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How to Install SystemC on Microsoft

Visual Studio

I-First Time Installation:

1. Download SystemC ver.2 from the OSCI website, .
2. Extract The downloaded compressed file (systemc-2.2.0.tgz), as an example
to the 'C:\' directory.
i.e. you have a place for extraction you will not changed at the future , or you will
have to repeat installation process.
3. Open the SystemC project, located in the 'msvc71' folder.
4. Lunch the project file 'SystemC.sln'.
5. Select build all under the build menu.
6. Select tools options projects VC++ Directories.
7. Select show directories for: Library files.
8. Select the 'New' icon and enter: '(your SystemC extracted folder
9. Select show directories for: Include files.
10. Select the 'New' icon and enter: '(your SystemC extracted folder path)\src'.

II-Each New Project Created:

1. Create an empty Win32 Console Project.
2. Display the project Property Pages by selecting 'Properties...' from the
Project menu (or right click project folder from the solution explorer).
3. From the C/C++ tab, select the General proper=es and set 'Detect 64-bit
Portability Issues' to 'No'.

How to install SystemC on Microsoft Visual Studio 2

4. From the C/C++ tab, select the Language properties and set 'Enable Run-
Time Type Info' to 'Yes'.
5. From the Linker tab, select the 'Input properties' and type 'systemc.lib' in
the 'Additional Dependencies' box.

For MicrosoE Visual Studio 2003

6. From the C/C++ tab, select the Command Line properties and add '/vmg' to
the 'Additional Options:' box.

For MicrosoE Visual Studio 2005 or later

6. From the C/C++ tab, select the 'Command Line properties' and add '/vmg
/D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE'" to the 'Additional Options:' box.
i.e.: there is a space between "/vmg" and "/D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE ".
7. the C/C++ tab, select the General properties and set the 'Warning level' to
'Level 1(/W1)'.
8. the C/C++ tab, select the Code Generation and set the 'Runtime Library' to
'Multi-thread Debug (/MTd)'.

For more information please refer to the 'install' document included in the
source of the SystemC.

Eng. M Affan Zidan

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