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JonN Garvin GREENTREE TECHNICAL SERVICES process vessels, piping, and ducting, Accurate tem- perature measurements provided by these probes are necessary for process control and process validation. (Refer- ence 1 provides a general discussion of temperature probes.) A temperature probe consists of a temperature-sensing clement protected by a cylindrical shell (together referred toas the temperature sensor). The probe may be used either ‘with or without a thermowell that provides additional protec- tion, The temperature-sensing element may be a thermo~ couple (TC) or a resistance temperature detector (RTD). ‘The probe is mounted in a vessel or duct wall and is in ‘contact (by immersion) with the fluid of interest (Figure 1). ‘The probe can be installed within a plug that thermally insu- - probes measure fluid temperatures in be pbs nasa et es wa bperong oe ap pen De vere = Heat Transfer Minimize Errors in Temperature Measurement Temperature measurements are most useful when they are accurate. Find out how to estimate the error attributable to a temperature probe and ways to minimize it. lates it from the vessel or piping wall as shown, or directly in the wall (.e, in thermal contact with it). The temperature of the probe is assumed to closely approximate the temperature of the process fluid in which the probe is immersed, Differences between the actual fiuid temperature and the indicated probe temperature can occur when heat is con- ducted along the probe and out to the environment or to the ‘vessel or piping wall. This is referred to as thermal leakage ‘or stem conduction, ‘The degree to which stem conduction impacts the accuracy of the temperature measurement depends on the configuration and characteristics ofthe probe, as well as the relative magnitudes of heat transfer from the fluid to the probe and from probe to the extemal environment (or vessel/pipe wall). Important physical characteristics that affect temperature reading accuracy include: + probe dimensions (extemal diameter, intemal diameter, length) + thermal conductivity ofthe probe material, and of the thermowell material if a thermowell is present + presence or absence ofan insulating plug in the metal vessel or piping wall + specifics ofthe extemal probe components that are exposed to the temperature ofthe external environment. + location and extent of the temperature-sensing element within the sensor + type (e.g, liquid, powder, gas) and physical properties of the process fluid + velocity of the process fluid as it moves past the probe + temperatures of the process fluid, vessel/pipe wall, and external environment, This article explains how to estimate temperature error CEP uN82015 wouricroogien 2B Heat Transfer and describes the process fluid conditions and probe configu- rations that influence temperature error, highlighting specific conditions that cause serious temperature deviations. Probe analysis Consider a temperature probe (with or without a thermowell) immersed ina process fluid, mounted in a fully insulating plug, with the extemal components at a fixed temperature. (Ifa thermowell is employed, then the relevant ‘dimensions of the thermowell would be used in place of the ‘dimensions of the temperature sensor) A heat balance taken at any point along the probe between conductive heat flow along the probe and convec- tive heat transfer into the probe from the fluid yields: “(8 0 where 0 isthe difference between the probe temperature, T; and process fluid temperature, 7, (i... temperature error); -vis the distance from the probe tip to the point of the tem. perature measurement; and zis a parameter defined a xDU\* 2-(22U : 2 (2) 2) tne Dib probe olde dance; Us th ol het cate ie iaea Nones tev a Sa pee Fists ternal erway ofthe pte mel dee cross-sectional area ofthe probe. The general solution to Eq, 1 is o= O=ae"+a,e" (3) where a, and a, are constants that can be solved for based on the heat balance’s boundary conditions: * The rate of heat flow along the probe atx = Z must ‘equal the rate of heat flow along the section ofthe probe held within the insulating support plug in the wall. From this condition, we obtain Eg. 4. + At the probe tip, the rate of hea flaw into the probe tip by convection from the process fluid through the probe end surface is equal to the rate heat flow away from the probe tip by conduction. By