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Eco Recycling Limited (Ecoreco) is engaged in recycling of end of life electrical & electronic

waste in an organized manner employing necessary technology & methodology to derive

commercial objective and to protect ecology & environment.

Eco Recycling Limited (Ecoreco), a subsidiary of Infotrek Syscom Limited, public limited
listed company on Bombay Stock Exchange since 1995 and is the only Public company
engaged in the business of electrical & electronic waste management in India.

Ecoreco is the only member from India of International Association of Electronic Recyclers,
USA and one & only authorized WEEE recycling facility of Maharashtra and the most
advanced recycling facility of India. Ecoreco is also a member of MAIT & ELCINA.

Ecoreco extends following services to the generators of e-waste:

1. Collection across India to the facility of Ecoreco.
2. Secured information destruction
3. Refurbishment & remarketing of electronic equipments
4. Component salvaging
5. Dismantling, shredding & segregation of various fractions
6. Recovery of metals (Proposed)
7. Disposal of hazardous waste

Ecoreco is proud to be associated with several reputed corporations of India and rendering
above services.

Eco Recycling Limited (Ecoreco) was incorporated in September 2007 to manage end of life
electrical & electronic waste in an organized manner employing necessary technology &
methodology to derive commercial objective and to protect ecology & environment. Infotrek
Syscom Limited, a company listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange since 1995 and Mr. B K
Soni, the first generation entrepreneur & main promoter of Infotrek Syscom Ltd., jointly
promoted Ecoreco.

Eco Recycling Limited is a subsidiary of Infotrek Syscom Limited, a public limited listed
company since 1995 on the Bombay Stock Exchange, Bombay, India and has been jointly
promoted by Infotrek Syscom Limited and Mr. B K Soni.

Ecoreco was incorporated in September 2007 and started commercial operation from April
2008. Ecoreco’s accounting year starts from 1st April and ends on 31st March every year.

Ecoreco provides the full spectrum of activities covered under e-waste management right
from collection of e-waste from the door step of the generators, transporting, sorting them
into working / non-working equipments / components, secured data destruction,
dismantling of end of life equipments, size reduction, sorting in to different commodities like
glass, plastic, iron / steel, aluminum, copper and other fractions, remarketing of reusable
equipments, components and various recovered commodities as well as disposal of
hazardous substances as per the prescribed Rules. Ecoreco‘s facility is located near Mumbai,
to carry out the above activities.

To facilitate collection across India, Ecoreco has tied up with one of the leading logistic
player having nation-wide presence to enable both operational and financial efficiency in
Data security / data-leakage are threats that many organizations fear while discarding
computers to external recyclers. To address these concerns, Ecoreco has a first-of-its-kind-
in-India mobile shredding van which it deploy to clients’ locations to ensure 100% secured
data destruction from hard-disks and other devices that contain information.

Waste electrical & electronic equipments (WEEE) are consisting of various reusable
commodities and hazardous substances’ recovering both these in an environment friendly
manner is a major challenge. E-waste recycling has traditionally been dominated by a very
entrepreneurial informal sector in India. Scrap dealers–locally known as ‘Kabadies’–resort to
crude and highly unsafe methods for recycling of e-waste, resulting in severe environmental
and health hazards. Organized recycling of this hazardous waste is the only answer to
overcome the challenge.

To create awareness of the impact of unorganized recycling of e-waste and its implications
on the environment, ecology as well as to promote the organized recycling practices,
Ecoreco / Infotrek entered in to an agreement with the BCCL, Times of India Group

The large generators particularly corporate who were looking for environment friendly
recycling facility in India can now take better care of Corporate Social Responsibility,
environmental obligation, brand image, ISO compliances etc. Besides these, the costs of
recovered commodities are kept under check & lower in comparison to the virgin material
and that helps industries to produce finished goods at much cheaper costs. Recycling
reduces burden on depleting natural resources, huge investment in mining activities &
infrastructure for producing virgin material, use of electricity, carbon foot prints etc.

Ecoreco is a member of the International Association of Electronic Recyclers (IAER), USA,

now merged with ISRI, USA probably the only e-waste recycling facility from India to claim
this credential. Ecoreco is also associated with the members of other prestigious industry
bodies within the sector such as MAIT and ELCINA.

