Kap 4

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4A My favourite subjects

1 Which of these things you have in the school, in the classroom and in your school bag.

chalk, canteen, blackboard, staffroom, computer room, notice board, ruler, laboratory, eraser,
pencil case, gym, calculator, playground, desk, waste-paper bin,


2 Match the school subjects and what you learn or do

1 History A grammar
2 Biology B sing songs
3 Music C about plants and animals
4 Chemistry D exercises
5 Physical Education (PE) E draw pictures
6 Art F chemical substances
7 Slovak G peoples past

1 G. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 ..

3 Now use a dictionary and complete the list of subjects you have at your school:

Peter likes some school subjects more than the others. Look at the table and then read what
Peter thinks about subjects at school.
SUBJECTS simple boring important easy
HISTORY x Xxx x xx
PE xxx Xx x xxx
BIOLOGY xx Xx xx xx
ENGLISH xx X xxx x
Which subject is funny?
1 English is as simple as biology.
2 English is simpler than history.
3 PE is the simplest subject.

1 Now look at the sentences above and complete the following sentences. Use the information
from the table:
Which subject is boring?
4 History is as boring .. PE. [i.e. original is correct]
5 Biology is more boring English.
6 ..is the most boring subject.

Which subject is important?

7 History is as important as . .
8 Biology is . important than history and PE.
9 English is the important subject.

Which subject is easy?

10 PE is the .. subject.
11 Biology is . history.
12 History and biology are .. English.

II Complete the table

Comparative superlative
Wide widest
more interesting
most attractive

III Use your dictionary, choose ten more adjectives and write them in their comparative and
superlative forms.

1 Listen to Peter and his schoolmates, Karen and Robert speaking about subjects at school.

Who says?
1 Geography is boring. Karen ..
2 English is more important than German. ..
3 Computers are important. .
4 Geography is a boring subject. ..
5 Maths is his/her weakest subject. ..
6 He/She is the best at English. ..

Use the cues and write true sentences about yourself.
English / maths / interesting
Biology / chemistry / difficult
PE / music / fun
History / geography / boring
English / IT / important

Group work. Use the same cues and ask your schoolmates questions about their preferences?
Is maths as interesting as English for you?

UNIT 4B Going to school in Slovakia

Match subjects with the things you use for these subjects

1 geography A piano
2 English B brush
3 maths C trainers
4 art D dictionary
5 music E calculator
6 PE F map

Look at Kevins timetable and the sentences.

9.00-9.50 9.50-10.10 10.40-11.30 11.30-12.20 12.20-1.30 1.30-2.20 2.30-3.10

Monday RE French maths art L history geography
Tuesday science (1) technology German U PE PE
Wednesday English maths science music N French geography
Thursday English French technology maths C (2) history
Friday science English (3) Art H music RE
Choose the right answer.
1 Kevins last lesson on Monday and Wednesday is
B geography
C history

2 Kevin starts lessons with English on

A Tuesday and Wednesday
B Friday
C Wednesday and Thursday
D Monday

3 Kevin has .. art lessons before lunch.

A sometimes
B never
C always
D often

4 Kevin has . English in the afternoon.

A never
B always
C often
D sometimes

Complete the timetable and the sentences.

We have geography before technology on Tuesday. Maths is after English on (4) ... RE
is (5).maths on Monday. We have a double period of (6) from 9.50
to 11.30 on Friday. We have a German lesson after the lunch break on (7)
We have a double (8). of English on Friday. We have a (9) .. break from 12.20 to
1.30 every day. The lesson from (10).to.on Friday is RE.

Now compare Kevins timetable with yours. What do you like about your timetable and
We start lessons.. than Kevin everyday.
We usually finish lessons at ., but Kevin finishes.. .
We never school at 3.10, but Kevin does.
We always have lunch . , but Kevin has .........
We never have lessons after lunch, but Kevin has every day

Listen to Peter talking about his school day. Then read the sentences. Are they right or
1 Peter never finishes lessons before 3 oclock.
2 Peter sometimes hates Monday.
3 Peter always starts school at 8 on Monday.
4 Peter can sing.
5 History is not as interesting as English.

