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A eo Meteat >». Elementary Student’s Book om 7 with MultiROM Tim Falla, Paul A Davies Solutions Elementary Student’s Book OXFORD Tim Falla, Paul A Davies Necnes trsaes tt or Gm © ce "p2 Prsntsinge aman al ‘ronncaton Dircpesan-s)eadg:Quren abet iver Pipe: Onions on te Rats 05 10 porearapts » Speaking Stuetienl roleplay j Weenies feos: Sin 6 ot Binewen ser nope sanguine Ui 926 «Sis nowNo-U Us 927 120 Scholes th thro $xhoo bec (cor. nth mats ec) (Marg seats near ne Gerakingsautsoots ‘pings caste (n.d, saves) Freposonsofpace ever, o% ee) Bum 136 Levon + Lening tile ci sotrnt + Speaking Stucon| poy Lesion «Readme Mule choce steers = Speaking Strona! lar #38 Clothes oo tes oats. to ears etc) Soares “9 Necabuay: Descing pot (on elena €) (Miiatpepie wear Scho! ain her ee time Baie: Tie estas ‘aletves eutf,big. chop, ink.) iseng Sse “Lameunet movi Unis > p26 + Seis novRD its pa 88 Geosranty 49 Comparative atinceves ioral Geogaptcl features esr, He): continents then eating: The Lake Distt ‘alee or mensrement (eo, igh org ee) Pronunciation: wesk vowel sounds oe Oude tes liming fing, IBAndoque Wovccipione ators ane "Bam 958 | Lesion © ststnng Matching sateen seers Spang ctr besedesion Lesion « Reding ssn pies + Spain Situcon rele poy 158 ttn 959 Psst: be Faces intown ants dre part te) heating: Out ond oto is Landoe IMioeciongwie foes Breleatveaverens - tameusor nevEW UNG + p66» Skis NeURO-Ue UNS p67 169 Past sire over vos es atalies sr echt) onncator-osrcghfeag hve cram Math Len) satale iepuarfors " re xoressins (sigh, wo Ee aa Tie arses Os ‘cam 976 lesion + stUstenng etching stron fo speoars Sprang Pct bose {79 sone an ny. How meh) bacon. ian, cofee. ec) owen anduncourtle ours Fant bed oere cbte t e) Q pureys fesseg Par-tme jos MMop!ons en partinejoos ‘tameues neve Unt” 108 Sts OES Unie © 107 " Time, dy5.ments| © noses We fskng ance frenne F 911 Preven ime Midesesbing what peo toani cont 21 Advert al aqueny om of... Poturcaven:havemes Dt comand adverbs receding adiny Porurcaen: past Srple nats “ime expressions ono ‘nysagovastwec, te) P78 eats, Pronureaten:o/2n Expressions ich do ane aumrune as tile e 991 Present puree nega ne We ating soe ota Grammar SuiLoER AND REFERENCE p08 ‘Vocauvany BUILDER p28 I Lisering 4.01 = sh. tacet | 201 = ik, rade /3.0% = disk, tk) Gezom Gamo Crm pt? fail 4 Introd poole PAS Annaler Supermem! IWiintndactors Srana numbers ates Vocal Everday ates ean ie haus pet wee) pa kang ts 125 An annoencemert ‘opan nein Sirti eases ‘nyeaes Vocabulary Pars of he body ars, boc, et) ins ar Sard shes e.) Yea src, esta eb, (Seng: hue Fighting P32 Mg yrs 94 aiingaetons 939 Acescrptien Senodt ome a IB rotbwing deecions Gprat eters ‘oral: Pas feeb Gatun, gm, sts, Pann: tons 42 tspanytine A Moking rangement AS seinen {ocak poops. sch mated agence fear neon Cortorgens Rauetcar ec nee ee Sayplemer oa tote ae: epee same 3 soon correc Simonton SS SS 952 Dangerous! (p54 Making a phene call 955 A postcard Treen dinws inate we rite Meet eile fay ie or eg pant : elisa ne ously wie er, eage,epant tc) MASK maton ie ite 962 uton te om 6 Ont ene 265 Amessate Neuron tenet Beith ising nessze onthe shoe ora Sotercng words Gs then. er tat, eatin ogi Saver wars st Prins hone 972 tenons 776 Taig sbeut your weekend 175 bn ermal message Soe gem vets [BCoversaton aout stad doy {Raby Bern Meron, geraje oe YUAN Rang yap ON ex Oro, 82 Healthy eating 08 ine cate 05 Arnal ieter Gan extig be 0 sper? |B cwerng 00a (BiSong: jun Fos junkie Proandator: saying pices 992 Aloe onthe water 98 Buying oti tat 195 Anema 1s gen me my ie again’ Pronandator: 24-host dock ‘lreaay andy Vorabulay: Weather (lad hot ramet) BET ato announcements 102 A year abroad Sap yeas Puce f wo bank ator. ieee Sone Grish Introduction a irr Gea 1 Look atthe photo. How old do you think the boy is? How ald is the git? 2 (G@BMLOL Read and listen to the dialogue. Check your ideas. Hi, 'm Francesca, What's yourname? Ben —_Ben. Nice to meet you. Maigosia Nice to meetyou too. Ben —_ How do you spell your rame? Maigosia F-R-A-N-C-E-S~C-A. How old are you, Ben? Ben —_I'm16.Whatabout you? Maigosia'm17. 3 (GRE Listen and repeat the alphabet. abedefghijkimnopqrstuvwxyz 4 G03 Listen. Write the names of the famous people. 5 EGS Work in pairs. choose 2 famous person, but Sayit'sniceto meet 6, kes — Ask how to spell a's ame. Spell your name. a ‘Ask how old B is. Say how old you are, > Ask how old Ais. Say your age. < 12 EUZAMNG Act out your dialogue to the class. 1 Read the text. True or false? 1 Ben is Scottish. 2 His sisteris 17. 3 Ben and Clare are at the same school. as My name's Ben. My home town is York. n England, But 'm not English Im Seettish I'm 16 years old. This is a photo of me and ry sister. Her name ie Claro, She's 19. Sho isnt at soroal, She's ‘a unive'sty in London. Inthe photo we aeritatheme, we're on| Toleiay n Spain, We'e at ou grangparentsnouse Posted 12.45 15tn August | 2 Complete the table with the affirmative and negative forms ‘of the verb b affirmative interrogative Amt? hhe/she/it = Is he/she/it. you/we /they?. ‘Are you/we/they 2 negative short answers 1 Yes, 1am./No, fm rot. hhe//she/it Yes, he/ she itis. you/we /they®. No, he she /it isn't Yes, you/we/ they are. No, you /we/they aren’t. 3 Complete the sentences with the affirmative or negative form of be. Make them true for you. 1 |___14 years ote, Urn 4 yeare eld /fm ot 14 years old 2 My parents, from Prague. 3 We in school now. 4 My bag. yellow. 5. My fiends and | ‘rom England. 6 It___very cold today, 7 hungry. 8 Ourteacher very tal. 4 Write questions. Use the interrogative of be. you/ 15 years old? Ronaldinho / your favoutite footballer? our teacher /in the classroom? we /from Hungary? Julia Roberts /your favourite actress? you thirsty? your fiends/ at home? Grammar Reference: page 109 ) be, possessives and pronouns Se 5 SSYENUIG work in pairs. Ask and answerthe questions in exercise 4, ‘Are you 15 years old? | Yes, lam. /No, I'm not. v ['m 16 years ol. 6 Find three possessive adjectives in the text in exercise 1 and complete the table. oer Zz 1 you your: he his she 2 we x you your they: their 7 Read the Learn this! box. Lock at the pictures. Write questions using demonstrative pronouns. Pe plural these those i these forthings that are close to us that end these forthings that ere further 6 these / pencils Introduction ( ‘a 5 this /CD Carrere 1 (G@WMOF, Read and listen to the dialogue. Choose the correct answers. 41 Francesca has /hasnt got 2 sister. 2 Marco has / hasn't got blue eyes. 3. Marco and Maria have haven't got children Francesca. Thisisa photo of my parents at home. Ben —_—_They've gota lovely house. Have you got brothers sisters, Francesca? Francesca |haven'tgota sister, but Ive gota brother. His or ‘name's Marco. Thisisa photo of him, He's got blue eyes, ike me, buthe hasn't got fairhait. Ben Who'sthatwith him? Francesca That's his wie, Mara, Ben Havethoy got children? Francesca No, they havent. 2. Underline all the examples of hove got in the dialogue in exercise 1. Then complete the table. alfirmative imerrogative "We got Have I got ..? he/she it} got Hashe/she/itgot..? ‘you /we /they * 3, you/we/they ot gat negative short answers i“ fot Yes, 1 have./No,| have! Pais Yes, he /she/ tha : jl ats Novne/se/ithasr. youl we/they haven" $01 Yes, you/we/ they have. ‘No, you /we/they® 3 Write sentences about Mark, Use hove go, affirmative or negative. tesa Mark i a bikey Sa skatebined 7 2 atompitirk 6 a matth 3 aped a mobile phone 4 DYD player X v 4 EITM work in palrs. ask and answer about the things in exercise 2 Have you got a bike? Yes, | have. /No, | haven't 5 Check the meaning of the words below. Then describe the people in the photos. ‘all long tg short. ve gee short Nese a He's tot fy hair good-looking. dark straight blue He'sgot wavy heir. He's got brown eyes. curly green glasses. He’sgot a beard. a moustache, eo 6 EGZZSSINS work in pairs. Ask and answer about peopl the class [Ras ana gar ard ¥ 7 (ISHII write a short description of a friend or member of onlay No, she hasn’. | 1 GPNOB Listen and repeat the times. E]@ one o'clock quarter past one quarter to two ten pastone 2 GPNOG Listen and draw the times. 3 @pxit0 Listen and complete the dialogue with he words in the box. very time excuse to welcome Sarah * me,What?_____isit, please? g Man Its five>___ eleven, Sarah Thanks‘ much, 9 man You're? 44 SUZNANIG Ack and answer about these times. Follow the 10 dlalogue in exercise 3. OHO SHO me ask the time and talk abent the manths af the year ‘rite the days of the week and the months of the year in the conrect order. Monday ea Qa) January jure Sep, “mee april August December February Wars, WV July Days 1 Sunday 2 Nery, 3 Sunday ey 4 5 Tues, : qs esday 7 WEDNESDAY Months: 41 Sanny 7 2 8 3 9 ‘ 10 5 " —— 12 (GANA Listen, check and repeat. Match the pictures with the words in the box. ae Gham Listen, check and repeat. ‘Which season are the months in? Tanwar isin winter (SELELUIIG Ask and answor the questions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 What day sit today? What day is it tomorrow? What's your favourite day? What's the worst day of the week? What days are the weekend? Inwhich month is your birthday? In which season is Christmas? In which month is Valentine's Day? In which month is New Year's Day? What's your favourite season? on DAT dG Family and friends 1 Pucthe words inthe boxinto the two groups below, A and Which word goes in both groups? Family aunt brother cousin daughter father \ddaughter er idmother \dson_ sate Le a etal incle wife 2 (QPMAD Listen, repeat and check your answers. 3 Ona LUsten to the pronunciation of the undertined vowels. mother /'mada/ cousin /"kazn! Which other words in exercise 1 have the sound /v? 4 GMAT Listen and check your answers to exercise 3, 5 Read the Learn this! box. hen complete the puzzles. Ime or a noun to show possession my uncle's wife mun ending in -s, we just add’. ‘car_my cousins’ grandiather LEARN THIS! ‘My mother’s brother is my ‘My father is my cousins’ ‘wy uncie’s daughter is my My aunt is my cousin's ‘My nephews’ sisteris my My uncle is my mother's or father's 1 2 3 4 5 ‘ 6 SUMING Work in pairs. Write more puzzles for each other, xara | Who is my dad's sister? Builder (part THIS UNIT INCLUDES © ecablary + family» possessve’s plural noun forms everyday activites soporte and hobsiess dates ‘Graremar + present simple atimativeand negative ‘Speaking tating abeutfamiy ane fiends «intoducine ends «tlkne about fvendy actives 7 (AE Listen anc complete Laura's network of people she meets regularly. Use the names in the box. Baker jake Hannah Lucy Molly Pete Sam Miss Bair history) 8 Draw a network of the people you meet regularly. ul ‘Work in pairs. Give your partner the names of six People from your network. Ask and answer about the people on your lists. 1 Mark | 2 Jance | oe Who's Mark? “ ‘Who's janice? oe Ties mycousn Hes 1eyearsaa | She's my friend, She's in ry volleyball team, bulary Builder (part 2): page om 1 Look at the picture, Do you know the names of the people in Bart Simpson's family? 2 Read the text and check your answers to exercise 1. Which members of the family does the text mention? Bart Simpson isthe sta of The Simpsons, a popular American TV programme. Eleven millon Americans watch it every wee. ‘The Simpsons Ive in Springfield and Bart goes to Sprinatetd Bementary School. He's very lazy and he isn’t populsr ith the teachers, Dut his classmates like him, Bart has got two sisters, Usa and Maggie. Lisa is very intlligent and she studies hard. Maggie sa baby. Bar's parents are Homer and Marge. Homer ‘works at 3 power station from Monday to Fiday and watches Tvat weekends, Marge stays at home with Maggie. 3 Look at the table and find the missing verb form inline 8 of the text. What letter does it end with? work we work you work you work he/she it. they work = We use the present simple to talk about S=_ 1 something that happens always or regularly. Soe 2 a fact that is always true. ARN 5! Complete the sentences with the present simple affirmative ofthe verbs in the box. Then write which member of the ‘Simpson family says it. go like live stay study work 1 ‘Iyere at a power station.” 2 'Mybrotherand | to Springfield Elementary School.” 3 ‘Mylitte sister hard at school.” 4 ‘My wife ‘at home with our baby. 5 ‘Myclassmates, me. 64 in Springfield with my husband and children.” ace ed 5 (G@Wa017 CLOLUIVEEMIN Listen and repeat. lw likes works 22 plays goes lives 3 iii watches finishes. 6 (PMB Listen and write the words in the correct group. does dances crives hates listens looks loves speaks stays teaches tells washes 7 Complete the text. Use the present simple affirmative, My best friend My bestfriend is called Hannah. she !___ (lve) next ‘oor to me, We *____ (go) to the same school but ‘we are in different classes. 1 (walk) to school, but Hannah “ (G0) by bike, because she always +___(gct up late. After school we 6 (nish) our homework frst, then we 7 (listen) to our favourite music 1 (ike) £85, but D | Hannah . (hate) it. She é boring. She 4 (love) 8 Write three true sentences and three false sentences about ‘you or your family. Use the verbs in the box. 80 getup like live play watch work speak ‘My dad speaks Frenne Robbe Wa 9 Say your sentences to your partner. Your partner ‘says if they are true or false. [iy da poate French, Tihink thas te | think tars ase Unita + My network ¢ ” — a SEAMING Work in pairs. Can you match the names with the people in the photos? Ask and answer questions about the family members. Camilla Charles Diana Elizabeth Harry Philip William Who's Elizabeth? Qu en Elizabeth ‘A. The British Royal Family i over 100 years old. Queen Eliabeth is the fit fourth GR since King Alfred in the niet! 5 B. The Queen lives ia Buckingham Palace in Londen, She alo spends timein tue other eats in England She says in Balmoral G8 in Scothind in the simmer C Her husband is Prince Philip. They Irve get four children and seven grandchildren, The Queen’ eldest 20 is BRE Gade. He kas gt two ‘sons from his marriage to Princess Diana (0961-1997). Chales is now maried ‘Camilla, Duchess of Comwall. D The Queen works very hard. She iste lt of different courte and she weleemes hundreds of vistors Bucking BAS ovory yor. Sho head of 620 chases She also police wth the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom every She's Charles’ mother. / She's Philip's wife. Read the text. Match the headings withthe paragraphs (A-E). There is one heading that you dont need. The Queen's family [] Introduction [_] The Queen's free time [] The Queen's home [-] The Queen's job The Queen's travels [-] ‘Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences. The Biitish Royal Family is over 100 years old. The Queen goes to Scotland in the summer. Prince Philip is the Queen’s eldest son, Camilla is Charles’ sister The Queen and the Prime Minister meet every evening, The Queen sometimes goes to the horse races in luly and August. ‘Match the highlighted words in the text with the definitions below. 1 now 2 the son of a king and queen. 3. abuilding where kings end queens live (find two words) 4 one hundred years. 5. king or queen 6 talkabout GAA Listen to some people talking about the Royal Famiyy. Match two opinions with each speaker. Theyte a bit boring. They're very expensive, {like teading about them: They work hard They aren't modem. They have interesting lives. SEMIS what can you remember about the British Queen and her family? Close your books, then take turns in class to, say one true sentence each. Her husband's name is Philip. She loves dogs, Present simple: negative 1. Read the tex: about 1wo brothers. Label the photos with the 4 (@IEIZO! Listen to Mark and Sally. Is the information in the correct names. table true (/) or false (9? Ask about A's favourite Ce ah ~< Give your opinion of 5 Workin pairs. Ask and tons, using ph palrs. Ask and answer questions, using phrases > Genco from exercise 2 and the correct pronouns. Find out what your partner thinks of: 4 Robbie Witiams 4 Eminem Speaking tip 2 Slats 5 Angelina ole Intonation is imporiant when you give an opinion aicomputsr eames 6. dancing Remember to try and use the intonation you practised in What do you think of robbie Wiliams? exercise 3 when you use phrases that express an opinion v oranemotion. Vean't stand him! 24) unit2 Free time 9 (SEZNAM Act out your dialogue tothe class. An announcement Film Club ‘Are you interested in films? We arel We meet at Lauren's house every ‘Thursday at four o'clock to watch and talk about our favourite DVDs. Every month, we meet to decide the next four firme We usualy bring the DVDs, but we ‘sometimes rent them. Come to Film Club! Call Lauren White on 07756 277382, Look at the announcements. Are there any clubs like this rear your home? Read the announcements, Answer these question foreach club and write your answers in the table. 1 Whendo they meet? 2 Where do they meet? 3 What dothey do every week? 4 What do they do every month/year? 5 Whe do you phane about the club? Cs Ca 5 Read the Learn this! box. How many imperatives can you find, in the announcements in exercise 1? Which imperative is, negative? 