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Electron Microscopy of Dural and Arachnoid Disruptions

After Subarachnoid Block
Miguel Angel Reina, MD, PhD,* Anna Puigdellvol-Snchez, MD, PhD,
Stephen P. Gatt, MD, FANZCA, FRCA, FCICM, FACHSM,|| Jos De Andrs, MD, PhD, FIPP, EDRA,**
Alberto Prats-Galino, MD, PhD, and Andr van Zundert, MD, PhD, FRCA, FANZCA

headache (PDPH).13 There is a direct relationship between size

Background: It has been customary to attribute postdural puncture head- of the dural puncture hole and resulting CSF leak and between ex-
ache (PDPH) incidence and severity to size and nature of the dural hole ternal diameter of the needle and incidence of PDPH. A larger-
produced during major neuraxial blockade or diagnostic dural puncture. size dura-arachnoid puncture produces more CSF leakage so that
Needle orientation in relation to the direction of dural fibers was thought the incidence of hypotension and PDPH is higher. Larger needles
to be of importance because of the propensity for horizontal bevel place- produce more PDPH, and conversely, a decrease in PDPH is ap-
ment to cause cutting rather than splitting of the dural fibers. preciated when smaller needles are used.46 It has been accepted
Methods: In vitro punctures of stringently quality-controlled human that larger-size dural punctures are associated with a higher inci-
dural sac specimens were obtained with 27-gauge (27G) Whitacre needle dence of PDPH.46
(n = 33), with 29G Quincke used parallel to the spinal axis (n = 30), and These clinical findings led to several hypotheses and theories
with 29G Quincke in perpendicular approach (n = 40). The samples were aimed at explaining mechanisms for the CSF leakage and subse-
studied with a scanning electron microscope, and the perimeter, appear- quent headaches: (i) most theories were based on the classic de-
ance, and area (%) of the lesion were calculated. scription of a dura mater composed of longitudinal fibers running
Results: When using small 27G to 29G needles, neither needle tip char- parallel to each other oriented in the same axis as the spinal cord.
acteristics nor needle orientation had a substantial bearing on the damage to Many believed that the dura mater healing process was exclusively
dural fibers in the dural lesion. Of ultimate importance was the characteris- responsible for stopping the leakage of CSF after dural puncture79;
tic and size of the hole in the arachnoid. Arachnoid layer lesions produced (ii) for decades, it was recommended that, during lumbar punc-
by different types of spinal needles were not markedly different. tures with Quincke-type needles, the bevel be oriented parallel
Conclusions: Accepted theories of the etiology of PDPH need to be re- to the axis of the spine and the dural fibers. These recommenda-
vised. This article marks the first time that arachnoid layer damage has tions assumed that dural lesions produced by the tip of the needles
been quantified. Dural fibers tend to have sufficient memory to close would be smaller9 because parallel orientation of the needle tip
back the hole created by a spinal needle, whereas arachnoid has diminished bevel would allow separation of dural fibers, whereas introducing
capacity to do so. The pathogenesis of PDPH and its resolution algorithm the bevel perpendicular to the axis of the spinal cord and dural fi-
are a far more complex process that involves many more stages of devel- bers would cause larger puncture lesions by sectioning the dural
opment than hitherto imagined. fibers911; (iii) it was in the 1990s that smaller spinal needles be-
(Reg Anesth Pain Med 2017;42: 0000) came the standard and pencil-point needle-tip designs were fa-
vored. Studies demonstrated that the incidence of PDPH was
reduced with pencil pointtype needles in comparison with Quincke-
I ntracranial hypotension due to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak-
age with resultant traction on pain-sensitive meningeal struc-
tures is commonly proposed to explain postdural puncture
type needles. The hypothesis of choice was that these needle tips
allow separation rather than cutting of dural fibers and therefore
produced smaller dural lesions.1214 These assumptions, however,
From the *Department of Clinical Medical Sciences, CEU San Pablo University are neither substantiated nor supported by morphological evidence.
School of Medicine; and Department of Anesthesiology, Madrid-Monteprncipe Over the years, a cyclical argument developed in which sup-
University Hospital, Madrid; Laboratory of Surgical NeuroAnatomy, Human port for the popular mechanical hypotheses for dural lesion pro-
Anatomy and Embryology Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Universitat de Barcelona,
Barcelona; and Antn Borja Primary Care Centre, Terrassa Health Consor-
duction combined with a low incidence of PDPH with smaller
tium, Rub, Spain; ||Department of Anesthesia, Royal Hospital for Women & needles fueled entrenchment of anesthetists' views with unfounded
Prince of Wales & Sydney Children's Hospitals, Randwick & University of assumptions being made about histological changes at the site of
New South Wales, Kensington, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; **De- dural lesions.8 Consequently, few contributions to the exact mor-
partment of Anesthesia Critical care and Pain Management, General University
Hospital, Valencia and Department of Surgical Specialties, School of Medicine,
phology of dural lesions produced by spinal needles were made.
Valencia University, Valencia; and Laboratory of Surgical NeuroAnatomy, In the recent past, our group performed several experiments
Human Anatomy and Embryology Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Universitat de and have been accumulating evidence on human meninges (spinal
Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; and Department of Anesthesiology & Perioper- dura mater and arachnoid layer)1521 aimed at observing and
ative Medicine, The University of Queensland & Royal Brisbane & Women's
Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
documenting dura-arachnoid lesions produced by 25-gauge (25G)
Accepted for publication May 7, 2017. Quincke and Whitacre needles and 22G Quincke needles.22,23
Address correspondence to: Miguel Angel Reina, MD, PhD, Department of In this study, our aims were (a) to study the morphology and
Clinical Medical Sciences, CEU San Pablo University School of Medicine, size of dural sac lesions with both 27G Whitacre and 29G
Valmojado, 95 1B, (Postal code 28047) Madrid, Spain
(email: miguelangel@perticone.e.telefonica.net).
Quincke spinal needles, (b) to examine the microanatomy of the
The authors declare no conflict of interest. human dural sac, (c) including the arachnoid layer, and (d) to view
This work was supported in part by the Investigation Funds, Ministry of Health appearance of lesions in order to confirm whether they complied
of Spain (project 98/0628). with our impressions of lesions produced by larger-diameter
Copyright 2017 by American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain
needles22,23 and (e) whether the diameter of lesions correlated
ISSN: 1098-7339 with the needles used. Finally, we studied whether ( f ) the lesion
DOI: 10.1097/AAP.0000000000000667 diameter produced with 29G spinal needles was altered when

Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Volume 42, Number 6, November-December 2017 1

Copyright 2017 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Reina et al Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Volume 42, Number 6, November-December 2017

needle bevel was oriented vertically as opposed to the tip being Statistical Analysis
oriented horizontally in relation to the spinal axis. Shapiro-Wilk test was used to test the normality in small sam-
ples before using the t test. When normality was not confirmed,
Mann-Whitney U test was used for nonparametric comparisons.
METHODS Values are expressed as mean of dural and arachnoid areas and perim-
After ethics committee approval (CEIC code 13.11.543-GHM), eters and percentages regarding equivalent characteristics of the cor-
images were analyzed following in vitro punctures of optimally proc- responding needles. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
essed dural sac specimens using single-use, new 27G Whitacre
(n = 33), 29G Quincke used parallel to the spinal axis (n = 30), RESULTS
and 29G Quincke needles in perpendicular approach (n = 40). From a total of 120 punctures performed, 49 dural and 54 arach-
Images obtained were grouped into 6 subgroups: group 1: le- noid lesions were analyzed: group 1: 19 images, group 2: 14 images,
sions produced by 27G Whitacre needle studied on the dural surface; group 3: 16 images, group 4: 14 images, group 5: 14 images, and
group 2: lesions produced by 27G Whitacre needle observed on group 6: 26 images. The rest of the samples (n = 17) were discarded
arachnoid surface; group 3: 29G Quincke with bevel alignment par- because of artifacts during laboratory processing or difficulty localizing
allel to axis lesions observed on dural surface; group 4: as in group peripherally located lesions under the E/M or because holes created on
3 but observed on arachnoid surface; group 5: 29G Quincke with a specimen were too close to a margin causing uneven shrinkage.
bevel alignment perpendicular to axis lesions observed on dural It was only possible to study 1 surface of specimens (external
surface; group 6: as in group 5 observed on arachnoid surface. or internal) from each puncture because the probe used in the mi-
croscope had 1 free surface of tissue that could be studied with the
In Vitro Methodology other surface lying in contact with an adhesive.
Spinal cord and dural sac were dissected and removed from The results of the area and the perimeter of dural and arach-
the eighth thoracic (T8) vertebra to the fifth lumbar (L5) vertebra noid lesions and needles used are shown in Table 1. Dural and
from 8 fresh cadavers, 23 to 60 years of age. Nerve roots crossing arachnoid lesions produced by 27G Whitacre and 29G Quincke
the dural sac were removed to leave the dural sac isolated from the needles are shown in Figures 1 to 4. Dura-arachnoid complex
dura and the arachnoid mater. puncture produces, initially, a tent-like indentation followed by
To retain the anatomical spinal cylindrical structure and to re- piercing of the dura and arachnoid mater. Insertion of a single-
move irregularities within the membranes and retain physiological use, beveled spinal Quincke needle produces less tent-like effect
radial forces, the dural sac was mounted onto 3 aluminum rods (tenting) than a noncutting pencil-point Whitacre needle. The
covered with latex. The dura mater was kept in a stable physiolog- tip of pencil-point needles causes more distension of the dural
ical environment by continuously spraying a saline solution onto sac before the tissue fabric is broken. We observed that the super-
the sacs to prevent histological deterioration of the samples. ficially located external dural laminae remained partially open,
