Draft Sea Report Main - Jis 09 (Print)

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Strategic Environment Assessment

Main Report
Preparation for Modernization of the Management of the
Jatiluhur Irrigation System (PMMJIS)
WISMP2, IBRD Loan : No. 8027-IND


November 2016

Sinotech Engineering Consultants, Ltd.

In Joint Venture With:
PT. Kwarsa Hexagon Egis EAU PT. Caturbina Guna Persada
PT. Tata Guna Patria PT. Indah Karya (Persero)
S Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 1
Part 1 General Background .................................................................................................................. 2
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Strategic Environment Assessment Annexes ......................................................................... 2
1.2 Terms of Reference ................................................................................................................ 2
1.3 Comments on the Terms of Reference .................................................................................. 4
1.3.1 Integrated Water Resources Management .................................................................... 4
1.3.2 Participation in Formulating the Management Plan ...................................................... 5
1.4 This Report ............................................................................................................................. 6
1.5 Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 9
1.6 Layout of the SEA ................................................................................................................... 9
2 History of JIS and background to the PMMJIS .............................................................................. 11
2.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Brief Description of the Citarum River Basin and JIS System ................................................ 11
2.3 World Bank and ADB Support .............................................................................................. 13
2.4 WISMP2 and PMMJIS ........................................................................................................... 13
Part 2: Strategic Environment Assessment .......................................................................................... 15
3 Water Availability......................................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Catchment Areas and Land Resource Scenarios .................................................................. 15
3.1.1 Definition of the upstream catchment areas ............................................................... 15
3.1.2 Review of the current land use ..................................................................................... 17
3.1.3 Spatial plan upstream catchment areas ........................................................................ 17
3.1.4 Future land use upstream catchment areas ................................................................. 19
3.1.5 Impacts of the land use change on the water availability from the upstream areas. .... 22
3.2 Hydrological Data Collection ................................................................................................ 23
3.3 Climate ................................................................................................................................. 23
3.4 Precipitation ......................................................................................................................... 24
3.5 Analysis of River Flows ......................................................................................................... 24
3.6 Future Water Availability ..................................................................................................... 25
3.6.1 Anticipated Impacts of Climate Change on Water Availability ..................................... 25
3.7 Water Availability from Citarum Reservoirs and their Operation ........................................ 27
3.8 Operational Policy on Water Availability.............................................................................. 30
4 Water Use and Water Demand .................................................................................................... 32
4.1 Review of current land use on JIS ......................................................................................... 32
4.2 Review of Spatial Plans for JIS ............................................................................................... 32

4.3 Review of Future Land Use ................................................................................................... 34
4.3.1 Impacts of the land use change on the water demand in the canal command areas. ... 38
4.4 Agro-Economic Survey ......................................................................................................... 39
4.5 Current and Future Agriculture ............................................................................................ 39
4.5.1 Agricultural Practices (Proposed and Actual) ............................................................... 39
4.5.2 Land Tenure Aspects .................................................................................................... 40
4.5.3 Agricultural Issues and Trends...................................................................................... 40
4.5.4 Related Irrigation Management Trends ....................................................................... 41
4.6 JIS Cropping Patterns ........................................................................................................... 42
4.7 Assess Crop Productivity in Relation to Irrigation and Drainage Services Management ...... 46
4.8 Present and Future Water Demands .................................................................................... 46
4.8.1 Irrigation Water Requirements .................................................................................... 46
4.8.2 Irrigation Scheme Demands ......................................................................................... 48
4.8.3 The 2010 Feasibility Studies ......................................................................................... 48
4.8.4 DMI Demands............................................................................................................... 49
4.9 Current and Future Water Balance ...................................................................................... 52
4.9.1 Water Balance from Previous Studies .......................................................................... 52
4.9.2 Water Balance Considerations ..................................................................................... 53
4.9.3 Results from Water Balance Calculation ...................................................................... 54
4.9.4 Future Water Balance Considerations .......................................................................... 58
4.10 Water Quality ....................................................................................................................... 61
5 Irrigation Practices ....................................................................................................................... 63
5.1 System Water Management ................................................................................................ 63
5.1.1 Formal water acquisition process for irrigation ........................................................... 63
5.1.2 Actual water allocation, formal water use rights and the golongan system ................ 65
5.1.3 Water distribution in systems including giliran rotation .............................................. 66
5.1.4 Water delivery and measurement ............................................................................... 68
5.1.5 Drainage bottlenecks and constraints .......................................................................... 70
5.1.6 Performance and productivity of Jatiluhur operational staff ....................................... 70
5.1.7 Illegal canal water abstractions .................................................................................... 71
5.2 Reporting and Data Management ........................................................................................ 71
5.3 Impact of Service Delivery on Agricultural Productivity and Crop Choice ............................ 71
5.4 Change in Operation Philosophy .......................................................................................... 72
6 Legal Framework, Institutions and Human Resources ................................................................. 74
6.1 Legal and Institutional Framework ....................................................................................... 74
6.1.1 Legal Framework .......................................................................................................... 74

6.1.2 Institutional Framework ............................................................................................... 75
6.1.3 The limitted budget allocation ..................................................................................... 76
6.1.4 The existence of P3A / GP3A / IP3A ............................................................................. 76
6.1.5 Sustainable food and agricultural land ......................................................................... 77
6.1.6 Cancellation of Law No. 7 of 2004 on water resources ................................................ 77
6.1.7 Disruption of security and order on asset management on JIS .................................... 78
6.2 Coordination and Role-sharing Mechanisms........................................................................ 78
6.3 Institutional Scenario Development ..................................................................................... 79
6.4 Evaluation of performance of JIS and Institutions Staff ....................................................... 79
6.5 Human Resources ................................................................................................................ 79
6.5.1 PJTII, BBWS Citarum and PSDA Staff Age Assessment .................................................. 79
6.5.2 Staff Deployment ......................................................................................................... 80
6.5.3 Staff Performance Assessment..................................................................................... 81
6.5.4 Training Needs Assessment.......................................................................................... 81
6.6 Irrigation Commissions......................................................................................................... 81
6.7 Irrigation Management Funding .......................................................................................... 82
6.8 Roles of WUAF/IWUA and Irrigation Commissions in Pilot Areas ........................................ 82
7 Condition and Functionality of Infrastructure and Facilities ........................................................ 84
7.1 Inventory of Irrigation and Drainage Structures .................................................................. 84
7.2 Condition and Functionality of Infrastructure ...................................................................... 85
7.2.1 Headworks ................................................................................................................... 85
7.2.2 Main Canals .................................................................................................................. 87
7.2.3 Secondary Canal Systems ............................................................................................. 89
7.2.4 Tertiary System ............................................................................................................ 91
7.2.5 Drainage Systems ......................................................................................................... 91
7.3 Evaluate Present Flow Control Systems ............................................................................... 92
7.4 Sediment Sampling .............................................................................................................. 93
7.5 Estimation of Sediment Transport in Rivers and Canal System ............................................ 94
7.6 Advice on Operation of Sediment facilities and Options for Improvement ......................... 94
7.7 Initial Irrigation System Planning ......................................................................................... 94
7.8 No Regret Measures........................................................................................................... 96
8 Management Information and Decision Support Systems ........................................................... 97
8.1 Approach .............................................................................................................................. 97
8.2 The Water Management Water Resources Information System (SISDA) ............................. 97
8.3 The PJTII Data Centre .......................................................................................................... 98
8.3.1 SISDA Database ............................................................................................................ 98

8.3.2 Field Data Collection .................................................................................................... 98
8.3.3 General recommendations......................................................................................... 100
8.4 BBWS Citarum MIS Systems ............................................................................................... 101
8.4.1 Information Management .......................................................................................... 101
8.4.2 Network and Hardware .............................................................................................. 102
8.5 Details of Computer Modelling on JIS ................................................................................ 102
8.5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 102
8.5.2 HECRAS Modelling on WTC ........................................................................................ 103
8.5.3 HECRAS Modelling on ETC and NTC ........................................................................... 103
8.5.4 Water quality modelling on WTC ............................................................................... 105
8.5.5 RIBASIM model for Citarum River Basin ..................................................................... 105
8.5.6 Real-time flow Simulation Model Requirements ....................................................... 106
8.5.7 Sediment Modelling ................................................................................................... 107
Part 3 Context of Environmental Impacts and Preparation for Irrigation Modernisation.................... 108
9 Environmental Factors Affecting the JIS..................................................................................... 108
9.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 108
9.2 Catchment Management and Sedimentation ..................................................................... 109
9.3 Floating Weed and Debris .................................................................................................. 111
9.4 Flooding.............................................................................................................................. 112
9.5 Coastal erosion ................................................................................................................... 114
10 Preparations for Water Management Modernisation ........................................................... 116
10.1 DGWR Five Pillars and Modernisation Planning ................................................................. 116
10.2 Performance Management and Institutional Approach ..................................................... 117
10.3 Overview of Modernising JIS .............................................................................................. 118
10.4 Pilot Area Activities ............................................................................................................ 120
10.4.1 Preparatory Surveys ................................................................................................... 120
10.4.2 Pilot Organisation 1: Modernising the ETC ................................................................. 120
10.4.3 Pilot Organisation 2: Sectional Office and Irrigation Command Area ......................... 124
10.5 Development of a Pilot Area for Priority Rehabilitation ..................................................... 125

List of Figures

Figure 1-2 Sequencing of Modernisation Study ..................................................................................... 7

Figure 2-1 Citarum River Basin and Jatiluhur Irrigation Scheme .......................................................... 12
Figure 2-2 Schematic Layout of the Jatiluhur Irrigation System (JIS) ................................................... 12
Figure 3-1 Definition of the upstream catchments contributing to irrigation water availability.......... 16
Figure 3-2 Harmonised spatial plan for the upstream catchment areas (for the scenario with
agricultural protection though LP2B) ................................................................................................... 18
Figure 3-3 Scenario A urbanisation in 2045 showing desa with 40% or more urban area in red ......... 21
Figure 3-4 Scenario B urbanisation in 2045 showing desa with 40% or more urban area in red ......... 21
Figure 3-5 Isohyetal map of Citarum Basin .......................................................................................... 24
Figure 3-6 Choosing a Suitable GCM & RCP in This Project .................................................................. 26
Figure 3-7 Releases from Juanda Dam, 1992 to 2013 .......................................................................... 28
Figure 3-8 Rule Curves and Operating Zones Used in This Project for Juanda Reservoir ..................... 30
Figure 4-1 Harmonised spatial plan for the PMMJIS canal command areas (for the scenario with
agricultural protection though LP2B) ................................................................................................... 33
Figure 4-2 Paddy field converted to freshwater fishponds along ETC.................................................. 34
Figure 4-3 Coastal accretion and abrasion 1996-2010 ......................................................................... 35
Figure 4-4 Area at risk up to 2.5 m above current mean sea level ....................................................... 36
Figure 4-5 Urbanisation at 40% of the desa or above in 2045 under scenario A ................................. 37
Figure 4-6 Scenario B urbanisation in 2045 showing desa with 40% or more urban area in red ......... 38
Figure 4-7 Proposed Cropping Pattern from NEDECO 1998 Study ....................................................... 42
Figure 4-8 Actual Cropping Pattern Golongans Identified from Vegetative Index Images ................... 43
Figure 4-9 Preliminary Actual Cropping Pattern .................................................................................. 43
Figure 4-10 Proposed Cropping Pattern 1 for ETC by 2045 .................................................................. 45
Figure 4-11 Water Balance for CP1 Present Situation (2015) .............................................................. 55
Figure 4-12 Water Demand Compared to Canal Capacity for ETC ....................................................... 55
Figure 4-13 Water Demands on ETC and Cross Rivers for Actual Cropping Pattern ............................ 56
Figure 4-14 Water Balance for Actual Cropping Pattern ...................................................................... 56
Figure 4-15 Water Balance for CP3 Present Situation (2015) .............................................................. 57
Figure 4-16 Water Demand Compared to Canal Capacity for ETC, CP 3 ............................................. 57
Figure 4-17 Development of Scenarios for Future Water Balance Strategies ...................................... 58
Figure 5-1 Golongan System for 2016 from PJTII ................................................................................. 63
Figure 5-2 Areas in JIS East Experiencing Water Shortage ................................................................... 67
Figure 5-3 Areas in JIS East Experiencing Water Shortage ................................................................... 68
Figure 5-4 (a) Cipoletti weir with modular flow and measurable (b) Drowned and Unmeasurable .... 69
Figure 7-1 (a) Leakage and Piping Loss of Backfill Round Intake, (b) Leakage around Gate. ................ 88
Figure 7-2 Rehabilitation Contracts on ETC.......................................................................................... 89
Figure 7-3 Sediment Laden Cipunegara Flows entering Bugis Canal, (b) Severely Sedimented Cibeet
Secondary ............................................................................................................................................ 90
Figure 7-4 (a) Dysfunctional Drain Re-se Structure, (b) Stoplogged Bridge is health Hazard ............... 91
Figure 7-5 Schematic Map Showing locations for Proposed Sediment Survey ................................... 93
Figure 8-1 Manual Recorded Flow is Susceptible to Inaccurate Data Transmission ............................ 99
Figure 8-2 Modelling Results of ETC, 2010: (a) January (ETC-2010) (b) June (ETC-2010) ............ 104
Figure 8-3 Schematised Model of the Citarum Reservoirs and Jatiluhur Scheme .............................. 106
Figure 9-1 a Water hyacinth at Curug Barrage 9.1b Debris collecting in the mouth of culvert BTt11a
........................................................................................................................................................... 111
Figure 9-2 Flood Map of Recorded Inundation up to 2015 ................................................................ 112

Figure 9-3 Area North of Cipunegara River where Coastal Erosion has Occurred .............................. 115
Figure 9-4 Changes Since 1954 Along the Binong and Patrol Coasts ................................................. 115
Figure 10-1 Adaption of 5 Pillars to Modernisation ........................................................................... 116
Figure 10-2 Annual Performance Cycle .............................................................................................. 117
Figure 10-3 Proposed Data Acquisition System ................................................................................. 122
Figure 10-4 MIS Components............................................................................................................. 123

List of Tables

Table 3-1 Upstream catchments areas contributing to irrigation water .............................................. 15

Table 3-2 Current land use by upstream catchment. ........................................................................... 17
Table 3-3 Future land use in the optimum protection scenario (A) ..................................................... 20
Table 3-4 Future land use in the current trend scenario (B) ................................................................ 22
Table 3-5 Reliable Riverflows m3/s (80% dependable unregulated) (1971-2015) ............................... 25
Table 3-6 Overview of Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) .............................................. 26
Table 3-7 Details of Citarum Reservoirs ............................................................................................... 27
Table 4-1 Existing (2015) land use / land cover in each of PMMJIS canal command areas. ................. 32
Table 4-2 Future land use in the optimum protection scenario (A) ..................................................... 37
Table 4-3 Future land use in the current trend scenario (B) ................................................................ 38
Table 4-4 Estimate and Comparison of Presaturation Scheme Requirements..................................... 47
Table 4-5 Future Estimated Command Areas of JIS ............................................................................. 49
Table 4-6 Total Irrigation Demands on JIS from 2010 to 2025 (JIMI 2010) .......................................... 49
Table 4-7 Total DMI Demands for JIS from 2010 to 2025 according to JIMI ........................................ 49
Table 4-8 DMI Demands from the JIS (2015) ....................................................................................... 50
Table 4-9 Existing and Estimated DMI demands and other transfers .................................................. 50
Table 4-10 Water Balance (JIMI KRC 2010) showing combined sources and demands (Mm3) .......... 52
Table 4-11 Total Irrigation Demands, Existing Situation (Mm3)........................................................... 58
Table 4-12 Existing and Proposed Areas for the Water Balance .......................................................... 61
Table 5-1 Anomalies in the Cropping Management Directive and PMMJIS proposal .......................... 64
Table 5-2 Details of Rice Cultivation in the Districts associated with JIS (1014) ................................... 72
Table 6-1. Authority over the irrigation areas south of Jatiluhur ......................................................... 74
Table 6-2 The overview of profit and loss for the 5 Divisions ............................................................. 75
Table 6-3 Status of PJT Staff in Section and Field Offices .................................................................... 80
Table 6-4 Comparison of availability of field personnel for various positions required and actuality. 80
Table 6-5 The overview of availability of water gate operator / PPA ................................................... 81
Table 7-1 List of JIS Irrigation, Drainage and Inspection Road Infrastructure ...................................... 84
Table 7-2 Provisional Advice on Sediment Facilities ............................................................................ 94
Table 9-1 Estimated Design Floods for JIS Cross Weirs ...................................................................... 114
Table 10-1 Scoring System for Irrigation Modernization Readiness Index (IKMI) .............................. 119
Table 10-2 IKMI Scoring for the Jatiluhur Irrigation System ............................................................... 119

List of Acronyms

ACE Associated Consulting Engineers (PVT) Ltd, Pakistan

ADB Asian Development Bank
APBD Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Daerah (Local Annual Budget)
APBN Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Negara (National Annual Budget)
ASIM Agriculture Support in Irrigation Management
BBWS Balai Besar Wilaya Sungai (Large River Basin Management Unit)
BCC-CSM1.1 China Meteorological Administration-Beijing Climate Centre
BIG Badan Informasi Geografis (Indonesian Mapping Agency)
BMKG National Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysical Agency
BTt Structure on East Tarum Canal
CHIP5 Coupled Inter Comparison Project
DAS Daerah Aliran Sungai (Catchment Area)
DED Detailed Engineering Design
DGWR Directorate General of Water Resources
DMI WS Domestic, Municipal and Industrial Water Supply
DOISP Dam Operational Improvement and Safety Project
DSS Decision Support System
DTM Digital Terrain Model
EIA Environment Impact Assessment
ETC East Tarum Canal
EFW JCP National Flood Warning Joint Cooperation Program (EFW JCP)
FDMEWS Flood and Drought Monitoring and Early Warning System
FSWL Full Supply Water Level
GMC General Circulation Model
GoI Government of Indonesia
GZ Van de Goor and Zijlstra equation for simulating land presaturation requirement
HYV High yield variety
IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)
ICWRMIP Integrated Citarum Water Resources Management Investment Project
IDPIM Institutional Development in Participatory Irrigation Management
ICWRMP Integrated Citarum Water Resources Management Project

IKMI Indeks Kesiapan Modernisasi Irigasi (Readiness index for irrigation modernisation)
IoPIM Improvement of Participatory Irrigation Management

IPCC UN Intergovernment Panel on Climate Change
IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management
JIMI Jatiluhur Irrigation Management Improvement
JSM Java Spatial Model
JIS Jatiluhur Irrigation System
JWG/TF Joint Working Group or Task Force
KRC Korean Rural Community Corporation
LIDAR Light Detection And Ranging
LP2B Lahan Pangan Pertanian Berkelanjutan (Sustainable Agriculture Areas for Food
masl metres above sea level
NEDECO Netherlands Engineering Consultants
NRM Non Regret Measures
NTC North Tarum Canal
PJT II Perum Jasa Tirta 2 (Water Resources State Enterprise II)
PMMJIS Preparation for Modernization of the Management of the Jatiluhur Irrigation System
PSDA WJP Provinsi Sumber Daya Air, West Java Province (Provincial Water Resources Agency)
PUPR Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (Public Works and Housing)
RCP Representative Concentration Pathway
SEA Strategic Environment Assessment
SMP Sediment Management Plan
SOP Standard Operation Procedure
SPKTPA Sekretariat Pelaksana Koordinasi Tata Pengaturan Air (Water Management
Coordination Executive Secretariat)
SPL Spatial Planning Law
SUDs Sustainable Urban Drainage
ToR Terms of Reference
WATSAL Water Resources Sector Adjustment Loan
WD1 Water Demand 1
WIS National Water Information System under BMKG
WISMP 2 Water Resources and Irrigation Sector Management Project Stage 2)
WTC West Tarum Canal
WUA Water User Association (P3A Perkumpulan Petani Pemakai Air)
WUAF Water User Association Federation (GP3A - Gabungan P3A)
6Cis Study of 6 adjacent river basins including Citarum under ICWRMIP

S Summary
The Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA) should be seen as the baseline from which to
commence the planning for Preparation of the Management Modernisation of the Jatiluhur
Irrigation Project. The SEA forms a Decision Support System containing an assessment of the existing
situation on the scheme as well as an assessment of development trends that will affect and guide
future planning. This document is submitted as an Interim draft as it acknowledges that the intended
agro-economic study that would have confirmed the status of agriculture on the scheme has yet to
provide sufficient details of these aspects to the standard achieved by the other disciplines. A final
version of the SEA will be submitted following the analysis of the survey.

We note that the Project title is for the Preparation for Management Modernisation of the Jatiluhur
Irrigation System (JIS). In fact the JIS also provides water for domestic, municipal and industrial water
supply (DMI WS), and aquaculture needs and also provides hydropower. Consequently the study is
for a much broader water management modernisation and requires a comprehensive understanding
of water quantity and quality, landuse changes, infrastructural, environmental and social constraints
and all aspects of water management practices.

This first draft emphasizes the requirements of the ToR for formulating the SEA by obtaining primary
and secondary data. Whilst resolving the ToR requirements the PMMJIS team notes the needs for an
IWRM approach that recognises the influences of the whole contributing river basins towards all
aspects of water source provision and development dynamics. An aspect of the study is to define the
difference between the present intended (how is the system supposed to be managed), and actual
(how the system is really managed) management practices and present management environment
and trends herein.

The main objectives of the SEA are reflected in the main tasks emphasizing the relation of external
and internal conditions and processes affecting water management development:

Review of water availability for the present situation and under different scenarios of land
use trends, hydrology, climate change, and main dam operations.
Review of water use and water needs in Jatiluhur for the present situation and under
different scenarios of land use change, agricultural practice, and DMI requirements.
Assessment of the effectiveness of current irrigation practices in Jatiluhur
Assessment of legal framework, institutions and human resources
Assessment of condition and functionality of infrastructure and facilities
Assessment of management information and decision support systems and procedures.
The environmental constraints acting on the JIS and specifically sediment, floating debris,
drainage, flooding and coastal erosion.
Preparations for irrigation modernisation and recommendations for selecting two
modernisation pilot schemes, one being the ETC, the other a sectional area and secondary
canal as an advanced design, and their management.
The above main tasks are broken down into subtasks which are consolidated into a synthesis of
findings and recommendations to be integrated into the SEA in preparation for Management
Planning. The progress of the studies is measured in percentages and qualifying explanatory notes
under the sub-task headings in quarterly progress reports.

Part 1 General Background
1 Introduction

1.1 Strategic Environment Assessment Annexes

This document sets out the Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA) which provides the baseline for
Preparing the Management Modernisation of the Jatiluhur Irrigation System (JIS). It is provisional as
the completion depends on primary information to be obtained through an agro-economic survey
that has been delayed for financial reasons. The Annexes to the main document that provide the
detailed support material are presented by specialisation. Also included are reports prepared during
the SEA phase of studies and are:

Annex 1: Land Resources and Spatial Planning

Annex 2: Water Availability
Annex 3: Operations and Irrigation Infrastructure
Annex 4: Sediment and Floating Debris Constraints
Annex 5: Institutions and Human Resources
Annex 6: MIS and Computer Modelling
Annex 7: Flood, Coastal Erosion Risks and Drainage.

1.2 Terms of Reference

The strategic environment assessment (SEA) consists of a review and analysis of the present
intended (how is the system supposed to be managed), and actual (how is the system really
managed) management practice and present management environment and trends herein, of the
Jatiluhur irrigation system and comprises the following tasks:

(i) Water availability and water management practice

a. Assess water availability for and water needs and use in the Jatiluhur system.
b. Review the existing dam operations and their impact on irrigation water availability.
c. Review the present official operation and maintenance policy and guidelines (the
intended), and assess those applied in reality)the actual), analyze causes, sources,
adaptations and solutions to water shortage.
d. Assess effectiveness of the present irrigation management practices by comparing
intended with actual service delivery on all tiers levels of the system including an
assessment of :

water acquisition process for irrigation;

water allocation and the existence and use of formal/informal water use rights and
golongan systems;
distribution systems with its gilirans /rotations;

the water delivery and measurement at the various interfaces between the different
management tiers;
drainage, identify the bottlenecks and constraints explaining the difference between
actual and intended and provide options for improvement;
identify the informal actors involved and their impact on the performance and
productivity of the Jatiluhur system;
review occurrence of illegal canal water abstractions and make recommendations on
the interventions (institutional/social/technical) to mitigate the problem.

e. Review and analyze the collection, processing and information systems in terms of
hardware, software and procedures on observations, collection, processing, reporting,
archiving and dissemination of data that are to underlie the water and system management
decisions on water allocation, distribution , delivery and their monitoring and maintenance
f. Evaluate the cropping intensities, and productivity as a function of adequacy and equity
levels in the provision of irrigation and drainage services, assess trends in changes in
cropping pattern, crop choice and land use intensity and analyze farm budgets, costs and
benefits of dry season agriculture.

(ii) Institutions and human resources

a. Assess the present institutional and legal framework and that regulates the
governance, planning, financing and implementation of irrigation service delivery.
b. Assess the coordination and role sharing mechanism s of related institutions in the
irrigation management in main, secondary, sub secondary and tertiary level of
c. Evaluate the availability and effectiveness of management and technical staff and
operational field staff.
d. Assess the effectiveness of Irrigation Commissions in the Jatiluhur area.
e. Assess the irrigation management funding mechanism, their adequacy and
effectiveness and the processes of budget allocation for the various management
activities in the Jatiluhur irrigation system.
f. Coordinate with Component XXX on the methodology developed in the pilot projects
to assess and adapt the roles of GP3A/IP3A and Irrigation Commission in ensuring :
- Effective diagnosis and design of modernization and specification of agreed
levels of irrigation service.
- Effective participatory construction in modernization of secondary level
irrigation infrastructures.
- Evaluate the existence of and need for an irrigation extension/information
officer (Penyuluh Pengairan).

(iii) Infrastructure and facilities

a. Update the inventory on the condition of the irrigation and drainage main system
infrastructure, and include the existing main and secondary canal infrastructure in an
asset register following DGWR guidelines.

b. Review and evaluate present flow control systems and measurement systems on
utility, functionality, manageability and condition, including scoring in asset
c. Review and evaluate the present practice and assess the performance of sediment
exclusion facilities and options for improvement in sediment management in the
irrigation systems, the utility of modeling silt transport in large canal networks using
a range of off-the shelf software.
d. Review and assess the present need, functionality and condition of communication,
data collection and information systems and the human resources, financial capacity
to operate and maintain these properly.

1.3 Comments on the Terms of Reference

1.3.1 Integrated Water Resources Management

There is no specific mention in the Scope of Works of the IWRM context, nor is there any reference
to the Citarum Road Map developed under the ICWRIMP (ADB), considered to be valuable as
possible framework for the irrigation modernization of Jatiluhur. This would include the Basin Water
Management and Operation Plan which has since developed into two phases:

The Pola which incorporates the views and discussions held with the key stakeholders and
representatives of water users and members of civil society on various development and water
based proposals. The Pola should be carried out in two phases: as part of the DSS so the planners are
fully aware of the aspirations of the stakeholders; and at the end of the planning exercise to help
evaluate which intervention options should go forward.
The Rencana the formulated river basin plan emerging from the analytical Framework and Pola
consultations and is a Sustainable Management Plan that incorporates integrated water resources
management (IWRM).

There are similarly no links mentioned with the Spatial Planning and Agricultural Agencies. The
Management Plan to be developed will be a product of DGWR of the Ministry of Public Works and
Housing, rather than an integrated multi-sector plan as recommended by the Consultant for the
Jatiluhur Irrigation System.

Whilst the ToR quite rightly focuses on the JJS, irrigated areas for the study and the existing situation
and practices and ongoing trends, there are outside impacts that cannot be ignored:

Degredation of the catchment areas where increasing volumes of sediment are

generated that clog some of the canals. This problem will increase in future with more
intense rainfall if substantial catchment management practices are not introduced.
Floods from the catchment that put some of the diversion weirs and flood protection
embankments at risk and will increase in future with climate change.
Pollution of streams diverted for DMI and irrigation from urban and industrial
development in the catchment and on the scheme that renders some irrigation water
unsuitable for crop growth, and especially salad crops due to faecal contamination and
spinach crops due to absorbsion of heavy metals.
Garbage disposed into streams and canals which, along with floating weeds and dead
timber, clog culverts and irrigation structures risking overtopping and failure.

Inundation of some 20,000 ha of low lying areas near the coast, but some 62,000 ha
within 2.5m of mean sea level that will be threatened by sea level rise.
Coastal erosion that in two areas has advanced some 4km partly owing to mangrove
destruction and likely to rapidly increase due to expected sea level rise.
Social changes brought about by urban and industrial development that reduces and
isolated rice areas, increases flooding and affects labour trends away from farming.

In accordance with the environmental impact of the above, further study has been added to the
PMMJIS study framework and an additional chapter called Environmental Factors affecting the JIS
has been added to the SEA text.

1.3.2 Participation in Formulating the Management Plan

Indonesia has a vast store of planning work and advice on irrigation management carried out by
consultants, but this has often had little buy-in by DGWR staff if they have had little or no
participation or responsibility for producing it. Consequently little of this work has been adopted and
implemented, or implemented in a different way than planned. Lack of participation by government
operational staff often leads to misunderstanding the planning methodology that was used and their
outcome. Concepts of management needs for irrigation modernisation are new, complex and easily
misunderstood. One aspect to avoid during the PMMJIS is to work and produce plans in a vacuum
without inputs from those high level managers that will administer the Management Plan and the
lower level managers that will have to carry it out.

Participation and commitment are drivers for understanding, approval and correct implementation.
The World Bank Project Information Document (PID) at Appraisal Stage, Report No.AB6147 states
that a special PIU will be established for the Jatiluhur Component in BBWS Citarum under the NPIU
Irrigation in cooperation with PJTII. At Provincial and District levels, PIUs will be established for all
participating District and Provinces at the respective Bappeda, Dinas SDA and Dinas Pertanian.
Coordination will be done by PMUs established at the local Bappeda. The project management and
implementation units will be assisted by a number of technical assistance consultant teams.
However, there is no statement that the PIU will be composed of experienced staff in Jatiluhur
The Team Direksi is formulated from the BBWS Citarum manager, the BBWS PIU manager, Directors
of PJT2, Provincial PSDA, BAPPEDA, Dinas Pertanian and BANGDA of the participating provinces. They
should continue to meet with the Consultants on a 3 monthly basis and during workshops to provide
policy and make key decisions regarding the Management Plans to be produced.

It is suggested that a second level Working Group (JWG/Task Force) should be formed from the
operating managers from these organisations and the Section Managers of PJTII for operation of the
Curug and Walahar headworks, the East Tarum canal (ETC) and the Section head of the selected
secondary system pilot area (currently Binong Section is recommended) to assist the Consultants in
preparing the management plan framework. They would contribute in proposing and deciding on
practical options and solutions and then help formulate the working documents that they will use to
manage the JIS. During the formulation of the Management and Action Plans they should initially
meet with the Consultants on a monthly basis. The JWG/Task Force would be set up as a non-
permanent body for the life of the Project.

The JWG/TF would be responsible for:

Meeting the Consultants on a regular basis to discuss aspects of O&M on the scheme.

Developing a comprehensive understanding of modernization of irrigation management and
service level improvement through benchmarking performance management.
Joining with the Consultants to analyse irrigation system constraints and proposed solutions.
Contributing to sections of the Management Plan that through their knowledge base they
are best fitted to do.
Helping to explain to the Team Direksi the basis for recommendations made in the Draft
Management Plan to facilitate approval.

1.4 This Report

This preliminary SEA report is a working document which will be augmented during the inputs of the
PPMJIS team as the results from several surveys become available. This first draft emphasizes the
requirements of the ToR for formulating the Strategic Environment Assessment (EA) by obtaining
primary and secondary data. The first part of the report, The General Background contains an
introduction to the study and a description of the JIS.

The second part of the report covers the strategic environment assessment of the (JIS) including the
command area. In the methodology of the study the Consultants have taken cognisance of the
DGWR guideline on Modernising Irrigation1 shown schematically in Figure 1-1 and based on the five
pillars of irrigation. During the Inception Period the Consultants prepared a framework based on the
five pillars, shown here as Figure 1-1. The framework shows seven main groups of activities that have
been used as chapter headings with the groups encompassing the tasks set out in the ToR.

Figure 1-1 DGWR Five Pillars of Irrigation

Pedoman Umum Modernisasi Irigasi, September 2015, DPUPR, Direktorat SDA, Direktorat Irigasi dan Rawa

Figure 1-1 Sequencing of Modernisation Study

It is noted that the Project title covers the management of the Jatiluhur Irrigation System (JIS). In fact
the JIS also provides water for domestic, municipal and industrial water supply (DMI WS),
aquaculture needs and the main water source also provides hydropower. Consequently the study is
for a much broader water management modernisation and requires a comprehensive understanding
of water quantity and quality, landuse changes, infrastructural, environmental and social constraints
and all aspects of water management practices. Information and planning tools need to be
developed within a PMMJIS DSS from which to make knowledge based decisions when preparing the
proposed Management Plan (MP) for water management modernisation.

One objective is to assess the effectiveness of present water management and irrigation practices by
comparing the intended with actual service delivery at all tier levels of the system, as a main input
for the development of scenarios and the water management plan. Consequently data collection has
included visits to PJTII Section and Pengamat offices visited in the field to share information on
actual field conditions, cropping calendars and water allocation procedures.

A short third section has been added to the report entitled Context of Environmental Impacts and
Preparation for Irrigation Modernisation. These subjects are not within the ToR for the SEA but
essential for explaining the SEA and some major risks to it.

Whilst resolving the ToR requirements the PMMJIS team notes the needs for an IWRM approach that
recognises the influences of the whole contributing river basins towards all aspects of water source
provision and development dynamics. In section 1.2 (i).

The SEA needs to raise awareness of the importance of modernising the JIS water management to
prepare the system for the future challenges that are likely to include water shortages and other
impacts of climate change. Initial reconnaissance visits have highlighted the necessity of removing
constraints to both modernising water management as well as removing threats to parts of the
system sustainability through No Regret Measures (NRMs). The detailed studies, investigations and
DED for these NRMs are currently outside the ToR and need including within an addendum to the

Irrigation modernization entails a long process of institutional reform. Technical measures such as
automation of infrastructure and real time monitoring are means to support the overall objective of
a more efficient management and a change from a supply oriented to a demand driven service
delivery to the farmers, requiring a change of culture of the involved agencies. Integrating external
processes, institutional requirements and the technical needs will be a major challenge for the
modernization effort.

Relevant irrigation and lending agencies have a different emphasis on what entails the
modernization of irrigation, whereas the concepts have evolved and have been updated over the
years. There are various standards and planning requirements to follow when setting out an
approach and methodology to irrigation modernisation that can be complementary, rather than
exclusive. What is more important is to learn from recent lessons, and take these up in the
modernization approach for Jatiluhur.

