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By :
Lukman Adi Nugroho B1K014018



A. Embryo culture........................................................................................................
B. Anther culture .........................................................................................................
C. Meristem culture .....................................................................................................
D. Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................
A. Embryo Culture

The first organism apeared in earth have evolved into three large clusters of
closely related organisms, called domains that consist of Archaea, Bacteria, and
Eukaryota. Archaea and Bacteria are prokaryotes, These single cell organism
withcircular strand of DNA containing their genes. Based Endosymbitic theory a
certain bacteria may have engulfed another bacteria and incorporated it as a symbiotic
organism. This prokaryotes may have been the precursors of mitochondria. These tiny
organelles in the cell not only produce chemical energy, but also hold the key to
understanding the evolution of the eukaryotic cell. Evidence supports the idea that
eukaryotic cells are actually the descendents of separate prokaryotic cells that joined
together in a symbiotic union.
Protists is small organism that include in domain Eukaryota. Much of protist
diversity is the result of endosymbiosis, a process in which unicellular organisms
invaded other cells that evolved into organelles in the host cell. The earliest eukaryotes
acquired mitochondria by engulfing alpha proteobacteria.The early origin of
mitochondria is supported by the fact that all eukaryotes studied so far either have
mitochondria or had them in the past. Later in eukaryotic history, one lineage of
heterotrophic eukaryotes acquired an additional endosymbiont a photosynthetic
cyanobacterium that evolved into plastids (Raven)
In the past, taxonomist classified all protists into single kingdom called
Protista. Protists became a paraphyletic taxon because some protists are more closely
related to plants, fungi, or animals than they are to other protists. From this case
protistskeep evolve into more complex organisms are proofed. The protists is the
common ancestor for the all eukaryotic domain.
B. Anther culture

Protist were most likely the first eukaryotes organisms to emerge on earth after
the existance of prokaryotes. Scientists assume that protists are the result of evolution
process from prokaryotes. Fossil evidence shows that the first 2 billion years of life in
earth was dominated by prokaryotes. And later on, the first different kind of
microorganism were identified as the fossil evidence in 1.5 billion years rock which is
several times larger than the previous microorganisms and have internal membranes.
This fossil marks the appearance of the first eukaryotes, the first evolution event of
life. Several theories were then developed to support this finding. Endosymbionts is a
famous theory which followed by some evidence. A species of primitive protist were
suspected to represents the very ealy stage of evolution.
Up until now, biologists still cannot be sure what the first eukaryotes was like,
yet they found a good model to learn about it. Pelomyxa palustris is a single-celled
non-photosythetic organisms suggested to describe the very early evolution on earth.
They dont replicate through mitosis like general eukaryotes, but binary fission instead
just like prokaryotes. The cell is larger than bacteria and other prokaryotes and lack of
mitochondria or plastid, unlike any other eukaryotes. Although they lack of
mitochondria, there are two kinds of bacteria inside the cell that replace the role
mitochondria. Most biologist agreed to categorize this organism as primitive
eukaryotes. Fundamental characters of this organism resemble those in archaebacteria.
So, it is assumed that the first primitive eukaryotes were nonphotosynthetic
descendants of the archaebacteria (Raven)
The information that primitive eukaryotes were lack of mitochondria, but have
catabolic bacterias instead lead to the theory of endosymbiotic. This theory proposed
that the mitochondria of protists were originated from the engulfed symbiotic bacteria.
This aerobic bacteria are thought to become mitochondria once they are inside the
primitive protists. It is able to break down chemical compound and provide energy
source for the whole cell. Another kind of bacteria, which is cyanobacteria, is also
assumed to be incorporated with the primitive protists. The cyanobacteria are able to
perform photosynthetic function. This engulfed photosynthetic bactria is the one that
will be plastid just like what we found in plants. Some things to note is that
mitochondria and plastid has the size of the most bacteria, it has two covering
membrane just like in bacteria. They also has its own DNA which is different with one
in the nucleus of the cells. Another existing evidence showing that protists are the
evolution result of prokaryotes could be found in some group of existing protists. Their
mitosis process are probably intermediate from binary fission to general mitosis.
Normally, before the genetic material will be replicated, the nucleus will be dissolved
first. Meanwhile in these group of protists, the nucleus will not be dissolved, but it will
directly divided into two daughter nuclei and followed by the rest of organels. These
explanation above are clearly supporting theory that the primitive protists were
originated from prokaryotes (archae) which engulfed symbionts and then undergo
evolution process in time of billion years which produce the currents existing protists
The earliest eukaryotes acquired mitochondria by engulfing alpha
proteobacteria. Mitochondria is also an obvious key characters to recognize the process
of evolution of heterotrophic organisms such as animals and fungi. From the first
eukaryotic single-celled organisms to the current heterotrophic eukaryotes, they all
have similar mitochondria. The existing evidence could be found in protist group of
Choanozoa, animals, and fungi, which have well-developed, plate-like, or flattened
mitochondrial cristae. Another common character is the presence of single basal
flagellum in motile reproductive stage. Heterotrophic protists firstly appear because
the organic material from other microorganism still abundant. Because the organic
material became low then the heterotrophic eukaryotes cooporated with aerobic
bacteria become the true autotrophic eukaryote cells. This occurence then were
followed by the incoorporation with photosynthetic cyanobacteria and become
photoautotrophic eukaryote cells because have plastids. These plastids found in plant
until today. Most biologist assumed that these heterotrophic and autotrophic protists
is the very early common ancestor of the whole living things up until the current time.
C. Meristem Culture

Based our discussion before we can conclude that

1. Protists is the common ancestor for the all eukaryotic domain. Protists are the first
eukaryotic organism proofed by fossil that discovered in 1.5 billion years rock
which is several times larger than the previous prokaryotes and have internal
2. This protists appeared from certain bacteria that engulfed another bacteria and
incorporated it as a symbiotic organism. The endosymbiont process still occur in
3. The earliest eukaryotes acquired mitochondria by engulfing alpha proteobacteria.
The early origin of mitochondria. These mitochondria well-developed, has plate-
like or flattened cristae like in animal and fungi. Then the heterotrophic eukaryotes
acquired an additional endosymbiont a photosynthetic cyanobacterium that
evolved into plastids, these plastids found in plant until today.
D. Troubleshooting

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