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Bioresource Technology 55 (1996) 83-88

0 1996 Elsevier Science Limited

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Albert0 Reis, * Luisa Gouveia,a Vera Veloso,b Helena L. Fernandes,b Josh A. Empis
& Julio M. NovaiC

Institute National de Engenharia e Tecnologia Industrial, DER Estrada do PaGodo Lumiar; 1699 Lisboa Codex, Portugal
bLaborat6rio de Engenharia Bioquimica, Institute Superior Tkcnico, Avenida Rovisco Pais, 1099 Lisboa Codex, Portugal

(Received 15 December 1994; revised version received 4 October 1995; accepted 10 October 1995)

Abstract PC phosphatidylcholine
The marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Boh- PE phosphatidylethanolamine
lin is a potential source of the pharmaceutically PG phosphatidylglyceride
valuable w3 polyunsaturated fatty acid eicosapentae- PI phosphatidylinositol
noic acid (EPA). The results of indoor continuous PS phosphatidylserine
growth of Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin are PUFA polyunsaturated fatty acid
reported. r volumetric output rate (productivity/reac-
The relationships between dilution rate (D), nitrate tor volume)
concentration and chemical composition were studied. SFA saturated fatty acid
Higher biomass and lipid productivities were obtained SQ sulfoquinovosyldiglyceride
at low D values. EPA was found to be an intermediate TG triglyceride
metabolite and the best productivity (6 mg 1-r day-r) X biomass on ash-free dry-weight basis
was achieved for D values ranging from 0.32 to 0.50 WDW
day-. Under optimum conditions, 84 and 1170, x:ywz fatty acid with x carbon atoms, y double
respectively, of total recovered EPA were present in bonds, where z is the distance between
monogalactosyldia~lglycerol (MGDG) and in triacyl- the last double bond and the methyl end
glycerol (TG) moieties, respectively.Recorded EPAI! group
and EPA/20,4 03 ratios for all tested dilution rates IJ specific growth rate (dxixdt)
were among the highest values ever reported, showing
EPA purification to be easier to perform from this
starting material than from many others commonly in
use. Copyright 0 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.
The Omega-3 (~3) polyunsaturated fatty acids mar-
ket (EPA and DHA) dates from 1982 and has an
Key words: Microalga, diatom, Phaeodactylum tricor-
annual estimated value in excess of 25 million US
nutum, fatty acids, continuous reactor, lipids, EPA.
dollars (CQVB, 1988). The therapeutic value of
these compounds has been shown in the reduction
NOMENCLATURE of blood cholesterol (Bonaa et al., 1990), in the pre-
vention of blood-platelet aggregation, and as a
arachidonic acid (20 : 4 w6) protection against cardiovascular and coronary heart
chain with n carbon atoms diseases, atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemy, hypercho-
dilution rate (volumetric flow/reactor lesterolemy and hypertriglyceridemy (Simopoulos,
volume) 1986). Other known applications include the therapy
DGDG digalactosyldiglyceride of chronic inflammation processes (Vitale, 1988;
DHA docosahexaenoic acid (22 : 6 w3) Goetzl et al., 1986) and improvement of vision
EPA eicosapentaenoic acid (20 : 5 03) (Dratz & Deese, 1986). Encouraged by recent multi-
MGDG monogalactosyldiglyceride disciplinary studies about beneficial effects upon
MUFA monounsaturated fatty acid human health, mainly in the prophilaxis and therapy
P productivity/reactor surface of chronic and degenerative diseases (obesity, dia-
PA phosphatidic acid betes, hypertension, cardiovascular and
brain-vascular diseases, digestive and metabolic dis-
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. eases, as well as cancer), a wide range of functional
84 A. Reis, L. Gouveia, K Woso, H. L. Fernandes,J. A. Empis, J. M. Novak

