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Residential Charter

The purpose of this charter is to inform students about their rights and obligations and possi-
ble consequences if a student neglects the rights of others or does not fulfil his/her obliga-

The charter applies during the school programme; on campus and elsewhere.

The students have the right to:
• be respected by other students and staff.
• feel comfortable in their room.
• privacy within the understanding that they are sharing the room with other students. Staff
may, if necessary, in case of illness for example, check on students in bed.
• study without disturbance.
• peace for sleep and rest during stated ‘quiet time’.
• live in a smokefree environment.
• practice their own religion.
• be politically active.
• express their own opinion in accordance with the law.
• have a student council.

The students:
• must remain within the Norwegian Law.
• are responsible for their own behaviour.
• should act respectfully towards other students and staff. Physical, psychological or sexual
harassment are not allowed, see separate Harassment Policy-document.
• must not threaten with or use violence.
• must respect the school property and environment and not cause damage to it.
• must respect the property of other students and staff. Theft or tampering with property of
others is unacceptable. All theft should be reported to the house mentor.
• must not engage in sexual activity in their rooms or any other public place.
• must follow the safety regulations as described in the college handbook.
• must not be in possession of, use or supply illegal drugs.
• must respect the alcohol policy, see separate document.
• are allowed to smoke only in the designated area.
• must not stay in other students’ rooms after midnight.

If student obligations are not fulfilled, action will be taken. The appropriate consequence will
be determined ’ case-by-case’, depending on the nature and severity of the transgression. All
actions will be documented and the Board, National committee and legal guardians may be

In the first instance, the matter will be dealt with by the house mentor or advisor, who will
meet with the student to discuss the matter. A letter of warning may be written, and a state-
ment may be included in the student’s record of progress. However, if the first intervention
has no effect, or the matter is severe, it will be reported to the Rektor for further action. The
Rektor will meet with the student to discuss the matter. Possible actions taken by the Rektor
include (but are not limited to):
• a written warning, of which a copy will be kept on file and may be used for testimonials,
• a suspension for up to 3 months or,
• a student being expelled

Special Circumstances:
• If a student has been in possession of, used, or supplied others with illegal drugs within the
school year the student will be expelled immediately.
• If a student breaks the Norwegian Law and the police are involved, the student’s visa may
be withdrawn.
• Rights of the student when a matter is referred to the: Rektor
• The advisor will be present at all meetings with the Rektor.
• The student may, as well, choose another representative to be present at all meetings with
the Rektor.
• If the matter must be discussed at a staff meeting, the student will be informed beforehand.
• No sanctions will be carried out without the full knowledge of all the persons involved.
• The student and/or their chosen representative have the right to appeal, as outlined in the
Grievance policy.

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