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Critical Without the K Brendan Gallagher

Borrowed from policy

Alternative framework
Values lets you use K from the start
I. Why run it
a. Surprise opponents
b. Forcing someone to defend something that is out of their comfort
c. Less written responses
d. Wide ranging category
e. Many critical authors make good arguments in a debate context
because they take extremists or decisive positions
f. Critical philosophy answers a lot of traditional arguments
g. Arose as a response to modern philosophy
h. Interesting
II. Why more than the K
a. Don’t want to devote all speech to 7 minute k
b. Other answers want to make
c. Many judges who wouldn’t be receptive are fine with kirikal
d. Sometimes that it doesn’t make sense to run a 7 min k, can run
topical arguments
e. Aff- k structure doesn’t work
III. Specific uses
a. Framework justifications
i. Make sure your criterion is tailored to the terminology by
the authors
ii. Make your evidence understandable
iii. Authors that cite that author and summarize what the
author says in a more understandable manor (google
iv. Framwork linked into a non-impact, moral reason
v. Can use critical evidence as impact based
2. Bad impact
IV.EX1. Of a case
a. Ought=mo
b. No such thing as independent desirability
c. V:m
d. Trancend borders
e. Universal ethic doesn’t exclude
f. 1. Arbitrary
g. 2. All connected by identity of humanity
h. affirm common worth
i. State has global human rights
j. 3. All have moral reason
k. Nationalism contrary
l. Casues atrocities
m. Outside inferior
n. Campbeell- Ritualized acts, service of its ideals, foreign policy,
inside outside, domestic foreign, externalized dangers,
axiollogically, moral heiarchy, discipline, secure identity on the
inside, nationalism displaces threat onto others, us them
o. Zizek- Threat put onto outside enemy, all powerful, legitimize
the current power structures, Stalin, Americans-Communism,
protective measure of defense, threat to human rights, So
nationalist ideology is false, threats
p. C: reducing focus on the nation
V. EX 2.
a. Because the resolution asks
b. Ought=morality
c. Ethical system
d. No idependent desirability
e. No control
f. Gender is contrary
g. C: less women oppression
h. 1. Understanding true effect
i. can never understand aggregate
j. Peksen- analyze the groups who take shock
k. Economic power
l. 2. Using the lens of gender is crucial to understanding
m. Peksen 2- particular attention to women
n. Study to statecraft
o. Advancing womens status
p. 3. Perpetuates the oppression of patriarchy
q. Tichner- The field of international relations
r. Field is so thourough and masculinized
s. Heirarcally relationship
t. Foreigners are portrayed as the other
u. Socialized and understand
v. Perpetuate
w. 4. Patriarcal oppression
x. Rheerdin- partriarchic dominance, strut stuff, women, blood,
necessary evil, paralyzed,
y. Nuclear disaster
VI.EX 3.
a. Concept of bare life
b. When we view people just as bodies, of individual identity
c. State comes to operate upon them
d. Need to view as particular identity
VII. Impacts
a. Cards actually impact to your arg
b. Undestand what the impact is to (links to framwork)
VIII. Ex 1
a. PMF-Private military objects
b. Concept of Empire
c. Hardht and Nhegri
d. Big powerful nations get 2 strong
e. Allows US to have military posts all around the world
f. Cards that say US as dominant pwer is bad
g. Instrinscilly includes reduction of autnomy
IX.Off case positions
a. A. Clearly explain function of offcase
b. Can’t go against NC
X. Utopian vision of world
a. Causes violence
b. Yanis
i. Continuous battle
ii. Master unexpected
iii. Articulated as universal interpretation
iv. Visage in which disorder eliminated
v. Own remainder
vi. All persisting order is , no utopian realized
vii. Constitute
viii. Killing 1 to save more causes more violence
ix. Doesn’t make things worse
x. Turn on the AC
c. AC claims an action is permissible
i. Scale or concept
Cant pass binary
Matters of degree
Better or worse
1. Judgements are binary
2. Equally turns on acces of properties
3. Morally forbidden or permissible
4. Not morally perfect
5. Flawed binary judgement
6. Only morally better
XI.Entire case positions
a. Structure the case normally
b. Based on same philosophy
c. Broad article for frameork
d. Then contention with topic specific
XII. Ex.
a. Prevent fabrication of the felon
b. Rather than a technical term
c. Rather tha consider fact of murder
d. Makes it possible for the government to suppress
e. Diltz- Fabricating the deluinquent
i. Evil done to
f. Foucalt- Not most intense form of illegality
g. An effect of penality
h. Supervise illegalities
i. Worst violation of democracy
j. When people are fabricated they are no longer represented
k. Invented as class of felon
l. Society ceases to be
m. Democratic success
n. Must be linked to criminal
o. Not linked to punishment
p. Know they are felon without knowing
q. Crime is irreleven
r. Felon fabrication destroys punishment
s. 3. Destroys harmonious democracy
t. Marks as an abnormal equal group
u. Anti-citizen
v. Abstruction of the anti-identity
w. My thesis- dis- fabricates the felon
x. Removes
y. Diltz 2- From physically society
z. Commoonly think of as the real world
aa. Social forms
bb. Restrain selves entirely
cc.Must be restricted
dd. Inside political boundries of the nation
ee. Members of society
ff. Disenfranchisement
gg. Dsitinc category
hh. B. Repeatedly conflates past
ii. Diltz- remakes reminds that they are felon
jj. Even after successful
kk. Requirement
ll. Sex offender
mm. Repeadedly substitues for past effect
nn. Denied political voice
oo. C. other forms of social exclusion
pp. Foundation on other forms of disenfranchisement
qq. How can we excpect a legal barriers
rr. Representative society
ss. D. construct the felon as character that must be excluded
tt. Diltz 5- outside of the dmos
XIII. Moral permissibility
a. Right actions are permitted
b. Proving resolution wrong negates
c. Implies this is a goal
d. An aim store could be out of milk
e. That of the one innocent
f. Prevenent constant catastrophie
g. Constant catastrophy
h. Death of more legitimates constant state of emergency
i. Zizek –existing power structures, threat externalized, divert
j. Create multruistic
k. Stop creating
l. Solves original problem
m. Thereapuditc
n. Lifton-Markunsent- kill hundreds in order to stop, Nazis
XIV. A2 args
a. Respond to theories that are older

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