All punctures were done at 90 degrees to the surface of the whereas deeper dural laminae were most often fully closed
dura. Needles (BD, Madrid, Spain) were never reused. Punctures (Figs. 1 and 3). On the other hand, we observed, in many samples,
were performed and examined at random. All in vitro punctures that the internal arachnoid layer was partially open, whereas others
were performed by the same researcher (M.A.R.), with fixation were better approximated so as to appear almost closed (Figs. 2
and processing of samples and scanning electron microscope and 4). In samples with the arachnoid lesion partially open, we
(E/M) image capture being entrusted to 2 blinded technicians. would often observe, deeper down through the arachnoid layer's
Only after the measurements were completed were results hole, the dural laminae partially or fully closed. The lesions were
assigned into each group. always made up of a dural structural lesion underpinning the
In vitro punctures imitated the identical conditions in clinical arachnoid lesion. In this context, closed applies to lesion edge
practice with regard to speed of advancement and depth of needle approximation rather than physical sealing of the hole flaps.
puncture. In all samples, the dural sac was completely traversed by Observation of the lesions themselves using the scanning
the needle and extended a few millimeters beyond the needle tip. E/M produces 2 very distinctly different pictures:
Approximately 30 seconds after puncture, the needle was care-
fully removed, taking care not to cause additional damage to the (1) Quincke: The bevels on Quincke-type spinal needles pos-
tissue sample. sess 2 distinct components: (a) a distal beveled tip that pro-
Approximately 20 minutes after the punctures, all samples duces a small cutting lesion of the dura-arachnoid complex
were processed and later studied under a scanning E/M. Some proc- and (b) sharp-edged shoulders. As the tip advances, the
essed samples were studied on the outer epidural surface and others sharp edges cut and distend the dura, favoring clean pro-
on the inner intrathecal surface with a JEOL JSM 6400 Scanning gression through the complex. Quincke spinal needles pro-
Electron Microscope (JEOL Corporation Ltd, Tokyo, Japan). duce a precise, controlled cut, limiting damage of dura
Adobe Photoshop Image J version 1.46a (http://rsb.info.nih. mater and arachnoid layer. The tip of the needle folds
gov/ij/) software was used to homogenize magnifications among cut tissue inside the dura so that dural and arachnoid lesions
images and to allow measurement of perimeter and area of dural produced by Quincke needles show a crescent shape re-
and arachnoid lesions. The characteristics of the edges of the le- sembling the letters U or V, not dissimilar to the lid of
sions on the arachnoid layer and the external side of the dural lam- an opened can. The edges are clean cut, and tissue loss
ina were observed, and the perimeter and area percentages of the is minimized. Only a thin orifice remains open in lesions
lesion characteristic when compared with the perimeter and the caused by beveled cutting spinal needle tips.
area of the needle used were calculated. (2) Whitacre: Pencil-point tips produce greater tearing of tissue
The 27G Whitacre needle was chosen because it remains one margins and folding at the edges of the lesion. The edges of
of the best and most versatile spinal needles commonly used in dural and arachnoid lesions caused by pencil-point needles
neuraxial regional anesthesia and the 29G Quincke needle because are jagged and irregular. The tissue margins are fragmented
it is the finest and thinnest spinal needle made and used in because the process of needle advancement is one of blunt
clinical practice. tearing and avulsion.

