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side dish

Shelley Young's Academy of Culinary Arts
"Where the Science of Food meets the Taste of Health"!

Freddies Crunchy New Potato Salad

This recipe of the week was contributed by Lois Frederick.


Freddies Crunchy New Potato Salad

5 or 6 small size new or red potatoes

1 stalk celery
1 carrot
1/2 English cucumber
1/2 green pepper
1/4" slice of sweet or red onion
1/2 avocado
The equivalent of 3 eggs made from tofu scrambler
4 or 5 broccoli flowerettes
1 broccoli stem (peel through outer skin away and only use tender
1/2" slice of red cabbage

You can really add any other crunchy vegetables you would like i.e.
radishes, cauliflower

1/2 c. soaked sunflower seeds

Steam your potatoes. Slice or cube with the skins.

Add seasoning. I used dill weed, Redmond Real Salt, pHlavor salt
and Cajun seasoning and allow that to penetrate into the warm
potatoes. You can really use a heavy hand so that all the potatoes
are covered.

After the potatoes cool you can add all your chopped ran
vegetables and tofu eggs. All the vegetables should be chopped to
bite size. Mix together.

Dressing: Put juice of 1/2 large lemon, 4 T extra

virgin olive or avocado oil, 1 T Vegenaise
(a mayonnaise substitute found at the health store)

Pour over salad and toss gently. You don't want the salad dripping
in dressing, you just want enough to moisten every piece. Tastes
great right away or two days later.

Serves 5 or 6

by Shelley Redford Young

These hearty burgers have a great meat like texture. Barley is

higher in protein than rice or other grains, and is a great fiber
additive to any diet. Try different seasonings to make these
burgers the flavor you like. They are baked, not fried.

2 C. steamed pearled barley (cook like you do rice)

1 C. pHlavor nuts *(dehydrated nuts, marinated in pHlavor liquid
salt: order from the pH Miracle Center) or any raw shelled nuts:
almonds, pinenuts, walnuts, pecans, macadamias or sunflower
1/3 cup flax seeds ground
2 zucchini
3 onions
2 tomatoes
4 carrots
2 cloves garlic
2 cups sprouted wheat tortilla crumbs (dry and grind in Vita Mix to
1 C Veggie Broth
2 TB. dried herbs of choice (Spice Hunter has several good blends)
OR 3 TB fresh herbs of choice
1 tsp. Real Salt (more if desired, if using pHlavored nuts may have
to use less... salt to taste)

1. Put barley,veggie broth and ground flax seed in a bowl, stir
2. peel and chop veggies (can be shredded in food processor if
3. Combine all ingredients, mix well, and divide into portions to
make patties
4. Form into patties and arrange on an oiled cookie sheet. Bake at
375 until golden brown on both sides (turn over 1/2 way through
baking). approx 15 minutes on each side. Serve hot, or crumble
over a salad cold.

recipe by Shelley Young

copyright Hikari LLC

Chilled Avocado Cucumber Soup Soup

Chilled Avocado Cucumber Soup

Serves 4

1 English cucumber, peeled and diced

(1/4 cup reserved for garnish)

1 Rancho del Sol Avocado, pitted, peeled,

and diced
(To order Rancho del Sol Avocadoes go to:

1/2 teaspoon finely grated lemon zest, plus

1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

1/4 cup coarsely chopped fresh cilantro,

plus sprigs for garnish

1 scallion, white and pale-green parts only,

coarsely chopped (about 2 tablespoons)

1 japapeno, seeded and coarsely chopped

1 cup of pureed coconut meat

1 cup of alkaline pH Miracle Water

(To order pH Miracle Water go to:

1 1/2 teaspoon of pH Miracle pHlavor Salt

(To order pH Miracle pHlavor Salt go to:

1/4 teaspoon of Spice Hunter Zip

(To order Spice Hunter Zip go to:

Puree ingredients in a blender. Divide soup

and reserved cucumber and avocado among
4 bowls. Cover wit plastic wrap. Refrigerate
30 minutes. Garnish with cilantro sprigs.

per serving:
1 gram of saturated fat
6 grams of unsaturated fat
12 grams of carbohydrate
4 grams of protein
459 mg of sodium
4 grams of fiber

MODERN "SLAW" Salad: Side Dish

1/2 medium cabbage, chopped

1 avocado
1 tomato, chopped
1/4 Cup Olive oil
Juice of 1 lemon

Mix together. Avocado, oil and lemon

become wonderful 'dressing'.

This is really good, simple and easy.

Super Soy Pudding Desserts

This is a great way to have a delicious snack while staying alkaline.

We even eat this wonderful pudding for breakfast or in place of one
of the soups on the cleanse. It is high is good fats, vitamin E,
Calcium, and Potassium with the almond milk and avocado, and
high in good proteins from the Super Soy Powder... Experiment
with the suggested variations!!!! wow! Even Doc Broc and Luscious
Lettuce love this pudding!!!

1 C. Fresh Silky Almond Milk (follow directions from the Fresh Silky
Almond Milk recipe).
2 Avocado's
1 lime
2 scoops Super Soy Powder
1 pkg. Stevia 6-8 Ice cubes


Put all ingredients in a blender and blend on high until rich smooth
and pudding like.

WOW -variations:

Coconut Super Soy Pudding

Add 2 TB. of non sweetened dried coconut granules to the mix
while blending and sprinkle some coconut over the top before

Lemon Super Soy Pudding

Use lemon instead of lime in the Super Soy Pudding recipe

Grapefruit Super Soy Pudding

Use juice from 1/2 grapefruit instead of lime.

Super Green Super Soy Pudding

Add 1/2 scoop Super Greens powder or 1 cup fresh baby spinach to
the recipe

Ginger Super Soy Pudding

Add a pinch or two of fresh grated ginger

Cinnamon Super Soy Pudding

Add a pinch or two of cinnamon and nutmeg and sprinkle on top.

