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Example 3.2. The steel frame shown in Fig. 3.

7 supports a rotating machine that exerts a horizontal

force at the girder level. F(t) = 200 sin 5.3t lb. Assuming 5% of critical damping, determine: (a) the
steady-state amplitude of vibration and (b) the maximum dynamic stress in the columns. Assume
that the girder is rigid.

(a) (b)

Figure 3.7 (a) Diagram of frame for Example 3.2 (b) Mathematical model

Solution This structure may be modeled for dynamic analysis as the damped oscillator shown in Fig.
3.7(b). The parameters in this model are computed as follows.


The steady-state amplitude is

(b) and the maximum shear force in the columns

The maximum bending moment in the columns is

and the maximum stress

in which I/c is the section modulus.

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