2 2017 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine

Copyright 2017 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Volume 42, Number 6, November-December 2017 Arachnoid and Dura Mater Lesions

TABLE 1. Area (in mm2), Perimeter (in mm), and Percentage Respect Same Data of Needle Used on Dural and Arachnoid Lesions (in %)

29G Quincke Needle: 29G Quincke Needle:

Type 27G Whitacre Needle Parallel Bevel Perpendicular Bevel
Area, mm2 0.1 0.08 0.08
Spinal Needle Diameter/perimeter, mm 0.40/1.26 0.33/1.04 0.33/1.04
Group 1 Group 3 Group 5
Dura mater n 19 16 14
Area SD, mm2 0.018 0.009 0.015 0.006 0.015 0.007
Percentage lesion area/needle area, 15.2 18.3 19
Perimeter SD, mm 0.848 0.195 0.771 0.107 0.777 0.163
% Lesion perimeter/needle perimeter 67.3 74.1 74.7
Group 2 Group 4 Group 6
Arachnoid mater n 14 14 26
Area SD, mm2 0.028 0.015 0.016 0.014 0.014 0.011
% Lesion area/needle area 23 19.9 17.6
Perimeter SD, mm 0.914 0.195 0.769 0.189 0.738 0.212
% Lesion perimeter/needle perimeter 72.5 74.0 71
Data are presented as mean SD or number (%).

There were significant differences between the dural and lesions not splitting lesions; (7) once needles of less than 27G
arachnoid lesion area in 27G Whitacre (P = 0.029) but not in pe- are selected by clinicians, other needle characteristics (eg, shaft ri-
rimeter length (P = 0.345). gidity, which determines the extent of deviation from the direc-
There were no significant differences between the parallel tional axis of entry; internal area of the hollow needle, which
and perpendicular bevel approach using the same 29G Quincke determines speed of CSF flashback) become more important pri-
needle type on dural surface lesions (group 3 vs group 5: dural area, orities when compared with needle tip style, needle shoulder
P = 0.880; dural perimeter, P = 0.910) or on arachnoid surface le- bevels, or tip orientation relative to spinal axis; (8) according to
sions (group 4 vs group 6: arachnoid area, P = 0.940; arachnoid pe- our studies, in vitro, the lesion produced by the 29G Quincke nee-
rimeter, P = 0.640). There were no significant differences between dle is smaller than that produced by the 27G Whitacre needle. Ad-
the dural and arachnoid lesions in 29G Quincke needles using ei- ditional factors applicable to clinical practice may be evaluated in
ther parallel orientation (area, P = 0.142; perimeter, P = 0.377) or future studies; (9) even though PDPH is not recognized as a sig-
perpendicular alignment (area, P = 0.361; perimeter, P = 0.305). nificant complication of spinal sac puncture with fine needles,
There were significant differences between the size (area) of the pathogenesis of PDPH and its resolution algorithm are a far
lesions produced by 27G Whitacre needle and overall 29G Quincke more complex process that involves many more stages of devel-
needle lesions on the arachnoid surface (area, P = 0.001; perimeter, opment than hitherto imagined; (10) the arachnoid barrier and
P = 0.011) but not on dural surface (area, P = 0.181; perimeter, dura superstructure frame functions are emphasized, and (11)
P = 0.234). Such difference in arachnoid layer area between 27G an improved, uniform, standardized, and universal electron mi-
Whitacre needles and 29G Quincke needles was confirmed in both croscopy methodology for the management and measurement of
parallel alignments for area (P = 0.008) and perimeter (P = 0.024) dura-arachnoid complex lesions has been used.
and in perpendicular alignments in both area (P = 0.001) and perim- The dural hole obtained after a lumbar puncture consists of
eter (0.039). Dural lesions showed no differences between 27G 2 components: (a) a dural lesion obtained by piercing several lam-
Whitacre and 29G Quincke needles with either parallel alignment inae of the dura mater and (b) an arachnoid layer puncture.
(area, P = 0.182; perimeter, P = 0.271) or with perpendicular orien- As a Quincke needle tip is advanced, the jagged fragments at
tation (area, P = 0.377; perimeter, P = 0.280). the edge of the lesions tend to fold inward, after all dural and
arachnoid layers are severed, and the edges of the lesion are
displaced away from the needle tip. As soon as the spinal needle
DISCUSSION is withdrawn, the edges of the lesion tend to retract because of
This study demonstrates that (1) accepted theories of the eti- the viscoelastic properties of the affected dura mater. This may fa-
ology of PDPH need to be revised; (2) with 27G or smaller-size vor the return of the ragged edges to their original position, has-
needles, the lesions produced by different needles are small tening the closure of the dural sac lesion.
there is no difference between needle orientation in the nature of Pencil-point spinal needles of Whitacre style have noncutting
the lesions produced; (3) it is the arachnoid damage that contrib- tips and tend to displace the dural sac before piercing the dural
utes primarily to PDPH characteristics; (4) dural fibers tend to laminae during a lumbar puncture. Lack of sharp beveled tips
have sufficient memory to close back the hole created by a spinal produces a larger tenting indentation before the dura-
needle, whereas arachnoid has diminished capacity to do so; arachnoid penetration.
(5) spurious theories regarding dural fiber orientation are Closure of the lesion produced by either needle is a complex
incorrectthe distribution of fibers is not unidirectional but phenomenon with many mechanisms at play. One could hypothe-
randomly laid out in concentric, independent layers, and theories size that the more pronounced avulsion of fibers produced by
based on fiber splitting rather than cutting are a little more than pencil-point needles, when compared with the cleaner cut made
myth; (6) pencil-point needle injury wounds are avulsion by Quincke-type needles, could increase the local inflammatory