Almond or Nutty Super Soy Pudding

Add chopped raw almonds (or any desired nut, pecan, macadamia,
etc. to the top before serving)

Super Soy Pudding POPS

Make desired Super Soy Pudding recipe. Pour into small paper cups
(1 to 2 oz.) or ice cube trays, add little sticks or tooth picks and
freeze. You can also just thaw these pops a little, remove them
from their cups and chop up and enjoy like a slush! Yummy on a
hot day! :)

Shelley Redford Young Desserts

Sprouted Buckwheat Flatties Dishes:Snacks

These are thin and crust like in texture. They are MAH-velous as a
raw (low heat dehydrated) alkalarian pizza crust.

You can dry them big in large rounds or break them up and use
them as crackers or sandwich pieces. Experiment with this basic
recipe and come up with versions of your own!

You will need a good dehydrator and a food processor and also
sprouting equipment. The preparation for these flatties may seem
like a lot of time and work, but once you get the hang of it, it will
surely be worth it!

I triple and quadruple this recipe to fill my entire Excalibur (nine

trays) with flatties.

3 cups Sprouted Buckwheat (I use a two day sprout: soak raw

buckwheat for 6-8 hours and rinse for two days)
1/3 cup Essential Balance Oil (Omega Nutrition or Arrowhead Mills)
2 tsps. Garlic Herb Bread Seasonings (Spice Hunter)
1-2 tsp. of Real Salt.. (I use two)
1 tsp. All Purpose Chef's Shake (Spice Hunter)

[other suggestions:
1 TB. SuperSoy Sprouts,
1 tsp. SuperGreens,
Italian Pizza Seasoning,
2 TBS fresh basil, any seasoning of choice would work]
1 and 1/3 cup carrot (or raw yam or raw squash or raw zucchini
pulp) or you could mix those!:)
2-3 sun dried tomatoes (optional)
1/3 to 2/3 cup flax seeds (you don't have to soak)
¼ to 1/3 cup water if needed to thin (optional)

Directions: In a food processor, place carrot/yam pulp, oil, salt,

and seasonings. Pulse chop to mix well. Then add remaining
ingredients and continue to mix well until a thick batter is
achieved. (note: if you want a coarse batter, with more whole
buckwheat sprouts, you can stop mixing at anytime) I do mine
quite smooth.

While the food processor is running, you can add the water if you
feel the batter needs to be thinned some so it can spread easier.
Pour or scoop mixture out onto plastic lined trays for dehydration.
Use a spatula to help spread out the batter so your flattie is ¼ to ½
inch thick. Then dehydrate at 90-100 degrees overnight or 7-8

Once this is done carefully lift the flatties and transfer them to a
mesh lined tray and continue dehydrating until flatties are totally
crisp and dry.

These flatties will store in a zip lock or Tupperware for as long as a

month and still be fresh! Great for hiking and camping trips, biking
or any type of travel, what a great thing to take on long flights.
Our grandson CharLee loves both these recipes and it cutting his
first teeth on these alkalizing crackers just great!

Bon Appetite!

From Shelley's kitchen

Spicy Black Bean Salad Salads

2 cans black beans

1/2 red pepper, finely chopped
1/2 yellow, orange or green pepper, finely chopped
1 lime, juiced
1/2 red onion, finely chopped
1/2 bunch cilantro, leaves removed from stems and chopped
1 1/2 tsp. olive oil
2 TBSP. apple cider vinegar
1/4 tsp. garlic powder (or 2 cloves minced garlic)
1/4 tsp. turmeric
1/2 tsp. oregano
1 tsp. chile habanero sauce (or Tabasco)
salt and pepper to taste

Directions: Mix, Don't use the vinegar (it's acid)

A friend of mine has lost 10 pounds in 10 days just by using

Supergreens and eating a diet of 80% raw, alkalizing foods and
20% less-alkalizing! She wanted me to share this recipe with

Here's the bean salad that I thought would work really well on the
diet. Obviously, you wouldn't want to use the vinegar. Hope you
enjoy it. Pass it on. :)

Seed Pancakes Breakfast

This combination of seeds guarantees a good intake and ratio of

essential fats.

Note: Using healthy fats to burn on (for energy) is better fuel than
burning on sugars, which causes more fermentation and lactic

Make sure you start with very fresh organic raw seeds and nuts
(order from Jaffe Bros. or call 1-
760-749-1133 to order).

Preparation: Measure out seeds and mix together:

1/4 cup raw pumpkin seeds
1/4 cup raw sunflower seeds
1/4 cup raw sesame seeds
1/2 cup raw flax seeds

In a coffee grinder, grind the seeds to flour in 1/3 cup batches. (or
grind all at once in your Vita Mix blender to flour)

Measure out one cup and put in a bowl for the pancake recipe.
Store the rest in fridge or freezer for another time.

1 cup seed flour
1 cup millet or spelt flours, or a combination of other (quinoa,
amaranth, buckwheat, bean flour)
1 & 1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. Real Salt
optional: 1/16th tsp. Stevia
Soymilk (unsweetened) or water to make the right consistency
(batter thickens after sitting a couple of minutes)

Directions: Pour or spoon batter into a fry pan and cook in Olive,
Coconut, or Grapeseed oil, on both sides. Buckwheat Pancakes

variation: Use 2 cups of buckwheat (made from raw buckwheat

kernels) for the flour and follow same directions for seed pancakes.

Anything Pancakes Any combination of flours (seed, nut, grain,

bean) follow same directions for seed pancakes.

Pancake Whipped Topping

1/2 carton soft tofu
1/3 cup Thai coconut milk
1/2 tsp. Frontier non-alcohol vanilla,
1/8th tsp. white Stevia powder
1 TB. fresh lemon juice

Whip in blender and serve over seed pancakes.

