cfrive. Ki (backup xio); Maximum Speed;
Cmfl: SIcnar Fleet SystemsTlE/lni-CfiaM:;
Bamming; CJ^trtsr.- 16 (*1 Site. +5 armor}; 5 tarflghtcr;Sirc; DirtiliUrtlw (6-3 m long}.
ronllghfning knocks oul:
Sibi'dy fpintJ; 5OJ MuU Ppi'inf (; 1 JCh fW; 5- Crew.- (Skilled *4): J^ssenjieio:: Mone.
(For nE llghtecs hit by Ion lightning. Ignore
l(WiJ.pcm: DOuWe WKler cannons i3j; Frte Cd.igv Copocj'lirr BS kg: 1
Ihe^hiclds" or Wav compulcr" results and
Arc; S frOriL 1 back; Attack POtlUi: vg days; hyprnfnrve. None; MArrirttum Sfmtd:
roll again}
+4 Crtw.+li lirecontrol}i(ljm.
(*1 size.
PammingifVf^M'^ lliiO-+id
Fee each round the Ion drives are down,
age; adipx?: Range Modinecs^ pb *c!c s aimor}; Shirfd Ppinti.' Mont; HnU AoinCb
Ihe shuttle adds ot*e more tiound to I he
rCvM - j, L-4-
trme takes to char the storm or reach
Double ur Cannons {J
IMtnpcm.' fitC'
IMWprirr. User cannons (3 lire-llnlled)|
hyperspace. If the nav Pii|Mrtcc s jonised, it
linked}; Hre Arc: From Attack ;
Fire ApCiFforst: Attack Bonus: -i-tz (-1-4
takes an extra three rounds to mate hyper.
t g ^4 Crew 48 fire control);
Slle, *4 crew, r-4 lire eonifd}; Damage:
Space once the shuttle leaves the storm.
Damage: 3diqxz: Range Modifiers; PB ;dipr 1; Ba'Oge Modifiers: PB -hi, 1 -1,
While In the Ipn slormjhe TIE fighter
w>, S rev M -a, L 4 -
MiTL nfa.
pilots must roll eiteh round In beep a Stnsor

fiTAtr wAe dAWert B3

so unless the heroes intervene,
ilfnMBDFI af=kirtg Bay IIB bars and heavy Cor^
Spanners. He

Shdtar will likely loose his rvew ship. The


claims the deal was all heroes can stkk around for this confronta-
set with Jels'han. but lion-, or can make a hasty exit in the beat-up
he's wlllnnE to give lairdspeeder. The Rebeb don't shoot at arty

them each iCHi- credits orre whe |*n't triDcklng Ihek way &r shooting
for [heir troubles, back. Should they Stay to defeat the Rebels,

Sheilar ew plains the the heroes receive a reward of an additional

heroes can take one of iQDcredrts from a grateful Sheila r.

his Older speeders

back into Mos Elslfy. Part 3: DoutllH-CrDBE
One of the Ja was After Icavlftg Ihejunkyard.theheroes head

drives up a beat-up to Mas Elsky. IT th(^ want tO mN Ihe beat-up

old iandspeeder. He speeder thal 'Sbellar let them use, they find

says Jela'han Is It's fsearly worthless; any reputable repufsor-

expecting to rrieet Irft dealer will offer them around 100 Credits.
them In a familiar The heroes find Jela'han waiting for them in

cantina (apparcistly a familiar booth Iheir favorcte cantina.

one they frequent while in town}. After inspscl Ing the datapad from SheNar. he
fittjhiflf.'The friend lyHutPSn vl^rotrely
Should anyone ask about the soldiers declares, the deal complete.
shjk cvrryont'l hjnd'. then beir ws He
ng: the shuttle, rnspcctlAg hh new prowling around the camp's perimeter, Heroes 'Who make a Spol check (DCao}

di Aiage ftswn itimn- Sheila r sends one of the Camorreans to notice thal Jela'han looks weary. If ques-
prliE (and iroling -a*^

f mntatid<n wth the TIE fighters during the Investigate, If none of the heroes seethe tiorred. he etplalns hat he and l hi* techivical

Rebel*, allow each of the (ia mor rea ns and Crew worked hard to have the repairs and
efC^pe from hrtoorja).

iawas a chance Ic ^pot the Rebels.. nO one modifications finished In time for Iheir
When hc'i istlifled, he hands tihtlejd If

itet the Rebels while the heroes are at the letum.The work was odemlve, and the
here a datapad ."This conlilns a document
on the Jimltyard.thcy wait until the hEroes have TwI'lek had to help the small team of
releasing Jela'han from the debt

prtsl tent him,"?hellar ta^J.^Hellalso left Id atlaciL mechanics he usually supervises.

find confirm#tld>n that suffidGnt credits if a hght erupts, $hEllar a nd his sIk Javv^ With Ihe psyment voucher delrvered jnd

have been transferred to hh amount to assiStar^ts dash for Ihr Shut) le as the debt* on Ihe starship forgiven, Ha'han

Camorreans attempt to fight the Rebel* seems relieved. He escorts the heroes to
cover his worh qo your ship, plus a I iltk

with melee weapons. The Sis &anrrorreanrs their ship, ftlll berthed In Docking Say u8 on
eklra. All In all Td say you folksjust earrwd
have a tough time against the Rebels' the edge of the CiVf warehouse district.
yoorselves a vrty goed deal." will

If the heroes hoW out for mere credits

Shella*, Male Human itoundrat 4 : InH * J
for I hem selm, Shellar calls over a f imw

(Dexli Defense +|B (+^6 clasSK+a D|! ?|kI

mciraCihgCamorreans brandishing pry-
idmVftnAff* as/ia; Aik melee (idq, kntfe|iH

RiBL FQRCeS 4^ ranged {^ 6 blaster plstoft; SQ Ulitft


barter, better lucky than gb**: SV fort -r ftef

RcBEL TEOoPEits (8), Mak Hluman SoMler 1 -. J,

Inrt +i (DejrJi Pef [+4l armor, +1 +4, Win K Hi FP d; ftep i: Sir , Den 15.

Con n, iirt 17. WIs 15, Cha. 15,

ipm; VP/WP T 3 /iJi Aik +3 nwlee
Equipment; Blaster pistol, comllnk, data-
{idj+i ,onSrmedk.+4 ranged {;dijblaSl<r
pad, greasy coveralls, knife.
pistol) SQ iDcHdgc; SV Fort 4 .
* 3 Will

SJHWir Aipprslse 44, Astrogatc tS, Bluff 4 ^

; 5ZM; FP 0; PSP 0; fiep o.Slr iJ,De.n
Computer Use *i, Demolitioni +a.
14. Con 11, Int 11, WIs 10^ Cha 10-
Diplomacy +5, Dljahte l>evicc -ra, EJiS'
fflurpme nf- Blast vest and hermet,
guise +4. Forgery 44, Cither Infcmna-
blaster pistol, comlinh.
Uon 4b, Hide *5. KiMwIedge {Business}
ikills: E>emoki(pns fj, Hide +3, Repair 4i,
Treat Injury Computer 4b. Ust'en ^^4,Move Silently 44, Hlol 45,
Spot 4},

Repair +1, SeircHi +5 Slejghl of Hand +1,

tise+a. ,

Spol 44

frfi Armor Proflciericy fllgfrt, medium}.


Weapon Croup Prof l(itcy {blaster

Afdit CHealfortitiMlc, Persuasive, Skiill

repeating Emphasis Mther Information}, Spacer,

pistols, blaster rifles,

blasters^ si mpro wea pons^ Weapon Croup Proficiency {Master pis-

tols, simpfe weapons).

vHrrti weapon*},

BM vOiuMt I NUMBEt^ a
A-s they appro-ich. Ihey see that Ihe taehlrtd one-hall CDver. gluing |hqm a divide IpDoO KP times the average level of
Twl'leh took caie Id keep thelf ship's laiwl- Defense bonus and a JtelTex save bonus. Ihe group (should be around bth) among
ing ramp closed to d^scoiiirage iniruders. Dyrra knows, however, that once the heroes Ihe heroes.
(kfi ahier enCcrtag Ihir ihay and nearing Ihe board Iheir freighter, he and his troopers TheheiDes also receive an-y additional
boarding hatchf someone shouts H'jit!" beticr scatter. Aitiyone In the ship's ventral credllstheymatiagEd to convince Shellar
ftOin behind Ihe numerous cargo crates gun can qukkty dear the docking bay of any to award Ihem for Iheir troutkiesin obtain-

and lusion genenitor supply tanks around opposIlMHi^and probably takeout most of ing the shuttle.
Ihe docking bray's edge. Sisr Imperial scout the bay ilself. if lhy decided to keep the shEiftle^ the

liOOp<*^ Skwiy rlw fiOm bcWnd Iheir Assuming both Ihe heroes and Colonel hecoes musE find away to either sell the
Wref, blaster rlrtcs drawn, An Imperial oPi- Dyrra escape alive, the heroes have earned vessel or find away to keep the Empire fmm
cer^tolood Dyrij^ stands among Ihem. Ihe Imperial officer's life-hMirg haired, a recognEzIng IheaaH and confrscaling It. g
Throw down your weapons and surren- vendrrtta he'll pursue despMe Ns demotion
der,'' he calls. "Vou're under anest iTor ship- and rwssignmcnit lo wrrie denscaning post
Jacking an Mvjserial shuttle.' li> a remote region of the gataxy
the heroes ate only meters frons their vrS-
l^ enlry ramp; but llirrse hiw meters am a Rewards
long way lo run with no cover. Assuming cveryoiH: actively participated In

Dyrra'san ejt-scoirt who doesn't like the operation to shipjack lire shuttle,

being humiliated by vagabonds like the deliver II to Shellar, and tend off the scout
hert3. He's carefully rteployed Ns scouts troopers while tbey-eMApecI to their shift

Who Betrsy^ Them?

There are I wo good choktes for who belrays the henes, Jela'hin jimI Ihellar. It's up to
Ihe Gamemasler to choose Ihe Ira liar.
Shellarr Strellar Is a bteod of thug, merchant, and would-be tyrant. If he's IN haitOr. N
either did K tosavehlsown skin orfor piofll.

Jela'hanriela'han lia more compleii tharacler. The mechanic sould be working for the
Empire as a regular loforma nt. have a personal debi against one of IN heroes or sim -

ply want to flrid a way to keep the heroes ship for Nmself.

Wh^t If?
Whal if Hwy decide to sell the shuttle somewhere eisef Ho problem. Vi could creale an
entire series oT adventures for the smugglers to find, negotiate wllh, and sell Ihe shsrt-
Ik lo an Irvtcfir strd party most likely the Rebel Alliance (which has meager financial
refOuwees) or a dnrious crime hivd. Juvt remember, Jela'han'siwt happy about all the CcHowti Dveiu. Male Human Scout 7j
credits he now owes Shellar, and he, oc the Empire, have probably captureef their I nit *3 ((Jenjs Clef 19 (-infi class, +J tJwls spd
bekrved freighter. Kwn^'VP/ WP 51/11; Ai fc
*5 meke Ni
What If idiey dnidr to keep the shultlef IHs not a great Idea, but It's iNir hides at stake, punchjLtS ranged (adb. blaster pis1ol)r
kfa'lian, ^hcNar, and the Empire are all fur bus with Ihe heroes^ and someotke^ taken SQ nailblailng, LTncanny Dodge. Skill
the heroes freighter, The Empire issues a bounty for the heroes tec mination and the Mastery (Gather lnformaUon|^ 5V Fori +^.
shutlk's retuiTh, Ref 47 Will 45; 5Z M; IP O: D5iP n Rep i. 5|f
WKit Jf they gjhi* IN rhuHk to the Rebel Alliance^ A very rrlce geslurr, but ll still means 1C; Dex lb. Con 11, mt la.Wisi^LCha ia.

Jela'han.^helfaii.and Ihefmpiie areaH rniidatthc heroes. A Iwurrty's no! arveasy ifutpment: Blaster pistol, comlirtk. Impe-
Ihing lollvewlih .. .espe<r:dlyif INir pt smuggling conlacisiry tomakc a fast rial QfTKxrls uniform.
credit by turning iNm m. jkiJffj Astrogate 44. Bluff 47. Climb 41.
What If they suspect a docking bay amlviistil Dyrra's scouts wi:re surpeised oevee, but not DemollliDns 44. Diplomacy 44. Dis-
a seomd time. If | he Nines try (limbing the docking bay walhorenlerrng Ihrough a guise 44. Gather Informalion 4&. Hide
sidedoew, an Impeiial scout in civilian clothes wandering nearby notices and sisodsa 47,Jnllmldate46, Listen +4, Move
warning an hisromlink. SllcFitly49, hlol 4B. Repair 4^ ^arch
Whit If they don't trust lela'han and take Nni hostage^ This doesn't mean they're get- 44r Speak Hodsan, Spot 4^, Survival 45.
ting Iherr ship back too easily. ColianrI Oytra aud his scoot troopers tske tare of that at Computer Use 44.
the docking bay. Besides, Dyira has no Idve for Jda'han, and would just as soon see ftats: Great Fortitude, Rersuasirve, Polnl
the Twl'lek dead. And If Ihechdracleri wall too lon^lhe Empire might not decide to Blank Shot. Precise Shot, Track.
ambush iNm, but cotildsimply -break into Ihe fNp. and Impound ll in somehigh- Weapon Croup RrobderHy (blaster
securlly Imperial Installation somewNrr. pistok blaster rtfles,. simple weapons].


The frozen world of Ando Prime plays host to AdvemurB Sv<dpbIb
Snow Job' Ic3 A the heroes on a soarch for

THE Ando Overland, one of the most famous Rce, the son 0^ j Twi'lek noble. Over the

PODRACES OUTSIDE OF THE BOONTA EVE CLASSIC. DouFK of the Ad-<nture. th^ discover Mul

nwjt Ptidrocei, ft iportiofc^ ^ cf^iied by Hw rrotofitHff Hi 4f J of the tJetibJk

nolhing fcwbat
worki fv* the
l| stems, the Twi'lek
Desilljlc clan, while # {w*w

den DTt flecently a ii\a \ nflfWtf Kaebne [JVt^jovj bat eitebtithe^f ei

linoCkiifacl.thetWl'IeknDble^ on) works
eitme lord.
craM-tiwn^ry PodffKt w Ado Mme to try to win popvhnly ot\da poTtion of the Werff
for a rival!

The first part of the advrnlore takes Ihe

gambUn^ profitt. WbUe gombkn kwlf to tee how the power itrvggie pfoyt out. heroes to Tataolnc in search of Ree, where

PodWftT pticti kicking fa/ a new thnhflOik fhf evemJ. A fWfeJ' Jw Bifefjilfii/rtia. |hey encountef niercenary toWes working
for Ihe Cofporate Setter Aothpdtjf fCSAj.
(ontacti the hervti. He requefU tttat the hsmet meet h*m Oft AMewn. pro/nhlnq a
The eSA Is keeplHE. tstra on ee"i eniploiref,
Jtwei^fo* [hj retwery of hts mhting ISft, e. f<f Blankuffofean thot Rw iHtfjf KaHifie Un^asan. a CBA and crime
Iwdaltemptlngto usurp some o( the Deslll-
entangled in the deitth-dtfy>ffjg ifoft of Podmunqi (hJr hfaifmm (ht tr\Ahl
jlC dan's control erver ganibllnj (Mofits.

rheberaes travel to Ando Prime and dis-

cover lhat aPodrodnE cvtift staged there
"Snow fob" it o fiAR Wars. RolepI CSrfic od^ntd/ejot four itd-\e>tei hffcwr Iff dur-
the Ungasan Cress COsiirtrjr Is actually a
ing the Wse of the f mpJrt W- J| provides a mix of eonrbot, odvtnture. and i/fvedlga-
front lor an Illegal Natu-

ttpn. fo/ a party offive or iw, htroef thould be 2nd level. For larger porlief. Increase ral^. the Deslfijk tUrn gels inwotvetl. and the
nallvesadd an unciipected wrinkle.
the HTurhlWf of Totlds to six, or odd a eoopie /ondont encounters in Mos fjpw Or fiefO
The final encogrttet takes place In arv ky
This adventure eanitiiOhe wed 0$ o launching pointfiir i;i Rife of mpire era cam- canyon where Ihe opposing forces con-

(wo verge trs decide wtio controls the Icy fields

paign, If itoftlng a campaign with isbkvtl heroef,/educe the number of Tdlldf
of Andtr Prime.
atrd deereoie (#w power cf the thii^r jft (he Tbtod'irttl' enfUiUflfef.

You might won^ hj fPiffcw fiw ejfiKtf of extreme heat and Mitf. Mvefflirf in C hopiier tj AdvBrtturD bpcLgrarjrtdl
few things en the nlesalale Ice planet of
of the Star Wars ftofeplaylnjCame, era both tome Into play during this odrtftivie.
.^ndloPliraieare worih harvlng.btit Ibe
tneome from the Podracing season Is one of
fl If DAHtSi KA UFM AN them. PievkoMS overt atfempls. by the Cor-'

ILLUSTRATED ffV MATTHEW HATTQN poratc Sector Authority to gain a flnaiKiRl

OB vocutve p ifgtieeA t
Iwld In Ando Prlmi^ hiwc fdlkd. 'K* the C^A protlls from the Vonium lu kkkslart his Ibcm. birt not as much as one might expert
Adopted 3 ddfetent lACtlc: ootrtrol fidim Criminal enterprises without his C^A man- lu Tind on such public figures. A successful
wilhin. Kaeline Ungaun. a mhd Jevel' CSA agers knowing. Gather Inform,ition cherk (K i^J uncovers a
employee, lijs begun ta undercut the keehas ngged seantiriigeiquipmettt,S|ie- brief hkloiy i/ how they earned their for-
Dilljk dans influewe on Audo Prime. dally calibrated to locate VOmum, and tune (sltipplngj, a few puWk appearances
Ungasan hassrt up a rlvaF Pudracc [he attached rt lu various exterior Podracer (niMMlIy charl[yfu(Ktlons]<,artdsome typecali

LjingAtan Cjw!j tountiy hoping to (fivrrl parts, the kind musl likely to get knocked fa mily gossip. Although gossip about the
income frotri [he Hult^ arid sway [he lo^ah pff in p race. To entice the Podracer pilots to family is sparse, I he rumors seem torndlcate
tin of the Ando Prime RodirJders. Unlike uto 1 he doclurecl pnrts* he sells them that Ihe family is secluded a>od ccoenlric.
uther PodMCK. the UngAun Crou (^nti^ thipugh channels at huge diJccujutsL Ihen
ilArtsffciiTi A different plaee eAch tinte^p^o- alter ei^h ijce ngw the cosnses tor Mosting Jar Blanku-na
voiding new, CKcrtlng courses And avoiding d islodged scanniltg ecjulpmertt. Thi; pllbrii The planiuna mansion orbits Aldcraan It

Desdljk repfisab. BetVng lakes place oyer have no Idea about the scanning equip' S A Splendid, prnale structure built into

the HoloNctand the race Is bioadcasl over ment, of course. They get cheap parts, and an astoroid pulled into orbit by a tractor
iecurrd baiMhtoaudieiscc members who Rec gets scans of areas he needs [o supply beam. This sort of extra vjg.i nee is appar-
pajra menibershipiee This strategy seems mining Information io Ungasan. Ree,of ent ihroughout Ihe mansion. The heroes"
to bshvotklnj. course, chooses the Podracer course based ship touches down In the landing bay.
The HultsAre ursd^i^landabty displeiised on the most likely sites of Vonkim deposits. whaco twu Human servants and a proto-
wlIhUngASAn'f suoMtS.Howcvei.Ungjisan Itoe currerrtty nEcds to scavenge several col drokd wait to greet them, the servants
liwell protected And well fimded, and pop- scanners out of some wrecked Podraoers
ulAtlons onAndo Prlime ae Iciospreiidoat from a recent race.

fof the Nutts to limply shoot All ol'hti^c^' The Ocsilljlc dan li unaware of Ungasan's JtrBlnriluj-nn and his wife, Cefunt: Thoo
porters. So, Ibe Hutls plan to crush [heir connection to the C? A, but they Ihink heS a TwiTrk^ ,>rE^I(:^al 1.0 Ihc DM*lijkcLTn
new riyal Ibrough mAnIpulatlon. criminal upslart.Thn C^bskiigely unjivnic* .ind M.'t the 'Mhn^jiiuir III ingliDSi

The Desllljk dan h as set up Jer ftlAnkuna of Ungasan'sedmlnal aspliatkHH.rhli Is the Eee^ This Twi'lrk scuul works for [and Is

,>nd hb wife to lure a group of gu llible do- cauldron into which llw heroes are tossed. loyal lol K.R^iric q[ Ihc
gooderi Into looking for I heir lost son," Dusill|lc dan's gangstor rw.ils. Rln.A
Er. In truth, Jer Blankona has no son, The Ksrv Honks jcllons and roaclfons ,iie revealed In
do-goederi Area screen to |hat Ungasan A ivoble hero might lM*i?w Jet Slankuiva the erKouuter with him on Anilo
does not seethe Destlijic <lArt'i mrrcenar' sodailly and discover h>s pic^blcm- at a char- Prime,
iesconrlng.Ortcethe heroes find Ree,lhr ily function- to> Qlrwnkuim has Infuimanls Kaeiinc Ungasnm Apamjrui Figui'^in

meKenarres plan [o use l!ee to lead them OverywhetU. Aliy frbtgcr, Scdundriii, tcout. Of 1 he eSA, UngaViVri cunvldf rv hlmvctf
to Ungasan. soldier might Isear the rHws Ural rich an irp anti coiriing r rime lord fir b.r.