41 Vie often use imperatives in announcements. They'e direct and easy to understand. on’ forget Call his number: 674583, 2 We form the affirative imperative withthe base form of the verb. We form the negative imperative with don't + base form, 4% Complete the imperatives with the words from the box. come don'tforget don'tstay leam mee play visit and join the fun, basketball and get fit. athome. people with the same hobby. new dances. our website. {otell our friends. ‘own idea. 6 Make notes about your club. Use the table to help you. Le name of dub: when itmeets: where itmezts: what they do: ‘who to phone: pone number: website: TT Write an announcement (50-70 words) for your club. Use your notes from exorcise 6 Td Have you used some imperatives? i written 50-70 words? CT checked your spelling and grammar? Unit 2 Freetime ¢ a Vocabulary 11 Choose the correct ending. 1 My uncle is my a father’s brother. b brother's father. 2. My grandmother is my a father's mother. mother's father. 3. My niece is my a daughter's sister. b sister's daughter. 4. My cousins my a son’suncle. b uncle's son 5 My grandson is my a daughter's son. b son's daughter. i 2 Write the plural form ofthese words. 4 wife 4, potato 2 husband 5 bus 3 photo. 6 family__ i 3 Complete the sports and hobbies. 1 basket____ 4 fces_ 2 computerg 5 photog - 3 gymn, 6 rollerb _ Grammar % Complete the sentences with the correct affirmative form of the verbs in the box. et go We play study watch 1. My ister Freneh at school. . 2 My brother and! tennis. 3 My best friend to. different school, 4 My dad television every evening. 5 We in Cambridge. 6 wy mum at six o'clock every morning. 5. Wate two sentences in the present simple: (/) affirmative and (x) negative, 1 they/listen to: X classical music ¥ pop music Tey doit listen to clea muni Thy en to pep msi she/sit:Arextto Pete ¥ nextto Sue \/play: 7 piano X guitar hhe/g0: X swimming. ¥ cycling they/come from: 7 France xSpain she/teach: / music X sport he/speak: X English ¥ Ital A 26) tanguage Review 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 Complete the questions (1~6).Then match them with the answers (2-1. you live? he like sport? she study? you get to school? she get up eatiy? you know Lucas? History and German. No, she doesn't. She gets up late. Yes, he loves it. Yes, ! do. He's in my class In New York, b « 4 twalk. ' 7 Rewrite the sentences to include the adverb of frequen brackets. 1 Ihave cheese for breakfast. (often) often have cheese for breakin 2 She's late for school. (hardly over) 3 I play computer games. (often) 4 He does his homework on the bus. (never) 5 It's cold in January. (usualy) 6 1 u ‘School finishes at quarter past four. (always) We have lunch at school. (sometimes) Everyday English 8 Complete the questions fo these enswess. Al are you? B Notbad, thanks. Ae you from? 8 Manchester. Ae. any brothers or sisters? 8 a 8 Yes, ve got a brother. *__your brother? Wes nm 9 Put the lines of the dialogue into the correct order. 2 Yes, do. | love them. ] b Josh Hartnett. ‘Do you ike films? Really? | can't stand hit ‘@ Who's your favourite actor? |_| Reading 1 Look quickly at the text. What is each paragraph about? (@)a Hungarian person in the UK (©) people from abroad in the UK Méiton is 20 years old. He comes from Hungary, but he {doesn't live in Hungary —he lives and works in the UK. He is a waiter in a hotel. He earns £6 an hour. More than 600,000 people from Central and Eastem European countries live and work in the UK. Almost halt of them are between 18 and 24 years old and most ‘of them are single. They slay in the UK for about two years and then return to their own counties. Nearly 40% work in factories: many others work in shops, hotole, restaurants and on farms. They como bacauso they earn more money in the UK for these jobs than in. thelr own countries. But do they lke their new home? The answer is oy) ‘yee’ na cuney o foreign worletsit the Uk 82% aay that the British are ‘usually friendly’. Their only eae with fife in the UK is British food: hes don't like it that isn't a big problem, because British supermarkets now sell Central and Eastern European focd. 2 Choose the best answers. 1 Marton is: a British, but he lives in Hungary. bb Hungarian, and he lives in Hungary. ¢ Hungarian, but he lives in the UK. 2. Marton has got 2 2 job in the UK and a job in Hungary. a job in Hungary. € aod in the UK. 3. Marton works in aa shop. b ahotel c alfactory, 4 About 600,000 people in the UK a arive every year from Central and Eastem European counties. » are from Central and Eastern European countries. € are between 18 and 24 and single. 5. People from Central and Easter European countries come to workin the UK because 2 they get jobs in factories and shops. b they eam more money in the UK. ¢ they are happy in the UK. 6 People from Central an UK usually a like the food and the people. bike the food, but they don't ike the people. «tke the people, but they don’t like the food. Easter European countries in the Lstening 3 (LL Listen to the conversations. Match the people with three of the descriptions below (a-e). 1 Annais 2 Clauciais 3 Daveis a aBritish man who works atthe hotel b Anna’s sister, ¢ British gid who lives with Marton, da Portuguese girl who lives with Marton. @ British man who lives with IMérton. 4 (GELS Read the questions, Then listen again and write Marion's answers. 1 Where are you from? 2 Have you got any brothers and sisters? 3 How old are they? 4 Doyou like music? 5 Who's your favourite singer or band? Speaking 5 Work in pairs. Ask your partner the questions from exercise 4, Make a note of the answers. Writing 6 Imagine you are your partner. Write a short, informal letter Introducing yourself to a new penfriond called Sam. Use your notes from exercise 5. ee | Skits Round-up 1-2 (27 ere UC 1. Match the textbooks with ten ofthe school subjects from the box ‘School subjects art and design biology chemistry design and technology (D7) English French geography German history informetion and communication technology (.C.1.)_maths music physical education (PE) physics religious education (RE) Spanish 2 (GAM Listen, repeat and check your answers. 3. Which of the subjects from exercise 1 do you study? Do you study any others? ular (part 1): page 13 4 Workin pairs. Which subjects do you ike? Ask and answer questions using the phrases in the box to help you. ‘oveit./it's great. Its alright /OK/notbad. hate it /I can't stand it. Do you like art and design? | [It’s OK. a NT When youlisten, dort woryorstop Ifyou miss an answer, just move onto the next question. You'll have a chance to complete the missing answers when you listen again. = Unit 3 «School ite THIS UNIT INCLUDES eo ‘acauéaty + :hoalsubecs vin the classcom ® prepostonsofplice fats school «direction eaptalotere Grammars te istheceare* have + taling about suoecs ane tmetable «cescbinga classioom * ving dretions Wing a desrton 5 (G¥10043| Read the exam tip. Then listen and complete this timetable for Mondays with school subjects from exercise 1, 7 [easaa0 er 2 935-1020 [> ) 025-1045 | MORNING BREAK 31045-1130 - [a 11,35-12.20 [zaose [unc oneax 5 130-215 6 (2203.05 [7 [aa0-335 Se 6 Write your perfect timetable for one day. Copy the timetable in exercise 5 and complete it with your favourite subjects. 7 GAIA Workin pars. Askand answer questions about your partner's timetable. Can you copy it correctly? What lesson have you got at quarter to nine? ee eee eseres Act and design. What lesson have you got... —E—=—E_— (eno ete 1. Look at the photo. in which country do you think this classroom is? lock around your own casscom Ave there any desks? s there a noticeboard? The answer is probably yes, Schocls in large cites in India ate the same. But outside the cities, theyre often very diferent. The children tn the photo go toa small schoo in india. Thelr classroom is outside. There isnt a noticeboard. Theres a desk for ‘the teacher, but there arent any desks forthe didren. Infact, there arent any cls ~ the children sit on the floor. But there are some bocks ~anda lot of rotation! 2 Read the text. Check your answer to exercise 1. 3. Complete the table wit the highlighted words from the text. Foes [tree | singular plural affirmative There's @ teacher, \__some students. negative negative 2am any (Ds. interrogative interrogative 4 _anoticeboard? *___any children? No, there isn't. Yes, there are, Look at the photo in exercise 1 again. Complete the sentences with the correct form of there is /there are. 1 some boys, § ___anoticeboard. 2 2 teacher. 6 aM. 3 compute. 7 — any shelves. 4 any posters. 8 ___five ts. 5 @1.44 Listen and check your answers. 6 Sayifthe sentences in exercise 4 are true or false for your classroom. We use Is there Are there any ? to ask about singular nouns. We use to ask about plural nouns. 7 Read the Look out! box. Then look at the picture of a bedroom and complete the questions with Js there @ or Are there any...? 1 stherea bed? 8 window? 2 Ace there ony chairs? 5 —— =o 3 desk? 10 ___ posters? 4 CO player? «11 _____ bin? 5 shelves? 12. _clock? 6m 3 plants? 7 books? 4 cupboard? 8 (SUENAMIG Workin pairs, Ask and answer the questions in exercise 7. Use the prepositions from the box. behind in frontof nextto near on under [Isthere a bea? | [Ves heres near the window, \t 9 GRZNSIIS Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your partner's bedroom using the nouns from exercise 7. ‘Are there any chairs in your bedroom? Yes, there are. No, there aren't Paes AL UCL ich unit Scnaottte (29 Schools in England 1 Lookat the chart. How many years of compulsory education are there in England? Is this the same in your country? Ce Nuney 2 3teg No Pimay = 6 stow Yes Seconday 5 nto Yes College 2 mos No 2 Read the ext. Match the paragraphs with three of the headings. a Types of secondary school b Subjects at secondary school ¢ University education d British primary schools © Exems at 16 and 18, Secondary education in England Cin England, children start secondary schoo! at the age of tin the frst two years of secondary schoo} all the students study the same 1 subjects. They are: English, maths science, | design and technology information and communication technology, history, geograpky, a foreign language. art and design, music, citizenship and PE. When students are 1g, they can choose the subjects that they lice, but some subjects (eg.maths, English, science and FE) are still compulsory. [Clatthe age ofsixteen,students take nationalexamscatled GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Education exams). After these exams, about 25% of students leave school and find Jbs.The other 75% stay at school. They study two, three or four School subjects and take advanced level exams (A leveis) when they are 18 [most students in england (about 90%) go tostate secondary schools. State school are fiee. The ather 10% go to private schools. Some of these schools are very famous ~and very expensive For example it costs about £24,000 a year to study at Eton College! 30) Unit3 + Sehoot ite 3 EEZIMLIS Decide if these sentences are true for England. “Then say whats true in your county, 1 Ecucation is compulsory between the ages of § and 16 2 Students start secondary schoo! when they se 13 yeas old 3. Student take national exams when they are $2 and 17 years ol. 4. Most students go to atte schools. 5, All students stay at school nth they are 18 yeas ol 6 Engish isa compulsory subject at all secondary schools 7. Some students gto private schools. 4 (GReRS| Listen to two teenagers talking about their schools, Choose the correct answer. 1 Nickand Stephante wear a school usiform. 2 Nickane Stephani don’ wear schocl uniforms 3 Nickwears a uniform, but Stephanie doesit . ee 5 (GWM Listen again, complete the tabie. [i __| Sacha Abingden Name of school Private or state? Number of students Number of teachers Mixed (boys and git)? Wants to leave when? yes/no yes/no 6 QING Ask and answer the questions. 1 Isyour school a state school or a private school? 2 How many students are there in your class? 3 How many teachers have you got? 4 Isita mixed school (for both boys and girls)? 5. Do you wear a uniform? 3 tor yt ot have to ‘11 Look at the photo and read the text. What does the 4 (NAS (LTNTATNIION tisten, repeat and check your photo show? answers. How are the words hove to (or hes to) pronounced? Try to copy what you hear. SIRs eer eed 5 Look at the table. Are these things compulsory or not compulsory at your school? Choose yes or no, then write sentences with have f0 or don't have to, Emmons 1 weer a uniform yes/no 2 studya foreign language yes/no 3. take exams: yes/no 4 do homework yes/no Summerhill School in England is a private schoo\, and its So eatin stra bere 200! yesino: \eyy diferent from most other schools. There is a timetable, 6 stay at school after 3.00 yes/no but students don’t have to oo to the lessors. They sometimes play football instead! There's a meeting every week fora the chicken and teachers at the school, and they vote to decide the school rues there. The teachers and students all have to follow the rules. Does the head teacker have to follow the Yes, she does! © Read and complete one student's descriotion of an ideal ‘school. Use heve to and don't heve to. 2 Read the Learn ths! box. Complete the examples using the highlighted words from the toxt in exercise 1. We use have to for has to) te say that something is necessary or compulsory. 2. We use don’t have to (or doesn’t have to) to say that % somethings not necessary (butitisnt against the Sule). We beat school before 9 o'tock. We = have lunch a schoo. 5 re ee reat people ro We ___ get o school eaiyin the moming ~ 1.30 or hore Seach 1L00150K We! wear a uniform - we an wear Do you have to study Frencht Yes, | do. /No, | don't tiacive het esy muooling tie ates ects |) she have todo PE? Yes, she“__/No. dents what they want to study. Ther ae dassiooms, she doesn't butwe* goo lessons. We sometimes goto the ‘computer room orthe library instead, We®—__be quiet, 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to, in the library ~ we can sit and talk with friends. There's a stn or negating canteen where students havea snack or lunch, We & Duy the food ~it' all free. 1 Mybrotner_____weara school uniform: black trousers and a green sweatshirt, but |_____to wear a uniform. 2 We take exams every term —only atthe end ofthe 7 Workin pais. Think about your ideal school. Write a short year. : description using have to and don’t have to. 31 be at school by 8.50 because the frst lesson starts then. 8 Work with another pair. Ask and answer 4 We. study a foreign language: French, Spanish or questions about your ideal schools. German. [ina pou rave to wean NrviornTaCyOuachoaIn] 5 I don’t lke geography, but study it. ‘Do you have to wear a uniform at your school? 6 My sister's schools a normal state school — she pay, SS Yes, we do./ No, we don't. | Unit 3 +Schootiite (31 1. SSURIIAIIN Look at the photos. what can you see? There's a «There are .. a Reading tip When you're looking for specific information in a text, use the subheadings to help you, and/or read the first sentence of eech paragraph, 2. Read the reading tip. Then look through the text quickly and find the answers to these questions. 1 How many people live in Australia? 2 How many students use Schools of the Air? 3. How often do teachers visit their students? 3 Match the highlighted words in the text with the definitions below. 1 with no other person there; alone: 2 very 3 take and use something, then give itback later: 4 happens: 5 two times 6 letters, posteards, ete: _ 7 one time: 4 Choose the best answers, 1 Some students in Australia can't go to normal schools because a their parents work on farms, b they live hundreds of kilometres away from a school. 2 @ There are 12,000 students in the Schools of the Ai b There are 1,000 students in the Schools ofthe Air. 3 Once aweek, students ‘a send work to the teachers. b borrow books from the library. 4 Students discuss their work with a teacher aon the phone, b by radio or on the Internet, 5 Ateacher and student meet when a the student vists the teacher's home. b the teacher visits the student's home. 6 The Sports Carnival happens once a year and is 2 compulsory. » optional 32) Unit» School life SCHOOL OF BIG COUNTRY, SMALL POPULATION ‘Australia is an @ROMVIOUS country, but it has a population of only 20 milion. Some families ive on farms, hundreds of kilometres from a town or ciy. Children from these families cant travel io school every day, so many of them use a special schoo: the Australian School ofthe Air SCHOOLS WITHOUT CLASSROOMS There are twelve Schools of the Air in Australia and over 1,000 students use them, Students ofthe School of the Ar haver't got lessons in classrooms with ether students. They stugy at home The teachers at the Schoo! of the Air prepare lessons and send them to the students by ‘BSI or e-mail. The students have to work on these lessons {or five or six hours a day, Monday to Friday. They send their work to the teachers 6AGS 2 week and discuss it by radio or over the Internet, They can also BORTEW books irom the school brary. The books arrve by post. (Once or tWi6® a year, a teacher visits every student at home. The teacher spends a day with the students, helps them with their work and discusses problems, The teacher often has dinner with the family and stays for a night at the student's house. Teachers and students can also meet, at the Sports Carnival. This f6K@SIpISE6 once a yoar on playing fields in Alice Springs. Students don’t have to go. but itis a great way for them to do sport together and to make friends 5 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Check the meanings of any new words. Parts of the school canteen classroom computer room corridor gym hall library playingfield staff room stairs You find lots of books in the —_. You eat lunch in the: You play sports like football and hockey on the —__. You have lessons in the Teachers meet and talkin the. You usually play basketball and volleyball in the __. At the beginning of a lesson, you wait in the before you gointo the ciassroom. You've got ICT lessons in the 9 The whole school can meetin the. 40 You walk up or down the to get to another floor. 