2017 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 3

Copyright 2017 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Reina et al Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Volume 42, Number 6, November-December 2017

FIGURE 1. A, Dural sac lesion produced by a 27G Whitacre needle seen from the epidural surface of the dura mater, that is, the most external
surface of human dural sac showing the residual aperture of the lesion following needle withdrawal. The deeper dural laminae are partially
closed, that is, in closer anatomical approximation. Scanning electron microscopy, original magnification 200; index ruler bar, 100 m. B,
Colors enable identification of respective structures to demonstrate how partially closed outer, more superficial dural laminae overly
almost closed deeper dural laminae. Superimposed over the E/M image is the outer circumferential perimeter of the respective needle used.
The gray tissue represents the enclosing, fully recovered outermost dural lamina after the needle has been withdrawn.

reaction and associated edema in vivo, resulting in faster closure of flow past the edges of the lesion are removed. This could have
the traumatic lesion.22 This hypothesis has never been confirmed. an effect on the final rearrangement of the lesion edges around
It should be remembered that our study results reflect a snap- the zone of closure so that the in vitro conditions may not mimic
shot of closure of the dural and arachnoid holes caused by the 2 entirely what actually happens in real time.
different types of fine needles under very specific conditions and If these limitations are recognized and accepted and keeping in
may therefore not reflect the entire process of damage and repair. mind that observations are restricted to the structure of early lesions in
For example, (1) examination of the closure process was arrested the dura-arachnoid during lumbar spinal sac puncture with small-
within approximately the first 20 minutes. Once the tissue samples gauge needles, it is interesting to note that lesions observed are not
were fixed, viscoelastic properties no longer apply so that the circular and suffer a rearrangement process with approximation of
size and shape of the lesions could no longer change spontane- edges. Approximation of edges of the puncture hole may also occur
ously; (2) once the samples were extracted, the effects of pressure in vivo because of the dural viscoelastic properties. Indeed, each nee-
from CSF pressing outward across the dural sac lesion and CSF dle type and size exert a different stretching force or tenting effect.