Roe wav a decent independent Podracer Pwl'leh w.arrts a )ob dcMio. The Jedi Council lew morals, ISO loy.ihtles.antl the polit

tor a short time, but he grewdlssatlsried might conijcl a JedI hero as a favor to ler ItaliClOUl io trr .i toaisomr mli'my.
with Desilijkdan nvoocy skHiTinilngand the (dankurta.As an Icvtofestfng note,1he Jedi AlllHSiigh hutsrtt plarmlrig tci iakc-^.i

jtirtgdr that Rocfraccc pilots were dispos- Counclf might even know of, or al least sus- dlrecl hand In Ihe illegal rnltringoper-
Able. When nfferccl a better deal pect, ler Slankurus deception but not ntlonthat Is begmiuiig on Ando
he htmnediately look || ftow he
for less ihlc, , rrrform the 9edi hero as an opporlunily to Prime, he wiH re-member anyone who
works AS Ungasan^ (htel vul for race leach A 1>'ada wan to thkok on his at her feet. S|lls it.

locAtlcms.lhjirlngone scouting rn|iedll ion. Somehow. Jer Blankuna contacts the Benkudlr Ashorl-slghtcd Dug mcrcc-
Ree found traces of Vonlum, a precious heroes and asks tor thrii heffr Hr nc ranges jiiLry, -^ikudi ks a casual Frii'-nd ol

rndal used In several iypes. of behavlorAl for a VT'I JOO tr ansporl. [hi; fircTi, to bring Pee'^. K* has worked few hoMi Ihc
chips for uppec-end droid models. Mining a the heroes lohis Itotne on talk Hull', and UngASiin in |ho|7.ivi bul

maior vcfn of Von him would be quile a bll about It. The adventure begirtv thetv. luivrn lyLlll hES Klc cairS pnlyabcnil
mcwT profilabfc lhan Fodraces. mOrteyaild .rrquirmg more of >t.

E iritormcd Ungasan.and they imme- BACHCtsuwiB Chicks Ceon Jiistic: ifead of the [iilnihg uiHon lu
diately hakhed a plan- U ngasan wants to Birfbre they meet him, tie roes might want to IIh town of tfesa 'Oh Ando Prime. Jus
mount A*e]yitk strike" mining optratiou If learn more about Ihcrf jxospectlve Ipc Is a bigger dupe 1 tian Benkudl.
they can find Ih? deposit's wad locaUon. employer. Calbcrrog Information on Set bought off by Ungasan, he looks out
thks would save I he trouble of psirchasing Clankuna is relatively CAsy, though Informa- sulolyfur himself. If conftonted by
he actual mining rights or laying the Itorr Is sparse The Blankuna family is quite f'CH'cour the legal syvtcfci.he attempts
land. Once mined, Uegasan could use the well knwvrt.and Information is available on 1 0 buy himself <1 bell cc rJeal.

iTJUl WMtt AAM'ltl' B7

ThcTwITek leans forward. "I can pay. of The tr.-Ker sends a signal to a gipurp of
course. ni give you two hundred credits a mercertaries hired by the Hylts.rhemerce-

day. plus enpenscs. tJO you want any up naiies have erdens to capture Ree when
(he front? Here," he plates a tredsilch on the they find him and gel rid of any"frse
are loitmclcd Ihe heroes l<3

lable." This five hundred crcdlfs hthdl ends" (the heroes). The merceuiKles I rack
din(ng >rn.
The heron are InlrodiKeiil to Jee erioughi WlHyou flm) my Hieef" the characters discretely^ but doggedly.

Blahluitu andCelunr by the jervamU who Every iIk hours Ihe heroes are on aoy planet

then depart to besjn serving dlimer.Jer ard Jer Blankuna Is an artful liar. He can sum- they have a chance to sped > suspicious
jn aeidous, Iwt arc gra^ mon and project the emolton of sadness eharjcler following (bein. This requires a
CeluFie Blanktira
small well enough to mlsdlreci anyone probing successful lipot check against the merer-
ei(HJs hosts and engjjie the heroes In

him with Empalhy Force Ewn luc- nary'i Hide check. As prafessionals, the mr-
talk throMghoul the meal. TownnI the end the skill.

ccssfut Seine Motive checks against his ceuaries foflow from a distance of at leas!
of |he ntcal,Cehii>e begins sobbing qoietly
he might be 30 meters (farllier luopen areas], giving
and theneMirsnhcfscirTTiis it Bluff skill only reveals that

hiding wmething, but nof what. heroes at least a penalty lo Spat checks.
Bbnhvru's cue.
Jer Blankuna deflects any pomted cfucs-
wife depart, dts- ttdflfS with his mask of grief. lf any hero RtSCAPC HIWS Rif
let Bhanhotsa. seeihtl tils

lolsses the seivirtti. Then he doses Ihe- probes ton deeply or seems ctMitimrally suS* Ottceaway from FerHankuna, herees might

dHH^tothe room. He slls down ag^in piciousv he begins 1o sveep and presses t he want to do more research on Jer Blankuna's

and sighs heawlKC^fhhs... this whole other herpes for an answer. "son." A successful Oathcr InformatlOr* skill

heroes wisfi to negotiate prices, Ter check ijDC 1B] turns up a handful of files
rde.ll has been oulragmufly taxing on II

Blankuna agrees to any reasonable amount mcniiooing Ree, Including a charity event
dea r wife," he says Mnguidlj^.
|hc heroes suggest, as he has- no intention plus |wu pleasure trips to Coruseanl and
He pulls a datapad a pocket and

hands il tothenearrst hero-The datapad of paying. When they h.ive agreed lo help jkquilarls. The files are faho. planted by the

a young aduh him. Jer Blankuna continues. Hurts as part of the ruSd.
screen has a picture
fws'ldk next to a Fodraccr. He motions With a successful Computer Use check

to look. "This a pirtuie of our "Here's |h< lidurmaltDnwehavc.Twp (OC 13) heroes can find a plclure of Hve
for you all Is

Dug named Benkudi Con^ prepanng his Ppdracer lit connection with
son,t!K.He Is our only child, and pte- ago a
both my wife and me. This hUn tacted us. BenkudI ves m a city ulled the Boonta Es Dtasslc from a year ago. If
citwiS to Is II

Mus Espa on a pland called Tatoolne. He (hr heroes show (his picture 1 * Jer
with his Fodracer Be*ijo)l looming
saw our son there, fou BEaukuna, he looks aghast. He claims no
about on those tumble contraptions. He sayi that he
shouM begin your ittvesUgarllon iheie.l k twwiedge- of Ree being In that race but
claimed lo krve |iw d angec of racing
think Ihcyhave Podraces on this sorrowfully admits that Ree could have
otuTm talking about him the past tetuc .

, we must keep up hope that he's alive, Tatoolne pbnel.Here.takx Ihlsdalapad "sneakf d off" to the Boorda Ew Classic
wl|h his holowd. Flea^c, go ijuiiikly. withipwf his knowledge.
isnt that rlghirier Blankuna draws a
deep breath and lets It hut slowty. Please find my son."
*We kept him sheltered from the pub- Arrlvlngi on TatODlnB
the herews do not have f heir own shinier Sooner of later, the henJeS will set off foi
hc eye. There are such trrrlbta things out If

wHh Blankuna suppliei the heroes' ship with any TalCKHoe. Afler (heir ship exits hyperspace,
there" His lckhu(head-1alts)>incr
reasonjbfc erbilpment they request. If in permission is ghreo to land at Mos Espd. i
anwety Wt'e both been worhed skk
Where could he doubt, use the heroes' combined msMimum riolouifyirewded spaceport sunourkling
since his disappearance.
h4wrgocH?Was htstifeso hprribleP Pec- starting credits as a guideline. Jer Blankuna by outlying motslure farmi. Hereei n find
haps . perhaps It we had st held him also Supplies a pilot. If necessary. a place to stay at one of several hurdlog

Irtaddrtlofi loa hoUwid of Hee.thedala- hipuies on Iheperlmeter of the landing

so tightly . . His volCt trails off In regret.

pad also holds hyperspace coerdin ates for ana. Finding @cnki.ii)l Is a little harder. Fiar
fm softyj'm barely making sense, U^s

has disappeared. He's Taloulne so the heroes can leave Immedi' the most pari, no one knows or Is wH ling to
Just 1hikf .. .Fere

atcly,tjcsscon'Spkcuoirsfy,llM] datapad con- talk.Huvrever. MiaiTspaisnat lh,i( big. A

dkrne this before of course, sneaking oft
to race, hot Ihh. time he's been gone tot tains a short-range tracer. The tracer chip is few hours of turvelKancc and asuCktssful

two weeks, and we . . well, w think blended with the wotklngs of the rJatapad, Search chk (DC 15) turns up 0eiAudl\

something might have happened to him. am) It's hard to find Any hero who opens
loping gait eventually

My wife am) would hmh I be enormously Ihe datjpad can spot Ihe (racer -with a suc-

relieved if you cOuM locatcRee and brii^ cessful Repair check [K ao^ Removing or THi iHVE SrtCATICW
Galhenng Specific Information on Tatoolne
him back to m .. ,cr at least let ui know tinkering with it requires a second fiepah

check (DC ao|. Since It is so well blended is hard. Learning nr^lhmg about Ihc-llk^sof
where he it.

can trust to do with lhc woiklngs of Ihe d Jtapad. removing IkenkudI or Ungasan requires, a successful
"We need someone we
that. Will you do Itr the tracer disables the entire datapad. Gather Information check (DC isJ.ContIn-

B8 VOsuMU i MUUBfn e
urd r^iluiecir noskHis the becomes quite helpful once the heroes that the Pug is hiding something more. If

Iec3l 3iithofitlei,mcKlcf reveal they work, for lerBlarikuiia, He even the heroes confiont him with the nollon
Mticwn Morti for th Hutttj. fhtyh^ve only offers to bi^ tNem drinks at a local cantina, that he''s hid ing somel Ning else,, he'll try

ant ivipenit: inc&t. Luckily, the Dilljk genVudtisa willing stoolie. This gets him to sell the Ihformalion for aivother 300
cl jn-controtlni' juthcirirtl open lo beat up a lot but ptsoH makes him useful to credits. Alternately, with a successful
bribes, the heroes are^nvsted^you migbit a.11 sorts of people. Foronly a btllenniHKy Intimidate skiN check (DC i^>,thc Pug
have them roaloG IMplofnacy or BlufT checks {too Credits] he'll tell alriMKt everything he gives them Phe Informatlcm for free.
lo escape tlh slluatlon or cplay the
iio4 kndvn above Jlee to a friendly hero BenkudI knows aboul the minmgseam
erscounter asyou see fit.^ After thr^luiidoH!i the nrHmey.Benkudl on> Ando Prime from a conveisatlon svilh
givesihe heroes inAsmiJlIon aboul the new fiee. He had planned to sell Ibis informatiDn

MitTIWC ftEWICLIDI Podrace on Ando Prime: to the HuTts, wtko are keen to have legal

OiKe the heroes Nave looked around and glcMcidsto ruin Ihc man bchiiid the iwbI

marJe the appropriate shill checks, itad lire The Podrace Is callect the Ungasan Podraee. Though they arc loose tTicndi. KeC-
follosving^- Cross Counity. knows Bc-nkudi^ Uikiitive nature, iind

the course changes with each rucc. warned karfine Ungasan. Ungasan senl
Up ahffld a Oug scamp<i-s ficim three wThe last known race location was the thugs to prevent Benkudi hom revealing his

thugs. Nolle have visible weapons, but Juaka Canyon, near the crulpost of knowledge to anyone ehe,
they obviously Irttend to Inflict griev- Elesa. If the heroes ask.Bcnkudi knows nothing
ous physical harm on their victim. The H The next rxe won'l be held for at kast aboul Ifce^ parents, feeckcsn'l strike him
Pug runs into narnw alley and I he two weeks. M a ninawr^ rich kid, bu| they're iwf llul

tho tolkiw. H He has fw Idea where the next race will close. 'Maybe he^gbt SCvHehofty'ICiltyaiirS

take place. tocrat parents," he says, "Wou Wn't 1 haf be a

The thugs are CM contract vrtMters, hired w TIk founder of the rate, Karline fckk? Hehf
hy tingasan. They wish to Ihrealen Benkiidl Ifngasan, Is cutting into Ihe gambling Benkudi doesn't hBve any more irtforma'
and keep him quiet about AiViifoPrinte pr oTrts of the Hulls of the E>eslliijlc dan, tiou for the heroes, hut ht'll glad^ oonthnue
Podracing. Heroes who make a su<ces,s.ful making up stories mlOAg as t hey jive him

listen check (PC 1]) can hear one thug hrnkudi has no Information on Ungasan, money Evenloally.hissiories gel ridiculous

threaten Ibe Dug^">hMi don't know any- other Ehan that he was formerly a lieu- engugh Ihal ewn thpmiHl gullible heroes

thlngabout PodracesofftaEcKHne, right? teoant of Use OcsIUjic dan. (This is false, but won'l tTekeve him. At that pDlnl.he Ibanks
You've never even been off this nKk. rightf ftcnVudl doesn't know this. Ungasan ^rtu' them for Ihcir time and leaves quickly.
And you have no business talking about al^ dealt with the Hutts through Corporate
places you never been. Hke say. Ando Prime, channels].

right? TOu m IghI fall and hurt yourself if you For anolhcf^credlkH
keep flapping your Jaw abwt places you've BenkudI shijws |he bciws how
never bcen.'Then the thugs begm to dnve |hc Pud rate is. hiSMdeast over
the warning Nome with their fists. secure channrds and how IP me
The heroes might want In rescue the Dug Ihcir isompuler lo het On the
from his assailants. If so. they wilt have a Cross Covri^PudrSte.

fight on their hamts All three thugs C3ry Af|ei karnlng pi |he Cornput
concealed vitarcKlaggrrs. Vibrodaggers am eriiedbeHing system and secure
lltcgal here, but the thugs know that taw b transmission of the Podrace,
a fluid concept In Wns Espa, They Tight until herpes can bleak irAo thetrans-
one of them is dead or unconscious, at mlSSlOhS, hut this iS dHifiCUll

which pouit the ofl her twu attempt to f Iro. Breaking. Into the compulenized

Assuming the beioes caiiturr the Ihugh betting system requires a suc-

they do not Identify 1 hpir employer. If qfues- cessful Compoter Use check {DC
tioned about thch assault. I hey only riay 33). Breaking into the broackast

that Renk wti owes them money, tf the channel Is easier, requiring a suc-
Ncioes make a suCCesiftitlittlmiddfteclHfck cessful Computer Use dteck (DC
iKisJ.ihey leans that Ue thugs work for 2 o}. However, the broadcasl
Kaeline Uitgasan. chanrselhas nothing on il uirtll

the day of the race.

TMItihO Tp BIMrIUCh A successful Sense Molivc
After his rescue. Senkudiidenrtlfies hiimelf check [opposed by BenkiNfl's
and plays imwent.'Whlle gruff, he Bluff check) tells Ihe heroes


(hcck (DC t-s|i. Ihc heroes can rent it from for both work pnd play. Ceon wears he 1

her tor a 1 .
000 - credit damage deposit and finest, latesi Coruscartt fashion. Heroes who
4 tp credits
I pc( day. Otherwise, they mi.jst succeed at an appropriate Knowledge (cul-

Thq THU Hum bLiy It. For leio credits more (whether pur^ tures) check (E>C iOi> nntice that the bulk of

TtM htroM might want to t?l^ tp (h? Htilti chased or remted]. It can be quickly riggpd his furnrsfilngs arecither cf Coruscant

t thtt pwrrt. The Hutts wop W !? dell([|itod with Jump scats to increase its passenger dieslgn or carry eSA markings. W-ithout an
to heaf abmrt Me iwvl MCetJt^dcjj.ti capacity from tour to Six- appeopriate Knowledge skllk herpes must

and the mining Kpnn They <to ihtI Miner's Unkru HalL This fatillding consists makea sircccssful Intelligence eheck (DC 15.)

admit tp having Jny ^cnnectlm with Jer of a mn-dOwi boarding house, a large to nolke Ibis fjcl.

Q1.iitkuna or any Indicatronthat Ihcy cpmmgn. rcsoiu. and some offices. Ten grii- Geon tuitir: If aware of Ree's activities, as

et upthehrf Inthef^r^t pFac^.Thcydp jled miners work here, spending their diys Jiiee recently bought IHs loyalty wllh CSA sur-
admit that they wouU he pcrfctlly happy If on the Ice helds searching tor ores and pre plus Itensk Geon supplied Rec wilb mining
the heroes caifse trouble for UttHr rival, <ioui metals, the mloi^are discouraged survey equi^men I adapted to Ando PWiik^

If the heroes try to bargain with the aiwtworn the pickings are -slim on unique condrtlons and has promised to turn
Hutls or mate any demarKi!. on them, they Ando Prime. a blmd eye to unusual activities- In rttuin.

are utHercmoniiMJsly removed from the TheCantlnai: The herpes Ip-udaiwl "settle Res puMcd strings and gol Oeon a bunch of

Hiitts' audience chaml^i. in"jost as miners are rel urnittg from aefig. newloys. If Ihe heroes ask afamA Bee, Germ

They seal themselves iii oise of the cantinas claims Ihaf he just spoke to him yesterday.

