STUDY GUIDE 1ºs Anos (4º Bimestre) - Corrigido e Comentado

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STUDY GUIDE 1s anos (4 bimestre)

corrigido e comentado.



Nota : os verbos do texto I ,que foram

sublinhados, esto escritos no infinitivo
incorretamente. Assim, sua forma correta no
Simple Past dever ser analisada nas
questes 3 e 4. I have a dream that my little children will
one day live in a nation where they will not be
TEXT I - judged by the color of their skin, but by the
content of their character.
Martin Luther King Biography We must learn to live together as brothers
or we will perish together as fools.
Martin Luther King, Jr., (January 15,
1929-April 4, 1968) be born1 Michael Luther
King, Jr., but later had his name changed to
Martin. His grandfather begin the family's long
tenure as pastors of the Ebenezer Baptist TEXT III Mahatma Gandhis quotes
Church in Atlanta, serving from 1914 to 1931;
his father has served from then until the
present, and from 1960 until his death Martin
Luther act as co-pastor. Martin Luther attended
segregated public schools in Georgia,
graduating from high school at the age of
fifteen; he receive the B. A. degree in 1948
from Morehouse College.With a fellowship won
at Crozer, he enrolled in graduate studies at
Boston University, completing his residence for
the doctorate in 1953 and receiving the degree
in 1955. In Boston he meet and marry Coretta
Scott, a young woman of uncommon
intellectual and artistic attainments. Two sons
and two daughters be born2 into the family.
In 1957 he was elected president of the
Southern Christian Leadership Conference, an
organization formed to provide new leadership
for the now burgeoning civil rights movement. Carefully watch your thoughts, for they
He believed all people had the right to freedom become your words. Manage and watch your
and equality. The ideals for this organization he words, for they wil become your actions.
take from Christianity; its operational Consider and judge your actions, for they have
techniques from Gandhi. become your habits. Acknowledge and watch
On the evening of April 4, 1968, while standing your habits, for they shall become your values.
on the balcony of his room in Memphis, Understand and embrace your values, for they
Tennessee, where he was to lead a protest become your destiny.
march in sympathy with striking garbage
workers of that city, he was assassinated. Be the change that you wish to see in the
Fonte :
A man is but the product of his thoughts.
64/king-bio.html ( com adaptaes)
What he thinks, he becomes.

TEXT IV - What are Human Rights ?

Human Rights are the rights you have
simply because youre human.
TEXT II - Martins quotes People who fight against torture , poverty
and discrimination are not giants or super
heroes . Theyre people, kids, mothers, fathers,
teachers, free thinking individuals who refuse
to be silent , who realize that human rights are
not a history lesson , theyre not words on a Comentrio do item b : De acordo com
page, theyre not speeches , proclamations or a citao de Mahatmas Gandhi , voc deve
public campaigns . They are choices we make prestar ateno ( must pay attention) nas
every day as human beings. They are the suas palavras porque elas se tornam suas
responsibilities we all share to respect each aes.
other , to help each other, or to protect those
in need. 3. Based on linguistic structure from the
Fonte : text I, judge the items that follow. And
then, choose the correct alternative.
1.Based on ideas from the text I, judge the
following items, and then choose the correct 1. ( F ) The Simple Past of be born1 is
alternative : were born.
2. ( F ) The Simple Past of begin is
1. ( F ) According to Luther King.jr s 3. ( T ) The Simple Past of act is
birth certificate, his first name Martin was acted.
changed by Michael. 4. ( T ) The Simple Past of receive is
2. ( T ) Martin L. King Jr. was a great student received.
at school.
3. ( F ) Martin L. King Jr. only led the Civil Comentrio do item 1 : O passado de
Rights Movement until 1955. be born no trecho a que se refere o item
4. ( F ) When Martin Luther died, he was just was born, pois o verbo neste caso
thirty-five years old. concorda com o sujeito Martin Luther
King, Jr = he (ele)
Comentrio do item 1 : A mudana do nome
foi de Michael para Martin , e no o contrrio. Comentrio do item 2 : O passado do
verbo begin began.
Comentrio do item 3 : Na verdade, Martin
liderou o movimento dos direitos civis at o dia Escolha a alternativa correta :
de usa morte.
Comentrio do item 4 : Quando Martin L a) Apenas o item 2 incorreto.
King Jr morreu , ele tinha 39 anos de idade. b) Apenas os itens 1 e 3 so corretos.
c) Apenas o item 3 correto.
Escolha a alternativa correta : d) Apenas os itens 1 e 4 so corretos.
e) Apenas os itens 3 e 4 so corretos.
a) Apenas o item 4 incorreto.
b) Todos os itens so corretos. 4. Based on linguistic structure from the
c) Apenas o item 2 correto. text I, judge the items that follow. And
d) Apenas os itens 1 e 3 so incorretos. then, choose the correct alternative.
e) Apenas os itens 3 e 4 so corretos.
1. ( T ) The Simple Past of meet is
2. Based on ideas from met.
the texts I, II , III and IV , it is incorrect to 2. ( F ) The Simple Past of marry is
declare that : marryed.
3. ( T ) The Simple Past of take is
a) ( ) Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther took.
King Jr. were leaders who held the same 4. ( F ) The Simple Past of be born2 is
points of view about the human rights . was born.
b) ( F ) According to Mahatmas Gandhis
quotes, you must not pay attention in Comentrio do item 2 : O passado de
Marry married . Verbos regulares
your words because they may become
terminados em Y precedidos de
your actions.
consoante,perdem o Y e ganham i + ed.
c) ( ) According to Mahatmas Gandhis
quotes, men often become what they Comentrio do item 4 :
believe themselves to be .
d) ( ) Gandhis principles has been O passado de be born no trecho a que
followed by many other importante civil se refere o item were born, pois o
verbo neste caso concorda com two
rights leaders including Martin Luther
sons and two daughters(dois filhos e
King,Jr. duas filhas) = They (eles)
e) ( ) According to Gandhi, your future
depends on you choose to do in the
Escolha a alternativa correta :

a) Apenas o item 2 incorreto.

b) Apenas os itens 1 e 3 so corretos.
c) Apenas os itens 2 e 4 so incorretos.
d) Apenas os itens 1 e 4 so incorretos.
e) Apenas os itens 3 e 4 so corretos.

Observao : como os itens b e c

fazem a mesma afirmao em
linguagens diferentes, ento considera-
se como corretos ambos itens.

Leia a tirinha a seguir para responder

questo 5.

A frase I studied English escrita na

forma negativa :
a) I did not studied English.
b) I not study English.
c) I didnnt study English.
d) I not did study English.
e) I didnt study English.

Observao importante : Assista

aos vdeos sobre Martin L King Jr ,
postados neste blog no dia 16 de
novembro. Assistir a esses vdeos no
apenas ir ajudar os alunos a
compreenderem melhor os textos
abordados no estudo dirigido e na
prova bimestral do dia 28/11 , mas
tambm ir contribuir para o aumento
de conhecimento do aluno a respeito
da realidade do desmatamento na
floresta amaznica, cujo assunto
costuma ser cobrado em provas de
vestibulares e redaes dissertativas
em lngua portuguesa.

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