food products enriched with marine 03 fatty acids

has penetrated the market (Lauritzen, 1994). A fast
r inlet
growth of this market is expected, to the 200 million
US dollars mark before the end of the century s
(CQVB, 1988), mainly directed towards the health-
food industry and aquaculture. Marine fish products,
mainly menhaden oil, have been the traditional i
sources of 03 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Several
publications have pointed out the feasibility of EPA 7
and DHA production from microbial sources, with Ic
special emphasis on fungi (Yongmanitchai & Ward, 1 I I
1989; Kennedy et al., 1993) and microalgae (Yong-
manitchai & Ward, 1989; Kennedy et al., 1993; Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the continuous-flow reac-
Bajpai & Bajpai, 1993). Microalgae, despite their tor. 1 - Magnetic stirrer; 2 - stirring bar; 3 - nutrient
high production costs, show several advantages over vessel; 4 - water bath, 5 - polyethylene bag; 6 - liquid
fish oil, as reviewed by Karuna-Karan (1986) and by circulation peristaltic pump; 7 - side tube; 8 - ceramic
Reis (1993). porous plate; 9 - gas valve; 10 - fluorescent lamps (light
Mass production of the Bacillarophyceae Phaeo-
dactylurn tricomutum as a source of lipids (Dubinsky
et al, 1978; SERI, 1986) and for w3 PUFA produc-
ever constant absorbance, as measured by five
tion (Moreno et aZ., 1979) has already been
consecutive absorbance readings (sampling interval:
reported, though under relatively low temperatures
2 h) within an interval range below 2% deviation,
and at low light intensities (Ansell et al, 1963; Reis
was encountered (Reis et al., 1994). This situation
et al., 1990; Veloso et aZ., 1991); conditions which
always materialized no later than four residence
are markedly different from those registered in this
times after setting new and different conditions.
Analytical methods
METHODS Measurements of algal growth were performed as
described in previous work (Reis et al, 1990; Veloso
Organism and growth media et aZ., 1991). Nitrogen concentration was measured
Phaeodactylum tricomutum Bohlin SiPHAEO-1 using the Cawse method (Cawse, 1967) and by
(TFX-1) was obtained from the Solar Energy means of a specific nitrate electrode (Ingold Mes-
Research Institute (SERI) Culture Collection stechni KAG type 15222300) (APHA, 1976). Fatty
(Golden, Colorado, USA) and was cultivated in fil- acid methyl esters were prepared by transesterifica-
tered sea water enriched with components of the tion of freeze-dried samples according to Cohen et
MN medium (Borowitzka, 1988), but with some al. (1988a). Fatty acid analyses were performed in a
modifications, as previously described (Reis, 1993). Varian 3300 gas-liquid chromatograph equipped
with FID. Separation was carried out with a O-32
mm x 30 m fused silica capillary column, with (film:
Growth conditions
0.32pm) Supelcowax 10 (Supelco) and He as carrier
The non-sterile reactor used (Fig. 1) was a poly-
at a flow rate of 1.5 ml.min-l. The column tempera-
ethylene bag placed in a water bath at 24 +05C
ture was programmed at an initial temperature of
(Reis et al, 1994). Dimensions were: volume, l-4 1;
175C for 5 min, then increased at 2*5C.min-1 to
height, 36 cm; diameter, 7 cm. A conical bottom was
235C and held there for 20 min. Injector tempera-
shaped on to it, using a sealing device, in order to
ture, detector temperature and split ratio were,
minimize dead volumes and biomass deposition. A
respectively, 280, 300C and 1OO:l. Heptadecanoic
14 1 h- air flow was provided through a ceramic
acid (Merck) was used as internal standard. Lipid
porous plate at the bottom. Fresh medium was
extraction and separation of its individual compo-
pumped by means of a peristaltic pump (Pharmacia,
nents by thin-layer chromatography has been
model Pl) through the bottom. Medium and bio-
described in previous publications (Reis et al, 1990;
mass overflowed through a side tube (Fig. 1).
Veloso et aZ., 1991). Other lipidic standards were
Continuous illumination was obtained by six verti-
supplied by Sigma. Individual bands were scraped
cally placed 36 W fluorescent lamps, giving a total
off and transesterified as stated above.
light intensity of 250 PE m-* s-l.
Growth parameters (absorbance, ash-free dry
weight, chlorophyll and nutrient concentrations), as RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
well as algal chemical composition (protein, carbo-
hydrates, lipids and fatty acids) were measured at The biomass concentration and measured absor-
each dilution rate value, immediately after stationary bance of the outflow, as well as the nitrate uptake,
state was attained. A steady-state was defined when- are presented in Fig. 2, for all tested dilution rates.
Continuous EPA production from Phaeodactylum tricornutum 85

:540 nm)
2 I'2
1.5 - 1.5

1 -1 A

. .

