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Num : 121 130 Week : 7

Word Meaning

121. To supplying back or fill something up again.

Replenish Example : Food stock were replenished by import from Malaysia .

122. The act of removing harmful substances from something.

Purification Example : The scientist now have a solution for the air purification.

123. Waste such as water or humane urine or solid waste.

Sewage Example : Some cities do not have facilities for the disposal of sewage.

124. The process of removing salt from sea water.

Desalination Example : Offshore desalination could turn the oceans into an
inexhaustible water supply.

125. To pass in or through a substance by filtering.

Infiltrate Example : Water can infiltrate mostly land surface on earth.

126. Type of photocell that changes light from the sun into electricity.
Photovoltaic Example : Solar photovoltaic panel produce direct current electricity.

127. The quality of being felt strongly or having a very strong effect.
Intensity Example : The explosion with high intensity can be heard miles away.

128. A type of rock which aluminum is obtained.

Bauxite Example : Bauxite is an ore used in manufacture of aluminium.

129. To control something, especially making it work in a particular way.

Regulate Example : You can regulate the temperature in the house by adjusting
the thermostat.

130. A gradual increase or growth by the addition of new layers.

Accretion Example : The abandon room showed several acieration of dirt.

Siri 7 | Master Your Vocab!

Num : 131 140 Week : 7

Word Meaning

131. Of or like water; produced by water.

Aqueous Example : The strength of an aqueous acid solution can be measured.

132. To make a liquid weaker by mixing in something else.

Dilute Example : Dilute the juice with water before you drink it.

133. Cause damage or destructive by chemical action..

Corrosive Example : Only expert is given to handle this highly corrosive acid.

134. A substance that dissolves another to form a solution.

Solvent Example : Water is a solvent for the sugar..

135. Any substance that undergoes a chemical change in reaction.

Reactant Example : There always some reactants left in any chemical reaction.

136. Likely to behave in a certain way or have a certain characteristics.

Tendency Example :Strong acid has a greater tendency to lose its proton.

137. A substance that has been dissolved in another substance.

Solute Example : The type of solute will give effect the rate of evaporation..

138. Not having enough of.

Deficient Example : A diet deficient in vitamin D may cause the disease rickets.

139. To break up chemicals containing nitrogen and oxygen.

Denitrify Example : Denitrifying bacteria reduce the fertility of the soil.

140. The chemical reaction between a fat or oil and alkali which produces
Saponification soap.
Example : Direct saponification has been preferred method for
hydrolyzing samples because of cost and time effectiveness.

Siri 7 | Master Your Vocab!

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