The size of the JIS suggests that modernisation is not going to be possible to achieve over a short
period of time. In fact the JIS is being considered as a pilot project for others to follow. During the
inception period the team suggested developing pilot schemes: one for a main canal and one for a
secondary distribution area where new procedures and innovations could be tried. As the main
thrust of modernisation is for management change the pilot concept applies as much to the

management organisations as the physical areas and the infrastructure upgrading. The detailed
assessment of such organisations, their command areas and the preparation studies are not well
covered by the ToR but will be prepared for in the SEA whilst proposals for detailed modernisation
design will be covered in the proposed addendum.

In general terms the Consultants have followed the DG guideline 2 on modernising irrigation which
emphasises on readiness for modernisation and states:

Some irrigation schemes in Indonesia are badly damaged and have inadequate function to be
modernized because performance of the system is too low. Modernising such irrigation schemes is
very costly and is ineffective. Well performing irrigation schemes can directly enter the modernization
process whilst lower performing schemes should be upgraded as preparation for modernization.
Accordingly, each irrigation scheme which is intended to be modernized should be screened using the
analysis of IKMI as shown in the guideline document.

1.5 Objectives

The main objectives of the SEA are reflected in the main tasks emphasizing the relation of external
and internal conditions and processes affecting water management development:
Review of water availability for the present situation and under different scenarios of land
use trends, hydrology, climate change, and main dam operations

Review of water use and water needs in Jatiluhur for the present situation and under
different scenarios of land use change, agricultural practice, and DMI requirements

Assessment of the effectiveness of current irrigation practices in Jatiluhur

Assessment of legal framework, institutions and human resources

Assessment of condition and functionality of infrastructure and facilities

Assessment of management information and decision support systems and procedures

The above main tasks are broken down into subtasks. The progress of the studies is measured in
percentages and qualifying explanatory notes under the sub-task headings in quarterly progress

Separately the task is described for the consolidation and synthesis of findings and conclusions and
the integration thereof into the Strategic Environment Assessment Report.

In essence the overall objective of the report is to develop a study DSS that can enable the
Consultants, Client and key stakeholders to make informed decisions in proposing achievable
improvements that will modernise the JIS water management.

1.6 Layout of the SEA

The layout of the discussion note follows the following format:

Part 1: General Background

Pedoman Umum Modernisasi Irigasi, DPU, DGWR, Directorate of Irrigation and Lowland

Chapter 1 provides an introduction, sets out study objectives and provides overall information on the
proposed study approach.

Chapter 2 describes a brief history of the JIS and formulation of the study.

Part 2: The strategic Environment Assessment

Chapter 3 sets out the water availability to the JIS and an assessment of future climate and
catchment trends that will affect future water availability.

Chapter 4 is a review of planned and actual water use on the JIS for the present situation and under
different scenarios of land use change, agricultural practice, and DMI requirements. It includes
review of previous system water balances, the development of a more practical water balance based
on actual practice and proposes a future cropping patterns and considerations to minimise the
intake of sediment laden flows.

Chapter 5 sets out operational details of the Juanda reservoir, the Curug and Walahar headworks
and the JIS.

Chapter 6 is an assessment of legal framework, institutions and human resources in managing the JIS
including the water users.

Chapter 7 will assess the condition and functionality of infrastructure and facilities.

Chapter 8 will contain an assessment of management information and decision support systems and
procedures including computer models of the JIS.

Part 3: Context of Environmental Issues and Preparations for Modernisation

Chapter 9 deals with IWRM issues and environmental concerns from external areas and covers
assessment of catchment condition, sediment, floating debris, pollution, drainage, flood
management and coastal erosion issues.

Chapter 10 will contain a summary of preparations for modernising irrigation management including
recommendations for pilot modernisation areas within JIS.

2 History of JIS and background to the PMMJIS
2.1 Introduction

Contractual aspects of Preparation for Modernization of the Management of the Jatiluhur Irrigation
System (PMMJIS), under the Second Water Resources and Irrigation Sector Management Project
(WISMP-2), World Bank Loan No. IBRD 8027-ID are provided in the Inception Report.

The inception report also contains a history of the planning, design and construction of the JIS as well
as the background to the WISMP2 loan project. Only a brief outline is provided this this chapter.

The final version of the Inception Report was submitted on 16 April 2016.

2.2 Brief Description of the Citarum River Basin and JIS System

The Jatiluhur Irrigation System (JIS) is located in the downstream coastal zone of the Citarum River
Basin in West Java Province and covers a current irrigation command area of some 224,500 ha3 of
irrigable land. The main water source for the JIS is the Citarum River and its cascade of dams:
Saguling, Cirata and Juanda. The Citarum River basin covers an area of 11,325 km2 whilst the river is
some 300 km in length and is the largest river in West Java Province. Some 14 million people live in
the Citarum basin. The areas supplied by the West Tarum Canal (WTC) also can receive flows from
the catchments of smaller rivers via weirs on the Cibekasi, Cikarang and Cibeet4. The East Tarum
Canal (ETC) intercepts, or contributes to, flows in some 8 rivers, the largest being Ciherang, Cilamaya,
Cigadung, and Cipunagara. The contributing catchment areas to the JIS are shown on Figure 2-1

The water resources of the Citarum River basin are essential for domestic, municipal, and industrial
(DMI) needs, agriculture, electricity generation through hydropower, and fisheries. The three multi-
purpose dams on the Citarum River supply electricity to Bandung and Greater Jakarta and also
contribute to 80% of the piped drinking water for Jakarta.

The modernization of the Jatiluhur Irrigation System (JIS) cannot be seen separate from the
developments and processes in the Citarum River basin and minor catchments. In addition to the
land conversion out of irrigated agriculture and competing water demands, the Jatiluhur Irrigation
System is also affected by hydrological changes, poor water quality, and high sedimentation rates
due to developments and conditions in the connected river basins upstream of JIS.

The development of Jatiluhur irrigation system started with the construction of the Walahar Barrage
in the Citarum River, completed in 1925. The barrage diverts water into the North Tarum Canal (NTC)
which is 77 km in length with a design discharge of 87 m3/sec to irrigate an area of 90,817 ha. The
Salamdarma Weir on Cipunagara River was built in 1923 to irrigate a 36,000 ha irrigation scheme and
is now the termination point of the ETC. The Jatiluhur Irrigation Project, conceived in 1957 to
supplement the run-of-the-river technical irrigation systems in the Citarum River Basin, was
completed in 1981. It is the largest continuous rice producing irrigation system in Indonesia. A
schematic map of the JIS is shown on Figure 2-2 showing supply weirs and irrigation areas.

Command area as measured by PJTII Instruksi Direksi 2015. The original design area was 237,000 ha and the
GIS measured area of irrigated fields is 216,800 ha.
Ongoing rehabilitation of the WTC has isolated and separated the Cibeet and Bekasi intercepted flows from
the WTC owing to the high sediment and pollution flows in those two rivers.

Figure 2-1 Citarum River Basin and Jatiluhur Irrigation Scheme

Figure 2-2 Schematic Layout of the Jatiluhur Irrigation System (JIS)

The multipurpose Jatiluhur Dam (since renamed the Ir. H. Juanda Dam) was constructed from 1957
till 1965 with the objective of securing water for the JIS. The Cirata Reservoir is located upstream of
Jatiluhur was built between 1984 and 1988 with the main purpose of hydro-electric power
generation, but also to provide water for other uses and to provide flood control. The Saguling
Reservoir is the most upstream in the cascade of three reservoirs was primarily built between 1983-
1986 to provide hydropower.

The three Tarum main canals also provide services for domestic, municipal and domestic (DMI) water
supply and for increasing areas of fresh water fishponds and indirectly for brackish water
aquaculture adjacent to the north coast. The WTC is the main conveyance canal for the DMI water
supply for conurbations adjacent to the canal and for the capital city of Jakarta. Since construction
the Jatiluhur Irrigation Scheme has gradually been converted into urban and industrial
developments, spreading east from Jakarta and along the toll road. The irrigated area has reduced
from a maximum of some 240,000 ha to an area of 219,000 ha by 2015.

2.3 World Bank and ADB Support

Since Reformasi in 1998 the JIS has received management and rehabilitation support with significant
improvement in many aspects, through the World Bank-supported:

Water Resources Sector Adjustment Loan (WATSAL, 1999-2004).

The Indonesia Water Resources and Irrigation Reform Implementation Program (IWIRIP,
2001- 2004)
The first phase of the Water Resources and Irrigation Sector Management Program (WISMP-
1, 2005-2010) and
The WISMP-2 loan (2011 to the present).

Further details of these projects can be found in the Inception Report.

The ADB has also supported the scheme through the Participatory Irrigation Sector Project (PISP,
2005-2012) and the Integrated Citarum Water Resources Management Investment Project
(ICWRMIP) through their components for the 6 Cis program, 2009-2016 and the ADB Loan No. P1
2501-INO, PFR-1 Rehabilitation of the West Tarum Canal.


The WISMP-2 Loan No. IBRD 8027-ID became effective on October 6th 2011. The closing date was set
at November 30th 2016, but was recently extended till 31 st May 2018, due to delays in
implementation as well as loan savings. In the Aide Memoire of November 2015 the Bank Mission
states for instance that just over 40 % of the total loan has been disbursed when already 80 % of the
original 5-year loan period had expired.

The WISMP-2 Program includes the main components and sub-components relevant to Jatiluhur as

Component 1: Basin Water Resources Management Improvement

Component 2: Participatory Irrigation Management Improvement

Component 3: Jatiluhur Irrigation Management Improvement

3(a) Improvement of Jatiluhur Irrigation System management institutions in conjunction with
Component 2(a):

(i) establishment and strengthening of participatory irrigation management institutions at

various levels,
(ii) development of effective interagency management arrangements, and
(iii) development of a funding mechanism for management of the Jatiluhur Irrigation System.

3(b) Rehabilitation and improvement of irrigation and drainage infrastructure in Jatiluhur

Irrigation System (16 contracts):

(i) removal of bottlenecks in East and North Tarum Canals

(ii) rehabilitation of secondary irrigation systems

3(c) Preparation for overall rehabilitation and modernization of the Jatiluhur Irrigation System
(PMMJIS, this Project):

(i) provision of technical assistance with the implementation of Part 3 (b)

(ii) preparation of management, institutional, and technical design and tender documents for
future modernization of East and North Tarum Canals and future rehabilitation of additional
secondary irrigation systems.

Of particular interest to PMMJIS are the WISMP-2 activities under BWRM and IoPIM (Public
Works), ASIM (Agriculture) and IDPIM (Bangda). Even though the late start of the
Modernization Study may limit cooperation with activities that are about to be completed,
and even while some activities were not implemented in the Jatiluhur Irrigation System area,
the outcomes and lessons learned where useful should be absorbed by the Modernization

The activities under 3(b), the removal of bottlenecks in North and East Tarum and the
rehabilitation of selected secondary infrastructure, including the feasibility and design
studies for these works will be important for the irrigation system review and modernization
concepts to be developed. The same holds for the current works and previous investigations
on the West Tarum Canal (ADB).

Part 2: Strategic Environment Assessment
3 Water Availability
3.1 Catchment Areas and Land Resource Scenarios

This section deals with the upstream catchment areas in terms of:
1) Definition of the upstream catchments areas.
2) Review of the current land use of the catchment areas.
3) Current spatial plans for the catchment areas.
4) Scenarios for projection of the land use changes in the catchment areas.
5) Description of the expected impacts of these changes.

3.1.1 Definition of the upstream catchment areas

The catchment areas in this analysis are defined as the upstream catchment areas providing
(additional) water to the irrigation systems in the JIS project area. Some smaller rivers are neglected
if they dont have weirs to control the diversion flows to the irrigation canals. The catchment
upstream of Juanda reservoir is the main source of irrigation water and there are 15 smaller
catchments contributing to the water availability. Water availability concerns therefore both the
flows from the Juanda reservoir in the Citarum River and the additional water made available from
the smaller upstream catchments.

Figure 3-1 shows the catchment areas of the main streams along with the current legalized DAS map.
Table 3-1 shows the catchment areas including the part of the catchment that lies inside the PMMJIS
area. The latter is relevant to avoid double counting in the water balance. Greater details of
catchment area land resources are presented in Annexe 1 to this report. Table 3-1 shows the list of
the upstream catchments areas with the land use (grouped in 6 relevant categories).
Table 3-1 Upstream catchments areas contributing to irrigation water

ID Description of the catchment Catchment (km2) Area in JIS (%)

1 Sungai Bekasi up to Bendung Bekasi 383.6
2 Sungai Cikarang up to Bendung Cikarang 226.3
3 Sungai Cilemahabang up to Bendung Lemahabang 82.3 17%
4 Sungai Cibeet up to Bendung Cibeet 533.4
5 Sungai Cikao / Citarum up to Bendung Curug 282.6
6 Sungai Citarum between Juanda and Bendung Walahar 64.1 33%
7 Sungai Cilamaya up to Bendung Barugbug 338.9
8 Sungai Cijengkol up to Bendung Jengkol 236.5 21%
9 Sungai Ciasem up to Bendung Macan 287.0
10 Sungai Cirandu up to Bendung Pawelutan 8.4 100%
11 Sungai Cigadung up to Bendung Gadung 187.1 10%
12 Sungai Cipunegara up to Bendung Salam Darma 884.7
13 Sungai Cipancuh up to PMMJIS 115.0
14 Sungai Cibinuang up to PMMJIS 76.3
15 Sungai Cilalanang up to PMMJIS 69.6
Upper Citarum up to Juanda reservoir 4624.8

Figure 3-1 Definition of the upstream catchments contributing to irrigation water availability

3.1.2 Review of the current land use

The current land use is based on a combination of data sources such as the BIG land use map
published in 2014 (but digitization date of the project area is unknown but likely it is digitized many
years ago); the map of paddy fields for 2010/2011 as published by the Ministry of Agriculture based
on detailed remote sensing imagery (Peta Audit Lahan Sawah) as well as the 2010/2011 imagery
from Google Earth. It was used to populate the starting year database of the Java Spatial Model (see
also Annexe 1 for a full description of the data sources and the process of improving the start land
use data set)

Table 3-2 shows the existing land use / land cover in each upstream catchment by category.

Table 3-2 Current land use by upstream catchment.

Paddy Dryland Other

Urban area Plantation Forest
ID Description of the catchment field agriculture area
km2 % km2 % km2 % km2 % km2 % km2 %
1 Bekasi 212.6 55% 12.3 3% 47.8 12% 40.5 11% 20.9 5% 49.5 13%
2 Cikarang 73.3 32% 56.5 25% 16.1 7% 23.5 10% 7.7 3% 49.3 22%
3 Cilemahabang 38.9 47% 16.3 20% 3.7 5% 1.3 2% 0.0 0% 22.1 27%
4 Cibeet 37.1 7% 89.2 17% 60.9 11% 82.6 15% 108.2 20% 155.3 29%
5 Cikao / Citarum 56.6 20% 47.9 17% 37.0 13% 52.0 18% 30.6 11% 58.5 21%
Citarum between Juanda and
6 8.4 13% 15.7 24% 11.0 17% 5.4 8% 5.0 8% 18.6 29%
7 Cilamaya 40.9 12% 68.1 20% 20.4 6% 151.0 45% 5.6 2% 53.0 16%
8 Cijengkol 29.2 12% 83.9 35% 15.0 6% 84.1 36% 0.0 0% 24.3 10%
9 Ciasem 30.6 11% 31.1 11% 35.6 12% 108.2 38% 21.3 7% 60.4 21%
10 Cirandu 1.2 14% 6.2 74% 0.1 1% 0.4 5% 0.0 0% 0.5 6%
11 Cigadung 42.9 23% 114.4 61% 3.9 2% 19.0 10% 0.0 0% 7.5 4%
12 Cipunegara 82.5 9% 158.8 18% 112.4 13% 195.4 22% 114.2 13% 221.4 25%
13 Cipancuh 14.7 13% 54.4 47% 3.1 3% 29.6 26% 1.6 1% 11.6 10%
14 Cibinuang 8.8 12% 41.3 54% 6.9 9% 12.2 16% 2.7 3% 4.5 6%
15 Cilalanang 3.7 5% 13.7 20% 8.8 13% 29.7 43% 9.1 13% 4.6 7%
Citarum up to Juanda reservoir 1015.7 22% 894.0 19% 605.6 13% 972.8 21% 521.6 11% 458.0 10%
Note: these catchments are up to the weirs as mentioned in table 4.1

3.1.3 Spatial plan upstream catchment areas

Spatial plan zoning areas were collected for the upstream catchment areas at district, province,
special area and island level. According to the spatial law (SPL 26, 2009) the district spatial plans are
predominent, but these should follow the province and higher spatial plans, which can lead to
uncertainty on which plan is actually valid for a certain area. As each spatial plan has its own legend
they have been simplified and harmonised into one a single map for the area (in JSM we must
consider Java island as a whole). Obviously large swathes of the upstream catchments can and
probably will be urbanized as can be seen in Especially near the cities of Jakarta, Bekasi and
Karawang and near the toll road with its planned industrial areas.

Figure 3-2 Harmonised spatial plan for the upstream catchment areas (for the scenario with agricultural protection though LP2B )

3.1.4 Future land use upstream catchment areas

Land use changes that are relevant for conversion of paddy fields are: (i) urbanization (both for
housing and for municipal / industrial purposes), (II) conversion to fish ponds and (iii) land lost due
coastal abrasion. Another relevant land use change for water availability is reforestation as part of
catchment conservation. For the upstream catchments only the urbanisation and reforestation need
to be considered in the scenarios for the future land use.

Coastal abrasion and accretion

The coast line of the PMMJIS project area is far from stable. In fact it would seem that as little as 350
years ago the coastline was still at what are now old coastal ridges many kilometers landwards. This
means that on average in this relatively recent history the coastal land area has been growing at a
considerable rate. It would seem however that in recent years the picture is much more mixed as is
shown in Figure 3-3 for the coastline accretion and abrasion from 1996-2016.

For future land use in the upstream catchment areas we will consider both the effects of 1)
urbanization as the driver for land use change using the Java spatial model and 2) the introduction of
catchment conversation to reduce erosion. The latter includes reforestation of areas that are steeper
than 30 degrees. This is expected to reduce the erosion and to increase the base flows as forests
generally are able to store more water for later release in the dry season.


For urbanisation, we consider two scenarios as follows:

A) with protection for food producing lands (controlled development); and

B) without protection of food producing lands (current trend).

To reduce the conversion of irrigated areas in 2009 Law No 41. 2009 on protection of food
producing land was legalized. It sets out that sustainable food producing land (Lahan Pangan
Pertanian Berkelanjutan or LP2B) which specifically needs to be assigned and then legalized as
protection zone in the district and provincial spatial plans. So far in the project area only the
Indramayu District has already legalized in its spatial plan the protection of paddy fields in the
zoning. In general, the implementation of the protection of food producing land is currently still
considered as weak. (See annexe 1 on land use planning). The A and B scenarios are applied in the
spatial model JSM version 2.2.2 to predict future land use due to urbanisation and population
changes at desa level.

Urbanization scenario A assumes that on top of the already legalized zoning in the spatial plans
protection of the remaining irrigated land is implemented. However due to the already legalized
zoning in the spatial plans for housing and industrial areas in the project and an assumed 80%
government efficiency in implementation of the agricultural protection by 2045 there is still loss of
some of paddy fields in scenario A. On top of that it is expected that development of the Patimban
port as planned will convert about 2,000 ha to urban and industrial area in ETC. Scenario A feeds into
Demand model WD1.

Urbanization scenario B assumes that there will be no protection for food producing land and the
current trend in land conversion will continue unhindered (business as usual). The effect of the
uncontrolled conversion of paddy fields is that urban development will convert more paddy fields
than in scenario A. Scenario B feeds into the demand model WD2.

Catchment conservation

For catchment conservation, we assume that in urbanization scenario A catchment conservation will
be implemented. In principle, this still needs to be worked out in more detail and accompanied by an
intensive GIS analysis to determine which land uses will be managed better and where to reforest.
For now we follow the approach of the 6Ci project where it was assumed that a catchment
conservation approach should include reforestation of all slopes steeper than 30% that are currently
not forested. For the Upper Citarum that means 250 km 2 of reforestation, about half the current
forest area. For now we apply one third as an approximation of the area that should be reforested
for conservation and for now we assume it is converted from the plantation area. The results of the
two scenarios for future land use in the catchment areas are provided in the two tables below.

Table 3-3 Future land use in the optimum protection scenario (A)

Description of the Urban area Paddy field Plantation Forest Other area
ID agriculture
km2 % km2 % km2 % km2 % km2 % km2 %
1 Bekasi 255.7 67% 10.2 3% 27.6 7% 17.6 5% 27.9 7% 44.5 12%
2 Cikarang 138.8 61% 33.4 15% 7.3 3% 6.6 3% 10.3 5% 29.9 13%
3 Cilemahabang 76.2 93% 3.8 5% 0.0 0% 0.2 0% 0.0 0% 2.1 3%
4 Cibeet 103.5 19% 78.8 15% 47.7 9% 26.9 5% 142.9 27% 133.7 25%
5 Cikao / Citarum 93.7 33% 41.6 15% 29.5 10% 25.8 9% 40.5 14% 51.5 18%
Citarum between
6 Juanda and 18.6 29% 11.5 18% 8.7 14% 2.8 4% 6.3 10% 16.2 25%
7 Cilamaya 73.2 22% 62.1 18% 16.2 5% 130.7 39% 7.4 2% 49.4 15%
8 Cijengkol 44.2 19% 78.5 33% 13.9 6% 77.4 33% 0.0 0% 22.5 10%
9 Ciasem 51.1 18% 30.7 11% 32.6 11% 88.2 31% 28.3 10% 56.2 20%
10 Cirandu 1.6 19% 6.1 73% 0.0 1% 0.2 2% 0.0 0% 0.5 6%
11 Cigadung 57.7 31% 107.9 58% 2.7 1% 12.5 7% 0.0 0% 6.9 4%
12 Cipunegara 123.4 14% 149.6 17% 99.9 11% 143.5 16% 151.9 17% 216.4 24%
13 Cipancuh 17.9 16% 52.9 46% 3.0 3% 28.5 25% 2.1 2% 10.4 9%
14 Cibinuang 11.9 16% 39.7 52% 6.3 8% 11.0 14% 3.6 5% 3.9 5%
15 Cilalanang 5.3 8% 13.1 19% 8.5 12% 26.4 38% 12.1 17% 4.3 6%
Citarum up to
1493.2 32% 758.7 16% 470.2 10% 536.1 12% 769.4 17% 440.1 10%
Juanda reservoir

As can be seen from the table in comparison with the situation in 2015 that the urban areas in the
catchments close to Jakarta, Bekasi and Karawang are becoming highly urbanised. This concerns the
first three catchment areas of the table Bekasi, Cikarang and Cilemahabang. This will have
consequences on the water availability as it means faster runoff in the rainy season and reduced
infiltration to groundwater that may lead to lower flows in the dry season.

Figure 3-3 shows the urbanisation at 40% urban area per desa or more in the year 2045 in scenario A

Figure 3-3 Scenario A urbanisation in 2045 showing desa with 40% or more urban area in red

Figure 3-4 Scenario B urbanisation in 2045 showing desa with 40% or more urban area in red

In the two figures above it is clear that especially the most western of the upper catchment are
heavily influenced urbanisation. This also follows from the special plan which has these areas as
urban zones.

The next table shows the future land use in 2045 according to scenario B. It shows an increase in
urban area at the cost of other land uses, including paddy fields and dryland agriculture.

Table 3-4 Future land use in the current trend scenario (B)

Description of the Urban area Paddy field Plantation Forest Other area
ID agriculture
km2 % km2 % km2 % km2 % km2 % km2 %
1 Bekasi 266.5 69% 8.4 2% 24.9 6% 25.2 7% 20.9 5% 37.6 10%
2 Cikarang 129.6 57% 33.5 15% 10.1 4% 14.1 6% 7.7 3% 31.3 14%
3 Cilemahabang 71.0 86% 3.7 4% 1.7 2% 0.1 0% 0.0 0% 5.8 7%
4 Cibeet 81.8 15% 76.9 14% 55.0 10% 73.1 14% 108.2 20% 138.4 26%
5 Cikao / Citarum 95.7 34% 33.8 12% 31.8 11% 40.0 14% 30.6 11% 50.6 18%
Citarum between
6 14.8 23% 13.3 21% 9.6 15% 4.8 7% 5.0 8% 16.6 26%
Juanda and Walahar
7 Cilamaya 70.2 21% 59.1 17% 17.7 5% 137.8 41% 5.6 2% 48.5 14%
8 Cijengkol 42.2 18% 78.7 33% 14.1 6% 78.7 33% 0.0 0% 22.7 10%
9 Ciasem 48.6 17% 27.3 9% 33.5 12% 100.0 35% 21.3 7% 56.5 20%
10 Cirandu 2.0 24% 5.5 66% 0.1 1% 0.4 4% 0.0 0% 0.4 5%
11 Cigadung 59.9 32% 101.1 54% 3.4 2% 16.6 9% 0.0 0% 6.7 4%
12 Cipunegara 121.1 14% 147.1 17% 105.7 12% 186.1 21% 114.2 13% 210.6 24%
13 Cipancuh 18.5 16% 51.4 45% 3.0 3% 29.3 25% 1.6 1% 11.1 10%
14 Cibinuang 11.2 15% 39.6 52% 6.6 9% 12.0 16% 2.7 3% 4.3 6%
15 Cilalanang 4.9 7% 13.0 19% 8.6 12% 29.5 42% 9.1 13% 4.5 6%
Citarum up to Juanda
1554.7 34% 626.9 14% 511.5 11% 848.2 18% 521.3 11% 405.1 9%

In comparison with scenario A the urbanisation proceeds faster due to the lack of protection for the
agricultural areas.

3.1.5 Impacts of the land use change on the water availability from the upstream areas.
In general, it is expected that urban area is more impervious than the original vegetated land use,
leading to an increase of direct surface run-off and a reduction in the infiltration to the ground
water. This may lead to increases in the peak flows in the rainy season and reduced flows in the dry

How much change in peak flow occurs depends on many circumstances such as the saturation of the
soil and the infiltration capacity. For rainfall events where the soil is already saturated there is not
much difference, especially for soils with a low infiltration capacity.

The reduction in infiltration to the groundwater may reduce the amount of water stored in the soils
and that can reduce the outflows in the dry season. Reforestation may increase the amount of water
stored in the soil and hence the low flows. Other effects to be taken into account for the water
availability of the upstream catchment areas are:
1. Increase in (net) DMI consumption due to population and urbanisation;
2. Decrease in (net) irrigation water demands due to loss of irrigated paddy fields;
3. Parts of the upper catchment areas are within the project area. In the project all irrigation
water demands are already included in the water balance so to avoid double counting the
(net) irrigation water demand of paddy fields inside the project areas must be added to the
available water.
4. Storage reduction in the three Citarum reservoirs due to sedimentation.

3.2 Hydrological Data Collection

Hydrological data has been collected, updated and analysed for each of the main catchment areas of
the Citarum and other concerned rivers set out in Table 3-1 and is presented in detail in Annex 2,
Hydrology. Most of this data is derived from the hydrometric network of automatic water level
recorders (AWLR) at the intercepted river weirs and barrages. Data collection and processing from
the last 5 years5 has augmented that collected by the two 2010 KRC Feasibility studies on WTC under
ICWRMIP6 and the ETC and NTC under the WISMP-27. Except for short term observations, only daily
rainfall data of Walahar station were collected for peak flood analysis.
Additional hydrological data was collected as follows:

a. Inflow and outflow at Juanda Reservoir: inflows 1993 2015 and outflow discharge
during the period 2003 - 2015 in the form of daily data in m3/s.
b. Climate data (daily) 1972 - 2015 collected is the climatological data from Juanda Reservoir
station and presented in Annex 2, Appendix 3.
c. Rain Fall data (Daily) from 63 stations over various years from stations on the Jatiluhur
irrigation area divided into three collection divisions, namely:
- Division 1 consists of 19 rain stations,
- Division 2 consists of 21 rain stations and
- Division 3 consists of 23 rain stations.
d. Open surface pan evaporation values along with other climate variables to estimate
open water evaporation and evapotranspiration values for existing and forecasting
increased levels due to global warming
e. Domestic, Municipal and Industrial water supply data 2015
f. Water Quality in Ir. H. Juanda Reservoir (2011 2016)
g. Water quality data from several sources with the main ones being the PJTII ongoing program
from some 137 locations on JIS and the reports prepared by Q Water under a water quality
survey and modelling project under the ICWRMP. Water Quality in West Tarum Canal based
on the EIA Study Rehabilitation of West Tarum Canal conducted in 2012 by PT. KRC.

3.3 Climate

The JIS and catchments located in West Java are subject to a tropical climate with the wet season
between October and April and a drier season between May and September dictated by the inter-
tropical zone of convergence. Climate data has been used with the proposed IPCC scenario for
climate change to determine increased values of evaporation, evapotranspiration and reliable
rainfall in determining crop water requirements for crops.

Discharge of Weirs (daily) for the 2010 2015 period from the weirs at Curug, Walahar, Bekasi, Cikarang,
Cibeet, Barubug, Jengkol, Gadung, Macan and Salamdarma.
Korean Rural Community Corporation (KRC), Jatiluhur Irrigation Management Project, World Bank Loan No.
KRC, Consulting Services for Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for Rehabilitation of
West Tarum Canal, (ADB Loan No. P1 2501-INO)

3.4 Precipitation

Rainfall data is presented in Annex 2. Annual rainfall in the Citarum basin averages from less than
2,000 mm in the flat low-lying northern region, and increases up to more than 4,000 mm in the
mountainous southern part. Most rainfall occurs at the peak of the wet season in January-February,
while July-August are the driest months. An isohyet map is shown on Figure 3-5.

Figure 3-5 Isohyetal map of Citarum Basin

3.5 Analysis of River Flows

The Indonesian and World Bank standard for water availability when planning irrigation projects is
80% dependable flows. This has previously been used by previous studies, including the most recent
by KRC in studies in 2010 to 2012 for both WTC under ICWRMP and ETC and NTC under WISMP II. It
is further complicated by the standard for DMI Water Supply usually taken as 95%. The 80% reliable
flows have been updated by the PMMJIS with the analysis of more recent years data as shown in
Table 3-5 and in Annex 2. The mean and regulated 80% flow based on intake and canal capacities for
the intercepted rivers including that arriving at Juanda dam, released from Juanda Dam, determined
in Cikao, arriving at Curug and Walahar is presented in Annex 2.

Table 3-5 Reliable Riverflows m3/s (80% dependable unregulated) (1971-2015)

It should be noted that each of the weir or barrage intakes and main canals have design capacities
that limit the maximum discharge that can be abstracted at each structure. Consequently tables of
these flows are included in Annex 2.

3.6 Future Water Availability

The future water availability under various climate change scenarios combined with trends in
upstream land conversion (as set out above), and catchment degradation has been assessed with
sets of reliable divertible river flows and reservoir releases set out in in Annex 2. The approach to
future water availability is to first assess how climate change will affect rainfall and then how
anticipated changes in landuse patterns under the two scenarios set out in Section 3.1 will affect
runoff at the intercepting river structures.

3.6.1 Anticipated Impacts of Climate Change on Water Availability

The water availability under various climate change scenarios has been assessed. Researches related
to climate change are implemented in general based on the scenarios developed by the United
Nations (UN) IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). Based on the Fifth Assessment
Report (AR5) from IPCC, the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) were used. A set of four
new pathways was developed for the climate modelling community as a basis for long-term and
near-term modelling as set out in Table 4.6. The four RCPs together span the range up to year 2100
with radiative forcing values found in the open literature, i.e. from 2.6 to 8.5 W/m 2. The historical

(1971-2009) and future (2020-2039) rainfall data in Indonesia were based on the World Banks
Climate Change Knowledge Portal 2.0. The ratio between the historical and future monthly rainfall
data were applied to the daily flow variation, modified by land change scenarios and further
arranged in half monthly tables presented in Annex 2.

Many GCMs (General Circulation Models) were evaluated for IPCC from the Coupled Model Inter-
comparison Project (CMIP5) with the BCC-CSM1.1 model8 selected as it has good performance in the
SE Asia monsoon area. As an example, future unregulated flow water availability in Cibekasi is shown
in Figure 3-6. Under the climate change situation, the water availability increase in wet season, and
decrease in dry season. The water availability of other intercepted rivers and Jatiluhur reservoir also
showed similar results. Note that this runoff model remains to be modified by future land use
change scenarios.

Table 3-6 Overview of Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs)

RCP8.5 Rising radiative forcing pathway leading to 8.5 W/m 2 (~1370 ppm CO2 eq.) by 2100

RCP6.0 Stabilization after 2100 without overshoot pathway to 6 W/m2 (~850 ppm CO2 eq.)

RCP4.5 Stabilization after 2100without overshoot pathway to 4.5 W/m2 (~650 ppm CO2 eq.)

Peak in radiative forcing at ~3 W/m2 (~490 ppm CO2 eq.) before 2100 and then
selected pathway declines to 2.6 W/m2 by 2100.
Reference: The Representative Concentration Pathways: An Overview. Climatic Change (2011), 109,
5-31. DOI 10.1007/s10584-011-0148-z


40 the past (1971-2009; result from KRC)

35 present (1971-2015)
Flow discharge (m3/sec)

future (2020-2039 with climate change)





Jan Feb Maret April Mei Juni Juli Agt Sep Okt Nov Des
Time (semi-month)

Figure 3-6 Choosing a Suitable GCM & RCP in This Project9

Developed by China Meteorological Administration (BCC), Beijing Climate Center (CMA)
Data using 2020-2039 with climate change used BCC-CSM1.1 RCP8.5 scenario (80% dependable flow)

3.7 Water Availability from Citarum Reservoirs and their Operation

The main source of water for the JIS is the Citarum River together with three storage dams in series
that have made a major expansion in irrigated rice possible. Of the Citarum reservoirs, Saguling and
Cirata are principally for the production of hydropower whilst the Juanda reservoir is multipurpose
although principally built for storage for irrigation supply. However, hydropower earns by far the
most income for PJTII so it is understandable if operations tend to favour electric power needs. Since
operation Juanda reservoir has had an increasing role in DMI WS as rice land is converted to industry
and habitation. Inadvertently the reservoirs provide a water filtration system with Saguling absorbing
highly polluted water and exacerbated by extensive floating fish cage operation, but with Juanda
releasing water of relatively good quality. Operating manuals were prepared on completion of the
dams10. Relevant details of the dams and reservoirs can be found on Table 3-7.