6 (G@MiaMUT! Listen, repeat and check your answers. 7 How many of the words in exercise 5 can you find in the text about the School ofthe Air? List them. 8 (SZENAING Workin pairs. Use the phrases in the box and ‘your own ideas to make two lists in the table below: 1 The advantages of having lessons at home, 2 The disadvantages of having lessons at home. It's difficutt/easy to You have to/ don’t have to ‘compare ideas ‘talk about yourideas think ‘make friends get up early ‘travel to schoo! have fun It's easyto think. ‘Thereisn't a gym. You don'thaveto getup _It's difficult to compare early. ideas, 9 Workwith another pair. Compare your lists. In general, are there more advantages or more disadvantages? Unit» Schoottite (33 Giving directions 1 (GPERAB! Read and listen to the dialogue. Put the pictures in the correct order. Keith Excuse me. Where's classroom 7? ‘Molly t's nearthe staff room. Keith Oh, ight, Where's that? "m new here, Molly Oh, OK. Go along this condor and tum let. Go up the stairs tothe fst floor. Tur right. Go past the staffroom. Classroom 7 is on your right. Keith Thanks very much. Molly — You're welcome. 2 (GPINMB Listen and repeat the dialogue. Then practise reading itin pairs. 3 Look at the plan of the school. Follow Keith’s route from exercise 1. A 34) units schoottite 4 (QA! Listen end follow the directions on the plan below. ‘Where is each person going? Person 1 Person3 Person 2 Person 4 5 GPS) Listen. Answer the questions. 1. Where does Oliver want to go? 2 Why does he want to go there? 3 How many people does he ask for directions? 4 What happens when he arrves? 6 G¥iae51; RULMTLALALTEL t'sten and repeat the directions from the box. Directions Go along the corridor. Go pastthe school hall. Goup the stars. Go down the stairs. Tumleft. Turn right. Go through the doors. Go outside. Person 5 7 Workin pairs. Prepare a dialogue using the chart below and your own school or the plan in exercise 3. A [Ask 8 where a room or @ part of the school is. B Pr say hereitis, ‘Ask where that is. Thank, Fen 8 EQZIMIE Actout your datogueto the class. X rovarehevet A description |) Read the four parts of the description of a secondary school for a new student. Number them in the correct order. 1 uncis a 120. Yx drt yn n te | ‘canteen. There's a shop next to the aym and it sells sande ané ober nals } [C1 Lessons start at 45 nthe marina, and you Fave fo - be at shoo before &, Tere are furlessons inte mong two bof the moming breakand two afer | the break The morning beaks frm 10:20 to 10.50. ee [1 Lessons start again at 1.45 and finish at 3.90. On Tuesdays, you have to go tothe gym for PE. before 1.45, } ‘On Thursdays, school finishes an hour ely at 230, Welcome to St Michaels Secondary Schoo! "nope that you enjoy your first week. Match the photos with three parts of the description. PhotoA[_] PhotoB (] Photo ¢ [] 9 Answer the questions about St Michael's Secondary School. What time do lessons startin the moming? What time is the morning break? Where s the shop? When is RE? When does school finish on most days? When does school finish on Thursdays? © Read the writing tip below. Which rules for capital letters are different in your language? (CEN «7. Peer 2 descison 0-100 words fora new student at your school. Write down some information about four of We use capital letters in English for: these subjects. ‘the personal pronoun / ‘© lessons start - what time? + days and months = lessons in the morning ~ how many? + names ‘© break ~ what time? ‘languages and nationalities ‘+ lunch ~ where? what time? + towns and countries ‘© buy snacks, drinks ~ where? ‘= lessons finish — what time? ‘© sports and games ~ what? where? when? 5 Write examples fr each ofthe rules in the writing tp. 8 Write the note using the information in exerci © Rewrite the sentences using the corect capital letters 8 the lnformation 7 11 the new school year starts on monday éth september. Tas 2. your frst lesson on thursday is history 3. ourspanish teacher is from lima in peru. Hare you 4 my brotherjames and i go to eton college. used capital letters correctly? 5 ourgeography teacher's name is george white. written 80-100 words? included all the information in exercise 7? Unit 3 Schoottite (35S 1 EEETEELISIIY Find these things in the photo: wave, surfer, surfboard, wetsuit. res 4 ozs ae of 2 Or Do the Listening exam task. Erna 1 Read through the questions and the options before you listen. 2 As you listen the fist time, mark the answers that you are sure of. fyou're not sure of an answer, don't wory and moveon to the next question. 3 When you listen the second time, try to answer the questions you weren't sure ofthe first time and check. you answers tothe others, feo LUsten to an interview with a surfer. Choose the correct answers: A, 8 or C. 1 How old is Joshua? ai6.0) 817.0) ci.) 2 When are his exams? ‘A This year. [] B Next month. ("] ¢ Nextyear. [] 3 In summer, how often does joshua go surfing on schooléays? A Usually oncea day. [8 Usually ewiceaday. [] He only sus at weokends. [_] 4 Why does Joshua do homework at lunchtime? AA Because he wants more time for surfing B Because he works hard. [_] Because he can't go surfing at unchiine. 5. Why doesn't Joshua surf before breakfast in winter? A Because the waves are not very good. [_] B Becauseit's cold. [_] Because there isn’t enough tight. [_] 6 Who in Joshua's family surfs? ‘A justjoshua. [L] B Joshua and his sister. ] ¢ The whole family. [] 7 When is the next competition for Joshua? A Nextweek. [_] B Next month. (_] In two months time. [_] 3 3 ERENT workin pairs. Make ¢ list of presents that you could buy for a female friend and a male friend. Fora boy Fora girl 4, (GHEE Read the Speaking exam task in exercise 5. Listen to Daniet in the exam. Complete the conversation with words from the box. ‘exciting idea Let’s like shall. think what about Why don't Examiner it's David's birthday next week. We need to buy a present for him, *__we buy him a Robbie Williams co? | don't2___ that’s avery good idea. He doesn’t »___Robbie witiams. Really? He's go lots of Robbie Williams CDs. No, he hasn't. Hehasn't got any. b, Well, what \__we get for him, then? 5___buyhima book. But that isn'ta very*___present. OK, Well,”__a Tshirt? There are some great T-shirts in the clothes shop in town. OK. That's a good®_. Lesbuyhim a T-shirt Daniel Examiner Daniel Examiner Daniel Examiner Daniel Examiner 5 Do the Speaking exam task. Use the phrases in the box below. Why don't we (- verb)? Let's (+ base form) What about (+ noun/ing form). ing. OK, that’s a goodidea. ‘I don'tthink that's a very Allright. Lets. 00d ideo. He doesn'tlike .. ‘She can’t stand .. ‘She's creed co! eae mta Work in pairs. You and your friend are discussing what to buy for another friend's birthday. Student a: suggest a C0. Student B: disagree with Student A’s suggestion and say why you disagree. Suggest another present. Student A: disagree with Student B's suggestion end say why you disagree Student A and: agree on a compromise. > 1 Quickly read the text. Does boot camp make Melissa a better person? Sixteen-year-cld Melissa arrives at ‘boot camp’, but she doesn't want to be here. Boot camp is not for holidays. ‘Teonagers come to stay here when they have got preblems, And Melissa has got serious problems. She doesn't do any work at school. She just wants to go out with her friends sll night, and drink and take drugs. She is very difficult athome. She argues with her mum all the time and shouts at her. Her mother can’t help her but she hopes that boot ‘camp can. Boot camp ie a difficult place to be. There are lots of rules. This Doot camp is in the middle of the Arizona desert. It's a ranch, and there are lots of animals, The young peoplo have to get up early every morning. They: have to help on the ranch for two hours, Then they have a good breakfast. At least the food here is nice. Afvor broalefast, they usually do thoir schoolwork until lunehtime After lunch they have to do more work on the fanch. In the evenings they do their homework and write lotters home, It's boring and hard work at boot camp, Melissa hates everything. and is rude and difficult. ‘But every afternoon, after the ranch work, they learn toride a horse. At first, Melissa is scared, but later she begins to enjoy it. After two months, Melissa feels happier She loves her horse, and her schoolwork is much better. She thinks shout her mum 2 lot, and feels sorry for being: so horrible to her. She wants to go home and go back to school. For Melissa and hundreds of teenagers like hes, boot camp works. 2 Dothe Reading exam task. 1 Read the text cuichly to get a general idea of wht it's about. 2 Read the questions or sentences carefully and identity the part of the text where you can find the answer. 3. Read the text again carefully, and look at the options. Cross out any options that you are sure are wrong. 4 Ifyou aren't sure of an answer, try and guess, 3 4 5 Peers ta Read the text and choose the correct answers: A, B or C. 1. Whatis ‘boot camp"? A Aholiday camp, B Acamp fordifficult teenagers, CAplace for teenagers to go out with their friends. 2. What problems does Melissa have? A She's difficult at home but enjoys school. B She's difficult at school but is happy at home. She doesn’t like school and she fights a lot with her mum. 3 When do the young people start work? ‘A After breaklast. B When they want 10. C When they get up. 4 When do they do their schoolwork? An the morning and evening. B In the morning and afternoon. Cin the morning, afternoon and evening. 5 How does Melissa feel about boot camp at first? ‘A Sometimes it’s boring, but Melissa enjoys It because the food is good, B She doesn't enjoy it at al it's hard work but she likes it 6 Melissa A rides a horse every day. B doesn’t ride a horse because she is scored, C doesn't ride a horse because she has to workon the ranch, 7. How does Melissa feel afier two months at boot camp? ‘A She wants to stay at Doot camp and learn to ride. B She hates it and wants to go home. € She feels sorry for being difficut and wants to go home. Ui Work in pairs. Make a ist of the subjects you study. Wnat’s your favourite subject? (GENT! Read the Speaking exam task below and listen to Blanka in the exam. (She is Student B in the task) Correct the mistakes in Blanka’s sentences. 1 There is about 1,000 students in the school. X 2 We study about ten subject. x 3 like the biology and maths. x 4 Lessons finish at half past three o'clock. X Do the Speaking exam task. ‘Work in pairs. Student A: Imagine you are a student from abroad visiting your school. Ask Student B about the school. Askabout: 1. the number of students at the school. 2 the subjects they study at the school, and Student B's favourite subject. 3. the timetable ~ when lessons start and finish, break times and lunchtime, Student B: Answer the questions. Time to party! VOCABULA faci 1. Match the clothes in the picture withthe words from the box. Which tems arent illustrated? Clothes blouse boots cep dress jacket jeans jumper shirt shoes shorts skit socks sweatshirt Tshirt tie top tracksuit bottoms trainers trousers, 2 (@aISM Listen, repeat and chockyour answers. Chockthe meanings of any new words 3 Match the clothes in the picture with the colours. Colours pink red purple blue green yellow orange brown white grey black Salls boas ire A 38) unite time to party! THIS UNIT INCLUDES © eeabuany cathe: « adjectives © mesial insurer « ypec of party ee time atvtes = prepositions of tine Grammar» present cortirueus *can/carts savers Speaking decrbng clothes talline aboutthe clathes you wear ‘making rangement. Weting » party invtation 4 SUENAIIG Work in pairs. Play a memory game. Student A: Look at the picture in exercise 1 for a minute, then close your book. Student B: Ask student A questions about the picture. ‘Who's got a pink dress? [eve we [lesbrown ] ~r What colour is Bill's sweatshirt? En en 5 Write sentences describing three people in the picture in exercise 1. Use the phrases from exercise 5 on page 6 to help you. 6 (@PWSE Listen to four teenagers talking about their clothes. Which two have to wear a uniform for school? 2 Masia 3 Peter 4 Fiona 1 Davie 7 (5B Listen again. What do they wear when they go out clothes. 1 David usually wears friends? Complete the sentences with the correct or Jeans, and a sweatshirt or 2 Marla wears jeans or a ifit'sa special occasion. 3 Peter usually wears a and a jacket, and 4 Fiona usually wears jeans and a sometimes a ifit’s cold 8 GUZIMIIG Ack and answer the questions. 1 What do you usually wear to school? 2 What do you usually wear when you go out with friends? 3 What do you usually wear around the house? sand sometimesa 9 Write one or two sentences describing a classmate's clothes, Don't include the classmate's name! The dlavemate hes go ean 20d rane ood a Hr top 10 {UZIAIIG Read your description to the class. Can they guess who itis? CONE Care ee Present continuous 1 1159 Read ané listen to the phone conversation. Where's jane? Wnere’s lan? ‘Alan Hello? Jane HiAian, Where are you? ‘Alan I'mat Sarah’s party, but 'm not having a good time Jane Whynot? ‘Alan | don'tknow many people here and Idor'tlike the music. Jane IsKete at the party? ‘Alan Yes.She's dancing. What are you doing? Jane —_'msitting inthe ving room wath my parents. We're watching WV. I's a boring documentary, ‘Alan Do you wanttomeet up fora coffee? Jane Sure. Where shall we meet? Alan atthe cafénear the cinema, Jane OK. m leavingthe housernow. See you in about fifteen minutes. 2 Read the rule and complete the examples in the Learn this! box with verbs from the text in exercise 1. Present continuous We form the present continucus with the verb be and the verb + «ing. affirmative Vm. She 2 We're» | the house now. dancing. having @ good time. interrogative What Use We use the present continuous to talk about actions that are happening now. doing? 3. Read the spelling rules for the present continuous in the Look out! box. Underline one more example of each rule in the conversation in exercise 1. <> + Most verbs: + ing watch—swatching + Verbs ending in -e: e--ing wnite-swriting ‘+ Verbs ending in short vowel + consonant: double consonant + -ing swim—swimming Spelling rules: verb + -ing 4 (GRIMIEO. Listen and match the sounds with the verbs. @_he/ play the guitar d they/ chat b she/sing e he/eat © he/shout F she /do gymnastics 5. Now write sentences using the present continuous. 1b She's singing 6 Write true sentences about what is happening now. Use the present continuous, affirmative or negative. 1 / wear a sweatshirt frm wearing 2 weatbict/tm not wearing 2 sweat 2 1/sitnext toa boy 6 I/ wear /trainers 3 the teacher /smile 7 my parents /work 4 we/study/ maths 8 my fends and /eat 5 the sun/ shine a Ect 7 SYEIAITG Workin pairs, Ask and answer questions about the people in the picture. Use verbs from the box. cany chat dink eat laugh play sit smile stand walk wear ‘What's David doing? kate wearing? & Write a short description of one of the people in the photo. Include this information: ‘© his or her physical appearance (tall, short, short/long hair, ete) ‘© his or her clothes + what he oF she is doing oc SEEMS Read the speaking tip below. Then describe the photo using words from the box. nouns audience band stage singer verbs clap sing play stand dance sit wear You can use these phrases to talk about different parts of a photo: Qn the left/right, can see In the foreground, there is/are In the background, there is/are . r isa rockand pe tettal tetakes place every yar in une ona farm in the south west of rain, and it lasts for three days. About 0,000 people come from all over the UKand Europe to hearthe bands and singers cn three enormous stages. But there isr'tonly music there ‘are also comedy shows, plays and circus acts. In total there are 380 performances. stands for World of Music, Arts and Dance’ Every year there are WOMAD festivals in several different ‘countries. ou can hear many different kinds of music at WONAD festivals, for example, bands lke Baba Maal from Senegal and Chambao from Spain. ‘he International Dance and Music Festival takes place in Rexburg, Idaho. in the USA. About 300 folk dancers from around the world come there and perform their dances. They dance in teams—one team from each country. The festival lasts for two weeks and people come fiom all ever the USA to see the dancers perform. Pasa aks Read the text. Which festival s for: 1 folk dancing? 