Andn PrilTIB to unwHid after a hard day's work, the min- Rce-had asked him about iuaka Canyon and

After their liwilijaUon on Tatoolnc, the ers are short tempered and unused to visi- j[ his crew bad spcAted any creatures on the
herpcveve^uallyhead to itodc^nne. A tors. While casual bacrt-ec and buying them ice Bee seemed very Interested In going

Tparkllhg jewel In space, cold Ando Prime Is drinks keeps them quiet, any hard question down to luakafor some reason. Goon gladly

di^tlngurihed by a -series of Hat kc lakes, irig results in a fast fVst to I he nose acMl a gives the heroes diiectlons lo luaka Canyon

intenipersed with shelves of ice that have full 'OUt bar fight. should they wish to follow Reo.

built up horn movtftg glacier nrasses Otrt- There are seven miners, all Humans. They Gon did not felt Rec- about Ihc Talids.
posts, fiinge towns, and froien nKin.tetortei flghl wllh their fists and an occasional and as long as the heroes don't seem s,ymi.

from ages pa.-sl also break op the bttdwape l 3-b1 e,bu 1 theyjrtist want to Wow off steam, pathetic In Rec. Ceon laughs at his own
every few IhpusarKi kikmelen. not Hwiously hurt Hinyone They instantly devemess asbc IcHsthe hewKS atsout reav-

The heroes' fbip touches nSown on Elesa. Isack off when anyrpne draws a -weapon. The ing See In the dark about TJlIds. He wants
pneof Andn Prime's more poptilated space- local cemstatrle. a Human named By am Bee to run rnto them. In Which casc he

porlSu Elesa -makes Mos Espa look like Cor us^ Aw^on, uiTilpoki any non-klhal infraclioirs. bdlevcs Ihji Rue could *Wsappcar'' out on

cant by comparison. provided to the canlina are cov- the Icr.sliwe he's hoping to salvage scan-

ered. If soiiHone Is killed. Aw^n attempts ning cquipnienl f r-om f*Odraccrs, If 1 hnf hap

EXetORIHC ElEiA toarreslthe responsible party period. GeoncouM keep all Nsnew stuff
A dingy town carvedfrom slone and Ke. wllliouE any obUgatlon lb berp See Ijtor.

llesa Is an outpost often buildirtgs and a AfrifNa quifTIflSJS _ ________ Ceon Is very pleaded with hjmsell tor ene-

handful of tamsh jckk riving ipaces^ There tElesa'scIlizens are standoffish, but rtot euting thtsnisc.

are two ntwin roads forming an "Jt through rude. Anyone can gfve gcreral diteirlioni to Despite his comltort and go*d cheer.

t-own.erth roads .ine>heets<rfsnnoofhed Juaka Canyon arid rrsoM aw.i of Ifw Ceon IS nervous aboiA the wile operation.
ice c-pvered wl|h wikod'en planks. The cktl- Ptrdracc thgrt was heW there. A soccessTuI AM ihcseCSA items in his office are stolen,
^ns of Eksa wear heavy furs, and most of Cafher Information check (DC ij^enabtcs; arid if pressed about theCSA,Geon down-

thempn have beards. the heroes lohrstl >oriseone who- saw Kee pi;^ It. saying that a merchanl ship

Two of the ten buildings In Elesa arc earr- wit hln t he fassi nsonth. No one remembers recently came llirough the system and he
tlnas:theldcleandtheCllflsldc. Both have him connected to IhePodracc, though He g<rt a real^ good deal. He's obviously lying.

a couple of estra rooms where the hfroes claimed to be leading a survey crew looking Asitootheccitrien of Elesa has heard of

can stay. If necessary. Other structures for animal species Ibal have adapted ti3 the such a vessel, and the-rc are iw other signs
Include art old shrine, a gerreral supply Store, Icy conditions. One of Ihc last people Ree of a trader vessel ever havtog been near

a doctor's office, a conslabk^jalf oWke. a tallied to before beadlrig osrt was the nsln- Elesa. He does itot draw a coonecllon

government building,? repair sho|Xa Ing manager, Ceon. Justic, between ficc and the- CSA. though. He

miners union house, And a boardinghouse. thinks R-ce Is anempipyee of a small-time

Repair Jhup: The repair siftop is run fay a CONFflOHTlHO CtOWJUimC crime boss. Ungasan.
bored Bodiari. Fcpiu Glrel. She has one used -Gcorfs -office In |htc Miner's Uniori Hall is the IfMie herorskan on Geon at all, his nerv-

speeder for lale.aybrllEkiaivgiaoD'ZcKii lap of liivury. Amenities abound. Including a ousness grows, and. he offers concessions to

modified for travel in Icy conditions. It costs state-of-ftre-art healer, a ccmifortable chair, the heroes to keep them quiet. At first he

},5C}o credits. With a s-iMiccssful Diplomacy rppmiy desk. and several eleclrontc devices offers to'leisd them cofd-wealhcf gear |f

TO vdcuiil I. huuaan

JER VLAN HUNA, MALI Twi'LIH UvALI fieats: yvtapotiPmflciencyEilugthfoweri), Track.

li: Inrt 4: 4>efe'ns 14

TO; VP/WP 18/15;

M icp
{id J.
Gto JusTie, Mali Human LHRERr 4
Spd lontjVP/WP/t4;AJt 43 melee (<d3. punch), 43 rangiKl I3d6,
i Init -i-a; DeFenrse 11 (41 class);

punEhktlnngcd (3dStbl4^trr pif- Master pistol); Sq Hone; SV Fact 41, Ref 4i,ViiH 44; SZ /^; FP 1; Rep 1;
tol)i 5 QCalfl in * lAi^rrKh,Vu,ihtpH( Itr 11, Deit iol Con 14, Int 12, WIs S, Cha
<ottfldertci: * 1 , leiHN^Iight sriilon; SV Equipment; Blaster pistol, comlinl;, survival kit, personal

W +i Re^ + 1 , + ji ^ Z M; FP Ji
Will belongings
Rp 3; Str 11 .
Dm II. Con 15. Int 14. Skilh: Bluff 45, Computer Use *5, Gather rnfarm Jrtlon 45.

WrtiiChj 16. edge- (admInisliraliOn) 4-J,

Khbwledgr (mining) 47^ SurvrVal 43.
EquIpriKot: Blister plstor,CDin|ln< Feats: Eisdura.iKe, Weapon Croup Froficiency (blaster plslolsyslm-

pcrsanil Items. ple weapous).

SWUs: Bltrff (bonus) 41 Jt, Computer Use * 6; DipHotnscjr +fl. fnler-

tiiR [sfwifclngj +6. Knowledge {TAlooirte) *8. Knowledge Kaelini UnoasaHkMaie Human
(Interg^lKtlC lAw) tB.PiO^eii'l^on (lAWyer|44.Pfofesstoi4 E^n^- Ndpui 2/Soldier 1/Scounemiii 3 i Init 42 (42 Deic]; Detente ig (47
ster) 4-j, ^fe Moti.^ '+6. class, 42 IkK]; i pd Him; VP/WP 33/15; Aik 44 mdee {idi, martial
FeatiiCireAt Fortitude, Low Pivflle, Weapon Croup Proriclcncy arts), 46 ranged (jrIB, Iroavy blaster^ Ektler lucky than igood,

(bl:ister pistols, simple weapons}. call In favor, Hllcrt barter, inspire wnrfldcnce +ij tV Fort +4. *7 .

Will 44: SZ FP 4; Rep fc Str H, Dm 14, Con 1 J. Int 15, WIs ij, Cha 13.

BiNHUDi, Maie DitoThuo J: ImlE +2 [Dirw); Defense 11(42 De]; Equipment: Heavy Waster, comllnk, electroblrotulars,
Spd lonv; VP/WP /^. Atk 4 j melee kick], 44 ranged (jd6, personal items.
Uistci pIstoQ; StJ Croat shout 41 Climb, +2 Jump: SV Fort +j;, peF Skills; Appraise *6> Huff +S, Compute* US# 4$, Diplomacy 48,
40 . Villi' 40 ; SJ M; FP 1; Rcp o; Str 11, OcK 15, Con 1$, Ini 13, Wis 7 -
F^geiy 4^, Cither Informatlpo 4-5, Knowledge (Corporale Sec-
Cha 6. tor) 4-g, Knowledge [Podr^ing) 45, Knowledge (crime families]
fqulpment: Blister plslotcomlink. rq. Knowledge (Calaclic law) 47. Knowledge (mining) -tj.
Skillsi Climb t 4 Intimidate +1, Knowledge [Pug hislotjJ 44.
lntimjdate4io,Usten 45. Seme Motive 45.
Knowledge (TpitoolneJ 44.ProteitB*n(ifirri|iter) +1, Feats: Armor Proficiency (tight, mediumlL Dodge, Martial Arts,

FeiH: WeApgn Croup PiO'FiClenily (bliitrt pistols. Simple Mobility, Persuasive, fough'oess. Weapon Group Proficiency

weapons). (blaster pIsloFs^ blaster rificsi heavy weaponTi-viWovweaponj,

slmph- weapons],
ReEhHaieTwi'eeh Scour j; Inlt4i
{Den]; Defense iB [4-5 class. 41 Dexit; Spd MercHnarlBfr 5 HenchririBn
rom; VP/WP 22/14; +1 mefee (idj. The tteipes eiKCwifttef several groups
puncht 44 ranged I5d8, blaster rjlTc); of vilfalns diirlAg this scenario. Moet

SQ kk.ku, iow-llght visions Irittblatlngi are low Jevei thug;s hired for their

SV Fort 45 ,
Jfer 44 , Wm 4!; S2 W; FP i quick triggers and stow wits. Chapter

Rep 1; Str n, Der 14 C'On r6, ln|

ti 14 of the Core RuletsoOk contains pre-
WIs lOiChaU, generated characters for these
Equipment: SJaiter rifle, oomlint.electroblnoculars. survival Idt. encouniters.

tools. Co-HFOKATE Sector Authoahv Twudfc Treat any CSA Sgenf as a

SkillszConiputef Use 45, Craft (Podracers] 46;DnwllllDns+5 gcfterkThug. In the emouUter on fatoOlne, there should be
Knowledge (hsdracersji 45, Knowledge {Ando Prime) 4^, Knowl-^ two Tlvug i's and one Thug 4 '

edge (Tatoolne) 45^ Pilot 4flL Rrrpair +idi Survival 44. OoNsTAbU: Treat By/ini Awson as a generic Mercenary (Soldier 4).

feats: Skill Emphasis tfiepair). Force Sensilive, Weapon CrcHip Pm' MiNiiS; Treat each uf the seven miners as a Human Thug 1 with 4
fkicncy Ibfasler pistolsv blaster rUks, simple weapons), Tract- tanks of Knowledge [minling] instead of Fnitlmidale.
Ree^s MEN;Reehas one technician, a human Centric Tech (Expert

tao w, Maw Taho Emo t 3 1*]= Init *a i*i Dex); Otfeiwe si [+1 4 ), and two Thug 2's, Imtead of Intimidate, the thugs have
class]; 5j(f ions; VP/WP /iiiAtl *a (id^, kfllf(),+i ranged ranks In KnowlEdge (AihFo Prime), Knowledge (mining), ami
slug! hrower). SV Fort 41, Ref +4. Wdl 4]; SZ M: FP D; Rep o; Str 11 . Gomputer Use.

ex laCon u.lnt laWls I^.cha 8. Uncasah's BoDveuARDrUngasani Human 'bwlyguard, Rlkal Star-

Equipment: SlugUirower, all-temperature cloak, comllnk, personal gunner, is a Generic I UteTrooper (Soldier 4).

Items. OvsiEiJK CtAr*MricrNAkil*sTlTODeslN]tcUrt mercenaries (onsist

SRIIIs: Appraise t6,Craft (varies) +S, Knowledge [)rscil)-H&, Repair of three Camorrean Thug J's. PAvon GUta. tJ- Human leader

-46, Survival 48, Treat Injury -rS of this squad, is. a Centric Sounly Hunter {Scout 4).


tton per iod can last for rrsonths^or even one bodyguard. -Otherwise, he hangs
years. The subllel les of I hh system arc irSU a round town and watches the heroes un| I

miners. While Talids they leave. He has no desire to Stir (htngs l

ally lost on ttse Elesan

aho undersland the concept of Iradmg in> town aisd figures that Reecan help with
tfcy wanl (C find Rce. If Ihcyconlinuf |o
he will* offer (hern free goods for money, it isn't alwayS 'Clear to i ny "problem" once they're tdgelher.

entjl flf the ipccdcT at the Feena'i wpair rsort-Tallds when they're trading by taking eSA Tbugsi Unh nown to Ungasan, the

arHd when they're trading for cash. eSA has been keeping tabs on his aCtmtie'
ihop.Jusl lo jet IhenrOMt pfhlioffkc.
Talids bctOiwe un reasonable In a Soon alter he arrives, a group of four CiA

Fl N6I MC OUT Aiout T*uOi! salvage Situation. Since scavenging It a thugs show up Id Elesa. Their first ftop Is

Ihe large part oF their economy and no one Justic's mining operatiem, where the
Neerly^fiy^iitiieniOf ElB&a can tell

has been properly InereASingliy confused JuStk spills his guts

heroes aboot Talldi.TalHls are pomadk owns salvage until it

claimed, Talids can be outright vicious about for the fourth time wilh much less merrk
humanold'Mwiih thick hitfrt.They trade
gwds and wear protecting their claims, lallds aren't well triBnt.Thcy follow Ungasan.
scavenged parlt ahd
equipped, but t hey know their turf and take After thaLJ'UflkgetseKtrcmdy nervou*
ckilhes and furs (hat allow thEm to blend
He packs and leaves town for a while
I n with the Ice J nd snow. Talids are not full advantage of that knowledge Up

are shrewd and perscstersl, until things blow over.

greedy, but

Anyone out on the ice who has anything LaTf Afticw*u

they want might have trouble ^ttlng A Few hours after the hews hit Ando Prime, Juskh CHnyori
several olhEr interested parties do too. Localed 500 kilometers from Eksa.Juah.^
away from them.
Most citizens of Ikna consider TalicfS DEsilljk Clan Mercenaries-: Assuming Canyon ha large open crevice, at least ^-O
few levelheaded people he heroes sllH hove the data pad that ler meters deep and over 150 mElerS long.Thl
mere Ihicves.but a I

Blankuna gave them, four mercenaries sheer pillars of ke-coversd rock rise from
in town know that Tallds havedrffereHit con-
hired by the CksHIJic clan arrive from Ihc canyon floor, each no wider than 5
cepts of trading. Tat Ids I rade by open ly (a k-
Tatooine following the tracer Signal. Their meters. Most areowen^itieters high. The
ing. Once trade negotiations have formally
Stop fustic's mining office, where Canyon's Ity floor has h uodreds of wlnd-
been Opened between TalldS by a short cer- first is

the weak-willed marsager directs them to ca rved rregularitreS, and tight flurries of
emony, they freely take belongings from

snow blow through constantly. The wlrsc

each other until air acceplahle equilrbriu'm fua ka Ca nyon. The DeslHJIC mercen aricS ||

has been reached. When It has, they for- follow the heroes al a discrete dlslahce, keeps most of the snow blown cicar of th<

avoiding trouble In town and waiting for canyon, leaving ke-glazcd rock. II WJl prol I

mally close the negotiai Ions. The rtegolla-

the heroes to lead them ably take the heroes about three hours to

to Ree. Their arrival in the reach the canyon from Eleta, with theothi

canyon ij covered bdow, three inlerestcd parliei in pursuit.

In Iheluaka Canyon Speeder trawl In I he canyon at any spe<

encounter section. above CaullOOI requires a successful f^lcrt

If the tierots do not check {DC ro). Plfol checks suffer a 7 -d r-

have the datapad o r cumstaote pena lly due to weather condi-

removed the tracer, tions. Results of failed Pilot (hecks are llsti

these mercenaries do In table 10-4 of the Core tukbook.Thc

not ap|>ear. snow flurries provide one-quarter cover It

Kaellne Ungasan and anyone in the ca nyon. 'See Table S-B of the
Bodyguard: In a biiarre Core Puicbook.
coincidence, Ungasan

arrives in Eksajust after CAtivoN'i Eeki

the mercenaries to check The heroes might want to checkout the

up on his mining opera- fanyon from above before they enter. Trav
tron, His first slop is Jus- Jisg the jagged, windy edge of the canyon

tic's mining office, where requires a succesiful Pilot check {OC ijj'.ff

the slightly confused Jus- ure means they must veer oft Or be blown
tk points out where the into the canyon. Hemes can also Stop, get

heroes went (and Roe as out, and just look into Iheunyon.
well]. JusllC does nol MakeaSpot check (DC is) for any hero
mention the Ckrsllijic who looks into the canyon. If successful. tl

thugs, berofis see Rce on the canyon floDr behJw

If the heroes have left, He seems to be taking cover and shootinj;

Ungasan- pursues wilh at samethi ng J bove him . A sudcefu 1 pc

72 VOkUMi 1 . NUMBER s
chKii opposed by the Ijlidi'Hidic skill tie>(c?cs mention that they were on Tatooinc 4t j and H j hmre a dear vcw of all four
rewTJls 1 he*r IwjI Ions on lop (rf the pillars, talking to Benkudb Bee starts to think the wrre kl.ThetwoT.alldf abovr PlsdraCer #4
hring dowh on Ree And hisitien. From this herpef were sent by labba tdkiM him. ereat <
have a dear viewof fhsdracers H :t and 43.
Ailinse, 1 tic homes SAn alsO mAlce Oot fiJur ihg a very tenfe sHuAtiiMi. A sueceiiful TheTalldi have iw agenda regarding the
MHked Podrjeen In the<anyort,but no Diplomacy check (DC 15) or some creative Invaders to Ituir land. They ihool at aoy
other deUlls.lfemenibtr tooceouivt For dis- coleplarying helps defuse theslluatlon. easy target. tf the Desdljlc clan's mercenar-
Unce And snoM Mh<n iHAkin^ Spot ehedi'S. Bee ekfriains that the Talid snipers think in becorno embroiled in a firef Ight with the
the Podracers are their salvage claim. If heroes andfor Bee, the Taltdsclonot play
Enlsring ttiB Carvon asked why he finds ll so important to con- favorites. They shoot any easy target, pldt
Once they'w rteiicd Ihecanyon.the tc!sl the claim. Iteesays that he Is following off the wounded, and scavenge any bodies
krroes CKpoH Ihcmselvcs tad very duotlc up on a family's request to recover sonve left behind.
combat slloallon.ThJs battle lalces place In personal items from a downed pilot. If a The heroes cart try to negotiate with the
the vicinity of four wrecked Podcacm left hero merrtions a miruing sc*m',RH: denies Taiids.TheTafsds begin the encounter as
ibchlmf from a previous race. ail krsowIcdgeandtnBS fodrvert their Hostile, but a sticcessFui Dlpfomacy or
alterrHonto themo*e immediate concern Charisma check couW adjust their atlHucTe
PoOffMiB'WKiCXS of scilpers taking polshotsat them. as noted in "Intriguing Interactioni' (Chap-
PwlnKer#T; About jo meters down the Bee confirms his employment svith ter ] of the Cone BuIcbookJ,
canyon, large chunks of IMs Podracet rest Ungasan but denies any coirnccHor to the
intact One engine Is banriy damaged, the Oesili}k dan or the CSA. He does, reveal UNdaSaN'^f AliivAl
other twisted and dcstioyed. The cockpit thatUngasan would Hke to take over A few rounds after IheheiOcs encounter
Ciushcd ball or^ netal hoEds the crumpled some of the H jtts' business He does not ffee arsd |he Talidk Ungasan aerlns With hit
corpse of a SuHustan. A scKcessful Search disclcksethat Ungasan has lies to I he CSA bodyguard. As soon as they see each ot her,

roll (DC i8) reveals several slugthrower and has plans to condoft sotrrr illicit min. Ungasan. Ree.aivd their followeis attempt
holes in thecortprt and one in Ihebody. jng on Ando Prime.
Podracers It? and Bar The debris from
these wrecks is strewn fipm Ihelirst AwfAp'ijm 1
Podr,icer to 40 meters from the end of the Hiding on the tops of the
canyon. The bnik pf |he debris If ^ meters StOisc; piliars neJi each wre-tk,
In.wiapped around IwoflMit pillars. Two the Talids are armed with
wrecked engines aie hooked together by slugthowiivg rifles. Each has a
piping on the fide, one fioMsi each Podiacer. pack animal ulled a tanta. fwJprcrr
Chunks of the cockpits ace spresd across the (Tanftai are larger cousirts of
debris field. The pitots^ a 'Sulluf tan and a the launlaunj. Tantas wall,

0(tg, were thrown clear and killed. on four legs, though they can
PocTcacec #4: Near the canyon mouth are rise upon two legs briefly.

scattered preces of metal, gears and wsring. The tantas are camouflaged
Ihtrce k less cfebrlrs. aifd a foccessf ul fiepaar wilh netting along Ihe
check or applicable Knowledge check (DC canyon walls. Heroes who
1$) reveals that any useful parts have makiea schcessful Spot check
already been removed. The ftjdracer pirot, a against the tantas' Hide roll

Pbuli,lies dead in the ccxkpit. can see tbecn .lhe camou-

flage provides a -1-4 ec|uip- VfHvki. jh].