Ecoreco is the first & only facility in Maharashtra as of date having permission from the
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) for e-waste recycling and was the first facility
approved for registration by the Central Pollution Control Board.

Ecoreco won the Business Plan competition 2008 organized jointly by CII / NVI / WRI /
USAID & British Consulate, then certificate of “Most Innovative Technology” was given by
Good Governance India Foundation during Municipalika 2009, later on won award during
Sankalp 2009 under the High Impact Category Enterprise, in June, 2009 received Gold
Medal from the Department of Science & Technology, Lockheed Martin & FICCI followed by
“Niche Market Player Award” from Frost & Sullivan in Dec, 2009.

To be a benchmark solution provider in the field of environment protection

To propagate and serve the cause of environment protection through technology and
efficient management of resources


* Credibility
* Integrity
* Concern
* Co-operation
Quality, Health Safety & Environment Policy (QHSE POLICY) At Eco Recycling
Limited (Ecoreco)

At Ecoreco, we are committed to provide completely integrated environment friendly

recycling solution to the end of life electrical & electronic equipments. At the same time, we
recognize that our activity might have health, safety, and environmental risks at the
workplace(s) & the surrounding. As our moral responsibility, we obligate to take all practical
steps to prevent harm to the environment & the surrounding and to the health & safety of
our employees, customers, vendors and visitors. By virtue of its nature of activity itself,
Ecoreco protects damage to the environment and helps maintaining ecological balance by
deploying the commodities back to the main stream of industries recovered from the used
electrical & electronic equipments and thereby reduce dependence on mining and save on
carbon emissions.

Ecoreco, committed to:

• Protect the health and safety of our employees, customers, vendors, visitors, & public.
• Avoid damage to the environment.
• Monitor and continually improve quality of our services & processes for the betterment
of society.
• Identify hazards, analyze their impact in QHSE performance, and implement controls to
reduce risk, minimizing losses or damage to people, environment, equipment, products,
and assets.
• Comply with applicable legislation and regulations in the locations where we operate.

Ecoreco’s QHSE policy has laid down rules to conduct operations, quality of services &
products, health & safety of its employees, customers, visitors & vendors and to protect
environment. This will be communicated to all our employees, customers, visitors & vendors
at all our establishments and every location must provide evidence of the implementation of
the Policy. We are committed to continual improvement of the QHSE system and comply
with the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and OHSAS 18001.

What is done with the e-waste that is going to be collected?

SIFE HRC has tied up with Eco-Reco (a company which deals with e-waste) to undertake the
following activities:


Hazardous substances recovered during the process of recycling of e-waste are being
disposed off through the Common Hazardous Waste Treatment , Storage & Disposal Facility,
commonly known as CHWTSDF, authorized by the Pollution Control Board in the prescribed


1. Sale of Equipment and Components

Ecoreco checks one and all to find working equipments and components good for the reuse
and remarket them after refurbishing and upgrading wherever possible.
2. Lease of Equipment
Ecoreco prefers to give the equipment on lease to students. Schools, hospitals,
underprivileged on lease so that at the end of life these equipments are returned back to
Ecoreco for final disposal at its facility.

3. Sale of various recovered material

Sale of recovered commodities like iron/steel, aluminium, copper, plastic, glass, etc.
happens to the respective smelters for onward production at their end.


Process of Recycling

For assured supply of e-waste, Ecoreco has entered into sourcing agreements with various
companies of validities up to 5 years. Given that a large part of the business involves e-
waste collection from multiple locations, Ecoreco has tied up with one of the leading
domestic logistic player having nation-wide presence to enable both operational and
financial efficiency in collection. Through this tie-up, Ecoreco is able to offer e-waste
collection from over 600 locations in India. Data Security/ data-leakage are threats that
many organisations fear while discarding computers to external recyclers. To address these
concerns, Ecoreco has a first-of-its-kind-in-India mobile shredding van which it deploy to
clients’ locations to ensure 100% secured data destruction from hard-disks and other
devices that contain information.
Recycling activities at Ecoreco commences with the receipt of e-waste material from various
clients' locations. The material is initially weighed, and is separated product-wise (monitors,
CPUs, printers, keyboards, etc.) for easy retrieval. The material is then checked by qualified
technicians to ascertain whether the equipments are working or non-working. If the
equipment is in working/ near-working condition, then the technicians attempt to repair/
upgrade the equipments to ensure that they become re-marketable and can be resold. If
the equipments are not in working condition, attempts are being made to salvage
components. Accordingly, the technicians dismantle the equipment into components and try
to retrieve any working parts thereof.

