The Infrastructure Needs of The Digital Economy Mar 2015 Tcm80-184363

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By Wolfgang Bock, Navneet Vasishth, Maikel Wilms, and Manaw Mohan

T he Internet already plays an

indispensable role in the everyday life
of billions. Yet the surface is only being
an increasingly important source of jobs,
and digital technologies are enabling far-
reaching social and political changes
scratched. The potential to bring new and as well.
more advantages to individuals around the
world, and to benefit billions more people As Internet penetration expands, connec-
as they gain access, has few limits. Many of tion speeds improve, and device prices fall,
these benefits could have their biggest it is expected that there will be more than
impact in emerging markets; unfortunately, 1 billion new users by 2020. By then, the
these are the countries in which Internet digital economys contribution to GDP in
penetration and use often lag. the G-20 is anticipated to reach $6.6 trillion
a year, or 7.1 percent of total GDP in these
Almost 3 billion connected consumers and nations. And these figures do not reflect
businesses (as well as governments and the potential impact of the Internet of
other organizations) search, shop, socialize, Things, which could connect between
transact, and interact every day using per- 30 billion and 50 billion additional devices
sonal computers and, increasingly, a broad- by 2020, helping to operate everything
ening range of mobile devices. The digital from home-heating systems to automotive
economy, which contributed $2.3 trillion to vehicles to jet aircraft.
GDP in the G-20 in 2010 and is expected to
contribute more than $4 trillion to their The continued expansion of Internet pene-
GDP in 2016, is growing at 10 percent a tration and use, and the long-term growth of
yearsignificantly faster than the global the digital economy, depend on infrastruc-
economy as a whole. The growth in the ture. A new report by the World Economic
digital economy is even higher in develop- Forum, written in collaboration with The
ing markets: 15 to 25 percent per year. Boston Consulting GroupExpanding Par
Around the world, the digital economy is ticipation and Boosting Growth: The Infra

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structure Needs of the Digital Economyseeks ogy for billions of new users as well. Too
to identify the most important challenges often, policy makers and regulators focus
facing development of a healthy digital on the short-term value of spectrum
infrastructure for the years 2020 and there- licenses rather than maximizing the use of
after in both developed and developing this precious asset, and the result is a lack
markets. It examines the particular chal- of available, affordable spectrum for
lenges of bringing the economic and social mobile usage.
benefits of connectivity to emerging mar-
kets, which were home to 96 percent of all Encouraging Broader Internet Usage. An-
nonusers of the Internet in 2014. The report other critical challenge is to bring more
builds on the broad recommendations of people online, particularly in emerging
The World Economic Forums 2014 report markets. In many developed countries,
(also written with BCG)Delivering Digital there is a 30 to 50 percent difference
Infrastructure: Advancing the Internet Econ- between the number of people who have
omywhich explored serious obstacles to access to digital networks and the number
the continued growth of the digital economy who are actually online. In emerging
over the subsequent three to five years, with markets, this gap jumps to 55 to 75 per-
an emphasis on the U.S. and Europe. centand up to 90 percent in some cases.
BCGs research shows three main reasons
for lack of adoption: perceived absence of
Complex Challenges need (resulting largely from lack of local-
There are multiple challenges to be ad- language content), followed by insufficient
dressed. The issues are particularly thorny skills, with affordability as a distant third.
in emerging markets, thanks to economics Local content in local languages is vital for
that are often unfavorable, low population attracting local users and serving local
densities, low literacy rates, and lack of needs. Governments also can help drive
local digital content. In many such coun- digital engagement with their own online
tries, two broad issues affect the ability to services. (See Exhibit 1.)
provide affordable Internet access: expand-
ing network coverage and building network Shifting Infrastructure Demands. Yet
capacity. another challenge is that, in both devel-
oped and emerging markets, the changing
Expanding Network Coverage. The econom- nature of consumer and business usage and
ics of expanding network coverage are the rise of the Internet of Things raise new
determined by a variety of factors, only some infrastructure demands. (See Exhibit 2.) As
of which are related to technology. Popula- mobile data usage matures, low latency and
tion density, topography, distance from fiber far more uploads raise new challenges for
connection points, and consumer purchasing network infrastructure. Moreover, the
power are all huge contributors to cost and addition of 30 billion to 50 billion or more
revenue calculations. The economics of connected things over the next five
expanding coverage to especially poor and yearswhile representing an enormous
remote areas are often the most challenging, opportunity for economic expansion and
particularly using traditional business growthfurther expands the network
models. Ironically, it is for people living in infrastructure challenge. Meeting this
these same areas that Internet access could challenge presents some unique spectrum
have the greatest impact. requirements, such as more data being
uploaded and data with mission-critical
Building Network Capacity. Not being able requirements, and increases the need for
to meet rising demand for network capaci- standardized and secure communication
ty is often an issue of lack of sufficient protocols.
spectrum allocated to mobile usebecause
so many users in emerging markets access Developing ICT Infrastructure for Smart
the Internet on mobile devices, and mobile Cities. Another key challenge is planning
is expected to be the predominant technol- for and deploying information and commu-