0.5 - 0.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

* * v . D (day')
* * I
* I Fig. 3. Nitrate uptake per biomass unit weight versus
,t ,* ,
C n dilution rate.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6 1 1.2 1.d

D (day-)
(1991), and may be a consequence of the ability for
Fig. 2. Biomass concentration (x) on ash-free dry-weight nutrient adaptation to oligotrophic conditions, as
basis (AFDW), culture absorbance (A) at 540 nm and
nitrate uptake evolution with dilution rate for continuous
has been pointed out in other publications (Raim-
growth of Phueodactylum tricomutum. ??Absorbance (540 bault & Gentilhomme, 1990; Raimbault et al., 1990).
nm); v biomass concentration (x) on ash-free dry-weight Chlorophyll-a and EPA concentrations as a func-
basis (AFDW); * NO3 uptake. All values are averages of tion of dilution rate were studied by Reis et al.
duplicates. (1994). For D<O*6 day- (higher biomass concen-
tration) the chlorophyll-a plot showed a wide
The cell density curve exhibited a strong decrease plateau (1% of AFDW), probably caused by light
with the increase of D showing a hyperbolic pattern. limitation. Decrease of chlorophyll concentration at
This decrease was similar to that obtained by Marsot D > 0.6 day- probably meant that the photosyn-
et al. (1991) for a continuous growth of Phaeoducty- thetic locus was damaged by the higher light
lum tricomutum in a dialysis system. The inverse intensity per cell at lower biomass concentrations.
relationship between p (or D) and x appears to be a The fatty-acid profile versus dilution rate is shown
normal algal response to conditions in the medium in Table 1 with emphasis on EPA/AA and EPA/
which are affected by cell density (nutrient avail- 20:4w3 ratios. The increase in D values produced an
ability). The nitrate uptake can be considered increase in 14:0, 16:3, 20503 and 22:6w3, while 16:0
negligible for cultures with D 2 O-68 day-, showing and 16:lco7 decreased sharply. As a rule, monoun-
enhanced N-conversion efficiency in terms of bio- saturated fatty acids may be seen to have been
mass production. The data suggest that N was a replaced by polyunsaturated ones, especially those
non-limiting nutrient for all assayed conditions. belonging to the w3 family. For cultures at D ~0.32
The chemical composition of the biomass has day- the biomass showed optimal nutritional value
been studied under continuous conditions at dif- for aquaculture purposes in terms of the 03/06
ferent dilution rates (Reis et al, 1994). At lower D ratio, according to the classification of Weeb and
values, higher lipid and fatty acid concentrations, Chu (1983). For higher D values, the biomass
ranging from 19.9% of lipids and 57% of fatty acids showed moderate values.
(on AFDW of biomass basis) to 43.7% of lipids and Biomass, lipid and EPA volumetric formation
24.8% of fatty acids, were obtained. This increase in rates were presented by Reis et al. (1994). The
total lipid contribution with slower-growing cultures higher the D, the lower the biomass and lipid pro-
appears to be a normal behaviour for Eukaryotic ductivities. Maximum productivities were obtained
cells and was reported for Phaeodactylum tricomu- at D = 0.14 day-: 0.23 g 1-l day- and 0.10 g 1-l
turn by Kaixian and Borowitzka (1993). Clearly, day-, respectively, showing the ability of this alga
protein and carbohydrate concentrations did not to grow under conditions of high cell density. Maxi-
exhibit any significant variation, contributing 20 and mum productivity for EPA (rEPA= 6 mg l- day- )
10% of AFDW biomass. was obtained at higher D values (O-32<D ~0.50
Figure 3 shows that there was a direct correlation day-).
between consumed N per biomass unit and dilution In the determination of fatty acid distribution and
rate. Assuming that nearly all consumed N had been EPA distribution among lipid classes in the harves-
used in protein synthesis, and since the protein con- ted biomass at D = 0.32 day-, which gave
tent did not significantly change with D, a rough maximum EPA productivity, the percentages of
calculation could be performed to determine N used recovered fatty acids (Fig. 4) and recovered EPA
for maintenance. The higher the dilution rate of the (Fig. 5) were 80 and 89.9%, respectively. Based
culture the lower was the N uptake for maintenance upon this, it can be said that 62% of recovered fatty
and the higher the efficiency of N assimilation. This acids were bonded to the glycolipid MGDG fraction
conclusion agrees with data from Marsot et al. and 21% to TG (Fig. 4).
86 A. Reis, L. Gouveia, K I/eoso, H. L. Fernandes, J. A. Empis, .I. M. Novais