Keep cold in fridge YUM!!!!!!!!!!!

donated by Linnette Webster

Sean's Super Shake Desserts:Drinks

1 avocado
1 lime peeled
1/2 cucumber
Ice to taste
Soft Tofu
1/2 to 1 cube Rice Dream or water to desired consistancy Super
Soy Sprouts powder (optional if desired)
Stevia sweetner to taste
1-2 cups fresh raw spinach leaves (optional)

Directions: Put all ingredients into the blender and blend until
creamy. Tastes like a lime shake! ENJOY! (This may also be a great
recipe for children who you are trying to ween off of ice cream or
fruity shakes.)

Sean Stephenson
Scrap Soup Soups

3 large carrots
2 celery stalks
4 stalks of aparagus
1 large yellow onoin
6 cups of distilled water
4 tsps. of instant vegetable broth (yeast free)
1 1/2 tsps. cumin
2 tsps. dill Real
Salt to taste
2 tsps. 21 Spice Salute or Zip

Directions: Shred carrots & celery in food processor. Bring water to

boil, adding vegetable broth & onion. Once boiling turn off and
leave set in pot. Add your shredded carrots, celery, stalks of
asparagus and leave set in pot until vegetables are tender. Once
the soup mix has cooled put in blender and mix all ingredients.
Serve warm. DELICIOUS!!!

Mary Seibt, Oak Lawn, IL.

Sandy's Almond Joy Desserts:Snacks

1 cup liquid coconut oil...can be melted by placing container in hot

water (I prefer the India centrifuged oil from Wilderness Family

1 cup chopped almonds... may be soaked and chopped or soaked

and dried for added nutritional benefit (see instructions below)

3/4 to 1 cup dried coconut... (I like the freeze dried from

Wilderness Family Naturals)

2-3 scoops Super Soy Sprout Powder...optional

Directions: Stir together the coconut oil, almonds and dried

coconut (save about one third of it to sprinkle over the top) and
soy sprout powder in a bowl and pour into an 8X8 pan. sprinkle the
top with freeze-dried coconut.
Place level in the fridge to chill for approximately 45 minutes to 1

Remove and cut into bite size squares to serve. If it becomes too
hardened and cracks when you attempt to cut it, just set out at
room temperature until it cuts easily.

Store in the refrigerator.

Variations: Use Fontier Liquid Seasonings without alcohol to give

the Almond Joys a different twist. Try a teaspoon or two of Vanilla,
Mapel, Lemon, Lime, cinnamon, or Mint etc. add when you are
mixing all of the ingredients together. or use some freshly
squeezed lemon, lime or grapefruit juice to enhance a citruss
flavor... WONDERFUL!!!!!

Almond Preparation: Soak almond overnight for 8 to 12 hours. I

like to add Real Salt to the soaking water , using about one
teaspoon per cup of nuts.

Chop in Food Processor Place on Teflex sheet (or parchment paper)

and place in dehydrator to dry (about 4-6 hours)

I also dehydrate these soaked almonds whole for snacks. I place

them in a bowl, stir in some Bragg's Liquid Aminos and a little Real
Salt, then dry on the regular dehydrator sheets until crispy.

Thank you SANDY KUNTZ for your creative genious. WE LOVE


These little gems are melt-in-your-mouth-delicious! Perfect as a

healthy Alkalarian snack, rich with vitamin E, soy protein, calcium,
magnesium and lauric oil. Coconut oil has been shown to have anti
fungal, and anti bacterial properties.

It's also a very versatile recipe that can be changed by adding a

different flavoring each time you make it. (see variations) The
coconut products used come from a great company called
Wilderness Family Naturals

donated by Sandy Kuntz

Romaine Peppered Salad Salads

1 clove minced or pressed garlic

2 tsp. cold pressed olive oil or Esential Balance™
2 tsp. minced onion
2 tsp. tomato finely chopped
1 sm. jalapeno pepper, seeded & finely chopped
3 c. romaine lettuce
3 c. Belgian endive
1 red bell pepper, cut into strips
1 yellow bell pepper, cut into strips
Bragg's Amino's™
Directions: Combine garlic and oil in a small bowl; let stand 30
minutes. Then add the minced onion, tomato, and jalapeno; stir
well and set aside. On 6 salad plates lay out romaine lettuce
leaves. Tear remaining romaine and endive into small pieces, lay
pepper strips on top. Drizzle each with 1 1/2 tablespoons Oil
mixture. Spray with Bragg's Amino's to taste.

6 servings

Modified by Randy Wakefield
RANCHadamia Super Sauce Sauces

This is a great way to get off of RANCH dressing.

It is made with fresh raw macadamias and a new spice from

LiteHouse Spice company.

2 cups of fresh raw macadamia nuts (try to find these as fresh as

possible in your local heath food store. They can be frozen to
prolong freshness. I order mine thru Sysco food services, but you
must have a commercial account to order thru Sysco)

Juice of 1 lemon 4-6 tsp. of LiteHouse Salad Herbs seasoning

(freezedried) (this is a combination of parsley, shallots, chives,
onions and garlic go with 2 tsp. at first and add more after tasting
if you want it stronger)

6-9 sundried tomatos

1 and 1/2 tsp. Cafe Sole Lemon Pepper (Spice Hunter Spices) (this
is a blend of lemon, pepper, onion, and sea salt)

2 squirts of Braggs Aminos

a large glass of water

Directions: With food processor running (use S-blade), add all

ingredients thru the top shoot, except the water. Mix well and then
slowly pour water in until desired consistency.

Process until you get a very creamy consistency. Great as a dip for
raw veggies, in wraps, or even as a creamy Ranch-like salad
dressing. Raw macadamias are rich in unsaturated fats, contain
calcium, magnesium, and many of the amino acids that make
complete proteins. Enjoy!!

