Makalah Transportasi Fluida " ": Rugi Tekanan Dalam Aliran Fluida

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Rugi Tekanan Dalam Aliran Fluida


NAMA : 1. MESA SAPUTRA (061640411906)

2. SALISA FIKAMALATI (061640411914)


DOSEN PEMBIMBING : Dr. Ir. Aida Syarif, M.T.


Why people do the things they do is an age-old question. However, psychology the science concerned
with behavior, in both human and nonhuman animals first appeared in the 1870s. Despite its youth, it
is a broad discipline, essentially spanning subject matter from biology to sociology. Psychologists have
doctoral degrees. They study the intersection of two critical relationships: one between brain function
and behavior; and another between the environment and behavior. As scientists, psychologists follow
scientific methods, using careful observation, experimentation and analysis. But psychologists also need
to be creative in the way they apply scientific findings.

Cock-a-doodle doo :

In a faraway land, there was a rooster who lived with his master and the wife. Every early
morning, the rooster would make a very loud sound. This shocked his master and the wife
so much that they jumped up from their sleep.

One day, the rooster heard that his master and the wife wanted to slaughter him for dinner.
He was afraid. He wanted to run away. But before he went off, he quickly took one of the
wifes shoes and the masters fiddling stick. Then he ran off into the forest feeling happy
and satisfied.

Moral of The Story :

Always be careful of someone that you know. Because sometimes they have bad ideas
towards you.

Come To the Window

One night, there was a little baby who was still not asleep. His mother already tried rocking
the baby to sleep but he was still wide awake. So, his mother took him to the window to see
the stars.

The stars shone on the sea. The mother told the baby some stories about the stars. She
said that there were two little stars that played peek-a-boo with two little fishes in the deep
blue sea. And there were two little frogs that cried Neap, neap, neap. We also see a dear
little baby who should be asleep!

The baby was happy and delighted. Soon, the little baby grew sleepy and fell asleep in his
mothers arms.
Belling The Cat

There lived many mice in a grocers shop. They ate plenty of grains and the grocer suffered
heavy loss. So, he brought a fat cat to catch the mice. The mice were worried. They held a
meeting to drive away the cat.
A smart-looking mouse suggested that the cat moved softly and swiftly. They decided to tie a
bell round its neck. So that when the cat moves, the mice would become aware of the cat. All the
mice agreed to this decision.
The old mouse said, Can you tell me who is to bell the cat?"
There was no reply.
Their decision is not yet executed.

Selfish Friendship

Once a cat was caught in a hunter's net. A mouse used to live in a nearby hole.
The mouse seeing the cat in the net started playing around the cat.

Soon a mongoose came there. He wanted to kill the mouse. As he lifted his head,
he saw an owl sitting on a tree trying to catch him. The mongoose went very near
the cat's net to save himself. The mouse thought "When the hunter takes away
the cat, the mongoose will not spare me and the owl is there to enjoy both of us."

The Mouse went to the cat and said,

"I can cut the net if you promise to save my life from the mongoose and the owl."
The cat agreed. The mouse started cutting the net slowly and freed the cat only
when the hunter was just near the cat. The cat took to heels and so ran the
mongoose too. The owl was very much disappointed to see even the mouse
running away to safety.

A few days later, the cat being hungry, went to the hole of the mouse and
requested him to come out for a game. The mouse replied,

"I sought friendship and saved you to save my life." Now you can go home.
MORAL : Dont nurture friendship with selfish people.

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