Table 3-7 Details of Citarum Reservoirs

Reservoir Unit Juanda Cirata Saguling

Catchment area (Km2) 4,550 4,180 2,362
Total storage (Mm ) 2,685 (1) 1,784 (1,977 in 1998) 560 (889 in 1998)
Active storage (Mm3) 2,100 768 -
Dam height (m) 105 125 99
Spill level (masl) 642.5 219.5 106.5
Flood storage in dry year (Mm ) 41 29 50
Note 1: The dam safety study in 2010 bathymetric survey showed greater storage in 2010 than
earlier surveys casting doubt on their accuracy.

Releases from Juanda dam are shown in Figure 3-7 with the lower cluster of lines typical of
hydropower releases and the higher jagged lines additional releases from the spillway. There
appears to be some adjustment for irrigation requests as during the wet period January to April
releases are relatively low but during the dry season, July to October they rise. A dotted line
indicates typical releases that will be compared to the cropping pattern identified as actual. This is
compared with values of releases provided under the KRC JIMI studies which generally show a
continuing reduction in flows.

Typical Hydropower outflows (m3/s) from the above graph (PMMJIS) are compared to the JIMI
estimates and in general are somewhat lower.

It should be noted that 80% reliable releases from the dam cannot be matched against such releases
from the rivers as there would be a tendency if the reservoir was full at the end of the wet season to
release greater flows during a dry year. This was confirmed by PJTII.

10 Cirata Hydroelectric Power Station, Dam Operating Manual, 1988, The New Japan Engineering Consultants Inc.

Figure 3-7 Releases from Juanda Dam, 1992 to 2013

Poor operation of the reservoir releases caused extensive downstream flooding in 2010 when some
60,000 ha was inundated and 32,000 families 11 had to be temporarily relocated. Since then new
operating rules have been developed that require the upper reservoirs to be maintained with water
levels below 0.5m of the spillway crest and Juanda below 1m of the spillway crest (see section 9.4 on
flood management).

Subsequently two studies were commissioned as part of study programmes to look at more
appropriate and integrated Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). These were:

6Cis12 B1 Report under ADB funding, Review of the Standard Operating Procedure for the
Citarum Reservoirs, 2010.
IBRD Loan, Special Study on Jatiluhur Safety Improvement and Rehabilitation 13, Study of
Citarum Reservoir SOPs.

Standard operating procedures

Early January of each year, the SOPs relevant to that year are determined by the Sekratariat
Pelaksana Koordinasi Tata Pengaturan Air (SPKTPA, Citarum Dams Management Committee). For
example the SOP for 2010 was signed on 12 January 2010 by the Coordinator of the SPKTPA, the
General Manager of PT PLN and the Director for Technical Affairs of PJT-II.
- The SOP is based on the results of the Instruksi Direksi spreadsheet program determined by
the provincial irrigation committee. The method distributes the total live storage of water in
the three reservoirs over the three reservoirs according the so called equal sharing principle,
in which the distribution of the live storage over the three reservoirs is fixed during each

Kompass 21/03/2010 report
12 ICWRMP, TA 7189: Institutional Strengthening for IWRM in the 6Cis River Basin Territory - Package B, DHV et.al.
IBRD Loan No. 7669-ID Part of: Dam Operational Improvement and Safety Project (DOISP), ACE et.al.

month. While determining this distribution of water between the reservoirs, downstream
water demand has to be met and some water level requirements have to be followed.
- The method differentiates between a normal year, a wet year and a dry year, and results in
reservoir operation rule curves for each of these hydrological years, that all start at the
reservoir level that was reached on 1 January of that year.
- A dry year is defined as a year in which during each month of the year the local inflow is the
average of a 10% and a 40% dry month (exceedance frequency).
- To define a normal year, for each month the 50% local inflow value is selected.
- A wet year is defined as a year in which during each month the local inflow is the average of
a 60% and a 90% wet month.
- Elements of the method laid down in the spreadsheet program include:
1. The water level in each of the 3 reservoirs as measured on 1 January forms the starting
point for determining the normal, dry and wet rule curves.
2. For each reservoir a relation between elevation, volume and surface area is determined.
3. For each month the downstream water demand, reservoir evaporation and the
expected local inflow in the each reservoir is estimated (with a distinction between a
normal, dry and wet year).
4. For each month the spreadsheet distributes live storage over the cascade reservoirs
according to fixed percentages, taking into account aspects of point 3.
5. Based on the resulting volumes and water levels, the amount of hydropower that can be
generated is calculated along with the firm power generation capacity.
Rule Curve
The Juanda Reservoir operating rules are proscribed by the Citarum Cascade Reservoirs and
Operating Procedures (DOISP, 2015). The rule curves and operating zones for Juanda reservoir are
given in Figure 3-8 and further details in Annex 3 Operation and Maintenance and Other Engineering

After calculation based on reservoir simulation method with 1993-2015 Juanda reservoir inflow data,
the regulated flow water availability in Jatiluhur reservoir is presented in Annex 2 and can be
compared with the average flows estimated from above.

Figure 3-8 Rule Curves and Operating Zones Used in This Project for Juanda Reservoir

In practice the SPKTPA committee meets on a monthly basis to decide the operating policy for the
next month. If the reservoir levels are between the red and green operating curves they generally
follow the spreadsheet discharges even though the canal capacities may not be able to transmit the
calculated flows. Only when the operating levels are either above or below these lines are there
more exceptional decisions to be made. For example during the El Nino dry season of 2015 there
were more requests for water releases and the Juanda reservoir water level was allowed to descend
to elevation 89m OD.

3.8 Operational Policy on Water Availability

In this section the Consultants are required to review the present official operation policy and
guidelines ('the intended'), and those applied in reality ('the actual') in the provision of available
water. In addition the analysis of causes, sources, adaptations and solutions to water shortage are

The Curug Barrage and WTC and ETC canals were constructed with the view to augment the existing
schemes that they crossed as well as additional land they commanded. Water flowing into the Curug
Barrage was relatively transparent when most came from Juanda Reservoir. At that time most of the
cross canal rivers ran clear of turbidity or at least carried little sediments once the peak of floods
passed. They carried little pollution. During the wet season the cross rivers could independently
supply their command areas from their interception weirs. During the dry season a second crop over
much of the area depended on flows from Curug and all farmers found they could double crop.

In theory the provision of available water into Curug and Walahar Headworks is set out within the
annual West Java Governor Decree and for 2015 is No.521/Kep/1098-Rek/2015 dated 29 Sep 2015.
This is based on the management direction (Instruksi Direksi) issued by the Management of PJTII, No.
1/1.1/Inst/2015 dated 1 Oct 2015 about the annual water allocation plan (Rencana Pokok

Penyediaan Air) on the Provision and Water Use for Wet Season Paddy 2015/2016, Dry Season Paddy
and Second Crop 2016, including Bulk Water for Water Supply, Industry and Plantation for the year
2015/2016 in the Jatiluhur Area. Further details of this management directive and the allocation
process are given in section 5.1.

Previous studies have shown that theoretically the combination of 80% inflows from side rivers
augmented from Citarum inflows combined with active storage in the three reservoirs operated
within the boundary of the rule curve can meet the irrigation demands within the command of the
three main canals. Owing to the heavy sediment loads now in the rivers there should be a change in
operating philosophy to provide all irrigation water during the wet season and when the cross rivers
are turbid from the Citarum river and dam storages as long as the dams can be recharged during the
wet season.

However, current constraints on the canal capacities, leakages and over-irrigation of areas close to
main canals (i.e. the efficiency of actual water use) cannot achieve this. Further details of actual
operation are discussed in section 4.9.2 where water balances show that some water must be taken
from the side rivers, preferably when suspended sediments are low. The ability to provide all
irrigation water assuming rehabilitation of the JIS is completed and improved water management
practices are adopted will be tested in the Water Balance (see section 4.9.3).

4 Water Use and Water Demand

4.1 Review of current land use on JIS

The current land use is based on a combination of data sources such as the Badan Informasi
Geospasial (BIG) land use map published in 2014 (but digitization date of the project area is unknown
but it was probably digitized many years ago). The map of paddy fields for 2010/2011 was published
by the Ministry of Agriculture based on detailed remote sensing imagery (Peta Audit Lahan Sawah)
as well as utilising the 2010/2011 imagery from Google Earth. It was used to populate the starting
year database of the Java Spatial Model (see also Annex 1 for a full description of the data sources
and the process of improving the start land use data set).

Table 4-1 Existing (2015) land use / land cover in each of PMMJIS canal command areas.

Description of Urban area Paddy field Plantation Forest Other area
ID agriculture
the catchment
km2 % km2 % km2 % km2 % km2 % km2 %
East Tarum
1 160.8 13% 872.2 71% 32.9 3% 40.8 3% 24.3 2% 105.0 8%
North Tarum
2 194.6 15% 819.9 62% 17.4 1% 9.9 1% 2.8 0% 272.8 21%
West Tarum
3 344.7 35% 475.9 48% 46.8 5% 5.2 1% 2.8 0% 111.9 11%
PMMJIS 700.2 20% 2168.0 61% 97.2 3% 56.0 2% 29.9 1% 489.8 14%

4.2 Review of Spatial Plans for JIS

Spatial plan zoning areas were collected for the upstream catchment areas at district, province,
special area and island level. According to the spatial law (SPL 26, 2009) the district spatial plans are
predominant, but these should follow the province and higher spatial plans, which can lead to
uncertainty on which plan is actually valid for a certain area. As each spatial plan has its own legend
we have simplified and harmonised the plans into one a single map for the area (in JSM Java Island is
considered as a whole). Obviously large swathes of the upstream catchments can, and probably will,
be urbanized, as can be seen in the Figure 4-1. Especially near the cities of Jakarta, Bekasi and
Karawang and near the toll road with its planned industrial areas.

Figure 4-1 shows the spatial plans in accordance with data collected. In the spatial plans at district
level the protection of agricultural land in accordance with law 41/2009 is mentioned, but usually
without exactly earmarking this as a zoning area in the zoning plan (Peta Rencana). As explained in
Annexe 1 it is not certain if the protection for the agricultural area can be effective. In Land use
scenario A it is assumed that the protection will be effective, so that scenario is shown in Figure 4-1.

It is important to note that even in the spatial plan, this is already a considerable area earmarked for
the urban zone, the housing development zone or industrial development zones. This is found mostly
near Jakarta Timur, Bekasi, Karawang and the toll road connecting these cities. It should be noted
that the Bekasi left bank irrigation system is entirely lost.

Figure 4-1 Harmonised spatial plan for the PMMJIS canal command areas (for the scenario with agricultural protection though LP2B)

4.3 Review of Future Land Use

Land use changes that are relevant for conversion of paddy fields are:

a. urbanization (both for housing and for municipal / industrial purposes);

b. housing and agricultural related facilities in rural areas particularly along roads;
c. conversion to mainly fresh water fish ponds and
d. land lost due coastal abrasion.

It is also noted that brackish water fish ponds (tambaks) are also being lost to coastal abraision along
with the few remaining stands of mangroves.

The following discusses the conversion to fishponds and coastal abrasion and accretion.

Conversion to fish ponds

This occurs in the coastal areas due to changing sea level and problems with drainage. But also it is
happening near sources of clean water where conversion to freshwater fishponds is attractive as it
has a higher earning potential per hectare. The figure below shows the ETC canal between BTt. 24
and BTt. 29 where in recent years freshwater fishponds have appeared. This is estimated at around
300 ha converted in the past few years.

Figure 4-2 Paddy field converted to freshwater fishponds along ETC

Coastal abrasion and accretion

The coast line of the PMMJIS project area is far from stable. In fact it appears that as little as 350
years ago the coastline was still at what are now old coastal ridges many kilometers land inwards.
This means that in this relatively recent history the coastal land area has been growing at a

considerable rate. It would seem however that in the past twenty years the picture is more mixed as
is shown in Figure 4-3 for the coastline accretion and abrasion from 1996-2016. It shows that the net
effect is an abrasion of about 100 ha annually. With this intrusion of sea water the drainage
problems of the coastal areas also become more difficult to manage, which in turn will lead to more
conversion of paddy fields to fish ponds at the Northern edges of the paddy field areas.

Figure 4-3 Coastal accretion and abrasion 1996-2010

Areas at risk of sea level rise, reduced drainage capability, conversion to fishpond etc. can be
estimated as all paddy fields below 2.5m above sea level. An overview of the fishponds and paddy
fields below 2.5 m above sea level is given in Figure 4-4.

Figure 4-4 Area at risk up to 2.5 m above current mean sea level

From Figure 4-4 it can be seen that some 60,000 ha might be at risk from the combined effects of
flooding and sea water intrusion in the future. This subject is discussed in greater detail in Annex 7
Flood and Coastal Erosion Risks and Drainage.

For future land use in the canal command areas of JIS consideration is given to both the effects of 1)
urbanization as the driver for land use change using the Java spatial model and 2) the introduction of
catchment conversation to reduce erosion. The latter includes reforestation of areas that are steeper
than 30 degrees. This is expected to reduce the erosion and to increase the base flows as forests
generally are able to store more water for later release in the dry season.


For urbanisation, we consider two scenarios as follows:

A) with protection for food producing lands (controlled development); and

B) without protection of food producing lands (current trend).

To reduce the conversion of irrigated areas in 2009 Law No 41. 2009 on protection of food
producing land was legalized. It sets out that food producing land (Lahan Pangan Pertanian
Berkelanjutan or LP2B) needs to be assigned and then legalized as protection zone in the district and
provincial spatial plans. So far in the project area only Indramayu District has already legalized the
protection of paddy fields in its spatial plan zoning. In general, the implementation of the protection
of food producing land is currently still considered as weak in all districts. (See annexe 1 on land use
planning). The A and B scenarios are applied in the spatial model JSM version 2.2.2 to predict future
land use due to urbanisation and population changes at desa level.

Urbanization scenario A assumes that on top of the already legalized zoning in the spatial plans the
protection of the remaining irrigated land is implemented. However, due to the already legalized
zoning in the spatial plans for housing and industrial areas in the project, and an assumed 80%
government efficiency in implementation of the agricultural protection by 2045, there is still a loss of
some paddy fields in scenario A. On top of that it is expected that development of the Patimban Port
as planned will also require the conversion of about 2,000 ha to urban and industrial support area in
the ETC command area. Scenario A feeds into Demand model WD1.

Urbanization scenario B assumes that there will be no protection for food producing land and the
current trend in land conversion will continue unhindered (business as usual). The effect of the
uncontrolled conversion of paddy fields is that urban development will convert more paddy fields
than in scenario A. Scenario B feeds into the demand model WD2.

Table 4-2 Future land use in the optimum protection scenario (A)

Command Urban area Paddy field Plantation Forest Other area
ID agriculture
km2 % km2 % km2 % km2 % km2 % km2 %
East Tarum
1 270.0 22% 799.6 65% 20.9 2% 29.1 2% 24.3 2% 92.1 7%
North Tarum
2 372.5 28% 713.5 54% 6.8 1% 2.9 0% 2.8 0% 219.0 17%
West Tarum
3 587.9 60% 311.7 32% 13.4 1% 2.6 0% 2.8 0% 68.9 7%
PMMJIS 1230.4 35% 1824.9 52% 41.1 1% 34.7 1% 29.9 1% 380.0 11%
As can be seen from Table 4-2, in comparison with the situation in 2015, the urban areas in the WTC
command area close to Jakarta, Bekasi and Karawang is increasing rapidly. This will have
consequences on the water demand as higher population and larger municipal / industrial areas will
increase DMI demands, whereas reduction of paddy fields will decrease the paddy field areas, and
hence, paddy field water demand. Table 4-6 shows the urbanisation at 40% urban area per desa or
more in the year 2045 in scenario A.

Figure 4-5 Urbanisation at 40% of the desa or above in 2045 under scenario A

Figure 4-6 Scenario B urbanisation in 2045 showing desa with 40% or more urban area in red

In the two figures above it is clear that especially the WTC canal command area will suffer from
increased urbanisation. This also follows from the special plan which has these areas as urban zones.
Note that without paddy field protection from flooding in scenario B, the WTC canal command area
for irrigation is greatly diminished to 7,839 ha.

The next table shows the future land use in 2045 according to scenario B. It shows an increase in
urban area at the cost of other land uses, including paddy fields and dryland agriculture.

Table 4-3 Future land use in the current trend scenario (B)

Description of Urban area Paddy field Plantation Forest Other area
ID agriculture
the catchment
km2 % km2 % km2 % km2 % km2 % km2 %
East Tarum
1 265.5 21% 783.9 63% 28.7 2% 36.9 3% 24.3 2% 96.9 8%
North Tarum
2 386.2 29% 657.5 50% 12.4 1% 7.2 1% 2.8 0% 251.3 19%
West Tarum
3 707.4 72% 178.4 18% 22.1 2% 2.2 0% 2.8 0% 74.5 8%
PMMJIS 1359.0 38% 1619.8 46% 63.2 2% 46.3 1% 29.9 1% 422.7 12%

In comparison with scenario A, the urbanisation in scenario B proceeds faster due to the lack of
protection for the agricultural areas.

4.3.1 Impacts of the land use change on the water demand in the canal command areas.

Water demand effects to be taken into account for the water balance of the upstream catchment
areas are:
1. Increase in (net) DMI consumption due to population and urbanisation;
2. Decrease in (net) irrigation water demands due to loss of irrigated paddy fields;

3. Parts of the upper catchment areas, such as Cigadung and Cijengkol, are within the ETC
command area. They are augmented from the ETC where they pass under the canal. In the
project all irrigation water demands are already included in the water balance. To avoid
double counting the calculation of available water at the respective weirs has to be adjusted
by removing the augmented flows from the estimates of available water.
4. In addition some areas counted within the JIS scheme are out of command of the ETC and
can only be supplied from their respective river weirs.

4.4 Agro-Economic Survey

An agro-economic survey was programmed at the commencement of PMMJIS as the basis for agro-
socio-economic conditions on the Jatiluhur irrigation area. Unfortunately the budget for this survey
was neither included in the Consultants or BBWS 1916 FY budgets. The survey is now programmed
within Addendum 1 but unlikely to be completed before 2 nd Quarter 2017. Consequently the
following sections concerning agriculture are based on secondary data or observations made during
field visits or recently obtained satellite information. The following paragraphs will be updated
following the agro-economic survey in the final version of the SEA.

4.5 Current and Future Agriculture

4.5.1 Agricultural Practices (Proposed and Actual)

The Jatiluhur Irrigation Area (JIA) is dominated by the cultivation of mainly high yield varieties of rice
in two crops reported to a cropping intensity of 1.96 (196%) over an area of some 224,000 ha as
calculated and used in analysis by PJTII. GIS calculated area of rice fields measures 216,800 ha but
does not include canals and inspection roads. Yields are reported on average in the main districts as
5.6 ton for dry rice seed, gabah kering giling (GKG) in most areas with the wet season crop having a
maturation period of some 110 days and the dry season crop, 105 days.

At the end of SS Cibeet and Bugis Main Canal system the crop intensities are reported as reduced to
170% in the case of Patrol area and yields are depressed during dry years due to lack of irrigation
water owing to sedimentation of these two canal systems clogging with sediment reducing flow
capacity. These areas are shown on Figure 5-2 and Figure 5-3 and the problems of sedimentation is
further discussed in section 7.6.

Low lying areas of the JIA are frequently inundated during the wet season by a combination of
runoff, saline intrusion and tide locking are thought to cover some 11,000 ha adjacent to the coastal
band of brackish water tambaks. Farmers tend to leave their land fallow between November and
February then grow two crops of usually longer stem varieties over the dry season. As sea levels rise
with global warming these areas are expected to enlarge as some 62,000 ha is below the 2.5 m
contour. Adapting to this situation should be an Agriculture Department imperative with options
such as fresh water and brackish water fish, prawns, amphibians whilst crops could be lotus, water
chestnuts, water cress, floating rice, reeds or spinach. Recent research has shown that tropical algae
are the most efficient method of producing biofuel and could be a future crop. This has been shown
to be more productive than other sources of biofuel such as oil palm where there is a temptation to
destroy primary forests.

Only 9% of the scheme grows an irrigated palawija crop, mainly maize and green beans, is shown in
the PJTII spreadsheet calculations. These crops are often grown on rice field bunds in parallel with
the rice crop. Altogether this may make up a further 5% of palawija cropping. The main areas of
production are reported to be on the Barugbug and Bekasi sub-schemes. At Barugbug the soils are a
little sandier and the irrigation water contains discharges from food processing factories that acts as
a fertiliser. On the areas around Bekasi a large area of spinach crops are grown as well as salad
vegetables. A problem in this western area is that secondary canals have to pass through industrial
and housing areas where pollutants are discharged into canals and drains with re-use structures. This
is further discussed in section 4.10 on pollution.

The Directorate of Irrigation has intimated that the increasing cropping intensity should be an
indicator for improved water management and benefit of investments in JIS. However, the PJTIIs
Instruksi Direksi dictates just two rice crops of 5 months and 4.5 months duration (as also shown on
Figure 4-7) and a canal closure period of a month leaving an inadequate period of 1.5 months for a
third irrigated palawija crop. Discussions with farmers indicates that most are tenant farmers and
prefer to stagger their crops so they can earn labourers wages in other areas when their fields are
fallow. Another reason to delay the second rice crop that mainly happens in eastern areas is to
achieve higher market prices on harvest towards the end of the wet season as much of the areas to
the south are mainly single rainfed crops harvested in February. It should also be noted that owing to
hydropower releases there is water released into the canal that would otherwise be unused.

4.5.2 Land Tenure Aspects

It is understood that land speculators are purchasing rice land spreading from Jakarta towards the
west. Previous land owners are becoming tenant farmers. In other areas the relaxation of land title
laws are allowing wealthier families, often civil servants, to purchase extensive land to tenant out 14.

4.5.3 Agricultural Issues and Trends

Pertanian has been receiving financial assistance to operate a SRI (system of rice intensity)
demonstration area. The objective is to reduce ploughing and harrowing and permanent
submergence of the rice plant so that it is forced to extend and strengthen the roots which later
allows the plant to produce more tillers and panicles. The plants are spaced further apart giving
them greater opportunity to grow outward. The more conventional wetting and drying irrigation
regime reduces water duties by 30-40% whilst increasing yields. Unfortunately there appeared little
evidence that the SRI method was spreading to adjacent farms.

Another idea that is being tested and promoted by Dinas Pertanian is ratooning crops after harvest
with the second requiring only a 75 day maturation period and hence allowing four crops in any one
year. So far there is little evidence this is occurring on JIA.

In one interview on 13/06/2016 in Binong with tenant farmers they claimed their landlord was a civil servant
with some 70 ha. They delayed 2nd crop planting to July and in fallow period, rather than grow palawija crop
they preferred to work on others 2nd crop.

There is a rapidly expanding area of some 1,000 ha of freshwater fishponds scheme wide, mainly
either side of the ETC15. Many ponds illegally take water through plastic pipes placed under hydraulic
gates or through holes in the embankment that are difficult to locate. The income from the carp,
giant gourami and tilapia (nilai) is reported as being multiple times more lucrative than rice
cultivation. The uniformity of the food warehouses between the ponds suggests that this is a very
commercial operation well able to afford the large quantities of water they divert. PJTII report that
the wastage is so large that they no longer need to release water into Cijengkol from the ETC to be
diverted at the Jengkol weir. In fact much water in excess of the intake capacity now passes over the

Commercial chicken sheds, often over 100m in length are a ubiquitous site around the JIA whilst a
commercial duck hatchery was seen on the Gadung Main Canal and polluting it. Such commercial
ventures using the JIS water can be expected to increase.

4.5.4 Related Irrigation Management Trends

There are several major trends in water management:

a. Sediment loads in cross rivers are progressively increasing and when abstracted into the JIS
they severely restrict flow capacity. Dredging canals, illuminating capacity constraints and
screening, trapping and flushing sediments in purpose built structures will reduce this
problem. The WTC, ETC and NTC transmit water with far lower suspended sediments as most
is derived from clear Juanda releases. During the wet season, and whenever the cross rivers
are turbid, the flows from these canals should be preferred and heavily sediment laden flows
from side rivers excluded.

b. The areas of irrigation supplied by the WTC are reducing and being isolated by industrial and
urban expansion. Irrigation demands are being replaced by DMI water supply demands from
adjacent conurbations and Jakarta at the end of the canal. Water supplied to DMI should be
provided at a much greater reliability (95%) than irrigation (80%). Where possible turbid
flows from Cikao River should be excluded from the WTC, as has been arranged at Cibeet
and Cibekasi and under consideration at Cikarang. Separating Cikao flows from Juanda Dam
releases is suggested as an option in the sediment management report.

c. The construction of commercial fresh water fishponds is expanding in some areas with
unauthorised water connections, some of which interfere with normal irrigation water
management operations. Water abstractions are usually far higher than evaporation and
seepage losses with excess flowing into the drainage system. At present some of these
aquaculture companies are not subject to water use payments, yet they take water that is
needed for rice cultivation in downstream areas such as Patrol.

Fish farms seen during field trip along ETC on 04/08/2016

4.6 JIS Cropping Patterns

Proposed cropping pattern under PJTII Instruksi Direksi

There is a considerable difference between the cropping patterns proposed by Governors Decree
and the PJTII Instruksi Direksi on the one hand and the cropping pattern the farmers follow on the
other, (see below). The 2015 directive provides three different cropping patterns: in the text, on a
diagram and on a spreadsheet that is intended to be used to set allocated flows and hence is the
most important. The same spreadsheet schedule has been issued for the past thirty years 16 and
contains several discrepancies and unrealistic requirements that cannot currently be met. The same
cropping pattern, from the NEDECO 1998 study is shown on Error! Reference source not found. with
a 5 golongan system, a 15 day spread of presaturation and following growth periods that follow this
spread. There are 5 golongans separated in timing by a half monthly period with two rice crops
covering periods of 5 months and 4.5 months.

It should be noticed that in March and April the gadu crop closely follows the rendeng crop without a
fallow period. The correctly calculated presaturation demands using the Van-de-Goor/ Zijlstra
method for a half monthly spread will causes peak flows higher than the designed canal capacities. In
the analysis of all cropping patterns a 30 day spread of presaturation in one golongon is assumed.

Figure 4-7 Proposed Cropping Pattern from NEDECO 1998 Study

Existing Actual cropping pattern

The farmers system has been described as a 10 golongan system but generally this is taken to mean
that they start in a particular area when it suits themselves or timed to harvest when prices are
highest. From site visits it appears that a proportion of farmers leave their fields fallow between
March and May. Planting the gadu crop in June and July extends the crops well into the dry season
when effective rain has reduced and leaves insufficient time for a palawija crop. Other modifications
are made to accommodate when certain areas are too deeply inundated. Other farmers say they
delay planting due to financial constraints and should be assisted by government controlled rural
credit schemes with low interest. Originally it was thought that the extent of these areas will be
determined by the agro-economic survey and checked using official PJTII and Department of
Agriculture data. For 2015 for the Binong area a large percentage of farmers delay planting the
second crop until June and July.

Towards the end of the SEA study the Landuse Specialist located a sequence of 24 satellite images
showing the vegetative index equally spaced over 2012. The images clearly showed a pattern of
rending crop cultivation starting in November 2011 close to the WTC and ETC and moving north over

The spreadsheet cropping pattern is almost identical to that in the NEDECO 1998 study and in the PT Aztindo
Rekaperdana study in 2014.

a period of 6 months that could be interpreted as a 5 period golongon. The plan is shown on Figure
4-8 and as a cropping pattern in Figure 4-9. Oddly, the area in Binong that cultivates some 5 months
after adjacent areas was confirmed on these images.

Figure 4-8 Actual Cropping Pattern Golongans Identified from Vegetative Index Images

Figure 4-9 Preliminary Actual Cropping Pattern

Areas used in the water balance derived from a GIS measurement are given in Table 4.4.

For the future two future cropping patterns have been considered and incorporated in water

Proposed cropping Pattern 1. This cropping pattern is more closely modelled on the actual situation
with a proportion of the farmers delaying the rendeng crop until January or February and the gadu
crop until June and July. However, by 2045 some 60% are assumed to follow the rendeng crop with
an irrigated palawija crop as indicated on Figure 4-9.

Table 4-4 Measured Golongam Areas from Actual Cropping Pattern Analysis

In inundated areas under strategy 1 conserving rice land the farmers up to 60% are assumed to
adapt with an aquaculture crop. Under strategy 2, business as usual this area is assumed to become
unproductive. This cropping pattern will be adjusted following the agro-economic survey or the
proposed vegetative index study over a 12 year period. The water balance with this cropping pattern
for both conserved rice land and business as usual strategies will be studied during the water
management master plan period.

Proposed cropping pattern 2

The crop pattern proposes improvements to the Direksi scheduled cropping pattern that makes
room for a third irrigated crop. By compressing two rice crops to 240 days this pattern increases land
productivity, makes better use of rainfall and adapts to flooding conditions. In the 80% reliable
situation a delayed start of 1st November, when reliable rainfall increases, has been selected rather
than in October.

The cropping pattern assumes that the palawija crop intensity will increase from 9% in 2015 to 60 %
by 2045 with the 2045 pattern shown on Figure 4-8. The calculation assumes 8 number fifteen day
periods have been allowed for the Rendeng crop (120 days) and 7 number fifteen day periods for the
Gadu crop (105 days). Such shorter duration HYVs use less water, especially if grown consecutively
during the wet season when rainfall is more effective.

Figure 4-10 Proposed Cropping Pattern 1 for ETC by 2045

The third crop is an irrigated palawija crop, preferably pulses, that allows the soil to dry out,
oxygenate and nitrate in preparation for fertilising the following rice crop for increased yield. If
vegetables were grown with remnants ploughed in or turned to manure there would also be less
need for chemical fertilizers. The palawija crop would lengthen the time gap between gadu and
rending rice crops to more effectively break the pest cycle.

In areas of frequent flooding where farmers delay planting until February or March and leave
November to February fallow. It is recommended that such areas become a new golongon 5 in the
Strategy 1 situation. To balance the size of golongan areas to accommodate this practice, the
reduced areas of golongans 3 to 5 are merged into two golongans. It is recommended that farmers
in the new golongon 5 adapt to this wet period by develop aquaculture product as described in
section 4.5.3 rising to 60% over the next 30 years. In a sense this is a part reversal of the process of
developing rice land from tambaks as they fill with sediments. This area will be kept stable through
proposed protection measures even though sea level rise is likely to increase the areas suffering
from wet season inundation. Such measures will include improved drainage and coastal protection.

In practice the proposed cropping pattern would be more responsive to the arrival of the wet season
whilst the shorter duration crops would make better use of the heavier reliable rainfall. Under
normal conditions the pattern could start in October if the wet season has set in, or in November if it
is delayed. The increasingly sophisticated weather forecasting is now available on smartphones.

Under Strategy 2 Business as usual the full 62,000 ha is assumed lost to coastal erosion and
frequent saline inundation.

4.7 Assess Crop Productivity in Relation to Irrigation and Drainage Services

The general impression along the ETC is that there is more than sufficient water available for all
farmers to grow two rice crops. The two areas that show shortage are supplied from canals with
severe sedimentation restricting flow. From a traditional water management view the system is
inefficient with perhaps some 60% of turned out water discharged into the drainage system. Despite
juru setting gates for approximate needs, the farmers near the canal break locks and open the gates
to over irrigate with excess flows damaging infrastructure. Much of the excess flow either gets fed
back into secondary canals or there are structures on drainlines that redistribute the flow back into
the canal system. Consequently efficiencies of water used for crop water requirements taking into
account a 3 time redistribution system are probably close to the calculated efficiency of 65%.

At present there are few WUAs and FWUAs that the PJTII can coordinate with. There is no mutual
agreement on flows turned into tertiary areas. It is unclear how much assessment can be carried out
on PJTII performance when there is a lack of functioning flow measurement structures and lack of
water user organisations to coordinate with. The JIS could be considered a successful scheme in view
of the fact that the scheme produces a 196% cropping intensity over 216,800 ha of mainly high
yielding rice. However, there are future risks to this success that should not be ignored as explained

The more widespread adoption of SRI could be expected to reduce irrigation demands if farmers
could be persuaded to adopt it.

The drainage system by comparison to the irrigation system is hardly inspected, serviced or repaired.
Many of the drain re-use structures built by District PSDA or local groups are damaged and no longer
resupply and inhibit drainage. May of the drainage structures are blocked by sediment and debris, so
cannot effectively drain, causing widespread and local flooding. Climate change bringing more
intense storms and sea level rise will put some 62,000 ha of low lying rice land at severe risk of
frequent inundation. At present the PJTII services for drainage are at a low level with no routine
workforce clearing drains and structures and disseminating information to communities to stop
throwing garbage in the drainlines. A new sub-organisation and budget is required to combat climate
change impacts including drainage services, flood mitigation and adaption, increased capacity of
hydraulic structures and coastal protection.

4.8 Present and Future Water Demands

4.8.1 Irrigation Water Requirements

It is noted that the ToR requires the review of present and future requirements of irrigation water in
relation to diversification of cropping systems and changing agriculture practices. Field information
shows there is little motivation from the farmers and the operational organisation to either change
to more diversified agriculture or even to irrigate more diversified crops following the gadu crop.
Only a few instances of palawija crop cultivation was seen within the JIS. Much of this was in the
Bekasi area where the water quality is poor and salad type crops inadvisable.

Consequently water requirements for both rice and palawija crops are discussed here. As mentioned
in Section 4.6 the land preparation period is best represented using the Van de-Goor Zijlstra (GZ)

method that simulates the spread of presaturation over an area whilst still maintaining the same
water depth in the field. As an increasing area requires maintenance water the rate at which the
wetting front advances slows down. The GZ equation and input values for key periods used in the
water balance for each half month are given on Table 4-5 as well as comparison with other
calculations which appear to calculate presaturation requirements incorrectly.

Table 4-5 Estimate and Comparison of Presaturation Scheme Requirements

To obtain the net field requirement requires the gross value to be reduced by the effective rainfall
(80% rainfall x 70%) then an efficiency factor of 64% is used to give the scheme unit requirement.

PMMJIS Calculation
The preparation period is assumed to be 30 days during which time the nursery will run in parallel so
that transplanting occurs on the 30th day. The rendeng crop starts at the end of the dry season when
it is assumed presaturation and establishing a 50mm deep water surface will require a depth of 200
mm of water. The gadu crop land preparation only requires 150 mm for land preparation and water
level establishment as it directly follows the rendeng crop when soil moisture will still be relatively

Comparison with NEDECO 1998 Calculation

The NEDECO text states the stagger is 15 days yet the water duty is consistent with a 30 day stagger.
If 15 days, the unit requirements, over 2.04 l/s/ha would be greater than canal design duties
assumed at 1.8 l/s/ha. The 30 day stagger is more consistent with the PMMJIS values however the
stated duty of presaturation and water layer replacement for the gadu crop of 250 mm seems
excessive if closely following the rendeng crop (PMMJIS assume 150 mm). It would appear that the
GZ formula has not been correctly applied. In the overall PMMJIS calculations there are therefore
higher unit rates of water use, which when combined with increased DMI, increase the use of
available water.

