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De rs eM ee oe ee AutoCAD Plant 3D EY Nes een aL ‘eater pemieby Aoen eh pato opt ely tbe pode any, bay ‘et oma anardaed by parmcen tN Case Wt Kenge Ty EE EN ‘Snes ie ON Snore comers canter 137, se ‘he ASoybsin th ofr ate wud by Ade det per a IS sks Bisa {pcs Pacis PW, Coston ay ttt, Te Levert Ye att "5 108987 to © The eater Oxanatr fr sananetron(S0) ‘so 175200 Sybex © Toe eraton ois Sarason (5) "so 17 same Syms © Terao Orason Sarda IS) 1503511977 tes ©The eaten Crennton Sarasin (0) 150551298 os © Te ert Creation fo Sane) SSO SS1-94¢Symtl ©The eertra Orman fo Sanco (SO) 0 281127 og yt © Dever tt fr aug 524204338 ym © apne aia Soa 5) cae x avepsd oem ener Sens, orate, ‘Trademarks ‘hefooning are restr uaenans tae ues ners Atos dr fines te US ad (Shree abt acento Soares eee om sa Aa Als Alu owl eng oe) ated, ‘ivan regs Ae ave Ate, acne rts MNT, tO NOD ‘tase Mase oe Sexi, te, ten, sity aac Scare Bc a jet bw 0 ee Caen Ca We Cnn ‘Tak asic, ago mgr Bs We Formac Once SWF WO, O46 fags) PH ‘irene a tocar Be ae Ort. apo Eedngihe erg ea re a a Fem, eft Fin Peto, eee GOX Dri ren alg Sus, Ness up nh es Hran ata Serr tn aged MOLT montanes nr aan ya oe) ‘ron ener Le avoe aya Neches boston aw Noone Monae Monnet, [exh depot dno cs aster alow Palos AM MP ene rog aw os ther antl ate tng Manowar Goce Onertah, pens, eter Opa Obs Peds ‘eis, eich, owes i ose Preautatenm Meo Moher fone, fesowe estima ot scope fene Guns Reore eva ta Sow Swan sdsek Se, ‘Ghomae snag oesr/oa Ss tases tne, neurone, ono, teats ‘ruadb te, vente Ysa Wisi vl, au We Wren Newagceno 3 99S sees te orn, pret ees oar targa reece hale. Dissimer "Tis PUBLICATION AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HERE 5 MADE AVAILABLE EY CAD STUDI ACOM {84S 5" CAD STUDIO ABCOM GBH OSCLAMS ALL WARRANTIES, ETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, NCLUOING FEGAROWNG THESE MATERIALS. blots 22073, mug Germany Table of Contents Genoral introduction ta the book Aitanal comments and notes - atti Gloss 8 ‘AutoCAD Pian 30 Commands. 14 ‘AutocAD rant 30 System variables oe Project and drawing properties A Creating new proEt n ee 25 User interface ofthe projet properties dog box 33 Projet Stricture 2 35 ow things werk together : = 7 ‘Adding Project Properties, ee 33 Adding drawing properties. : a Fleraring scheme : - : a3 oT a 4s eee Dens ae a) Layer and Color setting si ‘he defo Layer and Color schematic “ 2 Schematic cots Fomine Creetinga new Schematic : es ss ‘withing batween automation schemes 7 pe supports and automation hemes 0 rer58- 2 aes Join settings - End Connections. Type of conection. : Comecion Adverts “ - Simple irs vs Compound Joints, (resting ne imal it, (resting anew compound join AULOCAD PAID Object MEppOg woe 0 What does mapping properties lad to : 78 ‘Mapping properties from PAID withthe 3a made 73 Hapoing te proper, 8 Pant 20 Cass Mapping 2 Table of content Setting the Tag format. Where do you ces the Ta format. 85 Equipment Tag. Vane Tag i Pipe tne Tas rere = Orthographic Annotations. ‘Annotations setup, Equipment Ameration. ‘Symbol Properties. = General style Properties Other Properties. Pipe Une and Valve Annotation OE Sree Setting up 150 style Creates new amet te. ‘The structre ofan 0 Sy ISO St SUP err Iso Annotations . Bilt Matera GutPieceran Wields.. Spook 2 ‘ake Antoine End connection tations Connscton Tee Soped and i Ping Sioned Pine saree Se Site lack nd dpa. : Setup Te ck. “ale Plscemen nd Setup. o nnn ‘0 ale eck ates eee aE aT: wae Line Deseration Table). See ae ‘soThames ee : 184 sertte on 2 at