The situation was different when the distribution An extrapolation of these small-scale biomass and
of recovered EPA throughout the lipid classes was EPA productivities, with outdoor experiments,
described (Fig. 5). It may be seen that this valuable assuming rough calculations in terms of the illumi-
component was to be found preferably in the nated surface was made, and the extrapolation gave
MGDG (84% of EPA) and TG (11% of EPA) pha- optimum biomass productivities which exceeded 23 g
ses. Similar results were found by Arao et al. (1987) m - day- (PEPA - 0.6 g mm2 day-), more than
who, nevertheless, had reported that only a negli- four-fold higher when compared with our previous
gible percentage of EPA was to be found in the TG reports (Reis et aZ., 1990; Veloso et al., 1991) and
fraction. higher than data published for Porphiridium cruen-
The presence of 95% of total EPA in the least turn (Cohen et al., 1988b).
polar lipidic fractions (TG and MGDG), suggests an Biomass of uniform and controlled quality in
easy way to separate, concentrate and purify this terms of fatty acid composition, was produced.
product, and this may be of commercial significance. Therefore, this continuous-production system may
be recommended as adequate to provide a suitable
and stable diet for hatchery production (larval mol-
CONCLUSIONS lusts and crustacea), when operating at low D.
Operation for EPA, which is based on the value of
An inexpensive continuous-flow apparatus worked MGDG+TG content in harvested biomass, will
successfully for 6 months without any kind of con- depend upon the further development of down-
tamination, showing it to be suitable for inoculum stream processing operations.
production for outdoor, large-scale reactors, the per-
formance of which has already been studied (Reis et
al., 1990).
The stationary-state hypothesis (p = D) seems to
be supported by stability of growth parameters, APHA (1976). Standard Methods for the Examination of
absence of cell deposition on the reactor bottom and Water and Wastewater.American Public Health Associa-
no cell lysis. tion, Springfield,pp. 393-4.

Table 1. Relative distribution of fatty acids (FA) of Phueoabctylum t&corn&m grown in a continuous reactor versus
dilution rate. All values are averages of duplicates

rate (day-)
FA 0.14 0.32 Dilu:;; 0.59 0.68 0.85 l-22

14:o ;:; ;:; 5.0 5.0 5.8 5.0 5.1

15:o o-3 0.2 o-2 0.2 o-3
16:0 22.5 25.6 13.8 13.8 13.3 14.4 14.8
16:lw9 0 0 0.6 0.7 1.0 0.8 0.3
16:107 43.3 39-7 25.5 27.9 22.0 20.4 21.0
16:105 0 0.1 0.5 0.6 1.0 1.3
16:206 1.0 ;:7
0:: ;:; ;:; ;:; ;:s
16:3w4,3 2.5 ;:; 6.6 8-5 6-7 5.0
0.7 8!5
16:404,1 0.2 0.5 o-7 0.5 0.9
18:0 0.4 0.5 o-3 ;:; 0.4 O-6 O-6
18:lw9 ::: 1.3 o-5 1-o 0.6 l-2 1.3
18:2w6 ::y l-6
1-l 1.2
1.2 1.7
1.3 o-9
2-o ;:f ;:;

18:303 0.1 1.3
0.1 0.7
o-1 0.1
8:: 0.7
0.3 ;:; ;:;
18:4w3 o-5 0.9 0.5
20:3w6 lV4 0 ;:; :5 ;:; 0.4 ;:;
20:4w6 l-2 0.4 1.1 0.5 0.4
20:303 0.8 0
201403 ;:; ;:; ;:; ;:; 0:;
20:503 10.2 12.8 25.8 20.4 27.3 2:*; 2:.33
22:l 0 8:; 0.4 0.3 ;:; 0.5
22:4w6 1-o ;:; 0 1-o ;:;
22:50t3 1.3 1.1 2-3 2-3 2.9 2.0
22~603 2z 3Y.F I;.: 1.3 1.9 2.8 2.5
SFA 19.4 19.7 20-3 20.8
MUFA 46.8 43.3 28.7 32-2 25.9 25.4 26.1
PUFA 23.2 25.4 463 41.7 47.5 46.0 46.7
03/w6 1.8 2.8 4.7 5.1 5.3
EPA/AA 7.3 10.7 64.5 13366 24.8 540.54 63.3
EPA/20:4w3 25.5 16-O 43.0 51-o 136.5 126.0 84.3
Continuous EPA production from Phaeodactylum tricornutum 87

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