applying this condition to Eq. 3, we obtain Eq, 5 and Eq. 6 : () “FO +ah,)+ fay) 4, = fa, () QHh-Tata=ale/ 6) ‘here Ops the difference between the temperature of the external components of the probe, 7, and the process fluid temperature, 7; Liste length of probe immersed in the 44 wumacroogeep tne2015 CEP process fluid; Ly isthe length of the probe held within the wall; and fis a dimensionless parameter defined as: (7) ‘To calculate a value of for Eq. 6, the appropriate hheattransfercoeficient between the process fluid and the probe, U, is needed, and can be calculated by the Churchill and Bernstein 2) relation for heat transfer to eylinders in crossflow: Nu Di 6) ‘where fis the thermal conductivity ofthe process fluid and [Nir is the Nusselt number. Equation 8 is generally applicable to gases, powders, and liquids for which the product of the Reynolds Number and Prandtl Number is greater than 0.2 (ie, Re x Pr> 0.2), To use Eq, 8 with powders, the effective viscosity (3) and effec- tive thermal conductivity (4) must be estimated: those de are beyond the scope of this article (interested readers should see Refs, 3 and 4) This analysis describes how to determine temperature error ata point, This approach is appropriate for sensors (mainly newer designs) that have a relatively small {emperature-sensing region near their tip. Other sensors, particularly those of older designs, have a temperature- sensing region that extends along most or all of the sensor's length, To calculate the mean temperature error, 6,» over a region of temperature sensitivity that extends from location x, to location x, on the probe, Eq. 3 is integrated from x, to , (9) ‘These equations and methodology are used to estimate the temperature error for insulated and uninsulated tempera ture probes and a probe with an extended temperature sens- ing region, as well as to show the relationship between probe geometry and error. H5-%) Probe mounted in an insulating plug ‘The probe in Figure 1 is mounted in an insulated plug that thermally isolates the probe from the wall, and the exter ‘al metal components ofthe probe are exposed to external temperatures. This probe is evaluated for use in at, a dry powder, and water at 100°C. Table 1 summarizes the proper: ties ofthese fluids. The powder properties ae fairy typical of many dry omganie powders such as pharmaceuticals. ‘The probe may experience moderate (ie. from 1% to 5%) or severe (ie. preater than 5%) temperature mea- Density, ko/m® 0.933 | s00vi,000"| 958 Speciicheat, mek | 1,009 | 1.100 | 4220 Viscosity, Pa-sec | 0.0000218 | o.oo0adas | 0.000202 Conductivity, wink | o.0ss | 0.0520 | 0.6690 700K the bulk dani and 1,000 kg the parol dana, erat at Velocity, m/sec | Air Powder Water 002 5a 108 980 0.10) i 250 2,200 02 15 370 3.200 i 8 970 7.400) 2 47 1540 3 10) 710 = = 20, 160 = = surement error depending on the material and fluid veloc- ity. Low-velocity air and powders can cause significant temperature eror, for example, during powder drying with discontinuous agitation The probe tobe analyzed has an outer diameter of ‘D= 10 mm and an intemal diameter of d= 8 mm; of its total length, 10 mm is within the wall of the vessel (y= 10:mm) and 50 mm is immersed inthe process fuid (L°= 50 mm); the thermal conductivity of the probe mate- rial is k= 16 Wrim-K; the temperature of the extemal probe components i 7, = 35°C; and the temperature ofthe process fluid is 7) = 100°C. First, values ofthe overall heat-transter coefficient, U, are calculated overa range of process fluid velocities by Eq. 8 (Table 2). Then, Tis determined from an energy bal- ance, where the hea flowrate into the probe is equivalent 19 the heat-oss rate tothe external environment, assuming an ambient temperature of 10°C, typical external dimensions ofa PLIOO RTD, and natural convection heatloss rates from the external component. Finally, 0, as function of U is calculated by Eq. 6 (Table 3). By analyzing Tables 2 and 3, we can identify the veloci- ties at which moderate and severe errors occur (Table 4). In airat velocities between 3 misec and 13 misec, the probe error is moderate, but at velocities below 3 mise, the probe error is severe In powder, the probe experiences moderate error at velocities between 0.01 musee and 0.03 m/see, and severe errors below 0.01 m/sec. The probe exhibited essen- tally no error with water. Probe mounted directly in the wall For a