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Montana District

Lutheran Woman's Missionary League

2016-2018 Mission Grants

Amount Remaining

1. Scholarships for LCMS College/Seminary Students $5,000 $0

2. Montana Pastors in Foreign Mission Fields $7,500 $0

3. Radio Outreach in North Central Montana $2,400 $0

4. Worship Space-Emmanuel Lutheran Church of Spain $4,800 $2,880

5. Sharing Jesus in the Dominican Republic $1,417.56 $0

6. Operation Barnabas for Comfort Dog Congregations $945.04 $567


$22,062.60 $3,447

Grant Descriptions
Montana Pastors in Foreign Mission Fields - divided between the five District pastors
recently called

Radio Outreach in North Central Montana - St.Paul Lutheran Church in Roundup uses
Roundup Community Radio FM 88.1, to broadcast Rev. Mark P. Grunst sermon at 2 p.m.
This brings the Word to a tremendous area.

Worship Space-Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Spain -

Under the leadership of newly-called missionary, Rev. David Warner, this young
congregation will begin a stewardship program to save funds to address rental costs.

Sharing Jesus in the Dominican Republic - Support a group home for six orphan children
with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Operation Barnabas for Comfort Dog Congregations - Partnering with Lutheran Church
Charities in their Kare-9 Comfort Dog ministry program to address the needs of returning
soldiers and their family members.

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