2 pop and rock music? 3 world music? Answer the questions. Where does Glastonbury Festival take place? How many people come to Glastonbury every yoar? What does WOMAD stand for? Where do WOMAD festivals take place? Where does the International Dance and Music Festival take place? 6 How long does the dance festival last? EEBNUIG Askand answer the questions. 4 What music festivals ae therein your 2. When and where do they take place? 3. What ype of music dothe singers and bands play? intry? (GHAWSY Listen and complete the song with the -ing forms from the box. Jam dying 1am fying 1am sailing passing trying we are sailing 55s Sar tg aa rea fasicicjo isos fea aati 2__3_tigh clouds, To be neer you, tobe fee. Can you hear me, can you hear me? Through the dark nih. ar away? forever * Tobe with you who can sa)? Gan you hear me, can you hear me? Thou he dark nigh ar avay? forever Tobe with you who can say? Home again across ine se. stormy wate ae you, to be free, Oh Lord, to be neer you, o-be fr Oh Lord, to be near you, to be fre What is the song saying? Choose a, b or c. Can you think of other songs with the same message? 2 I'm sailing because | love the s I'm coming to you because | love I'm fying like a bird because I'm free. can and adverbs 4 Read the text and answer the questions. 1 What TV show does Sarah Michelle Gellar star in? 2. What are her hobbies? Sarah Michelle Gellar is an American TV star: She's Buffyin | Buty the Vampire Slayer. In the show, Buffy can kill vampires. In reality, Sarah can't kil vampires, but she 4 can do martiel arts. She's very good at martial ares. Shes got a brown bet in tae kwon do. What esecan she dc? | She realy likes sport. She canice | skate realy well end she can rollerblade. | 2. Complete the Learn this! box with the correct forms of can, 5 can = affirmative = |/You/He/She/It/we/they can sing. 3 eee i/Nou/He/She/I/We/They*_sing. (Full form: cannet) Interogative end short answers 2_I/youhe/she/it/we/they sing? Yes, 1 can./ No, leant. Use We use cam to talk about abi 6 3 Complete the sentences. Use can and can’tand the verbs 7 from the box. count do play ride talk dance drive speak swim 1 Jake an sve a bike but he acar 2 I don't like discos because! very wel 3 She's a good sporisperson. She voleyballand —«g she symnastics. 4 He —__French, but he wants to learn. 5. She's only three years old but she. from one to twenty. 6 | have swimming lessons every Saturday, but! very wel! 7 Emily is one year old. She can walk but she Form most adverbs by adding -yto the adjective. : slowly careful-rcarefully easy-reasily 2 Some adjectives con't change. fastlate early ‘adverb form of good is well. use adverbs with verbs to say how something ens. drives slowly. She can sing beautifully. ‘Complete each sentence with an adverb from the Learn this! box above. 1 He's a slow driver. He drives se Thisis important, so listen I've got an exam tomorrow so | have to go to bed We're waiting for Jim, he always arives. She's good at volleyball. She plays very The exam isn't dificult. Allthe students pass. ETI GAIA Listen to an interview with Andrea. Complete the table, Tick the things that Andrea can do. Praca You |e pare | dance well type quickly ‘speak Russian fluently remember names easily run fast whistle loudly play an instrument well eat chocolate slowly eS ane win & Complete the table for yourself. [SEAAMLIS Workin pairs. Ask and answer questions about the actives in exercise 5. Complete the table for your partner. Gaymmteat] — [yereninatare Tell the class about your partner. We can both dance wel. David can type quickly, but I cartt. We can’t speak Russian fluent Unit 4 +Timeto pany! (at 1 Look at the photo. Read the speal It’s party time! betow, then ask and answer the questions. 1. Where is the woman? 2 What's she wearing? 3 What’s she doing? ‘You can use these expressions when you are giving an sae trae ee a Read the text quickly and answer the questions, 1. What's Meg's job? 2 Does she like her job? nan interview, use find it. Choose the best answers. 1. Why do famous people ask Meg to organise parties For them? a Because Meg Is good at her job. b Because they are very busy. € Because they've got a lot of money. 2 Meg can organise a winter parties, but only in the summer. b parties only in people's homes. parties with music and animals. 3 Atthe moment, Meg is 1 organising a party where everything is red b planning to meet a pop star in London. planning her close friend's 30th birthday party 4, Why doosr’t Meg tell the interviower the name of the pop star? 2 She can't remember the name. b She doesn't want to say the name. ‘¢She doesn't know the name. 5 What does Meg think of parties? at's boring when there are problems. b She loves them. ‘¢She likes planning them, but she doesr't like going to them, Read the text again. Fi 1 two animals 2 two different clothes 3 two adverts 4 two buildings where people live A 2) units otime to party! and T can understand magazine describe photo Jenny Meg Jenny Meg Jenny Jenny Meg Jenny Meg Jenny IEG BURTON HAS AN UNUSUAL JOB SHE'S: JA PARTY PLANNER ~ SHE ORGANISES PARTIES FOR FAMOUS PEOPLE. OUR REPORTER, JENNY LANE, INTERVIEWED MEG. What doyou doin your job, Meg? \ organise parties —it’s as simple as that. It takes a lot of time to organise a big party, and famous people often haven't got much time, so {do it for them. What kind of parties do people want? Oh, anything and everything! | can organise a party on any themne~ for example, !can organise a’ Hawaii’ party with guitars, palm trees and parrots, a historical party in a castle, an ‘india’ party with elephants, or a'Winter’ party with ice and snow and skating, even In August! What are you doing at the moment? ''m planning a party fora famous pop star. It's her 3oth birthday this month and she's having 3 party at her house in London.She wants a ‘Red’ party—t'm organising red rooms, a red dress and shoes for her, red food and drink even the grand piano is red! Who is this famous person? Sorry! Icar't tell you! Doyou enjoy your job? Hove it. have to work very hard and very fast, and there are always problems. But it's never boring ‘And do,you like going to parties yourself? No, not really. | prefer to go out with a few close friends. t's much more relaxing! 5 Match the musical instruments with the pictures. Musical instruments bass guitar cello diums guitar piano saxophone trumpet violin ooh | &,. OP ® ad y ¥ 6 Find two of the instruments in the interview. 7 (GQUABA Listen and identify the instruments. & Ask and answer the questions. 1 Canyou play a musical instrument? 2. Canyou name any famous musicians and their instruments? 9 EZMWMS Workin pairs. Describe the pictures of a party. What are the people doing? How do you think they are feeling? Making arrangements PIZOF Complete the dialogue with the words from the box. Then read, listen and check your answers. can't_meet See This want What Harry Hi Megan. *___ is Hany. How are you? ‘Megan Fine thanks. And you? Harry _ I'mfine. Do you 2 to go bowiing tomorrow evening? ‘Megan I'm afraid |». 'm playing voteyballat the spots centre. Harry Oh, OK «____about Tuesday? Are you doing, anything on Tuesday evening? ‘Megan No,{'m not. Harry Let's goon Tuesday then. ‘Megan Good ides. Harry Let's »___ outside the bowling alley at 6.30. ‘Megan Great. you there. ‘Study the information in the Leam this! box. Find an example of the present continuous and an example of Ler’s in the dialogue. 41 We use the present continuous to talk about future 2 arrangements. = __ !mplaying football on Saturday. & 2 Weuse let's tomake suggestions. Let'sgo tothe café. SWEMMS Practise reading the dialogue, changing the words in blue. Use the activities from the box or your own ideas. Freetime ectivities play football go swimming gotothedisco gotothecinema go shopping goforacoffee go fishing gofora walk go to the beach goto the park have a barbecue Reed ~~ a) units + Timeto party! Borer atfive o'clock inthe evening atthe weekend at night ‘on Monday. this evening on Tuesday evening tomorrow tomorrow moming. 4G n:02 study the intormation about preposions of time. Then Uten fo vee conversations and complete the able with he arrangements, 1. po the dco 2 3 5 (2103. Complete the sentences. Use in, on, ator no preposition. Listen again ané check. 1. What are you doing __ tomorrow evering? 2 Let's meet outside the disco ___ eight. 3. Are you doing anything Saturday? 4 1'm free the afternoon. 5 6 7 We're meeting _two o'clock. Do you want to go for a coffee Then let's go fora coffee 6 GAME work in pairs. Prepare a dialogue following the chart below. Saturday morning? ‘Sunday. A ‘Answerthe phone. B Reply. Say yourname and ack how Ais. Reply. Ask how Bis. < Reply. ASkiFAWants to do something tomorrow Savihatvouare dong, ag Suggest enother day. Say whet you are doing. PF Suerest another day aaree. < Suggest atime and place ce Agree and endthe call, ee 7 EEESNEING Act out your dialogue tothe class. | EUBLSNS Lookat the photo and answer the questions. 1 Where are the people? 2 What are they wearing? 3. What are they doing? as Aja c ne RAE] 1) HiKate Please come to my fancy dress party! i's on Saturday 12th May and it starts at 720 p.m. I'm having the party at home ~ 45 Stonosfield Rd. The theme is ‘horror filme’. Gan you invite Mangy, please? | haven't got her e-mail dais or her phone number. | nope you can come. See you soon, Ton as 2) Doar hte wre my birtday on Satey Mens at Bouck. Can Y Sah you bring some CDs, hope to see you there. Love Saly FP sna y'mnaving @ party. tt on Satur agri ate wilage Nal 3) Gam Dave after School, from Gan you bring something t Hope you can come. end lav organising an end-of-term party on Friday oa oek th pat is.a Ty MOUSE ator aomethng to hk? neers woe eee 2 Match the e-mail invitations above with three types of party fiom the box. Check the meanings of any new expressions. Types of party Christmas party endtotterm party Gne-of schonlyeak pasty, fencyideeds pare) New Year's party birthday party Halloween party 3. Read the Learm this! box. Find three examples of cam for requests in the invitations. = = can for requests = = We can use can for requests. an you help me, please? 4 Putthe information below in the order that t appears in the invitations, (the time 1 extra information or request ( theevent —E] theday the place Underline two different ways of starting an e-mail, and three ways of finishing an e-mail Find five mistakes in this invitation, Some of them are spelling mistakes, and some are grammar mistakes. Dear Tint We're have a Chrismas party in Saturday. Tt starts at coven Celeck. The party a at my hosuse T hope yeu can to come Lae Des Wite an invitation (40-60 words). Include this information: + the ype of party ‘© when it stats (ime /day) + the place + some extra information ora request (Wi aad When you have finished a plece of writing, esk your partner to look for mistakes. Its often easier to find mistakes in somebody else’s work, Read the writing tip above. Then work in pairs and swap your invitations. Check each other's work for mistakes and help each other to correct them. aaa Have you included all the information in exercise 7? | used can for requests correctly? written 40-60 words? Unit 4 « Time to party! ¢ os Vocabulary 1 Complete the school subjects with the endings in the box. ES Bay aie mus ays chem religious educa___ Infomation are communication techn, corr 2 complete the words for clothes. Use ,¢,/,0andu. ieee nie 2 tr__s_rs 6 sk_rt cnmncn Tipper 4 j__ns 8 sw__tsh_it og Grammar 3. Write sentences with there is/are, affirmative (/) and negative 9). 4 acupboard 7 any shelves x Ts is 2 pono but tere arent any sees agymx a playing feld v acomputerroom / a library x aryDVDs * some videos acinema a museum x acafé/ any restaurants x 4 Wirt sentences with have to, affirmative (V) and negative (9. Use the prompts below. 1 Jack//do the washing x ec ove toe oo te vag, 2 Sue and Jenny / walk to school 7 3 Keren / doalot of homework x 44 my dad | get up early 5 6 a) 3 4 5 6 my grandparents / work x their mum /-cook dinner every night / 5 Write questions and short answers using the prompts from exercise 4. (Does Tac have todo the washing? No, be deat A us) Language Review 3-4 6 Complete the sontences with the present continuous ofthe verbs in brackets. She: They — The dog with her boyftiend. (dance) their dinner. (not eat) inthe river. (swim) alletter. (write) to me, (not listen) T Write sentences using can or con't. ci 2 3 4 5 Lucy / piay tennis X Lag ean ply eos Jackand Sarah / speak talian ¥ | /do martial arts 7 my sister / cook x his cousins J swim x im 8 fewste the sentences using the adverb from the acjectve in brackets 1 2 3 4 5 He's walking. (slow) Nes walking slow She's singing. (good) They're playing football. (bad) He speaks Chinese. (perfect) She's dancing. (beautiful) Everyday English 9 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. condor left opposite stairs Boy Excuse me. Where's the computer room? Its the library, Boy Where's that? Girl Go up the? ‘Then go along the »__ and turn Boy Tanks ate were. = 10 Put the lines of the dialogue in the correct order. a. Great! Let's meetin town. oO b Fmafald eat Ihevefo fash my homework.) & No.tmac.etssocuamoroy steno. Miipteatieneconetictrse: a NN ea cron ateTaGMTARoN dong anything then? LU go Reading 1 Look quickly through the text. Find this information. 1 the distance from the hotel to Victoria Station 2 the time when the restaurant opens 3 the cost ofa single room Pree eRe The Arcadia Hotelis perfect for a Petree octets Cary Por ee aS a Stet ne eeyy ee ee kee Cen aad TE aoe ets Remember - Friday night is party night at The Arcadia! There's music, dancing and cocktails. ‘Tickets are £12 — but free for hotel guests! 2. Choose the best answers. 1. The Arcadia hotel is for a people on business trips. ' people on holiday. people on holiday or e business trip. 2 Atthe hotel, there are a twelve rooms. b twenty rooms. thirty-two rooms. 3 The hotel has got 2 two restaurants. ba bar and a restaurant. two bars. 4 After 1 a.m.,the baris a only open to hotel guests. » open to the pubiic and hotel guests. not open. 5 The restaurant is open for a 11 hours a day. b 12 hours a day. ¢ 24 hours a day. 6 Tickets forthe Friday night parties are afi free. £12 forthe public, but free forguests. Listening. 3 (GREAT Listen. Putthe events in the correct order. Francesca arrives forthe party. Marton talks to Francesca. Marton anives for workin the moming. ‘Marton anives for work inthe evening Dave asks Mérton to workin the evening ‘Marion sees Francesca. 4 GUE Listen again. Answer the questions. Why does Marton want to work on Friday evening? What time does he need to anve on Fiday evening? Whyis Cave at the hotel in the evening? Whyis Francesca atthe hotel in the evening? What is Francesca wearing? Why can't Marton tak to Francesca? Writing 5 Imagine you are having a birthday party. Write a short invitation to your partner, Follow the writing guide. ‘+ Saywhen the party is (day and time). ‘+ Say where the partys, ‘+ Askyout fiend to bring some CDs. Speaking 6 Work in pairs. Take turns to be A and B. ‘A: Look through Units 1-4 and choose a person from any photograph. Don't show your partner. Describe what the person is wearing and doing. Bs Listen to the description. Look through Units 1~4 and find, the person. Skills Round-up 14 ¢ or 1. Match the photos with words from the box. illustrated? ~ ian, se Scere ests beach desert forest hill island lake mountains ocean rainforest river sea valley waterfall word isn’t 2 (GIDE Listen, repeat and check your answers. cc 1. We usually use the with a the names of seas and oceans, rivers and deserts. the Mediterranean, the Nile, the Atacarna Desert bb the names of groups of islands and hills or mountains. the Canary Islands, the Cotswolds, the Himalayas 2 We dor't usually use the with the names of lakes, beaches, or single hills or mountains. Lake Gardo, Bondi Beach, Primrose Hil, Mount Olympus 3 (207i Complete the names of the places with the ‘geographical features from the box. Listen and check. Desert island Lake Mountains Rainforest River Sea 1. the Amazon Fanforest 5 the Ganges 2 the Baltic 6 the Sahara. 3 the____offasmaria 7 Superior 4 the Tatra A 48) units wie! THIS UNIT INCLUDES @@ Vocabulary® reopachical features + continents + adjectives for measurement ‘wife outdoor actiites » prepastions af place shellday accomnedtion Grammar cempestveaijectives » uperativeadjecivos woul ite ‘peaking * asking a answering qulz questions ging opinions ‘allen about National Parts» sshng for information Wilting #2 descigtion of anarimal a poscard 4 (GRE Listen and repeat the names of the continents. Continents Africa Asia Australia Europe North America South America 5 GQZIMIS Where are the places in exercise 3? Ask and ‘answer using the continents from exercise 4. [ese RCE ee 6 (6812209 Listen and complete the questions from a radio quiz. Then ty to answer them. 1 Aro the Rocky Mountains in North America or —__? 2 Which sea does the ___ Danube flow into ~ the Black Sea or the Mediterranean? 3 Which isbetween America and Asia? 4 Where's the Gobi ~ in Afica or Asia? 5 Canyou name two in the Mediterranean Sea? 6 Inwhich continent is Victoria? [wie ‘the Amazon Rainforest? 7 (GRZHO Listen to the whole quiz and check your answers. 