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Initiatives taken
by Organizations Brand Management
(Phase 1)
Section A Group 4
Prateek Abhyankar (16P005)
Aniket Sharma (16P018)
Mohit Gaur (16P031)
Sanyam Tripathi (16P049)
Siddharth Sharma (16P053)
Choice of Topic
A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes an organization or
product from its rivals in the eyes of the customer. Brands are used in business, marketing,
and advertising.

Branding is a set of marketing and communication methods that help to distinguish a company or
products from competitors, aiming to create a lasting impression in the minds of customers. The
key components that form a brand's toolbox include a brands identity, brand communication
(such as by logos and trademarks), brand awareness, brand loyalty, and various branding (brand
management) strategies.

Through the brand the organization tries to convey its positioning statement to the relevant
Target Audience.

In todays competitive world there are thousands of brands competing in the same space for the
same consumer segment. Thus Brand is critical in this scenario as it is what differentiates one
player from the other. People recognize a brand, associate with it and thus choose it over the

A simple example of this would be a simple category as soaps. There are multiple soap brands in
the market but a particular customer has an affinity for a specific brand such as Dove, Pears or
Lux. Thus even though there are multiple brands available he chooses a specific one. The reason
behind this choice is his relation to the brand. He associates with what the brand tries to
communicate and also has associated himself with the brands positioning statement.

Thus we see that for any organization, brand plays a crucial role in its existence. However some
organizations over their lifetime go for rebranding initiatives for their products. They go for a
total makeover of the brand sometimes by renaming themselves and creating a new identity
altogether and sometimes by changing the communication of their existing brand. They do so to
emphasize on new values and characteristics that they want to incorporate in their offering and
create a new value proposition for the customers.
Purpose of Study
Through this project we aim to look at some examples as to why do the organizations go for re-
branding initiatives, what is the thought process behind it and what is the intended change they
expect from the rebranding initiative.

We would try to understand what the existing communication was, what the changed
communication is and what the customer response was to the new brand. We would also try to
find out how did the organization fare in its rebranding initiative in terms of hits and misses with
the newer identity.

Study Objectives
Through the project we would be accomplishing the following objectives:
what the existing communication was,
what the changed communication is and
what the customer response was to the new brand
hits and misses with the newer identity

Justification and significance of Study

Whenever an organization undergoes a rebranding initiative, there is a lot at stake. The whole
identity of the organization undergoes a change, whatever it has stood for throughout its life is
changed. The customers may accept the new brand or may reject it if they feel a disconnect.
Thus the organizations need to be very careful in this regard. They need to be able judge the
audiences response for the old as well as new brand. Only after due diligence they should decide
to go for the new branding initiatives.

Thus for any organization it is critical to see if the rebranding initiative has succeeded or failed in
its objectives, hence this project would help us in understanding what thought goes behind
rebranding initiatives of the organization and whether they were successful.
Outline of Study
The project would follow a designed approach as follows:

Importance of brands

values communicated by present brand

flaws in current value positioning

new brand identity

new set of values and positioning statement

Hits and Misses with the new branding statement

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