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November 27, 2017

Speaker Ryan, Senator McConnell and Members of Congress:

We are writing in support of your efforts to find a workable solution for young undocumented
immigrants in our country previously protected by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
(DACA) program.

We share your belief that an Executive Order was an inappropriate tool to accomplish these
policy objectives. When Obama was President he himself admitted that he couldnt "just bypass
Congress and change the (immigration) law himself, yet in 2012 he contradicted himself and
established the program in violation of the separation of powers. Rescinding the order corrected
a grave constitutional error and we applaud President Trump for his commitment to the

Now the time has come for Congress to pass a permanent legislative solution to protect the
DREAMers. President Trump has stated that he looks forward to working with Republicans and
Democrats to address immigration reform in a way that puts hardworking citizens of our
country 1st. The complexity of this particular issue warrants the coming together of all branches
of government to solve this problem. We ask that you take this into consideration as you take
constructive steps forward to address this unique segment of the immigrant population present
in our nation, creating an opportunity through the legislative process for these young people to
remain in our country permanently.

We have seen immigrants strengthen our great nation throughout its history, including their
positive impact on our communities and our economy. One group of immigrants who exemplify
these benefits are young people brought to our country by their parents at a young age. We carry
particular concern for the future of these so-called Dreamers because they have much to offer
America. Not only that, but they were brought here without their consent, and in most cases the
United States is the only home they have ever known.
We know that these young people who stepped forward in good faith are not threats to America.
Through Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), they already have submitted to
screening for criminal activity and potential threats to national security. Instead of deporting
these young people, we should use this opportunity to focus on real solutions for our broken
immigration system that address safety and security. Leaders on both sides of the aisle have
suggested pairing increased border security funding with DACA reform, providing legislators a
rare bipartisan opportunity to work together to make our country safer. This moment should not
be squandered.

A recent study from the CATO Institute found that DREAMers are younger, better educated,
and more highly paid than the typical immigrant. DACA recipients are ineligible for welfare
benefits, Obamacare subsidies or Federal education assistance, and are required to be enrolled
in or have completed high school. DREAMers hold jobs, pay taxes, serve in the military and
many are pursuing advanced college degrees.

The loss of this dynamic segment of workers in the economy would be significant. 97 percent are
in school or in the workforce and 5 percent have started their own business. A study from the
Niskanen Center found that deporting the DREAMers could cost the American economy $721
billion over a decade as well as $21 billion in lost net revenue to the federal government.
President Trump asked in a recent Tweet, Does anybody really want to throw out good,
educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? With
DREAMers, the economy grows and we create jobs.

We hope that you will work quickly to pass legislation that provides DREAMers with a path to
earn legal status in the United States and continue to contribute to this nation. The expiration of
the DACA program is fast approaching and the time has come to finally put this issue behind us
once and for all.


Alfonso Aguilar Robbie George

President McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence
Latino Partnership for Conservative Princeton University
Richard Gilder
Ed Atsinger III New York, NY
Salem Media Group Colin Hanna
Brian Burch Let Freedom Ring
Catholic Vote Deal Hudson
Frank Cannon The Christian Review
American Principles Project Niger Innis
National Spokesman
Al Cardenas Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
Former Chairman
American Conservative Union Dr. Tim Kaine
JP Conte Fellow in Immigration Studies
Linda Chavez Hoover Institution
Senior Fellow
Niskanen Center Suhail Khan
Larry Cirignano Conservative Inclusion Coalition
Catholic Alliance
Larry Kudlow
Ann Corkery Founder & Chairman
Founder Committee to Unleash Prosperity
Catholic Voices, USA
Dr. Richard Land
Erick Erickson President
Editor Southern Evangelical Seminary (Charlotte,
The Resurgent NC)

Steve Forbes George Landrith

Honorary Chairman President
Americans for Hope, Growth & Opportunity Frontiers of Freedom
Andrew Langer President
President Hispanic Action Network
Institute for Liberty
John Murphy
Mario H. Lopez Executive Director
President Our Future in America
Hispanic Leadership Fund
Dean Nelson
Gary Marx Chairman
Former Executive Director Frederick Douglass Foundation
Faith and Freedom Coalition
Star Parker
Derek McCoy Founder
Executive Vice-President Center for Urban Renewal and Education
Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CORE)
Gus Reyes
Ashley McGuire Director
Senior Fellow Texas Baptist Life Commission
Catholic Association
Dr. Samuel Rodriguez
Michael Medved President
Talk Radio Host National Hispanic Christian Leadership
Justin Murff
Former National Political Director Matt Staver
Republican National Hispanic Assembly Founder & Chairman
Liberty Counsel
Rev. Mark Gonzalez

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