Recycling activities at Ecoreco commences with the receipt of e-waste material from various
clients' locations. The material is initially weighed, and is separated product-wise (monitors,
CPUs, printers, keyboards, etc.) for easy retrieval. Qualified technicians to ascertain
whether the equipments are working or non-working then check the material. If the
equipment is in working/ near-working condition, then the technicians attempt to repair/
upgrade the equipments to ensure that they become re-marketable and can be resold. If
the equipments are not in working condition, attempts are being made to salvage
components. Accordingly, the technicians dismantle the equipment into components and try
to retrieve any working parts thereof.

The residual components are then passed on for shredding into the twin-shaft shredder. The
shredder, which is capable of accepting feed of around 1,500 kgs per hour, helps to “open
up” sealed components, separating metals from plastic. The shredder accepts manually
dismantled components through a hopper at one end, passes the feed through the
shredding chamber where two counter rotating hexagonal shafts fitted with circular blades
shred the components, and the shredded items are dropped onto a moving conveyor belt.

An inbuilt overhead magnetic band ensures automatic separation of ferrous component from
the feed, whereas employees, wearing appropriate safety equipment such as gloves and
helmets, stand by to physically separate other metals such as aluminium and copper from
the moving conveyor belt. All plastic components are deposited at the end of the conveyor
belt. These metals (aluminium, steel, copper) and plastics, which are of high purity in
nature, are then usually sold to smelters.

Certain components of the computer such as printed circuit boards (PCBs) contain precious
metals such as gold, silver, etc. These PCBs are not sent for shredding, are instead
accumulated, and would be used for precious metal extraction. That portion of e-waste,
which contains hazardous elements and cannot be recycled, is sent to authorize hazardous
waste treatment and disposal facilities for final disposal as per the norms of the Pollution

Recycling Process

For assured supply of e-waste, Ecoreco has entered into sourcing agreements with various
companies of validities up to 5 years. Given that a large part of the business involves e-
waste collection from multiple locations, Ecoreco has tied up with one of the leading
domestic logistic player having nation-wide presence to enable both operational and
financial efficiency in collection. Through this tie-up, Ecoreco is able to offer e-waste
collection from over 600 locations in India. Data Security/ data-leakage are threats that
many organisations fear while discarding computers to external recyclers. To address these
concerns, Ecoreco has a first-of-its-kind-in-India mobile shredding van which it deploy to
clients’ locations to ensure 100% secured data destruction from hard-disks and other
devices that contain information.
Recycling activities at Ecoreco commences with the receipt of e-waste material from various
clients' locations. The material is initially weighed, and is separated product-wise (monitors,
CPUs, printers, keyboards, etc.) for easy retrieval. The material is then checked by qualified
technicians to ascertain whether the equipments are working or non-working. If the
equipment is in working/ near-working condition, then the technicians attempt to repair/
upgrade the equipments to ensure that they become re-marketable and can be resold. If
the equipments are not in working condition, attempts are being made to salvage
components. Accordingly, the technicians dismantle the equipment into components and try
to retrieve any working parts thereof.

The residual components are then passed on for shredding into the twin-shaft shredder. The
shredder, which is capable of accepting feed of around 1,500 kgs per hour, helps to “open
up” sealed components, separating metals from plastic. The shredder accepts manually
dismantled components through a hopper at one end, passes the feed through the
shredding chamber where two counter rotating hexagonal shafts fitted with circular blades
shred the components, and the shredded items are dropped onto a moving conveyor belt.
An inbuilt overhead magnetic band ensures automatic separation of ferrous component from
the feed, whereas employees, wearing appropriate safety equipment such as gloves and
helmets, stand by to physically separate other metals such as aluminium and copper from
the moving conveyor belt. All plastic components are deposited at the end of the conveyor
belt. These metals (aluminium, steel, copper) and plastics which are of high purity in nature
are then usually sold to smelters.

