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8th Keep Stop Start

Data Reflection

8th Grade Algebra

What Standard Did RL.8.3; 8.4; What 8.EE.A.1 8.NS.A.1
You Directly Teach RI.8.1; 8.2; Standard 8.EE.A.2 8.NS.A.2
In ELA Did You
8.2;8.4; 8.5; 8.EE.A.3
L.8.5a; Teach In 8.EE.A.4

What Standards All on testing What 8.G.B.7 8.EE.A.1

Were Not Taught In was taught Standards 8.G.B.8 8.EE.A.2
ELA Were Not
8.NS.A.1 8.EE.A.3
Taught In
Math 8.NS.A.2 8.EE.A.4
What strategies are Pre-teaching; What PoW
you using that are reviewing the strategies problems that
successful and have pre-teaching as we are you are rigorous
demonstrated go through the using that and taken
positive outcomes? unit; constant are from the
What are you going referring back to successful PARCC
to KEEP? vocab and and have practice test
previous unit demonstrate or ANET.
Toulmin walk d positive
through with outcomes?
students and What are
having them you going to
provide direct KEEP?
information for
Toulmin that made
it more relevant to

What strategies are Homework of What Giving them

you using that have embedded text strategies the
not been effective questions from are you questions,
and yielded readings; asking using that not having
unpreferred questions for have not them refer
outcomes? What are homework; giving been back to their
you going to STOP too much work and effective notes.
doing? allowing them just that yielded
to listen unpreferred
What are
you going to

What practices are More Cornell notes What Rigorous Do

you not using that and teaching how practices Nows, more
you need to start to do notes NOT are you not Toulmins!
doing to produce copy sentences; using that
higher student teaching how to you need to During
achievement? What figure out start doing practice, put
are you going to important points; to produce on a timer at
START Doing? providing more higher the beginning
exemplars then student and dont
have scholars achievement answer any
attempt just ? What are questions
notating. Use you going to regarding the
ANet and START content until
classworks, but I Doing? the timer
need more training goes off.
to ensure I am Students
doing it correctly. need to use
their notes or
can ask their

When and where will More Cornell notes When and Do Nows
we see these next week; more where will start next
changes? rigorous DO we see week.
NOWS; next week these

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