Rie menl bonus to the lanta's

Hire and his thnr men bide around the Hide skill.
wnccfcsrge bf Pwbacers a arid Two Ikas- The pillars pfovidc Ihe
Adno N|ghtfs*coni, modified to carry passen- snipcjswtth three-quarters
gers^ Sit by the wreckage of the pods. They cower. They ftrc] on any hero
Pulrjuf Lnicn Ticno
are shot fuB of holes and are barely f unc- who grtsclosetoa Podmeer
tional (a -4 equipmewt penalty applies to any wretk-They come down at

jtterufded ad lorr with Ihese vehideslL To' talk night to searth viriims'
Ip Bee, the herpes must reach him through corpws. If ariy
the rain of slugthrp wer ^re from above. The single sniper wilting
Bee has rip idea who JerBtankiJiia is Or above Podracer tfi hasackar
why he woiild want hirsi. He has np wish to view of Podracers i, and
iti. ((

unravel that whole web of lief- if the 43. The two above Podracerf Jcjoka CHnyon (SDittClMip)


smm canyon must mahje a listen check (IX ao) or
a: Spot cheek opposed by the nscrccnarlei'

Hide cheeks. Heroes who fall to nohee or

one to download data files
arsd allows

marked with Ungasan's Corporale Seclor

Iderrtlflcatloit While |he Corporale Sector

So shoot tlwr way ovt of the canyon. The hear the nseffs are caught fla| . footed. Itself rs untouchable. Use evidence would be

crminals arr drtcrmined to gel -aw-ay and The mercenaries have orders locjpture enough Ici convici Ungasan and Itee >T they

protect Ihcir poletlal mining operation, Bee alive, if possible Anyone else Is to be arc caught.

the nghi Cvtni against them, they killed. Alter the heroes defeat Ihcrncrcenary
but If

and face arnbuSh, they must decide whnt to- do with

surrenrier In the heroes She conse-

quenen ralHer Hun fight to the death WropElng Things Up any captives before rclumriig tO' Jbr

he'ilMi thmough Hie battle, Dei? tries to The Tallds have carried a scavenged glnnkuna's mansicH) to collect their pay

to any Podraccr scanner tO a temporary camp Urtferlunatety for Hic heroes, lerBlankona
escape, tf the heroes turn him in

about kriomrtert away. They are more and his wife disappear, relocated by the
authority orrtslde the Core Worlds, the J5

has him killed, ftec tells Use than happy lo show the heroes any pesilijieda. the mansion ha^ bei d eaned
DeSilrJiC clan

heroes Itial tumrrsg him inlsafsg]0dd as scrapped Podracet parts, they a re also out aitd sold lo Sumda and lylhi Tend, a wry
hilring him. Hepromisei thal If Ihey let him happy to sell Ihem he scanner for }oO
I nk* family of Homans from Ahteraa a.

go, he'll change his identity and ^ back to credits. The scanner Is easily Htcntlficd by

honest Rodracing. Whether he's lying Is up any herer making an easy Spol check {DC 5).

to you.theCatncmastrr. A successful Repali check {DC Identifies it

OtsiinncCiAH iWiiriwariES TaLID STATiancB

These mercenaries arrive <in site via speeder
after the heroes, Ungasan, :nsd Bee begin rhe^ Statistics allow Tallds iS a ptsyabte Adventurcirt Only a rare falld would

fighting. Seeing the battle, the mercenaries Species In the itaf Wto/s flofepk^n^ Come: choose an adventuring life away from
lake positions at the Canyou's exit and set Tallds travel the try wastes of Ando his tribe. Tallds are viy patient and

up a simple ambush. Anyune leaving the Prime and are considered Its native opportunistic and rtia Ve excellent Scouts

Spe<les.They remain scatlerod across the o-r Fringers,

pfanel. hawng na desire to Integjrale

VVHiCLE DATA Uiemselwes Into the moretfvillied areas.

An's SjpiiDia Bikis |1]- Talld culture h primitive, but old and lay-

Craft: Modified Ikas-Adno za-B Nlghtfal- ered with a rich hbtory.

Oast: CrcKJod [speeder^: Cost: E,POO Personality; Talldt areoperi and playful
[new], avPCMS (used}; Size: Urgefjq Sj among their lown kind but aenophi^blc

meteis lonf^^Crew: Nornsal+i (s pllbt}; when Interacting with most other

Passengers: i; Cargo Capacity; 4 kg: specks. Their barter Is curt and effrclent.

Speed: iQO m jmax. speed JjOb km/h]; with little bA liter. TZ lids know a fair price

Altitudej up to ID m; Defense: ti (-1 fiK-r and do not put Up with a lot of preten^

j armor]: Hull Rnt5:4tdamaged.iG' tious negotiation.

when repaired); Dft:S- nryskal Description: Taikds have wiry

Weapoft: User catmoo; Hre Art-. Fiortt: hair, usually -white or blond. They grow it

Attack Sonusi (-i slit, r'J </'ew. +4 long, and malM wear facial hair. Dark Taljp SfEcns TeAitt:

fire contral]; damage 4 d 3 |.

Ha nge. 2am hair on Talids Is dyed a light color. Talldt **-i-z Constftution.-S Denterlty. Tallds

string their hair with stone and bone wUhstarwl harsh conditions, birt Ihrry

Ahdo RmMrfMiPi* beads as a measure of status and Irnpor- are nol vciy agik.

Craft: Modified Ubri kkian 9000 Sdoi; lancc-When stealth Is needed, they rub -"Mcdium'slze. As Medlum-sliecrea

Class- CrcHtoditpreder]: Cost: ic,ooo animal fat in their hair loduH |heoon> tures, Tallds have no special bonuses 0 ^

{new), j.5tw (uted]: Si: Huge 1)7.5 nrseters tact between the-tscads. penalties due t-o their size.

They have narrow eyes and flat noses. "Talid base Speed Is 10 rrwters.
long!; Crew; Koriwsl+! (1 pltetj; -Passen-

gers: G; Cargo Capaci^ lo kg; Speed: Bo Usually slodyL their bodies a>e covered FP sz species bonus to Handle Animat,

m {maF. speed MO km/h): Altitude: u p to wdthal least some body hak Hide, Ride, and Survival checks. TalidS
HnmeworM: Ando Prime, learrr to ride- lantas from an earty age,
H> m; DefenM: (-1 siee. -1-5 a rmor); Hull

Poitrts: l&iOif:!. language: Bask and ascries of hand along wHh survival sklhs needed for
Weapon; laser iannoA; fire Arc: Front; tignals and noises among themselves. their (htn lifestyle,
Attack Bonus; (-asire-.+z crrw.*4 iMost Tallds have tittle desire lo leam n Automatic languages:Bask.
damage zom other languages. Talid signaling.
fire control]: 4 dB; Itangc:
Sample Hantresr t>


iTivE Mtiim wtTH coiv wfifivoov
iPtCIAl THAHKf TO gicfi UAMOier
tiLti5tftAreii BY KYlt H.

Ithin TiHe Ummity of Spmhm Ctiidt Ihdr mnclcss Their sVln cbkrr lao^n ssipposcidl]i' impoisittfe Jumps In their

To inr(lT>F7nr lift, rneg34lt fionoblulsh-sraylo WuIJi-gwefi to a -deep heads. Allhough not ^ nunterous aslhc
TH EUs* cturjrtcn-je? Ihe OiilM Ji "tt>E jiunc.Adull Duros stand bri-wren t S Human popol JtiMI. (he Oorqs are almost

^nral tTJfrtIwi and wanskrci^ of tte meters aiHl riMterstaU as omnipiesmt; it^l hut Ihe snsallcst settle-

Ih CKtS |liO f mpir fn Ji The Cwrps wmr the first ipcdes Co nsenls In Ifnown 'Space feature Oueos
^1 JKy~ In hit ttiJdy,

betome a major ftwlor In ihe Cjl*rtfc papulations

particiibrl^d?ilili|^dahriing thal llv
and the paU. many i[f tod Another trait they share swth Humarn Is
Empiw's niflJIffiUmcm of D jra wai an ItepoblK, In

artrodlftOfl* of Itlf foil p? nn flic lang, scholars crcdiledthe DWOS Wthdcatint; that a nymber of 'Me ar Chnos" species erist
the Hfsl hypcrdrhrtT. Altheufili lh>s theory Its llie galaxy. Like Wumaoi, groups of Dutw
d3>l( ojadcM]d MMhi tiM! dntrudinn

wr as the Empire's amt tMOcen- have tclited -on Other uvorldi in Isolairon
of AldwHn.'Svsh wrttinwnitt forced Tpm fell iitUn diifa

niw into entfc, bul Ilia nkj la hli war I, thf inic phllnuiphlH look hoWtnacailentlL cir- from the rest of their hrnd.and they hM
impossible t* deny lhat the Dunas either adapleiHo different environments pr
oinof fluiD-aod th DuriK'puiTling role In cles, It Is

^<jih jo can be hne beeri Irjvclmg amDrij the stars for r1 have evolved sn jlighily diffnent -directions
1fi4 war agaor^l
than the baseline species The mM popu-
studied jod amrtiiniirotl
^ all- least long as Humans,
lous and well.lmowo Neai Dytos species

The Dm ros seertl lo hurt! 3 nlul affinity

space l>3(wel, Many of Ittem possess aiethe Nemioidians.J species rarely
Duroa for n*i

Ihjoianolds- frism innate giasfMjfthc mathematlLal underpin- copounlered during the Krbellicio Era.
Tht DiMOi arc tall. liairlEii

the Doroiy4tcnn(.wfiKh Ijlocalrdalthe nings of astro^tloival compilations, and Ouros can be found h) ar^y prgressMMi,.lHl

rflicme Dtrter of the -Goff JKtnr. Laigt there Die mnny talcs tlsit get swapped In most professionals are experts worhHiji. In
tantinai abHJi Ourps nstru^gatMi preparlrsg ^bs ifclJlifrd to space Iravel in some way.
eyes -arv) wide lipini itivhUis dontiivitc

vpcuue I. huuflCH s
5<rlou Wridrri

Pgi 4^ 4dy?ntur?rs can' belong !o ^ ny class of the world In the hands of greedy, mega' Almost thirty years later.duriog the lime
and prestige class. Ditros speak BasK ivittv corporate COalitioiis that plundered the oFthe New Republic, the Duros Found their
eai,as ibeir language [Duicw) cmrtrlbuted world's resources to help finance their off- planet and orbita habitats overrun with

to It'S development. worMeHCursions and provide fur Ihe Duros alleo ref ugees driven from worlds devas-
livingon the planet^ first orbital cities. tated by theVUglhan Vong.The New
History And Cultura Meanwhile, a Fever of wanderJust gripped' Republic Senate Select Committee for
The moafiless-niOtltl oFDvrbiS murky, the modern" Duros, and most of them Refugees, uarch Ing the Core vvorCds for a
brown, and toxic to most living creatures abandoned tifecn Duro to live In majestic place to relocartc millions of homeless
but It wasn't ahyayf this way, At th? dorwn orb*taPclUesorply nirwhyperspace routes^ refugees, struck a deal with the Durus H^h
of the Old Republic, centuries betanethe adopting the stars as I heir new home. House to use Duro as a haven. SquaNd
cmcfgence of the (Galactic Empire, Puiq was The corporate Coup had dire co*kc- camps were erected behind security fencec.
a temperile and lerlilc worM with abun quencesv as millions of weafth-seeking The Se nale eritrustect the safety of Duro's
dani natural resources, f he ancrent monar^ Puros abandoned |hr planet to trade and new Indigenous populariari' and the secu-
(hy took great pains to meld its creations deal another worlds. Then came the Empire. rity oF Its Shipyards tcj Admiral Darci
with the natural wonders of the world, The Imperial navy seid control of the Duro lAtU'hC.a Duros with little compassion tbr
hulldlmg esufulSite arChitrclurat splendors 'System, driving uncooperaltve corporallorK Outsiders.
that merged seamlessly with their sur- OUl oF business, COrtimandcering lucrative Senate Ambassador Leila i^irgana Solo

fUundmgs.TlhthertevOlent Queen Ifana Mas business holdings, erecting hideous factoeles spearheaded efforts to impfCPveOuto's plan-
TrehaR encouraged her people to explore and mines that contaminated the oceans, etary conditions. A number of self-con-
various arts and sciences, particularly inter- and decimating the remainder of bgfOi's nat> tained ecosystems were buill, breathing
stellar flight. uf,il resources, Although the residents of the masks and experimental antitoxins were
^lentiflc leaps enabled the Duros to ven- orbital cities continued to Imre comfortably, administered to endangered rrFu gees, but
ture out among the stars. They built orbital the planet soon found rtself mired In toxic the bureaucracy In Eoruscant thwarted
waystatbonj, allnOwing Ihcrrt to probe the waste and solid duracrete, its ecosystem Uta's efforts to deal with the ptanetwidc
farthest reaches of space. This era saw the nearly obliterated .. ccologlcai catastrophe. The Jedi.l'n their
emergenteof new DutoS colonies on vari- The Imperial navy aho claimed the Eturos altempts io protect the refugees and pro-
ous worlds Including Fadden.Aquilae, and shipyards and OfbUal facilities, DurOs engi- vide the barest necessities, foutid them-
Atapap One. the Pur helped avert the npcfs were commissioned to bultd huge, selves equal^ daunted In their dealings
Vin|h Conflict 0*1 Ccrhall 10 and made first hyperdrive-capable cargo ca-rrSers to haul -with the corrupt CorOuro Shipping Corpura-
contact with the ^Irathen and the Tunroth. goods and Supplies between Imperial tron. which controlled messt of theshipping
Many DuroS settled, to* a time, on the Tun- worlds. The largest cargo vessels hgilt by Irv the system and was d iverting divergency
roth worlds of tCalok and ^aloch. which the DurOS had modular, spherical storage supplies from the refugee setliemenis to
account? for IhestitiUg Duros fnlluence per- compart mcnis. Duros persorvnel trans- the Puros orbital habitats, Suspkrons that
vading the architecture of |ho?e worlcH. ports sleek and agile craft loosely leserrr- the Duros m ight bo in collusion with the
Aj the OurOS charted new hyperspace bNng vertically standlrtg saucers were dreaded Yuulhan 'Vong darkened the whole
rcMftes across I he galaxy, they became more Favored t^ sOrne Imperial dignitaries. species' reputation.
isolated, less attached to tbe-ir homeworld. The Rebel Alliance made a determined When the Yuuitwm 'Wsng Invaded the sys-
and Ins Inclined to follaw the Iradllioeal effort to driveaway the Imperials but were tem. the magnitude of the Duros' compllclrty
and conrervative government. Shipping repulscid. A few months after the Battle of -was revealed bS thepgru DeFeose Forte and
conglomeratrons sawthKsDclety-wlde |ndor,the Empire abandoned Ouro, Mega- the Cure orbital habftalstook no steps to
apathy os the perfect Opporlurtity to usurp corporations-most of them based In the protect the defeivsekw refugees on the
COntret fnomi the planet's feigning sen/er- tjorellilan Sector reclaimed the system and planet below. In exchange, the Duros orbRal
ergn. Duchess Ceneer. They placed I he fate its shipyards. cities would be spQ red ( he Vtiujlvsn Vong
onslaught. However, this proved to be a

Ihxhn fmttomn -
loll +o; Defense lo; Spd lom; VPf'/iP -F8; Atk -kj melee [idj-i, pu nc h], Vang cteceptlon. A devious weapon called a

-K> ranged; StJ Spacer fe a! js species bonui; Fo*t +Ov RrF 41 , Will -1; 5Z M Sm to Urn};
dovin basal burrowed into the plaoet's

FPo. DSf 0:RepO;?lr 8, De* liCon S.lnliz,W1 s lo.Cha icj.

crust, dragging the orbital cities dowe from
frfLJr'pmcnt: 'Variety of persorul belongings Space, The Orbital habitat of Drr-Om was
SJijFJs. .Astrogjfe +4 or Pilot '4, Knowledge | varies} -rz, Professian jvariei|-s3. the first to fall. All other cities but orse soon

Frt>. Spacer. followed Duros collaborators fooled Into

SpftfWf QuOiVfiVf.' All Duros receive the Spacer feat ars a species bonus aiding the Tkiuihan VOng managed lo relo-

Species firatwresr -a Str.-i-z Dex.-z Con, ' Inl cate to the orbital habitat of Urrdocf just
prioir to the tnvastem and were able lo use

STAn WA.ns OAuen 77

LE lh( city ancient lennsa r So-Blllet^ an ea riy negotiator in LocHtlans of Interest
'I l"l
unih the formation of the ftebd AlHanw, along Vaiiev of Rovactv
_ _
D drive

to f let
with Sian Tevv of Sullust andothrrrs. This onoe-losii vaUcy was transformed Into a

The V^uzhstn Vl>ng were deter mined to 1 tal Nootka, a Coruscanf weapons dealer wasteland byovermlningand toxic pollu-'

plancltO new and captain of the Start who took t,in|s- Monuments depleting rulers and spiri-
rtViore the ravaged fen'ing

lire tothal which vile technalogy hadvcpy hisa>llJses fram characters and thipc m tual leaders from ancienl Duros dynasties

ricapty destroyed. The planet's pr^jclmlly to Duros adventure novels. die Overshadowed by roiling clouds of nox-

Coruscant arwl olhet Core ^sleriK also pro- *Ohwurtand Cachl De Uaol, ownert ot Hjus mist and smoke. The valley walls arc

Docking Bay g4 who have worked under pierced wl|h labyrinthine mining networks
vided the perfect platform for future rprli^ .

lory strikes pf the NrwifepuWicdId rI many names Including "Bringc and PrObo^" and monstrous ppoceSJing stations. Mutated

agree tc IhfVtiuihanVDng's terms. and^Ellorrs Madah and Banljj ICeeg.' the only fauna to survive
fcfie b<:elles

Truthful Tory n,a dealer whom Han SolO' Duro's ecotogical hotocauSt roam this des-

Notb)e Dui'cia tried to con Into buying a stolen ship called olate place, Ccjnverting a ny ofganic material

< Chidee ha Maah. owner oF 3 tarforge the ToTrsmerr?. they frod inlo art edible protein paste.

Station Shipyard, -who offered Chewbacca a Admiral DarezWuht, the Commanding

laigc suol fff money to come work for him, officer of the Mon Cakrultei Poeiy. RArfAOaasT,THiE CiTV OF Ashes

' Chia C'cHaan, rounder of I he Duros assigned by I he New Itepubllc to reinforco D uro's former capital City is named after

colony at ntrmold la. whose collected writ- Puro's defense agailnst the ViiUfhjn\Ajng. Queen Raita Mas of the planet's

lugs detailed his people's fall hom grace. Durgard Brarun, Ihe Vico-Dprcctor of early monarchs. It Is referred to as the Rpyal

- CrolgJaCOmden, |he owner of Crolg^ t^orDuro Shipping, who was willing tos^acri- City or the City of Ashes by ofFworW Duros.