From Shelley's kitchen

Pumpkin Cream Pie Desserts

Shelley's variation Shelley uses only 1/2 the spices listed in this
recipe because she prefers a milder pie.
Silken Tofu (12 oz)
2 cups fresh pureed pumpklin (or yams)
2 tsp. Frontier alcohol-free vanilla
2 tsp. cinnamon 1/4 tsp.Real Salt
3/4 tsp.nutmeg
1/4 tsp. cloves
1/2 tsp. ginger
1/4 tsp. white powder Stevia (or 2-3 packets stevia with fiber
3 TB. psyllium (agar powder or flakes can be substituted for


1st place winner in Transitional Recipes , in the pH Miracle Recipe


serves 6-8

1 pkg. note: Add more spices or stevia if you like, or use less
spices for a milder pie adjust to taste.

Mix tofu, pumpkin, vanilla, cinnamon, salt, nutmeg, cloves, ginger

and stevia powder together in a food processor till smooth and

Lastly, add psyllium, and blend. Scoop into prepared Almond Nut
Pie Crust recipe below) and chill for at least an hour. Top with
Nutty Cream Topping or Tofu Whip Cream found in Back to the
House of Health 2 (see also Almond Nut Pie Crust)

Debra Jenkins .
Peppermint Mana Delights

This is an amazingly tasty way to get three of InnerLight's

Foundational products all rolled into one melt-in-your-mouth
MINT!!! Deborah Jenkins has done it again!!! She's an incredibly
creative alkalarian chef and we applaud her! Thank you Deborah
for such a great way to get the best of all Dr. Young's products.
These Mana delights are great to pop in your mouth after a meal,
or just grab a few for a snack. They are alkalizing and energizing
and would aid in improved digestion, with the Earth Essence Clay.
Wilderness Family Farms freezed dried coconut adds just the right
amount of natural sweetness. Great for sneaking good nutrition
and alkalinity into kids. Our 2 year old grandson, CharLee loves

Mix together:
1 jar of Earth Essence clay
5 TBS. Super Soy Sprouts
1 TBS. Super Greens
1/3 cup Freeze Dried Coconut Flakes (set aside another additional
1/4 cup for later)
1/4 tsp. Peppermint Flavoring (non-alcoholic from Frontier)

Directions: Roll 1 tsp. of mixture into a small ball and roll in more
coconut flakes Freeze for 1/2 hour.

Whenever you want a tasty treat or need a dose of clay, pull one
from the freezer and enjoy.

Variations: Play with flavorings. You may want to try lemon or

vanilla or your favorite non-alcoholic flavoring ... Have fun.

Fine Almond meal can be substituted for the Soy Sprouts or Super
Greens if desired.

The SuperGreens gives a slightly strong flavor to the delights. They

can be omitted for a creamier tasting treat.

By: Deborah Jenkins

Michael's Granola

This is THE ANSWER to HEALTHY Granola!

Michael's done a fabulous job of blending a variety of fresh raw

nuts, and cinnamon to make this granola a healthy fats feast. We
sprinkle it over our shakes in the morning for an extra crunch.
Great to travel with and yummy when you have cravings for

2 C. almonds soaked 10-12 hours in filtered water

1 C. pecans soaked 1 hour in filtered water
1 C. walnuts soaked 1 hour in filtered water
1 C. macadamia nuts
1 C. pine nuts
2 C. unsweetened Wilderness Family Farms freeze dried coconut (or Breakfast:Snacks
use the pulp of a young Thai coconut)
1 & 1/4 C. Mesquite four (optional)
1 & 1/3 C. ground cinnamon
1/2 TB. Celtic Sea Salt
3 TB. Stevia (use to taste as there are different Stevias. I use raw
green Stevia from Frontier Brand)

Directions: In a food processor, pulse the soaked nuts and coconut

meat coarsely. Place in large mixing bowl and set aside. Toss all
remaining ingredients well. Place on a dehydrator sheet and
dehydrate at 110 degrees for 36 hours, or until crisp. This may be
eaten as a snack or with fresh almond milk for breakfast.

donated by
Michael Steadman
Mary Jane's Super Simple Spaghetti Main Dishes

1 medium spaghetti squash

2 medium ripe vine tomatoes chopped
Juice of one small lemon
1 - 2 cloves of fresh garlic minced or chopped
2 - 3 Tbs. of olive oil
Fresh ground pepper
1/4 teaspoon of oregano

Serves 2

Directions: Cut spaghetti squash in half (clean out seeds). In a

baking dish put spaghetti squash (facing down) in a 375 degree
oven. Bake for approximately 45 minutes or until done. Let cool for
about 5 minutes. Using fork, scoop out the spaghetti squash into a
bowl. Add the remaining ingredients and toss. Eat warm or cold.

Jerusalem Salad

1/3 cup tahini

2 Tbs. Olive Oil
1-2 cloves garlic,
crushed Juice of 1/2 lemon
3 Tbs. parsley Salt/RealSalt to taste
Water Dressings:Salads
1 cucumber
6 roma tomatoes, or 3 regular tomatoes

Directions: Mix first 6 ingredients in a salad bowl; add water to thin

the tahini. Stir thoroughly to make a dressing. Dice cucumber and
tomatoes. Toss in dressing. You can let this sit for an hour to allow
the flavors to meld.


one 14 oz. can garbanzo beans

1T. tahini
1/4 c. veg. broth or water
2T. olive oil
2T. fresh lemon juice
2t. minced garlic
1t. cumin ( optional) Sauces
pinch of cayenne powder

Directions: In a food processor, combine first five ingredients and

process until smooth and creamy. Add garlic, cumin, and cayenne
and process to blend. If desired you can add jalapeno peppers with
other spices and pulse to blend. Enjoy the recipe. If y'all like
eggplant, have one for a dip, that's completely "legal " with us.

