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Key Ideas:

Light is Electromagnetic Radiation

Light the Messenger Light as Waves and Photons
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Sequence of photon energies
Doppler Effect
Relative motion between source & observer
Way to measure speeds at a distance

Light: wave or particle? Youngs double slit experiment

Wavelength: Describing a wave:

Length between crests of a wave


Wavelength () = distance between wave crests.

Amplitude (a) = height of crests above troughs.
Length between troughs of a wave Frequency (f) = number of crests passing per
Electromagnetic Wave
Light travels like Field

Different colors

Light as electromagnetic wave Wave Nature of Light

Electromagnetic Waves
Periodic changes in the strengths of electric &
magnetic fields.
Travels through a vacuum at the speed of light.
Doesnt need a medium to wave in.
Speed of light is a constant for all light waves:
c = 299,792.458 km/sec
Independent of wavelength or frequency.

Properties of Waves The Electromagnetic Spectrum

Light waves are characterized by three numbers: Sequence of wavelengths from low to high for
Wavelength, (size of the wave) light is called the Electromagnetic Spectrum
Frequency, f (number of waves/second)
low frequency= long wavelength
Wave speed, c
These are all related by:
Radio Waves, Microwaves, Infrared
Since c is the same for all light waves, high frequency=short wavelength
Longer means Smaller f Examples:
Ultraviolet, X-rays, Gamma Rays
The Electromagnetic Spectrum Visible Spectrum
Light we can see with our eyes:
Wavelengths: 400 700 nm
Frequencies: 7.51014 4.31014 waves/sec

Basic Colors (lowest to highest energy):

Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet

700 nm ------------- 550 nm ------------ 400 nm

QUIZ: Temperature
Approximately how long does it take light to
travel from the Sun to the Earth?
a) 8 seconds
b) 8 minutes 150,000,000 km -determines
c) 8 hours
500 sec Color ( at
300,000 km/sec which most
d) 8 days
Of the light is
e) 8 months emitted)

Measures of Temperature
Absolute Temperature
At high temperatures:
Atoms & molecules move very rapidly.
At cooler temperatures:
Atoms & molecules move more slowly.
If it gets cold enough, all motion stops!
Absolute Zero
Corresponds to 273 Celsius (459 F)
physically unobtainable ultimate lower limit (can
get close, but never get exactly zero).
Wiens Law Stefan-Boltzmann Law
Relates peak wavelength Flux F = Energy emitted per second per area by a
and Temperature:
blackbody with Temperature (T):

0.0029 F = T4
peak m
T (K )
is Boltzmann's constant (a number).
In Words:
Hotter objects are BLUER In Words:
Cooler objects are REDDER Hotter objects are Brighter at All Wavelengths

Examples: Examples
Heat a piece of iron from 300K to 600K Person: Body Temperature = 310 K
Temperature increases by 2 Peak wavelength = 9400 nm (infrared)
Brightness increases by 24 = 16 Typical adult emits about 100 Watts of infrared
Peak wavelength shifts towards the blue by 2 light.
from ~10m in the mid-Infrared to ~5m in the Sun: surface temperature = 5770 K
near-Infrared. Peak wavelength = 503 nm (visible light)
Emits about 3.81026 Watts of mostly visible
Hotter objects get brighter at all light, infrared and ultraviolet.
wavelengths and get bluer in color.

Blackbody Radiation

emitted by hot dense (solid) objects

they absorb everything

reflect nothing
light coming out depends on T and on T only.

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