| The Infrastructure Needs of the Digital Economy 2

Exhibit 1 | Multiple Challenges Limit Consumer Adoption of the Internet

Fragmentation of Monetization
7 usage platforms issues
Literacy (overall, English, digital)
In India, for example, our survey Scalable tools
suggests that more than 30 percent Understanding to create content
lack the skills to use the Internet of local needs in local language
End user
8 5 Lack of local content
Cultural barriers to adoption
In the Middle East and North 55 percent of worldwide websites
Africa, there is about a 35 percent are in English, while only 20 to
gender gap 25 percent of all people speak English
6 Limited awareness of the value
Cost of Internet access 3
of the Internet
In the majority of Latin American In India, our survey suggests that
countries, access costs more than more than 50 percent see no need
5 percent of monthly income for the Internet
Complex price structures 4
1 Cost of device
Megabyte-based pricing and data In the Middle East and Africa, the tax
leakage limit adoption on devices is greater than 20 percent

Access device
2 Compatibility with local language
The major operating systems do
not support local languages

Sources: BCG Center for Consumer and Customer Insight; GSMA; Intel; Dalberg Global Development Advisors; Broadband Commission for
Digital Development; British Council; Statista; BCG analysis.
Note: The gender gap is defined as the difference between the percentage of men and women with online access (weighted by their numbers).

nications technology (ICT) infrastructure tend over many years (sometimes a decade
for so-called smart cities. We anticipate that or more).
more than 1 billion people will move to
citiesand some 360 new cities with Facilitating Digital Data Usage. A final
populations of 500,000 or more will be challenge relates to the increasing perva-
createdover the next 15 years. We expect siveness of digital technologies in everyday
that almost 80 percent of these new cities life. There is a growing need to unlock
will be in developing markets. In these consumer and industry value by removing
areas, tools ranging from those that per- frictions that prevent users from transport-
form basic monitoring to advanced systems ing and accessing their dataparticularly
that enable predictive, analytics-based their personal data and digital identities
applications can all have a significant while continuing to respect user privacy
impact on citizens well-being and the and data security. Consumers have started
efficiency of their daily lives. to compile digital assets that are tied to
their online lives and distributed across
Many of the ICT-based systems, apps, and multiple sites, apps, and sectors. These
services that can address urban needs data do not just include purchased digital
such as energy, transport, water and waste, content, but also government records,
social services, and building management health care files, financial information,
and servicesalready exist. What many and basic identity content, among other
cities lack is a comprehensive vision for things.
building the ICT infrastructure or for
constructively using the massive data that This digital dependence gives rise to new
it generates every day. The business cases issues with respect to the ability of con-
for many ICT investments are complex, sumers to easily access and use their data
and it is difficult to finance large invest- across devices, networks, and applications,
ments with payback periods that may ex- while at the same time raising privacy and

| The Infrastructure Needs of the Digital Economy 3

Exhibit 2 | Expected Market Shifts Will Create New Infrastructure Demands

Drivers of new demands Types of demands Description of new demands

2.6 times in fixed traffic, 11 times in mobile, up to 1,000 times in
dense areas
Capacity Backbone likely sufficient in developed but not in emerging markets
Increase in the Flattening capex with growth in traffic potentially a concern
number of users
Consumer and
business traffc
~1 billion new users Latency requirements for many future applications to be less than
by 2020 40 ms (compared with 40 ms to 100 ms today)2for example, in
Latency trading, VoIP, security lockdown of connected home, and navigation
More of an issue in wireless (5G aims for a latency of less than 10 ms)
Change in the nature Reconfiguration of the network to support higher uploads driven by
of usage Increase in real-time video apps and remote cloud storage
Peer-to-peer will upload Easier to adjust ratio on fixed-line but impacts FDD-based wireless
represent ~6 percent
of traffic and video
~72 percent by 2018
Security of data packets, authentication, and anonymity needed
Security and for Internet of Things applications
Growth in connected availability for Need for high availability of networks given the criticality of apps
devices and apps the Internet running on them (for example, remote health monitoring)
~30 billion to 50 billion of Things
Internet of Things

additional connected1 Internet of Things devices constrained in terms of power,

devices by 2020 Protocols and memory, and processing capacityneed for new protocols that
standards for meet these needs
the Internet Current approach is fragmentedstandardization is required
Faster networks of Things
at lower cost
Broadband to be About 75 percent of connected devices to be on short-range
Spectrum connections
2.6 times faster by 2020 needs for Need for new spectrum typeseither licensed or unlicensed in
the Internet sub-1GHz and more than 5GHz
of Things Experimental freedom for models like whitespace and ASA

Drivers of demands

Sources: Cisco; Qualcomm; Goldman Sachs; BCG analysis.