8 Workin pairs. Write three quiz questions about geographical features. Use the examples to help you. Can you mare bn 9 SZIAIIS workwith anothor par. Ask and answer each other's qui questions Read the text and lookat the photos. Which is the African elephant, and which is the Asian elephant? Whats the difference between african and Asian elephants? Aftican elephants are larger and heavier than Asian tlephants, and they've {ol bigger ears. However, Asian elephants are more intelligent and better at following instructions. Complete the Learn this! box with comparative adjectives from the text. Kive [Rule long longer ser large ee ee heavy 2 yo ier hot hotter /). 1. December is colder than September. 2 Water is heavier than ice. O22 Listen and repeat. Underline the words that end with the weak vowel /o/. 41. The River Volga is longer than the River Thames. 2. America is further from Australia than Asia. Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets. Which ocean is Which planet is Which animals ere Which county is Which animals are Which metal is Which is. . the Atlantic or the Pacific? (wide) from the sun, Jupiter or Satum? far) dogs or dolphins? (intelligent) . Russia or Canada? (big) . cats or horses? (fast) gold or silver? (expensive) __, water or ice? (heavy) 6 Ask and answer the questions in exercise 5. 7 Lookat the teble below and write sentences about the places. Use the comparative form of these adjectives and thon, 1 cold The Atcama Desert it colder than Death Nile. 2 ay 5 hot 3 farfromthesea 6 wet 4 high Death Valley (California, USA) ‘How much rain? 0-0.1 mm How hor? (maximum) 25°C 4ec How cold? (minimum) 0° we How high? (maximum) 2,400m 3,300 m How farfrom the see? 30 km 250km 8 Compare places that you know. Use the comparative form of adjectives from the box. beautiful big boring exciting, fiendly hot small wet ink Berlin is mare exciting than unitsewis (C49 [SWEININE Look at the photo of the Lake District. What can ‘you see? Use the phrases from the box to help you. Inthe photo, there is /there are. Inthe background... On the left Inthe foreground .. On the right. Read the text. Match the questions (1-3) with the paragraphs (A-C). 1 What can people do there? 2 Where sit, and how big is it? 3 What is the scenery ike? UE iad EN Te Late bistict Nation Pak inthe nt Erland, There are 15 Nationa Pars mB, but te Lake Districts Deer thon the ters Ii about 5 klometes fom cst to west ond $5 kilometres from north to south. There are mountains, lakes, woods, tow lags and even some beaches Bi the Late district is tamous forts beautiful scenery, There area lt of mountains and hhundieds of ils. There are 16 larg lakes, and many smaller ones. This aea has also act 8 lt of diferent animals: for example, you can see rare animals lke the red squiel and the Golden Eagle. Tore: 40,000 peopie tive and wor in the Lake District. There are aso many visitors every year. You ean e walking and climbing in the il, and go swiming ‘and sailing onthe lakes. You can ‘aio visit many prety villages ‘and towns, andthe homes of two famous English writers: William Wordsworth (1770-1850) and Beatrix Potter (1866-1943), It is a very popular place for visitors because there is something for everyone! Are the sentences true or false? ‘There are fifteen National Parks in the north of England. The Lake Districts forty-five kilometres wide. There aren't any beaches in the Lake Distt. There are more than sixteen lakes. Foity thousand people vist the Lake District every year. You can visit the homes of two famous English writers aunune Which of these outdoor activities are mentioned in the text? Outdoor activities birdwatching canoeing climbing cycling diving fishing horse riding mountain biking sailing snowboarding swimming skiing walking Where can you do these activities in your country? (GPU Listen to speakers 1-3. Match their descriptions. ‘of national parks with the photos (A-C) below. Speaker1:Protol_] Speaker2:Protol_] pecker 3: photol_] A Killarney Nat . G¥2:M3 Listen again and complete the chart Great Barrier Reef National Park Natural features: * Activities: swimming, Killarney National Park with beaches. Notural features: “_. + forest Activities: sailing, “_., walking Banff National Park Natural features:”__ lakes Activities: skiing, *_, °___, canoeing [SGEZMUNG Ask and answer the questions. 1 Can you name any National Parks in your country? 2 What are they like? Describe the parks. 3 What activities do people do there? Superlative adjectives Extreme climate Antarctica isthe coldest pace inthe wore and it nas the Most weather The loves temperature on record is 29°. trina the wet! and The dst plc lath world. How is this possible? It's the wettest place because 70 percent ofthe wor’ rsh water isp Antareie ad 90 percent of the writs le, Andi te ele! betas one place, The Dry Valleys, it never rains or snows. The Dry Valleys: {she most efit place in tho waldo” plans and animals = pothng can lve oF grow tere, 1 Lookat the photos and answer the questions. Use the words in the boxtto help you, 1 What can you see? 2 Why is it difficult for animals and plants to live there? bad cold food grow ice mountain shelter snow valley water weather: . 2. Read the article and find the superlative form of these adjectives. 1 cold thr coest 2 bad 3 low 5 dy 4 wet 6 difficult 3 2:04 Complete the Learn this! boxwith the supertative form of the adjectives. Then listen, repeat and check your answers. » LEARN TIS CE Co ee ay ETS bad 4 Complete the sentences. Use the supeitative form of the adjectives in brackets. Which sentences do you agree with? 1 /'m______person in the class. funny) 2 June is usually. month of the year. (hot) 3. Money is thing in the word. (important) 4 Brazil has got. football eam in the world. (good) 5 New York is city in the world. (exciting) 6 English is ‘subject at school. (difficult) or 5 Workin pairs. Complete the quiz questions, Use the ‘superlative form of the adjectives. 1 Which capital city @ Reykjavik (Iceland) © Oslo (Norway) 2 Which ocean is (deep)? a the Indian Ocean the Atlantic Ocean © the Pacific Ocean — (far) north? b Ottawa (Canada) 3 Which animals are (intelligent)? a dogs b dolphins € chimpanzees 4 Which is (long) river in the world? a theNile b theAmazon © the Yangtze 5 Which animal is (fas)? a cheetah 1 leopard lion & What is (large) animal in the world? a African elephant i bluewhale ¢ giraffe 7 Which is (big) continent? b Asia a Africa © North America 6 (GMBH Listen and checkyour answers. 7 Workin pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Use who or whatin the questions, and use the superiative form of the adjectives. 1. beautiful /actress in the world? in Your opinion, who's fw riost beautiful acess in he word? interesting /city in your country? {good /programme on TV? bad/singerin the word? easy /subject at school? ‘2004 / football player in the world? funny factor on TV? eo i 11 Match the photos with the words from the box. 3 Putthe animats into the correct groups. How many more animals can you add to each group? Wildlife bear eagle elephant jellyfish hippo ion Wi oa ae CS ES 2 (HAAG Listen, repeat and check your answers. 4, Read the text quickly. Match the photos with the paragraphs (AO), aaa Ifyou don't understand a word, use the words around it to decide what kind of word itis. For example, is ithe name ofan animal or is it an adjective? 5 Read the reading tip above. What part of speech (eg. noun, adjective, verb, etc) are the highlighted words inthe text? 6 Match the highlighted words in the text withthe correct definitions. 41 angry and ready to attack 2 very long thn parts ofa sea animal 3 allthe people living in a place 4 children’s picture stoies 5a small animal with sixlegs, and often with wings 7 Complete the sentences. Use mosquito(es), hippo(s) and box jellyfish. a kill milions of peopie every year. 2— have got a short body and long tentacles. 3 are fast in the water and on land. 4 You can die very quickly ifyou touch a__ \ 5 In children's stories, are usually frendly. 6 have got the most dangerous bite in the world 7 You can find _ in the seas near Australia, 8 Find these numbers in the text. What do they tell you about? 41 twenty “the body of he bon jllich fs abeut 20 ventimel 2 three hundred million 5 forty 3 three thousand 6 sixty 4 three million 9 Writea short description of an animal, Use the phrases in the boxte help you. It's got (legs/tall/teeth /head /eers, eto) Its (tal heavy /long /dangerous / black and white, etc) Itlives in. teats . Itcan (run/ swim /climb /eet, etc) 10 [SZZINIIE Read your description to the class. The class try to guess the name of the animal stat Yes, itis./No, Itisn st) units + wid! STE Met ewig PS CRD What are the most dangerous animals in the world? Sharks? Snakes? Lions? These animals are very dangerous, it's true, but they are certainly not the most dangerous. In Ka. hipgos are usually slow happy and funny. But nly more dangerous than fons ad ti y heavy — some are about 5,000 kilograms, Eut ty fast and swim wall, and at lite people. Hipoos kill more people in Africa than any ether arial When people think of dangerous animals inthe sea, they think of sharks, But tardy ever Kill people, The most Cangercus sea animal isnt very big IS a small jellyfish, The body lsh is about 20 centimetres long, Bul tas go! 3 are about three metres ong, rman very quicky. Boxe! aim October to Apri The anima withthe most dangerous bite isnt asrako or ls an inseét and you can find al over the world, Mosques lin people every yer, and about the ili er cent ofthe works BORG ae alays in 3 mdatialremmosqutces. The mosquito isthe wot and its is 30 one ol the srs. 1 (GPIREIZ Read and listen to the phone conversation. Complete the dialogue with the questions in the box. ‘And what time do you close? ‘How much does it cost to get in? How can |help you? What time doyou open? Clerk Good aftemoon. 810% 200. Beth — Good aftemaon. Ic like same information about the 200, please. Clerk Certainly.» Beth» Clerk We open at ton o'clock Beth OK.» Clerk Athalf past four. Lastenty is at four o'clock, Beth Clerk t's $8 for adults and $6 forct Beth OK. Thanks very much Clerk You're welcome. Thank you for calling Bronx Zoo. Beth Goodbye. ldren under 12. 2. Read the Learn this! box. Find an example of would tike in the dialogue in exercise 1. Saeed 3 SSZIAIIE Workin pairs. Practise reading the dialogue, changing the words in blue. Use places from the box, and invent times and ticket pices. Galley of Modern Art Natural History Museum Science Museum A 54) units wits ez Before you listen, look at the poster below and think about the information you need, for example, times and prices. 4 (GWM Read the listening tip above. Then listen to the phone call. Complete the information on the poster. Unies Adults $. Ose ae PET Waa Chicren $__— pete Studens§ Bb Ta] Opening hours 10.00- Last entry 5 (GRAB Listen again. Complete the questions (1-4) and ‘match them with the replies (a-d).. 1 you me some information ..? 1] 2 are your opening. :O0 3 are the tickets? 4 How much is it for_? [] 2 We open at ten and close at quarter to six. b Sure. What would you like to know? € For students i's $10. d It’s $14 for adults and $8 for children under 12. 6 Workin pars, Imagine you ae phoning a museum forinformation. Prepare a dialogue following the chart below. Museum clerk ‘Answer the phone. Customer Ask for some information Offer help. = p> ——_kabout opening times. Give information about opening and <—= closing times. Ask about ticket prices. Give information about prices foradutts = and children. > Thankthecler. Reply and thank the <= customerfor calling. > —_‘Seygoodbye. 7 SAXAING Act out your dialogue to the class. Ee Welre at « canpaite ma aatll v 5 a peture of the manag every morning and Kate ‘Match the postcards with the photos. ‘Answer the questions for each postcard 1 Where ate they? 2 What do they think of the place? 3 What is the weather like? 4 Where are they staying (hotel, campsite, ete)? 5. What is in the picture on the card? 6 What do they do every day? Put the words in the correct order to make phrases from the postcards. 1 and ishere i's weather fantastic the lovely 2 were wish here you 3 you see week next Prepositions of place in the mountains near lake/tiver bya lake/river ina village/town atthe seaside Inahotel/youth hostel ata campsite Read the information about the prepositions of place. How many of the phrases can you find in the postcards? Underline them. ‘Match the types of holiday accommodation with the pictures. Holiday accommodation hhotel villa youth hostel apartment campsite cottage Dias Vegas Dear Mark We're in Sotland 2 ts great. here, but, the weather isn’t very good” We're ina youth hostel neat Lach Ness. Oo you fnew Loch Ness? t's Famous for the menstes! This isa (ictate oF the lech toch! meane late!) There are bts oF kvely rromtains al rand. We go wabing n the watain every ae? Ke you net. week Bye for now Sally es Before you begin to write, plan your writing: think about what you want to write and makes notes. ead the writing tip above. Then imagine you are on holiday in one of the places in exercise 5. Make notes about: 1 the weather 2 thetype of accommodation 3. the activities you can do there ‘Write a postcard (50-70 words) toa fiend. Use the writing guide to help you. Start with Deer .. or Ai ‘Say where you are, ‘Say what the place is like and what the weathers ‘Say what type of accommodation you are staying in, Say what the picture is of. Say what you do every day. * Finish with Love or Bye for now and your name. Have you followed the writing guide? © written 50-70 words? a 4 a —_—_—... ON a oe 5 1 Work in pairs, Ask and answer. 1. What kind of music do you like listening to? 2 What do you like to wear when you go out in the evering? Lock at photo 1 and match phrases 1-4 with people a-d in the photo. 1 The man on the left 2. The man on the right 3. The woman in the middle 4 The woman at the back Before the recording starts, read the sentences carefully. 2a Send ‘Match sentences A-Fto speakers 1-5. There is one extra ‘sentence that you do not need. Say what the people in exercise 4 are doing and wearing. Do the Listening exam task. ‘The man on the left is wearing 1 Start by saying what is the same about the two photos. ‘A | only wear comfortable shoes. Bat oho San B I like wearing dresses and boots. € Lalways wear jeans. 2 Then say what the biggest difference is. D I wear -shirts in bright colours, The biggest difference beoveen the photos is that in E | always wear jeans, Tshirt and trainers. photo 1. , whereas in photo 2 F I dontwear trainers in the evenings, only during the day. (nthe pret phole Pere Jae. butin the second photo here is/are. Speaker Tal ae) Fam a ue 6 Read the speaking tip. Then do the Speaking exam task. Compare and contrast the two photos. Think about these things: Look at the photos. Do the sentences describe photo 1. photo 2 or both? It's a birthday party. The people are celebrating a special occasion. The people are dancing. It's a formal occasion. 1 z 3 4 5. They are at a wedaing reception. 1 Where are the people? 2. What are they wearing? 3. What are the people doing? 4 Inwhich photo co you think the people are having the most fun? Why? 5. Do you like occasions like these? Why? / Why nol? a 1 How much do you know about whales? Are the sentences true or false? 1 Blue whales are the biggest animals ever. 2 Blue whales eat large fh. 3 Blue whales can make ver oud noises. 4 People sil hunt blue whales. 2 Do the Reading exam task. Complete gaps 1-7 with phrases A-H. There is one phrase that you do not need. Gentle Giants of the Sea Blue whales are the biggest animals in the history of the carth— bigger than the largest dinosaurs. An adult blue whale can be 30 metres long and weigh 180,000 kilos. Its tongue'_as anelephant, and its heart isthe same size asa small car, When a blue whale is born, its already very big. In fact, itis thessme size and weight asan adult hippo. Like al aminals, the baby blue whale drinks its mother’s mill ~about 400 litres every day. And it*__ adding about 45 kilos to its weight every hous. It lives on milk for about six months, and in this time, its size and weight double. Blue whales are enorme, but they only eat tiny sea mals called ‘krill’. An adult blue whal than 1,000 kg of krillevery day: Kril live deep in the water, so blue whales dive when they are looking for food. Whales ‘cannot breathe underwater but they can sivim underwater fora long time. A blue whale can hold its breath for an hour. The blue whale* animal in the world, iti aso the Toucest. The sound ofan aeroplane when it takes offis, about 110 decibels. Some rock concerts about 115 decibels. A blue whale can make a sound that is 150 decibels. ‘The sound lasts for about 30 seconds. But why do they ake this sound? Are they calling to other whales? Are they looking for food? Nobody knows. But the sound of @ bs whale"___souncis in the ocean, and you can hearit hundreds of Kilometres away “There are probably about 10,000 blue whales in the world today That”____the number there were at the begins Of the 20th century. The reason for the disappearance of 3 Of blue whales is hunting, The hunting of blue whales is row against the law, but these beautiful animals ane still in danger because of pollution and fishing nets. A rows quickly B are even louder € eats more D is only1% of E isthe same size qo F is notthe largest, G isone ofthe strangest H isnot only the biggest 6 3 (GUE Read the phrases in the box below. Then listen and repeat. ‘4, Workin pairs. Imagine you are on an adventure holiday. Practise making the suggestions below, and refusing them. Use Let's or Do you want to... to make an invitation. 