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Applied Nursing Research 21 (2008) 1
Lag time in research to practice: are we reducing or increasing the gap?

Ours is an information age, which grows exponentially gap. The diffusion of innovation model has provided
with each day, each new journal launched, and each new support for our understandings of the necessary components
research project funded. Recent reports indicate that in of change. Informing clinicians of the research is not
MEDLINE alone there are 10,000 new randomized sufficient, but it is the recognized first step. Understanding
clinical trials (RCTs) included each year and 350,000 the research is the next step. One recent initiative in support
RCTs identified by the Cochrane Collaboration (Rycroft- of bringing the researchers and clinicians together for
Malone, 2006). How can any one of us, even in a defined dialogue was sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson
area of research, maintain knowledge of the state of the art Foundation through Author in the Room (Robert Wood
in our circumscribed area of expertise. Academic research- Johnson Foundation, 2007). Through this initiative, 15
ers by nature of what they do and how they spend the monthly telephone conference calls were held between
majority of their time are best equipped to stay on the top authors of recently published research articles and 3,517
of their game, that is, to know the latest research in their health care practitioners (52% were physicians or nurses).
content area as soon as it is published. However, Importantly, these practitioners reported that they would
awareness is only the first step, these researchers must change their practice based on the discussion in the calls.
evaluate all aspects of the research, from the theoretical to This Author in the Room initiative is a demonstration of a
the methodological developments. key link in the dissemination process and a model for
Clinicians, on the other hand, are not necessarily involved bridging the gap between research and practice. Now the
in reading the latest research as soon as it is published. In challenge is to continue the dialogue.
fact, nurses and health professionals are so busy with their
clinical practice that they often rely on others for information Joyce J. Fitzpatrick
on the latest knowledge. Conferences abound, focused on (Editor)
both the content and the process of applying research to
practice, within the structures and confines of both evidence-
based practice and best practice models applied to specific References
content areas. Yet, it remains difficult not only to distil the
information but, more importantly, also to judge what Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (2007). Cutting lag time in implementing
should, in fact, be applied to practice. Early estimates were findings JAMA authors discuss research with health care practitioners
that it could take anywhere from 10 to 30 years for research during conference calls. Retrieved October 6, 2007 from: http://www.
to be implemented in clinical practice. What we do not know Rycroft-Malone, J. (2006). The politics of the evidence based practice
is whether the focus on evidence-based practice as an movements: Legacies and current challenges. Journal of Research in
important model for research dissemination has reduced the Nursing 11, 95108.

0897-1897/$ see front matter 2008 Published by Elsevier Inc.


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