PJTII Instruksi Direksi 2015 Computation

This calculation also underestimates presaturation requirements in both wet and dry season crops. It
appears that only maintenance water has been considered for the full presaturation period.

JIMI FS 2010 Computation
The Jatiluhur Irrigation Management Improvement Project calculations for the 30 day presaturation
period vary considerably during a single 30 presaturation period. For example for October 1 and 2
the net scheme requirements are 0.94 and 1.86 l/s/ha which imply that either a 21 day saturation
period has been assumed or the GZ equation has not been fully understood.

Growth periods

During the growth periods:

a. the values of Et and effective rainfall provided by PJTII has been used but will be increased in
the future 2045 cases to adjust to increased temperature.
b. The crop factors have been taken from CROPWAT but modified to account for them being
spread over a 30 day period (i.e. last four periods 100%, 75%, 25% irrigated and last period
shows 25% is ripening when the crop needs no irrigation).
c. An average value of 2 mm/day deep percolation is assumed for all areas.
d. The fields will be drawn down and fertiliser added during tiller formation (fourth period) and
panicle initiation (6th period) after which the water layer will be replaced by 50 mm depth.
e. The field requirements in mm depth will be converted to scheme requirements in l/s/ha with
an efficiency factor of 64% comprising the product of the distribution efficiency of 80% and
conveyance efficiency of 80%.
f. A 90% diversion efficiency is normally used at weirs however the divertible flow has already
been determined in the hydrology calculations and can be added later when comparing
water availability with demands.
g. The calculations of the unit requirements are shown in Annex 3.

4.8.2 Irrigation Scheme Demands

The first part of this section sets out the details of irrigation water demands determined under
previous studies.
The NEDECO scheme requirements are based on a combined rendeng and gadu cropping intensity is
1.96 (196%)17 covering a total area of 238,200 ha with sub-scheme existing and future areas shown
on Table 4-6. The rendeng crop was characterised by a medium duration rice crop of 150 days
maturation and a gadu crop of 135 days maturation. The annual water demands for irrigation were:
Demand WTC ETC NTC Whole Scheme
Volume in Million m3 1,005 1,750 1,720 4,520
% provided by Juanda Dam 48% (incl. DMI) 41% 100%.

4.8.3 The 2010 Feasibility Studies

The JIMI 2010 FS Consultants determined irrigation demands with the estimated command areas set
out on Table 4-6. The calculation incorporated the development of SRI up to 40% by 2025 providing
a water saving of 20% in that area by 2025. So far SRI has failed to extend much beyond the 100 ha
pilot area.

The cropping intensity can be compared to the current intensity of 1.98, hence little increase in 18 years.
Rice increases are a result of yield increases. Palawija intensity appears to have dropped from 16% to 9%.

The JIMI Design report discusses different golongan options, but decides on remaining with a 5
golongan system with each golongan separated by a 15 day period but 30 day stagger.

Table 4-6 Future Estimated Command Areas of JIS18

Note the JIMI (2010) total should be 228,803 ha.

The total irrigation demands determined by the JIMI Study are shown on Table 4.7.

Table 4-7 Total Irrigation Demands on JIS from 2010 to 2025 (JIMI 2010)

Note: The substantial underestimate of presaturation requirements means that these values should be
increased by about 15%.

4.8.4 DMI Demands

The Total DMI demands are shown on Table 4.8 from the JIMI Design Report.

Table 4-8 Total DMI Demands for JIS from 2010 to 2025 according to JIMI

NOTES: 1. DM demands shown for WTC include 16.31 m3/s in 2010 based on the capacity of the Bekasi to
Jakarta canal link. The capacity rises to 31.31 by 2020 m3/s based on the Bekasi siphon capacity and assumes
the Bekasi Jakarta link has been upgraded. At present the capacity is also constrained by the capacity of the

Table as presented in the Jatiluhur Irrigation Management Feasibility Study, KRC et al., 2010

treatment works to about 12.5 m3/s, but with reduced turbidity WTP improvements could reach 16.31. The
upgrading of the Bekasi Jakarta link and proposed new WTP at Bekasi are yet to commence.

Current information on DMI and other transfers that use the Jatiluhur systems are shown in Table
4-9 and come from the PJTII Direksi spreadsheet.

Table 4-9 DMI Demands from the JIS (2015)

DMI demands from all three main canals are

increasing with the industrialisation and
urbanisation facilitated by the Jakarta-
Cikampek-Cirebon toll road. Following the
World Banks suggestion the Provincial Plans
and the Citarum 2012 Rencana and Pola have
been reviewed. However, the projected
increases in DMI demands in these documents
are not detailed and follow previous 6Ci
reports under the ICWRMIP. Further details of
the 6Cis Jakarta studies are given in Annex
3.As a preliminary measure we have analysed
the proposed increases in DMI demand
projected by KRC in both their WTC and ETC
studies based on demographic changes. This
will be updated from landuse analysis and
PDAM data in the planning phase. In addition
reviews previous planning documents have
been studied. For the future we have analysed
the possible increases in the DKI Jakarta
demands based on the capacity of the recently
constructed Bekasi Siphon together with the
rate of increasing other DMI demands estimated by other consultants. This has provided provisional
estimates of increases in demands for all three main canals that will be used in the demand
spreadsheets until, or if, more detailed analysis is either discovered or carried out. The projected
future demands are shown on

The present Bekasi demand is 0.54 m3/s according to PJT2 and 0.42 m3/s from the two PDAMs operating in the District
and City. Allowing for a future increase of 400% on the 2015 data only gives increases to 2.60m3/s in Scenario 2045 A and
2.63 m3/s in scenario 2045 B. However planning documents variously predict future demands for Bekasi as either 10 or 15
m3/s. This is consistent with population estimates and an allowance of 200 l/s/person. The capacity of Bekasi siphon at 31.6
m3/s is consistent with the population of Jakarta (minus allowance for West Jakarta receiving water from the Karian Dam
and Cisandane) and West Bekasi on the west bank of Bekasi River. It is noted that an allowance for flushing Jakarta rivers is
also proposed. This initially could be taken from excess Bekasi siphon flows but should be replaced by year 2045 by proper
sewage treatment so this valuable water can be used for DMI.

Table 4-10 compared to the KRC WTC studies that appear different to their JIMI study.

The present Bekasi demand is 0.54 m3/s according to PJT2 and 0.42 m3/s from the two PDAMs
operating in the District and City. Allowing for a future increase of 400% on the 2015 data only gives
increases to 2.60m3/s in Scenario 2045 A and 2.63 m3/s in scenario 2045 B. However planning
documents variously predict future demands for Bekasi as either 10 or 15 m3/s. This is consistent
with population estimates and an allowance of 200 l/s/person. The capacity of Bekasi siphon at 31.6
m3/s is consistent with the population of Jakarta (minus allowance for West Jakarta receiving water

from the Karian Dam and Cisandane) and West Bekasi on the west bank of Bekasi River. It is noted
that an allowance for flushing Jakarta rivers is also proposed. This initially could be taken from excess
Bekasi siphon flows but should be replaced by year 2045 by proper sewage treatment so this
valuable water can be used for DMI.

Table 4-10 Existing and Estimated DMI demands and other transfers

PMMJIS proposed ETC 4.43 6.31 8.19 10.07

Scenario 1, NTC 2.5 3.82 5.14 6.46
Protected sawah WTC (Note 5) 21.4 29.86 38.31 46.77
PMMJIS proposed ETC 4.43 6.31 8.19 10.07
Scenario 2, NTC 2.5 3.82 5.14 6.46
Business as usual WTC (Note 6) 21.4 31.52 41.65 51.77

1. Includes PDAMs and industry
2. Data from spreadsheet in PJTII Instruksi Direksi 2015-16
3. WTC estimates by KRC have been overoptimistic and appear so for 2025 as well
4. 6Cis/Basin Pola estimate for 2030 is based on a Bekasi demand of 15 m3/s is based on population
5. Future demands based on population data times individual demand of 200 l/day with future
Bekasi demand of 10 m3/s.
6. Future demand in WTC based on overall population figures with Bekasi (15 m3/s) and Jakarta
(31.6 m3/s).

4.9 Current and Future Water Balance
4.9.1 Water Balance from Previous Studies

Table 4-11 Water Balance (JIMI KRC 2010) showing combined sources and demands (Mm3)

KRC, the 2010 FS Consultants carried out a water balance study with details provided in Annex 3 and
results summarised in Table 4-11. The JIS existing command area in 2010 was calculated as 228,803
ha and estimated by 2015 to have reduced to 222,543 ha. The Juanda available volumes are
combined with the 80% reliable flows of the cross rivers and compared to the project demands. The
calculation uses the average Juanda releases rather than the 80% or 90% values.

The calculation assumes the cross-rivers are the main source and augmented by the Juanda Dam as
The irrigation demands should be increased by about 15% to reflect the required presaturation demands.

The resulting analysis shows the balance graphically with supply still exceeding demand by 2025 as
shown in Error! Reference source not found..

Table 4-12 JIMI Representation of Supply Demand Balance during 2010

The figure shows the calculated mean and 80% dry year demand against the actual and planned
outflow. Only in March 2010 was there a conflict between actual releases and estimated dry year

In conclusion the JIMI water balance simulated a more realistic cropping pattern in terms of crop
maturation periods than the PJTII Direksi pattern. Outputs were reduced during the wet season,
possibly to refill the reservoir. The graphs suggest a compromise between filling the reservoir,
releases matched the crops being grown and hydropower releases. In fact the actual mean outflows
are inflated by spillway releases that would have been well in excess of intake capacities.
Consequently PMMJS water balances will compare demands with hydropower releases only. Even so
there were dry season hydropower releases that are shown as being unutilised.

Some of the drawbacks to the exercise were:

a. Water demand during land preparation are under estimated

b. The method of selecting water availability from the combination of stream flows and
reservoir storage is not clearly explained.
c. The future development of agriculture to increase farm incomes with a third crop was not

During 2010 the 6Cis consultants under the ICWRMP reviewed the water balance study conducted
by KRC as well as examining the PJTII method of water allocation. The 6Ci Consultants state that in
their view this water allocation mechanism and the system monitoring at main system level works
well whilst coordination meetings take place and are conducted professionally. The Consultants then
point out major disconnections with what happens in the field with the poor state of infrastructure,
lack of flow measurement, poor activation of WUAs, lack of field water management and the fact
that farmers are not following the golongon system. There also is a divergence between the
scheduled irrigation duty and the flows actually turned out into farmers fields, particularly in the
higher areas where water usage is many times that calculated. In lower areas farmers consistently
report shortages. This leads to the recommendation to install accurate flow measurement and
distribution monitoring to try to discover what actually happens to the water turned out into the
secondary canals.

The report concludes the current water demand in 2010 at 5,173 million m3 can still be met by the
Citarum reservoir operating rule curves. However, by 2025 the total water demand will have grown
to 6,108 million m3 owing to increases in DMI and the system will have to depend more on supply
from the cross rivers. The effect of catchment changes, urban/industrial expansion, catchment
degradation combined with climate change effects will substantially reduce river flows. Supporting
evidence is a 30% reduction in reservoir releases from 1993 to 2008. When irrigation water is
reported as inadequate the operators are able to release extra water. Consequently there is little
incentive to regulate and monitor water distribution more strictly.

4.9.2 Water Balance Considerations

Before commencing a Jatiluhur water balance it is useful to firstly set out objectives and then take
stock of all the existing and future factors that will have an influence on existing and future water
management. It can be seen that managing the system and balancing such influences is a complex
task. Having all relevant information at hand is a key input to making informed decisions to conserve
water to ensure all demands can be met. Changes in the Citarum and associated basins and on the
JIS are dynamic and will require careful consideration when trying to predict future change.

The objectives of the water balance should be:

a. To try to simulate as accurately as possible what is actually happening with reservoir releases
and with water use on the scheme and not to blindly adopt the current PJTII water
scheduling spreadsheet.
b. Use the existing water balance and knowledge of past trends and future scenario projections
to investigate what the future water balance will be.
c. Use the water balance to assist proactive planning to show how best the irrigation system
and supply reservoirs can best adapt to the future with a holistic and IWRM approach. This
will include options that provide the farmers with greater income.

The water balance should firstly analyse the existing situation then predict both water availability
and irrigation and DMI demands for the future every 10 years from year 2015 to 2045. In particular
whether the lesser sediment loaded JIS main canals can be used during the periods the cross rivers
carry extremely heavy sediment loads.

An overall assessment of future water availability generally points to future reduction in the dry
season whilst water demands are set to increase despite reductions in irrigation area. In Section 4.9
two alternative cropping patterns (CP1 & CP2) are proposed from the PJTII standard that better
conserves water by proposing shorter golongan periods that better match the maturation periods of
the HYV rice varieties in use and also make better use of effective rainfall and Juanda releases.

4.9.3 Results from Water Balance Calculation

The study of the existing situation looked at three cropping patterns:

a. As proposed in the PJTII Instruksi Direksi similar to Figure 4-7.

b. Alternative CP1, as preliminarily determined from analysis of the 2012 remote sensing for
vegetative index and later confirmed by longer term analysis, Figure 4-9.
c. Alternative CP2, with both rice cropping periods condensed, timed during months of
heaviest rainfall and with expanding area of 3rd palawija (see Figure 4-10)

A. PJTII Cropping Pattern Impact on Water Balance

The irrigation demands calculated19 with the corrected PJTII cropping pattern are shown for the
whole of JIS on Figure 4-10 compared to the water availability from: (i) Juanda Dam and the 80%
Citarum catchment to Walahar Barrage and (ii) the main minor cross river 80% flows, (iii) with actual
mean Juanda outflows.

Figure 4-11 indicates that in this situation the allocated storage for water supply in the reservoir rule
curves (Saguling, Cirata and Juanda, about 40% of total storage, 1840 Mm3) with the 80% Citarum
flows can supply all demands. This reduces storage to 430 Mm3, but will not recharge the reservoirs
to full supply level for the next year if there is 805 low wet season. Consequently to ensure the
reservoirs will refill some of the side rivers water has to be used when less turbid.

The actual mean Juanda dam outflows show that from March to June and November to December
(when flows are turbid) there is heavy reliance on side river flows.

Includes presaturation calculated using VZ method.

Discharge PJTII 'Direksi' CP Compared to Mean
m3/s Actual and Possible Juanda Releases









Oct 1
Oct 2
Jun 1
Jun 2
Jan 2

Dec 2
Jan 1

Sep 1
Sep 2

Dec 1
Feb 1
Feb 2

Apr 1
Apr 2
May 1
May 2

Jul 1
Jul 2

Nov 1
Mar 2

Nov 2
Mar 1

Aug 1
Aug 2


Juanda + inflows Juanda + X rivers (80%) Mean Juanda outflow

Figure 4-11 Water Balance for CP1 Present Situation (2015)

There are releases from the Juanda dam of between 160-180 m3/s between August and October for
hydropower that would run to waste under the PJTII Direksi cropping pattern.

Figure 4-12 shows the water demands

in the ETC compared to canal capacities.
It can be seen that demands currently
exceed the existing FSWL canal capacity
of 52 m3/s as well as the design
capacities that the current rehabilitation
project is trying to re-establish (82

During peak requirements inflows from

cross rivers are necessary at present. If
the canal was rehabilitated to design
levels most requirements for ETC could
be provided from Curug.

Figure 4-12 Water Demand Compared to Canal Capacity for ETC

B. Impact of Proposed Cropping Pattern 1 on Water Balance

Cropping pattern 1 is preliminarily based on the 2012 sequence of vegetative index satellite images
shown on Figure 4-7 with golongon areas defined on Figure 4-8 and cropping schedule on Figure
4-10. The preference of a considerable number of farmers to delay the gadu crop preparation to
June and July provides a better balance with hydropower releases, reduces peak requirements and
provides the farmers with higher market prices at harvest. The demands for the ETC are shown on
Figure 4-13.

The actual cropping pattern does has lower flows during the initial west season has started in
November to February and suggests that the ETC with clearer water than the cross rivers can supply
a greater percent of the flow. There is still a peak in June when the demands are just in excess of ETC
canal capacity even if reinstated to original design levels. Until then there will have to be a
considerable contribution from cross rivers between April and July.

m3/s ETC Water Demands for Actual Cropping Pattern
90.00 Design Q= 82 m3/s
Surcharge Q = 65 m 3/s
FSWL Q= 52 m3/s

Oct 2
Oct 1
Jan 1
Jan 2

Dec 1
Dec 2
Feb 1
Feb 2

Jun 1
Jun 2

Sep 1
Sep 2
May 1
May 2
Apr 1
Apr 2

Jul 1
Jul 2

Nov 1
Nov 2
Mar 1
Mar 2

Aug 1
Aug 2

Golongon 1 Golongon 2 Golongon 3 Golongon 4 Golongon 5 DMI & Other

Figure 4-13 Water Demands on ETC and Cross Rivers for Actual Cropping Pattern

The cumulative demands of the WTC, Discharge Water Balance for Actual Cropping Pattern
NTC and ETC are shown on Figure 4.15 m3/s
together with two sets of plots for the
water availability. The dashed line
shows that the Juanda releases can be
synchronised with the demands to
provide all although in an 80% dry wet
season the reservoirs could not refill
the reservoir but there is sufficient
water in the cross rivers to ensure all
Oct 1
Oct 2
Jun 1
Jun 2
Feb 1
Feb 2

Dec 1
Dec 2
Sep 1
Sep 2
Jan 1
Jan 2

Apr 1
Apr 2
May 1
May 2

Aug 1
Aug 2
Mar 1
Mar 2

Nov 1
Nov 2
Jul 1
Jul 2

demands can be met. The dotted lines

show the actual mean releases from ETC +NTC +WTC
Juanda adjusted J + X-Rivers Q80% Mean Juanda
the Juanda Reservoir with cross river
Mean J + X Rivers
flows superimposed above.

Figure 4-14 Water Balance for Actual Cropping Pattern

In this more realistic situation it can be seen that the Juanda and lower Citarum flows provide about
66% of demands and the cross rivers about 30%. It can be seen there is a shortage of available water
in June and July but the small deficit could be made up from additional Juanda storage. There is still
considerable dry season releases from Juanda that are not used.

C. Impact of Cropping Pattern 2 on Water Balance

shows that by shortening the golongan Discharge

m3/s Alternative CP2 with Available flows
maturation periods to actual crop maturation
periods allows a later start to the rending crop 400.00
and earlier finish to the gadu crop. This makes 350.00
better use of effective rainfall and hence a 300.00
greater volume of water retained in the 250.00
reservoirs. Even so, under the 80% reliable 200.00
runoff conditions some 686 Mm3 of the Juanda 150.00
reservoir available storage (814 Mm3) is utilised
and only recovers to 212 Mm3 at the end of the -
next wet period20. To ensure a full reservoir by

Dec 1
Dec 2
Feb 1
Feb 2

Sep 1
Sep 2
Oct 1
Oct 2
Jun 1
Jun 2
Jan 1
Jan 2

Nov 1
Nov 2
Apr 1
Apr 2
May 1
May 2
Mar 1
Mar 2

Jul 1
Jul 2
Aug 1
Aug 2
the end of the next wet season some of the ETC +NTC

cross river flows will need to be used during the +WTC Juanda +d/s outflows
J + X-Rivers Q reg Mean Juanda outflow
March to May period.
Figure 4-15 Water Balance for CP3 Present Situation (2015)

In the future the proposed dry season increase in irrigated palawija will utilise some of the water
released for hydropower during this period. It should be noted that this pattern assumes the current
rehabilitation program is completed and the PJTII assumption on other losses has been reduced.

For the situation on the ETC shown on Figure

ETC Demands (Modified Cropping Pattern 3)
4-16 there are lower peak flows that enable
90.00 Design Q= 82 m3/s
the full scheme water requirements to enter
the main canal once it has been rehabilitated 80.00
Surcharge Q = 65 m3/s FSWL Q= 52 m3/s
to the original design discharge. Until that 70.00

time there will need to be considerable flows 60.00

entering the system from the cross rivers 50.00

during March to May when there are still 40.00
substantial flows in the river. From November 30.00
to January when sediment concentrations are 20.00
high a considerable volume of sediments 10.00
would be abstracted into the canals. Without
the proposed upgrading works the water
Dec 2
Sep 2

Dec 1
Feb 1
Feb 2

Sep 1

Oct 2
Oct 1
Jun 1
Jun 2
Jan 1
Jan 2

Nov 2
Mar 1

Nov 1
Mar 2
Apr 1

May 1
Apr 2

May 2

Aug 2
Aug 1
Jul 1
Jul 2

balance implies that there will not be enough

ETC water available for the Patrol area when Gol 1 (13,407 ha) Gol 2 (21,788 ha) Gol 3 (18,484 ha) Gol 4 (8,305 ha)

Cipunegara carries heavy silt loads. #REF! Gol 5 (11,403 ha) DMI WS + Lebiah

Figure 4-16 Water Demand Compared to Canal Capacity for ETC, CP 3

The Irrigation demands calculated for PMMJIS for the existing situation are shown on Table 4-13.

It should be noted that combining 80% monthly low flows over a year is a higher reliability than 80% but
owing to the El Nino effect would be about 95% reliable and reflect the reliability required for DMI WS.

Table 4-13 Total Irrigation Demands, Existing Situation (Mm3)

Cropping pattern PJTII Direksi Alt CP1 Alt CP2

Component Irrigation DMI Irrigation DMI Irrigation DMI
ETC 1,625 218 1500 218 1,511 218
NTC 1,604 78 1471 78 1,469 78
WTC 858 667 879 667 749 667
Totals 4,087 963 3850 963 3,792 963
Combined totals 5,050 4769 4,755
The totals for the PJTII and Alternative crop patterns 1 and 2 are 5,050, 4,769 and 4,755 Mm3
respectively and can be compared to the average Juanda hydropower release flows of 4,614 Mm3.
This, along with the ETC capacity graph, shows that flows from the cross rivers is still required.

4.9.4 Future Water Balance Considerations

The future water balances depend on a series of variables depending on the future scenarios that are
conceived as influence factors on likely future situations. For clarity the process of conceiving and
applying these scenarios in determining the water balance are shown on Figure . The scenarios are
split into water availability and water demand.

Figure 4-17 Development of Scenarios for Future Water Balance Strategies

Water Availability Scenarios

A1. Changes in the rainfall pattern due to climate change scenario RCP 2.6 as described in Section

A2. Runoff factors that modify the runoff from the above rainfall including landuse change,
urbanisation and changes in water use associated with it and reservoir storage and reduction due to
sedimentation. These factors come together in two water availability models that produce the
extremes of outcomes:

A2a Urbanisation in the catchment but the effect will be similar in both models and a percentage
increase in wet season runoff and reduction in dry season.

A2b. Contribution of catchment conservation measures to model WA1 would be positive with
reduction in wet season runoff and increase in dry season. In WA2 model the lack of catchment
conservation would increase sedimentation and wet season runoff and reduce dry season runoff.

A2c. Irrigation demands upstream will increase due to higher evapotranspiration but available water
for irrigation will reduce in the dry season. DMI water supply will reduce as surface storage replace
groundwater mining as well as new demands. In model WA1 additional DMI demands for Bandung
basin/Upper Citarum are 15.9 m3/s 21 of which 20% lost (3.18 m3/s). However assume two inter basin
proposals: Santosa Reservoir transfer and Sinumbra transfer are implemented with additional losses
into Citarum are 3.0 m3/s so assume no gain or loss. In WA2 assume no transfers and Citarum flow
losses 3.18 m3/s in both wet and dry season runoff.

A2d. Sedimentation in the 3 Citarum cascade reservoirs in future will affect active storage
particularly in Saguling (about 9 Mm3/year) where active storage has reduced to about 50%. Loss of
active storage within rule curves of Cirata and Juanda has been relatively small and perhaps 1% since
construction of Saguling as much is trapped by Saguling. Overall for all three reservoirs by 2045
would be about 8% for situation combined water availability model 1, WA1.

WA1 estimates that improved conservation measures will reduce sediments by half from the
upstream catchment with reduced dry season runoff 8% and increase wet season runoff by 8%.

WA2 runoff model is assumed to reduce dry season flows by 16%22 and increase wet season flows by

Water Demand Scenarios

B1 Urban and industrial development changes: B1a assumes spatial planning is followed with infilling
of isolated rice land areas and preference for development in undulating areas to the south of the
canals as set out in Law No 41. 2009 Lahan Pangan Pertanian Berkelanjutan to protect rice land. (See
section 4.3 on land use planning). However, there is still loss of some 15,000 ha rice land in WTC
command, 11,100 in NTC and 4,200 in ETC including 2,000 ha of urban and industrial development
close to the Patimban Port. This feeds into Demand model WD1.
B1b uncontrolled urban development will isolate about twice the WTC area as in the situation B1a
with much development in the flat irrigation area rather than the undulating upper area assuming
Law No.41 is disregarded. Loss of 1,813 ha per year is estimated with 1,000 ha from WTC, 543 from
NTC and 270 ha from ETC and total of 54,400 ha by year 2045. At Patimban an increase in landuse of
20% over the B1a situation should be assumed. B1b feeds into WD2 model
B2. Flood Management: B2a assumes the government sees the need to protect the area against river
flood and coastal erosion whilst improving drainage. For 2045 this assumes existing areas of flooding
are developed for aquaculture so no loss of productive land. B2a will be in WD1 model.
B2b factors in that the necessary vulnerable areas are not protected and wet season flooding due to
more intense rainfall and poor drainage facilities spreads flooding to some 62,000 ha indicated as
low lying areas on the contour map. It assumes this area is abandoned due to frequent saline
intrusion or destroyed by coastal erosion. B2b will be in the WD2 model as provisionally shown on
Figure 4-14.

Addendum to the Bulk Water Supply Master Plan 2040 for Greater Bandung, ADB TA no. 7871-INO, 2015
Estimated from analysis of ACE Consultants, Pakistan Technical Report on Juanda (Jatiluhur Reservoir)
Volume 1. Sedimentation,2015

B3. DMI Water supply: B3a is related to urban development factor B1a and has been projected on
the basis of the capacity of the Bekasi siphon (32 m3/s) and on projections provided by PDAM
estimates and studies from other consultant reports as shown on Table 4-9.
B3b is based on an increase of 10% s due to increases in industry and urban development in the
project area.
B4 Sediment Control: B41 assumes that all sediment control measures proposed in the Sediment
Control Management Plan are implemented and that all canals are able to provide required
discharges. Consequently all areas that remain as rice land have a full cropping pattern.
B41 assumes that such sediment control interventions do not take place causing major problems in
Cibeet and Bugis canals. Under WA2 it is assumed that the gadu crop cannot be irrigated in these
two canals.
The cross rivers currently carry high charges of sediments that are clogging the Cibeet and Bugis
canals preventing demand flows being delivered and substantially increasing O&M budgets for canal
desilting. It is noted that both the JIMIP and 6 Cis studies state that the cross rivers will have
increasing importance in providing future water. The Sediment Management Plan makes
recommendations for sediment reduction measures and supports the BBWS Citarum in their
proposal to build siphons at Salamdarma and Cikarang to reduce sediments in the Bugis system and
the WTC respectively. The future water balance will investigate supplying most of the JIS command
areas from the main Tarum canals when the cross rivers are carrying heavy sediment loads from
November to February. However, the water from these sources will be needed between March and
May if the reservoirs are to recharge by the end of the dry season.
Cropping patterns
Three cropping patterns are described in section 4.9 that can be applied to both existing and future
scenarios. Field studies have shown that the cropping pattern continually reproduced in the annual
PJTII Instrucsi Direksi is not followed in the field and is not relevant for future development as the
cropping periods extend for 9.5 months in one golongon leaving insufficient time for a third crop. It is
believed that fresh water fishponds will replace rice land over significant areas.
Cropping pattern CP2 is designed to reflect what farmers are doing at present and include a
golongon where farmers double crop rice from February to October and leave November to
February fallow as the land is inundated. These areas reported as annually flooding close to the coast
are experiencing ingress of water from high tides. By 2045 the combination of raised sea levels,
increased storm surge, more intense runoff from storms influenced by climate change and land
settlement will have a dramatic effect. Backwater effects, increasing flood frequency and extent will
put at risk some 62,000 ha below the 2.5m contour, See Figure 4-4. For the future scenarios two
water demand scenarios are postulated:
WD1. In the precautionary case with planned protection and upgrading interventions which in
lowland areas include coastal and flood protection. The existing estimated areas of inundation, see
Table 4-9 will remain but in the wet season adapted for aquaculture.
WD2. No protection works instigated including protecting Riceland and flood and coastal protection.
An increasing area of up to 62,000 ha is assumed permanently inundated during the wet season and
intermittently during the dry season. This area might be abandoned leaving only 109,000 ha of
irrigated Riceland on JIS.

Table 4-14 Existing and Proposed Areas for the Water Balance

Situation Rice land areas (ha)

Sub-scheme WTC NTC ETC Total JIS
PJTII 'direksi'areas
Existing 2015 45,092 87,194 92,451 224,737
Area of 3rd crop, palawija 4,058 7,847 8,321 20,226
Base year 2015 47,633 81,988 87,182 216,803
Estimated area of delayed crops 6,748 11,344 10,318 28,410
WD!: Protection interventions 2045 31,174 71,351 79,963 182,488
Area of inundated adapted crops 12,995 39,556 9,982 62,533
Area of 3rd crop, palawija 10,907 19,077 41,989 71,973
WD2: No urban/flood protection 2045 15,938 65,686 77,589 159,213
Area at risk of deep inundation 12,995 39,556 9,982 62,533
Double crop irrigaion area 2,943 26,130 67,607 96,680
Area of 3rd crop, palowija 1,766 15,678 40,564 58,008

With the two proposed cropping patterns to provide four future water balances:
Cropping Pattern A (formally alternative cropping Pattern 1) following existing farming practices.
Cropping pattern B (formerly alternative cropping pattern 2) where rice crops compressed into wet
season to minimise water use except in inundated areas and a third irrigated palawija crop is grown
up to 60% on the four dry golongon areas.
This provides four future water balance strategies (FWBS) will be investigated in the project planning
phase of the PMMJIS:
FWBS1 Cropping pattern A with strategies of planned rice land protection (at 80%) from urban and
industrial development with coastal and flood protection and irrigation and drainage R&U;
FWBS2 Cropping pattern B with strategies as FWBS 1 above.
FWBS3 Cropping pattern A without rice land protection, coastal and flood protection or further
irrigation R&U.
FWBS4 Cropping pattern B with scenario as in FWBS3 above.

4.10 Water Quality

Surface water quality which includes turbidity (TDS), water temperature, and the other condition
requirements is still adequate in the sense that meet the quality standards according to West Java
Governor Decree No. 39 Year 2000 regarding allocation of raw water in Citarum and its tributaries in
West Java (Class B: designation as suitable for drinking water following treatment). Even class D, the
worst condition states it is suitable for irrigation.

A variety of organisations either carry out water quality sampling or have carried out surveys of
water quality at key locations in the Citarum River, along the WTC and water sources around the JIS.

(i) PJTII carry out continuous water quality monitoring at some 137 key locations.
(ii) Domestic Municipals Industry data 2015
(iii) Location of Survey Water Test Map (PJTII)
(iv) Perubahan Penanganan Perubahan Iklim di Indonesia (2010 2014)
(v) Mott MacDonald Asia has carried out analysis of the PJT II information and added a
check survey of their own during FS of a DMI WS project from Curug to Jakarta.

(vi) K Water of Korea carried out a study for a Development of a Water Quality Management
System for the WTC during which they prepared monthly turbidity variation profiles
between 1993 and 2007 using PJT II data.
(vii) The DED and Construction Supervision for Rehabilitation of WTC consultants have
extended the K Water profiles from 2007 to nearly 2011.
(viii) Water Quality in West Tarum Canal, Based on the EIA Study Rehabilitation of West
Tarum Canal conducted in 2012 by PT. KRC, there are the results of analysis of surface
water as follows:
A reconnaissance field visit to Cilemahabang weir was noted for the poor quality of the water by
colour and smell. Gate keepers confirmed that it further deteriorated during the dry season. PJT data
confirmed that samples for key indicators were higher than UNWHO and FAO standard allowable
levels for irrigation water, and particularly for salad vegetables and aquaculture crops such as
cucumber and spinach observed in the command area which absorbs heavy metals. Future
recommendations in WTC are that irrigation water should not be mixed with drainage and then
redistributed. Irrigation canals through urban and industrial areas should be culverted and kept
separate from drains. In fact some of these areas will be absorbed by urbanisation and the irrigation
infrastructure abandoned.

5 Irrigation Practices
5.1 System Water Management
5.1.1 Formal water acquisition process for irrigation

In theory the water acquisition process for irrigation on JIS is stipulated annually by the West Java
Governor Decree, the latest being No.521/Kep/1098-Rek/2015 dated 29 Sep 2015. This is based on
the management direction (Instruksi Direksi) issued by the Management of PJTII as described in
section 4.8. The allocation of water is based on a golongon system to spread peak flows during land
presaturation to ensure the canal system can carry the prescribed flows. The golongans are shown
on the scheme layout map shown as Figure 5-1.

Figure 5-1 Golongan System for 2016 from PJTII

The process of determining the PJT II Instruksi Direksi plan for water allocation for irrigation and
DMI is based on coordination meetings with 5 District Governments within Jatiluhur Irrigation area.
According to the Ministry Decree of Public Work and Housing (Permen PUPR) No 12/2015 and
(Permen PUPR) No 17/2015, in principle at the onset of the first planting season the cropping pattern
and calendar are discussed between WUAs and Pengamats. Information for the whole area is
collected and processed by the Section and Division staff from PJTII for the subject of discussion in
the 5 District Irrigation Commissions. They discuss and accommodate proposals including a draft
water allocation plan for irrigation for the whole area in a meeting with the Provincial Irrigation
Council. The council prepares a final proposal for the Governor of West Java, which includes a
description of the proposed cropping intensity and the golongan system. The proposal is legalised in
a decree (SK Govenor) and referred to as the Pola tata Tanam (cropping plan). Based on this decision
and after discussions with the SPKTPA (Secretariat Pelaksanaan Koordinasi tata Pengatuturan Air/

Coordination Unit for Water Allocation)23, the PJTII prepares the water release schedule for the
reservoirs and the water allocation plan for the year. This takes into account irrigation and DMI
water demand.

The water allocation for irrigation is computed based on 5 golongan, the area of each golongan,
and stage of crop growth. Subsequently, the allocation of water in WTC, ETC, NTC and main canals
from cross-river sources and relevant main weirs (Cibekasi, Cikarang, Cibeet, Cipunegara at
Salamdarma weir, Cigadung, Ciasem at Macan weir, Cijengkol, Ciherang and Cilamaya at Barugbug
weir) are determined.