1 goswimming 2 gofora bike ride 3 gocimbing 4 play footbalt 5 gowindsurting 6 gohorseriding 5. Read the information in the box above. Then complete the sentences with prepositions, where necessary. Look at the table of Prepositions of time on page 44 if necessary. 1 Let's meet ___ half past two _ Monday 2 See you tomorrow evening __ the beach. 3 Let's mest the bouling alley. 4 See you___ the mor 12__the café. 5 Let'smeet____ this evening _ the youth hostel, 6 Dothe Speaking exam task Work in pairs. Imagine you are on an adventure holiday. You have to decide wat to do in the afternoon. ‘Student A: suggest an activity ‘Student B: refuse and say why. Student A: suggest another activity. ‘Student B: agree and suggest a time and place to meet, Get ready for yourexam 6 « = THIS UNIT INCLUDES @@ ocabular places in town + te exprotsane« ___ in New York. We /You/They*. ‘in New York, interrogative and short answers 5, the in New York? ‘Yes, he ¢ .| No, he? ae Yes, we ?. No, we 18. Ls |/He /She/It/We /You/They _____ see it. cing |/He /She/ It/We ]You/ They #2 2 I/he/ she /it/we/ you /they see it? Yes, she 4 ../ No, she *. <> # We always use a base form after could, not an infinitive (with 0). inNew Yor. in New York. seeit, I can talk 4 3 Complete the sentences with was, were, wasn't or weren't 3 They at school, but they werer't inthe classroom. 21 ‘at home on Sunday morning. | was at church. 3. Today is Wednesday. Yesterday Tuesday. 4 You at the at gallery. Where were you? 5 Theweather very nice yesterday. It was wet and cold. 6 We at the cinema lastnight. The film was great. 7 My grandparents, teachers, They were doctors. 8 Ourlastlesson ‘geography. It was maths. ERE CNC cee ‘Write sentences about the famous people. Use could and was. 1. Budhia Singh /run marathons/ three adh Sigh ceuld un marathons wen ke es thee, 2. Maria Sharapova / play tennis four 3 Vanessa Mae play the violin and piano/ five 4 Michael Schumacher drive/ four 5. Sergey Karjakin/ play chess/ four 6 W.A, Mozart / write music/ five Write sentences with couldn't and the phrases in the box. hewasn't home twasit Iwasn't tied we weren'thungry itwasdark itwas wet the water was very.cold they weren't 18 yeers old. 1/go to school because {could gp to schoo bezanee | was |/read my book because .. She/swim because We /eat our dinner because . speak to Kevin because They /play tennis because .. L/sleep because .. ‘They /buy alcohol because Wite questions. 1 read | four Could you read when you were four? 2 write yourname/two 5S speak English / twelve 3 walk / one 6 ride bike /ten 4 countto 10 / three 7 swim j four Work in pairs. Askand answer the questions in exercise 6, Make 2 note of your partner's answers. Could you read when you were four? os Yes, | could./No, Icoulda’t. | el Tell the class about your partner, Petra could/couldr’t read when she was four a Unité + Outand about (59 1 ‘Museums and Galleries Visit Madame Tussauds and see models of the world’s ‘most famous people, inclucing all your favourite actors and singers, There are some great museums. Don't mise Egyptian mummies at the British Museum or the dinosaurs at the Natural History Museum. Do you ike ‘modem art? Then vist the Tate Modern Interesting buildings ‘The Tower of London is over 900 years old and fora tong time it was a prison. After the Tower, take a boat trip down the river to St Paul's Cathedral, and then take ‘ride on The London Eye. There are fantastic views from the top. Shopping ‘There are lots of fantastic shops in London. Walk down Oxford Street, oF visit one of the ively street markets, ‘where everything is cheap! ight life There are lots of exciting things to do in the evening The West End is ful of theatres, cinemas and great restaurants. There are all kincs of concerts every night = rock, classical, pop. jaz? .. Sport and teisure Relax or walkin Hyde Park — it's eléan and safe, Do you like tootbell? Then go and see Chelsea pay at Stamford Bridge. if you prefer tannis, there's Wimbledon in June. ‘Match the photos (R-E) with the paragraphs (1-5) in the tourist information leaflet. Where can you relax ond walk? watch Chelsea play? see models of famous people? look at modern art? watch tennis? find lots of theatres? find cheap things to buy? enjoy wonderful views of the city? Match the highlighted adjectives in the text with their ‘opposites in the box. boring dangerous diny expensive oid terrible @i2124 Liston tothe radio advertisements, What are they for? Number them inthe correct order. Ll stPaut's cathedral CO the Netional Gatery the Apollo Gnema (The Science Museum i tiartods department store {@ZI2H Liston agsin. Complete the sentences withthe correc times, dates or prices. unl 1 We're open every day from 2 The exhibition starts on and finishes 3 The film starts at and again at 4 Open until Monday to Saturday and __ until on Sundays, 5 Adults £ Children £ Write a short tourist information leaflet for 2 town or city you know. Include at least two of these places. Use the phrases inthe boxto help you + amuseum or gallery + an interesting building ‘+ ashop ora shopping sireet + atheatte, cinema or restaurant * aplace where you do or watch sport There are lots of Visit..and see .. Don't miss . ‘Are you interested in ...?Then We're open from Tickets cost Read Joe's text. Are the sentences true or false? 1 Joe jogged to the café 2 Laura was at the café when Joe arrived. 3 Joe phoned Laura. 4 Laura was at the ABC cinema. Last Saturday my friend Laura ‘and | decided to go to tho cinema. We agread to meet at six at the calé bacause we ‘wanted to have a drink before ‘he fim. | was late so | jogged to the café and arrived at ton past six. Laura wasn't there. | Waited for a few minutes, then {phoned her on her mobile. “Where are you?" | asked. Laura answered, ‘mat the ‘cinema. When | arrived at the ‘cafe, you weren't there, so | waked to the cinema. Be quick, the fm starts in five minutes!’ So | hurried to the cinema. But Laura wasn't there! | phoned her again. ‘'m at the ABC cinema. Where are you?!’ ‘The ABC!? I'm at the Odeon Cinema!" Lookat the red verbs in the text. They are all past simple forms. What is the ending? past simple: affirmative (egularverbs) Endings ‘The form is the same forall persons: / danced. you danced, she danced, etc. 1 Weadd-edto most verbs. watch>watched 2. Weadd-d to verbs that end in-e, dance—danced 3. Ifthe verb ends ina consonant and -y we change the ‘yto-ted. study-sstudied 4 Ifthe verb ends ina shore vowel and a consonant, we double the consonant and added. chat-schetted LEARN 1 Read the spelling rules in the Learn thist box. Then put the red verbs in the text into the correct groups (1~4) {92.25 (IOUISEMLLN Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the endings. 1 Md/ori phoned asked arrived 2nd waited @ 2.26 [UUM Listen. How are the verbs, pronounced? Write 1 for 't/ or /d/, oF 2 for / a liked d agreed 8 shouted b wanted 2 e decided hh jogged © watched F hurried : affirmative (regular verbs) I cam talk about past events. 6 Put the time expressions in the correct order. Start with the most recent. 1 lastnight, 2. Time expressions the day before yesterday three months ago two years ago. last night yesterday affemioon yesterday evening. last week. lastmonth lastyear T Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Use the past simple. arrive ask decide hurry park stop visit watch 1. Three days ago | an art gallery. 2 We ‘Wast night. 3. Last Tuesday Iwas late so to school 4 The day before yesterday we the car in a car pak inthe town centre, 5. Yesterday evening we to have @ pizza for dinner. 6 ‘What time is it?'1 her. 7 Thebus. ‘opposite the library five minutes ago. 8! ‘at the railway station atten to seven. Cee & Complete the text. Use the past simple form ofthe verbs in brackets. iconliare nV ons te (sk) the cashier. “Of course. That's £5,000 and £10 interest. Can ask you something?’ *____(continue) the cashier, “You've got Thank Aand finish the call —=— Finish the cll, 9 SYBLAIIG Act out your dialogue to the clas. T eam write @ phone A message 1 Look at the photo. Answer the questions. 4. What is she doing? 2 What do you think she is saying? 2 Read the notes (1-4) below. Where were the people when they phoned and eft messages? n= 1 Uncle jack 2 Hany 3 Pater 4 Dave Adams: D rise, | vale Task pees Taare _ 3 Complete these sentences. TL 2 You phorchin. Namie res oye | |? phone Dave Adams —_ 674533. The aumber is 01548 3 tan phone him tomorrow Mary's house? toa | 4 canyou hin bake TT 4 (@2IRH Listen and complete the phone messoges - fs tarry phoned at 10, Ho was af the park. watelys ‘ Ho wild For yas tee ee 1 _— plone. tale gig he 5 ee Football match the worming? P ve ts afternan at + clock. He don't think he's: 2 can tauits you to come aleng. Can you rig hin On tee him on hi RSE ‘Sens. os mebile? His number 15 “* am Ded, 4 Me Grey from the *__ phorad. ; tie says your car 15 =" Yau Lisa, can pick it up this 7. Go before Peter phoned. freon London. He mucodt the *___- that’s uben the garage Closes train arc arrived. late. He wanted. te spedle to pisngaoers esr sf batt yeu woeren't here. Can you phone bins iansin temerrow at Mary's house? == Sally 5 Writea phone message (30-50 words). include this information: = Who phoned? © Where is he/she? © What's the message? ‘© What's his/her phone number? ad Have you 1 included the information in exercise 52 -| written 30-50 words? checked your spelling and grammar? Unit 6 « Outand about ¢ so Vocabulary 1 Complete the sentences with the plural form of these words. 1 Everest, K2 and Mont Blane are a 2 The Nile, the Mississippi and the Danube are 3 Ireland, Hawaii and Greenland are 4 Copacabana, Waikiki and Bondi are 5 The Saraha and the Gobi are 6 1 8 The Baltic and the Mediterranean are The Pacific and the Atlantic are Baikal, Michigan end Geneva are. Where cant. 1 sea film? 2 seeaplay? 3 catcha bus? 4 play football? 5 buystamps? Ai te cinema 7 bortow books? 8 leave my ca? 9 catcha train? Grammar 3. Wite sentences using comparative adjectives and thon Lake Superior/ lage / Lake Victoria 1.2 Superior i ager than Lake Veter 2 Prague / far north / London 3 the Mediterranean sea /big / Batic sea ‘4 Waikiki beach / long / Bondi beach 5 Mount Everest / famous / Mount Kenya 6 Arica / hot / Europe 7 the Amazon / wide / the Danube Complete the superative sentences using the adjectives in brackets and words from the box or your own ideas. 1. (beautiful) The roe beautiul actress in the word is Yale ery. 2 (Funny) —— actorin Hollywood is 3 (Good) —___footballteam in the world is_. 4 (important) things in life are. 5. (easy) language to leam is. 6 (ifficul subject at schoo 66) Language Review 5-6 5 Complete the dialogue with the correct past simple form of beor con. Girl You missed jack's party last night. Where *_____ you? Boy | 2 athome, Girl Really? Way? Boy |__very wall, Girl Oh dear. What *___ wrong with you? Boy Nothing much... just a bad cold. But |“___go out. mm @ 6 Complete the e-mail with the past simple of the verbs in brackets. We aren't having a great time in London. We (arrive) at tho hotol on Friday evening. Qur room wasnt ready, so we 2_ (wat) outside while they |__ (clea) it. Then, we + (phone) Reception and 7) to book a table Inthe restaurant. The receptionist (reply that te restaurant was closee. We (walk) to a café near the hotel and (@sk forfour pizzas to take away When we {ature} tothe hotel with cur pizzas, they said we couldn't take the food to our room My dad realy" We're locking for another hotel (shout) at them m Everyday English 7 Complete the diatogue with the words in the box. Sam Hello. 1'd like some * Clerk Certainty. How can 12 bout the museum, please. you? ‘Sam What do you clese? Clerk At six o'clock. Last ‘___ is athalfpast five, Sam OK. Thanks very much Clerk You're * - a & Choose the correct words ‘MrSamson Hello? Tom Oh, hi. Is that MrSamson? ‘MrSamson Yes, speaking. Tom "Can / Will /Do| speakto Katy, please? MrSamson ("li see ?if/ when / that she's here. MrSamson I'm sorry, she isn'tat home, Do you want to S make / leave / do a message? No, it's OK. Bye. Reading 1. Read the e-mail from Dave, Put the events in the correct. order. Dave and Penny climbed a mountain. Dave and Penny arrived in the Lake District. Dave applied for 2 job atthe hotel Dave noticed an advertisement for a receptionist. Dave and Penny visited a large lake. PFI Dear Marton How are you? I'm having a great holiday in the Lake Dstrict with my arrriend, Penny. I's a beautitul pace We arrived on Monday evening. We were late, because ‘wo couldn't find the hotell On Tuesday, wo visited Derwent Water, a large lake in the valley of Borrowdale, Yesterday, we cimbed Scatell Fike, the highest ‘mountain in England I neticed an advertisement in the hotel thie morning: the hotel s looking for a receptionist. | applied for the Job immediately! The pay is better than my job at The. ‘Arcadia — and Penny prefers the countryside to the city because i's mere peaceful, Rent is cheaper, 100, That's all for now. See you soon! Dave 2 Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences. 1. Dave is enjoying his holiday. 2 Dave and Penny are staying ata campsite. 3. Dave and Penny arrived late because of a problem with thelr car Borrowdale is a large lake near Derwent Water. Scafel Pike is a mountain in England, Dave wants a new job, Penny doesn't want to live in the countryside. It costs more to renta flat in the countryside than in the city. Writing 3. imagine you are on holiday in a beautiful part of your country. ‘Write a postcard to a friend. Include information about: * where you are staying and your opinion of it * theweather © activities Listening (GNA Listen. What was Dave's news? 5 (GPA Listen again. choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 1. Dave phoned Méiton but __ answered. ‘aMérton bAnna ¢ nobody 2. Dave couldn't tell Maton his news en the phone because ‘a Marton could only talk for a minute, bb Marton talked all the time. ¢ Marton wasn't at home, 3. Dave started 10 tell Marton his news but then stopped, because 4 a guest phoned Reception and Dave answered. b Marton walked away. aguestartived at Reception. 4 Aguest asked Daye forinformation about a the party on Friday night. b the cost of roomsat the hotel. € the opening times of the hotel restaurant. 5. Dave Finally finished his news: his interview was a theday after his holiday. b on the first day of hs holiday. € on the last day of his holiday. 6 Daves leaving The Arcadia Hotel a next month. b nextweek, c immediately. Speaking 6 Work in pairs. Retell the events that happened in the fening exercises. Use your answers to exercise 5 to help you. Shils Roundup 1-6 (67 World famous 1. Lookat the map. Where do you live? Put a cross (x). 2 Lookat th of your country? 3) (QNZTT Match the nationalities with countries from exercise 2. Then listen, repeat and check your answers. 1 Austria Postrn 2 Belarus... Label the countries 1~14 on the map. what's number 2's Ras Vocabulary Builder (part 1): page 134 68) unit 7+ World famous of countries in the box. Which are neighbours THIS UNIT INCLUDES eee Vocabulary courte » naonalties «mote, do, hoe and tle vert in ie Ss eetine activites phrases for reacting with sympathy ‘Grammar » pas: simple: ireguar vets * post sinpe: negative and nterogatve Speaking talking bout fanous people talking aboutyour weekend ‘Witing> descabings hrs «an eal message 5 Lookat the photos. bo you know these people? What nationality are/were they? 6 (GVDIBA Listen and check your answers to exercise 5. 7 (GWRIBA Listen again, Are the sentences true or false? 1 Picasso lived all of his tie in France, 2 Picasso died in 1937. 3 Zsa Zsa Gabor studied in Switzertand. +s 2saZsa Gabor marted five times. 5 Norma Jeane Baker changed her name to tharlyn Monroe. 6 Monroe was vary old when she died. 7 Pele played forfour football clubs. 8 Pele scored 92 goals in 77 matches for Brazil 8 Play 20 questions. Think of a famous person who is alive today. Your classmates have 20 questions to guess your name. They must be yes/no questions. Use the ideas in the box to help you. ‘Are YOU». ‘aman? awoman? Polish? American? etc. sportsperson? anactor/actress? an artist? ‘arock/pop star? a scientist?” a politician? etc. Doyou Wein? workin? study ..? play a spor? appearinfims/on Tv? invent things? ‘tte books of music? Eamon] Tretia] Reyne] [RoxTanat] Teyurname 7 ie 1 Vocabulary Builder (part 2): page 134 1 the photo. Who is the man on the right? Why is he famous? 2 Read the text. Undertine all the verbs in the past simple. Which are regular? ‘Viclay Havel was bor in Prague in 1936, He eame from «well-known family and had one brother. He left school when he was 15 and got a job in a chemical lboratory. At the same time he went to evening classes to complete his secondary education. After two years in the army, hae started work in the theatre. He wrote his first famous play, The Garden Party, in 1963. He opposed the ‘Communist government and after the Soviet invasion in 1968, he spent 2 number of years in prison. He became the last President of Czechoslovakia in 1989, and the first President of the Czech Republic in 1993, He won the International Gandhi Peace Prize in 2003. 