Herbed Alkalarian Butter Dressings

1 cup of Wilderness Family Naturals Coconut Oil

(I use Organic Extra Virgin cold pressed)
1/2 cup Barlean's Flax Oil
(you will find this in the refrigerated section of your health food
8 large garlic cloves
1 yellow onion
1/2 - 1 tsp. Real Salt
2 tsp. Italian Seasonings Spice Hunter (or your choice)
1 tsp. fresh Rosemary minced optional
2 tsp. minced sundried tomatoes


Introduction: With Dr. Young's science based more and more

around healthy fats, I have attempted to find another butter
replacement. Many of you Alkalarians have been putting different
oils (Udo's, Flax, Olive, and Essential Balance) on your steamed
veggies and grains (Quinoa, Buckwheat etc), but now through the
inspiration of Dr. Johanna Budwig who was a great advocate of the
healing properties of Flax seed oil, I been able to come up with a
combination of healthy oils and herbed seasonings that make a solid
butter type spread. It melts beautifully once it hits something
warm.. I call it Herbed Alkalarian Butter.

This is the Alkalarian's answer to butter. The coconut oil keeps the
butter in a solid state (in the fridge) and the Flax oil gives it the rich
golden appearance. Experiment with different herbs, spices and
flavorings. Just put a paddy or two (a tsp. or two) over your
steamed veggies or warmed grains such as Quinoa, Buckwheat, or
millet or use it as a spread in your Tortilla wraps. It will melt on
contact and spread a beautiful mix of herbs, seasonings, and healthy
Omega and Lauric oils over your dish. Shiny and beautiful, and so
good for you. Enjoy!

Dice the onion and garlic and put in a non stick pan with 3 TBS. of
the coconut oil. Heat and cook until onion is clear, stirring as you

If desired, you may slightly brown the onions and garlic for a more
roasted flavor. Then add the rest of the coconut oil and let it melt
until clear. Stir to mix together. Do not cook. Take off burner.

At this point you may strain the mixture thru a strainer to take out
the pieces of onion and garlic or you may leave them in.

Add salt, spices and seasonings of choice and the Barlean's Flax Oil.
Stir mix well, and pour into small tubs and place into the
refrigerator to set up.

Use on all your veggie dishes as a butter garnish or spread. Do not

cook or fry with this Herbed Alkalarian butter as the heat will cause
trans fatty acids to form. Keep the mixture raw and use only after
you have cooked or warmed your food.

Great on the Zippy Breakfast!

Other suggestions: Add lemon juice to tang it up Use Frontier

seasonings bottled without alcohol to enhance the taste.. example
Mint or put fresh mint minced in the butter. Add diced pecans or
almonds to make a more nutty butter.
Green Baby Boomer Breakfast Shake

1 unpeeled, unwaxed cucumber

1 tomatillo
1 avaocado
2 C organic baby spinach
juice of 1 lime
2 scoops SuperSoy Breakfast:Snacks
1 scoop SuperGreens
1/2 C water
1/2 C Rice Dream (Rice Milk)
6-8 ice cubes

Directions: Slice vegetables, add all other ingredients put into

blender and blend until smooth.

GrasSoup Soups

GRASSOUP (one word)

Serves 4
Juice of two to three english cucumbers (no pulp)
1-2 cups fresh silky almond milk (recipe in Back to the House of
Health 2)
Water of one (or two) Young Thai Coconuts (drain water out of
coconut, water should be clear and sweet, eat the meat of the
coconut later)
1TB of fresh Dill cut in small individual grass-like pieces so when
it's added to soup, it floats on top and looks like grass shavings
Sprinkle of dehydrated red bell pepper powder over the top
(optional and made beforehand)

Directions: This is a new silky RAW recipe that I developed for

people while they are on the cleanse (liquid feast) and it will also
become your favorite soup to sip on even after the cleanse. Great
and refreshing around the pool on a hot day. The fresh cut dill
floating on the top of this georgeous pastel green soup gives it the
appearance of grass shavings, hence the name GRASSOUP!
Sprinkle dehydrated red bell pepper powder across the top for an
instant splash of warm color and an extra sweet pazaaz! Mmmmm I
could drink this EVERY day!

For dehydrated red bell pepper powder , simply place sliced pieces
of red bell pepper in dehydrater (about 1 /4 inch thick) and dry until
snap crisp (about 24 hours) Then place in Vitamix and grind to a
fine powder. Keep in a tupperware or air tight container.. great for
a garnishing tool, to add color and sweet flavor over soups, wraps,
or salads. YUM! I even eat this by the spoonful for a treat! Serve
and drink immediately.. Heavenly!!! Adjust each ingredient to your
taste.. if you want a less creamy soup, less almond milk. if you want
more of a sweet soup, add more coconut water and red bell pepper
powder.. experiment.


Grapefruit Salsa, Fresh Start Recipe Contest Winner

2 tablespoons lime juice

1 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon minced jalapeno
12 red bell pepper, minced
2 tablespoons minced red onion
1 large Florida grapefruit, peeled, membrane removed, sectioned,
14 teaspoon ground cardamom
2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro leaves Sauces

Directions: Cardamom gives the grapefruit an exotic twist. And

grapefruit gives salsa an altogether exciting kick. Toss all together.
Serve chilled as side dish to Florida Fajitas (see recipe under Main
DishesBeef), barbecued meat, seafood and nachos.

Yields 1-12 cups.

Fresh Start Recipe Contest Winner

Sandy Szwarc, Albuquerque,
Fresh Silky Almond Milk

4 cups of fresh raw Almonds

Pure Water Nylon Stocking (for straining)

Directions: to make this almond milk:

soak 4 cups of fresh raw almonds over night in a bowl of water. In
the morning drain the almonds and fill your blender with the
almonds about a third full, (or two cups), then add pure water to fill
the blender up. Blend on high speed until you have a white creamy
looking milk. Take a nylon stocking, ( I use a washed white knee Breakfast:Drinks
high nylon stocking) and pour the mixture through it over a bowl or
pan, and let it drain. Squeeze with your hand to get the last of the
milk through the nylon. (The meal and skins left in the stocking can
be used in the shower for a great body scrub)

You will have approximately one quart of silky raw beautiful

almond milk left ready to use for soups, shakes or puddings. Thin to
desired consistency with water. This almonds milk will keep fresh
for about three days in the refrigerator.