There are anomalies in the cropping management directive (CMD) as well as other aspects that show
a divergence and disconnect in the directive to what actually happens in the field. These are:
a. The golongan schedule on page 4 is contradicted by the initial text and the spreadsheet
calculation as shown in Table 5-1 for Golongan 1.

Table 5-1 Anomalies in the Cropping Management Directive and PMMJIS proposal

Rendeng crop Gadu crop Palawija crop

Detail Start End of Growth Start End of Growth Start End of Growth
of crop Crop period of Crop period of crop period.
Schedule (months) crop (months) Crop (months)
PJTII text 1 Sep 15 Jan 4.5 15 Feb 15 June 4.0 Jul 1 Aug 31 2
Chart p4. 1 Oct 30 Dec 3 1 Mar 15 May 2.5 None
Spreadsheet p.8 1 Oct 28 Feb 5 1 Mar 15 July 4.5 None
Note: The above dates and periods refer to Golongan 1.

b. The directive text only provides 2 months for a palawija crop which is insufficient. In the
spreadsheet timing there is 2.5 months available for a palawija crop. However, the text
recommends a month maintenance period restricting the palawija crop to a 1.5 months
irrigation period which is also insufficient. This severely limits the farmers to two crops and
hence the profitability of their farms. The 5 golongan system allows a one month
maintenance period between the two rice crops in September although there is only half a
month when irrigation is not required which would be too short for the ETC. However the
need to supply DMI requires all main canals to permanently operate.
c. The spreadsheets show that the demand from Curug during several months are well in
excess of the current ETC canal capacity and therefore cannot be achieved. The current canal
capacity is 52 m3/s at FSWL. It is noted that the ETC will be enlarged to 82 m3/s during the
current rehabilitation program, but this is still below calculated discharges.
d. Values for presaturation by half month are given in the PJTII Direksi spreadsheet and
severely underestimates this requirement as pointed out in section 5.11.1 and Annex 3.
e. In other areas the farmers have become used to there always being water available in the
canals no matter when they start land preparation activities.

Actual water allocation is described in the next section.

Comprises staff from 1) BBWS-C, 2) PJTII, 3) PLN and subsidiaries, 4) PT.PJP (Pengbankitan Jawa Balifor
operation of Cirata Reservoir and 5) PT Indonesian Power (operation of Saguling Reservoir), 6) BMKG Badan
Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisica), 7) Puslitbang Air and 8) Baden Pengkacian dan Penerapan Teknologi.
The chart title is Jadual Pembagian Golongan Air which means separation of golongans but could be
interpreted as period of irrigation.

5.1.2 Actual water allocation, formal water use rights and the golongan system

Fine tuning of actual water release and distribution to the three main canals occurs on a bi-monthly
basis. Actual field information is gathered weekly from the WUAs and PPLs by the PJTII section staff.
The information is compiled and discussed during the bi-monthly Tepasa meetings (with
representation of SPKTPA) in which water releases, electricity production, water distribution and
agricultural information are discussed. Adjustments are made for the next two weeks.

The Instruksi Direksi is used as guidance for offices of Divisions, Sections and Pengamat in the
operation of the canal system. Pengamat and their field staff (Juru) disseminate the defined
golongan and its cropping schedule to the farmers through meetings and by sending an official letter
to related offices of District governments. Satellite images confirm that spreading the crop to reduce
demands generally starts close to the canal then spreads northwards as indicated by the golongon

However, in some areas the actual field condition of practiced golongan and cropping schedule are
not in accordance with the Instruksi Direksi either in location or in accordance with unit discharges.
Field visits showed that farmers in low lying areas of Binong do not crop between November and
February when fields are often inundated. Farmers in the southern Binong area delay their gadu
crop planting until June and July to benefit from higher harvesting prices in October. The cropping
schedule is different in each village with local farmers deciding the start of planting date through
farmers meetings. The start of planting date is based on the experience of farmers on rainfall and
water reliability and when pests are likely to arrive or proliferate. The actual cropping pattern in
2012 is represented by Figure 4-8. There is communication between farmers and juru in the process
of distributing water but mainly when there is shortage and not a routine confirmation of flow into
eah tertiary area. There are some established Water User Association (Mitra Cai) and Agriculture
extension worker in some particular villages and on a more informal basis in others where water is
managed by an appointed ulu ulu. The cropping pattern is almost universally two rice crops a year
and represented on Figure 4-9.

Delivering water at turn out structures is following the actual stage of crop growth. Pengamat and
juru record the area of actual cropping and report it to the Section Office and then it is relayed to the
Division Office. As mentioned elsewhere, although juru may set gates to scheduled flows, there
appears to be widespread unilateral changing gate settings by farmers, particularly close to main
canals. Consequently there is over irrigation with turned out flows many times greater than field
demands. Drainage flows can be seen returned to the secondary canals after drop structures to be
re-diverted. Further down the systems structures have been built on drains to divert water to canals
or directly into rice fields. Whilst the first diversion could be described as inefficient, the multiple
diversions and eventual use in brackish water tambaks probably gives an overall high efficiency of
use. Unfortunately this fills drains whilst such re-use structures throttle flows, thus exacerbating

Section Offices record discharge at the intakes of local headworks and division structures of WTC,
ETC and NTC. It is noted that most of the measuring devices at the intake of the local headworks
need to be rehabilitated as they do not operate correctly. There is a current program to replace
water level scales with sensors and telemetry to management offices under a JICA program. Many of
the secondary canal offtakes from the ETC have measuring structures, mainly Cipoletti weirs which
are often drowned out. Tertiary turnouts, which had Romijn gates, no longer function and no
accurate measurement facilities were seen during site visits. There are also unmeasured releases

from the ETC into streams to be later picked up at weirs such as Lemahabang, Jenkol, Pawelutan and
Gadung. Consequently low flow readings at these weirs are misleading in determining catchment
runoff and risk double counting in water availability.

At present the flows shown in the directive spreadsheet cannot be followed as the ETC intake is
limited by the downstream canal to 52 m3/s, mainly due to the bottleneck between km 4.5 and km7.
Other sections of the ETC are being dredged and low banks raised to bring the capacity up to design
discharges, which at Curug is 82 m3/s for the ETC. Flows from the cross rivers are currently needed
to satisfy demands up to Salamdarma weir. Currently during the gadu crop the flows reaching the
end of the ETC and combined with flows in Cipunegara in the Bugis main canal, only provide about
33% of Patrol area requirements25 in a dry year. This situation is exacerbated by farmers south of the
Bugis MC pumping some 6 m3/s from the upstream Cipunegara and some 3 m3/s from Kandanghaur
secondary canal during dry months. During the wet season Bugis demands can be satisfied, but
mainly with heavily silt laden water from Cipunegara. The Salamdarma sediment basin is ineffective
due to being too short, the flows upstream too turbulent and sluice gates poorly positioned.

During periods of shortage the field staff request increased flows up the administrative system. Such
requests are discussed and, if appear reasonable, greater flows are released from Juanda Dam.
However, bottlenecks and sedimentation in the main canals limit the flows that can be transmitted
in response. There have been instances of farmers from particularly badly affected areas, such as
those supplied through the Bugis Main Canal, threatening PJT II staff to open ETC cross regulating
gates further or releasing greater flows upstream of Salamdarma Weir.

Farmers or village officials in some areas decide themselves on when they prefer to start cultivation
based on their tradition. This is often in spite of pengamat field staff encouraging them to follow
golongan as planned in Instruksi Direksi. It should be noted that many areas following later
planting have only established this as a tradition since the completion of the ETC. Previously they
were in the lower reaches of schemes such as Barugbug and Macan and either planted earlier when
there was still water in the river and canals using giliran methods or grew a single crop.

Most farmers are not willing to plant a third crop, neither rice nor palawija crops. It is difficult to
establish a universal reason for this. Reasons provided were: (i) growing a third crop is not in their
tradition; (ii) they do not believe it will be remunerative; (iii) they can find more profitable work
elsewhere or (iv) it does not fit with the PJTII crop calendar and they will not be guaranteed water.
Farmers grow palawija crops along the bunds of rice field while at the same time they grow rice
crop. During fallow periods after harvesting they work as labour for cultivation in the other villages.
According to some farmers interviewed, working as labour is a lower financial risk rather than
planting a third crop. Farmers in the Baragbug area grow palawija crops as the soils tend to be
sandier and irrigation water contains wastewater from three food processing factories that acts as a

5.1.3 Water distribution in systems including giliran rotation

Most of tertiary canals are in good condition owing to the District Agriculture Office providing
budged assistance to line the canals. Most of quaternary canals and tertiary boxes do not exist so
that water distribution within tertiary blocks is carried out by field to field with excess water flowing
into drainage canals. Juru claim to have knowledge of the boundaries of each tertiary block.

From flow measurement exercises carried out by WISMP Component 3b when Bugis flows were 8 m3/s.

Officially the water distribution from turnout structures along main and secondary canals into
tertiary areas is based on actual cropped areas and the stage of cultivation of the rice crop. However,
due to missing measuring devices and lack of computations of specific crop water requirements, the
amount of allocated water through turnout gate is usually carried out by juru estimating crop needs.
The estimation of the released discharge is influenced by considering field to field water distribution
in the tertiary block, but also by what will satisfy farmers. This tends to lead to oversupply in areas
near the head of canals and shortages in lower areas.

This might be a minor cause of water shortages at the locations shown in Figure 5-2 and Figure 5-3
with a total area of about 12,000 ha. However the figures show that the locations of water shortage
are mostly located at downstream end of Cibeet and Bugis canal systems where rapid siltation of the
canals occurs. In the area shown on Figure 5-3 supplied by SS Cibeet a FWUA and District PSDA have
combined to construct a major pump station on the Citarum that supplies this area. In this case the
reported shortages may be due to financial reasons of paying for pump operating costs.

Figure 5-2 Areas in JIS East Experiencing Water Shortage

Other factors in Patrol Section is that in Cipunegara low flow periods the water arriving at the end of
the ETC is insufficient for Patrol needs. This is due to the combination of the ETC bottlenecks limiting
ETC capacity, unauthorised abstractions upstream and from SS Kandang Haur and reduced capacity
due to sedimentation. Consequently in lower Patrol areas the overall cropping intensity has fallen to
about 170% with farmers reporting gadu crop failures four years out of the last 10 years and
consequently yields are also depressed during dry years.

He map should include all of the rice land north of the national road. Some higher areas also report
water shortages in dry years. In the Bugis system there are reports of third party operators who are

reported to cause inequitable distribution between Indramayu canals and Subang canals and
between large land owners close to the top of the scheme and poorer farmers towards the tail end.
On Kandang Haur secondary farmers to the south outside the official boundaries pump water from
the canal reducing supplies to those downstream.

Figure 5-3 Areas in JIS East Experiencing Water Shortage

The implementation of rotation of water distribution (called gilir-giring meaning intermittent flow
direction) is carried out by fully open and full closure of the secondary cross regulator and tertiary
turnout gates in turn. Prior to the implementation pengamat conduct farmers meetings to discuss
and to get agreement on the rotation system. The system in theory is supposed to give priority first
to the downstream tertiary units. In practice on JIS it works with the upstream units being serviced

The giliran system used elsewhere in Indonesia is usually implemented within the tertiary unit when
water supplies are short with perhaps every third quaternary unit closed for a day in rotation. If
water supplies continue to reduce then the system would change to one third on and one off.
Enquiries found little practice with this system on JIS which would be hard to implement at the
moment due to lack of quaternary canals and division boxes in tertiary units.

5.1.4 Water delivery and measurement

Minister Decree of Public Work and Housing (Permen PUPR) No. 12/2015 on O&M of irrigation
systems stipulate procedure of operation of irrigation system including water delivery and
measurement on fully technical schemes. Some measuring structures exist at side river weir intakes,
where secondary canals branch from main canals, where main canals augment canals that cross
under the main canals and on some secondary division structures. Some of these structures are used

for measurement if they operate in free discharge mode but many are completely or partially
drowned out and unable to measure.

Figure 5-4 (a) Cipoletti weir with modular flow and measurable (b) Drowned and Unmeasurable

As a large irrigation system, the JIS should be a fully technical irrigation system with the capacity to
control and measure flows into the tertiary systems where there is a change in responsibility for the
water. This is the rational way to effectively operate the irrigation system. The operation of Jatiluhur
irrigation system is not fully equipped to follow the Ministerial Decree. The reasons for flows not to
be accurately measured are due to the following reasons;

Lack of infrastructures such as measuring devices to support the implementation of that

activity especially at the tertiary offtake. Most have sluice gates operating in submerged
mode and the few operating in free discharge have no measuring scale or downstream
measurement weir. Some Romijn gates survive but or operated in scour mode with
measurement facilities broken or removed.
Lengthy process in implementing participatory procedures to include WUAs and Irrigation
Councils in planning and implement cropping patterns to determining irrigation schedules.
There is no mutually checking of flows into their tertiary units by WUA representatives with
juru or perceived need by PJTII staff to do so.
For most areas there is adequate water most of the time as poor water management has
been compensated by widespread re-use of drain water. Only a few areas short of water
ever have to rotate and accurately proportion flows.
The onerous routine and tight daily activities of understaffed juru to record data and check
that delivered discharges are in accordance with the half monthly water delivery demands.
Many operational staff consider that the current water distribution method of visual
estimation, including implementing a rotation system in dry periods, is sufficiently adequate
in most areas to ensure two crops with high yields.
There a few instances of serious problems or complaints coming from farmers' community as
The concept of statistical analysis of the reliability of supply meeting demand as a
performance indicator over a crop season or year is not a concept being promoted or
considered important by senior staff in DGWR.

Only by measuring flows around the JIS as a whole can there be improved outcomes of irrigation
system operation in the form of adequacy and reliability of supply to all areas resulting in increasing
cropping intensity and cropping yield. Modernisation of management will include consistent flow

measurement to confirm by statistical analysis that water availability meets demand targets as a key
indicator of performance.

The problems of climate change also need to be addressed with improved flow management during
the increasingly likely extended dry periods. Anticipating heavy rainfall to reduce flows that fill
drainage channels should be considered in the future along with introducing downstream control
where the system would respond automatically by closing gates up the canal system.

5.1.5 Drainage bottlenecks and constraints

Note that main section 7 includes flooding, drainage and coastal erosion constraints.

There is a need to extend operational practices to the drainage systems to:

Monitor by inspection drains to identify areas where too much water is turned out and
much goes to waste in both irrigation and fresh water fishpond areas.
Monitor water level measurements at key drainage structures to identify flood risks.
Manage water levels in low lying areas to optimise water control infrastructure, aquaculture
production and reduce rice crop inundation.
Ensuring structures do not get inundated by sediment or floating debris especially near the
coast where flap gates do not operate correctly or sluice gates jamb.

5.1.6 Performance and productivity of Jatiluhur operational staff

The field staffs of Section Offices regularly record and reported components of water distribution
activities such as areas of cropping stages, discharges at intake, division and turnout structures, daily
rainfall, rice field conversion areas etc. They know the boundaries and areas of each tertiary unit in
the field and consider they can estimate water needs. What they do not do is check the drainlines
and discharge points for excess water going to waste.

At present there is no system of monitoring and evaluation to statistically prove that water supplies
are reliably satisfying demands, particularly in downstream areas or that water supplied is well in
excess of demands. Other indicators that are not monitored are the condition of the infrastructure,
the participation of the WUAs in water management or maintenance activities and the systematic
performance of the operational staff using verifiable indicators or targets. There was no evidence
that pengamat routinely observed or checked their staff in the field, checked the veracity of their
reports or carried out annual interviews and assessments with their staff or followed their capacity
and capability development and training. The same is true for pengamat, sectional and divisional
staff. There is no evidence that the flows reported at tertiary turnouts are corroborated at the same
time with representative of the particular WUA.

Communication between field staffs and farmers are intensively underway as part of the IoPIM
project in some areas. This is in the form of informal discussions in the field and in the form of formal
meetings and cover participatory water management, canal and structure maintenance and tertiary
system development. Local agriculture extension workers have been involved in discussions as well.
One of the problems being found is that absentee (from agricultural activities) landlords are buying
up large areas of land that increases tenanted farms and landless farm workers. The tenants and
workers are becoming reluctant to carry out unpaid work such as gotong royang when they are not
the owners of the land.

5.1.7 Illegal canal water abstractions

Some farmers are using pumps to take water from canals when their area is out of command or
excluded from the rotation system. Other farmers damage or drill holes through masonry structures
or insert pipes through canal banks, often because the tertiary systems are not adequately provided
with quaternary canals. This makes accurate flow monitoring impossible.
A large area of rice irrigation estimated at 6,000 ha that is out of command of the Bugis canal is
irrigated via a battery of pumps during the dry season from water discharged into the Cipunegara
upstream of the Salamdarma weir intended for the Bugis system. A further 3000 ha is irrigated from
the SS Kandang Haur by pumping. The areas on the Cipunegara right bank are supposed to be
supplied from the Cipancu Reservoir which has lost much of the storage due to sedimentation. It is
advised that this area is included in the proposed Sadawarna Reservoir and Irrigation Project on the
There is some 1000 ha of rapidly expanding freshwater fishponds with some 300 ha concentrated
between BTt20 and BTt26 on the ETC. Fish farmers illegally take water from main canals by taking
water from offtakes, often by jamming pipes under hydraulic gates, by inserting pipes through the
canal banks below water levels and, in some secondary canals, by installing pipes through holes in
lining. In some areas the fishpond storehouses are identical suggesting that a large commercial
company is involved in the developments that create many multiples of profit compared to rice
cultivation. This suggests they should be charged officially for their water use. This might prevent a
substantial loss of water directly into drainlines. Much of this area drains to the Cijongkol weir where
it is reported that flows have increases over irrigation demands to the extent that the ETC no longer
discharges into the upper river.
There are also large factory sized chicken sheds on the scheme and duck hatcheries illegally on the
banks where water is taken without payment whilst manure is disposed of in the canal.

5.2 Reporting and Data Management

Flows are reported on a daily basis from jury to pengamats. Some 5 years ago reporting was
commenced through Blackberry messenger group simultaneously to the pengamat office, section
offices and the PJTII main office. The system is in the process of being changed to whats app so it
can be used by any phone and can have either internet or phone access. Currently the data sets are
typed up at the PJTII head office into the current data bank/DSS system. Consequently this data
transmission and storage is on a daily basis.

The system needs to become more automatic so that the digital data is automatically downloaded
into the PJTII data bank computers and in the other management offices.

Flow measurements from weir measurement structures are also sent daily by smartphone or by
collecting a monthly printout. Many of these measurement structures are being upgraded under a
JICA project by sensors and telemetry systems operating on sending information at 10 or 15 minute
intervals. JICA plan to install some 50 sensors in the Citarum hydrometric network.

5.3 Impact of Service Delivery on Agricultural Productivity and Crop Choice

Luas Sawah
Luas wilayah Luas sawah Total Luas Luas Panen Produktivitas
No. Kabupaten Tadah Hujan Produksi (ton/th) IP
(ha) irigasi (ha) Sawah (ha) (ha) (Ku/ha)
1 Bogor 271,062.00 46,589 8,878 55,467 86,492 59.83 517,442.00 1.86
Details of rice cultivation414,570.00
2 Sukabumi yields are 64,066
given in 18,066
Annex 8 Provisional
82,132 Agriculture57.89
155,042 and Agro-economic
897,485.00 2.42
Report. Overall and in most years the cropping intensity is 1.96 for double cropped rice830,545.00
3 Cianjur 384,016.00 66,431 20,304 86,735 151,890 54.68 reported2.29
4 Bandung 176,796.00 35,682 2,916 38,598 79,141 58.50 462,977.00 2.22
the basis of District as shown below in Table 5-2 with a weighted average of about 5.6 t/ha.
5 Garut 307,407.00 48,300 10,563 58,863 160,668 60.55 972,890.00 3.33
6 Tasikmalaya 255,119.00 51,188 14,687 65,875 131,069 67.22 881,026.00 2.56
Table 5-2 Details of Rice Cultivation in the Districts associated with JIS (1014)
7 Ciamis 141,471.00 35,474 8,050 43,524 73,605 60.95 448,641.00 2.07
8 Kuningan 111,056.00 28,646 8,346 36,992 59,365 60.06 356,550.00 2.07
9 Cirebon 98,452.00 53,368 Luas Sawah
5,577 58,945 85,346 60.93 520,017.00 1.60
Luas wilayah Luas sawah Total Luas Luas Panen Produktivitas
No. Kabupaten
10 Majalengka 120,424.00 50,334 Tadah14,102
Hujan 64,436 105,558 60.09 Produksi (ton/th) 2.10
634,260.00 IP
(ha) irigasi (ha) Sawah (ha) (ha) (Ku/ha)
11 Sumedang 151,833.00 33,143 (ha)
5,401 38,544 77,867 61.03 475,190.00 2.35
121 Bogor
Indramayu 271,062.00
204,011.00 46,589
117,792 8,878
22,827 55,467
140,619 86,492
225,983 59.83
60.24 517,442.00 1.86
1,361,374.00 1.92
132 Sukabumi
Subang 414,570.00
189,395.00 64,066
84,570 18,066
6,621 82,132
91,191 155,042
171,190 57.89
56.36 897,485.00
964,845.00 2.42
143 Cianjur
Purwakarta 384,016.00
82,574.00 66,431
17,580 20,304
7,063 86,735
24,643 151,890
38,060 54.68
52.28 830,545.00
198,964.00 2.29
154 Bandung
Karawang 176,796.00
165,220.00 35,682
97,577 2,916
4,661 38,598
102,238 79,141
189,533 58.50
59.23 462,977.00 2.22
1,122,582.00 1.94
165 Garut
Bekasi 307,407.00
122,488.00 48,300
51,961 10,563
6,121 58,863
58,082 160,668
85,616 60.55
51.28 972,890.00
439,054.00 3.33
176 Tasikmalaya
Bandung Barat 255,119.00
130,577.00 51,188
21,693 14,687
9,946 65,875
31,639 131,069
42,999 67.22
59.70 881,026.00
256,687.00 2.56
187 Ciamis
Pangandaran 141,471.00
101,000.00 35,474
18,187 8,050
7,024 43,524
25,211 73,605
33,398 60.95
47.02 448,641.00
157,035.00 2.07
The proposed agro-economic study will assess agro-economic aspects and constraints in detail and
198 Kuningan
Bogor 111,056.00
11,850.00 28,646
750 8,346
- 36,992
750 59,365
515 60.06
48.85 356,550.00
2,516.00 2.07
8 will be updated as a more
4,825.00 53,368
report 58,945
in both English
1,619 85,346
and Bahasa
21,971.00 1.60
10 Bandungit should be carried
21 Majalengka out in greater
16,767.00 50,334
988 detail 20in the proposed
14,102 64,436
1,008 pilot
1,715area No
105,558 2, the 634,260.00
56.73 12,240
9,729.00 ha of
22 Sumedang
Cirebon 151,833.00
3,736.00 33,143
260 5,401
227 38,544
487 77,867
area where there are reports of water shortage and areas where wet season crops are delayed due 505 61.03
44.97 475,190.00
2,271.00 2.35
12 Indramayu 204,011.00 117,792 22,827 140,619 225,983 60.24 1,361,374.00
3,522.00 1.92
to 23 Bekasi
annual 20,661.00
flooding. The survey should also 475 371
ascertain why some 846
farmers625find growing56.35
a third 1.32
24 Subang
Depok 189,395.00
20,029.00 84,570
348 6,621
28 91,191
376 171,190
358 56.36
56.73 964,845.00
2,031.00 2.02
14 remunerative whilst 82,574.00
25 Purwakarta
Cimahi others
3,927.00 do not. 276This should
17,580 14 allow
7,063 the
290 agricultural
24,643 38,060
472 experts
71.04 to work
52.28 with 2.16
3,353.00 the
District Agricultural Service to develop strategies and crops that will motivate farmers and raise farm
26 Karawang
Tasikmalaya 165,220.00
17,161.00 97,577
5,993 4,661
1,769 102,238
7,762 189,533
12,882 59.23
51.56 1,122,582.00
66,423.00 1.94
27 Bekasi
incomes. 122,488.00
11,349.00 51,961
3,318 6,121
1,167 58,082
4,485 85,616
6399 51.28
55.51 439,054.00
35519 1.65
17 Bandung
TOTAL Barat 130,577.00 936,529.00
3,537,776.00 21,693 184,828.00
9,946 1,121,357.00
31,639 1,979,799.00
42,999 59.70 256,687.00 1.98
57.49 11,644,899.00 1.97
Until there is far more irrigated palawija crops grown on the scheme there is little reason to 1.84
18 Pangandaran 101,000.00 18,187 7,024 25,211 33,398 47.02 157,035.00 try
19 Bogor 11,850.00 750 - 750 515 48.85 2,516.00 0.69
water storage
20 Sukabumi
with piped water
systems. 79
Such systems
the year round
21,971.00 2.28
21 Bandung of higher value16,767.00
vegetable crops 988 especially20 if grown 1,008 in relay1,715
to provide continuous
56.73 market
9,729.00 1.74
supply whilst nursery facilities could allow four to six crops per year. This more modern form1.94of
22 Cirebon 3,736.00 260 227 487 505 44.97 2,271.00
23 Bekasi
delivery should be piloted20,661.00
by Dinas Pertanian. 475 371 846 625 56.35 3,522.00 1.32
24 Depok 20,029.00 348 28 376 358 56.73 2,031.00 1.03
25 Cimahi 3,927.00 276 14 290 472 71.04 3,353.00 1.71
26 Tasikmalaya 17,161.00 5,993 1,769 7,762 12,882 51.56 66,423.00 2.15
5.4 Change in Operation Philosophy
27 Banjar 11,349.00 3,318 1,167 4,485 6399 55.51 35519 1.93
TOTAL 3,537,776.00 936,529.00 184,828.00 1,121,357.00 1,979,799.00 57.49 11,644,899.00 1.97

In the future the WTC and ETC could provide relatively clear flows into the JIS during the wet season
without the cross rivers that carry high sediment loads. Water balances confirm that in most years
there is sufficient water in Juanda Reservoir to do this once main canals are rehabilitated to design
capacities. This will require some system re-planning with link canals from the ETC and WTC to
replace water discharged into rivers to be collected downstream by weirs. In the case of Salamdarma
and Cikarang weir the proposed siphons should be built. The water balance for the existing situation
shows that when the ETC is at design capacity and the proposed siphon to Bugis Main Canal is
complete, wet season demands can be satisfied from ETC. However, in dry years some later
demands will have to be satisfied from Cipunegara and other cross rivers when suspended material
has reduced if the Citarum reservoirs are to be at FSWL at the end of the wet season. In fact the
present actual cropping pattern makes better use of dry season hydropower discharges from Juanda
Dam than the other two cropping patterns that have been studied.

The Jatiluhur system is so extensive that it takes some 5 days for water to reach the ends of the canal
system. The present system of water allocation is upstream controlled with water released without
adjustment for heavy rainfall. Consequently during wet periods much of the water is unused and
turned into the drainage system that is already overflowing. If scheme operators close secondary

system gates and farmers tertiary system gates to prevent damage by discharging into the drainage
system they further exacerbate drainage by causing control embankments to be overtopped and
downstream areas flooded. Changing over to a real-time reported downstream control system with
automatic recording rain gauges and increasingly sophisticated methods of predicting rainfall will
allow advanced and responsive closure of the canal systems in a sequential manner to allow water to
be retained in the three cascade reservoirs.

6 Legal Framework, Institutions and Human Resources
6.1 Legal and Institutional Framework

6.1.1 Legal Framework

The Indonesian Government has decided to develop irrigation modernization in order to realize
more efficient irrigation management to meet an improved level of irrigation service to be more
effective, efficient and sustainable to support the policy of national food security. The concepts of
irrigation modernization is set out in the Ministry of Public Works and Housing ( PWH ) Regulation
number 30 / PRT / M / 2015 On the Development and Management of the Irrigation System, Article

As set in Government Regulation ( GR ) number 7 / 2010 on Perum Jasa Titra II ( PJT II ) article 4 (2),
part of tasks and responsibilities of PJT II are:

a. to operates the main irrigation networks in the irrigation areas North and
South of Jatiluhur

b. to operate the secondary irrigation networks in the irrigation areas North and
South of Jatiluhur

c. to maintain the main irrigation canals in the areaa North and South of

The North Jatiluhur Irrigation System (JIS) is named as the irrigation system of Jatiluhur
(DI Jatiluhur) as described in Ministry Regulation PWH PWH14/PRT/M / 2015 On Criteria
and Determination of Status of Irrigation in Appendix 1 (of the regulation). The system is
supplied water from Juanda (Jatiluhur) Reservoir while the South of Jatiluhur irrigation
systems are independent from the Juanda Reservoir and known by independent names.

The authority for these irrigation systems have already been handed over to provincial
and district government authority, see Table 6-1. The ones that belong to central
government (Ministry of PWH) are mentioned in law 23/2014 on Regional Government
and listed in the Appendix of Concurrent Government Affairs division between National
and Provincial and District / City in the form of Matrix I, Group C. Government Affairs
Division of Public Works and Spatial Planning. It is clear that there are duplication of task
and responsibility of irrigation management between PJT II and the Provincial and
District governments. The list of irrigation areas are described in detail in the Ministry
Regulation of PWH14/PRT/M / 2015 On Criteria and Determination of Status of

Table 6-1. Authority over the irrigation areas south of Jatiluhur

Authority Number of Total Area

irrigation areas (ha)
District 337 28.079
West Java Province 4 5.546
Central Government 4 20.665
TOTAL 345 54.290

It can be concluded that GR 7/2010 is contrary to Law 23/2014. In addition the cost allocated by PJTII
for management reached more than Rp. 130 billion/ year. In Table 6-2 is presented an indication of
profit / loss per year. In 2015, from five Divisions, the two divisions of water management, DWM II
and DWM III which mostly conduct irrigation management suffered losses of more than Rp. 10 billion
per year. According to information obtained, 60% of the losses of DWM -II are on the costs of the
field staff.

Table 6-2 The overview of profit and loss for the 5 Divisions

Division of PJT-II Profit and loss (IDR)

DWM I 23 billion / year

DWM II -5,3 billion / year

DWM III -4,8 billion / year

Division of Dam 400 million / year

Division of Hydro Power 74 billion / year

Based on Law 19 / 2003 Concerning State Owned Enterprises Article 2, Paragraph (1), one of the
purposes and objectives of the establishment of state-owned enterprises is the pursuit of profit.
There is an indication that the irrigation assignment for carrying out the operation and maintenance
of South and North of Jatiluhur irrigation areas as stipulated in GR 7/2010 gives the impact of
reduced profit to PJT II. So it can be concluded that Government Regulation No. 7 of 2010 is contrary
to law number 19 of 2003. In addition the assignment for supplying water provides the opportunity
to collect water service fees.


To consider the separation of the management of water resources from irrigation

management (ie. regulator from user).
PJT II still act as operator of water management of major components of schemes in the
Citarum river basin including the Tarum main canals while the management of secondary
irrigation canal systems will be returned back to the government
Keep the revision of Government Regulation 7/2010 on PJT-II as required

6.1.2 Institutional Framework

Currently there are four dominant institutions in the management of the JIS:

A . Management of the main and secondary canal systems of Jatiluhur

1) BBWS Citarum plays a role in planning activities and rehabilitation of the irrigation and drainage
systems and provides support for the provision of an operating officer at weirs (weir operators)

2) Water Resources Management Agency of West Java Province (PSDA WJP) plays a role in the
maintenance of the secondary irrigation networks and supports the provision of personnel as gate
officers of irrigation structures (gate operators).

3) II Perum Jasa Tirta (PJT-II) is responsible for operation of the main and secondary irrigation
systems and maintenance activities of the main system.

B Tertiary Level

4) P3A / GP3A (Water user Association (WUA) /Federation of WUAs (FWUA)) have a role in tertiary
level system management.

Management of tertiary systems in Jatiluhur irrigation area in general are not well operated or
maintained. Tertiary network conditions in irrigated areas are generally deficient across Jatiluhur
with lack of proper measurement gates into tertiary areas, division structures and quaternary level

Based on the ministerial regulation of PWH No. No. 30 / PRT / M / 2015 On the Development and
Management of Irrigation Systems, Article 6 paragraph (2) The development and management of
irrigation systems should be implemented with the principles of the unified development and
management of the irrigation system, taking into account the interests of the irrigation water users
at the upstream, midstream, and downstream in harmony.

Recommendation :

To establish a Unit for Jatiluhur Modern Irrigation Management to utilize all the potential of existing
resources that have been associated with system management of JIS from PJT II, from PSDA WJP
and BBWS Citarum.

6.1.3 The limitted budget allocation

The limited budget allocated for the development and management of JIS has resulted in the poor
condition of the infrastructure and decreased function of the facilities. The poor condition gives an
impact in reducing levels of the irrigation services. As explained in the General Guidelines for
modernization of irrigation that financing for the management of main, primary and secondary
irrigation systems should be needs-based for each irrigation area. These conditions should be
adhered to consistently, in order to support the implementation of irrigation modernization on the


Give the most attention in the provision of the budget based on real needs, efficiency, and
sustainably. This will support the modernization of irrigation on Jatiluhur by taking into account the
five pillars of irrigation and modernisation, with consistency in both physical and non-physical

6.1.4 The existence of P3A / GP3A / IP3A

Based on data from WISMP-2 Consultants IOPIM and ASIM

The number of WUAs (PA) formed during WISMP-1and WISMP-2 (up to 2015) in DI Jatiluhur
is 572
The number of tertiary units in Jatiluhur is 2,851 assuming one WUA for one tertiary unit the
existing WUAs are then 572/2851 = 20%
The number of WUAF formed during WISMP-1 and WISMP-2 is 50.
The number of secondary channels = 315. Assuming 1 WUAF for 1 secondary channel then
existing WUAF in Jatiluhur is 50/315 = 16%.

Based on information obtained from various sources it can be said:

Not many WUAs / WUAF are functioning in a sustainable manner;

The function of WUAs/ WUAF often depends on the involvement and commitment of the
person acting as administrator. So if that person is not active , the WUAs/ WUAF will not
From the information above it can be concluded that the activities of empowering WUAs/WUAF do
not run properly and hence the performance is not as planned.

Recommendation :

Engender willingness and great care in those carrying out development and empowerment of
WUAs/WUAF to support the participatory development, management and modernization of JIS

6.1.5 Sustainable food and agricultural land

Based on PUPR Ministerial Regulation No. 14 / PRT / M / 2015 On Criteria and Determination of
Status of Irrigation the broad Jatiluhur irrigation area is 237 790 ha.