3 Match the irregutar past simple forms from the text with these base forms. 1 be . 6 write 2 become 7 spend 3 get 8 have 4 g0 9 come 5 win 4 Complete the sentences about famous leaders. Use past simple forms from exercise 3, 1 Nelson Mandela ___27 years in prison. In 1994, he ____ president of South Attica 2 Mahatma Gandhi to Universityin London ané then a job in South Afica, 3 Albert Szent-Gyérgyi___a scientist. He from Budapest. In the 1930s he discovered vitamin C and in 1937 he ‘a Nobel Prize 4 The Chinese leader Mao Zedong “The Little Red Book’ in the 1950s. 5 Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. nine children. There aren't any rules for imegular past simple forms ~ you have to learn them! Use the lst in the Workbook. Read the Look out! box. Then complete the frst halves of the sentences (1-6) with iregular past simple forms and match them with the second halves (2-9. The Spenish (bring) C] Before Copemicus, people Marie Sktodowske-Curie (teach) C1 1 1626 Peter Minuit ___ ow) C] Rosa Parks. ight) King Henry Vin (caten) 1 physics atthe Sorbonne University for the rights of black Americans. potatoes to Europe trom South America malaria when he was 35 ‘Manhattan Island for $24 from tative Americans. the sun wert round the earth (6912135) XENUIGTAIEIY Listen and repeat the answers to exercise 5. Are ought and -aught pronounced the same or diferently? :2;36 AACA what are the past simple forms of those verbs? Put them into pairs that chyme. Then listen and check. begin break buy catch go make pay read un say see send speak wear thing) When did you last do these things? Write true sentences using the time expressions in the box. Time expressions the day before yesterday last night yesterday aftemoon yesterday evening. last week last month last year two days (veeks, months, years) ag0 1. do some housework (4d come housework ast week 6 tellalte 2 buysome chocolate T seeafiim 3 read a book send an e-mail 4 make a phonecall 9 take an exam 5 make anew fiiend 10 write a letter id EGAWLIG Work in pairs. Tell each other things that you last weekend. Find at least three things that you both did. watched 1V, watched TV too, T played computer games, World famous Cs aw went shopping. Unit 7: An American hero 41 Lockat the photo of Martin Luther king. De you know what he fought for? Choose the correct answer. 1 women's ights 2 the rights ofbiack Americans 3 workers rights 2 Read the text and check your answertto exercise 1. TP have @ GPeAM jive in amano wnere they ‘The third Monday of January Will not be judged by the each yearis a aionaialidag, colour of their skin but in the USA. Its called Martin by {he content of their Luther King Day. character, Martin Luther King was bom in 1929 in Georgia in the south of the USA. His father was a priest, and Martin studied at college and also gota job as a priest in Alabama. ‘At that time, black and white people in the USA were not For example. in Alabama, a black person had to stand ‘up on a bus if a white person wanted! to sit down. One dy, a brave Black woman called Rosa Parks refused to do this. Parks anid King decided to work together to change the law. In the end they won, and in 1956 Alabama changed the law. ‘King continued to fight for the sights of black Americans. He ‘made some famous speeches, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, ancl was aBRB for millions fof Americans. But some wiite people hated him. On 3rd April 1968, he made a speech to a big crowd in Memphis, Tennessee. He talked about his gies and his own death. The next ay, James Earl Ray shot Mactin Luther King King had four children: two boys and two girk. They all decided to continue his work and to fight forthe rights of black Americans. 3 Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences. Martin Luther King Day is @ British national holiday. Martin Luther King was born in Alabama king end his father did the same job. king vent to college. Rosa Parks and King wanted the same thing. king and Parks weren't successful King von the Nobel Peace Prize in 1968. Only two of King’s children continued King’s work A 70) unit7 + Word famous Find the past simple forms of these verbs in the text. 1 be 6 win 2 study 7 make 3 get 8 hate 4 want 9 shoot 5 decide 10 have 5 match the highlighted words with the meanings below. 2 the same 2. people who hate you 3 county 4 avery brave and good person 5 aday when people don’t have to goto work {6 How much do you know about these famous people? Choose the comrect answers. 1 Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France aStimes, b7times. 2 Now Lance Armstrong has a charity which a helps people be better cyclists. helps people who have cancer. 3. Nelson Mandela fought forthe rights of a black Americans. black Africans, ‘4 Mandela worked in a prison. bb spent along time in 5 Mahatma Gandhi died in 21948. b 1969, 6 Mahatma Gandhi wanted the British to a stay in Incia, leave Indi 7 (GIT Listen and check your answers & Write three sentences about a famous person from the past ire, Use the words and phrases in the box to lived . ‘was born . fought for/agains . studied .. worked as... helped brave honest intelligent kind ‘9 EUBIIMIIS Read your sentences out to the class. Can they ‘guess the name of your hero? Past simple: negative and interrogative 1 Describe the photo, What are the people doing? How are 4 Read the Learn this! box and complete the rules. they feeling, do you think? +1 We form the negative ofthe past simple with | 1_+base form | 2 We foim the interrogative ofthe past simple with 2_+he you they, et. + bese form LEARN THISL 5 Write questions and short answers about the dialogue in, ‘exercise 2, Use the past simple. 1. Suzie /take//the photo? 2k te pt? No, se dit lly /take/ the photo? Molly /go/to the Live 8 concert? Surie /go/to the Live 8 concert? Suzie / watch/ the concert on TV? Jack /watch /the concert on TV? Bill Gates / make / speech at the concert? 6 Make these sentences negative 1 [watched Live 8 on television. 2 Wewent on holiday last year. 3 trained last weekend. 44 thad breakfast this morning. 5 My sister broke my mobile phone, 6 England won the World Cup in 2006. 2 $9-2:38 complet the dialogue with the words inthe box. Then Usten and check your answers. Africa bands London photo speech 7 Joe bought a CO. rammar Builder (7D): page 120 Jack Thisis a good" Where did you take it? = ale Suzie | didritiakeit. My tiend Molly tookitatthe Lives 7 wma peucas Wceiosananar reac aeean Jack Lives? EE ee Suzie twasa charity concer for «| id’ go, butt 4. go shopping eit on TV. twas amazing, Did you see i? 2. tidy your bedroom Jack No,1 didn't. Did a ltof play? ert Suzie Yes, they did: Coldplay, Stereophonics, Keane ... Bill, aCe Gates was there too. = Jack Really? Can he sing? didn’t know that. See eae Suzie He didn't sing! He made a about Africa. 6 getanemail 3. Lookat the table below. Then find and underline more Talten ome ‘examples of past simple negative and question forms in the 8 meet yourfriends dialogue = 8 GSUETALIG work in pairs Askand answer about the ites in exciise 7. Tckthe actives your partner dd. negative He didn't sing. [Did you go shopping? No, | didn’t interrogative Where did you take it? 9 STZIMING teu the class about your partner's weekend. Use the past simple affirmative and negative. interrogative and short answers e 2 = Did you seeit? Yes, did. /No, I didn’t, Mirts did't go doping, but ee tite her bedreo Unit7 +Wordfamous ( Inventions . 1. Lookat the list of eventsin a person’ life. Number them in the order they usualy happen. 2 Write five sentences about people in your family. Use the phrases in exercise 1 and the past simple, afirmative or negative. My grander dt go to sano My parents got avid in 7 3 Lookat the photos. What are the inventions? Who invented them? What nationality were the inventors? 4 Read the text. Check your answers to exercise 3. 5 complete gaps 1-6 in the text with sentences A-F. There is. ‘one sentence that you do not need. ‘A In 1975 he taught architecture, bur he continued to invent puzzles. B He did @ numberof different jobs and then became a joumalstin the 1930s. He wes bom in Budapest In 1944. D However, it didn't wore because the ink was very thick E Inthe 1970s he worked as an architect and in his spare time heinvented 2 mechanical puzzle. F Itquickty became poputar allover the world. 6 Itwasn’t the only thing he invented , 6 Wiite questions for these answers. Use the words in brackets. 1 He wes bom in 1899. (when/be bom) Wen 20 Ls Bi bor? He studied medicine. (what /studs) ‘She was a poet. (what/be) 11939. (when | move to Pars) 300 milion. (how many/ cubes /there) In Buenos Aes. (where/ le) 72) nit? World famous [can understand a biographical text Two great inventors ‘Lészi6 Biré was born in Budapest in 1899. After he left school he studied medicine at university, but he didn't finish his studies. ' He noticed that newspaper ink dried very quickly ‘on the paper, and put the ink into his fountain pen.*___He and his brother Gyérgy then invented a new type of pen with a small ball at the end. The new pen worked with the thick ink. : In 1939 Laszl6 moved to Paris and then to Argentina, Bird invented many other things but the most important was the bal-point pen, or biro’, Laszlé Biré died in Buenos Aires in 1985. Erné Rubik’s father was an engineer and his mother was a poet. * After leaving school, he studied architecture and design at the Technical University. °__ Rubik called it the “Magic Cube’. It soon became popular in ‘Hungary and the rest of Europe. °__In the early 1980s the cube became popular in the ‘USA too, and got a new name: ‘Rubik's Cube’. It is the world’s best-selling toy - some people say there are 300 million cubes in the world. Rubik became very rich and went on to invent many ‘more games and puzzles. Match these great inventors and scientists with their work. Marie Curie (1867-1934) John Logie Baird (1888-1946) Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) Thomas Edison (1847-1931) . Ada Lovelace (1815-1852) 2 invented the light bulb. b_wiote the world’s first computer program. ¢ discovered radium. ¢ invented the telephone. «invented the television. (ZAMINS work in pairs. Ask and answer about the scientists in exercise 7. When did Thomas Edison di In What did Ada Lovelace do? She Unit 7» World fame 1 (GRAB complete the dialogue with the past simple or base form of the verbs in the box. Then read, listen and check your answers. be go go make see see stay watch Harry How" ua yourweekend? Melissa. itwas OK, thanks. Harry Did you *___ out on Saturday night? Melissa Yes. did. 1? Hay What did yous_? ‘Melissa We’. film called X-Men 3. Harry What was it tke? ‘Melissa. Really g00d. Harry How about Sunday? ‘Melissa |* in on Sunday. just ’___TV and * some phonecalls. 2 Tick the activities that Melissa did at the weekend. | Going out: goto the cinema (_] go to a rock concert [_] see a basketball match [] go to the theatre [1] Staying in: do homework [_] make phonecalls (_] listen to music () watch Tv C) 3. Practise reacing the dialogue in exercise 1in pairs. 4 (@QDWO Listen to Jack and Naomi. Choose the correct, sentence. 2 Jackhad a terible weekend, Naomi’s weekend was OK. Jackand Naomi both had terrible weekends. € Jack's weekend was OK, Naomis weekend was terrible. 5 Complete the sentences describing Jack’s activities at the ‘weekend. Use the past simple of the verbs in the box. 9 have meet rent write 1 He shopping. 4 He 2 He some fiiendsin town. 5 He apvo. 3 He dinnerata café. (aw) unit 7 » World famous Talking about your weekend to the cinema with some friends. an e-mail. 6 (PDH Listen again. Choose the correct answers. 1. What did Jack buy for his dad? aac. babvo. 2 Where did Jack leave the present? aathome. bOn the bus. 3 What did Jack think of the food at the café? ate didn’tlike it b He liked it 4 Why didn't Jack send the e-mail to his fiend? ae lost his computer. There was a problem with the computer. 5 Why didn’t Jack watch Troy? They gave him a Hungarian film by mistake. ble fellasieep. (Gea wH EEWNTNTATAI How does Naomi reat to Jack's story? Listen and repeat. Try to copy the intonation. Reacting with sympathy Oh dear! Ohno! On well! ‘That'sashame, Pooryou! What a disaster! Work in palrs. Teke turns to say a sentence and react, using the phrases from exercise 7. 1 I went for lunch with some friends, but the food was. horible. | went to the cinema, but the film was really boring. | played computer games, but | lost really badly. | went to a party, but didn't know anybody. | did my homework, but | answered all the wrong, ‘questions. Work in palrs. Prepare a dialogue using the chart below and your own ideas. A Askhows’sweekendwas. = B > _ Answer the question. AskifB went out on < Saturday night. Se _Sayyes. Saywhat you did. ‘React. Ask another question about Saturday night. — > Answer the question. React, Ask about Sunday, = > Say whatyou did on Sunday. ZING Act out your dialogue in front of the class. aa An e-mail message Deer Lauren | hope you're well. How was your weekend? My weekend was great. | finished all my homework on Saturday moming. Then | went into town and met some iriends. We had lunch in a café, then we went shopping. | bought two new T-shirts. In the evening, | went to a basketball match with my brother ang his frends. It was really exciting! { didn't get up untif midday on Sunday. | had lunch at home with my family, then | went to the park and played tennis with some friends. | didn’t go out in the evening. | watched a DVD at home, Say hi to Jack. Love Gail wi gait ; Sheat to hear from you! Jack sends his love Gin tine, wut ny wockend wasn't very good YSuayed volleybala. for che school team om ialurley morning, but we test. T'diave play Sey cli in the evening, T vent to the iibas"idch my povente, the film vas Feally boring Pe Aibday, it was my oaa’s birthday. we bed Sebecus in the garden, but it rained, 30 32 Sarees cn fonsvin the evening, T aidn'e feel Well, so T vent to bea early. Gh wold epeak to you goon Best wishes tauren 1 Read the e-mails. Who had a better weekend, Gail or Lauren? 2 Look at the list of activities. Tick the ones that Gail or Lauren. rom do homework vw miele ae moma 0 shopping, neuer have lunch in a café play volleyball watch a basketball match iD Lean write an e-mail mess we to ckend. 3. Reed the e-mails again and answer the questions. What ci¢ Gail buyin town? Did Gail enjoy the basketball match? Did Gail go out on Sunday evening? Did Lauren's team win the volleyball match? What cic Lauren think ofthe film? Why did Lauren go to bed early on Sunday? Useful phrases for e-mails ownwne We often use these phrases in e-mail to fiends and family: Great ohear om youl —_-Howwas your weekend? hope you're well. Gack) sends his love. Say ito Gack). ‘Speak to you soon. 4 Read the miting tip. Who uses the phrases in the e-maiisin ‘exercise 1, Gail or Lauren? Write G or L. 5 Choose four activities that you did atthe weekenc ~ two on Saturday, two on Sunday. Make notes in the table. eo Saturday Sunday 6 Write an e-mail (90-110 words) to a friend. Use the guide below, yournetes from exercise 5 and phrases from exercise 4. + Begin with M7. oF Dear. First paragraph + Stat the paragraph witha useful phrase. + describe what you did on Saturday. ‘Second paragraph * Describe what you did on Sunday. + Add a useful phrase. + Finish with Love or Best wishes Have you used some of the phrases from the writing tip box? Cl divided your e-mail into two paragraphs? Li written 90-110 words? () checked your spelling and grammar? Unit 7 «World famous. ¢ 6 ACTA Yl) 7z 1 (ERETIRETISIES Read the listening tip. Match the key words in the box with opinions AF in the Listening exam task. fast wetandcold untriendly cars ditty big Before matching sentences to speakers, read the sentences and think about the words you might hear. 2 & Eek Listen to five people talking about different cities. Match opinions A-F to speakers 1-5. 1A People in ths city are not very friendly. ] B The weather in this cityisn’t very good. (_] C Peoplein this ty needto stow down.) D ‘The trafic i terible in this ciy. a E Thiscityistoo big g F hie city could be cleaner g 3 Which of the words in the box could ‘you use to describe the photos in exercise 72 Adjectives” exciting peaceful historical noisy modem Nouns boat canal church old building park skyscraper taffic shops dirty interesting old 4 Complete these sentences about the photos. 1 Both photos show .. 2. The most obvious difference between the photos is that 5 Complete the activities that you cen do ina city with the words in the box. Which do you like doing? ‘admire buy eat go goon goto stay visit wander 1. xmir the butldings 2 boat trips 3 museums and churches 4 nightclubs 5 souvenirs 6 ina nice hotel 7 in nice restaurants 8 shopping round the streets and squares 6 Work in pairs. Choose one photo in exercise 7 and each make a list of the interesting things you can see and do there. Compare your lists. Things you can see W can ¢ Things 7 Do the Speaking exem task. ea am ti ‘Compare and contrast the photos. Think about these things: 1 What can visitors do in each city? 2 What can visitors see in each city? 3 Which city would you preter to visit, and why? 4 Which city in your country is the most attractive for tourists? Why? ee; Att) OF VO 1 M] Quickly read the text. What is the significance of these dates and numbers? 