Fix'lt Barn, rumored to have corptieclions to fice'the New Republic refugees on his It manages lo retam sotnevcsllgic of Its

most smugglers IntheChorios ^tems. homeworld to protect his Duro-basediCDr- piK proud beauty, despite the suffocating

CtumnseVlnn. a top-notch smuggler por.itlon and Its allies from a Vgulhan'Vong pollutants that have dirtied its marble
corroded gray translucent domes,
and owner of the starship Corsa^Vinn. who Invasion force. Spires, Its

helped the Alliance rejist the E mplre. and rilled Its boulevards Wt|h puddles of

AdverittirB Houks In secret comportments and spirited trff- mstaliatlon and fires Its laser. Unknowfi

There are counth^ss pvSSibiNI les for world. DvSt>nlol$o wants the heroes to to the heroes, the lerrOHSls have rigged

advcniure on .ind near the Duros home- learn the identity of the smuggler's the platform to fall from the- sky after it

world. I^slble advenluies Irsclude the employer. This could h? a high-ranking fires, destroying the plalfcrm anct evl -

Mlowlng-; Puros official, a "concerned" Duros histo- de-nce of the- corporal lam's Involvement.

rian, a leprcsenUllveof the Duro High

Lost Art House or CorDuio Shipping exetulivu. A Private War
firitoNefroj: klseof the Empire, Rebel Imperial official, ur High Prophet Kadaan iiiHabtt fwr Rise of the Emptre, Rntbellloo

llon.iSJew iedi Order himself. Elov feeriL the TwHek OWer of The

A renowned DuroJ auboeologlst Swirling VdrtcK, mak'esthe heroes a

named Dushni Spa Rcmil fears thnl SUODIN DiATH templing offer. He tells them thaf many
someone Is plundetlng arllfjcls from the JufftiWe frop of the E mpire, Rebel of his Corelllan alSOClalW have been

tombs of dead Duios monarchs beneath lion, tycwJedi Order plagued by pirates in the outer fringes of

the ruins of the oUl capiUl.DUStlnl A corrupt megAcorporartion has hired a the Duro system. Me then points Ihe

secretly sUipCiirtS that the Duro High team of terrorists to infittrale ond take heroes to a DuiOS engineer seated Jrr one

House {efuring the Rise of the Eri'iplce 03 command of the Cfydus Drilling Plat- turner of the bar. whomi he SUSpocls has

or Palpal ine's advisor. High Prophet form, th>ey InletHi lo use the platform's been helping the pirates secure equip-

K.adaan {during the Rebellion era), might Industrial drilling laser to target and ment to repair their damaged vessels.
be responsIWc but df not want to destroy a mining nslallatlon orv the 4 uF
I E lav asks the heroes to make contact

volte hIS SMSpklpns without proof. He face of Duro. The cTestruCUon of the min- with Ihe Duros. pretending tube atrli-

also knows that a notorious smuggler ing knslallatlon vwll ruin one of the Cooeflian types willing tOsoH their serv-

who frequently assumes the guise of a corporatroii'^ compelitorl, killing hun- ices and their jhip to the [Mrates'eauSe.

preeminent Human archaco^Og'iSl has dreds of innocent mine worke-rs in the Regard less of how they dictide tc

made otcurSiOns to Ihe Royal City in procesSi The heroes are sent In Id deal approach the DuA04, tlav wanlsthe
wHlJi Ihe situation and must defeat the phote at! iKks to stop. In cjochange, he'll
recenl mo<rths.The Duros archacologiist
hires the hemes to shadow Ihe smuggler Insidious Ictroflslsln thoClydus Plat- put the heroes in contact With several
form's control center before the platform Inllucntlal CorelNan merchants with
and irtcrwr any Slulen artifacts before
they cart be placed aboard hit transport moves into position owjr llie mining whom they can call In a "favor" cr two.

conccntratpd pol wn. the city tay the Tavana Advunturit Hoblo (contlnund}
Qif |he p^anefi long-loal rulcri. This arKlent Duros mining City, Situated in If the heroes play I heir cards right, they

All hough me Duros tintorian^ dfr their the bowl of a meteor Crater^ reached its can trick (he Durew engineer Info selting

best to maintain Ihc dty'l mOfC impre$$iwie height duri ng the ear^ years of t he planets up a meeting with the pirate leader, Jlzal

and hfttoriCaliySlghiflCJnl dlslrlcli^lhc rcit Industrial Agjecenluiles before the Imperial Taplian,or one of her closest cohcwl^,

ot the city has fallen into d Isrepair, hac bas- Is a haven for galactic Taphan.a Duros privateer betrayed by

lng.fuglli'p^ancl enormaLii.ferzc beetles refugees fleeing the Vtiuihan Vong during one too manymcgaCMporjlIonSjts try-
y^hefe<t4FKe housed artists and sCienliSlS. the age of the Wcw Republicthe old rock ing to avenge (njusi Iw wrought by a

mines converted in-tb shelters the ore pm- cartel of Corel kin Industrialists, attack-

flBUHflu City cessing piants remodelled Into crude walec ing ships- carrying spk-i! and other ill ic'd

The largEsl of twenty enoirnousorbllal purification ptants. caigoin a valiant attempt to divide

habitats, 0 t>nrru Iti^ %|Trawling architectural (hem and cripple their businesses, the
and engrneering wander, a majestic lattice Clvdus Driuinc PlATfOltMS heroes must chooce whe( her |o com-

of spheres and dames joined tocher by d These' small, anti-gravity mining installa- plete their ml'sslpn {and rtsk angering

near-symmetrical webof spokes and ship- tions float beneath thetOk clouds of Duro Elav Fcer!''s Oorelllan assoclatesjl or

yard arms, flP gleaming In the ocdinge light ar>d were designed to support crews of only thwart Tapban's attacks and deliver her

of Duro's sun. WOSl of the city's residen-ts a dozen or so technical operators a nd a Into I he hands of he authorit'ies.

and businesses iridudlng theJuurious handful of droids. Each platform's tower

corporate offices of CarDora Shipping hemisphere Incorporates a masSaVedhlllrtg Extbimi PniJUWtl

occupy towers and dames wfth views of the laser that can bore shafts thiough the plan- Sui'toWc fncr.' Mew .fedi Order
stars Instead of the murky world belcwv. The etary crust to reach deep mineral deposits. Attacks by the TUu* Vang have

levels closer to the planet contain the city The powernceded to fire the drilling laser df tvcfi (hPUS^mds of refugees to the

reactons and drive units, genchttois for the limited rtsusc lo one shot eveiy jo oc bo Puro system. The Senate, in its attempts

pla netary shieU, and cargo loading docks. hou rs. During the dark days of the Empire. to ptovidea safe haven far these

The resklenlS of Bburry and similar Imperials tried tOuse the drilling lasers to refugees, have set up scK-cOntalned llv-

rbilal habitats warrt for nothing. The pcrlitr- help keep the Dums government in line, rng environ mertls Oh PUfO'l toidc sur-

cal tedders of Duroc the High House, reside believing that Duros officials would not face. Many Ouros,. however, loalhe I he
In ^buriu and have few tics to tradition, stomach the loss of historical monuments presence of tiKtse outsiders and I he risk

i^'ilh the support of the CorDuro ^hipping on the planet's surfice, When theOuros they pose to Durp's peaceful system

CarparationicKeCuliyecommltlee.they arc officials showed little concern for these Officials sent by the Senate to mediate;

helping to preserve wbal's ten of Oum"s monuments to their past, the Impcnals disputes with the DurOSSUSpCCl Ihal a

past hy tATnsportmg priceless Duras a rli- abandorted the idea of using the platforms known Ouros loyalist, Rrabol

faclsfrom the surface. High House has as weapons and sold them to the mining mounting fl reslstaince effort to oppose

authorized the disassembly of several hls- guilds and coeporattons. the influx of refugees. The heroes must

lorloat buildings and rnonumeists, while f he extraction platforms^, constructed by loc;ite and track Drage tong enough to

CorDurohas secretly coniracled various the now-defunct Olydus Mining Carpora- discover what he's up to.

smugglers and black markel consortiums lo tion andcodunded by DurODelve Industries Drage plans lo sabotage shlpmonls

find happy homes for more priceless trin- before the Imperial accupattorv.were used of emeigency suppi les, injecti ng -C'en-

kets purloined ffom the tombs of ancicri't as wayslattons after Ihc fall of the Empire. tainers ot food with t&Xns obtained

monarchs- A handful of concerrKd histori* Corpor.ate cutbacks, terminated mining con- from the planet, Drage has sympalhiz-
anrs and archaeologists know of COrDuro'^ tractSv^rsd general neglect caused these Cfi wcuking for the Bhurru Docking

pilans to transport key monuments offwor Id platforms to fail into disrepair toon Iheie- Authority. When the next group of COE'

but are not yet aware of the Ill icit tomb- aftcr.Twenly'five years after the eatticof Dum shuttles larrdat tbe orbital cUy pf

robbings, Few Other Duros seem In' care. E nrfor. only one Clyd us Pfatform remains. Bburru for cargo irispcCtiOi\ Drage and

All visitors and vessels arrcvlryg at BburnJ The others have been dismantled their a group of Duros hugs appear I in Dock-

must be cleared by an agent of the Bburrci drilling lasers salvaged and moved else- ing Authority uniforms to "inspecT' the

Docking Ajjthorrty. Other orbital habitats where Of have fallen from the sky. vesseK injecting toxins into the food

have similar personnel to IrTSpecI creden- supply before aMowfri'g the sbuttlr^s (0

tials and cargoes. Ticrcan Daw leuve for the refugee campS Ph (he
Other Orbital (Hies Include lirudobar, Orr- A duracrete marvel named after thclmper* planets surface,

OrW.ICri-Laiun.and Urrdorf. ral engineer who desHgned it. this moCvStros- Tbetwist: If the heroes obUln the
rty Isi visible for miles even through the shuttlcslllgfit pliitis.thty dneowrihat
perpelual haze. The dam meters tall the supplies were ncnffii destined for the

and over a kitometert wide. Water pours refugee setHemenls. Gy order of the Cor-

though valves near (he b.T, giving the DurP Executive Comm ittee. the supplies


duratretedam an bntenjnl.autteralroar. Pkr ANoyiaw SHipvaeb
lhi= During fh* liTipcrml oeHruTMllan of the Duro
(cnrttltiUBd} Before vjc.allng duio. |be lmpe<i iah
rtrippcrl the [Jam le rti exos1ri1ne. The tyricm.thli arr^ofortifaltlarihlpton-
are being wcirtly
dam perlMtkral^Kiveiaia larrfcvr crimi. striicUondepofi rJrt the fringe oF the Durr)
dmriHt lo arwther Duren Htall jI hRbllal;

nail arhl imugglerji- whpllkclaawiduct tyitem was amodekol rtsllitary efficiency.

[Uirdarl). 'rtwihin Vbn^ wHaboratofi cm
lowthemielven The ihlpyarrft were malnlalned by Prl-
Ihc f^Kulhrt CarUmlKct hnaiw jbMl orvert irartiactloprsor In

maicwprfc pf tiinneH and aiyuadiKlv Andyfari Ptopulilon Syttemt, an upilart

the Jmmlncfll iiwjwan and are stiarfcpl llic
Carellijn-corpnratiisn-Prl'fmdylan retiinccl
emergency wpplie^ <x UwnvseJwCT.
the ie(vlc of hiiya Gied an fDIplornat fa], a
Ieln({ Iht lef litgecsi In Itur Hurth. Vvtui Starekkk

If fhe Drage,VkeDirec- ThlsrnlHlal italtCMfl(JMPfmnnyimM|- Dorot hrcrlltator dKKlng the imperial occo-

tdr fta-ren fff CortSui* Slihpfring learr> pf rale owncdfacllrlietinthfi Duroirysteni h- patron, and relied on hlseftitient.mllitarls-

arid il.Mihlpengl- nsethodtto kieeprioriitriicticin ptoieett

thek ^iKceii. and extendi NIi g^art ittidc refEPird lb by ipaceri fir;

Shtjrtly ,iiietfeirrtnrger?ivii%olflMvtl>fl ruen ai the vydal Pie becanw cri Us -dliWric- oritchedijle.

Nsroej m jllatkcd by a grawp wf tive pir -shape. The facility i rjlik'ih aped

rjine y* Jis after the Battle ol Endof, the
Ri-Andylan thipyards were acqrjlred by a
GawKif rean and Ibdiati Itiiegs. Tfw tbi^i ^vlth mynad landing bays array(^d tie

eirpum(e(ne. Spdleiha[ml lw*lns rmalltidMi of Corporate Sector trading com.

ml^ht be rTWMC {!([ Drrtge> Irtendi Of COf-
tpweri poke tip frsMn itightly cericawe paniet with offices on iburru. The coalftfan
&UXO 3^ viitlhi ififil by Srarun tp "dean It?

core, while siting Inia the botCorn ! the obtarnrd contracts to rent mjny-of the New
up the rWH." arid keep Ibc conifrari^^
pit'' arc three -semniieular, tm-ihaped Kepublict older capital ships, but ttnkei
tehemei and oompllcity letrel.
strpi:tur tofllalnlng communlcattons and delays af the shipyards fOKed the ^n-

arrays and shield generartcus. jte to revoke many of these cordracts. at

The most popular ipaetr bar or'i vydat's the urgJrrg of cerfaln Scisators. the stramcd

Pie The Stirling vortex, run by a friendly cojtittan appointed i?"* rsf its mefnber com-

Twt'leh Korandrtt natncdi tlav Fcen panies, CorDuioSfiHpprng, to drrtlnlstrate

Elav Fcen treats his regular the shipyards and psil Uicni lck on sched-
RasDuccBi jSeeurvfrcl

patrpris well and hat poweffulcistsnGCtiont ule. linsteadL Corpuro had most of the iWp-
AndefMWVr Kevin J ,
and Wjlliee, Dan.
the Corporate Sector. The bar yard's eiygmcers transferred to smaller,
5rae nw fsienbol Chfsurotagy. Del thrrsurgliaul li

tended by n frvndly Wooklec COmmonn newer fainllii ktt tti varrous habitats
Rey, iggg-
named Orrsa QfbltirngJHiro.The Pli-Andylan Shij^ard
LcwlSv Ann. jiar bVAii.-
The Vydat Stardock k run by art Olwe- was turned rnDo a series of loading docks
Cidcfc hrAWen- SjJKto Pel BcyiiCKH.

Tyeri. Kalliy. Pel Kcf, quIOMt pum^ odmIniSliartOT nArurd Ehllse and storage luys for arriving add departing
TeUun fOlpIgm at 4I. Duhe It a greeijy torpO- torDuro freighters. This action Iractured the
ijcophantitw eager to offer dlSKKinl coatitlon. kaviiRg CorDoio- with few alHes
Wallace, Dan, jiai LVae f : nw fisenblar rote

docking fees tocompaniet In whkhhe bold perfect^ serviceable shipyard

Cualk jp fWjnrJd or?d fldwnf.Del Key, 1991.
fwldt sharet. He it miMh kst accnmniHidad
- During the Imperial -pccupatietn and the
Wallace. Pan. 5ta Wa ; fbr f rjcnii^r
Jngwrthiiinaligned Irerghlercaptamt twenty yean fallowing the battle nf Ci'sdei.
f74i*fe (0 IfXiodr Cuv- Prf Key. aooi.
pn1et> they Sit wUlng to part wllli a irnad the shipyard empfayed bvti fKrt thoosand
yarlpui rti^'erence Iwokj from Wect
engineers, nfMMt of them DuibS. EhMinglfus
End Camel Sue Wab Btrffpii^inij Cofnt. pcrcentaiiTenf tireir hauh.
and period, 1 he average tirnc It lakes IhePrl-
Tlie nerveh and cdmlei t>l the Sue Docking feet far treightext, corvcHrjt.
iramportt vary depending of the Aiidylan Shipyards to futftll 0 shipbuilding
Wak Expanded Ummne. iMt tire s*re

vettef and the cargo (Ifanyr) it eaiiiet. contract li llsttzd be lim*. fThe shilpyarifc ate

Airthofiied milifary craft dock far rrce.ThC not equipped to build Cofasial.Tiity,

djNyfMldcrituI fen wily depcndrnggn the DHnlnuttse.or Fine itarshipj.fCostimi -ves-

quality of the accommodallohs; again, sels have rkKiblr the cdflstructlonfime. g

authorised military pertonneliio not pay.

Cfluali'Uiitliin Tlrt>

C^rgarrfrisn ^-ijiriDfilhs

Huge b-ymonthi

largp 3-^4 months

Medrtim size i-i months

^rtull s-^weeks

&D vOeuWE I NUMeEn a

Randam Carga Generator
B\f MtCHAtt MIKAl UAH AHIf ffAflT A f Jhf $ T HC HC

Q Dur lurHidteitid hjitijjr fuli(rfCrlghtefs, Jind

Katlpned wywheic.
WHjit'i In l>ic bcr a player Kkf
irnrga dpdde Id lake it. roll

baekstory the caifpo might haw.

a Oso ott Talike

When players get unusually oirlousu it

| lo dk2lentTi[^e what srcjpt

rsrans you're orrl*


Unttti... iumt itiiH," you say. "HotNIng very Inrtcrcsling." lOnSelliiog.fiun with It.VOucan mobean Imprompln adventure
Thl> ^ i^]^urr>atkHi <faa twvr want to haw with your by answering these e|ultlOhl: 'Who OWilS this cargo? Wbo's delW
d^FTM! books always excourago j^cri to 4lwit up pl^ with erlng ft? Who wands to slop this cargo from belnjdellwred fWhy

(fetalis, but Ibal^ iwl. as easy as ll>y make h swnd- f ntw the d(5 Ih^ want to stopJt from bnlng delivered t Answering Ihcie
chianec cutx [jeteri^lner it>\ random caigo. questlqnican re:.1art s derailed a^tverrlure, or Jumpstart a rvew

Hcnr^ hpw it wofkfrWiKinEwr sorneisne wands to know abosjl aifvcni lire,

some ca<igo yon haven't prepared foe, mil a d!t ofS TalHe i to deter- Always rcmemlMr, you cao thpose an ojilkm rather th j-n fl. T1i*
rrtlise how the car g(f is being: stored, then. I^ Hit playprs gpt nosy point ol Ihe charts Is lo help you be creative, not to box yon in. If
and want to hapk Iniide, rtrfl a d?k oo TaUe 2 IQ (fclernmrtc what Is soine result Hooks good ( you, use II. rake a lesson fiorri hAaster

being st-csnpd Finally, ir they start lampering with Iheeargoor Jtrsl Qui-Can: Know whers to InfluerKr the dice, g

Table t: Contain sr Tafala 2 'A: ChBrntoala Table 2-i VebiciBa

[ d* TVKDrCDH^hlNEH I r* 9 V^ 0ri (talUpEiL 1
aip TrMor WhiCu
w-m Nd(m Ifrtled dn lliMr nr pjlette] 1! Ineit t'S Landspecdei
Sacks or bunidle! 1 Flammable fi-B Speeder bike
2^-6o- Duraplast (rmtes CMiosave 9 Air speeder
61-70 Durasteel diums 4 Lnhrieard. Skiff

yiflo Seated its khlppHug foam S A(Jhnslve

6 Roll twice; ignore n isWit of 1 or 6 Tablp ti1: Secrat
a95 Encased Incarbonite till Or li
96-00 Roil again. a SHond muh of Tabla 2 B: Armnn 1 Motsr
96-00, the cofilairver Is a Uvlng r dM Twf <91 \ J Stolen
Hmr 1-12 tight armor
i ftjrc and valuable
IJ-tS Medium EU<mor
4 geing walehed
>9 Heavy arnwM (inrt of a larger shipment
Table Si Cantanla
30 Powered armor 6 Mislabeled
rCcpfrinm |