Flaxseed Oil Dressing Dressings

Juice of 1 lemon or lime, about ¼ cup

½ tsp. onion powder
½ tsp. garlic powder
½ tsp. salt
½ tsp. chop dry basil

Directions: Put in blender and add the following:

[Optional: use your favorite herbs or spices in above amounts,

instead of seasonings shown.]
Shake bottle of flaxseed well before pouring the ½ cup flaxseed oil
slowly into the blender.
Optional: add 1 TBS of whole flaxseeds, (this will thicken dressing
making it of spreading consistency similar to mayonnaise)
*Note always add twice as much flaxseed oil as juice mixture Serve
immediately or refrigerate till use.

Derry’s kitchen: Recipe donated by Derry Bresee, from Las Vegas

Doc Broc Casserole

1 pkg. Smart Ground by LiteLife (soy protein substitute) Florets from 2 large
bunches of Broccoli (save leaves and stocks out, peel and clean
1 small bunch of fresh Basil or Tarragon stemmed and minced
1 cup soft Tofu
1 tsp. ground mustard seed
2/3 cup Olive Oil
1 pkg. Terra Red Bliss Potato Chips (I use the Olive Oil and fine
herbs flavor)
Real Salt and Spice Hunter's The Zip to taste.


1. Steam Broccoli with a little water in a covered pan for about 4-5
minutes until Broccoli is bright green and just crisp/tender.

2. In a food processor, process the broccoli leaves and stocks until Main Dishes
very fine(scrape down sides if necessary)

3.Then add the soft Tofu, mustard, basil, into the food processor
with the fine broccoli mixture and process. With the processor
running, slowly add the Olive Oil until mixture is well emulsified
and creamy.

4. In a large Electric Fry Pan, heat a small amount of Oil and add
the Soy Smart Ground, crumble it up and fry it for a couple of
minutes, then add the steamed broccoli and pour the creamy sauce
from the processor over the top and stir in well.

5. Take the bag of chips and mash them while in the bag with a
rolling pin until they are crumbs. Then sprinkle over the top of the
broccoli mixture and serve.Or return the lid to the fry pan and
steam the mixture a bit to soften the chips and broccoli more. Add
Real Salt and The Zip to taste....YUM!

Doc Broc Brunch Snacks:Stir Fry

Serves 6

This is a hearty Deep Green dish that has plenty of crunch with the
broccoli stalks and soaked almonds added.

Perfect for a brunch or side dish.

1 yellow onion
2 cloves fresh garlic
3 large heads of Broccoli
1 lb. of young green string beans
1 small bowl of soaked almonds
Grapeseed or Olive Oil
Real Salt to taste

Directions: Trim and peel Broccoli stalks. Then cut Broccoli into
bite size pieces.

Trim and break green beans into bite size pieces.

Lightly steam Broccoli and Green Beans unitil bright green.

In a Cuisnart, pulse chop the onion and garlic until fine, set aside
Put soaked almonds into the Cuisnart with an S blade and pulse
chop into almond slivers.

In an Electric Fry Pan, Place oil and add onion/garlic mixture and
sauté for a few minutes. Add steamed Broccoli/green beans and stir
fry to mix in with the onions and garlic. Add slivered soaked
almonds and continue to mix well.

Put lid on electric fry pan and continue to steam for a few minutes
longer if softer veggies are desired. Add real Salt to taste.. and

Doc Broc ROCKS!!!! :)

Coconut Lotus Sauce Sauces

Besides making China Moon vegetable pasta, you can use this versatile sauce on
a stir fry or as a dressing or dip.

2" piece of ginger root, peeled and sliced

2 large cloves garlic
½ tsp. crushed red pepper flakes (adjust to desired heat) ½ cup
Bragg's Liquid Aminos (or more to taste)
2 Tbs. toasted Sesame Oil
2 T flaxseed oil
¼ cup water, carrot juice, or vegetable broth (optional) Real Salt to
Unsweetened coconut milk (I prefer Thai Kitchen)
About 1c

Directions: Blend first three ingredients in food processor or Vita

Mix. Add Bragg's and blend until smooth.

Pour into jar, add oils and coconut milk, and water and shake. Thin
with water, carrot juice or vegetable broth if desired. Store in

Variations: for Thai lotus sauce,

add juice of one lime,
2 T fresh or 1 t dried lemongrass,
1 T fresh of ½ t dried basil and chopped fresh cilantro if desired.

For basic lotus sauce,

omit coconut milk and increase flaxseed oil to ¼-1/3 c.

For lotus dressing,

to ½ c basic lotus sauce add ¼ c lime juice,
1 ½ c flaxseed or untoasted sesame oil,
½ carrot (optional) and
½ sweet onion (optional), and blend until smooth.

For Indonesian Dipping Sauce,

to ¾ c. basic lotus sauce add
1 c almond butter,
¼ t crushed red pepper (or to taste), and
½-1 c unsweetened coconut milk to reach desired consistency.

Citrus Flax and Poppy Seed Dressing

½ cup carrot juice

½ cup freshly squeezed citrus juice (juice of 2 lemons, ½ grapefruit
to =1/2 cup)
½ tsp. dry powdered mustard
2 TBS. minced dry onion
1 tsp. minced fresh garlic
1 tsp. basil ½ tsp. salt Dressings
Directions: Pour into the above mixture, 1 TBS. poppy seeds, pulse
briefly, then slowly pour into blender. Add 1 cup of flaxseed oil,
blend on low, adding oil slowly till dressing is emulsified &
thickened; can add 1 tsp. whole flaxseeds when you add dry onion if
you desire a thicker dressing.