In fact there are many different calculations of areas by different authorities at different times. Data
on rice acreage in Jatiluhur on a Tim PJT II survey in 2002 was that JIS covering an area of 243 741 ha
and in 2014 it was recorded as 232 450 ha. It can be concluded that during the period of 2002 to
2014 there has been a decrease in the total area of 12 329 ha, or an average area of 1,027 ha / year.
In fact PJT II in their Instruksi Direksi water balance calculate the rice irrigation area as 224,737 ha.
The PMMJIS using GIS measure the rice fields as 216,800 ha. The PMMJIS water balance is based on
2015 data consistent with the PJTII value of 224,737 to account for unauthorised areas that currently
use ETC water. Using the GIS data this suggests an annual loss of 1924 ha. This situationis clearly a
threat to national food security made worse by the risk of losing some 62,000 ha in the long term
future due to climate change and rising sea levels.

The government has sought to control land use by publishing regulations that include: Law No.
41/2009 On the Protection of Sustainable Food Aricultural Land and Regulation No. 1 / 2011 On the
Establishment and Conversion of Sustainable Food Agricultural Land. In addition the Provincial
Government of West Java have also established regulations: No 27/2010 On the Protection of
Sustainable Food Agricultural Land and Governor Regulation No. 44/2013 On the Implementation
Guidelines Regulation. These efforts have not been able to control the conversion of agricultural land
particularly in the WTC command area.


Raise awareness and political will to improve monitoring and enforcement of regulations
related to land protection of sustainable food agricultural land
Incorporate steps in planning to include both physical and non-physical measures of
agricultural land protection.

6.1.6 Cancellation of Law No. 7 of 2004 on water resources

The decision of the Constitutional Court No. 85 / PUU-XI / 201318 February 2015 to:

Cancel Law No. 7/2004 on Water Resources, and six (6) Government Regulation /PP
derivatives (PP 16/2005, PP 20/2006 , PP 42/2008, PP 43/2008, PP 38/2011 and PP 73/2013
Make the old Law 11/1974 on water resources to apply in the meantime.

The Ministry of PWH took immediate action to develop / establish some regulations ('in transition')
that is based on Law No. 11/1974 by publishing 21 transition rules relating to irrigation and 6 relating
to water resources.

A Draft Law on Water Resources has been prepared by the government and is awaiting discussion in
Parliament. It is expected that a new water resources act will focus more attention to the basic
needs and interests of the wider community and also include irrigation modernization.

6.1.7 Disruption of security and order on asset management on JIS

According to information from several sources in PJT II, the illegal use of land of Jatiluhur irrigation
system has occurred, especially since the reform in 1998. The utilization of the land is mostly used
for residential or business premises. The buildings are both permanent and semi-permanent in
some segments such as the East and West Tarum Main Canals with some structures built over
primary and tertiary channels. There are also secondary canal alignments affected such as the SS
Anjatan and the SS Kandanghaur secondary channels. There are also toilets built into the canal and,
along the WTC, a red light district that pose sanitary risks to downstream DMI users. The efforts to
solve social problem need coordination and cooperation with several Institutions including BBWS
Citarum, PJT II, Provincial and District Government offices and health authorities.


It is necessary to strengthen the management institution with the development of the Jatiluhur
Irrigation Security Brigade consisting of civil servant investigating officers (functional) who are
expected to work through the local communities and governments but also to act quickly and

6.2 Coordination and Role-sharing Mechanisms

The cooperation agreement between the three parties in the development and management of JIS
between BBWS Citarum, PSDA WJP and PJTII does not run properly or effectively due to poor
management of the cooperation agreement. Some of the issues are:

a. Coordination meetings between the three parties has never been routinely implented
since 2013.
b. Integrated walkthroughs which should be jointly carried out by the three parties in order to
prepare integrated planning are not carried out properly.

c. Operation and maintenance of irrigation networks have not been conducted in accordance
with applicable regulations, namely Ministry Regulation of PWH no. 12 / PRT / M / 2015 On
the Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation.

d. Construction implementation is poorly coordinated with contractors, including delivery of

'as built drawings' and standard operation procedures (SOPs) of irrigation structures.

e. Lack of coordination between the activities of management of irrigation systems as well as

the coordination of programming and financing.

f. Monitoring and evaluation of irrigation system performance on JIS should be done jointly by
the three parties but is not occurring.

g. The Supervision Cooperation Agreement between the three parties, by the DGWR has not
been prepared.

h. The Cooperation Agreement between BBWS Citarum representing the Central
Government, PSDA WJP who represents the Government of West Java Province and PJT II
can not be continued, because it is not in accordance with Law no. 23/2014 on Local

6.3 Institutional Scenario Development

Institutional scenarios for JIS should be based on the current situation and condition of JIS based on
the 'water management scenarios' which will be further developed for Jatiluhur. Scenarios for
institutional development are needed in order to implement the modernization of JIS and operate it
in a sustainable way. Generally some aspects to be considered are:

Separation of the management for irrigation and DMI bulk water services of the JIS main
canals (the WTC, ETC and NTC) on one hand by PJT II, and the management for irrigation /
public service of secondary canals on the other hand by government (Central Government,
PSDA WJP, District SDA).
Integration of management between operation and maintenance activities and
rehabilitation activities (ie. One organisation does both operations and maintenance).
Irrigation management under the one management which has the full authority for all
operations, maintenance and rehabilitation and equipped with the appropriate needs
assessed funds and other required resources.
Effectively utilize the best and to the fullest capacity all assets of irrigation management in
the form of knowledge and experience acquired over decades as under PJT-II management
(including the head office, the office of Water Management Division I-II-III, and section, sub
section) on JIS.

6.4 Evaluation of performance of JIS and Institutions Staff

Based on Ministry Regulation PWH 12/PRT/M/2015 that stipulates that irrigation performance
evaluation should be carried out regularly. The performance evaluation is intended to define the
condition and performance of irrigation systems. It should include: physical infrastructure, crop
productivity, facilities, organizing personnel, documentation and WUA status. It should be carried
out in a routine cycle with mutually agreed progress indicators and targets with assessments, fault
finding and agreed improvements for the next cycle. In fact the performance evaluation of the JIS
management has not been implemented in any effective way.

6.5 Human Resources

6.5.1 PJTII, BBWS Citarum and PSDA Staff Age Assessment

On average 32% of employees in the Divisions of Water Management I - II - III of PJT II are above 50
years in age. In the coming years pensioning them off will have a major impact on the continuity and
performance of jobs on the JIS. At the same time on average 37% of employees in the three divisions
are 34 years of age or younger which will be beneficial for the future for staff continuity.

In BBWS Citarum on average 45% of employees are age 50 years or more (in the division of PJSA it is
57% and in the division of PJPA it is 50%). Whereas in PSDA WJP the percentage is only 13% of staff
who are aged 50 years or more.

6.5.2 Staff Deployment

Based on the assessment of the three institutions (PJT-II, BBWS Citarum and PSDA WJP) each agency
has assessed deficiencies of staff and staff requirements. The number and percentage of deficiency
differs between the three institutions.

The decline in the number of employees in all three institutions (Citarum BBWS, PSDA WJP and PJT-
II) has occurred, and especially in PJT II. The decline also affects the occurrence of the vacancies
depending on which position in the various offices (section office, sub section/ pengamat, Kejuron,
officers of irrigation networks) with missing field staff numbers very large.

A summary of data availability on section office staff and field staff in the Divisions of Water
Management Regions I, II and III, Area 10 (Northern Irrigation Jatiluhur) can be seen in Table 6-3.

Table 6-3 Status of PJT Staff in Section and Field Offices

Position Status of position Filled Unfilled Total % of unfilled

position position

A1 Head of Section and office staff 74 12 86 14%

A2 Percentage of sub total 86% 14% 100%
B1 Chief of sub section (pengamat) 37 0 37 0%
B2 Staff of sub-section 23 25 48 52%
B3 Coordinator of field staff (Juru pengairan ) 95 106 201 53%
B4 Field staff 91 607 698 87%
B5 Number of field operator 246 738 984 75%
B6 Percentage 25% 75% 100%
C Number of unavailable kejuron 34 9 43 21%

The availability of the Head of Section and Sub section (pengamat) are sufficient but for sub-section
staff and juru positions there are only 52 % and 53% available respectively.

Table 6-4 Comparison of availability of field personnel for various positions required and actuality
Division of Water
Chief of Sub Section/ Pengamat Coordinator of field staff/(Juru Pengairan)

Number required Number required

Div ref. Area Intended Actual Total Filled Intended Actual Percentage
(ha.) (No.) (No.) (No.) % (No.) (No.) Available Unavailable of availability
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- DWM-I 43,875 5,9 11 10 100% 29,3 ..?.. 42 20 62 68%
- DWM-II 103,311 13,8 11 12 100% 68,9 24 24 34 58 41%
- DWM-III 83,797 11,2 14 15 100% 55,9 62 29 52 81 36%
Total 230,983 30,8 36 25 100% 154 86 95 106 201 47%
on the number of the gate operators (PPA - TPOP) of which there are two data sources: from PJT II
and PSDA WJP and are different. However the differences are not significant. The total number of
PPA is still lacking. The number of gate operators and labourers should be needs based on the type
of structure and not by area (i.e. headworks 2, X-regulators on MCs 1, on main branch secondaries -1
or used for measurement-1) plus to clear floating debris and sediment.

Table 6-5 The overview of availability of water gate operator / PPA
Gate operator (PPA) - TPOP
Data from Data from WRm Agency of West java:
Available DeficiencyPJT-II
in : Surplus in Condition in Available Deficiency in Surplus in Condition in
Area PPA minimum maximum average PPA minimum maximum average
Division service area
(ha.) - TPOP service area service area service area service area service area
- TPOP Minimum
1 2 9 10 11 1 13 14 15 16
2 -8
- DWM-I 43,875 127 -166 39 152 -141 64 17
- DWM-II 103,311 302 -387 95 -16 346 -343 139 28
- DWM-III 83,797 541 -18 373 28 553 -6 385 295
Total 230,983 970 -570 508 25 1,051 -489 589 340
-59% 52% 27 -47% 56% 32%
6.5.3 Staff Performance Assessment

The result of self assesment of staff performance in execution of their duties in the JISwas carried
out by the three agencies (PJT-II, BBWS Citarum and PSDA WJP). The BBWS Citarum was the most
'critical' of themselves while PSDA WJP generally assess that everything is going well.

The employment status of field staff is that they are generally temporary employees. There is a
difference in salary between an employee of PJT-II compared to an employee of PPA of TPOP of
PSDA (which is under the local minimum wage). Such different conditions lead to a less harmonious

6.5.4 Training Needs Assessment

Modernization is the process of improving the technical and managerial aspects of irrigation systems
combined with institutional reform. The irrigation modernization of JIS will require staff training in
accordance with the real needs.

Recommendations :

Prepare Staff needs assessment for recruitment

Preparing training needs assesment
Preparing training modules for staff in various job categories and seniority levels.
Despite the existence of various problems faced today in Jatiluhur irrigation management, the
commitment and knowledge of PJT-II staff is generally good enough for current activities. Especially
the knowledge and experience base of field staff of PJT II are important assets to support the
development of the Jatiluhur Irrigation Management Unit.

6.6 Irrigation Commissions

Based on the Ministry Regulation of PWH No. 17 / prt / m / 2015 On the Commission for Irrigation.
The Irrigation Commission related to the development and management of JIS is the Irrigation
Commission of West Java Province.

The current management of West Java Irrigation Commission was formed by decree of the Governor
of West Java No. 611 / Kep.424-Dis. PSDA / 2009, and updated with West Java Governor Decree No.

611 / Kep.133-DisPSDA / 2012. Considering the issuance of the new Ministry regulation of PWH 17 /
prt / m / 2015 On the Commission for Irrigation, there should be consideration for preparing an
update of the regulations of the Irrigation Commission of West Java Province in order to support
implementation of irrigation modernization.

It is difficult to compose a membership of the Provincial Irrigation Commission representative for all
types of areas of irrigation. Representation at different levels is set by the rules with membership
balanced between government and non-governmental members. For the provincial irrigation
commission members to understand and manage everything according to their tasks and functions
in an effective way is very challenging. The results of the performance assessment of the Irrigation
Commission of West Java Province is the claim that the Irrigation Commission as a whole 'functioned
well according to the IDPIM of 2014), 'was fully functional' in the IDPIM of 2015) and 'functioned
well' 'in the self-assessment of- 2016). However, in reality the Irrigation Commission of West Java
Province has not been functioning properly. Their output and outcomes of significance have not
accurately reflected what actually happens on Jatiluhur irrigation area especially in terms of their
proposed and the actual cropping patterns. In addition it is importance to increase the
representation WUAs/WUAF of the JIS in the West Java Provincial Irrigation Commission for their
outcomes to be more realistic and representative.

In the preparation for the modernization of JIS it is recommended to increase the effectiveness of
the West Java Provincial Irrigation Commission and its Secretariat. This would be achieved by
establishing sub-committee level organisations as a part of Provincial Irrigation Commission such as
for Purwakarta, Cirebon, Priangan and Bogor regions.

6.7 Irrigation Management Funding

For determining irrigation management funding a 'Financial Specialist ' is required who meets the
qualifications necessary for the implementation of this task, and can serve as "lead expert' At the
moment such a specialist cannot be provided to carry out the necessary tasks referred to in the ToR.
Therefore, it is planned that these tasks are carried out in the framework of the preparation the
'Management Plan' in the coming months.

6.8 Roles of WUAF/IWUA and Irrigation Commissions in Pilot Areas

This section examines the methodology to be developed in the pilot projects to assess and adapt the
Roles of WUAF/IWUA and Irrigation Commissions.

Coordination with WISMP component 3.2 (IOPIM, IDPIM) to discuss the methodology to be
developed and applied in each pilot project was implemented on October 25 2016 in BBWS Citarum.
The available methodologies were designed for small and medium irrigation areas under the
authority of local government and for JIS was designed to support implementation of participatory
rehabilitation construction activities.

It is necessary to prepare an adjustment methodology aimed at improving the role of WUAs/WUAF

to test the modernization of irrigation in the pilot area especially concerning mutual flow
measurement as a PJTII performance indicator.

In the same way it is necessary to prepare the adjustment methodology to improve the role of the
Irrigation Commission of West Java by taking into account the particular circumstances in the JIS.

Irrigation Extension / Information Officers.

The collection and review of regulations regarding extension of irrigation services in the central,
provincial, district governments related to Jatiluhur irrigation management, did not produce a legal
document or any indication of their regulations except the Regulation of the Minister of Public
Works no. 65/1993 on Irrigation Extension / Information Officers.

Information about the extension of irrigation services for irrigation systems or about the presence of
Information Officers in the region of Jatiluhur area cannot be found or detected.

Assessment practices, performance and effectiveness of irrigation extension in Jatiluhur irrigation

area until mid-2015 (based on the Minister of Public Works no. 65/1993 concerning the extension of
irrigation) is not relevant to the PMMJIS study because there is no irrigation extension in Jatiluhur
irrigation area.

Implementation of irrigation extension was set in Regulation of the Minister of Public Works 65/1993
on Extension of Irrigation. However this regulation has been repealed by Regulation PUPR no.
30/2015. Thus the current rules regarding the extension of irrigation is not relevant.

As set in Ministry regulation of PWH No. 30 / PRT / M / 2015, Article 7 & 8: The extension and
dissemination of irrigation technology as a result of research and development to support the
farmers is the duty and responsibility of the Minister PWH. Guidance on the dissemination of
technology in irrigation is set out under the Minister PWH (Article 8). But until now the regulation
which sets out the guidelines on the dissemination of irrigation technology has not been established.
Thus a vacuum has occurred in the regulations relating to guidance and use of irrigation technology

It is expected that drafting new legislation on water resources and its derivatives will accommodate
irrigation guidance and dissemination of irrigation technology needed to support implementation of
(modernization) of irrigation management.

PMMJIS consultants will coordinate and consult with IOPIM (and other stakeholders) on the need for
irrigation extension for Jatiluhur, especially about the role, functions, duties, responsibilities, and
qualifications required, but it has not yet been implemented. It should be noted that extension
services for modernising irrigation at tertiary level will mainly be needed for diversified cropping
using new methods of irrigation that better suit these crops. Extension services for rice irrigation
would mainly be focussed on good water management principles to achieve equity in water
distribution including the need to measure flows at the tertiary gate and interface between PJTII and
the WUAs.

In order to support the preparation of modernization of irrigation, some activities are needed:

Determination of guidelines needed for dissemination and use of technology in irrigation

under the Minister PWH.
Reviving PTGA or other such institution that handles training and extension of irrigation
both at central and regional level.
Recruitment of functional extension staff for irrigation.

7 Condition and Functionality of Infrastructure and Facilities
7.1 Inventory of Irrigation and Drainage Structures

A list of JIS irrigation, drainage and road infrastructure is provide on Table 7-1.

Table 7-1 List of JIS Irrigation, Drainage and Inspection Road Infrastructure

No Description Unit West East North Total

1 Main Canal km 63.60 83.90 83.10 230.60

2 Secondary Canal km 526.00 521.00 383.00 1,430.00
3 Main Drainage km 85.00 234.00 250.00 569.00
4 Secondary Drainage km 344.00 662.00 1,098.00 2,104.00
5 Inspection Road km 295.00 466.00 604.00 1,365.00
6 Dikes/Flood protection km 70.00 90.00 60.00 220.00
7 Dam/Reservoir unit 0.00 1.00 1.00 2.00
8 Weir Barrage unit 5.00 9.00 4.00 18.00
9 Electric Pump Station pumps unit 4.00 0.00 6.00 10.00
10 Hydraulic Pump Station pumps unit 0.00 0.00 17.00 17.00
11 Raw Water Pipe Line km 30.00 0.00 0.00 30.00
12 Cross Regulation Structure unit 33.00 35.00 32.00 100.00
13 Secondary Diversion Structure unit 366.00 310.00 219.00 895.00
14 Gates (MC, Secondary & Tertiary) unit 1,078.00 1,088.00 728.00 2,894.00
15 Siphon Main Canal unit 2.00 5.00 3.00 10.00
16 Siphon Secondary Canal unit 3.00 10.00 1.00 14.00
17 Drop Structures Main Canal unit 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00

18 Drop Structures Secondary Canal unit 18.00 40.00 10.00 68.00

19 Silt Trap Main Canal unit 6.00 3.00 2.00 11.00
20 Culvert Main Canal unit 81.00 45.00 13.00 139.00
21 Culvert Secondary Canal unit 10.00 75.00 79.00 164.00

Source: Jatiluhur Irrigation System and Drainage Infrastructure statistics, PJT II.
It is noted that the ToR request that the Consultants prepare an asset register following DGWR
guidelines. The above list indicates that some 10,000 structures need to be visited, their condition
assessed and their details provided on AUTCAD drawings with repair cost estimates. To carry out this
task the Consultants have one National O&M Engineer. At the same time it is necessary to point out

that PTII within their DSS system already have a structure inventory set within a GIS system that
provides data on location, facilities at each structure and operation details.

In addition there is an ongoing ADB national project under TA6498 REG: Knowledge and Innovation
Support for ADB's Water Financing Program an upgrade of the SI-RP2I/PAI software is being
implemented to modernize the software as a web application and add spatial mapping capabilities.

A feature of the ADB funded Participatory Irrigation Sector Project (PISP) was the development of
District Irrigation Development and Management Plans (Rencana Pembangunan dan Pengelolaan
Irigasi RP2I), which include a database of the overall condition of the irrigated area and
infrastructure in each district to guide investments by the District and Provincial Irrigation
Commissions (KOMIRS) for maximum productivity. The data collected for the RP2I includes the
condition of the irrigation infrastructure (asset inventory or PAI) along with details of agricultural
production process and the condition/capacity of farmers and the WUAs. The data for the
infrastructure can be taken directly from PAI surveys as regularly done by departments of water
resources (DWR) and integrated with LIDAR surveys into the GIS database.

For the PAI surveys a software module was developed in 2008 called SI PAI. In 2012 a Ministerial
Decree (PERMEN PU No 73/PRT/M/2012) was issued. It describes in detail the data that need to be
collected in a PAI survey of the irrigation and drainage assets.

The upgrading of the software for the Irrigation Asset Management Information System (PAI)
Phase 1 is planned for completion in December 2016. Phase 1 development includes amongst
others the change to a web based system, automated damage cost calculation for canals, field
survey version using tablets with offline mode when needed.

In addition, the PAI has been linked to the national hydrological database - hosted in the National
Research Center for Water Resources (PUSAIR) with support from the Joint Cooperation Program
supported by the Government of the Netherlands. This system called Water Availability Main Intakes
(WAMI) enables to compute automatically the reliable flow (Q80) for each irrigation schemes
inventoried in the PAI.

Consequently at this time the need to produce a separate register is on hold. In preparation for
modernization of irrigation infrastructure detailed control structure surveys will be carried out for
the two proposed pilot areas. In preparation for this a first stage survey of the condition of some of
these structures has been carried out with details provided of the survey and presentation of
examples of structure given in Annex 3. This information can be combined in the proposed PAI.

7.2 Condition and Functionality of Infrastructure

7.2.1 Headworks

There are ten main headworks associated with the JIS system as shown on Figure 2-2 but also many
smaller structures on streams and drains supplying water into the scheme. The major headworks on
the Citarum are the Curug barrage some 7 km downstream of the Juanda dam supplying the WTC
and ETC and the Walahar Barrage supplying the NTC a further 7 km downstream. Generally the
water in the river is dominated by the releases of clear water from the dam. However, during wet
season storms, large quantities of sediment are transported in the Cikao River and on the left bank
Citarum catchment where there are erosion hotspots.

The main cross rivers rise in the mountains to the south and during the wet season bring down
suspended sediments with the Cipunegara and Cibeet carrying the heaviest charges and filling their
respective canal systems resulting in reduced capacity and inadequate supply.

Curug Headworks

Curug Barrage has seven mechanically operated, chain raised double gates across the Citarum River
and raises the flow by some 9 metres. The barrage supplies the WTC on the left bank via a set of
some nine intake screens and 17 hydraulically operated pumps that also have screens in front of
them. It has been reported that these pumps have been overhauled on some 5 occasions. Due to
sedimentation of the WTC the capacity pumped has only been some 55 m3/s. With dredging of the
canal the capacity has been raised to 77 m3/s and the pumps are struggling to cope with this
demand. Details of these pumps can be found in the Hydro-mechanical Report, Annex 3. Details of
how the headworks copes with sediment and floating weed is set out in Annex 4, Environment
Assessment Report on Sediment and Floating Debris Constraints. Several proposals to deal with
incoming sediment and turbidity have been made in the PMMJIS Sediment Management Plan which
will be submitted as an Annex of the Management Plan.

The ETC on the right bank is serviced by a pump house with 6 electrical pumps which have partially
been replaced since construction but manage to supply the current FSWL capacity of 52 m3/s due to
downstream bottlenecks. Sediment enters when there are high flows in the Cikao and are deposited
in the long pump forebay and along the main canal as at present there is no sediment basin. A
sediment basin has been proposed and shown in concept in the PMMJIS Sediment Management
Plan. There are six fixed screens in front of the pump house and a moveable mechanical screen. Six
vertical lift Alstom pumps raise the intake flow by 4 m into the East Main Canal which at this point is
some 12m above normal river levels.

The barrage gates trap floating debris during most of the dry season which builds up for some 200m
behind the gates along with sediments. However, large floods during the wet season are sufficient to
pass both floating and deposited material through the barrage. The concrete deflection beams in
front of both intakes are effective in preventing nearly all of the floating material entering the intake
channels. On the left side there is a mechanical screen that can be moved to each intake screen to
remove debris. The barrage structure remains in good condition and appears well maintained.

Walahar Barrage

Walahar Barrage has four cross river double gates with the upper gate capable of being lowered to
flush floating debris and the lower gate raised to flush sediments. However, doing either except
when there are high flows, starves the intake of water. The third set of gates from the right bank
intake side are jammed. The intake has five bays with each bay having two No. two meter wide
electrically operated sluice gates. In front of the intake a concrete beam prevents floating debris
entering the intake except during high flows when debris from Curug is flushed through. There are
two sediment basins in series, both with electrically operated side flushing gates and cross regulation
gates that are manually operated and given as a reason why the basins are only rarely flushed.

Cross River Headworks

Some 14 cross river headworks are listed with their catchments on Table 4-1 and shown in location
with catchments on Figure 4-1. All divert heavy sediment loads that older operators report as having

substantially increased since 1990 whilst dry season flows have become increasingly polluted by both
human and industrial wastes. The interception weirs are in relatively good condition and are well
maintained. A list of the main weirs and their flood capacities are given on Table 10.1. Of particular
concern is the capacity of Barugbug barrage which needs two emergency spillways and the heavy
sediment load brought in through Salamdarma weir into the Bugis Main Canal. The sediment basin at
only 110m length and with side operating flushing gates is ineffective.

At Salamdarma headworks there are proposals and designs for both a siphon from the end of the
ETC into the Bugis canal to avoid the two flows mixing as well as a much longer basin. A new
sediment basin is being model tested at Macan headworks and sediment control improvements for
many of the other head works are proposed in the PMMJIS management Plan.

On the WTC the recent ICWRMP PFR-1 project has funded the separation of the Cibeet flows from
the WTC with a dividing wall. Unfortunately no improvements have been made at the Cibeet
headworks where the side flushing gates are jammed by sediments due to infrequent use.
Suggestions for remodelling of the basin was proposed under the NRMs as an advisory task. The
highly polluted Bekasi flows have also been separated just upstream of the Bekasi Weir by a siphon
and separating wall in the sediment basin. The long term future of the area supplied on the west
bank of the Bekasi River is in doubt as the area is almost all being fragmented by urban

A similar siphon design and dividing wall has been proposed and designed at Cikarang Weir. When
this is built most of the turbidity entering the canal will come from Cikao River upstream of Curug.

7.2.2 Main Canals

East Tarum Main Canal (ETC)

The canal supplies irrigation water, some minor DMI flows and to some 1000 ha of fresh water
fishponds. Sections of the EMC have been inspected in detail to establish the condition of typical
main canal structures and measurement gates. The survey focussed on the cross regulation and
offtake structures to re-establish control and measurement function. An example of the inventory of
these measurement structures and their damage with sketches and photographs is shown in Annex
3. Most offtakes along the canal have head losses across their gates of from 0.5m to 1m which will
facilitate the introduction of Crump-de-Gruyter measurement gates. From BTt1 to BTt11, 1 m head
losses through the gates have caused most structures to spring leaks and generate piping loss of
backfill material through the poor quality masonry, See Figure 7-1 (a). Many of the original Romijn
gates have been replaced by poor fitting sluice gates that either leak between the gate and frames or
the frame and concrete housing, See Figure 7-1 (b). Many of the downstream culverts and masonry
transitions into the canal sections are fractured and collapsed. Replacement of these gates by factory
made precast units might be preferred to patching up poor masonry whilst the canal is in operation.
The many downstream damaged culvert and canal works can also be repaired by precast units.

Between km 4.5 and km7 the ETC was cut through a ridge. The left bank has been subject to landslip
closing the width of the canal from 45m to less than 20m in places. Boulders to gravel sizes brought
down by streams on the right bank has caused shoals that further restrict flows. Poor agricultural
practices on both ridge slopes has caused soil wash down and sediment deposition in the 2 km reach
downstream. Further details of this bottleneck can be found in the Annex 9, No Regret Measures as

it is proposed for reinstatement and bank reinforcement under WISMP II, Component 3b
Rehabilitation of ETC. The culvert at BTT11a which is clogged by garbage and failing by piping that
has already caused 1m settlement is also to be repaired under the same rehabilitation programme.

Figure 7-1 (a) Leakage and Piping Loss of Backfill Round Intake, (b) Leakage around Gate.

Beyond BTT 11 the quality of structure masonry improves with far less leakage. Most of the cross
regulators are either fully stoplogged across the eight or seven bays or have combinations of 1, 2 or 3
sluice gates in the centre bays. Some of these gates are badly rusted and some are jammed open.
From about BTT 14 there is increasing illegal settlement along the bank mentioned here as it restricts
the ability of PJT II to deposit dredged material from the canal on the relatively wide banks, and
hence maintenance costs. Some of these banks are also low and require material to raise them to
standard levels of freeboard. Further down the canal where there has been canal dredging it has
been poorly compacted both in the canal banks and on bunds behind. This has resulted in rilling and
washback of slopes, redepositing some of the material into the canal and in other places causing
bank slumping. The many illegal pipes driven through the canal bank to provide water for fish ponds
leave pathways for piping failures.

Where the canal passes across irrigation schemes such as Barugbug and Macan there are
interconnections that allow the upper canal to augment the ETC. It was observed that during high
flows in these canals the excess turbid water was being discharged into the ETC. Three of these
locations will be subject to sediment sampling to determine if the discoloured water contains mainly
colloidal clay that will stay in suspension through the ETC canal system or silts that will drop out.
Proposed measures may be proposed depending on the survey results but may include an escape
and drainage canal to the Ciasem River.

West Tarum Main Canal (WTC)

The WTC is being rehabilitated under the ICWRMP PFR-1 Project with a program for: (i) dredging the
canal back to design capacity; (ii) raising bank levels, (iii) repairing structures and preventing leakage
(iv) providing side drains to reduce drain flows into the canal; (iii) improving sanitary facilities along
the canal; (v) removing illegal settlement over the inner bank slopes; and (vi) the improvements at
Cibeet and Bekasi intersections including electrically operated screens just upstream of the two new

As well as irrigation water the canal is a major supplier of DMI water to Jakarta, Karawang and Bekasi
and hence needs to have high supply reliability, low in turbidity, sediments and pollution. The works
at Cibeet include separating abstracted Cibeet flows from those of the WTC. One siphon under

Cibeet River is allocated to the Cibeet flows. The wall continues for about 800m then the Cibeet
flows pass under the WTC in a new siphon to join the existing Cibeet secondary canal.
Where the WTC passes over the Cilemahabang two WTC gates augment the flow into the badly
polluted drain. It was noted that many houses and shacks still line the canals between Cikarang and
Bekasi posing sanitary problems. A detailed inventory of the structures along the WTC can be found
in the KRC Design Report.

North Tarum Main Canal (NTC)

The first five kilometres of the NTC has been inspected with the first two primary division structures.
Sections of the canal banks appeared low and require raising to standard freeboard levels. Both
structures, BTN1 and BTNE1 were in good condition with the gates maintained. The Cipoletti weirs at
BTN 1 were completely drowned out and require the weir plate to be moved sufficiently high to
achieve modular flow over the weir. The Cipoletti weir at BTNE 1 appeared to be excessively long to
give accurate readings.

7.2.3 Secondary Canal Systems

The Secondary systems within the ETC and NTC are being rehabilitated under the WISMP II
Component 3b which includes 12 contracts for the ETC and 6 contracts for NTC. In addition some
secondary canal systems are being conducted under an APBN programme. The ETC contracts are
shown on Figure 7-2.

Figure 7-2 Rehabilitation Contracts on ETC

The secondary canal systems either: (i) branch off the main canals at division structures; (ii) pass
under the canals to be augmented by the main canals (Barugbug and Macan Secondary canals) (iii)
pass over the main canals in aqueducts or: (iv) are streams that pass under the main canals in

culverts and augmented from the main canals as they have diversion weirs downstream supplying
secondary canals (Lemahabang, Jengkol, Pawalutan and Gadung). Many of the secondary canals such
as Cibeet, Gading and Macan are large with typical widths 15 to 25m and branch to smaller
secondary canals many times. It is recommended they are renamed Primary Canals until there is a
significant branching.

Except for the two easterly flowing canals in Patrol section, nearly all secondary canals flow north
and downslope through similar landforms. Generally the canals are earth canals on shallow slopes
with drop or division structures to dissipate energy at regular intervals until they reach low lying
areas behind the beach ridges where hydraulic head drops at structures reduce considerably. In this
area many canals are augmented by link canals from drain re-use structures. Any excess water is
discharged into drains that also supply the band of brackish water tambaks along the coast.

The Macan secondary canal through the Binong Area within 10 km of the ETC have been subject to a
RAP survey which is presented in Annex 3. Sections of the lower Cigadung secondary system and
WTC secondary canals were inspected at reconnaissance level so that an overview of these systems
is presented below. The Macan secondary canal is characterised as an earth canal with offtakes at
about 1km intervals and intermediate drop structures at about 330 metres and with about 2m
headloss. The canal sections are relatively slow flowing and hence subject to some sedimentation.
The drop structures have damage to downstream side walls due to piping and hydraulic impact that
also creates small sink holes and leakages around the sides. Almost all of the original tertiary offtake
Romijn gates have been replaced by sluice gates, some of which leak. Some of the tertiary and sub-
secondary gates have sufficient head loss across them to accommodate a Crump-de-Gruyter
measurement gate. Others between 0.15 m to 0.3 m would be better served with a sluice gate and
Crump measurement weir whilst those with less head when the canal is at FSWL may be more
accurately read with a CHO orifice measurement gate. It was noticeable that the upper structures
turned out too much water that was directed back into the canal after drop structures, often causing
erosion damage.

Some of the canals that have been rehabilitated were repaired during the wet season as many leak
through the invert side wall interface where masonry has been removed. At drop structures, leakage
through the sides of the structure has caused piping to the backfill materials exposing scour holes. At
other structures garbage accumulation is a problem whilst sedimentation in the Cibeet and Bugis
canals and downstream secondarys is restricting flows to well below design levels. These two
systems that are performing badly due to sediments clogging canals have been included in the No
Regret Measures. The Cibeet secondary canal was clogged with sediments on which substantial
vegetation had grown in some reaches and the flow restricted to about 30% capacity.

Figure 7-3 Sediment Laden Cipunegara Flows entering Bugis Canal, (b) Severely Sedimented Cibeet Secondary

7.2.4 Tertiary System

The responsibility for tertiary development passed from DGWR to the Department of Agriculture
only to be in process of returning. On JIS the WISMP II component IoPIM is currently active in the
Binong command working on participatory development including WUA establishment and the
preparation of PESTK surveys with a view to participatory development of the tertiary systems.

During reconnaissance and inventory visits it was observed that there were few quaternary level
canals or division boxes. Water was usually taken directly from the tertiary canal to the rice field for
over field flow. In some cases the lack of quaternary canals alongside secondary canals had caused
the farmers to illegally insert plastic pipes directly into the secondary canal. Similarly there seemed
to be an absence of quaternary level drains to collect excess flow and direct it into the tertiary drain

As part of the system planning studies the LIDAR survey will facilitate identifying tertiary boundaries
and dividing tertiary units greater than 100 ha which will ease water management aspects and help
to simplify WUA arrangements. This may mean the extension of some secondary canals to a single
new offtake (saluran muka) that will be designed under the PMMJIS component.

7.2.5 Drainage Systems

Drainage systems are equally important as the canal systems to drain away excess water but have
very little attention. In upper areas it is hard to define some of the drainage system as canals usually
both supply and drain. In lower areas close to sea level there is a much higher density of drains but
these often have reuse structures to raise water levels to resupply. Overall when these structures
operate correctly this improves the efficiency of the system but is no excuse for poor upstream
water management. Many of these structures have been poorly designed and now neither function
correctly to be open during wet periods or raise water during irrigation periods, as shown on Figure
7-4 (a). In some cases a structure such as a bridge has been co-opted to raise levels by providing stop
logs below. These structures often trap large quantities of garbage, frequently causes upstream
flooding and becomes a health hazard, as shown on Figure 7-4 (b).