4 2017 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine

Copyright 2017 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Volume 42, Number 6, November-December 2017 Arachnoid and Dura Mater Lesions

FIGURE 2. A, Similar arachnoid and dural lesion produced by a 27G Whitacre needle to that in Figure 1 viewed from the intrathecal, internal
surface of the human dural sac showing both the arachnoid layer and the most internal dural laminae of dura mater partially closed through
the orifice of the arachnoid lesion. Scanning electron microscopy, original magnification 200; bar = 100 m. B, Colors enable identification of
the (partially apposed) inner dural laminae, that is, those closest to the arachnoid layer, and the (almost closed) deeper dural laminae. The
circumference of the lesion depends on the external diameter of the needle used. The gray tissue at the periphery of the image represents the
stretched innermost arachnoid lamina, which has recoiled back into position after the needle has been withdrawn. Of note in this image is
that the length or extent of the lesion exceeds the hypothetical diameter of the superimposed needle's outer perimeter. This is explained by the
larger circular hole boundary or edge having collapsed into a more linear array after recoil and retraction.

Electron microscopy examination of the epidural or outer to trauma, mechanisms for healing, and damage sustained at
surface of the dural sac shows extent of closure of dural laminae puncture are both similar and different for each structural and
within the dura mater, whereas observation of the intrathecal or functional unit within the dura mater. These observations cast a
inner surface of the dural sac permits study of the nature and novel light onto understanding how rearrangement of the edges
early resealing of the hole in the arachnoid layer (Figs. 14). of dural lesion affects the lesion's area parameter rather than
Furthermore, E/M examination through the inner arachnoid layer simple measurement of the corresponding perimeters, that is,
allows observation of partial or even complete closure of internal that both size of hole and perimeter characteristics, especially on
dural laminae (Figs. 2 and 4). A different degree of closure of the arachnoid inner surface, are important, we surmise, in
each dural sheet lesion is possible because the dura mater is made establishing rate of dural CSF leak and lesion closure time. In
up of multiple concentric dural laminae.20 Each lamina acts as an contrast to the dura mater, the arachnoid layer is formed of
independent unit so that the mode and extent of closure, response arachnoid cells firmly attached by specialized membrane junctions

2017 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 5

Copyright 2017 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Reina et al Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Volume 42, Number 6, November-December 2017

FIGURE 3. A, Representative crescentic U shape of one of the dural lesions at 200 magnification scanning E/M magnification produced by
a 29G Quincke needle on the external, epidural surface of human dural sac showing the characteristics of the aperture of the lesion on the
most external dural laminae of the dura mater. Deeper into the lesion, dural laminae can be seen partially closed (index bar = 100 m). B, Color
labeling allows identification of outer (open or partially closed) superficial dural laminae and deeper (almost closed) dural laminae. The
circumference of the lesion is proportional to the external diameter of the needle used. Open = ability to see straight across the lesion into the
intrathecal space; closed = inability to see through all layers of the lesion; partially or almost closed = degree of approximation of lesion
circumferential structures.

(tight junctions and desmosomes) forming the major meningeal perimeter characteristic of the arachnoid layer lesion that is of
barrier of the dural sac. Images from our previous researches20,21 even greater importance.
show such differences (Fig. 5). The arachnoid layer has no The reduced hole area and length of perimeter in the dural
directionality of its components,19,21 so that it is now the laminae in 29G Quincke compared with 27G Whitacre needles in

6 2017 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine

Copyright 2017 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Volume 42, Number 6, November-December 2017 Arachnoid and Dura Mater Lesions

FIGURE 4. Arachnoid surface view of the human dural sac lesion produced by a 29G Quincke needle. A, Internal, intrathecal surface showing
the open arachnoid lesion (produced on the arachnoid layer) with the broken collagen fibers of the edge virtually in apposition. Scanning
E/M, original magnification 200; bar = 100 m. B, A with coloration permitting identification of the arachnoid layer, the (partially closed)
inner dural laminae immediately underlying the arachnoid layer, and some (almost closed) deeper dural laminae. Gray tissue in this image
represents the arachnoid surface in recoil position.

