Childrens Lit Criteria 1

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Childrens Literature Criteria

Questions: Yes No N/A Evaluator Comments:

1 Does the authors biography qualify them to

deal with the subject matter?
Background is related to the contents
of the book, or they have
qualifications that advocate them as
an expert on the topic.

2 Does the illustrator have a similar

background to the content or have
qualifications that make them an expert on
the topic they are creating images for? Do
they portray these images respectfully and
accurately for the characters of historically
underrepresented groups?

3 Are the illustrations free of tokenism or free

from only allowing children to see one
person or one view of a various culture or

4 Are the illustrations free of stereotypes (for

gender, race, ethnicity, class, sexual
orientation, abilities and disabilities)?

Are the illustrations free of stereotypes for

racial, HUGs?
African Americans, Blacks
Hispanics, Latinx
Native Americans, American Indians
Asian, Pacific Islander

5 Are females shown in leading roles and

depicted as active doers derived from their
own intelligence and initiative?

6 Are historically underrepresented groups

shown in leading roles and depicted as active

7 Is the book's story line free from subtle

biases and stereotypes among people of
various identities (Ie: People of color and
females are shown in leading roles. People of
color, people with disabilities, and females
are understood and accepted by others.)

8 Does the story line portray teamwork

between various individuals rather than one
person solving an issue soley?

9 Are messages for various lifestyles that differ

from the dominant culture, perceived with
genuine and positive judgements (including a
range of family structures, living
environments, types of work, male and
female roles, etc.)?

10 Is the content engaging and relatable for all


11 Does the literature avoid the use of loaded

words or terminology which demeans
various identities and backgrounds? (ie: the
general use of the word, man)

12 Does the literature avoid stereotypical

pronouns and non inclusive terminology?

13 Are HUGS represented accurately in the

story line with positive value judgements?

14 Does the book contain a copyright date after

the year of 1973? If not, does it meet
expectations of all other criteria listed?

15 If the literature is classic or folktale, does it Important to note that this perspective
hold this particular historical or cultural towards specific groups at this point in time
point of view according to the time period? is a changing attitude

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