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Starbucks Workplace Health Assessment

Abigail Mattson

Arizona State University

PPE 310: Healthy Learning Communities

Professor Sambach

October 27, 2017


Section 1: Workplace Health Assessment

1. Name of Company: Starbucks

2. Does this company promote health benefits for employees? Yes

3. Does this company have a healthy-eating marketing plan? A wellness plan

4. Does this company share health information with customers? Yes, could improve

5. Does this company provide healthy-eating incentives for employees? No

6. Does this company provide positive social training for employees? Yes

7. Does this company have a health promotion committee? Yes, for elite athletes

8. Does this company actively ban tobacco and drug use? Yes

9. Does this company identify healthy options with symbols? Somewhat

10. Does this company have a written policy to make healthy options available to employees

and customers? No

11. Does this company provide paid maternity and/or paternity leave? Yes

12. Does this company have an exercise facility on site? Yes

13. Does this company provide educational seminars or workshops on healthy eating and

appropriate physical activity? Yes, could use improved marketing

14. Does this company provide work-life balance or life skills programs? Yes

15. Does this company actively work to reduce job stress? Yes

16. Does this company provide counseling for employees? Yes

17. Does this company provide free or subsidized health screenings to employees? No

18. Does this company post information to help in a health emergency? Yes

19. Does this company have an injury prevention plan? Yes, could use improvement

20. Does this company provide health and safety training for all employees? Yes

Section 2: Self-Reflection

In order to accurately complete this assignment, I found two workplace health

assessments online. The first assessment came from the Center for Disease Control, and the

second came from the American Cancer Society. I was able to modify the questions from the

CDCs workplace health assessment, and gained valuable information from the American Cancer

Societys website.

There are many positive strategies that the Starbucks Coffee Company uses to support its

employees. I learned that one of the perks of working at Starbucks is a chance to participate in a

wellness program. According to Your Special Blend, a list of all benefits given to Starbucks

employees, the wellness program provides tools and opportunities to help partners learn about

their health and wellness and offers suggestions to maintain and improve overall health

( Unfortunately, this wellness program lacks proper marketing strategies.

I have worked for the company for two years and never heard of the program until I complete

this assignment.

Starbucks does provide health insurance and benefits to any partner who works a

minimum of 20 hours per week. However, they do not actively demand that all partners

complete updated workplace safety trainings, and do not promote healthy eating options for

employees. Although the company does a lot of good in terms of stress management, providing

resources for employees, and providing counseling options, the bottom line is that the main goal

of the Starbucks Coffee Company is to sell unhealthy food and beverages. There is almost

nothing on the menu at Starbucks that would sustain a healthy, balanced, nutritional diet over


The Starbucks Coffee Company could make active changes to focus on the healthy eating

choices of its employees. The company could provide incentives for employees who eat

nutritional food on and off the job. Starbucks could actively promote wellness coaching,

memberships to gyms or other facilities that promote physical exercise, and could demand all

partners to successfully complete health and safety training when updated modules arrive at the

companys online website.

I would use this information about Starbucks to lead my community toward healthier

eating options. When I am asked to bring food for company events, I will look for nutritional

options. I will make healthier choices for myself, and lead by example in the way I eat. I will

make every effort to provide time for my fellow employees to complete their health and safety

online training modules. By leading by example, I will lead my workplace towards a healthier



Matson-Kaufman, D.M. (2014). The CDC Worksite Health Scorecard. Center for Disease

Control and Prevention. Retrieved on October 26, 2017, from

Workplace Health Assessment (2009). The American Cancer Society. Retrieved on October 26,

2017, from

Your Special Blend (2014). The Starbucks Coffee Company. Retrieved on October 27, 2017,


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