percentages are almost proportional to the diameter of needle used This questions the commonly held intuitive belief that dural fiber
(Table 1). With small needles, the size of the lesion depends more on separation, rather than fiber damage, occurs with pencil-point and
the diameter of the needle than on the design of the tip of the needle. bullet-head puncture needles. Because we demonstrate an irregu-
In clinical practice, Whitacre needles enjoy a marginally re- lar border of the lesion perimeter instead of a linear split, as would
duced incidence of PDPH, but they cannot be considered to be be expected if fiber separation were to occur, we conclude that at-
nontraumatic needles; the edges of the lesions produced are irreg- tributing diminished PDPH to Whitacre pencil-point needles is
ular when compared with the smooth margins of lesions caused by probably only 1 aspect, probably rather minor, of the reasons for
the sharp, beveled cutting Quincke needles. the desirability of using these needles preferentially. Dural fibers
A reduced perimeter length and area (size) of the lesion are have neither a longitudinal distribution nor a parallel orientation;
produced by viscoelasticity, whereas perimeter length is affected the fibers are randomly distributed.20,22 Favoring pencil-point spi-
mainly by tissue retraction; as it partly recovers its original position, nal needles on the basis that they are less traumatic is not sup-
the area is influenced by additional factors such as CSF pressure. ported by our findings.
Importantly, as shown in Table 1, it was observed that the size of Likewise, the concept of fiber separation utilized until now
dural lesion was reduced to 20% of the original hole size; that is, to recommend aligning the bevel of Quincke-type needles in the
that dura mater recovered 80% of its distended, puncture position. axial plane is also not supported by this study.22,23
Interestingly, all the dural lesion images suggest that fiber The 29G and 27G needles studied have external diameters
damage, rather than fiber separation, occurs with spinal needles. ranging from 330 to 400 m. These dimensions are orders of

2017 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 7

Copyright 2017 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Reina et al Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Volume 42, Number 6, November-December 2017