Derry’s kitchen: Recipe donated by Derry Bresee, from Las Vegas

China Moon Vegetable Pasta With Coconut Lotus Sauce

1 large or 2 small spaghetti squash

1 bunch scallions, cut in 2" diagonals
1 carrot, thinly sliced
1 - 2 Cups Broccoli Florets
½ lb. Asparagus, cut in 2" diagonals
1 red bell pepper, sliced
2 yellow squash, sliced
1 zucchini, sliced
4-6 tiny bok choy, leaves separated, or ½ stalk large bok choy, sliced
½ lb.
Snow peas
1-1 ½ c coconut lotus sauce (recipe follows)
shredded unsweetened coconut
black sesame seeds

Directions: Serves 6-8

recipe in The pH Miracle Recipe Contest

Lisa joined Dr. Robert and Shelley Young at the September

Retreat!!! We had such a great time with you Lisa.. many many
thanks for this beautiful dish.

This colorful and flavorful dish is highly adaptable. Feel free to add
vegetables of choice, modify according to season, and adjust
quantities to suit the number of friends you are serving.

Cover lower oven rack with aluminum foil to catch any drippings.

Preheat oven to 375°F. Make a one inch slit in top of spaghetti

squash. Bake on upper oven rack for 30-40 minutes, until squash
gives to gentle pressure but is not mushy.

Bring water to a boil in bottom of large pot with steamer tray, then
reduce to simmer. Place vegetables in steamer starting with scalloins
and carrots and continuing in order listed above. Cover and steam
gently for 3-5 minutes, then turn off heat. The stored heat will
continue to cook the vegetables. Be careful not to let them get

Cut squash in half and scoop seeds out of center. Run fork
lengthwise along the inside of the squash to form "spaghetti", and
scoop gently onto plates or into shallow bowls.

When veggies are done, remove steamer tray from pot. (Save broth
for a soup base!) Return vegetables to pot and toss gently with
desired amount of sauce, and spoon on top of squash. Garnish with
coconut and sesame seeds.

Coconut Lotus Sauce

Cherry Tomatoes AvoRado Style Snacks

serves 2- 4

This is a great appetizer or hors'dovers dish, or it could be served as

a salad course.

1 pint cherry tomatoes

Juice from 1/2 lime
1 Avocado
!/2 tsp. dried onion
1 TB. minced cilantro
1/8 tsp. Zip seasoning (Spice Hunter) (use more if you like extra
1/8 tsp. Real Salt dehydrated vegetable granules for garnish.

You can dehydrate your own or order them from THE SPICE
HOUSE company,

Directions: Slice tomato tops off and use a melon ball spoon to scoop
out seeds and pulp of tomatoes. Drain on paper towels upside down.
In Cuisnart with an S blade add remaining ingredients and pulse
chop into a well mixed chunky consistency. Fill tomato shells with
mixture and sprinkle dehydrated veggie granuels on top.Serve

Carrot Crunch

1/2 tsp SuperGreens

7 drops Prime pH
1 cup fresh carrot juice
1 chopped carrot Drinks
4 ice cubes

Directions: Combine ingredients in electric blender or use hand

blender. Blend until smooth. Sprinkle with nutmeg.

Can't get enough Roasted Eggplant?

eggplant, You pick size

olive oil
celtic salt
Finely chopped onion, Main Dishes
you pick size according to taste and size of eggplant(s).

Directions: Take eggplant...roast on open fire till it is mostly cooked.

Cool and Peel all burned skin off. Chop eggplant into small pieces.
Finely mince the onion. Place eggplant in bowl, add onion, olive oil,
salt. Mix well. It's delicious

AvoRado Kid Super Greens Shake or Pops

This is a variation of the BABY BOOMER SHAKE.,

(without the water and rice dream.)

It also makes a great shake.

We drink this while on the cleanse too!

this is a fantastic way to get SuperGreens and chlorophyll down Desserts: Kid
your kids!!!! Treats
1 avocado
1 cucumber
1 tomatillo
1 lime (peeled)
2 cups fresh spinach
2 scoops Super Soy Powder
1 scoop of Super Greens Powder
1 pkg. Stevia 6-8 ice cubes
Asparagus Bundles Main Dishes

1 1/2 pounds asparagus, trimmed

8 green onion stems
2 tablespoons melted butter (substitute avacado butter)
2 tablespoons grated lemon peel
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1/2 cup fresh thyme blossoms or thyme if blossoms are unavailable

Directions: In a steamer, steam the asparagus with the green onion

stems until crisp-tender. Drain. Divide asparagus into four bundles
and tie each bundle with two green onion stems. Transfer bundles to
serving plate. In a small bowl, combine avacado butter, lemon peel,
lemon juice, and 1/4 cup of the thyme blossoms. Spoon over
asparagus and ganish with remaining thyme blossoms and lemon

Recipe adapted from Hobby Farms Magazine provided with

Almond Nut Pie Crust

1/2 cup spelt flakes ground into flour (I use my old coffee grinder) 1/2 cup
ground almonds
1/4 cup fresh ground flax meal
1 TB. arrowroot powder
1/2 tsp.ground cinnamon
1/8 tsp. ground cloves
1 packet stevia powder
1 tsp. Frontier alcohol-free vanilla
2 TB. Garden of Life coconut butter (melted)
2 TB. water

Directions: Desserts
Combine dry ingredients in a mixing bowl.
Combine the water, melted butter and vanilla and pour over dry

Mix well. Transfer mixture to a 9" pie plate. Press mixture firmly
into place with your fingers, making sure to cover bottom and sides
of pie plate.
For an unfilled piecrust, bake empty pie shell at 350 degrees for 18-
20 minutes or until lightly brown. Cool and fill with pie filling. For a
filled pie crust, first bake the empty crust for 10 minutes, then fill
and finish baking pie per recipe.