Figure 7-4 (a) Dysfunctional Drain Re-se Structure, (b) Stoplogged Bridge is health Hazard

Some 62,000 ha of the JIS command is below 2.5 m above sea level with much flooding every year.
As climate changes and sea levels rise this area will become more extensive. Consequently the

PMMJIS team has proposed a drainage, flood and coastal erosion study to conceive a drainage
master plan and protection programme. Flood issues are further discussed in section 9.

Inspection Roads
Most reaches of canals have gravel inspection roads on one or both banks. Some inspection roads
along the main canals have been given an all weather surface. Often public transport, including
heavy trucks, uses the roads on a regular basis causing some of the surfaced roads to become
potholed increasing deterioration and slowing progress. In the ETC reach km4.5 km7 there is no
inspection road along the canal. Where the secondary canals enter the low lying areas the canals
have become small and their banks narrow, only allowing inspection by motor cycle. Some flood
banks and major drains have inspection tracks but most do not.

7.3 Evaluate Present Flow Control Systems

Flow control was also discussed in section 6.3 on operations. In general flow control is carried out
from the experience of the operators but not accurate measurement. In summary:
a. Flow from the Juanda Dam can be measured through the turbines and over the morning
glory spillway.
b. Flow into WTC and ETC by flow capacities through the pumps whilst ongoing flows through
gate apertures and rating curves.
c. Flow into NTC is measured by sluice gate apertures and rating curves at Walahar Barrage
but this is not sufficiently accurate.
d. Flows at cross weirs are measured from the gates and depth over the weir. Some weirs have
automatic water level recorders (AWLR) but some of these are being upgraded as part of a
JICA project. Readings are daily reported via smartphone messenger to management offices.
e. Flow along the main canals is controlled by multiples of cross-regulating sluice gates and
stop log grooves but flows cannot be measured accurately.
f. Flows from the main canals into secondary canals sometimes are measured by Cipoletti
weirs but many are drowned out and cannot be used for measurement (See Figure 7-3).
Smaller canals are measured by cut throat flumes, some of which are droned out.
g. Flows in downstream secondary canals are controlled by sluice gates which could be used for
measurement if in free discharge but better adapted as Crump-de-Gruyter gates to provide
more accurate measurement.
h. When the system was constructed all tertiary turnout gates were Romijn gates but not one
was found to operate correctly. Many have been replaced by sluice gates, of which many are
broken, and most of the remainder operate in submerged mode and cannot be used for
accurate measurement. Some juru measure flows into tertiary areas by timing floats along a
known length of canal.
i. There is no measurement structures on drainlines but some have control re-use gates across
the drain to raise levels whilst others have flap gates to pass drain water but not allow tidal
water to enter. No measurements are taken along drainlines that would give information on
areas of over irrigation.

7.4 Sediment Sampling

A terms of reference for a sediment sampling contract was prepared as a first task of the Sediment
Specialist in January 2016. Unfortunately there had not been financial preparation for this in the
BBWS or the Consultants contract. A recommendation for an advanced addendum to kick start this
and other surveys was postponed in favour of a combined addendum which is yet to be agreed. The
survey must proceed through a whole year to ascertain transported sediment variability with the
wet season of greatest importance. Unfortunately it appears unlikely that the survey will be
completed before the closing of the loan in March 2018.

The survey is intended to measure sediments at key locations along the ETC and NTC as shown in
Figure 7-5. The survey will include sediment sampling and analysis, associated flow measurement
and key topographic and water level surveys over an annual cycle. This is in preparation for sediment
estimation for sediment screening, trapping and flushing for the JIS. The results of sediment
sampling surveys will be used as data input for conceptual design or modification of intakes and
sediment basins and for sediment modelling using HECRAS of the major canals. The model will input
sediment concentrations and indicate locations along the canal where sediment is most likely to
settle, and hence where sediment screening, trapping and flushing works will be most effective.

Figure 7-5 Schematic Map Showing locations for Proposed Sediment Survey

Key location for sediment related investigation are:

a. Curug headworks and specifically to estimate sediments entering the ETC 26

b. Walahar headworks for sediments entering the NTC
c. At Barugbug weir for sediments entering the Ciherang and Cilamaya suppletion canals
d. At Macan weir and Ciasem suppletion canal
e. At Salem Dhama Weir on the Cipunegara and the Bugis Main Canal just downstream
f. One constriction point and just upstream of three siphons on the EMC
g. At the main division structure on the Bugis main Canal

Limited sediment sampling of bed samples and turbidity has been carried out in the West Tarum Intake and
West Tarum Main Canal and associated rivers under the ICWRMP Project, PFR-1

h. At the main division structure on the NMC.

7.5 Estimation of Sediment Transport in Rivers and Canal System

Estimation of sediment transport will be the product following the sediment survey as discussed
above. A full assessment of the sediment environment in catchment areas and on the JIS has been
made in Annex 4. However, at present estimations rely on visual impressions and experience of the
Sediment Specialists.

7.6 Advice on Operation of Sediment facilities and Options for Improvement

Advice on operating and modifying existing sediment facilities, present practices and
recommendations from previous studies is included in Annex 4. Recommendations for additional
sediment screening, trapping and removal facilities is included in the Sediment Management Plan
which has been submitted to BBWS as a discussion document and will be updated in the JIS
Management Plan and submitted as a final version following the sediment survey and sediment
modelling. A summary of provisional proposals for improvement measures is provided in Table 7-2.

Table 7-2 Provisional Advice on Sediment Facilities

Ref Location Proposal Priority Remarks
1 Cikao river Checkdam by KRC Cancel Will only trap coarse material
2 Curug WTC intake a.Citarum divide wall Medium Option 1 Citarum flows only enter WTC
b.Floodplain storage Medium Option 2- use clean water if Cikao floods
c.Vortex tubes Medium Option 3 removes sand at intake
3. Cibeet Upgrade sediment basin High 3 channels, electric central sluice gates
4. Cikarang Siphon & separation wall High Already designed by KRC
5. Curug ETC intake Vortex tubes and Medium To remove sand at intake
sediment basin Low New sediment basin to remove silt
6. Walahar Intake Low Reshape approach
Sediment basins Medium Mechanise gates, separate 3 channels
7. Barugbug Sediment basins Medium Realign flush gates in centre. Flush slabs
8. Cijengkol weir Sediment basin Medium Build in first reach of main canal
8. Macan weir Sediment basin High Build 250m basin not 110m with bend
ETC/Macan siphon Spillweir at ETC Medium Divert excess Macan flows from ETC
9. Pawalutan weir Sediment basin Medium Build in first reach of main canal
10. Cigadung weir Link canal & weir bypass Medium Use ETC flows when high river turbid
11. Salamdarma Siphon High Just ETC flows when high river sediment
Sediment basin High Trap Cipunegara sediments
12. ETC Canal siphons Us sediment traps Low Depends on HECRAS sediment

7.7 Initial Irrigation System Planning

Under the current Scope of Works, the review of existing study reports on the system planning for
Jatiluhur will continue. There is still a considerable amount of R&U required in the irrigation systems
to return them to design capacity. The maintenance of drainage systems has been neglected and

poor drainage has a considerable impact on productivity. A detailed system planning will be carried
out in the 37,000 ha Binong Pilot Area, while the detailed design for the modernization of secondary
water management unit will be conducted in the 12,000 Macan Irrigation System located in the
Binong Area.

Recommendations will address the complexity of the irrigation and drainage networks, the water use
and the impact of flooding on agricultural practices and production. Upstream of the secondary units
an over-use of water is noted, harming the interests of the downstream farmers. A re-design may be
required to adapt to changing land utilization, industrial and domestic water pollution, the impact of
climate change, and the modernization of agriculture, and/or a separation of the drainage and
irrigation infrastructure. The need for (future) empolderment of the coastal zones to protect against
current erosion and future sea level rise needs to be assessed.

The preparation of the system planning will include the participation of the communities in the
irrigation and non-irrigation areas. The results of PSETK and other surveys shall be elaborated in line
with the water management system planning. Conversion of land use, impact of flood and climate
change, as well as the change of spatial plans should be considered in the process of system

The results of the irrigation design review and system planning should show the location of the
headworks, conveyance and drainage canals alignments and related structures, and identify
additional interventions for a sustainable R&U and modernization of irrigation infrastructure. The TA
should formulate recommendations and priorities with regards to the proposed works. Future steps
may include extension of the R&U and modernization design of Macan over the entire Binong Area,
and, after a detailed mapping and assessments, the Sukamandi Area and elsewhere.

The history of the development of JIS is described in section 2. For the most part the primary and
secondary canal systems are in place and extended to all areas of the planned scheme. No extension
areas are planned or available although an area of some 8,000 ha is reported as unofficially irrigated
by pumping ETC water discharged into the Cipunegara River intended for the Patrol Section area or
directly from the Bugis Main Canal and the SS Kandang Haur. Some adjustments to the irrigation
system will be proposed to facilitate better management once improved surveys are available. Some
more specific recommendations for system planning that will be more detailed in the management
plan would be:

a. On receipt of LIDAR surveys, participatory splitting of tertiary units greater than 100 ha
which may require an individual sub-secondary canal to be aligned and designed.
b. Realigning a few smaller secondary canals along higher alignments to better command
higher areas.
c. Most tertiary areas have tertiary canals but few quaternary canals and division boxes that
should be implemented through the participatory process.
d. Providing direct links from EMC and WTC to canals branching from headworks where river
flows either carry high sediment (Cigadung) or pollution loads Cilemahabang.
e. Culverting canals that flow through habitation and providing drain channels either side.
f. Considering if drain re-use structures and links should be rehabilitated or dismantled.
g. The drainage and flood protection systems require more detailed study of their functionality
especially in light of the probable impacts of climate change with additional works necessary.
h. Study of drainage system and flood bank dikes and improvements, such as poldering and
improved flap gate structures.

i. Consider abandoning Bekasi left bank area and other WTC canals as planned for urban

7.8 No Regret Measures

In preparation for modernisation of irrigation management there are some 12 preliminary No

Regret Measures that have been proposed as set out in Annex 9.

No regret measures can be described as such measures that include:

Works that would bring the JIS system to optimum performance in readiness for water
management modernization.
Works that provide greater security to infrastructure at risk of failure where the cost of
prevention is considerably less than repair following failure;
To restore functionality to important structures that have been damaged and are no longer
fit for purpose.
Works that will save considerable maintenance expense such as remodelling or modifying
sediment basins in sediment laden rivers for ease of operation to reduce annual dredging
Additions to ongoing rehabilitation contracts to ensure quality of construction in readiness
for modernization such as providing accurate flow measurement at tertiary turnouts.

The No Regret Measures have been described in a discussion document submitted to BBWSC in July
2016. A list of proposed measures are:

1. Review of others designs:

Resolving the bottleneck on ETC between km 4.5 and km 7.0.

Repair Culvert BTT.11a that is failing by piping and provision of a garbage deflection and
removal system.
Macan desilting basin design and model test
Salamdarma siphon and sediment basin
Review of the different options for a link canal over Cipunegara to Pamanukan secondary

2. Studies and detailed design

Barugbug emergency spillways as current spillway very undersized

Upgrade re-use of drain water structures in Pilot Area 2
Re-establish a main drain at irrigation tambak boundary in Pilot Area 2
Repair damaged and leaking structures recently rehabilitated in Phase 1 of Pilot Area 2
Fit measuring weirs to Tertiary areas less than 100 ha in Phase 1 of Pilot Area 2.
Pilot debris deflecting devices at ETC siphons and Gadung Weir in both pilot areas.
Link canal from ETC, possibly via Salamdarma left bank canal across Cipungara in siphon to
Pamanukan and Pangarangan secondary canals.

3. Studies and designs by others

Upgrade Cibeet sediment basin with 3 channels, electric gates, central flushing gates and desilt
the Cibeet secondary canal
Link canal to Lemahabang weir to exclude polluted stream flows.

Coastal protection near Citarum and Cipunegara estuaries where the sea has penetrated about
4km inland.

8 Management Information and Decision Support Systems

8.1 Approach

A review was carried out to establish the present condition of water resources information
management pertaining to the JIS. This review carried out on three institutions namely: (i) PJTII; (ii)
the BBWS Citarum; and (iii) Dinas PSDA of West Java Province. The results of the review are used as
the basis for preparing the needs based assessment of the system needed in future to fulfil the
objectives of modernising the JIS. The future system should cover at least:
a. data acquisition;
b. linkage to existing data systems (e.g. weather and other water resources data measuring
c. a computational framework, including a real-time simulation model, to assess the available
data and transform this into operating instructions for control structures and,
d. operational control of said structures.

A brief review was carried out on modelling programs that have been applied to the JIS. Details of
the reviews can be found in Annex 6 MIS and computer Modelling.

8.2 The Water Management Water Resources Information System (SISDA)

The Water Resources Information System (Sistem Informasi Sumber Daya Air, SISDA) is a
standardised management information system that has been installed in various government offices
throughout Indonesia. However, each system has evolved to meet the specific needs of each
organisation. In the studies carried out by PMMJIS the following offices were visited that have a
SISDA MIS installed: (i) PJTII and (ii) BBWS Citarum. Other organisations with databases holding
information on JIS are: (i) Puslitbang Air; (ii) Dinas PSDA and; (iii) BPLHD.

Article 106 Paragraph 4 of Government Regulation No. 42 of 2008 states SISDA scope includes
planning, implementation, operation, maintenance, and evaluation SISDA. Furthermore, in Article
109 Paragraph 2 states that SISDA management activities are:
1) To collect, process, and provide data and information on natural resources can be accessed
by all interested parties;
2) Perform updating and publishing water resources (SDA) information periodically;
3) To develop SISDA infrastructure and facilities;
4) To validate SDA data and / or information coming from institutions outside government
agencies or individuals; and
5) Disseminate SDA data and information.

PP 42/2008 Article 108 Paragraph 2 explains that the development of infrastructure and facilities for
SISDA shall be conducted with due regard to:
1) Compatibility and integration between management institution;
2) Ease of access for interested parties in the field of water resources;
3) Sustainability availability of data and information on water resources; and
4) The development of technology, effectiveness, and efficiency of infrastructure usage.

8.3 The PJTII Data Centre
8.3.1 SISDA Database

In early 2001, PJT-II began developing their own database system, collaborating with other
institutions, specifically with the Balai Agroclimate and Hydrology (Balitklimat/Badan Penelitian
Agroklimat dan Hidrologi), part of the Ministry of Agriculture. In 2006, the system that became
operational was called "SISDA-PJT-II ". Since 2008, PJT-II has been expanding the database system to
include the irrigation areas with the collaboration of Baliklimat. Recently, PJT-II is working on
developing the new version of SISDA with an upgraded database and GUI in Figure 3-8 and
integrated with hydrological database including spatial presentation of data and meta-data.

The SISDA database has 59 data tables including rainfall, water level, meteorological data, water
supply intake for Jakarta, reservoir, water quality and electricity generation data. The data is
accessible through a GIS based GUI. Mainly daily rainfall, river and weir discharge, meteorological
data and water supply data are available, while hourly and minutely data are also stored. The
records are sporadic, limited and not normally utilized for any predictive modelling. Reservoir data,
including Jatiluhur, Cirata and Saguling reservoirs, are provided daily but only monthly water quality
data is available from 137 water quality stations.
The information collected in the above data tables can be shown spatially on a GIS system (ARC GIS
version 10.0) that can be displayed on a graphic user interface (GUI). The computer display and
dashboard can obtain mapping backgrounds from the internet by open source such as Google
satellite or terrain mapping. The system allows each main and secondary level structure to be shown
and allow pop up tables of relevant information including the estimated flow from the previous day.

8.3.2 Field Data Collection

Section 5.1.1 describes the prescribed form of system operation whilst section 5.1.2 describes how
water is actually managed on the project. Section 5.1.4 describes the constraints in the field that
hamper routine and systematic measurement of flows including the lack of accurate measurement
gates and structures at key flow divisions and tertiary turnouts.

Field flow measurements

Despite the absence of accurate flow measurement infrastructure, the juru estimate flows and
report up to Sectional offices via the pengamat. Some 5 years ago the more technically advanced
juru were encouraged through the PJTII and Sectional offices to report flows by Blackberry
Messenger. This system is being updated by using Whats App system for messaging that has the
advantage of being independent of phone provider and use of satellite when terrestrial transmission
is not accessible. The system allows the data to be sent simultaneously to multiple parties that are
members of the group. This includes the PJTII Data Centre where flows are transferred manually into
the WMIS data system (see section 9.3.2 below). The Data Centre needs to modify this method of
download as automatic systems of copy and paste can be made available to automatically transfer
this to the database. Even so it appears that in some areas data is collected and presented manually,
See Figure 8-1.

Figure 8-1 Manual Recorded Flow is Susceptible to Inaccurate Data Transmission

Headworks and River Flows

At headworks where flows are abstracted into the JIS, flow data is collected from both water level
recording and gate aperture measurements. Relevant data is collected manually on two weeks forms
submitted to the relevant Section and Division. PJTII head office receives daily data by telephone SMS
every morning at 7am. The information allows the determination of approach river flow, flow
abstracted through the intake and flows continuing down the river.

Most weirs also have automatic water level recorders (AWLR) which is often sent to a third party
within the DGWR organization such as PUSAIR. Water level and gate aperture data is sent monthly in
tabular form, or by telephone if daily data is needed, and more recently using the smartphone. Most
of the AWLRs record a months worth of level data on a chart which is then manually collected and
processed in the operators office with the weir operating data to convert water levels to flows.
Where the AWLR is well upstream of the weir or the weir is badly affected by sediments it may be
necessary to prepare rating curves from field flow measuring survey. PJTII does operate AWLRs in the
upper Citarum catchment with telemetry links.

There is currently a program under a JICA project being carried out by Hokkaido University under
BPPT (Balai Penelitian dan Penerapan Technologi under Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi) are in the
process of installing some 50 flow and water quality gauges around the JIS. Data from these sensors
will also be sent to the PJTII Data Centre.

Rain gauges
In theory there are some 100 rain gauges dispersed around the JIS. However, when inspected many
were not in operation as there was no collecting bottle and at others the supplied graduated bottle
had been replaced by a plastic water bottle. Observers collect and measure daily rainfall and submit
results to the pengamat offices on a two week or monthly basis

Discussions on data collection updating

Discussions held with PJTII staff confirmed their interest in updating the data acquisition system for
real time water management of flow monitoring and allocation control as well as water quality. The
system would also have a real-time flow simulation model with GIS presentation and as a database
for asset management of water management infrastructure. It is recommended to refresh and
increase field monitoring stations to cover all contributing weirs and key structures on the Main
canals and secondary division structures on the larger secondary (recommended to be renamed
primary) canals. It is assumed that digital data at such structures will be processed through a SCADA

system and transferred by an open source via the internet of things to the various management
offices and central control centre. Return instructions for local operation will be sent back by Whats
Up or direct control by SCADA operation of control gates.

Owing to security and expense it is recommended to collect flow data from division structures on
smaller secondary canals and tertiary turnouts with universal use of the Whats App system on
smartphones with automatic digital download. Continued use of juru for tertiary flows is essential to
interface with WUA representatives and for daily mutual check on the flow entering the tertiary unit.

8.3.3 General recommendations

The MIS team have worked with the PJTII Data Unit staff in discussing means to upgrade the SISDA
MIS. Details will be provided in the Management Plan. Below are a set of guidelines and
requirements of the future system to meet the objectives of modernisation of the irrigation system.

a. The MIS system must develop to interface and be subservient to the DGWR PUSDATA system
and have open source access to relevant databases being set up by parallel projects and
other government databases. For example the flood warning system being prepared by
Koica for the BBWSC and the Flood and Drought Early warning system (FEWS/DEWS)
operated at Puslitbang Air.

b. Data acquisition for flows to tertiary areas and smaller secondary structures flow
measurements should continue being made by juru with mutual check by WUA
representatives and sent digitally by Whats App or similar system on smartphone by
internet to supervisory offices to automatically provide input to management systems.

c. Data acquisition from major division structures and key cross regulation structures and main
canal offtakes should gradually be fitted with water level, gate aperture, and other sensors
including water quality and automatic rainfall to allow real-time monitoring and simulation
on a GIS fronted flow management model. SCADA control systems that can provide
monitoring and remote or local control of major water gates should be integrated with the
MIS/DSS system. Security of equipment at these locations needs to be secured.

d. The aim is to move to future downstream control on main and large secondary canals to
improve water management and scheme planning.

e. The SISDA database should be fully open sourced on an intranet system and interlinked with
relevant other databases such as at BBWS Citarum. Puslitbang Air, DGWR PUSDATA, PSDA as
well as government climate agencies. Storage of data should use the internet rather than
invest in an expensive storage device that would be outdated and full of data within 5 years.

f. The GIS Unit will advise on hardware, software, communication and access to the MIS in the
Management Plan.

g. The system should be linked to a real-time simulation model that interprets all data available
into commands for the irrigation system control structures. The model should take into
account a full water balance of water available and water demands by all actors, including
short term rainfall predictions and if possible also the actual field water demand based on

the remote sensing data (e.g. Sentinel satellites nowadays have images every 6 days that can
be interpreted automatically into predicted water demands for the next 6 days).

h. The (main) irrigation system control structures should implement an automated remote
control system to operate the structures managed by PJTII in addition to the manual control
done by the gate operators. They should also receive the predicted gate settings via
WhatsApp so that they know what will happen and why.

8.4 BBWS Citarum MIS Systems

8.4.1 Information Management

The MIS/DSS system installed at BBWS Citarum has to reflect the diverse nature of the Balai
activities. There are no standard protocols on the design of balai MIS systems that allow inter-access
with the PUSDATA system. Each Balai has been free to develop its own stand-alone system. The MIS
units conclusions on information management at the Balai are:

a. Management of the data that has been processed is scattered in various institutions / work
b. Management of the data by an institution managing the SDA is not unified and coordinated.
c. The existing data is not structured, integrated and organized, some is not accurate, or
incomplete, or updated, not in GIS based format whilst format information still needs to be
developed. Consequently available data is not always able to meet the needs of
management personnel and other users.

d. There are still encountered difficulties in obtaining data quickly. This is due to the
information systems are still very limited and there is a lack of attention on data
management and information SDA. The computing equipment is not adequate for data
management and the cost of O&M of the equipment is not sufficient. In addition there is
limited expertise in computer network data analysis, and there is limited bandwidth for

e. Since formation the Balai has been the client of many Citarum planning studies, detailed
designs and implementation projects both under international and national funding. Yet
much information on these studies cannot be accessed through a MIS system in soft copy or
by giving a library reference to find hard copy in a properly resourced library.

f. Data storage systems, analysis models and decision support systems have been developed
through several projects in the past under the BBWS. Many of the trainees of these systems
have been transferred to other offices and for this and other reasons of ownership, such as
the case previously with RIBASIM, such programs are now inoperable.

g. Some handover of the database and modelling systems from the project consultants to the
BBWS for ongoing operations has not been successful. This appears to be the situation with
many projects.

h. The existing database systems and river basin simulation models are not appropriate or
sufficiently universal to be successfully adopted for river basin management.

i. In addition it should be linked and subservient to the MIS system (s) set up in DGWR

Basin stakeholders' interest lies in an effective decision support MIS that is user-friendly, is uniformly
used by all BBWS staff and can be applied and shared amongst all stakeholder agencies. Data
necessary to be secured are:
a. Data on the physical aspects of the river basin.
b. Irrigation data covering infrastructure, asset management, rehabilitation design and contract
documents and progress of rehabilitation projects on JIS;
c. Hydrology and climate;
d. Institutional aspects of the Balai and water resources agencies within the Citarum Basin;
e. Performance management of the balai under NARBO (Network of Asian River basin
f. Flood management, flood risk and warning, river structures and progress of the Urgent Flood
Management and Flood warning projects.
g. Progress on planning studies and DED under APBN funding.
The Balai should have internet access to databases held by PUSDATA, PJTII, PUSLITBANG AIR, Dinas
PSDA and BPLHD for water quality.

8.4.2 Network and Hardware

The information technology employed in the present conditions of SISDA management in the BBWS
Citarum need to be reviewed on a standard of the Government data centre, ie TIA-942 Standard.
TIA-942 is a standard for data centres prepared by the Telecommunications Industry Association
(TIA) in June 2005. It is assumed that this will allow integration with the PUSDATA Centre in DGWR
head office. The main benefit of TIA-942 standard in the design of data centres is the use of the
nomenclature standards, failsafe and robust operation to natural and human disasters, and
reliability, expandability, and long-term scalability.

When the present infrastructure used by BBWS Citarum in the management of SISDA is mapped into
the TIA-942 standard it ranks as a Data Centre Tier-1 which has an inadequate infrastructure to
handle the workload and the volume of data that will continue to grow at BBWS Citarum.

The computer hardware that is used to manage water resource data and information at BBWS
Citarum is a local area network (LAN) which allows computers in the office to be connected to the
server by Wifi.

8.5 Details of Computer Modelling on JIS

8.5.1 Introduction

The ToR requirements under the Preparation of Management of the Jatiluhur Irrigation
Modernisation under Part 3 of WISMP requires the following concerning computer modelling.

- Review and evaluate the utility of modelling silt transport in large canal networks using a
range of of-the-shelf software.

During previous studies a hydrodynamic model called HECRAS has been used to analyse canal
hydraulics. This model is understood to have add-ons to allow sediment transport and deposition to
be modelled in parallel.

During discussions with the Team Modernisasi the subject of real time flow management has also
been raised which is best implemented by using a river basin simulation computer model.

So far there have been no simulation models built for the JIS that aim to provide real time data on
operational control of the irrigation and drainage structures. Modelling has taken place on several
aspects of the project:

a. HECRAS modelling of the West Tarum Canal (WTC) under an ADB ICWRMP PFR-1 Project
by KRC
b. HECRAS modelling of East Tarum Canal (ETC) and North Tarum Canal (NTC) under
WISMP2 subproject, World Bank.
c. HECRAS flood modelling of Citarum, Cibeet, Cikarang and Cibekasi by various local
d. Pollution modelling by K Water for Citarum system focusing on West Tarum Canal
e. River Basin Modelling using RIBASYM by Deltares/DHV under several projects starting
with BT55 in 1986 and last time with 6 Cis study under ICWRMP.

8.5.2 HECRAS Modelling on WTC

The ToR for West Tarum Canal under ICWRMP, PFR2 required the Consultants to build a hydraulic
model for Canal Capacity and Operational Design. The KRC consultants used a HECRASS model.

The model should have been used to facilitate canal design of the canal. Sediment improvement
design measures to be investigated with the hydrodynamic model with the sediment module using
existing data initially and later with data from the proposed studies. The model sediment module
should show sediment dispersion along the canals as an addition to the proposed hydrodynamic 1D
model. The HECRAS model could have been used as follows:

to simulate the existing situation and combined with field measurements calibrate the model
for Manning friction values, seepage losses, pollution and sediment concentrations at each
for designing the canal capacity for future demands
to demonstrate different control structure options and gate hydraulics
to demonstrate flood situations and discharge of excess by spillweirs
with the sediment and pollution modules demonstrate sediment transport and pollution
concentrations through the canal and impacts of adding individual interventions.

In the Draft Design Report the Consultants provide a considerable amount of text on the use of a
HECRAS model including describing the sediment transport module with moveable boundary
computations (ability to show progressive changes in the bed as material is deposited with time).
Their report describes in detail the hydraulic aspects of the model and the simulations made using it
but provides no details of use of the sediment model with the data provided by the sediment survey.

8.5.3 HECRAS Modelling on ETC and NTC

KRC used a HECRAS model to simulate flows around the ETC and NTC main canal networks for
redesign purposes. KRC state that HEC-RAS model was chosen because of following reasons:

wide use for simulating canals and rivers,

can simulate unsteady flow; and,
can simulate in-line structures such as bridges, cross regulators, culverts and effect of lateral
structures such as offtakes.
An advantage of this model is that it is free off the internet so any number of computers can use it
and hence is a good training tool. It also has hydrology (HEC-HMS), sediment and pollution modules
that can be used in conjunction with it.

The HEC-RAS model was set up using the following data.

Topographic digital terrain model (DTM) of the main canals
Topographic and hydraulic details of in-line and offtake structures;
Run with both water requirements and water availability for comparison
Estimates of water losses in the Jatiluhur irrigation system
Operational discharges, levels, head losses across structures and depths in the canals for
For the purpose of the canal preliminary design and detailed designs in the Jatiluhur area, the
following scenarios were simulated.
Water demand in 2010, 2015, 2020 and 2025
Seasonal water demand
Scale of dredging needed in the canals to pass peak discharges
Operation of cross regulation gates in the main canals
KRC state the results will be used to carry out preliminary design of ETC and NTC and, during the
system planning phase, carry out the analysis of the canal system under different cases.

It should be noted that the ETC and WTC are contour canals on very shallow slopes that make them
very susceptible to sedimentation. The upper sections of secondary canals follow high points and
have greater slopes that better allows them to transport sediments. Consequently modelling the
main canals is a higher priority. Model outputs for ETC are shown on Figure 8-2.

Figure 8-2 Modelling Results of ETC, 2010: (a) January (ETC-2010) (b) June (ETC-2010)

The PMMJIS have copies of this model and plan to use it for sediment modelling once the sediment
survey results are available.

8.5.4 Water quality modelling on WTC

A steady state water quality model called MODQUAL was used during the Cisandane-Cimanuk
Integrated Water Resources Development Project (BT-155) in 1987. The model highlighted the heavy
pollution loads brought into the WTC from the Cibekasi.

An attempt was made by M Ikhwan from the University of Indonesia and Y R Feres from the
University of Surrey using a model called DESERT and reported on in 2000. Their conclusion however
was that it failed to show dispersion of pollutants and was limited by the information on pollutants
that they could build into it.

Another model based on Streeter-Phelps equations was used under the Jatiluhur Water Resources
Management Project Preparation Study (JWRMP) to predict BOD concentrations in the Citarum River
and WTC with variable flow under the influence of multiple points and diffuse pollution loadings.

In 2007 KWater from Korea under the ICWRMP carried out a water quality measurement and
modelling programme using a water quality simulation model called QUAL2E-Plus. It is a 1-D steady
state model to simulate water quality in rivers with non-uniform flow. The model simulates 15 water
quality constituents such as BOD, DO, TN and TP. The results shown for turbidity measurements
during the period.

8.5.5 RIBASIM model for Citarum River Basin

RIBASIM is a water allocation model for river basins developed by Delft Hydraulics that is Windows
based and used for evaluating options for water resources development. The model can generate
flow patterns graphically and take account of demands for irrigation, DMI water supply, hydropower,
aquaculture and for reservoir operation. Different options can be used to balance available water
resources based on a network of nodes representing different structures and bifurcations. By
simulating with a long series of hydrological input and operating data best management options
based on statistical reliability can be developed for a range of scenarios.

The model has been used in the Citarum basin and on the Jatiluhur scheme since 1986 by
DHV/Deltares for ICWRMP, ADB TA85 to develop planning documents during the following:

Cisandane-Cimanuk Water Resources Development Study (BT-155), 1986 that includes the
Citarum basin.
Jabotabek Water Resources Management Study, 1994, IWACO/DHV/Delft
Water Resources and Irrigation Reform Implementation Project (IWIRIP), 2002
Basin Water Resources Planning (BWRP), 2002, World Bank, Rijkswaterstaat, NEDECO et al
6Cis Water Resources Management Project, DHV/Deltares for ICWRMP, ADB TA, 2010

The schematised model is shown on Figure 8-3.

Figure 8-3 Schematised Model of the Citarum Reservoirs and Jatiluhur Scheme

The main water sources, some 68, are divided into water districts from which rainfall runoffs are
obtained. Initially the model was run with 29 years of rainfall records from 1951 to 1979.

The following are given as limitations in a QWater report 27:

The input hydrology data needed updating to better reflect current rainfall trends and future
It does not include a rainfall runoff component
It is limited for simulating dynamic water quality processes important for implementing the
water quality management goals of Citarum BBWS.
It has to be linked with a GIS program to show spatial results and trends.

It has to be said that Delft never set out or proposed the model to simulate water quality only water
quantities. It is also not intended for real-time modelling.A review of more recently developed real-
time models that can perform such a task should be carried out with advantages and disadvantages

8.5.6 Real-time flow Simulation Model Requirements

Modernisation of the JIS will require real time integration between water availability and water
demands is best shown on a water resource model.

The model can show the implications on supply of:

a. real time changes in supply due to flow variation in river sources;

b. changes in storage from storage reservoirs in the system;
c. changes in water demand due to rainfall and other climatic factors;
d. other demand changes due to actual cropping patterns and DMI demands, and

KIWE, Korea Water Resources Corporation Inception Report, Development of a Water Quality Management
system for the West Tarum Canal (WTC) of Citarum River Basin (CRB), March 07

e. real time changes in water quality and turbidity.

This model could in an approximate way also predict sediment and pollution concentrations flow
along the canal although this would be better incorporated into the HECRAS sediment and pollution

As well as showing actual flows along the canal the model could also be used as a planning tool to
show what if situations where water availability changed, if the JIS system configuration was
changed as well as future scenarios and strategies needed simulation to show future impacts.

In view of the likely impact that climate change will have on flooding in the future it would be
worthwhile to see if the model could be integrated with a flood model to show what impact scheme
operation linked to storm forecasting could have on reducing the impact of floods. The proposed
LIDAR survey will provide the basic DTM for a flood model.

8.5.7 Sediment Modelling

It appears that sediment modelling has not been carried out on the JIS except as an indicator of
turbidity in the QUAL2E-Plus model which shows very odd results that would have been better
presented on an annual basis with each year as a separate plot.

Sediment modelling would most usefully be combined with a 1D or 2D transient flow model to
indicate the deposition of material over an annual time series of incoming flows, or several years
time series, to show where sediment settles and how quickly. The model could be used in
conjunction with various interventions such as sediment basins to show improvements over the
existing situation as a baseline. The most favoured model would be the USBR HECRAS model already
set up on the scheme which is understood to have a sediment module. The HECRAS model is free on
the internet with no restriction on use and hence any number of programs can be downloaded from
the internet to be used for training.