7 Concealf a homing beac-on^CC

pvcis teothiug
o6-io Food Table 2 'C: Creature as Siearch cHeck In Incite]
an TvflOPCKJLTUEE i Contaminated
nij Clothes 1

kb-^tsor hhfes 1-3 Orwb*qt 9 toaby-triippcd |K ts Searrh

Livesta:h/don#i 1 kJtesj aiumals 4-6 turiTaun check to hxiEe.&C zo CIsaNr

26-jO Power cells 7-9 Uadu Device check to defuse}

10 d.iiMnr 10 btidden cqmpai>tiinent i|DC 30
V ^ Medpacs or dacta
Spot check to notUo; roll again
}6 ao IHhI
41-50 DatafMxTs Tobla 2 -D: Woopans on tablc-3 l-onfcnldy the real
r dM cargo]
5i"6 o CjnSUnks
6 i -*5 Ftotocubes >3 KniVel
bbi^ Compulcr parif Combat glows ^ A 'llvM^ hosl'cin entail a nut^ber of pen-
jo-li pans
Diolid J -9 Stun bat(?ivs
slblhtles dcpendingcHithe naluFrof the
H'TT Vehkle parli 9-ID VWbrod aggers
VWMnblides cargo, rf Itw cargo Is large, the "host" migM
7 es Starship parts II

fl 4 -d5 Slaves U VHniS'kiet be wearing II, canylng II, nr escorting It, If

^6-90 dretfiiuls (mv uw i jc uirTr-uvi i| IS HoW-Pul Was'ters Ihe cargo is smaller, Ihe host nslgltd Itave- It

|m rjtWjA Armvl
ArnsOf s6 -P7 Blaster pistob
kmplandtHf in Ws or her body. Think about
- 9 'Wild cipature iw oiwrC'Ciwr--uxj
fi tit Blaster rifles
how an Individual persnn would transport
9T-g 9 Wcapofw |iw Cf IP iwiamr 9 Heavy blusters
and see where the Idea takes you.
Sit 00 Vehii^ (m l^ il SW^Snl grenades csbjecis


The Shaft;
Rebel Squadrons
l^iding the RaggEii Wedge

O his mcMith's mjicdiwc c*owfii the Shaft

fealure^ special ]{uesit star Wedge
Anidles, Red SquadrOrt Lejiief extraordi-
the Rebellion, Ihey do gel a helpl'ul assisl
from the main cast, The good General Cal-
rlsslart hits the table quickly thanks lo
with cither. If yOur opponent fields a
spacetightdeck,your pitots won't be
entirely useless. All are capable warriors,

naire. rhe only Rebel priet wilfi Iwcr Peal H Strlie Planning, while ^quadiooAssign- arw) Zev and Wedge make great co-pllots

Star sllhcMMttcs painled on |he side of his menls ensures he'll be in the cockpit of the for Rogue i, Ihe only combat vehicle In the

K.sving, Wedge probably has the most diS' rectenna-less Alif^cro?/EJWt fukonGold deck (iemember,Wedgc can caned des-

proporliDnale fanS-lo-iltiies- Inthe-movies Bquadipttt i in no thme. Alternately, yOu tiny with another Rogue pilot whether or

ratio this Side of Boba PctI coutd use Squadron Assignments anCSr nol he's in space during Ihe batHet-Use

and/or Nien Munb.then useSIrlhertan- the Docking Bay Sites as a qulcli way to

A Minor Charactar nlng lo grab Ibe General and turn this new move your ground -based hit squad

for All Saasens version of Han Solo'^ beloved freighter a around the Spoce Hrw,and meanwhile the

The leader of Rogue Squadmo ume VT-class juggernaut, iftpu'tl inadvertently shl ps of "Rainbow Squadron dominate

rtercdyinlo hKown in the Peath Star II find yourself playing out the "Unefo dies" the skies with supptMt from a Mon Cala

rxipanilcHi.a destlny-eaiHclIng dynanso version of Kvtvm nf the Jadj, and Captain martCrutseror two

wilh aslitl! new ship to match. In fact, Solo h ready lo take back the controls with Should the had guys attempt to play

anyone Mho's read any of the Wl ng the original AliWfrtnJum takon. Death Star It. you're more than ready to

books will rcOOgniie a lot of the ground- blow it back to he Cane, with a comple-

Planetary DfifanseR ment of Missiles and Turpednes at your

work oharacters for that series apffartng
in D5II (and "Ol tOlnridenUlly,lhlsdcck]. On Ihe ground, the tricd-and-lfue EPf* disposal Get hem out qulck^ wiUi Rapid

Obi-W^n with Lighlsaber provides quick Fire, and should enemy ships get in your
Allot these characters can enter pipy In a
snap thanks to the new Squadron Assigrv' offensive power, while thc5kywatker twins way, use steady Aim to help ensure a

menti effect. Objoctive? This deck needs provide longer-lasting ability at sites Ibotb direct hit.

can also act as inslant-detiny pilats If you Alt right, get loyour ships
[fp Pbjeclivt.
While rbe backbone of i get Into a pinch). Caplain Man and Ns pal troops have cfileied tho base. Repeat,

Deli wr"are the boW supporling players of Chewie of Kashyyyh aren't to be toyed Imporhst L-uops^... 6

OHSTitvi Slrlltr Fen fol NflCT tHc Mixr MiiUikrUiH

Planrtlitg serves two AsSlCMUrNT.., Why does Han get u

primary runeliOOS io ^uodron Assign fedlrig he's never

mcnti ln?m Pe alh itar going to soc her

this (IkI: allowsHR.

General Calf issiiUJ to HI is . godsend to agairlif'tieati me. Pick a

space-happy J^feori,anyfiiilton, Lose

play^K soon a possi- Stti.k

ble, and denying ydur jockeys cverywhcii!, one, rrpl-ite it with the
opponeni jforfp general loo friHn
your starling lacallcHi.Endor.

gsi vocuue I huunena

RiKUl TauP
Kelr$ai4 tage;
Starling (R)
The'fii'w Wcd^ cjii This iKtSle-knawti
I CjrrfiiinirSiiln^
larifi: ht^iArllh j I^I>^I,II7 dr Rrd "Jilcrgoe- Sqg jdrHi
1 [nikir(StJrllngLouHSaiv]|
SquJIidltMl pllut jn(l l^rluii^lcly fgf cran'IMts |J^e table In 1 Endof urndllt^ Pl.ithrm
Anldfct.ntitty p( Ihc Rrbclj' bril pHols hJi shifs ' hSCHUlHIgfor TNrMednjl rufjjtc

oncd flew wl| h |hu Pogui-St rcgardlcw Squadrem 7 far Irre.

mpiJidnen A|giwy( 4 s
srnkr Planning
af |lh?Jr dftlgjipitlonsi al (he Batllcor on''t Irrwe l<lrn
rrhilof Deliver" offers no .ilpne, thov^Ji, unlike
wwn ex- n nd cu rren!

1i'w( thfl n rtiany olNscoJ- I IlgfpbarLIIghEiH'

Rogim to lly ofl Red leader's wing. leaggn^ he adds no dni Iny (al( hough lie'd n Capdaln Njnkolo
Here they are, from B So 1: aetd 1 to (heniancuvcf offdlowfied I EaptalnVeirjrk

Squadion pifots].
i OiewtMua arsiaihyyyk
I Colonrl Salm
r PJugPiterfMSkyvrjtker
B^S^lhllghtw: Kin Klan;
r 0<rc!k'HublilF>ltvimi
Lake^iEhlldhiaod 1 hough hedefinndy P flpsi Olferr IlijnffCSlH
(middy is batk from (he boasts one of (he I GersnalCatfltsInn

dead. Just In time to worst haircuts In the r GrrmleaifM

I KjrleNrih
dks^danllyin jCor Wsnunivetse.
I Kelr^nlafir
anolher run on Colonel Sairti'f CO'
t l(lnill.ifi

another Death Slji. pilot Is better than 1 Lieulenjrt Tclsy

Hisship, Red j.doesn'l the Colonel WrriseiP In I liikc'Skyw.ilkMr.ledl rniglil

make it Into Ihlsdock titjny ways. On any of I lfitlNliflb

p OtK-Wanwithllidit^lH:'
dire loan IneffldGnt lack of an aslro- youf starshipm he'll add 2 to the destiny of
I li'nNumh
meeh, bul (l>e honcho mustache man jrty weapori draws (handy when you'ce try- I (yrhaCelrhu
makes a great co-pllot fof_ ing to shoot down theChlmaeraf On Gray I Wcd|^ An 9 ilies,KvdV|u.'hhoN Irailiri

^uadron 1 (or 3 ], he'll add top Force drains, 1 Jev Senesc.i

lending your deck even more speed. localkms is]
1 hkHucDtir. W,ir Koom
1 Home One Docking hay
Dvfek 'Hobhle' KNutan: tycho Celcliw
I f 4oi Calnmjpl

A major characlerin p SrdliKl

(middy wjK add 2 the K-wIng novels, p VjWi IV

imnverif (lie two are tycho a Rogue Inlerropti ($[}

ttrgdherHanrJ HoMrie Sctiiadroh pitot on I e|mI rue

also getsyoua small loan lothe A wlngsof I Stai [Jestreyerl

1 $tif>hl WrapCHis M.'ilriinrijcin

one-power twosl ''j,| Green 'Sqifadrwi
1 Stny^lLarpr
when your opponent serves this deck as a
I StfndyAlm
sends a itar Destroyer bettcr-than-average
Wcapwrs li Oevkn (Bl
after him. (fyou find yourself fighting a pilol atsd rin always- handy spy. He also p Anjlin's Llglilsnbw
giound battle.. Hotrtiie'i matching speeder adds a des( iny when not able to do other - t [h.irKl!d PrcilDn loppHlDec

from the Battle af Koth (logue 4 ^wid wise On Ws personal A wingiGricni I IflEriader MISsllir

CdhCUSSkHr MrsHiln
definitely come In handy. Stpiadron j.or anyX-wIng.

I liiEe'sDf|Ms,ibn
1 SW .y Ion CarwKXi.
Karie hrltir Zev 'ScneSca^ 1 jt.WIngLa^i'rC.mrion
you know, the Rebet' Brave, brave lev. Vehicles Al (tuships
lion may be led by a 1 Nought IcHl at the I HhieSciiudiian j

robed ex^^n^tor and a Uatlleof Hoth.he I Detianre

p Gold &quadioni
IVIncess without a returns tOithefr,sy In
I Gray Sqiuihni 1

homeworld. but lor all his snumpeeder, I Cray Squadmi S

that girl power on top, Rogue a. The Sharp- I Green Si^ipmlroi p

I he rank and-nie pilols eyed pilot that foumJ I Green Squadrurs t

have been decidedly HiStiaiKi Luke lost In 1 NrmwOiic

p Fiiiie(rn!uinr,ilcofl
lestosterOne-heavy Miss ffcth brrttgs adl- the f roien wastes is just as useful in space,
p tTjed'Squarhixip
tl gender estuKy to the game (and Rojpte SOapprfy as needed.
Kid^uarhon 4
Squadron} and serves as a hack-up pilol far I kFUSquaetpan 7
Gray ^uadron a p keguF j

r Vogue .I

wars gamer as
ur Last Hope
What ((naw Yna af Ready?

n f


Ihe Endof expa-nslon set from Dedpdter

jnj<lovbt (1^1 tufct
t impulsivr lo become a Jedh.
Any A^pteifht[te(two
Regardless of who

Is ta be tra1nGd..yau
need two copies of that character. Tiiu
if your
to consider usirtg both the
ingand Ihe Swamp.
may want
Bog cleat-

CQfi'flrmed ft. DJujhte*' Pf ^ hjrwji Iker, (he only need one t^a. because you typi- Yoda [Dagobah]
vtrfjbrtof Ida, Is an ideal candi- cally only activate three Force on your vnda Is wiihcui doubt I he best charac'
dalc for Jedk training. With the felea&e oF first turn. This is (mporlant, bcCAuse ter to train with. He ptovlcfcs a +i to all
Death Star ll. Ihie nei<t iKfl choice wuld |he edds of Ybda being one of the training destinies (+2 with Yoda's
be Son Of Skywalkf (Cloud City). Thanlts cards you activate are slim. By turn Hopei, adds one loyour total Force
to this game tcri you can deploy Luke's two, you're actlrvating five cr mere grneratidri, and allows you to use
LIghtsaber (DSIJ) fnom your Keseive Deck, Fflrce, There's a good chance that a sin- Yoda's Hut's gairse text to reduce attri-

whbrh adds one to each haining destiny gle copyofthe apprentice could be one tlon by 2.
draw. of these cards. At sc. If you deploy WtieAdvIee (5E)

Bui why would you want to train ILuke Qaivghter Of ikywallier from your This Effect Is useful for three- reasons:
when Lda dS theiob juSi as well? Sev- hand, you lose the benefits of the 41 training destiny,; $ense and Alter
eral reasons; Lcia Is one Jess Farce ta objective. (both Premiere) protection; and frt^c

deploy, even though you must deploy her ConffpiAt Vader (OSH) Immediate Effects.

from your Bewfve Dtck lo take advars^ The hnl fiveledi tests aro necessary to The Way Of Things (D^llji

tage of the Objective; Leila provides a n flip Mind What You Have Learned. Thu Efft Can be 0 monumcnla I f Ime
extra Light side Force Icon;, and Lukeli They each have a powerful effert too. saver. {See diagram on the next page.)
usualy mofe useful #Uewtife than Lela. Oitceall rive are comptirtcd.yDU gain
These have been the reasons thal players the following (In test numbei order): Adventur^l ExcitemBrrtl
have trained Daughter Of ihywalher In dll oppcnen('( force dralts bonuses ate The remainder of your deck more than
Iheways of the Force since |he released! Ignored; opponent must have total 40 cardsIs your tool for winning the
Eodcie, ability ) sat a localloii to draw battle game, like to use starships as my main

desllnyiycg may subtract one from method of winning. TLsc Light side has
Tr^alnlrig Methad each opponent's destiny draws: during such powerful slarships and good drains
Evety Itaming deckshouW have (he your Conlrol Phase you may use a Force In space thal It makes sense. Avoiding
following: lo search your Herve Deck fcr any Sites can leave you vulnerable to cards
Pagobah (Dagobah) card and put It In your hand; and you like dearth And Destroy (Endor), but also
AtedFs Strength (Pagdbah|i m^ie-usea predetermined destiny protects you from all kinds of combat
II Is The Future Vou SEelDagobah] each lime you would normally draw a Yehle^es^ charxiCter weapon^, and extra
Great Warrior [Ga^bah) destiny Thesefiveabilftieshelp you battle destinies. Elclwcen Jedi Test ffi and
frajgobih: Bog dearing st^in Ihegame long enough lofllp PrajHllon Of A Skywalker [JPJ. there a le
|pT Dagobii.h: Swamp) (Djgcibah|i and retrieve < Force, then you canhln> few sites I he Dark side n effective^
Domain Df EvtlfDagobah) der IheUarl! Side wi1 h Jedi test *6, drain you at
S1ie Matters Mot {Gagehah] You Musi Confront Vader. There are many different comblnallons
agobahLjuitgle (Dagobahj Dagobah: Yoda's Hut (DagObahJ erf cards that COuld yleW a winning deck.
Croat Warrior (Dagohah} though the System Is required, the Instead of unique starUghtcrs, you can
Dagobahr Training Area (Dagbbah] sites you choose aee up lo you. ftote use space cruisers. If you want to try a nd
Yoda'i Hope (Dagobah]! that you technically only need Ihedog lake oversHes ycu could use scouts cm
This Is simply another Clearing (cr Sw^mp) .ind (he lungle Endor ora variety of characterson Cloud
1-1 training destiny. (cr ybur Jedi tests. Vbu definitely want City. Another solution could be to make a
Mind What You Kavt Learned/ the Training Area since Hallows you more traditional Mains and Toys deck.
Save VouH Can (Special Edrtlon|l getyourJeditestSiHitofydurdeck. This requires mullipir copies of rare cardsv
This hs the best way lo I ake adfvanlage Ifeda's Hut Is idral for Force gcneratlorj but I he effects can be efevastatmg.
of iedi tests. and reducing attrition by a on a turn.

&TAR- wAA4 dA^eh ST

Five Tests in Seven Turns

AciwaiEr jit hJSl J

fur n Dugghall ille.TtieTralnlflJEAreali
yaur (Iplt

3 Fonx} arid
clwice. ITtf n
(tcpici)' Ysda
to thf site, Alji^
VS %# Tpm Fou
sfjrfh jruur tieck for Jcdl Trsl utldfl
i ttit
5S^5 search your (ferk tof Jedi
Tilt #6 . ArtiTOti' j 1 icJit
TpalrtlPg AtH''igani( ttirt.
I ,
^ Fouc Jifdl Tfif

Hi (ywH pcrd Tv draw Jd lit a 3 dr^-

DhlK SiDiTueN two
Erni^h ^ur (tk fflf a
SeJiiki jour rJcck fur |cdl Test ai.
lUe. By now. (he ^ wamp ^puld be thr-
oplypnif IrH In ypur dock. t>C ploy
brtwrwn tho Tfilnlnj, Area and Vetla'i-

IHtil Ifyoucopnpleied JedITeit a?,

dc()toy Jttdi rl if
j on tlie Jungle M
pauehlef Of ^kywaHw I
y at (he ftTHfife

during yoii deploy phote. Jrdi Teit J } li compicfe

Deploy kdl Test on the Swamp, then irm^p
Daughter Of Skywalitef la lire iwa>r<p

O Light Sipi
SenTihywrdctfc fotledi
Test #3- Activate al least s

Fee. Search yo jr detk fur .1

Dafiobaih ide. '*adi\ Hul hs

yopr hist choice, bul<f ir> nut

^ jwjllahle.get Uic (pngle.TUen.

deploy OauEhter Of SVywjllier

Dagobah Vod a s
Artlviile at least 10

Atlmrpt kdl test #j|.


{youll rreed to
Foeee) lo nt

( that site. draw at least a 4 destiny) ifDaugh-

SHf. AKo. deploy JcJI Test <ti
Iff Of Stywalker com[^ll fedl

fcit U4. deploy iJKlITirsi iT5*n

OaaH f lOE IV11H Thgie
vuda's Hut. AAoTe Daiigfiler Of
S earch you r deck fot Jedi lleTl 04
S^lrywjlker toTIDda^H|i|

I?" Ifoht Side

At this
iiPE IVrH Sax

you hai to do h make sore

you're almost In the bewne itretrcb. Ail
th?,i there's a detetit destiny
Tuem fHiie lined up by (UMt seven. At the beginninrgof yuur turn.
Search your deck Daughter Of SkywiIkH begin Cu aitempt Jedi test sj

1 .n- >
IK MM |- .9 1
Activate at least
by turning uplide-down

9 To<ce. Atlenifd.

O kJCHT Side TVhn SfvtN

n ledlTestm

need to
at least

j 3 pile Is
At the ervd of your |ym, Daughter Of Skywalke r lucns
right side ufs It's Important lo remember that your used
neclrtul Jled bcfrjte the end vf your turn. Thai

that you can actwale pH youi Force [or all but r


your deck tor .r Pa^atuhsktc. ifyauhavTii'i either use fait Of The Legend. Threw Me Another tharge. A
^ilen the Jungle yel^clo so If ydu linvo, feiw Maneuvers, or The Signal to set up a high clrktlny. If

jv deploy
I Isen gEHMfoda'i Hul (Ttau'llwjnt
ihr Swaifip Inst you com
lo Ihaf'* rl possible, ycru can use Taifflc Conlral (a place
Of A shywpikef X^Wins laser Cannon, or
cllher a ProijMtkwt
pfcled JediTest ei.depfcyJediTesI (tj on 1'H Tahr The Leader Dt top of ybur used pllr: Thpis ati easy
the Jungle, rrwe Djughler Of Skywalker high destiny for Jedl Test N;.Just nernerntjer la save 10 Force
lolhat site^lf yflur opponent baint rrtovuil
fof St;rri PHaniand to occupy two baltfegrourscfs for Conte

|i),llsen ntoveYbefa lo Yoda'iHul HcfC^ Big Coward. B

1 Super Eh] mli+d Hit 1 rtf PSi

ShN Upffti BaHtei DrirJimcakt

brnwiiskin PSrfhvamctll


g y HA OFM fi L A C jf M A H

Anakin has a Big Head:

Sd will you when you play Lucas LEarrting's Super Bombed liadng

never Men Sfar kWon belore.lhe coricept TNb Greart Gaa GEirtibit

S eep Inside Lucjileafnlt^, agrcnip af

kids ap giggllns madly. Their laugh-

kf echoes, through Urc halli. and cme only

art that plasters

Umcnl tothif:
McCormick's walls
Ehegamc features Incredi-
is tes- ^ what are the kids laughing about?