Fine unin your settings (aconfg xml nnn 192 lent et evry change of Sreton tod wi nondes oe 195 Pipe Se snnotation moi). _ : 197 Pipe Se annotation OM) “ass Dimension Faw Aro 20 Line umber enetaton (Sv) 22 Une number anata (00/0) z as Pie Spor Top 216 Dimersonng omit iow ends. a : 200 fine ining our setngs (soSynblSyie 210 (Creating Your OF SBOE nn 28 Catalog and Spec editor... es 25 Default fe locations. sa ‘Changing the def location 2 ‘The Catalog and Spec kdtor cresting pipe spe Ro Fitering or emponents 22 ‘nding components toa spec be Setting the part piety. 236 Setting up the brane table 28 ‘The Catalog Ealtor a3 ‘sing Custom Properties, 285 Exporting and imgortng Calo dts 27 Pont Properties 2 The catalog editor ize tab 21 Size speci properties S 254 ‘rsating new components 255 Catalog Editor Dupcate Component 256 Catalog Editor Create new parametric component 258 (atl Editor ALYOCAD based components - 263 PartPartConvert 2 255 Catalog Ector -AUtacAD based component (catined) 267 Creating a new catalog = mm Nozze catalog = 75 Bol sets ang Blt length. a7 ‘The report creator Report Crestor Template location. am Report Templote settings. : > 288 Output Tye 285 Target i 285 rai avery. _ 288 Fait Report Layout 21 ‘creating new report from scratch e 36 Fine tuning the report 303 (ratenew eistom property ie 308 Grouping of 2 property 207 Adding Multiple groupings 308 ‘he sum of par. a Aeport ker options 35 Report Parameters if 38 eerie -8 a4 Tips & Tricks (Advanced) Predetermined gasket type " 26 ‘sing smal jones a7 ‘sing compound ants 23 DetaltcomnectorsConi en Link with te catalog and spc editor 2a (Changing the catalog connected 03 spe spec "7 ing he pe spec without the catalog and souc slo 7 General introduction to the book Welcome to this advanced book for AutoCAD Plant 30, To make goed use of this book we ‘would lke to tll you how tis book is best used. This book, called AutoCAD Plant 30 - ‘Advanced isa learning book and canbe used as a reference pulde when you ate searching for “answers. Important i that you have sufficient experience in working with AutoCAD Plant 30, the subjects taken care off this book are for experienced wers wha want tobe able to set-up ‘and configure their own projects in AutoCAD Plant 30. ‘The best way to use tis book isin front of our computer, where ofcourse the AutoCAD Plant 30 software is installed. The nature ofthis book s hands-on, which means that you will act only ‘read about possibilities ut you will experience them yours by performing pre-defined exercises that wl test your sks and challenge your knowledge, To get the most out ofthis book tis essential that you use iin the fllowing way. ‘+ Read the explanation of typical commands and try to anderstand the procedures necessary to perform the exercises atthe end of eachchapter or paragraph ‘+ Follow the exercises, they areal based onthe knowlege you gained inthe chapter before. 1 When you understand th ides of zttng up part of te configuration, try to think of \Ways how you could use tis inthe setup of your own future projects. ‘ceneral in Additional comments and notes.... During the course in several locations in the book, we have added addtional comments and nates, sed on our own experince when restingproject configurations. The ‘comment willhelp you t better understand the usage of some commands, bu azo will prevent you from making the same mistakes we made when we started configuring AutoCAD tes and Plant 3D. To make sure you will ecognize automatically our tips tricks and warnings we wil

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