needles, captured at the same magnification, from our previously

published articles.22,23
Although superficially, there may seem to be a discrepancy
between this study's E/M microanatomical findings and in vivo
clinical experience; deeper examination of the clinical studies
shows wide variability of results. To cite 2 simple examples where
clinical practice does not mimic laboratory conditions, (a) each of
our E/M images is for a single clean puncture, whereas in clinical
practice, it is sometimes necessary to perform several puncture at-
tempts before CSF is obtained. This watering-can multiple-hole
array may exhibit totally different characteristics to a single
hole; (b) our brand new, single-use needles were used once and
discarded; in clinical practice, if the first attempt fails, the needle
is technically blunt from deformation of the tip especially if os-
seous structures, for example, spinous process or vertebral lamina,
are encountered. This effect is magnified in situations (eg, coun-
tries with limited resources) where spinal needles are resterilized
and reused. Tip deformation is worst with Quincke-type needles
and is virtually minimal with Whitacre pencil-point needles.24
Some insertion techniques could reduce vertebra impingement
and consequent needle deformation.25
In our studies, we tested only single punctures using high-
quality, new, pristine propriety needles of original design. Blunt,
deformed, poor-quality, multiple-use, or poorly designed needles
in multipuncture situations were not looked atm but we surmise
that in such studies wounds will be larger, more jagged, and less
likely to close and will only magnify our findings and render
our conclusions even more relevant.
On the other hand, our in vitro studies were performed on
specimens of isolated dural sacs that were not subjected to tensile
forces that occur during changes of posture and position.
The etiology and pathogenesis of PDPH, especially, although
less commonly encountered, with fine-gauge spinal needles, are
FIGURE 5. Partial-thickness cross section of human arachnoid layer not fully understood. It cannot be solely explained by the type
with its tight junctions (A) and a separate partial-thickness view of and size of needle used. Many other factors contribute, so that
human dura mater (B). The arrow shows the direction of diffusion the process initiated by the dural and arachnoid puncture leads
between epidural space and arachnoid space in both directions. to a complex interaction of factors and healing processes. The
The location of the blue color between arachnoid cells in A dural and arachnoid layers have entirely different structure and
represents the barrier to transcellular passage across the function and heal differently.26,27
arachnoid layer. The blue color among the collagen and elastic fibers This study analyzes lumbar punctures in ideal conditions
in B depicts the relatively easier passage across the dura mater.
Transmission electron microscopy, original magnification 30,000
with direct visualization of location of puncture using undamaged,
(A), 20,000 (B). A and B were reproduced with permission from undeformed needles in a single piercing at the first attempt. Nev-
M.A.R. Arach indicates arachnoid cell; Coll, collagen fiber; Elast, ertheless, these data contribute to new ideas and hypotheses, some
elastic fibers. of which do not support the currently espoused putative mecha-
nisms in current clinical studies.
The Whitacre 27G suffers from other design deficiencies, as
magnitude larger than collagen (0.1-m diameter) or elastin does the Quincke 29G. These extremely thin needles with low in-
(2-m diameter) fiber ultrastructure within the dura mater.17,20 ternal cross-sectional area are more likely to be deflected laterally
Such diameter difference, together with the shape of the observed away from the midline and have poor flashback time (delayed
lesions, suggests that fiber avulsion, rather than fiber separation, exit of CSF into the hub even when the distal needle aperture is in-
occurs. No needle, regardless of design type, can be considered trathecal). Because internal radius drops dramatically as one goes
nontraumatic or atraumatic. from 27G to 29G, and area is a squared function of radius by the
When it comes to arachnoid layer ultrastructure, alignment of equation A = r2, in practice most practitioners will opt for a 27G
bevel of Quincke-type needles is even more irrelevant because as opposed to a 29G needle. This study confirms that lesions pro-
arachnoid cells have neither longitudinal distribution nor parallel duced by 27G Whitacre needles under laboratory conditions are
orientation and are much smaller than the elastin fibers.19,21 This greater than lesions produced by 29G needles, but theoretical ad-
study confirms that there were no significant differences in the vantages (less discomfort, lower PDPH incidence) are outweighed
size (area and perimeter) of lesions analyzed when the lumbar by other disadvantages (deflection, slow flashback, multiple at-
puncture was performed with the bevel of the 29G Quincke-type tempts, failed puncture); that is, the risk-benefit ratio of 29G
needle oriented parallel or perpendicular to the spinal axis. needles becomes vanishingly low.
Although counterintuitive, the finding that the dura-arachnoid A very relevant aspect of these studies is that the lesion pro-
lesions cannot be related to any fiber splitting mechanism applies, duced within the arachnoid layer is at least as important as the dura
to varying degrees, to other needle sizes. Figure 6 compares the mater hole on subsequent genesis of CSF loss because the dura,
lesions produced by 27G Whitacre and 29G Quincke needles with unlike the arachnoid, lacks cellular tight junctions. Closure of
those produced by 22G and 25G Quincke and 25G Whitacre the dura mater whose fibers lack spatial orientation would not,

8 2017 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine

Copyright 2017 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Volume 42, Number 6, November-December 2017 Arachnoid and Dura Mater Lesions

FIGURE 6. Comparative images of lesions produced by needles of different sizes all viewed from the arachnoid surface of human dural sac.
Images of lesions produced by 25G Whitacre, 25G Quincke, and 22G Quincke needles obtained in previous studies of our team are
included, with permission,22,24 for purposes of comparison of size (area), appearance, and periphery (circumference) characteristics. All
images: scanning electron microscopy at magnification 200.

alone, prevent further CSF leakage until the subjacent arachnoid of its etiology and dismiss some myths relating to possible con-
layer had been completely restored. This phenomenon does not di- tainment and harm-reduction strategies.
minish the importance of the dural layer in the healing process be-
cause dura provides the lattice superstructure along which the
arachnoid can seal the gap. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
There is no benefit in adopting a specific needle-tip type or The authors thank Alfredo Fernndez Larios, Alfonso Rodrguez
alignment of sharp beveled tips given the rectangular shape of Muoz, and Ana Vicente Montaa, from the National Center for
arachnoid cells and the absence of a specific spatial orientation. Electron Microscopy ICTS, Madrid, for their technical assistance
In summary, lesions produced by fine spinal needles are in the use of scanning E/M.
small. While the dura mater's viscoelastic property has a much
better initial capacity to reduce hole size and CSF leak than the
arachnoid layer, it is synergistic arachnoid healing that completely REFERENCES
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