"Maybe th* gadgets ?" McCormlc k sug

voices Id find them hud- bly stylized vcrJionf of popular fplsodc I gests. As racers ioom around the tracks,
nerd follow tlwiNr

dledarouml a television playtng.Super chsrxlers.The first thing werrolic? are they have Ehe oppcwlunlty to grab special

certainly a Ihdr huge no^lrif. gadgets that help fl#cure victory. tJvtrj it.
Bombad tacing.The laughter is

good sign For Lucas Learning, as Super McCormick characlerites the game's there are IwenEy-fivc gadgets."

art style as a 'tuper-deformed, ahime McCorm ick reveal.S,"One gadget sends

Sotrih^d Racing represents two ImporUnt
Firsts" for the {Ompatiy; l| wkll be luc as loot" based cm skctchff by team concept Out a homing droid that twnki Into exthor

{rdeKlnj on artist Frjnclf Hsu. When Hsu firil pM- racers. There's also a photon burst, and a
Leafnlng's first console title

sented the skctcheSvMoCormkk admits r,i,y that ca uses other racers to spin out
PlayStation 1 and preamcast}and Its Rrlt

pure entertainment lille. that Lucas teaming's senior management oF control. And goo."The"p3o"IS rKtually

Wrlha PilayStallon ? release sebeduini was inrtial^r'lakcn aback" by the dircc* greervsHmethat a player can drop onto

In early wn. Super Bombad Racing If a tkm. McCormick was also ccmCcrned the track. The gOO Wohs encase oppo-

kart racerthat allows players to race about Lucas Lkcnsii^'i reaction to the nents. causing them to bounce around
familiar J(ar Iters characlcrf eh in a su por-defurmed itor tters characters. wildly.

signature vrhkle through- Sfo-r Iten- We really weren't Sure which way they Along with goo and other frontal or

irtfplred courses. The game promises to would go." he says. " Fortunately, they rear attacks, gadgets may provide speed

combine the rnanlc, almost comical style wete quite pleased iind excifted

of kart racing games with the power of about the concept sketches."
the Sferr Wmi license. To gel the real Wrth the concept art

sitlony on the prclj^tt^^raa|VaK Comer approved. McCormick and hil

InflitriJted Lucas learning andtraCkwl team solldiFied thesr design phi-

down Project Leader MKhad McCormick losophy. "Basically, we're having

[Gungan Frofltieft. a little more fun with Star

tterf," he esiplalns. "We're push-

Sups T'Daform ltd Sfflr Wars ing Ihe direction so that It's a lit-
We find McCormIti; hif oflhce. sur-
ifi tle more playful. We're really

rounded by concept art from Super Bom- playing up each character's per-

bad Racing. When ask'td lo describe the sonality aitd almost walking the

game m one sentence, he voices whal line of parody." Giggles can bo

we're thinking; 'It's 5f ur Tters like you've heard from Eho nert >cwm.

BO uoLciKE I HU men 9
IwhU jnd shields. Fimlly.^gjle players Competitors Include: Arukin and Sebtdha best in the -Swamps because that's where
wall be able loeollBct a spedarpowwr In their Individual Podraceri; lAt driving we Iprst meet him in the -film; Otoh Cunga
gddgrt'thalactivaEes each racer's unique- a bongOi^C^uHnAmldala In Iter is Ikrss Noss's city, so of course, he's the
mow. "Once ymi have the power gadget, ehiomium covered slar?hip-,EJarth Maul champion there."
Darth Maul can throw hhllghtsaber,'^ atop the menacing Sit h speeder; Obi- Wan Several boys in Ihe next roam shout
McCormtek says. "Jar iar'j tongue -shootf Kenobi in the crimson RepuWic craiscrj "Battle Arenal'in a chorus. McCorntlck
out of hit head and can be used to grab and Boss Nass using a transport originally takes the opporttmlly to explain that,
another racer ar^d Slingshot et badi. And designed for Gungan Frontler.Voda's along with the standard racetrack^ Super
the Queen's starship reflects a blinding 'vehicle' is perhaps the most Inventive: he eonshad Racing featuitJ four Battle Are-
light." Most of these special moves only pilolshls JedI council chair, which has nas that allow for head-to- head chaos
affect one targeted racer, but Jedi Master been-ec|Lilpiped wl|h turbojet engines. Again, these arenas have unique elements
Yoda has dominion over |ho entire track. "He touped it upa Nt.^McGormick grins. that Increase Ihe fun faclor.'lheNaboo
"HeWiWoshliglmer itlrk and alt the rae^^ The eight vchli;les hjw |he>r owwch;r- battlefield hisfambaa with shield genera-
ers invert," McCorniHk says. acterlstlcs.'rhc idea is that you can win tors." say McCarmkk.'We also have a JedI

The gadgets add a level of Strategy to with any racer, but you need to know their Monumont. And Ihe l>it of Carkoon Es

the game, which was importarit to the pros and cons. Boss Nass Is btgand solid realiy fun it's basically a big. sandy bowl
designers. McCormid! sums up the team's really fun for bumping other racers off the wl|b the Sarlace in the middle, tou can
philosophy "Qur goat was to make a track, "Mc-Cormick advise ?pnd hours knocking your friends into it."

game that a kid could pickup and Just Although three of IheBatth:
play, enjoying the spirit and the arl style. Arenas are based on Episode I.

Sut then, we alto wanted deeper game- Ihe fourth is a homage to The
play elemeirts, which Come to the surface Empire S-trikei Back. "Us Ihe
Ovtr time. So, we have the gadgets and Moth asteroid belCMcCcfrmick
special powers, -whkfn you want to use al Informs us- Wc even haw the
the right time. You can also unlock secrets, space slug hidden in Ihe nether
including several hidden racers." reaches of that level."

Maneuvering around the tr^trs isn't All hough the Battle Arenas
standard fare either, Jfi Super Bombad Rac- allow players to cum bat one
ing Includes a gtrtlcalekmenl that can't anot her. McCormick stresses
be found ill most other kart raters. In that the garn? It nut about
other racing games, you're always stuck on Straight r^hling "it's reafly
the ground," McConruck says. In Super more about corn petition." he
Bombad Racing, the vehicles actually aigues.'One to four players
hover. The- racers can cllm b walls arud a Big Heod RiBcIniB can compete in the races, and players can
jump is really a Jump you move vertically lust like the racers themselves, each of ahosave Ihelr best times to challenge
several racer heights." Jumping allows rac- the nine racecourses has its own distinc- other ptayers'ln addiliae,|hegameon
ers to dear obstacles and mow past oppo- tive feel. The courses are haiedon the toachcoopcralioh; m the Battle Aiena
nents, but II also has more visceral major environments of Episode t: the mode, players can join forces In coflabora-
applications. A gleam appears In Naboo $waotps,Qtoh Gvnga,Thccd,Mos Hvr, two-penon trams.
McCormick^ eyes as he reveals one of | b# Ejpa.the Dune Sea, the Boonta Eve Du ring a lull In the conversation, we
game's sneakiest atlJcks."Youcan 4 Clually Count, the Thced power generator com- begin to hear some of Ihe game's original
lartd on other racers and squish them." ptex,and the Droid Control Ship. Each musk. Mcdormlck describes the music
course has Individual Ized features, as welt style as"super-deformed StorMtari
nr^h Maura Soft Siijie a4 a "champion racer." music." Composer Pieler McConnell, who
The gadgets arc Competling,but Ihe kids "IFrom an Al perspective, we're ensuring has worked 0*i rtumer&uv 5 fd/ IdArjs tlUrt
also seem to enjoy Just being the racers. that the champions kncrw their tracks the am) I J very familk with the classic John

"Part of the appeal is the art style." hetl.'SfSys McCOnnlck.'Thcy"'ll usually Williams scores, wanted to Inf use the
McCormick theorizes. "Anime ij a hot perform better than the other computer- game's music wllha cartoon fed. Sepa-
look:, arsd It's fun. People see the charac- controlled racers because they (enow the rate pieces of musk were composed and
ters and laugh they w,>ht to pjlay them. lay of the land. Watching thoise riKcrs can recorded for each Irack and arena, the
Quati^Udd ly Oa r|h Maul is }ust funny help you impr-ove your time." The team main menu, and the credits.
and appealing," used Ihe films as Inrspirationwhen pairirtg

The game features eight distinctive rac- champion racers with their respective
ers (as well as unlodcable characters}. tracks. McCormick explains! "Jar far docs


And the team has been busy With the McCormick offers a last bil of odvico to
Shifting Ganrs
diw- early JOOi release dale looming, fans: "lust think about I hrs game as a fan-
Despite Undecidedly entertainmertt
Super Bambad Racing actually bcf[4n McCormick and his crew of twenty are tasy within a fantasy.lL'swhat the chpraC'

deMelopmcnt ai educational Irtk. crunching to complete the PlayStation i tefj dp on I heir off hou rs, Vou have Voda

McCOfAiickeJtplalns that the original version of the game. They've: been tiard i*t racing [>arfh Maul, and Jar Jar catching

work for over eighteen monihs, and racers wllh his tongue. It's just the llghler
design called Cor "a PC adventure game of
sweeping Siic and icope. with o * mall rac- McCormick is pleased With I heir prepress, Sideof itorlAftrn.*'

ing certnpflfMnl'AcccwdingtO McCormKfc, "The gat^e has been piayahle for quite a

Itie player took on the ole nf flnakin Sky-

f while. We've overcome 3 lot of hurdles

walker Ily befcKe the evenb ot art pipeline issues^ clipping

Episode Lin a quest to save hij friends, problems and now wc'rc just

Anakin'roamod around Tatooine and adding moreanimallons,

garthcred par|s to build racing vchkle-S.'' touching up the artwork, and I ^

Early lji developmciit, however, the optiml ling." After the PlaySla-

leairr switched platforms from PC to the llfui j release, the team will
PlayStaliOrs i and reevaluated the desigh. slick around lo complete three
ports of the game for the
"We looked at our schedule and budget
and oompared that lo what we were bit- preamcast, Mac. and PC,

ing oCCk' liVyJ hflcdormick.^Wcwere The kids oulsido dearly


what platform the '.fsi

already devefopmgfora new pblfonm, don't fare

and the racing pftrlion wastwcomtng game Is being developed for

monecothpleN, We knew that jiust limiting all they know Is that lhe ga me

(he product to a racing game would keep makes them faugh. Before wc
4 Master Voda in hb souped Up.,. Chair.
MS busy enough* go to try our handset booting
a group of eighl-year olds.

IH)QT 2 d 1

Jedi Council Relocates! MS'

Jedi pQwer Battles makes the move to Dreamcast
4 Jedi Power Batllei on Dreamcast fearturcs

Q l-Aj(ti-Mundi p4 a pretly lucky Cerean.

Although he's the frrst Knight to ill

on the Jedi Council. Ki-Adl-Mundl has a
for I he ^pny PlayStation.
In cjrdir to learn more about
the procciJ of creating this new version


Stas W/hfi Cumer: first, can you start by

Speaking role in Episode!, a keen purple Jedi Power Baltics (and uncover why Ki- descri blng the challenges of converting a

llghtsabcr, his own action figure, and IwO Adt-Mundl d idn't make the cut Ihe lirsl game orlgiinally created for the PlaySta-

eomic bc>ok series. Now he's featured In a lime around), SuJT Waits Comer cornered ilon to the Dreamcast?

LucasArisvidcogametO bocrt. kl-Adi- PiOjecl Leader (tobert BlaCkadder and Pro-

d urtion Ma nager Reeve Thom psnn. Along Robert Blackaddcr: Doing a eonvecsion ts
Mundi joins M.iceWlndu.Adi Gallia, Plo
KOOn,Qul'Gotn Jinn, and Obi-Wan Kenohi with Project leader Kevin ftoylc, 0laf kad- a Iways a challenge, M moving to a more

In Ihe ^ega DrramCasI version of the der and Thompson worked OH Isolh Incar- powerful system does make for an easier

nattonsof the game. job. the Dreamcast has more memory and
popular Jedi Power Battles, originally
developed by LucasArts Entertainment a faster graphics processor [than the
flayStatlon^saaor mjlnchallcngi;wa a Reeve: The- Orearntast team had abot ftf you beat them all
tcital' 0t ^11 thf an In the game tc teen people. H was -drfinUcly a smaller To give even more replay value la I be

really take jfJ^antjige of the Dieamcatli learn than the group who built the game, we aho added a vtMS trKble so
raised the number ot polygons Playstation version, but you know^ that gamers can fight head-to-head with their
In all the game modek and levek.and was a relatively small lesm iM.I'm ton- friends. A.S you defeal levels, you'll unlock

irurea^cd I he and oolof resolution, slantly amazed at the work these people more and nrvore opponents In versus ntode.

going frcHn 4bil colors to- i6bltF are able to produce. The las! big addition would be the cheats.

We added a few cheats accessible through

SWCrWhal elie made the 1 he gamepad, bul the "monster cheats" are
port a challenge? only activated from the DreamC^St key-
board when plugged Into port 3. To open
Reeve Tbontpion: 1l was chal- |be cheat window, hit the tltda (-|l key. then
lenging to shill ge-3iS- Wf had type "rbpcchsf^-" Players Will lUue to- find

focused tor so long around Ihc rest of ibe cheats on Ihdt own, bul
Ihe ^ayStation and bulFt they can sUrt the search by typing 'hetp."

everything with thePlay^U-

Mon's fealures and power irs Reevft There was also one bo monster
mind. It's tough to get ovt of In partkulaf lhat we simply couldn't
lhat mlndiset and move to a Inctude In |he Play$latlon version due to

new ConsOfe, Bwt te<bpic*lly A Fane powersdon^ leave Conneant wtthout 'tmv Umc constrainis Thai boss isJj-vk fn this

we didn't had too many prob- version though.

lems. Qgr code was pretly solid an the ^WC: Fiom a design stand polnl, what
original version, and thal made H very has changed SWGiCan you describe some of Ki-Adl-

easy to adapt. Mu ndi's special moves and Force powersT

fieew; ^adjusted someof the gamc' Rob: KE-Adl-Mundi has some of the men-
SWG: Did yOu dif COvti ainy Iir>sl1 atlons on play brought cher fiom the Pt^Stabon sersion tal force powers, like 'mejmeiilf" [daze

the Dreamcast that you didn't encounter to rnaie thegMV moreliatanced and confuse your enemies!] and "cloak"

with Ihe Ftayitatlofl? [creep around while Invisrble!]. But he also

Rob: We did this by revIsUng areas that has some butt-'klciclrig Force blasts. As for

Rob; Wp lost afewconliolfer bultons gave gamers probtems in Ebe RlayStatlon combo movess.manyon the leam feel m-
wher^ we moved to t>reamcasl, but in the Vi raipn. We redid some pf the least popu- Adi-Mundli has Ihe most powerful
long run think I ll made the game belter lar bosses and changed some of the Jumps llghtsaber altacksln Ihe game.

by Arcing us to simplify our conifol lhat were too difficult. At the same time. I

scheme. also had 1 he level designers increase Ihe 5WG; Why didn't Kl-Adi-Mundimake It

Reeve: Other than lhat, we didn't really bad guy count wherever pOSSltdo TbeJedi Inlothe Inltlilverslon-of the game?

lose anyth ing.Sfga Wily knew where the Fower Battles engine can handle a ton of
bar was and knew that they needed to battle drOldf and l w.snted lo take advan- Reeve: Early on In Ihe PlayStation develop-
surpass it. This ts a 'next generation" sys- tage oMhat. ment, we made a very important decision:
tem, ai^d theytorsd lobe leaps and rathor Ihpn have a hu^e group of playable
bounds ahead of theoensoies from (he Reeve: And we adjusted Ibe placement of characters, we decided lotbCuS Our efforts
las! round. some power-ups. which Itjimply part of on a handful of menwrablc Jcdisotbal
tho bcrwfil of having more time to adjusi ciK h character we did Include would be
5-WCi Hovvbig was the core team? and tune the game. uniqutand fun tO play. We wairted logive
all of l-tiem signature moves and spend
SWC; What other newelemenU hiive Ibe time necessary Id make each move
you addeetP iCNSk as cool as powibte. wealso wanted
each Jedl to have d iff ercit capabilities.
Rob; 'We have some Important Iralrtinglov- Including different strengths, weaknesses,

els In this version. To beat JedI Power Gab and Fpvcf powers. At |he same time, I hey
ties you must be able to block, jwtlh your alf needed to relilively balanced- Uccause
llghtsaber] and Jump. -Our level designers It takes quite a long time to realty develop

June Park and Dvrek FRppo created a scries and bafanc-e a solid character, we always

of levels to build the players' sidlls in Ihcse knew that we wouldn't be aWetO Fnclude
are^ We tied these into the mam game by all of the cha racters that wewanicd.

allowmg you to unlock Ki-Adl-Mundiwhfrt

fill,. 4TAa
A Part Jo IKb Stnrm tobiTjmrand tou(s- regrettably cofpitiblfl I he equation whcrrrfriigrtUvg a
Ingame development trrnB.a fWM/" Is any game, fortunately, by the lime we had to deckJe tocut Ki-Adl-hflundl from the
game that has been (pnve<ned from its origi- PlayStation version, we already knew that we wou Id probably be doing a port.

nal gaming system tor" platform") to run on Wt decided to save him Ibr the Dfeamcasl. 8y holding him back we had more
another system A game developed for I he PL time to give him coof antmatronsof his own,

sudn as Indiana fortes and the Infernal

Machine cart be coWtfM Into a game that 4WC: Other than
cart hr played on a honte console, suclt as the showcasing Itl-Adi-

Nintendo 64 .
Mund what wSS the

Depending on tlwsiieorihcgame. the limi- rationale behind doing

tations and si reng^ht ol the new platform, and Ihe Dreamcast port?

thei.ompleJt(ty<!f the IniHal psrogrammlng

code, creating a solid port can be diHkult. First. Seew; When the
Ihe game's creators must eonsitlet whether Dre^mcaslwas first

fundamental dciFgh changes are necessary to released, the Original

make the gome successful on the hew plal

team was veryendted
form. Such changes might alter the cootrol by Its capablfibeS, They

scheme. This t| especially true if the gome If fett thalledi P&wer

movlitg from the PCHwiiich relies heawily on a Battles would suit this

mouse and k^boaid. to a console niachlne. particular console, and Battle dreldl ch>llefl|e AdiCafIti In the

wftich uhhzBs a handheld Control pad. The they were rightit Swamps of haboo.
designers might OlSO allec |he game's pace, translated csdremely

and even storyline lo well. Also, iloing the port Just made a great deal of sense from a hnancral
play style, difficulty,
standpoint We knew that we could create Ihe port Ina relalivety short time-
appeal to the users of 1 he new pla,tfcrrm.

frame, wi|h a relatlvelysmall team, and that there would be laige market for
a^toz kVbn Dreamcast tttle. 6ul it was really the team's understanding that

Jedi Power Battles would make a great Dreamcasl product lhal pirshed this

VErsiortof the garne.

fiob: We really wanted to put Jedi Power Baltks on|o one of the neat genera-
lioFi. consoles and thcOrcamcail fit nicely Into our schedule,

SWG; As someone who has played I he game for hours on end. do you have at^

hints for players trying to beat Jedi Power Battles on theOreamcastT

Rob: The keys to both versions of Jedi Power Battles are blocking and pitknce.