temperature probe mounted directly in the vessel ‘or pipe wall — without insulation between the probe and the wall — the most significant heat loss is stem eonduc- tion between the probe and the wall (rather than natural convection between the probe's external components and the environment). Consider a wall-mounted thermowell or a flange- ‘mounted probe. During steady-state heat transfer, when the wall and process fluid temperatures are similar, the stem conduction effect may be small. During significant heating or cooling operations, when there is a large difler- ‘ence between the wall/pipe temperature and the process fluid temperatures, stem conduction can cause significant ‘wmperature-measurement error. ‘The probe to be analyzed in this example has an outer diameter of D = 10 mm, an internal diameter of d= 8 mm, ‘an immersion length of Z = 50 mm, a thermal conductivity of k= 16 Wim-K, and a temperature of T,= 100°C. The temperature of the wall in which it is installed is Ty = 70°C. The analytical approach is the same as when the probe ‘was installed directly in the insulated plug — caleulate U over a range of fluid velocities, determine the relevant tem- perature by an energy balance, and calculate @, as a func~ tion of U (Table 5). Here, however, the relevant tempera- ree oka oe ee eee ery nent tent +100 10 18% 125 6 09% 150 04 08% 175 02 03% 200 02 0.2% ‘Table 4. At these process fluid velocities ‘Air | Sm/sec to 13 mvsec <8misec Powder | 0.01 mises to 0.03 m/sec | <0.01 miseo water None None CEP uN02015 womacreomcen ES Heat Transfer ture is that of the wall, 7 (rather than the temperature of the probe's external components, 7), and the probe length within the wall i Ly = 0 (because conduction between the Probe and the wall isthe dominant mode of heat transfer). ‘Table 6 summarizes the velocities that result in severe and moderate error for ar, powder, and water. In air at velocities of 5-19 m/sec, the probe error is moderate, and at velocities below 5 musec, the probe error is severe. In povider, moderate error occurs between 0.01 m/sec and 0.04 mvsec, and severe error occurred below 0.01 m/sec: There was essentially no error in water. These stem con- duction errors persist only for as long as there is a signifi- cant difference between the wall temperature and the bulk fluid temperature, Probe with a longer sensing region Many sensors have temperature-sensing regions that ‘extend beyond the probe tp. Consider a standard probe similar to the one used in the previous two examples with the same immersion length of = 50 mm, but with a temperature-sensing region spanning halfits length (ie.,x, = 0 and.x,~25 mm). Table 7 sum- Iarizes the mean temperature error, 8, of this region as a function of U: As shown in Table 8, this type of extended sensitivity probe may experience significant errors over a wider range of velocities than a tip-sensitive probe. ene heat-transter coefficient. The Effect of probe geometry Probes with larger length-to-diameter ratios experience less stem conduction than probes with smaller L/D ratios. This example compares a series of eight probes similar to those discussed previously, but with immersion lengths that range from L = 30 mm to £= 100 mm. The process fluid is air at 100°C flowing at 2 misec, and the heat-transfer coefficient is U'= 50 Wrim®-K. Table 9 shows the inverse relationship between length and measurement error Lis not always possible to use along, slender probe to minimize error. Mechanical strength and available clearance (e.g. duct size, agitator clearance, ec.) may limit the practi cal probe length. Reducing stem conduction {In addition to selecting slender, tip-sensitive probes as discussed in the examples, other steps ean be taken to further ‘minimize the impact of stem conduction on temperature ‘measurement errors, For a probe installed in an insulated plug — where heat {os to the environment is the cause of the temperature error — insulating the extemal probe components from the environment helps to reduce error. For probes mounted. directly in the metal wall ofthe vessel or pipe, the cause of the temperature error is conductive heat transfer between the wall and the probe; insulation of the extemal probe compo- Ce cxtended temperature-sensing region. 175 Seon the probe in direct contact with the wall experien Soe Ac | Smisecto 18 nvsee

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