Certain components of the computer such as printed circuit boards (PCBs) contain precious
metals such as gold, silver, etc. These PCBs are not sent for shredding and are instead
accumulated and would be used for precious metal extraction. That portion of e-waste which
contains hazardous elements and cannot be recycled is sent to authorised hazardous waste
treatment and disposal facilities for final disposal as per the norms of the Pollution Board.
Disposal of Hazardous Substances

Hazardous substances recovered during the process of recycling of e-waste are being
disposed off through the Common Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage & Disposal Facility,
commonly known as CHWTSDF, authorized by the Pollution Control Board in the prescribed

Extraction of Precious Metals

Extraction of precious metals out of e-waste material is an integral and a very important
part of the entire e-waste recycling chain. There are only a few companies in the world such
as Umicore at Belgium, Boliden at Sweden, Xstrata in Canada, DOWA in Japan, etc. which
possess the necessary technical know-how to address this requirement of e-waste recyclers
globally. These companies, which have been set up with huge amounts of investment, are
pre-dominantly mining companies, which also perform the add-on activity of precious metal
extraction for e-waste recyclers. Given their overseas locations, e-waste material is usually
accumulated domestically until the volumes justify the expense involved in transporting
them to these factories for extraction of precious metals.

Given the rising levels of penetration of computers and communication equipments

especially in the SAARC countries, and the extent of e-waste that is generated due to their
obsolescence, there is a great scope of developing a precious metal extraction unit in India,
which could cater to the local demand, as well as demand from the neighboring countries.

Ecoreco is currently working on developing a cost effective and feasible method for
extraction of precious metals from e-waste.
Data Security
Process of Data Destruction

Innovation has been a characteristic, which has always been strongly emphasized at
Ecoreco. Ecoreco has developed a first-of-its-kind-in-India mobile shredding facility for safe
& secure destruction of devices that contain information at the client premises itself.

With several reported instances of sensitive information landing in the wrong hands through
computers that had been disposed/ scrapped by organizations, data-security,/ data-leakage
is a fear that many organizations face while considering an external agency for recycling its
obsolete equipment. To address this fear, Ecoreco has developed an innovative first-of-its-
kind-in-India mobile shredding facility, which can be deployed to various clients’ locations to
collect information-containing devices such as hard disks, compact disks, etc. and
demonstrate/ ensure to the client 100% on-site destruction of the same. The shredded
equipment is then brought to Ecoreco’s facilities for recycling.

The facility has the capacity to shred up to 60 hard disks an hour, and has an inbuilt system
for recording the entire operation to create record for the client for future reference, audit
trail, ISO requirements etc.
Method of Collection

Ecoreco has its own fleet of vehicles for collection from the generators of e-waste as well as
tie-ups with logistic companies for collection across India. Such an integrated logistic service
of ours has been designed to remove the hassles & risks.

A large part of the e-waste management business involves collection of e-waste from
multiple locations, Ecoreco has entered into a strategic agreement with a leading name in
the domestic logistics segment having nation-wide presence to facilitate a pan-India
collection model.
Consequently, Ecoreco benefits from the twin advantages of the ensuing operational as well
as financial efficiencies in e-waste collection & movement, and is able to offer its services at
over 600 locations across the country.

Assured sources of supply, matched with capabilities to collect electronic waste on a pan-
India basis ensure a steady stream of activity at Ecoreco.
Why give the e-waste to SIFE HRC/ Eco-Reco?

1. Most recycling companies/ associations do not recycle but in fact export it to less
developed countries esp. those in Asia and Africa- Nigeria, Ghana, China, etc.

2. SIFE HRC in association with EcoReco will ensure that every donated item will be
completely recycled or remarketed.

What will SIFE HRC do with the money that is collected by selling the e-waste?

All money collected through this project will be used to fund Bharat Empowered (A SIFE
HRC Initiative) - an integrated job oriented course. Check "Projects" page for more details.
Bharat Empowered trains under priviledged sections of the society who are 10th pass in
three skillsets namely - Conversational English, Financial Literacy, IT and Soft Skills. Thus
the money collected is going to be used to lighten up the lives of many who do not get the
necessary education through the formal education system and thus do not land up getting

23. A red-red-red-gold resistor in series with an

orange-orange-orange-gold resistor produces:


35,200 ohms


None of the above

1. What does LED stand for?

Light Emitting Display

Low Energy Display

Light Emitting Diode

Light Emitting Detector

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