1 1981 2 20 3 2006 1. Read the text quickly to get a general idea of what it's about. 2 Read each sentence carefully and identify the part of the text where you can find the answer. 3. Read the text again, carefully, stopping to answer each sentence. 2 othe Reading exam task. Read the text and mark sentences 1-8 true (7), false (F) or not given (NG). Paris Hiton was born on 17¢h February 1981 in New York, USA. Sheis the ‘oldest of four children. Her family are very rich: they oun Hilton ‘hotels. Paris went to Dwight School, famous and expensive schoo! in New York, but she didn't Finish her studies there and she didn't go to university, ‘Because Paris Hilton is from a super rich family, she didn’t need to get ajob ‘when she left school, She spent her time going to parties and music clubs with other celebrities, so newspapers and ‘magazines were interested in her life, and often hed photo of her. Asa teenager. she was famous —but she didnt really do anything, She was famous because she was in the newspapers! But when Paris was about 20 years old, she started lots of different jobs. Now, she's a fashion model. She's also an actress in films and TV programmes, and she’sa singer: she started her frstalbum, Paris, in 2004 and finished it in 2006, (The frat single from the album, Stars Are Blind, was popular in Europe and the USA.) She opened her own nightclubs called ‘Club Paria. And she's write too. In 2004, he wrote aa book about her life. Because she was already famous, people ‘wanted to read about her, 90 the book was very popular. Burt the newspapers and magazines are stil more interested in her personal life than her work. Who is she going out with? Are they getting married? Photographers follow Paris Hilton every day, and try to learn something new about her life. And Pars often gives interviews to magazines because the magazines made her famous ~and she wants (stay that way. Paris Hilton has got four brothers and sisters. 2 Her family are rich because they own expensive schools, 3. She went to schoo! in the USA. 4 Newspapers are interested in her because she spent a lot of time with other famous people. 5 She was very happy going to parties and music clubs. 6 She is an actress, a fashion model, a writer and a singor 7 Her nightclubs are very successful 8 The article suggests that Paris Hilton is famous. because she wrote a book about her ite. 3 Qa Read the Speaking exam task below. Then isten to two students doing the task. What ‘order did they put the three things in? ‘4 (QUENE) Usten again. Who says these things? Write B for boy or 6 for girl. 1 [think money is very important. 2 I don’t think money is the most important thing in tife. [_) om000 0 3 Rich people ae usally happy. Oo 4 think ends and family are mote important than mone). Oo 5 Ifyou aren't healthy, i's difficult to be happy. oO 5. Say whether you agree or disagree with the statements in exercise 4. 6 Complete the phrases the speakers used. agree point right thie why 4 ___ do you think that? 2 That's___, but. 3 Idon’t 4 Maybe you're 5 Yes,| see your T Dothe Speaking exam task. SPEAKING exam ta: York in pairs. You and your partner have to put the following three things in order of importance: money, family and friends, and health. THIS UNIT INCLUDES @ CO amu De eters Ne ar ese 5 (G¥2MS) Listen to the orders for room service. Write the room number and tick the food and drink that they order. Podmliol Room Room cereal v the box. panes? Dees banana toast jam water ‘orenge juice tea coffee tot chocalate 6 GRRE Match the to halves of these expressions from the dialogues. Then listen again and check your answers. 1 mo slices of... orange uice 2 Read the Leorm this! box. Then divide the food and drink 2 aglassof.. b cereal im exercise 1 into two groups, countable anc uncountable 3 acupof.. € tea/coffee hot chocolate nouns. 4 abowlof toast 5 abotle of. e water 7 EEEENANIG Work n pars. Find out what your partner has for ue xe breakfast. 3 (GPIRWMN Lister, repeat and check youranswers. ce ee ‘4 (SHEAAING Cover the words in exercise 1 and say what food Talways/usually/ sometimes have a bow of cereal and. is on the table. Use There are for plural nouns and There's for singular (uncountable) nouns. What doyou ark? There are apples. There's baco z Talways/usually/ sometimes drink a cup /glass of RTE Mies a )) unit On the menu 1 (DLO Read and listen to the dielogue, What food have Hannah ané Oliver got? Tick or cross the pictures. 2). Oliver Lot's have some lunch. Hannah Good idea. Are there any pizzas in the fridge? Oliver No, there aren't. Hannah What have we got? Oliver There's some cheese. And there's some ham. Hannah Is there any butter? Oliver Yes, there is. Hannah OK, Let's have ham and cheese sandwiches. Oliver Ah, There’s.a problem. Hannah What isi? liver We haven't got any bread. 2 Undertine all the examples of some and any in the dialogue. Then circle the correct words in the rules. suse some/ any in affirmative sentences. 2) re cea scenes any questions. ané ony. Hannah Is there” Oliver Yes, there Hannah Letsmake’__ tomato sauce for he past. Oliver Wehaver'tgot*__tomatoes. Hannah Arethere* mushrooms? Oliver No, therearer't.Butther’s® ‘able. Hannah Whatfor? Oliver Let's go outand buy* pasta? 3. Complete the second part ofthe dialogue with some ‘money on the chipst 4 Gw3102 Listen and check your answers to exercise 3. | some and any, How much/many? I can talk about quantities Read the advertisement quickly. Find the name of the pizza, in the photo and how much it costs. Read the Learn this! box above, Then order the words to ‘make questions about the advertisement. 1. money/does the Big One cost / how much Yow sh morey dees the Big Dre coe? is therein the pizza /pizza dough /how much slices /how meny are there /in the pizza in the pizza /how much /isthere cheese to cook/ does ittake / how mary / minutes Ones /how many/ do they sella year aunun EZEXAIIG workin pairs. Askand answer the questions in exercise 6. Complete the questions with How much or How many. homework do you do a day? sleep do you geta night? text messages do you send 2 day? money have you got in your pocket? cousins have you got? pizzas do you eat a week? eople are in this room? is there to the end of the lesson? ‘SGZZIIMIIE| Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 8. e@vausune How much homework do you doa day? ‘About 90 minutes. Cook 90 wns} Traditional dishes 1 Lookat the photos ané answer the questions. 3 Answer the questions. 4. Which of these dishes are popular in your country? 1 In the UK, do most families usually eat meals together? 2. Which of them do you like? 2. How many fish and chip shops are there in the UK? 3 Which three are traditional English dishes? 3 Whats a ‘ful English breakfast 4 Onaverage, how much do people in the UK spend per vweek in bars and restaurants? 5 How many Chinese restaurants are there in the UK: 6 Whatis the most popular dish in the UK? 2 Read the text. Does it say good things about Brit at home, or good things about B: 4 Match the highlighted words in the text with these 1 havinga meal in a restaurant 2 food that you eat between meals 3. a machine that cooks food very quickly 4 food 5 places that sel drinks and often food 6 part of a country’s history and culture 5S (913103 Listen to four people talking about traditional dishes where they live. Match the dishes with the places. the north of €ngiand Scotland southwest England Wales 1 Cawlisadish from ___ 2 Colcannon isa dish from 3 Lancashire hotpot is a dish from 4 Stargazey pie is a dish from ™ r © (693103 Listen again. Tick three ingredients for each dish. British food ‘Some ingredients are in more than one dish. ‘Some nations are famous for their cooking. For example, in most French and Italian homes, meals are an important Sie zl>/8|2 part of family life. Butin the UK, a lot of families do not Sle lele le |z is |z ‘cat together, Parents and children cat SH#@KS in front of Bis |Pisis aia 8 the TY, or prepare their own food in the fREROWANE at aa different times. However, somelE16B8l dishes are still very popular in colcannon Britain — for example, fish and chips. There are more than Lancashire hotpot 8,600 fish and chip shops in the UK and they serve about 300 million meals every year. Restaurants and pliBoften ‘Stargazey ple serve ‘Sunday lunch’: roast meat (beef, lamb, chicken, — etc.) with roast potatoes and vegetables. And many British 7 Which of the dishes in exercise 6 would you like to try? people sometimes eat a full English breakfast’ of bacon, eggs, Sausages, tomatoes and toast. 8 SGZAMIIG Work in pairs or small groups. Discuss the ‘The British enjoy S4HH@GUE and on average, they spend questions. £27 a week in restaurants. In a recent magazine article 1 Doyou like your country’s food? about the 50 best restaurants in the world, 14 were in the 2. Have diferent regions of your country got different fooc? UK. However, most restaurants do not serve traditional ive oxamples. British food. For example, there are about 10,000 Indi 3 Inyour opinion, what are the two best and two worst and 8,000 Chinese restaurants in the UK. Different styles dishes in your country? of cooking from around the world are now part of British 4 What food from other countries can you eat in restaurants culture. In fact, the nation’s favourite Mi is not roast beef in yourcounty? or fish and chips —itis chicken curry! ~ ) Unit a+ on the mena Articles 1 Read the text. Which restaurant do you thinkis jack's favourite? Explain your answer. © There are three restaurants near my house. On the High Street, there’s a Chinese restaurant and an Italian restaurant. The Chinese restaurant is good. but it's expensive. The Italian restaurant is cheaper and the pizzas there are brilliant. There’s an Indian restaurant on Mill Lane. I don’t go to the Indian restaurant because the food isn't very good.” Jack 2 Undertine allthe examples of he, a and an inthe text. What kinds of noun do they go with? Tick or cross the boxes in the chart. a singular countable nouns plural countable nouns uncountable nouns 3 3.04 EIXOTIITEEION Listen to how a and an are pronounced. Then repeat. | anapple abanana —anitalianrestaurant a lemon | anonion anorange apolato tomato | 4% Write o or an, What is the rule? 1 ___banena 5 ___ Spanish orange 2 __ English book 6 _— enormous tomato 3 __exs 7 uncle 4 Indian restaurant. = ___ young American 5 Study the text in exercise 1 again. Then circle the correct | word inthe rules below and complete the examples. a 1 We use a or an/the when we mention something for the first time, There's supermarten my eet. 2 We use a oran/the when we mention something, again. The foodat____ supermarkets expensive. 6 Circle the correct words in the text. In 2001, Richard Evans went to fa)/ the takeaway restaurant near his house and bought "a / the bag of chips. When he got home, he opened ‘a / the bag ard started to eat ‘a/ the chips. He found 'a / the fried beetle jn the bag. He went back to ‘a / the shop and complained. He showed them ‘a / the beetle, but they didnt believe him. Mr Evans was angry, so he phoned his local newspaper. 'A/ The newspaper wrote “an / the article about Mr Evans's chips, A lot of people read “a / the article. Soon, “a / the take- away restaurant was not so popular! * play football, tennis, etc, * watch television * have breakfest, lunch, * havea snack, a drink, dinner ‘@ sandwich, etc. * goto school, work, * gotothe theatre, the hospital, church, ‘cinema, the doctor’s university = atnight ‘= during the day; inthe ‘morning, afternoon, evening 7 Read the Learn this! box. Then complete the sentences with a, o7 or the, ortckthem if they are correct without an article. 1 He goes to church every Sunday. 2 went to he cinema last night. 3 He never eats anything before he goes to___ school. 4 My sisters a nurse and often works at night. 5 Can you play__guitar? 6 He usually does his homework in_morning. 7 8 9 10 1 Let's have snack before we go out. What time do you usually have | sometimes listen to want to goto never watch dinner? radio on the bus. University when I leave school. TV before breakfast. units +onthemeru ( + | ] Healthy eating 1 Look at the diagram. What food and drink can you see? Thewsa~ | [Thew'ecome. | [There aresome.. Ge + Eat occasionally Fats & sugars 2. Make list ofthe fod you eat on anormal day. Do you eat more food from the bottom of the pyramid or from the top? 3 Work in palis. Look at the food in the photos. Match each food with two groups in the diagram. ‘baked beans on toast 82>) Uoic8+ On the mens Before you start reading, lookat the title of the text ‘and any photos, They often give you an idee about the content. ‘4 Read the reading tip. Look atthe photo of Sonya Thomas and the ttle of the text. What do you think she does? She cooks food in a restaurant. bb She serves food in a restaurant. © She writes about food. 4. She eats food very quick'y 5. Read the text. Find the answer to exercise 4, 6 Complete the sentences with the highlighted words in the text. 1 He eats lots of. food, like fish and vegetables, 2 i's__to feet sad if you don’t pass your exams. 3 He isn't fat. infact, he's very___. He only weighs. 65 kilos. an hhas got eight legs. 5 His weal name is Ronaldo de Assis Morelra ~ his is Ronaldinho. 61 in eating competitions but I never win. 7 Choose the best answers 1 Sonya Thomasis atall. —b heey. c thin. 2 She became interested in eating competitions when a she ate 50 fot dogs in twelve minutes, she appeared on TV. ¢ she saw an eating competition on TV. 3. Her nickname js ‘the Black Widow’ because a she's dangerous in competitions. b she looks like a spider. she takes part in competitions. 4 Sonyais thin because a she usually eats healthy food, she doesn't like fat or sugar. ¢€ she takes part in cating competitions. 5. In Sonya's opinion, why are eating competitions real sport? a Because you can eat and stay thin, bb Because you need a strong mind and body to do it. «¢ Because there ate only one or two competitions a month. eeeeoee0 0 Can eating be a sport? Sonya Thomas is not a big woman. She's 165 cm tall and she only weighs about 45 kilograms. She usually eats healthy food — rice, vegetables, fruit fish and chicken. But once or twice a month she has a big meal~a very big meal — and she eats it very quickly. Why? Because she takes part in eating competitions. In fact, she’s one of the best in the workd. For example, she can eat: @ 65 eggs in six minutes 40 seconds {W 5 kilograms of cheesecake in nine minutes @ 3.8 kilograms of baked beans in two minutes 47 seconds 2.3 kilograms of chicken in twelve minutes ee In this interview, Sonya tells us about her life and her work. @ Why did you first take part in eating competitions? ‘A: When | was a child | saw an eating competition on TV. ‘A man ate 50 hot dogs in twelve minutes. | wanted to be lke him, ‘Your nickname in competitions is ‘the Black Widow’. Why did you choose that name? ‘A: Because in competitions 'm small but very dangerous ~ lke the Black Widow Spider! How do you prepare for a competition? A: | often don't prepare at all. It isn't healthy to eat a lot of food quickly. : Do you do a lot of exercise? [A: Yes, | do, | exercise for about two hours a day, five days a week. How can you stay thin when you eat so much in competitions? A: There are only one or two competitions a month. The rest of the time, | eat healthy food. Do you believe eating competitions are a real sport? ‘A: Yes of course! I's the most natural sport in the world. You need a strong body and a strong mind for eating competitions — just lke other sports. 8 (GREBWS Listen. Complete the song with the words in the box. arithmetic bad classroom junkfood know microwave slow stressed dphnny/’s got an addiction e's strung witneut conviction to wes raised with a ‘Stich, trashy, ast food save to's 2?__ june, He could te aot more nunky, But he's a junkfood junkie Blame i on te food, yeah you know its * Nother doesn't really’ Shopping ina glossy show, Then again her budget’ lov. Her heats so bad it makes her * She's a junkfood junkie. She's "____ and very juy. ‘She's junkfood junkie Blame it onthe food, yeah, we krow i's bad! sens ina fix With her Poor concentration — Boys inthe !_ cause agitation. She's a junkfood junkie She could bea ot more funy. But shes 2 junkfood junki. Blame it o the food. yeah! You know it's baa! Bad! Giossary junkie Gnformad = addict ‘hunky Gnformad = big and strong trashy (informa) = of poor quality jumpy (informa) = nervous ina fix Gnforma) = in ifcuty funky informal = Feshioneble 9 Which of these opinions are expressed inthe song: a,b orc? Doyou agree with it? 2 Junkfood is delicious and cheap, so young people ove it b Boys eat more junk food than girs. ¢ Eating alot of junk food is bad for your body and your mind. Unit 8 + On the menu ¢ .

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