Variation: replace ground flax meal with ground coconut Debra

3 Citrus Dressing Dressings

Juice of :

½ large Pink Grapefruit

1 lime 1 lemon
½ tsp. Chickory root powder (name brand Nature's Taste by
Amazon) OR 6-10 drops of liquid Stevia extract
1 tsp. hot mustard powder 4 TBS. dried onion
2 tsp. garlic powder
2 tsp. dried basil
¼ tsp. dried rosemary
½ tsp. real salt pinch of Zip or to taste


Makes about ½ quart. This is a nice thick dressing with a sweet &
sour taste…very zingy:
This is a great transitional dressing when you are phasing off of
Thousand Island and other sweet dressings.

1. Put all ingredients into a food processor and blend well.

2. With the machine still running add 1 ½ cups of Essential Balance

Oil (Arrowhead Mills or Omega Nutrition brand name) or oil of

3. To thicken dressing, add 1 heaping TB. of flaxseeds and let

machine run until all ingredients are well emulsified.



By Shelley Redford Young
Serves 6 .

Anytime we can eat beautiful RAW food, we are increasing the

electrical (electron) potential of our bodies which in turn will
increase our energy reserves. I hope you will savor this wonderful
adaptation from conventional acidifying pizza to the alkalizing
properties of this 100% RAW Pizza. It is wonderfully filling and
packed with calcium, magnesium, lycopene, protein, vitamins and
minerals to make it a Perfect MEAL!!!!

You will need a dehydrator to make the pizza crusts and a food
processor to make the Almond Cheese, and the Rich Tomato
Topping. If you make these all ahead, then assembly your Raw
Redford Pizza will take hardly anytime at all!! ENJOY!

Dehydrated Crust:

I use the Excalibur dehydrator to make perfect crusts that can also
double as great crackers or tostada flatties.

½ cup ground flax seeds

Water to cover ground flax seeds, approximately 1 cup
1 cup soaked raw almonds
2 cups soaked raw sunflower seeds
1 cup raw buckwheat ground
½ cup ground Deluxe Veggie Blend

(Jaffe Bros. blend of dehydrated cubed carrots, onions, tomatoes,

celery, parsley, green peas, and green bell peppers)

1 lemon juiced
1 clove garlic
4 Tbs. Olive Oil
1 level Tb. of Real Salt (or to taste)
2 Tbs. Spice Hunter Italian Pizza Seasoning
1 Tb. Spice Hunter Garlic Herb Bread Seasoning ¼-1/2 cup water to
adjust consistency before spreading on dehydrator sheets


1. Grind flax seeds to powder and place in a bowl with water,

enough to cover over the flax powder. Stir ground flax seeds into
water and let thicken while you work on the rest of the crust
ingredients. Set aside.

2. Rinse and drain soaked seeds and nuts and add them to your
Cuisinart (food processor) with all the remaining ingredients. Mix
well until you have a smooth thick paste consistency. You may have
to stop and stir a few times to get this mix well blended. Adjust with
water at the end until you have a good consistency that can be rolled
out with a rolling pin or pressed in a tortilla press between two
pieces of thick plastic. (I use the plastic bags that my Jaffe products
come packaged in)

3. Make pizza crust rounds the desired size. I like to make them
smaller for individual size pizzas (5-7 inches in diameter). Once you
get them pressed in between your plastic sheets, carefully peel down
top plastic layer to expose the top side of the crust, then flip it over
onto the dehydrator sheet and carefully peel down the remaining
plastic sheet. (For the dehydrator, you can use a teflex sheet or I use
the screened sheet with small holes in it to allow the crust to
dehydrate on both sides evenly) Dehydrate the crusts overnight.

Almond Cheese/Mayo

This fluffy creamy spread is so concentrated and rich. Use it

anywhere (wraps, pizzas, celery filling or where ever you would
used mayonnaise) Quickly blanch the almonds to easily remove the
brown skins.

2 cups soaked almonds blanched (place in boiling water for 30

seconds, cool and pinch skins off. Discard skins)
1 lemon juiced
½ tsp.-1 tsp. Real Salt (to taste)
¼ cup olive oil (or oil of choice: Coconut, Udo's. Grapeseed)
¼ tsp. ground mustard
½ cup water
FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="-1">¼ tsp. Spice Hunter Café
Sole Seasoning (mix of lemon, pepper, onion and sea salt)


Place all wet ingredients into Cuisinart. With the Cuisinart running
drop the blanched almonds through the top opening to blend well
and emulsify to a thick fluffy consistency. Scrape sides and stir if
needed. Adjust consistency with water if needed. Refrigerate
mixture in an airtight container.

Sauce for Pizza

2 cartons/pkgs Cherry or Grape Tomatoes (or four regular
1 Tb. dried oregano (can use fresh if desired)
½ cup sun dried tomatoes (I use olive oil packed) 1/3 cup fresh Basil
½ tsp. Real Salt
1 clove garlic (remove middle section of clove to quiet odors)
To thicken sauce use 1 tsp.-1 Tb. of psyllium seed husk

Place all ingredients into Cuisinart and pulse chop to chunky

consistency. Set aside

Toppings for Pizza

Choose any of the following toppings to sprinkle over the top of the

Shredded/julienne zucchini, carrots, jicama, Shredded cabbage,

romaine lettuce, beets etc. Minced Raw Spinach or bell peppers


Place crust on counter and spread with a thick layer of Almond

Cheese/Mayo. Spread a thick layer of Pizza Tomato Sauce over the
Cheese Sprinkle toppings over the top and serve immediately.

Sauces will keep in the fridge for 3-5 days. Pizza Crusts will keep for
up to two weeks if kept dry and cool.

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