Part 3 Context of Environmental Impacts and Preparation for
Irrigation Modernisation
9 Environmental Factors Affecting the JIS
9.1 Introduction

The environmental challenges to the Jatiluhur system of catchment conservation, water scarcity,
flood damage and sedimentation of infrastructure are inter-related. Almost every river basin in
Indonesia over the last 60 years, including Citarum, has suffered irreversible deforestation and land
use change with the widespread consequences of landslips, erosion, floods and droughts. In the
Citarum basin there has been widespread deforestation, poor agricultural practices leading to
erosion of topsoil, urban and industrial development causing increased wet season storm runoff and
sedimentation in the three cascade reservoirs as well as in the Jatiluhur irrigation system.
Whilst historic river flow measurements has to be the basis for predicting reliable flows for
determining allowable supply, the changes in the Citarum catchment suggests that future available
flows for the Jatiluhur system in the dry season will be less than predicted by hydrological analysis.
Other factors that will affect the available water balance, flooding and sedimentation and hence
water resources planning are:
The annual cycle of wet and dry seasons particularly limits the cultivation of rice during the
dry season without irrigation water.
Global warming is predicted to make dry seasons 20% dryer, increase evaporation and
evapotranspirationto increase the frequency of the El Nino droughts, to intensify rainfall in
the wet season, and raise sea levels leading to more severe flooding.
The 5 to 7 year El Nino/La Nina cycle that makes dry seasons particularly long and then
causes the opposite effect of extended wet seasons.
Increasing population and demand DMI water supplies and for food crops.
Whilst water supply has highest priority for use, long standing irrigation water rights may
cause conflicts as supplies become scarce
Increasing population, habitation and industrial development within the catchment areas
will increase runoff and, combined with more exposed areas, will increase sediment
generation in the supply rivers. On the JIS scheme, raised urban and industrial areas and
increased erosion blocking drains will further exacerbate flooding in surrounding areas.
Ageing and wear on the irrigation infrastructure that will make it more difficult to operate
and maintain whilst over irrigation fills drainage systems with water.
Social factors that will affect the availability of farmers and their water user associations
(WUAs) to participate in maintenance tasks that include sediment and weed removal.

Environmental management planning for JIS has to take place within the guidelines of IWRM and
taking into account the sustainability of the river basin and river sub-basins the Jatiluhur canals pass
through. An example of this is the need to coordinate with other agencies in improving catchment
management, often in areas distant from the main canals. Decisions on water management have to
follow IWRM legislation, including the Pola and Rencana prepared for the specific river basin and the
aspirations of other water users within the basin but who may not be within the JIS. The use of water
resources must maximize benefits to all basin inhabitants throughout the year without harming the
biodiversity within the water sources. This is especially critical during the dry season, when supplies

are most scarce and will include social uses and environmental flows and during the wet season
when lives and livelihoods are at greatest risk.

9.2 Catchment Management and Sedimentation

Details of aspects of sedimentation are covered in Annex 4: Environment Assessment of Sediment

and Floating Debris Constraints as well as in the Draft Sediment Management Plan which has also
been submitted to BBWS. Both reports take a holistic view of sediment constraints from the
catchment areas, the JIS irrigation system, the irrigation areas, the rivers, the coastal zone and likely
future impacts due to climate change. The terms of reference focus on the JIS. A chapter is dedicated
to the needs of catchment management to reduce sediment generation. There are several aspects of
sedimentation that should be considered.

a. Catchment management to reduce the generation of sediments especially during the wet
season with an outline plan submitted as part of the Sediment Management Plan.
b. Sedimentation into the cascade of the three Citarum dams is increasing and reducing storage
especially in Saguling Reservoir which has lost some 50% of the original storage. By
comparison Cirata and Juanda reservoirs have only lost some 5 to 10% of storage. However,
sediment rates will substantially increase as Suguling becomes full.
c. Sedimentation of the cross rivers has dramatically increased over the last 40 years. Proposed
dams in the cross rivers will trap sediments then release clearer water with high potential to
cause erosion to river banks downstream.
d. The effect of sediments on the morphology of rivers and especially where they pass through
the low lying areas and into the coastal zone.
e. The effect on drainage systems and especially where the drainage system enters the low
lying rice lands and boundary with brackish water tambaks.
f. The coastal zones where in some areas accretion is occurring but in others coastal erosion is
starting to threaten rice areas.
g. The impacts of climate change and how increased wet season storm intensity, changes in
vegetation due to higher temperatures and rising sea levels will affect the sediment

Siphons on the ETC have been identified as convenient locations to trap and flush sediments.
However, the ETC is a contour canal on a very gentle slope where deposition is occurring and there is
little bed movement of sediments. Trapping sediments may be less effective than originally
conceived. The main problem at these structures is blockage of the siphon entrances by water weeds
and garbage.
Catchment Management
Any discussion on how to control or reduce sedimentation must start with the catchments. The
Sediment Management Plan sets out a program and identifies key players in future management.
Over the last 40 years there have been many programmes with the latest being under the ICWRMIP
where community initiatives have been piloted. Unfortunately that programme has been
terminated. So far few projects have succeeded in expanding demonstration plots into wider areas.
One of the largest generators of sediment is caused by the cultivation of annual crops on steep
slopes which are clean weeded and often prepared with ridges and furrows aligned downslope.
More sustainable cropping is not adopted as the farmers either have short tenancies or have no legal
ownership of the land as it may be in a forestry zone. The insecurity of their continued occupation

prevents longer term investments such as terracing, cultivating tree crops and soil conservation

Reservoir construction and operation

There are three reservoirs on the Citarum River: Saguling, Cirata and Juanda. The Saguling Reservoir
intercepts the sediments generated within the Upper Citarum except the material deposited on the
Bandung floodplain. The rate of filling is increasing whilst bathymetric surveys indicate the
reservoirs previous active storage is half full. The shape of the reservoir suggests that regular
flushing at the start of the wet season would have removed a considerable volume of deposited
sediments. Unfortunately such sediments are highly polluted, including with heavy metals from
tanning and dying industries so that release would cause contamination in the lower reservoirs. The
Cirata and Jatiluhur reservoirs have large storages and have been filling at a lower rate with only
about 5 to 10% of active storage lost. As Saguling fills further the rate of filling of Juanda will increase
considerably. The trapping of sediments in the three reservoirs have drastically reduced the flood
capacity of the downstream Citarum river channel, the rate of sediment build up on the floodplain
and accretion along the coastline. There are plans to build two reservoirs in the Cipunegara River
which has extremely high sediment loads. Their design and operation will be crucial on their effect
on the Cipunegara river morphology and impact on the JIS and especially the Bugis Main Canal. In
the Sediment Management Report it is advised to build the upper reservoir which is in a narrow
gorge with good flushing potential so that well designed flushing facilities could be effective at
flushing sediments if opened at the start of the wet season. Downstream there is likely to be
increased bank erosion that will affect the Pamanukan and Pangarengan Secondary canals.
Rivers passing through the JIS
Increased sediments in the rivers crossing the JIS will reduce their depth and flood capacity making
overtopping and damaging flood banks and inundating rice land areas more likely. Most of these
rivers have been constrained from inundating their flood plains by protection bunds that run close to
both banks. Raising the banks in response to the river bed increases is an unsustainable practice as
eventually a major flood the river will break out and chose a new course. When rivers pass through
an expanding coastal plain with no restraining hard geology the river forms meanders which migrate
downstream. It is advised to move such flood banks well outside of the meander zone to provide
storage during floods. The flood bund system prevents routine river floods from inundating areas
and building up ground levels.
JIS drainage system and scheme area
High concentrations of sediments brought into the scheme by the canal system will find their way
into the drainage system blocking them. Lack of maintenance will encourage weed growth that
further reduces currents and encourages sediment deposition. More frequent flooding can be
expected in scheme areas that will become more common in future as sea levels rise and storm
intensity increases. Consequently tidal locking will cause rising backwater effects during high tides
that will overtop flood banks. It is estimated that the land on the JIS scheme is consolidating at a rate
of 1.15 mm/year which has to be taken into consideration when considering the future situation of
low lying areas when combined with more intense storms and sea level rise.
Coastal effects
The whole north Java coast has been built up on the generation of sediments, particularly from the
time forests were being cut down for agriculture. Maps shown in Annex 5: Drainage, Flood
Management and Coastal Erosion indicate reaches of coastal accretion and erosion. Damming of the
Citarum has severely reduced the sediments flowing into the sea slowing down the land building
process. The land building at the Cipunegara estuary will also reduce with the construction of the

two proposed dams. There are two locations near the Citarum and Cipunegara estuaries where the
sea has commenced aggressively eroding the land and advancing at a rate of nearly 1km/year. This is
partly due to the complete removal of mangroves along the coast by brackish water tambak owners.

9.3 Floating Weed and Debris

Floating weed and garbage is a problem in several areas of the JIS:

a. Water hyacinth and other water weeds build up in a mat in front of the barrages, see Figure
9-1 (a) for Curug. Both Curug and Walahar Barrages require large river flows to discharge
them over the barrage gates. The flood capacity of the barrages may be reduced during this

b. Along the JIS canal at cross regulating gates and siphons floating debris accumulates at gates
or entrances to siphons. Complete blockage can cause water levels to rise and overspill and
damage embankments. Clearing the debris can often only be done effectively by
maintenance staff entering the water where high flow velocities can put them in danger. On
the WTC at Cibeet and Bekasi siphons the upstream entrances have been fitted with
electrically operated moving screens. These screens should be monitored for effectiveness
and reliability. Annex 9 suggests building a pilot deflecting beam arrangement that would
direct floating debris to the banks to collect in collecting tanks which would be easier and
safer to clear and dispose of material. Alternatively material can be directed to scour outlets
where double gates could allow material to be flushed into the cross rivers. However
disposing garbage into the river is not as environmentally acceptable.

c. In the mouths of culverts which can cause increased upstream levels flooding communities
or agriculture and overtopping into the canal system. In the case of culvert BTt11a (see
Figure 9-1) high upstream levels have caused piping loss of foundation soils and settlement
of the culvert. Figure 7-4 (b) shows accumulation of garbage at a drainage bridge that has
been fitted with stoplogs to raise drain levels. The material rots, absorbs oxygen from the
water and becomes pungent. There is a need to socialise to the communities against garbage
disposal in canals and drains and for local government to provide collection, recycling and
disposal systems.

Figure 9-1 a Water hyacinth at Curug Barrage 9.1b Debris collecting in the mouth of culvert BTt11a

9.4 Flooding

Flooding is mainly caused by high intensity rainfall during the wet season when the catchment area is
already saturated. There are a complex of additional factors that exacerbate flooding ranging from
blocked and inadequate culverts, sediment filled canals and drains, insufficient drainage provisions,
high water table, urban and industrial developments reducing flood storage and increasing flood
depth and miss-operation of Juanda Reservoir. Whilst these factors cause substantial present
flooding concerns, it is future impacts of climate change and urban and industrialization that pose
great risks to the future size of the Jatiluhur Irrigation System (JIS).

To ascertain the risks to the JIS the PMMJIS team has carried out reconnaissance field surveys and
rapid assessments, consulted the PJTII offices to obtain information. This has enabled a flood map to
be drafted showing reported areas of flooding that has been augmented by recently prepared flood
maps prepared by PJTII and for BBWS as well as Google satellite images, as shown on Figure 9-2.

Other flood maps in connection with mal-operation of Juanda Reservoir and effects of a potential
dam break, as simulated by a DAMBREAK program, are presented in Annex 5

Figure 9-2 Flood Map of Recorded Inundation up to 2015

The opening of the Jakarta - Cikampek toll road has caused the rapid industrialization of the area to
the north and adjacent to the WTC that appears unplanned and uncontrolled by leaving areas of
irrigation fragmented and isolated. The developers start by importing soil to raise levels above
adjacent rice land reducing flood storage and hence increasing levels above those tolerable for a rice
crop and village areas. In addition groundwater over abstraction is causing ground levels to settle

and thereby exacerbating flooding. Maps of the Bekasi, Cikarang and Cikampek areas show many
areas of flooding caused by the combination of these effects with poor drainage.

By far the greatest future threat to the scheme is caused by global warming affecting climate change.
Wet season intense storms are predicted to increase in intensity by up to 20%. This will generate
larger floods, a higher production of transported materials and river erosion damage. Of particular
concern is sea level rise. Artic scientists are pointing to far higher increases in temperatures in these
regions causing a series of positive warming impacts including melting of sea and land based ice,
lowering reflectivity and greater heat absorbsion, methane releases causing higher still
temperatures. Even assuming only 0.5 m for sea level rise by 2045 the additional combination of high
tides, storm surge and land settlement of 1.25 mm per year suggests frequent inundation of areas
below 2.5m above current mean sea level. Figure 4-4 indicates that there is some 62,500 ha of rice
land below the 2.5m contour that will be susceptible to flooding and saline intrusion. To accurately
ascertain the impact of resultant sea level rises on the JIS it is necessary to have a LIDAR generated
1m interval contour map of the scheme.

The drainage in the lowland areas is hampered by damaged re-use structures, sediment levels in
drains and structures, debris clogging flap gates that cannot close and eroded flood banks. The
relationship between the water level needs of the rice fields and adjacent brackish water tambaks
needs to be understood before designing the flood protection upgrading.

The design discharges for weirs of streams that contribute to JIS flows are shown below. The
Irrigation Standards stipulates that a 1:100 year discharge is the usual design criteria unless there is a
risk to habitation from fast flowing water in which case it should be raised to 1:1,000 year return
period. A structure over 15m in height is regarded as a large dam and should be designed for a larger
design flood such as 1:1,000 year or a PMF if considerable habitation is at risk. Design floods for
weirs are shown in Table 10.1 and should generally be to 100 years return period with 1m freeboard.
A preliminary check on the capacities of the cross river weirs is shown and highlights the need to
provide additional capacity at Cibeet, Barugbug and Salamdarma weirs even after allowing for zero
freeboard and the scour gates contributing to the passing the design flood. The Barugbug weir has
the highest priority for an emergency spillway. Global warming is likely to increase these flood
discharges by some 20%.

Table 9-1 Estimated Design Floods for JIS Cross Weirs

Note: Flows determined using Walahar rainfall station daily data from 1979 to 2008 with a HEC HMS
catchment model.

9.5 Coastal erosion

There are many factors that affect the morphology and erosion risk at the coastline that can be
summarised by:
a. The normal climatic effects of Java being located close to the equator and subject to the
annual movement cycle of the inter-tropical zone of convergence, bringing changes in
rainfall, wind patterns and currents.
b. The effect of the circulation of the moon around the earth and the effect on tides, and the
erosive effect of spring and highest astronomic tides in particular.
c. The dominance of the E N E Monsoon winds generating storm waves and storm surges and
when combined with high tides will cause coastal erosion and flooding.
d. Removal of the mangrove belt that formally gave protection to the coastline by tambak
e. More recently concern over the effect of global warming on sea level rise now predicted to
be well above the most extreme of the UN IPCC scenarios.
f. The effect of dams on reducing the volumes of sediments reaching the coastline.
A review of Google satellite imagery from year 2002 until the present day reveals some severe
changes that are having a dramatic effect on the band of brackish water aquaculture tambak and
rice land along the coast. In several places the advance of the sea into the land is so severe that it is

now threatening a substantial area of low lying rice land. In particular near the Citarum and
Cipunegara estuaries as detailed in Annex 5 with the latter described below.

shows satellite images from 28/06/2006 and 10/5/2015 of the coastal outline close to the
Cipunegara outlet estuary. The shoreline from the 2015 imagery is superimposed over the 2006
imagery shows the advances the sea has made both in removing tambak and rice and is advancing
on longer established rice land that appears light brown in the image. The photograph shows the
establishment of high intensity prawn production tambaks between the photographs. Some 6,000 ha
of rice land below elevation 2.5 m asl is now at risk.

Figure 9-3 Area North of Cipunegara River

where Coastal Erosion has Occurred

Another reach of coastline experiencing erosion +

is along the Patrol shore where the sea has Wind rose
advanced some 800m in ten years removing Proposed
location of
mainly rice land as shown on Figure 9-4. Most of Patimban port

the accretion has occurred at the Cipunegara sea

outlet. It is noted that the location of the
Patimban Port is along this strip of coastline
where interventions within the foreshore are
more likely to exacerbate erosion.

Figure 9-4 Changes Since 1954 Along the Binong and Patrol Coasts

The wind rose on Figure 9-4. shows that the direction of the prevailing wind in onshore and likely to
drive currents in a circulatory motion around the developing coastline causing future erosion made
worse by global warming effects.

10 Preparations for Water Management Modernisation

10.1 DGWR Five Pillars and Modernisation Planning

The approach to Irrigation Management projected by DGWR is encapsulated in their guideline on the
subject. The approach is based on the 5 pillars of irrigation with adaption to modernization shown on
Figure 1-1 and expanded below in Figure 10-1 can be seen to include improvement in adjusting to
future scenarios of environmental, social and agricultural change and new government policies that
include improved levels of service.

Figure 10-1 Adaption of 5 Pillars to Modernisation

The DGWRs definition of modernizing irrigation is:

With the objective to attain food security and farmers prosperity, the modernisation of irrigation in
Indonesia is defined as the process of improving an existing irrigation system to meet better
participatory irrigation management services, to be more efficient, effective and sustainable
management through developing reliability of 5 pillars, i.e. Better water availability, good
infrastructure, improving irrigation management, institutional strengthening as well as
empowerment of human resources.

The approach to the consulting Services to modernising the management of JIS is based on the five
principles of DGWR. It is proposed to develop pilot projects to be in advance of the rest of JIS to:

a. Modernise the management of the Sectional Office that manages the operation of the ETC as
well as modernising the measurement and control infrastructure of the ETC. This will act as a
pilot to the later management modernising of the sectional organisations of the WTC and NTC.
In fact the WTC in terms of readiness and the priority of supplying the capital city was also
considered. However, the ETC provides a close connection with the proposed secondary pilot
area 2 and the stated requirement of the World Bank to favour activities on the ETC.

b. Modernise a Sectional Office and the corresponding secondary irrigation, drainage and flood
management systems as a pilot to the other sectional offices managing the secondary canal
systems. It is considered important to study a sector of irrigation from the ETC down to the

coast to enable modernisation over the different environments. Within this area a single
secondary system is recommended for adoption as an advanced DED phase for modernisation.
Criteria for identifying a suitable sections as a pilot scheme are given in Section 10.4.

10.2 Performance Management and Institutional Approach

The World Bank Mission in May 2016 proposed that:

The Modernisation Study should initially focus on a phased approach to carry out inventories and
assessments of the irrigation infrastructure and management. This could be done using Rapid
Assessment Procedures (RAP) from the MASSCOTE approach developed by FAO. Consultation with
various stakeholders is the key to the future direction in O&M of the irrigation system.

The MASSCOTE Approach was recently developed by the FAO and stands for Mapping System and
Services for Canal Operation Techniques as set out in the FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 63.
This is a methodology for systematic survey and analysis of canal operation with the goal of
improving service provision without the need for major investment in infrastructure. The Rapid
Appraisal Procedure (RAP) within the MASSCOTE approach is a set of diagnostic tools for a process
and performance assessment in order to increase knowledge about the constraints and
opportunities that the system management has to consider.

Many agencies, such as the ADB recommend implementing Sustainable Management defined as:
A pre-requisite for realizing and sustaining the projected increase in agriculture production and a
reliable supply of water to non-agricultural users. Within the Project context it is defined as local
irrigation institutions being able to provide water delivery services against agreed performance
indicators to all users without having to resort to major rehabilitation interventions.

A Performance Management System (PMS) System

approach to the management of irrigation benchmark
systems has appropriate measurable indicators survey
and targets of water management and
infrastructure maintenance. The PMS, shown
graphically in Figure 10-2 commences with a
baseline survey to ascertain the condition of a
wide range of performance indicators that show
the current status of the organisations activities.
The organization, in collaboration with their
clients for each activity, agree what realistic
targets to set for each measurable indicator in
the following year. After a year of collecting
measurable information a statistical analysis is
carried out in which the performance over the
year can statistically be compared against the set
Figure 10-2 Annual Performance Cycle

Where performance is below target an inquest is held to identify weaknesses and risks.
Improvements are then proposed to both infrastructure and operations and agreed targets reset.
The process is then repeated for the next year. For water management a key indicator is the
statistical reliability that the supply satisfies the clients water demands.

10.3 Overview of Modernising JIS

The specific objectives of the preparation for introducing management modernisation on JIS are:
a. To develop a long term vision for JIS including in the institutional context;
b. Carry out Pilot Area Studies including socialization and participatory planning with
stakeholders in conjunction with the IoPIM Project;
c. Prepare and design No Regret Measures to remove constraints to modernisation and physical
threats to the JIS;
d. Assist the institutions move towards a service based organisation through performance
e. To upgrade infrastructure for modernisation with real time monitoring and control for key
structures and greater participation in managing small sub-systems;
f. Introduce sustainable management concepts including resolution of social and environmental
issues and provision of safeguards.
The overall main activities will be:
a. Workshops to inform and mobilise Key Stakeholders to confirm Pilot Organisations and Areas
b. Hold discussions and dialog with key stakeholders at Coordination Meeting to discuss and
agree modernisation proposals
c. Holding consultative meetings to inform and engage sectional and field staff, WUAs and other
d. Prepare staff for service based management of irrigation modernisation;
e. Carry out surveys and investigations necessary to plan and design the proposed interventions;
f. Rehabilitate and upgrade structures on a first phase of pilot area development for real time
measurement and monitoring;
g. Participatory Review of Pilot Areas and system design improvement
h. Resolve social and environmental issues by participatory consultation with local government
and WUAs and prepare social and environmental development plans.
A draft discussion document that proposes technical options and innovations for modernising the
irrigation infrastructure was submitted to BWS during April 2016 and is included as Annex 10 to the
In the DGWR approach 28, irrigation systems are evaluated through a process of SWOT analysis and
public consultations, to determine the scheme readiness for modernization. The system called IKMI
(Indeks Kesiapan Modernisasi Irigasi) sets out the interventions required for each of the Five Pillars.
The IKMI is also the input for system planning. The following is the criteria for determining a
schemes readiness as set out in the Guidelines.
Some irrigation schemes in Indonesia are broken and have inadequate function to be modernized
because performance of the system is too low. Modernising such irrigation schemes is very costly and
is ineffective. Well performing irrigation schemes can be directly enter the modernization process
whilst lower performing schemes should be upgraded as preparation for modernization. Accordingly,
each irrigation scheme which is intended to be modernized should be screened using analysis of IKMI

Pedoman Umum Modernisasi Irigasi, DPU, DGWR, Direktort Irigasi dan Rawa, September 215

as shown in their document. The result of IKMI readiness analysis could be categorized into 3

- Score > 80 scheme is adequate and commence the modernization process

- Score 50 80, scheme in fair condition: modernization after improvements in 1-2 years
- Score < 50 scheme in poor condition: modernization process after R&U may need 2-4 years
- Score < 30 is very poor: modernization process should not be considered.

Table 10-1 Scoring System for Irrigation Modernization Readiness Index (IKMI)
Good Sufficient Insufficient
I. Water availability > 16 10 16 < 10
II. Irrigation Infrastructure > 20 12,5 20 < 12,5
III. Irrigation Management > 16 10 16 < 10
IV. Institutional Management > 16 10 16 < 10
V. Human Resources > 12 7,5 12 < 7,5
Total > 80 50 80 < 50
DGWR, Tim Modernisasi, 2014

The Tim Modernisasi of DGWR of MPWHR presented during the Inception Workshop on the 24 th of
February 2016 in Bandung the main findings of a study conducted in November 2015 on the IKMI
(Irrigation Modernization Readiness Index) status of the Jatiluhur Irrigation System. A scoring is
provided for each of the Five Pillars for the Modernization of Irrigation, i.e. criteria related to the

Table 10-2 IKMI Scoring for the Jatiluhur Irrigation System

Weight % Scoring Classification IKMI
I. Water availability 20 79 Sufficient 16
II. Irrigation Infrastructure 25 60 Sufficient 15
III. Irrigation Management 15 80 Sufficient 12
IV. Institutional Management 20 63 Sufficient 13
V. Human Resources 20 64 Sufficient 13
Total IKMI score 68
DGWR, Tim Modernisasi, 2015

The study concludes that with an IKMI score the Jatiluhur Irrigation System ranks as (just) sufficient.
Water availability is sufficient to sustain 2 (two) rice crops. Shortcomings are identified, including
sedimentation and the condition of infrastructure. The condition of drainage infrastructure (in the
study identified as natural river courses) is considered to be sufficient. Climate change, agricultural
development, spatial planning and other factors are not part of this assessment. See section 10.4.3
for assessment by Tim Modernisasi for individual areas operated by section offices.

10.4 Pilot Area Activities
10.4.1 Preparatory Surveys

A series of surveys and investigations relating to the pilot areas and the whole of JIS will be
subcontracted that will indicate where future upgrading work is required and assist future planning.
These surveys are:

a LIDAR Survey and Mapping of the gross Pilot Areas that will include a strip along the ETC and
the gross area of Binong, some 37.000 ha, and including tambak areas to the coast and the
Machan system upstream of the EC. The survey should produce maps with clarity at 1:1000
scale with 1m contours and based on orthophoto maps set out in 1:5000 scale printable
b Sediment surveys to establish existing sediment concentrations and in conjunction with
sediment modelling determine suitable locations and priorities for sediment control
c. Agro- economic survey following assessment of PSTK surveys for gap analysis in the pilot areas
and less intensive surveys in other areas to finalise the EA studies and provide agro-economic
planning data, stakeholder views and future agricultural trends.
d. Detailed terrestrial surveys for design of key structures, canal and drain alignments in the Pilot
Areas. These surveys will be the basis for detailed design and contract drawings.
e. Geotechnical site investigation of measurement structures and drainage structures as the
basis of detailed design or planning studies.

10.4.2 Pilot Organisation 1: Modernising the ETC

The following activities have been carried out or are proposed for preparing the modernisation of
the ETC.
a. Discussions with BBWS/PJTII/DoI&L including on Modernisation Discussion Document
A Technical Note and Discussion Document has been forwarded to BBWS for distribution to
key stakeholders containing proposed approaches to modernisation and options for different
forms of canal management and water control and measurement structures. Presentations on
the discussion document have been provided to DoI and World Bank Mission on 22 November
2016 and earlier to BBWS on 17 November 2016. Future discussions will be required to select
measurement structures and methods of data acquisition and transfer.

b. Institutional development plan for introduction of performance management.

An institutional plan will be required to provide institutional strengthening to achieve the
transfer to a service organisation using performance management systems. Participation by
the ETC Sectional office in developing the plan will generate greater ownership of it.

c. Study of ETC modernisation and plan.

It is essential that key decision makers are aware of the constraints to the ETC and
downstream systems for modernisation, organisational alternatives for improved water
management and infrastructure options to modernise the ETC system of flow measurement.

This will be provided through the later version of the Environmental Assessment and the
Proposed Sustainable Management Plan.

d. MASSCOTE field condition survey of proposed measurement structures

Evaluation of the condition of the water management operations and infrastructure is the first
MASSCOTE requirement and has been partially carried out as part of the EA Studies in the
presence of the field staff who operate it. There were four components: (i) physical condition
and inventory of damage: (ii) support of the above inventory with a photographic record; (iii)
description of operation and maintenance by the sectional staff whilst reviewing the flows
being delivered through the offtake gates, and; (iv) estimate of head loss and potential head
loss in consideration of which measurement structure/gate to install.

e. Assessment of baseline water management and demand balance

The initial RAP showed that in most cases water turned out into upslope areas was far greater
than scheduled or needed whilst in other reaches illegal offtakes mainly to fish farms were
seen. A baseline flow survey using flow meters is required to establish how different actual
flows are compared to scheduled or needed flows and what losses are being sustained. This
second component of the RAP should be carried out with the Sectional staff and with WUA
representatives where the WUAs exist to further understand institutional arrangements.

f. Options for water level control, monitoring and data transfer

Options for upstream, downstream or mixed systems of water level control, different types of
measuring systems, types of water level sensors, telemetry, automatic rain gauges and SCADA
have been presented in the Discussion Document for Water Management Modernisation. The
note needs to be discussed by the operating organisation and the various levels of key
stakeholders and the methods to be employed clearly set out. So far the Tim Direksi and Tim
Modernisasi have declared their views to develop modern automatic systems of data
collection, transmission and representation. Further discussions concerning preferred
operating systems and infrastructure, equipment security, SOPs, budgets and participation by
field staff and water user representatives are required.

g. Proposed upgrade of MIS, computer systems, real time simulation model

The Water Resources Information System (Sistem Informasi Sumber Daya Air, SISDA) that PJT II
already maintains contains considerable monitoring data. Recommendations for the future
acquisition, processing, presentation and further action is provided in Chapter 9. Whatever
system is chosen it is recommended to be harmonized with the DGWR PUSDATA system to
allow interrogation between systems and data sharing. The proposed system will automatically
acquire water management monitoring information in real time for larger structures and on a
daily basis for minor flows to be retrieved from the field by field staff with smartphones.
Readings will be directed to the PJTII main data centre and presented in GIS format on a real
time flow simulation model (RTFSM). The proposed water management framework is further
described in the Discussion Document on Irrigation Management whilst the proposed MIS
system will be further described with the existing PJTII MIS in Annex 4 of the SEA. Figure 10-3
indicates how the overall data acquisition system will operate whilst Figure 10-4 provides an
expanded view of how the PJTII MIS will communicate with other offices.

Figure 10-3 Proposed Data Acquisition System


Figure 10-4 MIS Components

h. DED selected cross-regulator, secondary and tertiary offtakes from ETC.

Detailed design is required at selected cross regulators: (i) as close as possible to the four
Pengamat boundaries and where major secondary canals branch from the ETC. The
preliminary structure survey shows that most of the first eleven offtakes structures (BTT1 to
BTT11) have serious leakage and piping problems and require either replacement or
upgrading. Nearly all have considerable head loss and would be suitable for modifying existing
gates or replacement with Crump-de-Gruyter or similar measurement gates.

i. Report on Social and Environmental Issues.

The initial survey of the ETC found considerable problems of illegal settlement along the banks
of the ETC with associated problems of disposing of human waste and garbage and the loss of
opportunity to deposit dredged sediment on the banks. In addition there was inspection road
damage due to the use of the road by earth carrying trucks. Environmental issues such as
sedimentation, water quality and dealing with water weed growth also have to be dealt with.
Most of these problems require discussions with local governments, community
representatives and the dissemination of information on sanitary issues to residents. As shown
by efforts to resettle illegal residents on the WTC such problems require careful handling.

j. Prepare subcontract for real time monitoring.
In preparation for implementation under SMURIP contracts for structure upgrading and for
the data acquisition, monitoring and control framework on ETC should be prepared.

10.4.3 Pilot Organisation 2: Sectional Office and Irrigation Command Area

In considering selection criteria for the secondary systems Pilot Area the DGWR Guidelines have
been adopted along with more JIS environment criteria and is:

a. Typical for the conditions, geo-morphology and land use in JIS.

b. Covering all management levels from Curug Weir to tertiary level.
c. System planning at the level of the hydrological unit, from river to river
d. Readiness criteria of:
(i) section organization capability;
(ii) water user establishment;
(iii) infrastructure function and,
(iv) water availability so that modernization principles can be fully demonstrated.

e. Linkage with ongoing and planned designs, construction and PPISP activities
f. Institutional considerations: links with P3As, PJT-II and District government
g. Future landuse and water availability stability.
The Binong command area between the Cipunegara and Ciasem rivers and north of the ETC sector
fed by the East Tarum Canal has been recommended by the PMMJIS Consultants for modernisation
of Management over other sections as:

a. The landform and pedology is similar to most of the areas supplied by the Tarum main canals
where secondary canals follow ridges or higher ground down to a low lying area adjacent to
the coast bounded by brackish water tambaks.

b. This Sectional command area is directly supplied by the ETC, itself to become a pilot section,
and has the full range of conveyance, distribution and drainage problems that can be
experienced and addressed by selecting a secondary system at a time for DED.
c. The area is bounded by natural irrigation system hydraulic boundaries, the Ciasem and
Cipunegara Rivers;
d. The area scores highest in readiness level as;
o Compared to other sections the Binong Section is almost fully staffed with motivated
and experienced personnel;
o There are WUAs being established in the area under the WISMP-2 IoPIM project;
o The canal system is undergoing rehabilitation under the WISMP Component 3b program
and scores well in the IKMI assessment given below. There are only minor rehabilitation
constraints to overcome so that detailed design can be completed for

o The area has a supply of water considered adequately reliable for existing and proposed

e. The modernisation program will integrate with and co-opt the participatory program being
carried out under WISMP -2, Component 3a and the IoPIM participatory sub-project active
in establishing WUAs.
f. The area is well located in terms of proximity to Division and Section PJTII and Subang
governmental offices.

g. The area is relatively more stable in terms of landuse change to urbanisation and
industrialisation than others so that infrastructure will not be disturbed.

In addition the area is free of major problems that affect canal flow measurement such as very
limited head losses on secondary division structures and rapid sedimentation of canals. The IKMI
assessment of infrastructure on the various Section managed systems is given below with only 11%
of secondary canals on Binong in poor condition.

Table 1 IKMI Assessment of Infrastructure in Section command Areas on ETC

Primary Secondary Main Structures Tertiary

No PJT-II Section
Canals Canals Canals
Ringan Berat
1 Tarum Timur 5% - 18% 11% 7%
2 Sukamandi - 13% 21% 32% 17%
3 Binong - 11% 28% 17% 9%
4 Patrol 20% 28% 21% 27% 22%

10.5 Development of a Pilot Area for Priority Rehabilitation

The Patrol Section of the JIS is recommended as a priority pilot area for rehabilitation as considerable
work is required to prepare it for modernisation under the later stages of the SIMURP as:

a. It is different in landform than other areas whilst secondary canals are not typical of most
others on JIS and requires an individual approach to modernisation preparation.
b. The command area is not directly linked to the ETC and requires a siphon to supply clear water
when the Cipunegara has high flows with concentrated suspended sediments.
c. The area will not be able to rely entirely on ETC flows and will need a substantial sediment
basin to trap the Cipunegara sediments that now clog the Bugis canal system and restrict
d. Canal flow measurements in early 2016 recorded only 8 m3/s in the Bugis canal, well short of
the 26 m3/s design capacity. Lack of flows restricts cropping intensity to 170% and depresses
yields. If available water is only 33% of demands it would be difficult to demonstrate
modernised irrigation management on this area. Delivered water from the ETC will
dramatically improve by relieving the bottleneck on ETC between km 4.5 and km7, however it
will be a further 2 years before this is implemented.
c. Some 6 m3/s intended for the Bugis system is pumped out of the Cipunegara after being
discharged there from the ETC. The proposed Salamdarma siphon would prevent this, but will
require several years before implemented. A further 3 m3/s is pumped out of the
Kandanghaur secondary to areas outside the Bugis command area.

d. A lack of Section field staff has allowed 3 rd party operators to control flows and they
reportedly favour Indramayu areas over Subang areas. A technical solution in the form of a
link canal could solve this problem but will take several years to implement. This would
supply the Pamanukan secondary canal which could be an advanced DED project.
e. If the Patimban Port is developed with an industrial and urban areas some 2,000 ha of rice
fields will be lost.


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