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Names: Elise Foley, Omar Flores, Josh Gonzalez


Activity: Movement Skills and Concepts LEVEL #1 WEEK #19


TIME: 30 mins

markers for marking tag game
music for parachute fitness
one hula hoop for each child

The student will:
1. Learn and move in an evasive fashion
2. Work cooperatively with others in the parachute activity
3. Perform a variety of gallop and slide steps
4. Demonstrate body management skills by performing a variety of movements through hoops.

Introductory Activity: 1.4: Change direction from forward and back and right and left in response to tempos,
rhythms, and signals while walking, running, hopping, and jumping (i.e., locomotor skills).

Fitness Activity: 1.2: Travel over, under, in front of, behind, and through objects and over, under, in front of,
and behind partners, using locomotor skills

Lesson Focus: 1.3: Change speeds in response to tempos, rhythms, and signals while traveling in straight,
curved, and zigzag pathways, using the following locomotor movements: walking, running, leaping,
hopping, jumping, galloping, sliding, and skipping.

Game: 1.5 Demonstrate the difference between slow and fast, heavy and light, and hard and soft while

Names: Elise Foley, Omar Flores, Josh Gonzalez


Activity Teaching Hints
Marking: Elise Stress the importance of running safely.
1. Students will start by getting toe to toe
with another partner. One student from Also, stress the importance of being honest when
each group of 2 will raise their hand, go marking someone, or getting marked.
and each grab a marker in the front of the
fitness area, and will be the markers. The Explain to students that this is not a tag game per say,
other students who did not raise their but the object of the game is for the markers to stay
hands will be getting chased, and will as close to the non markers before the teacher says
scatter around the fitness area. stop.
2. When the teacher yells GO, the markers
will chase (not tag) but try to stay as close
to the non-markers as possible. When the
teacher yells FREEZE, each student
will have to freeze and not move their feet.
If the marker is able to reach and touch a
non-marker, he receives a point. If not
non-marker in unable to be touched by a
marker, they get a point.


Activity Teaching Hints
Parachute Fitness: Omar Tape alternating segments of silence and music to
1. Students will spread out and each grab the signal duration of exercise. Music segments
end of the parachute with both hands. indicate aerobic activity with the parachute while
2. With music on, students will jog around intervals of silence announce using the chute to
holding the parachute, switching directions enhance flexibility and strength development.
when advised (music).
3. When music stops, students will shake the Space students evenly around the chute.
4. When music resumes, students will gallop Use different hand grips (palms up, down, mixed)
to the left while holding the chute with
both hands. Alternate directions. All movements should be done under control.

Names: Elise Foley, Omar Flores, Josh Gonzalez

5. When music stops, students will squat Some of the faster and stronger students will have
while holding the chute. to moderate their performances.
6. When music resumes, students will skip.
7. Freeze, face the center, and stretch the
chute tightly. Hold for 8-12sec. (no
8. Sit with legs under the chute. Do a seat
walk towards the center. Return to the
9. Move into push-up position holding the
chute with both hands. Hold for 5 seconds.
Shake the cute. (no music)
10. Shake the chute and jump in place.
11. Lie on back with feet under the chute.
Shake the chute with the feet. (no music)

PART 3: LESSON FOCUS (15-20 mins):

Activity Teaching Hints
Fundamental Skills - Have students begin by spacing themselves out
Sliding: Josh evenly in the fitness area. Each student should
1. Slide in one direction, stop and slide in have an arms length distance from any other
another direction. student, allowing each student room for
2. Begin with short slides, then increase slide movement.
length. Reverse.
3. Do a number of slides (3, 4, 5, 6), do a half - Once students are evenly spaced, explain what
turn, continue in same direction, but they are going to do (slide, gallop, and with a
leading with other leg hoop) when they are prompted by Go.
4. Change levels while sliding: touch the
floor occasionally while sliding. - Use instructional cues: move sideways, dont
5. Pretend to be a defensive basketball cross your feet.
player, sliding.
1. Form a circle. Slide in one direction
(clockwise or counterclockwise).
Gradually turn the body to face the line of

Names: Elise Foley, Omar Flores, Josh Gonzalez

direction; this is GALLOPING.

2. Gallop in a circle, figure-eight, other - Stress the importance of running safely and
patterns in your own personal space. being aware of their surroundings.
3. Change gallops (leading foot) on 8, 4, and
2 gallops. - Think of different patterns students can follow
while galloping.
Hoop Activities
1. Walk, hop, and jump through the hoop and
on the sides of the hoops. -Turn activity into mini game (student keeps their
2. Roll a hoop at a partner or someone next own score), to help engage competitive students.
to you, who will jump over it as it
3. With hoops on the floor, run around the
fitness area jumping into the hoop of other
4. Perform jumping-jacks with the hula hoop
on the floor, with feet coming together
inside the hoop and jumping with their feet
outside of the hoop.


Activity Teaching Hints
CORNERs Game: Elise Ask a student to volunteer to be the one who calls
1. The teacher has her eyes closed and is out a corner. If not, assign someone.
faced towards the wall.
2. The other players are scattered in the Stress the importance of walking safely, and being
corner areas in the perimeter. When the aware of those around you.
music starts, they will travel as quietly
from corner to corner. Each time, select a new player to be blindfolded.
3. When the music stops, the students will
need to get to the nearest corner as fast as
they can.
4. The teacher will then pick (by pointing) to
a corner,trying to select the one with the
most players in it.

Names: Elise Foley, Omar Flores, Josh Gonzalez

5. If you are in the corner that the teacher

picks, you have to do 3 jumping jacks.

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