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India Pavilion at World Expo 2010, Shangai, China Steel Beam Design

Design of STEEL BEAM :-- (for uniaxial bending)

Data given :

Span of the beam :-- 7.5 .m

u.d.l. On the beam :- 36.6 .kN/m ( udl from slab + L.L + Landscapping load)

Point load on the beam:- 25 .kN

Yield stress of steel :-- 308 N/mm2

Beam type :- 1 (enter 1 – laterally supported & 2 – laterally unsupported)

End condition of the 2 (enter 1 – hinged condition & 2- for fixed condition)
36.60 kN/m
25.00 kN 0.00 kN

a1 = 0.00
a2= 0.00

L = 7.50 m

figure no . 1
0 (B.M. Dia. Due to POINT LOAD )

figure no . 2 257.34375 ( B.M.Dia. Due to UDL )

Design for Bending Moment :--

I) Bending moment due to UDL :--

M = W * l 2/ 8

= 36.6 x 7.50

= 257.34375 kN.m

ii) Bending moement due to POINT LOADS :-

M = P*l/4

= 46.875

India Pavilion at World Expo 2010, Shangai, China Steel Beam Design

Total Moment :--

= 257.34 + 46.875

= 304.22 kN.m

Assume permissible bending comp. Stress in steel = 175 N/mm2

Z required = M / Stress

Z required = 1738392.857 .mm3

Go for higher Z . Approximately 20 % of required area.

Select section having Z = 2086071.429 .mm3 = 2086.1 cm3

Select ISMB 550

ISMB 550 All dimensions are in mm

Properties ISMB 550 :--

Area Ab = 132.11 cm2

Ixxb = 64893.6 cm4 b = 19.00 cm

Iyyb = 1833.8 cm4 twb = 1.12 cm

.rxxb = 22.16 cm tfb = 1.93 cm

.ryyb = 3.73 cm D = 55.00 cm

Maximum compresive and tensile stresses at top and bottom fibers of the beam are :--
Actual Bending Stress :--

σ c = M yt / Ix = 304.22 x 1000.00 x 1000.00 x 275.00000

64893.60 x 10000.0

= 128.919 N/mm2

σ t = M yb / Ix = 304.22 x 1000.00 x 1000.00 x 275.00000

64893.60 x 10000.0

= 128.919 N/mm2

The allowable bending compressive stress has to be computed from the following parameters.

dw = ( 55 - 1.93 x 2 )
twb 1.12

= 45.66

India Pavilion at World Expo 2010, Shangai, China Steel Beam Design

T = mean thickness of compression flange

t web thikness

= tfb = 1.930
twb 1.12

= 1.930

T = 1.723

D = depth of beam = 55
T mean th. Of comp. Flange 1.9

= 28.497

ry = sqrt ( Iyb / Ab )

= 1833.8
= 3.73 cm

Ly = 750.00 ( enter span when no secodary beam else

ry 3.73 distance of point load)

= 201.304

The allowable bending compression from IS 800 1984 Table 6.1 A to Table 6.1 f

σ bc = 160 N/mm2 O.K

Check for Shear :--

shear force :-- W * l / 2 + P

= 36.6 x 7.50 + 0.00


= 137.25 kN

Shear stress Tv = Vu / D tw

= 137.25 x 1000.00
550 x 11.20

= 22.28 N/mm2

Maximum Permissible Sheat stress :-- ( as per IS 800 1984 # 6.4.1 )

Tvm = 0.45 * fy

= 0.45 x 308 = 138.60 N/mm2


India Pavilion at World Expo 2010, Shangai, China Steel Beam Design

Check for Deflection :--

a) Due to POINT LOAD ONLY :--

Maximum Deflection from Conjugate beam method.

Max.def = B.M at centre of B.M Diagram.

EI * v = [ 0.00 x 0.00 x 0.50 x 1.00 ] x 1.00 x 3.75

- [0.00 x 0.00 x 0.50 ] x ( 0.00 x 0.33)

EI * v = 0.000 kN.m3

v = 0.000 x 1000.00 x 1000.00 x 1000.00 x 1000.00

200000 x 64893.60 x 10000.00

= 0.000 mm

b) Due to UDL :--

Maximum Deflection :-- 5 * W * L4

384 * EI

4 x
= 5 x 36.60 x 7.50 1E+12
384 x 200000 x 64893.60 x 10000.00

= 11.618 mm

Total Deflection :-- 0.000 + 11.618 = 11.62 mm

Permissible Deflection :-- L / 325

= 7.500 x 1000.00

= 23.08 mm O.K

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