Because alf platfcM ms are very dIflerenL ntost If you can learn (o reflect Master shols effectively and use youf special powers

ports also require a sutntanti4l progradnming and moves at tho right times. you can takeout the Itwddles. BuM won't s^ it's

effort. Programmers nuy need lo rewrite huge easy. Bcit^ga Jedi Is hard work!

chunks of ihecNigInal game's code foi the new

iriatfonn. ArtlSls often slep In as wcH to retre' Reeve: If you're hairing trouble, play the Iralnlng tevels. That'S An advarrtage

game must be tested

ale graphics. Then the that the Dreanveast players have over the PtayStation users. Everything you

again lo moke cettam that new bugs Iwen'l need to kmpw td complete the
bn trealedduringlheconverSion process. gamocan be learned and prac-

Although portt are iometrmes challenging, ticed In these twining levels.

Converfignscan be bcneflclol. ihc

conversion team Isn't starling from scratch, Rob: 'reah, master the Jumping

ports are often completed quicker and fpr less training leveh. if you can beat

money than the original title. More Important, them easi ly you can handle a ny
hcrwcvcr.hthe fact lhal ports allow popular jump In (he game.
games to reach a wide* atidlencE. They gener-
ate revervue for game companies, introduce Peeve: And use the force,

new fans to developers, ld provide users of of course.

every plilform with plenty of gam Ing options.

HN VOCUHe I. iwuNuet 1
heat des
Impress yOur Fiiendf and neighbors
with these cheat codes for Star rttrrj


To enter codes, go In thc'Xiptlons''

ftsenu arid choose 'fhettrerrete!,*' While

on Ihe fhefcrenccs screen, slmultanB-

ously press Ri and Lr {or R Trigger ,ind I
Trigger on the DreamcastJ.This will

bring up a "PASSt ODE ' enlty option.

Crush your appanents with these helpful hints for the Use the directional butloiison the key-
pad to enter any oF I he following codkn
PlayStation G Dreamcast versions of Demoliliun! Pres! activate the code on

Know^ur vehicleF^pertil^nn? PlaySlation; press 'A' lo activate the

" rr Use the terrain! Each level has key sites,
code on Crieamcast.
If.lffUng each whidr'sstrcnBttis and such as Ehe power generalors^that tan
wrakncssn.T'haf^ncor mi^hi be slaw, fa used toyour advantage, 9takcOul
bul hlf ipecljl gj'jib Jit J^ifk It fejrtottic, ihe power generators and attack SlOW_MO_ON:Camc runs at lialF
speed, giving you more lime enjoy |he
wounded foes as Ehey atlempt to
" PtwcT Upl Take Ihe time to use the retharge-Tou canjim keepyour sights
tkghlsand reivct to enemy attacks.
charge weapon Jind laxf but- on the tcleportcFS, unleashlog salvos

(Ort^.Boenting ytMjr jpedal weapon of on unsuspecting; vehicles as they e^lt DfM_FEiri Increases (he majj of

standanl-issuG Casercannon ensures In the PirneSca. push your opponents

ptaycr-Croritro'llcd rehicics. Increase to

maximum damage. Charglmg ihe bier toward the Sarlacc or the treads oF the ramming speed....
K.innpn tP Stage 4 activatci oacli char- sancfcrawler.lf your vehicle K at fult

ader'ssjwcial attack. might liy taking pn l.o_^CKAV^DN Changes Ihr laws of

weaker opponents Inthcsupcrljser phys-ksthe effects pf gravity are now

M EjtperimenE wlthlhe^ppcbl
waponsi dish on the second l>eath Star.
CWover when they work well and when
IhcyrrjuEt hood omafnenlsfoncuf- FinEIFATEUf*t(h:moresdc<ays on
"* Fusl Ft'* gener,illy easier lo take on
sion missiles. For ejtample ati^ ppw?rtvl one opponent at a ti me. putting all of weapon n ring. Demailsh you enemies

becagw they cjut ymjr opponDnt, morectuickly Ilian ever.

track your effort a nd energy Into desEroyrng
but Itiey'ie slow and can beoutmaneu- each enemy In turn. Start with the foe
by fast and IHROTTLEUPr Reduces alrreststance
VBfied a;g1le opponents. you thiak win give you the most Irou-
Ue you don't want to Face Boha Fetl around llte player vehicle, Incfoasing

^ Don't undemtinnaEe Ihetraotarbeanil at the endflf a when ipecd. Wort'l Aurra 5*ngbe surprised
level yeurthieldi
In Ihe right hands, the tracEov beam can are weak and the shield power genera- when you catch up to henn your new-
be Ihemosi powerful jpreial weapon and-lmproved luE rod rancor I
tor has been drained.
n lhc game. It alh>ws you to hold your
enemy fast wblle you pound away with Circle your prcyl When using the faster B'AJSE_THEMr 8 ome invinc-ibtc. Who's

your primacy laie^ (^nnon. And laughing now. felt?

I he: rehkies, including Boba Fett and Aurra
SupCr-chargcd Iractor beam attack Sing. Ity rings around your target while

damages all vehicles within a small tak Ing as m jity potlhots as possible. Rsveal tho Sith Lord!
radius a perfect ploy when yog'ie tur Once you've weakened your prcy.slri-ke
Be Ihe first k-id on your streeE to unIcKk

rounded, to demaflsh using a special weapon or DaMh Maul in tJfmotlilon! Cottiplele

super-charged altack
the game with all ten staisdard charac-

Recharge! When you're bashed terH,ln teuinameni mode, with over

T* up or
lowonjulee^find the Shield or weapon lo-.ocKi credits lo unlock Dari h Maul on
IV Play ehickenl If your Chosen velude has
hi! 511 h |nFil|ralor,Lobot In a cloud car,
power generators located cm evccy nnsderale |r> he Avy ^im^, dem't be
Icvd.Suek upall the energy In these jfiay to ram smaher oppooeert! repeat- and Boussh [Princess tela) atn ard a

refilUng station* befere your oppo- speeder bike. Once unlocked, all ihree
edly. The AAT. landspeeder.At-$T,and Ihe
nent! hare a chance to use them. fancM can vehlcfrs can be used in any of the
all be used as weapons them-
ielret.Just keep an eye cm your Shield
game's modes.

Power and Vehreie Armor indicators.


Starfighter Aces
fiPG stats far the Starfighter game

mbal game
of three

upcoming Starfighter, an acfion-orrented
for EhePfayStation a, features a strong story thal folfcnwsthc adventures

different heroes Now, 5 m Wjjm Comer gjNrs


you Iheopfwrtei- riEd lhcvchklp,,lddlne morEwcaponi

nlty to add these characters and their vehicles to your i For Wofj campaigni 4 ihI a metre powerful Cl^Jt 1-S hjrperdri.

Now, the Hpinx Is Truly onc-of-a'll<td. tlw

Nym's fiovBC HflirtK boasUs-i* larff (anttarwv a rotating

Ihe pirate captain Nym possesses one of dorsal turret, -md Two bomb chult^
the most experimental anddairgerous Althouj^h oriEinolly dtMg,nEd to deploy

craft In the galajry. Mvd ye^ts before the proloiT bombs, the Horoc now tiirr^
Battle of Naboo, a group of Mubsan design- ei!perimenli>ritTiWBt (tencfatorj"thJl

ers created i'i prototype bomber with the produce spheres otdiritiucbtre energy.
hopes of selling he vehicle to the
I Nat
When the Naboo rejected the prototype, rt Vans SdQD
was placed into Storage on Nubia A shufi A mercenary'i Hf^e IS rraughf wth dnnger
tinw later. Nytn Icarnctlof the bomber and jnileKcltemenl,lhc (we Things y/ana Sa^e

launched a daring raid to steal the vehlcfe. was KjoMng for when she fcf( placid Alder-

With helpol a Bithongmeer.Nym modi' aan at fifteen. By twenty, she had uK'
lered theA^3w.earired the rpt of

Borvo the Mutt, and worked sidet^ fide

The Havoc
WaH with Infamoui bouinty hunlers-Vana'i
(Stats for Mym can be found In ir*c Corner KiJi
adventure vwere many. bjl she always
Crafti Mnsdifled Prololypi' Weipofl: I
Uitar fJiwwni a Ivt-nwiri'
Nubian Bomber seemed strapped for credits.
Fin arcj Profit
Whert King veruna of offered her
Clari! Staiflghter Ihnibir)
Attack bonuM f-S t! illl, Htlm UAtiVl
personal bodyguard and


Nol for sale a place as hb

Damage i
sdiP XjiWtF^P
pllot.Vana accepted the lucraKire assign-
Shar StViall
PB +0,'S *0',WftnJ'j
Range rnodHlersi
ment. In the short tunc she tpen! on the
Crewi UnlqiiH
1 p4iii, igurewi.1 Ai^iatoi Weapon! [
iMrtwId.V^na grew t&love Maboo, perhapw
Paiieisgersi FlrvaiCt Turret reminded berof Imme. But she
; 3 because It

Cargo Capacity: ia metric tons Altitk tkKiiisr +1 lid*..,! hn-unlrU

soon cam: to believe that Nabob's Cittsens

Coniumibles: Dimi'gei 1 fidl-O
were naive and shelleJwd.Vana urged the
Myprrdrlver XI Range modltlifs: i PB+OlS+OiM/L nfa King and Ihe Royal Advisory Council to
MiH Speed; :
Attach Wriponi Bomb chirta upgrade and expjmd Naboo's military
Dafensc: Fire in: Vanirai
When tlsey Ignored her advice, she left the

S.hleld Mnti^ ISO AltaEk iBWIUh -r

J *1
iire.<*nre ateuA planet in disgust- Wandering the Outer
Hull PWnti MiO ItlO Eim,she became a fitelanceoperative
ftinge m^rflC'rS'; working fgf the highest bidder. Howevee,

riYvjHtr*(M'a 1 m* bj hynhn lire kiUJIh htwe Ipw eiren while traveling to Ihefar reaches of
liK) ^ Ihr Iihi wwfiaoefltltideril Mh iiU lp Kp^usr lh.
the gahiHy.Vana continues lo keep a
Th Mww |in ti5iilwi Wrtuter,' wtwh cjn iMw' frem !l* wTiik'i piimjrj pwrerip^JfiM I*
Uvt*l LfT M01 watchful eye over her adopted home-
(tn iwnrfvIO (rrUt t bC^irUun nrrerMrej
fntmvwhnri. Iht WfttfJdfll
jfwn iitw.Tlw ^llu1^ urtctr#w up fc jH im b*i wOiid.
i *cKntnre rev-jwd (rt^llw bottom iH iht ^na rill iwda tMgrti hkwi n trjil

^Cl, Fema le HgitiJiii SCit' fir tni( *3
Vflrtn'f Guardfatt Mantfs
iDcxjli Def-e-itsc (+7 cl Jii, +z l>cx|ii 5{id
When V^na Sage set off on her career as a
wni;VP/WP 32/13; All( 44inetec (id4^
merc-enaiy, she knew that she would need
(inife},/6 ranged {}d^, bljslerplilol); ^ a specul starfightar with remarkable capa-
lllleht birtft-. better Itick^ than gocM.wJlt
blhliK. She envisioned a craft that was
attack 4 6 t sv Furt *i, M * 7 will +Ji sz

bothfasi and de,>illy,Jbie toslrikewiihoul

M; FP 3; Rep 3; ^tr ich, [>ex 14- Con ij Ini 14,
warning and qulck^ stagger enemies. To
WIs i%Chj 16.
create Ihls Ideal starfighlcr, Vana con-
tquIfHnent: Pcisonal slarSihlp{Guardl4n
Irarted a rogue Ki Char engineer. With Ihe
M Mattel^ i: Jtoi, icnile. cofflilni:,
yiChar^heip. Vana designwi her*slealth
tool k(t survival kit, medpac.
starflghter *the Gbwrtfi'orT Mtmtii. Smal I,

'Skills: Astragaie +13, Bluff +ia; Computer Use

agile, and exceedingly fast, the ^orrtjrllves
4i9,[>b4Me t>evlu #11, Gather Info+u,
up to Vana's e^peintatlons.
Utteti +4. Move 'Sllenlly +7. Pi kat 4t6.
ven at first glance, the Guan^^nAlootrs
Keparf +11 Search +t^ Sfioi +9

has an urvsual design. 11 has two top'

Feats; Skill Fmiphiasis [Pflol), Spacer, Star
mounted wings, and a third ventral wing
ihip Dodge, Starship Operation
During long-distance spacefl^hlsor when
(-starfljthten}, Weapon Group Prortcien-
landing Iherifcrnifs'stop wing;sfo4d back-
ci {tiiaf Ur pistisJk firrtpk weapon)^
ward, while the bottom wing retracts, Like
vehicle iiveapons).
niaivy other starf)ghters.the

Morrh's relies on an aslromech

droid for in-flight repairs attd Rather Than loading her starfighlei with
adjustments, However, Vana's i standard torpedoes. Vana favors a srnallc.

unit has been heavi^ modified but far more accurate version known as
and Is now hardwt red into the the nano missik'. Vana also relies heavily
starf Igliter; "Mod-j." as Vana on Jon -enabled sensor tags. These rrag-
calls her droid, can never be neiic lags attach to asuccossfoHy t;irgcted

removed from the Wonb's, but enemy craft and begin draining its shields

his connection to the starship's and power supplles.The tag also scans the
inner working Increases llsovcr- vehicle lo provide '^luabfe information

all efficietKy regarding Ihe craft's weapons and

The CyprdJ'pn MOnh'SlS urmrd defensev it undeleted, an altiKhed sen-
A. Despite Its odd^thaped fuselage, the CvrWfdrt wilh two standard laser cannons sor lag allows Vana to track the 'tagged'"
Is rHscrdlngijrfast. and a proton torpedo Uuncher. vehicle across the galaxy. During particu-
larly dangerous missions^ vana upgrades
The- Fmrriii/rtrT Mantfs the sensor lagsbylhstalllrKg an Ion Entum-
braoDC 5yslero {IE5], 'With the lES system at
Modified Prototype Weapon: Laseroirtaorissnrt.UiU'
riublio Bomber
full power, a charged sensor tag can com-
Flrq^rCt Frgnl
f larhghler iitmbiih pletely disable a standardstarrighler.

No4 for tale

Attack fotius: S
Dimagei [
jdlO X) 4 KX |lfl 4
Sraif II
Riiigemodlheni : PB+0 .S+I7 MfLtU'a
n picTi, i^inPF, ^ jfti|ili:i
Weapon! I MatlnfUSefhmVt
Pfstfi(rr: IJ Flrtarci Turret
Cargo Ciparily; [
10 metric tons Allack Bonusi '
47 MiiHLpenHrMnr
CensumaMesi 1
3 wek 9 Pantigr bdio
Hyperdnvei j
irtitfl. Hinge rnudiflart: I PflaOsJ+o^Mrln/a
Ma* Spwd; '
'Weapon: !
Bomb dhtle m bwntr
Ocfenie: 11 Ji tlM. -P* tniwr

Hira ; Ventrah
Attirk ftatiiK! : +1 +1 lUr. *1 fcl W"trtf
Damage; I
Ringc modilTsrsr :
PB 40 .&fMfLn;i
hr+M-Ti iiie 4 nn. iuia+ni! dwta? lie "*"# >it( (epenbaw nVJwhl.lhmlj irStad-]-] Wp
' Vini WDHHliay liwli wiltnriUYSflh tte >E5, Die nucpiHk ttf wtHTiitSua^ jrltidiH hhI (vmil-rt
i Eh^iitypriTKwr iFn t-3 1^ |M i;li<i;E]| 4d tWJnndk tv( mmri"
Kt+F Ul+I IM IN b MHAnhJ (OtuMclkvhFOC lia Ihr^fbih Ai nfuh^l^ in-imhiUllvr Ihrlv Lip
ilwilViwWnr ipVjb ity rU'U^ iwi>H<.itaCanipjte UsKhtdi (DC 'hiT

STAff WAnS OAMCfl QT 1 *

Rhys allawE
Rhyswai bcwn on Mjb&o.the GalsKies Updats
of 3 freighlcr captain anci
a teacher. He sptfnt af
The last few moUth-L of woo was an
hii youth on I ha OLiUkirti of
evtrerne^ busy time For the creatmg
Theed, learning to pilot ak-
Sror Mrtari CaliKltS, lhe first ever Sfor
sperderi and perwnal frans-
massive ty-multlplaycr onl ine game, A Joint
portf. He always planrtod lO and
project between Verant lnliactlve
follnwin his falher'i footitaps
and becofiw a comiuorcisl
\ LucasArls Entertainment, the launch title

fortheStev tVdrs &ala*iiiies Is sel for

pMol, until hit (lad wanlshed
release in Spring of jgoa. As jodi loofncd,
A Vana Sage in hev Cunnttna AfiMffrtargctt 9 eo<i' lhe leant made several tmporlanl stiides.

voy wHh another strafing run. First, in November. LucasArtsannounced

the series' official title. The following (by.
Rhys DaiilOwS, Mitt- Hgma n Sol j: Inil +3
the official website [www.Slprwarsgala*-
(Dit!s> 1 Oeftnse ti (+3 class, +3 Dck); Spd writ The Mleindudrs letters] live.
lomjVP/WPiy/iajAlk +j met** (idj+v
from (lie team and a conStil 4itly'evolvlng
punch], ranged i^fi. Master pistolVSV
frequenMy Asked QueMIpnSvIn which the
Foct +-
4 p Ref +4. Will +3f SZ M; IP 4: h team re*vealed (among other things):
Sir 13 . Oex 17, Con t*. Kit 10, WIs 14, Cha
Equipment:: Medpac, electroblnocula rs.
The game will be set during the height of
cnmllnk., blaster pHtol, surulvat kit,
tbeCabclIc Civil War
tool klt,P&F uniform. game
led! will play a role In the
dunng a routine supply run. Rhys couldn'l SkHIl: AM rogation +6, Computer Uie Players Clin select characters from several
give up flying but cfccidcd that If tie was PIIdI +9. Repair
spheres. nePuding Wookhxs

going to put |}ils. life HU danger anyway, he heats: AntbideJiterlty. Armor Croup Profl"

might as wel da it
I for a good (auW- He C lendes {Hgtit. medium, heavy}. Star-
The web site also hosts message hoards,
immediately volunloer^d for the K5f and ship Dodge. 'SMrship Operation
where fans can ask questions of lhe devrf'
scoted exlrenwiy wellfn hl'S pHoling (starflgtiEers), Weapon Croup Profl-
Among the hot topics In lhe flrsl few
lts. Shortly before t he Sattle of Naboo, dendcs (bliiler pistols, blaster rifles,
weeks whether or not lhe game will allow
the rookie pilot was accepted into Ech& heavy wea pons, simple weapons, vehi-
Player v<(.tSu' 5- Mayer (PvP) combat, how char-
f IlghMhe Maboo Space lighter Corps' cle wea pontjVlbiO weapons]. acter death will be handled, and requests
I raining division. Rhys pllols a standard N'i
for more deUilt about lhe Jedi system.
starfighter, (equipped wiith an

astromech droid nicknamed


4 First lookf Concept art fw a

11>odian,aneof the pfaytr (hirkc-

A A troubled Rhys cantemptateS the neiA^hlgh^
ter species In StOf WfariCalairles
dangerous (ircumMancoi he must fly through.


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