Note: Latency applies to consumer and business traffic and to the Internet of Things; ms stands for milliseconds.
Goldman Sachs estimates there will be 28 billion additional connected devices by 2020; Cisco estimates 50 billion additional devices.
Difference in todays latency depends on distance, access device, and networks to be crossed.

security concerns around the use of their Developing a Comprehensive Country-

data by others. Left unaddressed, unwar- Level Digital Agenda. Working with private-
ranted limitations on seamless or universal sector leaders and industry associations,
data use could come to constitute a serious governments (especially in emerging
barrier to peoples ability to get basic markets) should look to develop an overall
things done as well as to overall digital digital agenda for their countries. The first
growth and economic activity. step is for governments to determine the
specifics of their broadband access aspira-
tions. The second is for each government to
Long-Term Solutions determine a country-specific operating and
Some challenges can be addressed in the funding approach.
next few years; others will require attention
well into the next decade. While the market The overall digital agenda should include
is generally the best mechanism for connect- near-term initiatives that will encourage in-
ing consumers with technological and busi- vestment from the private sector, generate
ness innovations, there are also times when, tangible societal benefits, and engage citi-
and places in which, public-sector assistance zens and consumers. It should also focus
can help, provided that the parameters of on a five- to ten-year vision that defines the
such assistance are clearly defined. All nations broadband penetrationincluding
participants have roles to play in helping a roadmap to connect all citizens, a defini-
the digital economies in their countries take tion of the role of different players, and an
root and flourish in the following critical expectation of the market conditions that
areas. will help ensure success. The vision should

| The Infrastructure Needs of the Digital Economy 4

include specific criteria for hard-to-reach the development of smart citiesand in
and economically challenged regions and identifying and removing barriers, especial-
provide the criteria on which funding and ly administrative roadblocks. They can
operating models can be assessed. pursue cross-department coordination and
provide funding support where needed and
Any specific plans for infrastructure con- also advance open-data policies, coordinate
struction or deployment should be technol- citizen involvement in open-sourcing
ogy agnostic, provide incentives for invest- ideas, and help ensure the scalability of
ment, and allow for experimentation, smart city applications.
without creating market distortions. These
plans also need to include measures for Furthering Universal Usage. As digital use
building digital demand and useinclud- increases across sectors, there may be a
ing education and training that help con- growing need for national policies, technical
sumers acquire digital literacy and skills. standards, and global guidelines that enable
consumers to transport, access, and use data
Promoting Investment. To further their in multiple settings and jurisdictions
comprehensive digital agendas, countries without encountering significant barriers or
need policies that encourage network compromising their privacy and security.
investments by all stakeholders, but espe- The difficulties are complex, but the poten-
cially by private industry. These policies tial valueto consumers and industry
should allow for experimentation with new alikeis astronomical. The vision to work
business models (including consumer- toward should be based on an interoperable
pricing models) and further adoption of digital world in which the universal use of
new low-cost technologies, such as small digital assets encounters the least possible
cells in urban areas and the technologies amount of friction consistent with appropri-
that advance the Internet of Things. Regu- ate safeguards for consumers.
latory environments also need to evolve to
facilitate and encourage investment.

Increasing Mobile Spectrum. Few policy

undertakings have the potential for greater
T here are few areas in which govern-
ments can have a bigger impact than in
helping to extend digital infrastructure and
economic impact than optimizing policy on access throughout their countries. In order
mobile spectrum allocation for long-term to accomplish these objectives, they need
value; accelerating fair, market-based clear and ambitious long-term policies and
allocation of spectrum; and enabling more goals. They should recognize the vital role
efficient utilization through spectrum- of the private sector in bringing new tech-
sharing regimes. Allocating more spectrum nologies and other innovations to market.
for mobile use helps countries achieve Governments approach to the marketplace
their digital agendas by making mobile should be light handed, and they should
access more affordable and attracting seek to limit distortion of free-market inno-
investment. The primary goal for policy vation and investment.
makers and regulators should be to maxi-
mize the userather than the short-term Governments face a challenging journey
valueof this scarce and precious asset. with few established roadmaps to follow.
Experimentation will be essential. But no
Advancing Smart Cities. Governments can country should fail to capitalize on the
help move smart cities forward by deter- potential of digital technologies to bring
mining the targets for long-term invest- substantial improvement to human produc-
ment, creating the environments in which tivity and the quality of life.
digital ecosystems can flourish, and provid-
ing regulatory frameworks that help ensure
the necessary investment in infrastructure.
They can take a lead role in planning,
prioritizing, coordinating, and monitoring

| The Infrastructure Needs of the Digital Economy 5

About the Authors
Wolfgang Bock is a senior partner and managing director in the Munich office of The Boston Consulting
Group. You may contact him by e-mail at

Navneet Vasishth is a partner and managing director in the firms New Delhi office. You may contact
him by e-mail at

Maikel Wilms is an associate director in BCGs Amsterdam office. You may contact him by e-mail at

Manaw Mohan is a project leader in the firms Munich office. You may contact him by e-mail at

The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a global management consulting firm and the worlds leading advi-
sor on business strategy. We partner with clients from the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors in all
regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform
their enterprises. Our customized approach combines deep insight into the dynamics of companies and
markets with close collaboration at all levels of the client organization. This ensures that our clients
achieve sustainable competitive advantage, build more capable organizations, and secure lasting results.
Founded in 1963, BCG is a private company with 81 offices in 45 countries. For more information, please

The Boston Consulting Group, Inc. 2015.

All rights reserved.

| The Infrastructure Needs of the Digital Economy 6

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