Now think about activities you do every morning. Use the cues and make true sentences for
yourself with always, sometimes, often, never
have breakfast, clean the teeth, wash up, do homework, go to school, make the bed, listen to
music, take a bus to school, play computer games
Now use the cues and ask your classmate what he or she does every morning.
Write five sentences about your morning activities.

Peter has a penfriend in Newcastle in England. His name is Kevin. Kevin wants to know
something about schools in Slovakia for his project. He wants to know
- when children start elementary school
- when they go to secondary school
- what exams they have
Read Peters letter to Kevin. There are some mistakes in Peters letter. Can you find them?

Dear Kevin,
Thank you for your letter. Im glad that you like your new school. Here are some information
about schools in Slovakia.

Children usually start school when they are seven years old, but they sometimes can go to school
at the age of six. Pupils always attend elementary schools for ten years. When they are in their
last year they always sit for entrance exams which are usually in May. They write tests in Maths,
Slovak and English. When their test results are good they start secondary schools. They always
spend three years at secondary school. There are many secondary schools children can choose
from. Students finish secondary schools when they pass final exams which are always oral.
Students who want to continue their study go to universities, the others start working. University
study often lasts five years.

I hope they are useful for your school project.

Some pieces of information in Peters letter are not correct. Correct them.
1 Children dont usually start school when they are seven, they start school when they are six.

Write about your day at school.

Say what time you start and finish school. Which subjects have you got today?
Which subjects are your favourite and which are most boring?

4C After-school activities

Look at the pictures showing different activities. Match the pictures with the name of the
table tennis, chess, sport, drama classes, dance, hiking, music lesson,

Peters friend Dezko lives next door. His mother and father are professional musicians. They play
in a folk group. Dezko takes violin lessons at the Elementary Art School. He hates them.
His music teacher often tells him that he must practice more. His older sister, Aniko, also plays
the violin, but she is much better. Dezko likes her very much, but he hates it when she says, I
want you to practice more. Our parents want us to become members of their band, so you
mustnt be lazy. Then I tell her, Leave me alone. Everybody thinks that I hate music, but I
love it. Its the violin I hate. The problem is that I would like to play the guitar, not the violin.

Look at the pronouns printed in bold. Match

I you . he .. she . it .. we they .
Now circle the words in the text which are replaced with these pronouns in the following

Replace the nouns with object pronouns.

I dont eat tomatoes. I don t like .
John is my best friend. I like . .
This picture isnt very nice. Do you like ?
He goes out with Helen. Do you know ?


Children do a lot of activities after school. Listen to some children speaking about their
activities. As you listen, put the activities A - E in the right order.

A They learn languages.

B They play musical instrument.
C They take dance classes.
D They do a sport.
E They look after animals.

List food that you like and food that you dont like. Choose from the list below.
banana plum spinach carrot pea meat tomato potato butter jam
bread hamburger meat tuna chicken carp cherry

I like .. .
I don t like .

Use the questionnaire to complete the e-mail and the e-mail to complete the questionnaire.

Please fill in this questionnaire about the food you like and dont like.
like dont like

(1) .
baked tomatoes

(2) .





On weekdays I have a quick breakfast. I usually have (5) .. (for example, cornflakes)
with milk and a cup of (6) . I never drink coffee. On Saturday we have a full English
breakfast with toast and butter, eggs and fried tomatoes because we have more time at the
For lunch I have chicken, pork or fish because I want something cooked. I never have (7)
.. . I dont eat it. I usually have a salad with my lunch and a glass of lemonade.
We have dinner at 7.30. We sometimes have lamb and sometimes chicken with roast potatoes
and (8) .. .

Complete the sentences

For breakfast I usually have .but sometimes I have . .
For lunch I usually but sometimes .. .
For dinner I usually but .. .

Work with a partner. Ask what he or she eats for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Write sentences.
Write five sentences about what you and your family eat. Use sometimes, usually, always or
never in each sentence.

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