Ok Physics

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1) Define the following: Amplitude, Frequency, Wavelength, Crest, Trough

2) What are the differences between light and sound waves?

3) How fast is the speed of light in m/s? Is this the fastest thing in the universe?

4) How fast is the speed of sound in m/s? Do you think that this is very fast? Why/why not?

1) Ampitude is the maximum extent of a virbrarition or oscallition

Frenquency is the rate of which something occur is repeatd over a particular period
Wavelenght is the distance between successive crest of a wave , espacially points in an
electromagnetic wave
Crest is a comb or tuft of feathers
Through is a long narrow open container

2) Light travels as transverse waves and can travel through a vacuum. Sound travels as
longitudinal waves and needs to travel through a solid, liquid or gas: it cannot travel
through a vacuum.

3) The speed of light is 299 792 458 and currently the fastest

4) The speed of sound is 343 m/s , although it is fast it is not fast enough

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